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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1933)
f r-.-'V HtiteottEGON STATESMAN. SalesC OregroruTces3ar BIornteg. Ao?nst: 231933 PAGCriVII' i ZZZZ : : - i Society Lawn Party Event Oi Saturday Evening . ' , Miss Nora Lenx, and Miss Helena Schneider were Joint hos tesses for a : delightful lawn party Saturday nlsht at the home of Mrs. E. Klein. The evening was spent informally at cards and croquet. Japanese lanterns Illuminated the grounds. A late buffet supper was serv ed with Miss Barbara Rodger and Miss Lucile ' Hackett assist ing. . . '-. Patrons were-Mr. and Mrs. E. Klein, Mrs. E. Lenx and Mr. and Mrs. 6. Bostrack, Guects included Miss Lucile Hackett; Miss Merriom Williams, Miss Teresa Heckinger, Miss Ma bel Lenx, Miss Barbara Rodgers, Miss Alberta. Heckinger, Miss Le ota Harland, Gordon King, Dick Johanasea, Buck Miller, Al Gur gurlch. Don Magee, Gordon Gra ber. Frank Jlrak, Lowell Wil liams and Leonard Kephart. Arnold-Huson Nuptials Sunday A beautiful home" wedding of 'the weekend was that of Miss ' Margaret irsol d, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Arnold of Vancouver. Waib., to Darell F. Huson. son of Mrs. InaM. Hoson ' of Medford, which was solem nised Sunday evening at 7:30 at the home of the bride's bro ther, Byron D, Arnold Of Cor vallis. The bride was lovely in Ca sanova crepe, off white in shade, made along flowing lines with a fitted bodice, and she carried a shower bouquet of sweet peas, roses and lilies-of-the-ralley. She was unattended. Her brother, By ron D. Arnold, played the wed ding march. The couple'" will make their home in Medford following a week's "honeymoon at the coast. Mrs. Huson has-been an Instruc tor in the city schools and Mr. Husoa is in business there. Mrs. Huson - Is a graduate of Willamette university and was active in musical and campus ctirities. She is a. member of Bta Chi sorority. Mrs. J. E. Kirk Retires From Civil Service Mrs. J. E. Kirk has retired from the civil service after devoting 36 years to government work. She first entered the service at the I' ma tills Indian, school under Major Crawford who was a Sa lem resident. . .. . Mrs. Kirk's work has taken her to Montana, Washington, Minnesota, Oklahoma, with, four years in the famous Carlisle' school and 15 years at Chemawa. Mr. Kirk was retired year ago and they will make their home in Salem. Pattern By ANNS ADAMS Check up on ryour "pyjam After a breath - taking summer you surely need some pretty new ones ... to take along to school, for sleeping, and yea, for Tery In formal entertaining! This is an easy-to-make pattern, abounding with youth and animation . - note the perky sleeve flares, chle rever and slim seaming. Cotton prints for sleeping ... terry cloth, etc.. for lounging. Pattern 1C3C1 Is available In sizes 14, 18, It, 20.. 82, SI, S. 38 and 40. Size IS takes 5 yards St Inch fabric. Illustrated stes-hr-steD sewing', instructions included frith this pattern. Sat. niTXKS CENTS (15e) fa ela ar ataapa (coiaa aiafaiiad) for tfcto Aaaa uu. ptnm.' Writ ptaiaJr mm. a4drea ui ttyia at kar. BH IUU TO 8TAIX SIZK. TTTg AXSTi fXTTZKS BOK fcatuna a tkmOic MllMtiM of ttrnooa. tperta. in. jomTMTK hw ikt tMeul Wgiaam Muani. M J08 ln. aa Urij eUthea oe wr tara. a4 laatmettmia 'i."CT i. . RF.Nr FOR Toua COPT. PBIClf OF CATAUXt FIT-"4 TEES CENTS. iCATAAtKJ jlu FATTITRM TOCXTXIZB TWISTT- fit cwrra ? Addreas aHera ' U Tka " Orefaa iJ)ut Iattra DapartaaaL ' S4S I Waal 17th St, ia.Yerk City. if News and Club Jessie Steele, SOCIAL CALENDAR Tuesday, August 29 " West Central Circle of First M. B. church home coming picnic a home , of Mrs. T. T. Crozer. Ladies come at 3 p. m. Men at 6:30 p. m. Call 4760 for transportation. ' G. K. p. club covered dish dinner in. garden at home of Mrs. Dale Taylor honoring husbands. Women's Foreign missionary society of Jason Lee ' church meets at 2:30, home of Mrs. Herman Clark. 2625 N. Winter. .. Ladies aid of the Presbyterian church, lawn social ... at home of Prof. F; E. Churchill, 805 N. Winter street, 7 p. m. ice cream, cake and coffee served. If weather unfavorable, will bo held in church. Wednesday, August SO Berean bible class of First Presbyterian church homecoming at home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop, 765 Court street, 2:30 p. m. August circle of Jason Lee Ladies Aid ice cream social at parsonage, 860 Jefferson 3treet, 5 to 9 p. m. Leslie Can Do's potluck dinner at home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bosell on Crolsan Creek, 6:15 p. m. Bring sandwiches, table service, and covered dish. In case of rain will be held in basement of church. Thursday, August SI Aid society of Women's Relief Corps meets at home of Mrs. Cordelia LaBare. ' . Friday, September 1 Free lecture on home economics at Nelson Hall, SSI Chemeketa street. 