l. i i H l 4 6 Y m r ft ., v 4 4 t? r ' msii ' 111, 1 x I Business Directory Card la. this directory m oa a BMBthly basis only. Bate:' f 1.00 per Uae pr month. AUTO BRAKES Mike fMf the brake And shimmy doctor. 27 WW nth Commeirmiswrt. BRUSHES Fuller- Brush Maw. 1483 P rtwrt. CATERING TtwrtOrarr; the cat-rer. "Ph. CTH. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44SO. R. Nortftrteaa. ' qHiROPRACTORS DR. a- I SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor. 356 N, High. Tet Res. 8572. N- FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouaneta Ton ral wwathL decoration. C F. Breit- I baopt. Hot tat. 677 Court, Tea 6904. ALL kinds of floral work. Lutl Flor et, mm MiirM. rei. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrora TeL 81 OK, Walter J. Downs. 880 Breya INSURANCE BT5CKE 1SJ N. High HENDRICKS Tei 49471 COFFEY-gMITH. rent ina Tel. 8633. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LATJrTDRT THK "WE1DER LAUNDRY 583 a High . Tel. 9128-1 - CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service TilcDhoe till lis 4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Siiarpened. repaired and traded. HAR RY W. S7QTT. The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Cot- tun mattress. 50 lb. $8.00. Renovators and fumigators. Rugs cleaned. Capitol Bedding Co. TeL 40. 3039 J. capnot. New mattress made to order, old re made; carpet cleaning, sizing; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug Mat tress Factory. . Jta at wirour. xeu 8441. Otto F. Zwlcker. Ett191L MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing. machines, sheet musis ana piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs end sewing macbines.433 State btreet. MEDICINE Charlie Chan Chinese Medicine Co. 122 N- ComT. EL over Salem Hardware. Wa hare all kinds of herbs for male and fe male disorders, kidney. Madder, stom ach, every sickness.- Satisfied Salem patients will testify. Consultation free. Hours 9-8. Sun. 9-13. When Others Fail Nature's herbs for every I1L Bv ft Low. noted Chinese herbalist 473 & Commercial Street Salem. Oregon. Established since 1918 sin Oakland. Calif. Consultation free. Telephone 8758. Hours 9 to 8. Sua. 19 to 13 M. Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 19 :39 a. ta. to 4:39 p. m. 14 W. Cornmergnii: MUSIC INSTRUCTION Steel. Snan. Guitar. MandoUow A be ginner's club every Sst 2:30. Enjoy able. educaUonaL resulta P. Meisinger. 6 Statesman St TeL Tl 88. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A- Rooflnr. 474 Ferry, PRINTING letit. nmarrumm. hooka or any kind of printing. callThe Statesman Printing Department. .215 R ConunerclaL, Tele- - Phor e 9101. REAL ESTATE BECKE A HENDRICKS, Tet 494T. w it r?T? i TrwvTTORST A CO. 134 a Liberty St TeL 6468. SOCOLOFSKT SON 804-5 First Nsfl. Bit. Bldg. Tel. 7807. STOVES 8TOVES and stove repairing. Stove fnr mmtm v.K.ill anil rnnalred. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooks, logan hooka. Salem Fenoa and Stove Works, 268 Chemeketa. Tel. 4774. R. B. Fleming. SHOE REPAIRING Low prices. Good work. 989 8. Com'L TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, mer Transfer Co, Trucks call 8131, Larmer to roraana oauy. CAPITAI CITY Transfer Co. 226 State St TeL 777$. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Oet our rates. - TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Men. : sold, rented, repaired. ' Underwood Agents. Cooke A Short 619 Court TeL 6584. WELI DRILLINCr R. A. West $ years experience, RFD 7. Bo 203 B. TeL llOFSV LEAVE FOR HOME ' DaLULS, Aag. 28. Mrs. C. E. Shepard and her two HtUagMs, 8ealwra" and "'Royallco letr., tor Log Ad teles Friday. Mrs. Shepard baa, been-.Tlsitlnf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fountain, and her brother. Leroy. of RoBto ; 2 Dallas. Mr. ;L. B. Fountain ae companlad her .daughter as far as Fellows, Cal., where sbo has teen called to her son's home, E. C. Fountain. Statesman Classified Ads CaH 9101 I CaJMUfled AdrcrtJalas . ! - Single ixuartlm par Oct-. 9c Three laaortloas 9 ' ' Una . .... 29e Six lasertioaa per Uaa. .Sfe One month par lift,. tt.vvVt MtBiaram eharg r.....15t I Caw r toes tkU tt ''' epted until :t the even las. batoiw publication tor eUastfteatloK Copy rev eetved. attar tbU Uxue will be run aader the heading Too Lata to Classify. , Tba Btaleamas aaaajBee o financial rsrponsiblTity tor ' error which may ap paar ta advertisements- pan llsbsd : ta Its columns, and In csaes wberv this paper ta at lauM: will reprint that prt-ot an adverrlsemeut la which tba ' typographical mistake occurs. : Tba Statesman . raeervea the right to rejact objee tional advertising. " It far ther reserves tba right to' elasaify all adverlJaiag an da? tba -proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE - - -1 - - --- -1 1- inn rut Wanted Diet, tor product with Nat. reputation, repeats every twenty days. Small 'amount at cash and car neces sary. .Box X7. cars Statesman. Wood cutters, for old lir. BUrar Falls. John Mack, Sublimity, Ore. HELP W ANTEUC FEM ALE Experienced working housekeeper without incumbrance. Write refer ences, age, experience. Box 281, Statesman. Woman for housework and cars of baby. Tel. 194F13. SITUATIONS WAN7TED WANTED Brick, tile or fireplace work. TeL 9449. 144 I. Front St. Refined girl needs work. clerking. some typing. TeL 4 388. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Old papers lOe a bundle. Statesman office. Saw gumming aad sharpening mile E. Four Corners. TeL' 4280. Gravensteia apples 2494 N. Front. Canning peaches. Slapples now , on. Orchard, prices. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. Canning Peaches Now ready at Waconda Corners and Mission Bottom Orchard.' Britt Aspinwall. Goad ' Crawford canning peacbea Elmer Roth's Service Station, 21st and -Market St. MISCELLANEOUS Hair cut 2 Sc. Joe'a Barber Shop, 154 South Church street We pick up dead, worthless horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4889. Expert halrcutting, 20c and 15c 893 a Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS Rooms, TeL 8678. 895 Court St Rooms. Tel. 8723. 725 Court Steam heated! well furnished sleep ing reeme. Private. home. 3 blocks from statehouse. First floor room, private bath and sitting room. Second floor room, fireplace and connecting bath. Use of sleeping porch. 495 N. Sum mer St ROOM AND BOARD Room, board, for men. TeL 6789. Board, room. Near P. O. 6482. j pgr. RENTAPARTMENTS Ttoftnn anartmants. downtown dis trict, cool, clean, comfortable, private natn. very reaaonM. v . - Book Store. Apt $10 4 $12. 897 N. ComX ssasajssssassassassasss e m as m wm saw Nice turn, apt 690 Union. '8 rm. turn, apt TeL 5825. Furn. 2 r. apt 2281 HascL TeL 7664. FOR RENT HOUSES nr . -y . n Houses. Damon. 897 N. Com'L 4-room house, 2166 aiyrue. ow own er, Kt i, x hi. . sss909jsaao4timi Six room bouse, with small base ment located at 1080 Fir St, $J0 per Ufa " ' Sb , KH W. TL GRABENHQRST CO. 124 South Liberty Street 1980 West Nob Hill, ooy iriwtHeu 88.00: 1940 South High, .. iiif'fanih ranital. 810.00 1830 N. 17th. $39.00; 545 N. 18th, $20. P. H, BELL, 23 uregon ma. , . TeL 8902 ifxnn.nrt.rrYrMr.-inrri i " - - - - Furnished house. Inquire 1593 -Court. Modern house, $20. 1446 Broadway. mi '""f I . Furn. and n,n,fuV. Dra., ajT Forkner, 1619 N. Cottage. TeL 86L FOR RENT Good T room house. All newly kaiaomlned. trgwalnut Sea On bus line. See Mrs. Cad wall. Statesman office. - Modern bouse. 960 N. 16th St. TF.if at as tv renter tour room house, garage. Close In. Adults only. Call 368 W. Liberty Bt FOR RENT i FOR tSAXJS . - 4 year lease and complete stock aad equipment of 124 acre' farm, price 81000.00. 