2 p. m., by Mrs. Jerome W. Crays. Card club of B. P. W. club Friday night at home ot 4 Mrs. LUllan CadweiL 1198 S. 14th street, ' Englewood club meeting at home of Miss Bertha Schreiber, 1110 N. list street. Speaker, Mrs. C. C. - Bunch.' '- ' .. ." 'Saturday, September 2 D. A. R. covered dish luncheon,-1 p. m., home of Mrs. Herbert J. .Ostllnd. Each member bring table - service and covered dish. Phone 7151, Mrs. Carey Mar tin, for transportation. Jason Lee Ladies Aid Plan Lawn Social The August circle of Jason Lee ladies' aid will give an ice cream social Wednesday evening from 5 to 9 p. m. on the lawn of the parsonage, 860 Jefferson street. This will be all church night. Japanese lanterns and flood lights will illumine the grounds. The executive committee of the aid is in charge. Members of this committee are Mrs. Necia Buck, Mrs. Freeman Phipps, Mrs. Arthur Dalke and Mrs. Belle Roberts. a Miss Smith Entertains Alpha Phi Alpha .Miss Rosetta Smith was hostess to Salem, members of Alpha Phi Alpha sorority at her home Mon day evening, for a social meeting. MUs Dorothy . Eastridge assisted her. In serving. Those present were Mrs. Leon ard. JHelsler, Mrs. Wllmer Wells, and .; Misses "Dorothy. . Eastridge, Helen Breithaupt, Muriel White, Eleanor Tarnes, Elva Sen on, Mary White. Mildred Drager, Rosetta Smith. Edythe Glaisyer, Roberta Varley. Lulu Alien, and Loretta Varley. - The Happy Go Lucky card club was entertained at the heme ot Mr. aad Mrs. J. G. Stewart Saturday evening. Five tables of cards were in play with high scores being held by Mrs. G. H. Bradford and Mr. Clyde Cardy. The low scores were held by Mrs. J. Cochrane and Mr. J. Bradford. Dancing was enjoyed until a late hour when a delight ful bullet sapper was served. Guests hidden were Miss Mary Stewart. Miss Margaret Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. M. Grab. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cochrane, Mrs. E. Ves per. Mrs. T. Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cardy, Mr. J. Prospal, Mr. R. En nor, Mr. Jack Stewart, Mr. aad Mrs. John Hill. Mr. Gordon Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradford of Hopewell, Mr. and. Mrs. M. F. Hart, Pearl and Ruth Hart of MnHnomah. ,-. a Brush College The M. P. club was entertained with one of the most charming out-of-door affairs of the season in the attractive gardens of the suburban home of. Mr. and Mrs. V. Lee uinson ai Brush College, Saturday nigni. Mrs. Pearl Grote, Mrs. Harry Crawford and Mrs. Charles Mo Carter ,were assistant nosiess committee. Tall baskets of vari colored flowers were used enec- Uvely on the long table on which the 6:30 o'clock picnic supper was served. ' -Awhile walking on the streets of Munich, Germany,. Miss Augusta Kotdurft met Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence W. Noble, who are on a lour of the -world. It turned out they were all stopping at the same no tel. so they enjoyed a real Salem reunion. All three are cnemete- tans and have spent many ouungs together at summer camps. Mfea-Kotdum sauea adiuii z from Cherbourg, France, and is expected home tbe latter part ox September. . . .1. Dr. Monroe G. Everett and familv will leave today from Port land to drive back to their heme in Philadelphia where Dr. Everett i student pastor at the University of Pennsylvania. He was former ly at Oregon State ana tne lamny have - manv friends in Oregon. Sunday, Dr. Everett occupied the pulpit of the First rresByienan church here. ; Radio listeners were delighted Sunday afternoon to hear tho American Legion auxiliary trio ot Salem oyer KGW. Their voices blended perfectly. The trio and anartetto will represent Oregon at the national convention' at Chica go . next month. - The broadcast was used to publicise their trip and that of the drum corps. Mrs. Or R. Mclntyre is spend ing a few days at Rhedodendron with Mrs. Pearl Baldwin ot Port land. They plan to take the Mt. Hood loop trip.