1-3 crop rent. ... CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 844 8tate 8t. - Phone 6768 nmmmmmmmm I.AJsm KOR KENTt ; Bed HU1 soil, no buildings, will rent on shares. One tract 69 acres, another SKB H. GRIBTOIHORST CXX 134 8. Liberty Street WANTED TO RENT "BE3PONSIBLB family want rear lease, with right t hoy, smalL close- in Salem farm with good home. Ad dress 411 Stock Kxca, xudg FOR SALE .Real Estait SPECIAL BUYS IN SALEM HOMES Attractive 1 mnm. laM.nj with plumbing, electrie lights, wood- snea. corner tot, one street paved. Price only $(50. - t room house In North Salem near Summer St. Price only 3650, easy terma i North 16th Street house of 4 noma, large lot, paved street. Price 81999. Large corner lot 91x198 ft, room comfortable house, double -garage, tm mediate possession. . Price only $880. Nest 5 room plastered house nearly completed. Worth 12000. Will con alder reasonable offer. i NOW Is the time to buy while prices are low. SEE CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 244 State St. - Phone 8798 A sightly 7-room semi-modern horns, basement, fireplace, beautiful grounds 120x132 feet, large' fruit, irot treea, grspe arbor, garden, garaaa.'Near jun ior, high and two grammar schools, nice view, paved street. Only 422SA, erms. Owner, 7 CS Rural Avenue. TeL 884. - -89 a. on paved road, good soil, fair farm ttidga, -good family orchard.' all cleared, stocked and equipped, 83509. $700 down. 110 a., 14 miles from Salem, dark rich sou. good farm bldga, fenced, fine grain and clover land, 80 per a. , 240 a., 30 rnL from Salem, fenced with woven wire, famHy orchard, fair farm bldga, 5600 cords of -wood, 80 a. in cultivation, $25 per a. ; 5 a. 2 mL east of Salem, small house, other bldga,, fruit, good soil, well, $1575. - . MELVTN JOHNSON, 275 State St SUBURBAN HOME 2 acres. 4 room house, garage, wood shed, electrie lights, drove weU, coops for 300 hens. Price $1200, cash $25, bat $12 per mo. and interest 8. CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 844 State St . Phone 6703 $2590 cash and some trade for stock groceries or general merchandise. Dandy 10 acres, 8 room house, good buildings, living stream water. Worth 13600, for quick sale $1700. Have mnay calls for houses, fur nished and unfurnished. Also cash buyera E. E. BATXTXGER 827 Court TeL 8017 Have sold others for cash. Might sell yours. Listings solicited. 21 ACRES, five miles from Salem. A-l land, running- water, timber for own use, electric lights. A fine all around place. A real bargain at $3000.00. Terma 5 ROOM bungalow, near Capitol St $1000.00. Very easy terms. 109 ACRES of choice Willamette silt loam, in very good location. T room house, large barn, water system. Let us show you this place. The crop on ft speaks for itself. Price $76.00 per acre. Terms. STRICTLY modern five room bun galow, fine location, paved streets paid. Can be bought at $2000.00. You will be more than pleased when you see this beautiful home. J. F. ULRICH CO. 325 State Street TeL 8872 Completely furnished Devil's Lake cottage accommodating 8. Shower, fireplace, garage, 2 lots. Inspection Labor Day week end. Cash or terms. TeL 4857. A SUBURBAN SNAP 6-A. 4-A. cult. 1-A. timber. Fam ily orchard, some berries; good welL 5-R. house, electric lights, good road, 3 miles out Price reduced to $1692.00; $550 down. RANCH TRADES 12-acres. fruit berries, grapes, all Cult 5-R. house, electric lights, barn. garage and poultry house. Wants clear house in Salem, or sell on terms. A GOOD - DAIRY RANCH 100-acres, 60-A. cult. baL timber and pasture. Running water, 7-R. house, dairy barn and milk houi price reduced to $69 per A, give terma 10 good cows go with place if sold this week. A dandy buy. SEE J AS. W. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High 8 1 APT 4 room plastered house with basement and furnace, garage, located northeast Salem. Price $1200 for im mediate sale. $120 cash, baL $15 per mo. A REAL BUY. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 a Liberty Street SNAP Good new modern seven room home. trie bath and drain board, oak floors, fireplace, good deep basement, fur nace, double .garage, cor. lot. near bus and school. located at 1680 N. 19th St EXTRA GOOD CONSTRUCrTTON. Price $4500. $1000 down, baL easy terms IMMEDiATo POSSESSION. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street A WONDERFUL BUT Four room plastered home, late construction, oak floor, fireplace, full cement; basement furnace, laundry trays, only 3120 down. baL 115 per mo. located in Klngwood Park, West Salem. Price $1200. for IMMEDIATE SALE. SEE W. R. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street EXCHANGE Real Estate Clear property to trade for modern i rm. house in Salem, to $3,000. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. 160 ACRE RANCH To exchange for city property, price $50 per acre, located ten miles south. OC. iS W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street ACREAGE FIVE ACRES Good dark solL east of Salem. room unfinished house, good drilled well, about two miles from city limits. price $1500. S9 down, baL $15 per montn. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 184 South Liberty Business Opportunities Restaurant tor sale In best payroll town In Oregon. All modern with fit,' ooo equipment ana plenty or busm Will take home in Salem and some cash. Write owner New Kwality Cafe, Oreeon City. MONEY TO LOAN Borrow an personal property; repay In monthly Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO, State lie. 8-169, 6i Guardian tsiag. Tei 7i. POLLY AND HER PALS (CXJRHEAHOily a-: i S HNHOUS5? VCvwm 7 ; 7 PERSON f I fi( l l y p MONEY TO LOAN - - PVRSOKAL- LOANS -MADB8 an furniture, ears, salaries r fiber good security. Repayable montftly. Wbea in financial need see ua before ctoatng a loan. - GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION - " First National Bank Bids. Pbena tilt jkwioiowhw(wii i iii.i. ,i MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Too keep the ear P. A. EIKKIv : ' Cor. Libera 6L and Ferry 471 - atr rrj LOANS WANTED FOR SALE . Two first morteucea bearing 7 tnt on Falrmount Hill properties. Excel lent aecurtty. CHILDS MILLER, Mtge. Loans 844 State St - - Phone 8708 LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Veal Wanted Highest prices paid. Schailer Meat Supply; 199 a 12th SC FOR SALEWOOD All kinds of -wood. TeL 4418. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TL 8009 Salem Fuel Co. Trade Cottage, r- --.-.- ? -.,- - Ash, fir aad oak. TeL. 1848, Phone Tracy's, $388 for "dry wood. ' Old fir, fir knots, sec growth ash. oak. TeL 8873. Box Wood $2.50 per Load Just the thing for Ciuick Hot Fires. Salem Box Co. Phone 7123 PERSONAL Madam Romine, spiritualist, palm 1st teHs all in love, marriage, bus iness. If you wsnt facts, not promises. call on her for advice. Cottage 3, Riv erside Anto Park. West 8aletn. FOR SALE USED CARS S7 Star tout-ins? ear In rood condi tion for sale cheap. TeL 7296. FOR SALE DODGE SCREEN DELIVERY Will take wood or livestock as part payment BORREGO'S CAR MARKET 240 N. Liberty Phone 8688 Hop Growers Near Aurora See '34 Top AURORA. Aug. 2 8 With threshing of a bumper crop of spring grain almost over, atten tion is being turned to the hop crop, the money crop of the val ley. Picking of the early clusters and fuggles in this section win soon giro way to the large crop of late hops, and Monday saw most of the yards m action. Spring rains, cool weather and plenty of moisture made good growing condition, that added, to careful cultivation, and spraying, in view of the attractive prices offered, assured the producer of profitable returns tor. his labor. The peak fa price la not expected to be reached until next season however by some experienced op erators. Reports come from outlying districts that; a crop ot oats on the ranch of Mrs. Dora Collins, out Macksburg way, ran 105 bushels to the acre; that hops are so heavy in the John Kister hop yard, they are breaking down the trellis wires; that wheat grown on swamp land by Collins Gra ham, down near tba river, meas ured 6 ft, 4 in. in height, Girl Reserves to Give Supper For Junior Graduates SILVERTON, Aug. 28 Under the directorship of Miss Elaine Clower the senior high school Girl Reserres will give a farewell supper Thursday night at the home of Una Lee for the gins who were graduated in June and who will leave this autumn for school or work elsewhere. Those who will be honored include Mil dred Jenkins. Jean Oeder, Elea nor Moen, Gladys Burch and Ina Clark. Preceding the supper the girls will enjoy a swim. Refreshments will be served at candlelit tables on the Lee lawn. Boat riding in the boat made by Miss Lee will also be a feature of the evening GUESTS AT HUBBARD HUBBARD, Aug. 28 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Albright and son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Glans all of Silvertonwere dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mr& George Lefiler Sunday. Mrs. W. H. ' Moudy, who has been confined to her bed, three weeks Is still 111 at her home east of Hubbard. Mrs. Kenneth Bents mored to Arlington Saturday to join her husband who la In the trucking business at that place. j" - . 251 POOS SEED On Three Acres; Winter Oats Yield 90 Bushels; Agent . In Hospital ; ehwasssBSBwaasB -' QUINABT. Aug; 28 About z 500 pounds of radish seed baro been harvested from throe acres on the Claggett place. This is con siderably an exceptional yield this season. An unusually fine winter oat, -harvest has been cut from the Albert Girod farm, wltbi returns 90- bushels to' the acre. S. P. Agent Blckle underwent an appendix operation at the Sa lem hospital last, week, and Mr. Rouse of Portland, former agent here. Is substituting on the Job. Bud Bosten has gone to Tilla mook, where he has work in an electrical store.. Maxine Beckner Is doing' sub stitute teaching at Abe Capital Business' college in Salem. Building 'New Hoose Ed Rogers is building a. house and garage for Mr. Keener. Washington man. who has located on part of the McFarlane land. Margaret and Alice Zielinskl were weekend visitors at Breltenbush with Frances and Mary Sellars. Mrs. Clara Girod honored her daughter Shirley Ann, Saturday on the child's fifth birthday. Lit tle guests present were: Betty Bosten, Marjorie Bressler, Char lotte Mathis, Elsie Matthes, Ruth and Edith Taylor, Theona Hahn, Linda Lee Girod and the honor guest. DIES; RITES TODAY SILVERTON, Aug. 28. Fun eral services for Charles Mo- sher, 68, who died Saturday af ternoon, will be held from Lar son and Son chapel Tuesday af ternoon at 2 o'clock with inter ment at Miller cemetery. Mosher waa born at Colum bla. Mo., and camo to Oregon at the age of 18. He lived first at Rocky Four Corners east of Silverton, later moving to Sa lem, Oregon City, Portland and back to Silverton where he has ured for the past several years again. He was widowed at Ore gon City 25 years: ago. He is survived by one daughter, Clara mug;, two sons,. Melrin and Jess; 4 one sister. Mrs. Bertha Morley and one brother in Cali fornia. Stocks and Bonds August 26 STOCK AVZXAOES Today 97.1 64.4 88.9 89.4 Prev. dsy . Week sge -Tsar sgo 9T.S 54.4 99.9 64.6 92.4 SO.T SS.9 6S.4 6S.0 S4.8 10S.0 6S.0 B Ifr. ace 1S5.4 119.4 31S.S 167.S 103.1 68.0 118.7 96.9 High 19S3 . Iow IMS . . 43.3 23.3 61.5 T3.S 89.8 111.0 85.1 18.3 51.8 43.9 TS.9 85.0 High 1982 . Low 1983 soma AvxKAass Today 7S.8 81.0 84.5 80.4 Prev. day ,,. , T8.T 81.3 84.7 80.5 week sge 75.9 9 1.8 05. .8 Tear sge e.S 78.3 85.8 7S.0 S in. S4.1 10S.S 100.7 101.1 Hire. 1938 ., . . 77.1 84. 88.6 88.5 Low 1933 . 58.8 57.0 74.1 68.S Hirfc 1933 71.8 78.0 86.3 78.1 Lew 1933 63.3 47.4 70.9 67.5 Eadio Program Tuesday, Angus 29 KGW Portland 620 Ke. 7:00 Ort-aa eoacert NEC 7:15 AsMricaa Prodnco -Ce marks! report 7:45 Ronald Back. 8:15 Pollock A Lswnhartt, NBC. 9:45 Tost KitckeU, KB0. 10:00 Cooking sckooL 10:80 Womas?s Ksraslae at tte NBC. , 11:80 Food eoaservatioa talk. 11:45 Meredith Wilson, KBO. 11:55 Hisfeland Lassie. Air. 13 :15 Western Farm sad Hone Hoar, KBO. 13:35 Western Tarm, KBO, 1:43 Little Colleen, NBC 8:20 Friendly chat. 4 :30 John end Ned. NSC. 4:45 Rollickers, NBC. 5.00 Arlon trio, NBC 5:85 Old Portlasd Lsndmsrki. 6:00 Lives at stake. NBC 6:85 Concert trio, KEY. 7:00 Amos 'a Andy, NBO. 7:15 Memory Leas, KBO. 4 9:00 Masicsl Kaaneqalns, KOKO. 10:15 Aasoa Weeks orchestra, NBO. 11:00 Sid Lrppnisa's erchettra, NBO. 11:30-13 Bal Tabsria erehestra, HEO, KOAO OorvalUs 580 Xa, 8:48 Vrm Market reports. 7:00 Morelar ssediUtioaa. : . 8 :CO Moraine eoaeert 9:00 Hmb jeoBsmUs Obserrcr. 1 o rOO Mnsleal Stories. 11:00 Better Health sad Loafer Life. 11:30 Moraine Mstinee. 13:00 Nooa Tsrsi Hour. ML S MOSHER A Pair of 'Tollltry-Pinches, STERLING WEAKER; GRAINS SL ACK J 8 ' Sj 4 'T ' ' 6$ "' 6 4$ J ' 8Jb " ". JkJsW ' " a" " P" Liverpool Wheat hot Changed ; Chicago "T: i Drops two Gents - CHICAGOV.Aug- 2i AP) Grains-moved slowly backward to dayr iteld back by an iadKferent demand and weakness Osf the Brit- sh pound sterling. Scattered sall-r ing was noted In' the pits ' at, the start of trading and "with demand, at. , lew. ebb, prices declined around two cents a bushel" In wheat. Liverpool - wheat; prices, showed 'relatively- little, change, in- Brltlsh- money, .but were ' 14 to 1' cents lower in terms of dol-; lsrs, due to.a sharp drop in ex-1 change rates. Corn was almost lifeless, following wheat, but slightly and - lacking any motive power on- its own hook.- . . Wheat closed weak aad 1H-1 cents - below Saturday's finish, corn also weak and- 4-4 down, oats waa 4-4 . off and provisions $ cents lower. - Closing Quotations: Wheat Sept.. 87-; Dec., 91H-; May, 95?4-. Corn Sept., 60-; Dec., 55- May, 1. Oats Sept, 38-Vi; Dee., 40- -; May..4. PORTLAND. Ore.. Aag. 2 (AP) Produce exchange, net prices: Batter, extras 20c; standsrdi 19c; prime firsts is; Xirsti 17; egrs. iresa extras 2'lc; fresh mediums 20c Portland Grain PORTLAND: Ore.. Aug. 28 (API- Sept 73 73 73 73 Dee. 78 78 77 77 Csih wheat So. 1: Bis Bend bleestem 81; dark hard winter 18 pet, 82, 11 pet, 73; soft white, westers white, hard win ter, northern sprinc, 70; western red 68. Oats: Sa. z white, z.oo. Corn: No. 2 E Yellow, 825.00. Mitlron standard. 818.50. PORTLAND. Ore.. A. 2. (API- Wheat Open High Low Close Sept 73 73 73 73 Dec 77 78 77 78 Cssh wheat No. 1: Bir Bend btnestem. 82: dark hard winter 12 pet. 83: 11 pet. 74; soil white, westers white, hard win ter, northern spring, 71; westera rod. 60. Oatt: No. 2 white $24.00. Cora: No. 2 E yellow 325.25. Millraa standard f 18.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore., Ang. 28 (API- Batter Print. 21c extras, 32c; standards. Butterfat Portland delivery: A Krade lOe lb.; farmer's door delivery, 17c per lb.: sweet cream, oc hicner. Eggs Pacific Poultry Producers sell ing mncet Urerai 2e: extras 2Zc; staa dards 20c; medinms 20c; pallets 16c dotes. Baylor price by wholesalers: froth extras. 20e: medians 16ei aadar- era da IOcj pallets 10c deeon. Cheese 02 scora Urogea triplets, lie; loaf I8e lb.; broken will pay fte low anotstioat. Milk Contract prices. 4 pet. Portlsnd deUverv, fl.70 ewt; B grade cream. S7He lb. Ceeatry masts soiling price to retail ors: Osratry Killed noes, best batchers, asder 150 lbs., 7H-Se; veslers, 70 to 100 lbs.. BV4-10e: spring Umba 10 lis lb.: yearlings 4-6s lb.; heavy ewes. 3-Se lb.; mearaaa cows, o-es lb; eaaaer amn. S-Se lb.: bono. 4V-Sfl Is. Mohair Baring pries I 1988 clip. 15e lb. Ca scars bark baying price. 1938 peeL 3e lb. Hops -aomiaal. 1938. 40-450 lb, Live peeltry Portland delivery: bay- ins prices: rwl pallets, i U I lbs. lse: ever S Ita.. I2e; .spring pallets, aadar Itt 1BA. ic; roasters, ever iss, 14e: lerhara fowls, ever 8 lbs.. 9c. end wader 8 lbs.. Se: broilers. lL to S Iba, Be. a iba sad ap, isc; stags. s; roosters, 6c; Pekia docks, tie; colored docks. Se: tees. Se lb. Onions Selling price te retailer! : Ore- eon. S1.SS cental. New onion Walla Walla, f 1.40-1.80 cental. Potatoes Leesl white sad red, 91.00 cental; Yakima, 9 L.aO. Cantaloupes IHlhrrd standard. $1.35; Takims staadards, 75-85e crate; Dalles, 85e-Sl crate. Wool 1933 clip, aomiaal :-Willamette valley. S3-35e lb; eastern Oreros, 16- 21e lb.; ton t hern Idaho, 16-20c lb. Hay -Bavin prise from producer: ; falfa No. 1. new erop 8 17; ehtver. No. L 914; WiHametU vaUey timothy, 915 setters Orsgoa timothy 918; eats am grata, 918 toa. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore, Aag. 28 (AP) Cattle, receipt. 340O, calves 30; steers 35 lover, tone slew. Steers, common and medium, 8.00- 5.50 : heifer, good, eemsaea aad medium. 3.50-4.00; eows, good, 3.50-8.00; com. msa aad media, L75-S.50; low cotter snd cutter, 75eL7B; bans,: geod ens shoice, 3.50-3.25; cutter, common aad medtem, 1.75-330; vseiers, good sad choice, 6.00-7.00 ; ean, eetamoa sad me dium, 9.00-6.00; eelves, geod ssd choice, 4.00-5.00; common aad median. 3.00. Hogs, receipts, 1500, 25e to 50 higher, toao strong. Ltghtweirht, good snd eaolee, 5.00 6.00; medium weight, good aad choice, 5.85-8.85; heavyweight, good sad choice. 5.00-530; packing sews, medium sad good, 4.00-4.50 ; slaughter pigs, good sad choice, 5.00-5.50; feeder aad stacker pigs, rood aad choice. 4.50-6.00. 8beep, receipts, 1500; 35 lower, toao steady. - Lambs, rood ssd choice. 8.25-6.10: eommea sad medium, 4.0O-S.35; year ling wethers, s.7-.ou; ewes, ioe-.uv. 1:00 p. m. Rytbm-MIodie. 3:30 The Bamsmakers' sail hear. 6:45 Oeaevieve Baajs-Oaskias, ergaa lfc 7:80 Tarm Bear. 9:00 ft. B, Hyilop "Ntw Crops. 6:80 Musical. General Markets Saleta Ilariiets .Grade H raw 4 co-op pool price, fl JO per. ' ;(Mlik hated s scat monthly mite rtai svsssge.l : - . ... Ulstribsjtor prlee f 1.70 ; X"Hm 1 1 crla t Top lSe, iwtaSlc, cubes 23c. Cviees-paid te imwi br Bsltm bsyer August 38 T8e prices htw. sapsUd ay- a teeat rrooer. are imhesttast f the daily sserkvt bet are est gasiawastS by Tfce Sraiatsisat - ramT ako rrsoETaaLXS Strfeg beans, locaL U, - ... , . Xl urntrs. Tvt. ., i, .. ... ,7 to loo Greea peppers. rjbcal. lb. ,: - .05 Pets, coast., ih. , .03 to J0t Onion, dos, baacaes , -18. Petatees, local te 1.85 Lettnee. locaiv - .65 te SS - Paget Sound 1.00 te 1.35 Onions. Calif ewt, - Hi Cewry. AA apples. UTsveasteias .75 OrsBgee. Valencia, fancy 8.00 to 8J0 - Piece pack Easts, local, do. Tvrnips. weal, rrats Carrot. local, do. Bptaaea.- loeaL wssia Bananas, lb. sa stack Hsbds Cnenmbexsr hotboDse, box Local, eox. Caataloapes Grand Itlsnd. . .75 .0.00 .1.00 .3 35 iemoas Limes, fresh -Avscsdoa crate Bqaath. Italiaa, erst , Sammer. erste 1.00 1X0 .45 -.35-30 .75 1.00 .70 1.2S 3.25 .08 .03 1.40 Tomatoes, The DaJlea-. toe I. No. 3 - - Blackberrtes Peaches, local, ba. reaches, Calif., crats Egg plant, crste Grapes, seedles -Corn, locals dox. fVtabti. h. Seedless- grapes, Ins.. HOP Top. 1932. lb. .50 EOOS Baying Prices Extras Standards Mediums . .19 .18 47 .04 .10 .08 .07 .11 .13 POULT T Old rooster . Colored liens Medium hens Light hens ,, Leghorn fryers Colored fryers 8CBAT Spring lambs, eop ,5.25 5.60 -5.35 ..5.10 -4.60 ttors, top First eats Second cuts Pigs . Steers Cow .03 .01 .02 to to to J4 .03 .08 .07 Boll Dressed real, top Dressed hers . - OSADI ANT) HAT Wheat, western red White. No. 1 Barley, top. toa , , .,, Oats, toa , Oatt, milling, toa - , Ht. bay ibs prist Oats and veteh. ton Alfalfa, valley 1st cat , .63 .65 .17.00 -21.00 ..22.00 .13.00 .15.00 Clover nay .13.00 WOOL Medium Coarse . Mohslr . .88 fS8 .20 .01 .08 CAsCASA BAAS Green, lb. Dry. IK - CAR WASH DISASTROUS GKRVAIS. Aug. 28 While washing his car last week, James Maakestad caught his right hand on the license plate and tore a long gash in his thumb. It re quired 12 stitches to close the wound. Dr. Adklsson took out the stitches Monday morning. 1.7 to Z.15 ' .10 JO ta M U -64 -Go .Oils . .75 . .20 As Rome Welcomed Balbo J - .aVv' 'C -) - : - "vT'-'( , i . - ) ,n -aj-:s zj.-2r h ' i " - lit4.! (vt:x - '. f . lirvtiy,5 .: -; ' 4' i t lsy :t yL S. ' . I? He. i 1 r- 0 .It kit if. Here la the triumphal procession with which the Eternal City welcomed -General Italo Balbo and his men on their return from the epic mass flight to Chicago and back. The parade is shown coming through the historic Constantino Arch on the way to Palatine Hill, where the flier were reviewed and decorated by Premier Mussolini. At top, II Dace ist shown as he decorated Gen. Balbo. Dalles Tomatoes up to 45c; Hogs Gain 10v Cents Hundred s . Local cantaloupes, largely from Grand island, opened, the week with a 25 cent drop to the grow er, or 75 cents per crate. Supplies are heavier than, last week. -Local peacbea are coming onto the mar ket in Jarge quantities, with the. grower getting 1 per bushel box. - Tomatoes, from Tba Dalles are quoted stronger at 45- cents;, scattering offerings of local toma toes are eomiag in. . Hogs climbed 10 cents a hun dred to 5.60 after holding steady all last week. Grains remained unchanged. TRADERS DISREGARD : NEW YORK, Aug. 28 (AP) "Stocks changed narrowly today as . the dollar made a broad recovery and wheat skidded at Chicago. Not long ago, so sharp a slump In foreign exchanges indicating a revision of 'Europe's views to- ' ward inflation in this country would no doubt have had a reflec tion In our share market, but tra ders today gave- it little, if any, attention. Prices were about steady virtually all day; there were mild reactions at both the opening and the closing, the lat ter being sufficient to bring a small net loss In the averages. Sales totaled 2.124,219 shares. Sterling tumbled more than 1-2 cents during trading hours on the . stock exchange and French francs also, weakened. U. S. Steel was off more than i. point. Production, according to one trade review, has gone under 50 per cent of capacity and may work lower next month, although higher : price schedules might check the dip. Bethlehem also lost a point. Leaders off as much included Consolidated Gas, Celan ese and Case. American Can, General Electric Westinghouse, Du Pont and Western Union lost fractions, while American Tele phone, Santa Fe, Union Pacific and Baltimore 4b Ohio firmed slightly. Wool Quotations Tending Firmer BOSTON, Aug. 28 (AP) (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Wool quota tions are tending firmer as a re sult of the Increasing volume ot business during last week. Strict ly combing 5 fa, 3-8 blood Ohio and similar fleeces are firm at 38-37 cents in the grease and some holders are asking higher prices. Strictly combing 48s, 60s. K blood good bright Ohio fleece are held mostly at prices on the high side ot a range 35-37 cents in the grease. By CLIFF STERRETT M ? i : t I ! u V M 'I I ri it B 3 H II