- - ; Society Editor JYPL Members Give Lawn Party J. T. P. L. members held a pretty lawn party at the home of Miss Gladys Edgar Saturday night. Games and skating were the diversions of the evening. Re freshments were served later. Those present included Miss Lougine Breitzke, Miss Em! Tada, Miss Kiml Tada. Miss Hoshie Wa tanabe. Miss Seiko Watanabe, Miss Martha Okuda, Miss Symlo Mlo, Miss Kiyo Mio, Miss Jessie Fuknda, Miss Susie-Fukuda, Miss Minnie Ogura, Tats Yada, Snlg Watanabe, Tommy Ogura, Jun Watanabe, Taul Watanabe, and Miss Gladys Edgar, hostess. Missionary Society Meets at 2:30 The Woman's foreign mission ary society of the Jason Lee church will meet this afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Her man Clark. 1625 N. Winter street. Mrs. D. O. Lear wflLpresent the lesson and Miss Ellen Currln. will lead . the devotions. Tea will be served and mite boxes opened. All ladies ot the community are -urged to attend. Lawn Social Planned For Tonight A lawn social at the home of Prof. F. B. ChurcbiH, 805 N. Win ter street, is scheduled for to night at 7 o'clock if favorable weather prevails. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church is sponsoring it and will serve ice ceam, cake ana corree. If it should rain, the social will be held in the church. The World" Wide Guild of the First Baptist church held their regular monthly business meet' ing Friday evening at the home of Miss Gall MeClean. The meet ing opened with devotions led by the advisors, Mrs.- F. M. White and Mrs. F. A. Erixon. After a short business session a program led . by Ildrla Beach was enjoyed. Those present were Irma Ben net, Lucile Bennet, Berndette Clark. Ildria Beach, Naomi Al- sop, Mable Alsop, Hoshie Watan abe, Seiko Watanabe, Elma Hoyt, Ada Claire, Sylvia Matt- son, Margaret Ayers, Margaret Cunningham, Ruth Engdahl, Lil lian Roethlin. Peggy Peterson, Lucille Starkey. Mrs. Erixon, Mrs. White, and the hostess, Gail MeClean. a The Berean Bible class -of the First Presbyterian church, will have, a homecoming at the resi dence of Mrs. C. P. Bishop, T65 Court street Wednesday afternoon' at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Charles A. Park, teaoher ot the class, will welcome back old members and. invites any interested in joining to attend. - - Thirty-five members "of the Berean bible class of the Calvary Baptist church were guests Friday night In Pringle at the. home of Rev. S. B. Slater, teacher. Follow ing a potluck supper a short busi ness session was held and an un usually interesting program pre sented, featured by a question box. . - ... Hubbard Mrs. Julius Stautfer was hostess for a birthday party Saturday night honoring her hus band. A pleasant evening was spent with cards, high scores be ing won by Mrs. - Albert Smith, Mrs, Lester Will, Waldo Brown and Elton McLaughlin.-. . Mrs. Al bert Smith and. Mrs. J. B. Staut fer assisted the hostess. : . - - j - . ; v r Word has been received, ot the birth of a six pound girl August 26 to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gor don ot San Anselmo, Calif. Mrs. Gordon was formerly Miss Helen Davis ot 8alem. Mr. and Mrs. R CL Da via and Miss" Thelma Davis are visiting in San Anselmo now. - Members of the Allen family, descendants of Isaac, Sam and Solomon Allen, will hold their second annual - reunion Sunday, September 8,. at Hatel Green. Fifty attended last year's re union and an. even larger 1 num ber is expected this year. ' Aff airs Miss Dollie Wood Wed at Home Ceremony One of the . fnfrat!n In summer weddings was that of MiSS Dfl I ! I A WflAll an Tnnl Baughman. both of North How-. tui, aamraay evening, August 36, at the home of the bride's bro- iuer in aaiem. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Roy C. Ferguson, pastor of the North Howell Community church. A beautiful wedding cake was CDt hv th hrlll. anil son.... oct icu- w l iu other dainty refreshments after m ceremony. t Friends and relatives present mciuuea jars. svma.. Rinrhmtn W. F. Want) Ur mnA r ' GeorEe Wand. Print Grace Wood, Dwlght Wood, Nor- wu wooa, cuaae wood, Mrs. Alice Jefferson, Miss Donna Jef ferson. Mini Mahal Tto..i.- Martin Baughman and Miss June - ' Mrs. Pruitt Entertains With Bridge - ComnlimenHnr h TtnaK.n the anniversary of his birthday. ub. ciiiui xraiiL enurutnaii a group ot 14 at a surprise party ENtturaay evening. Mrs. F. E. McCarrolI and Wil liam Powell won high honors at cards. Mr. Prnltt w nrM..i with gifts from the guests, as was ir. trruin wmcb was a surprise to her. Golden glows and gladioli dec arted the rooms. Mm TfamM Zwicker assisted with serving. Present were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Moe, air. ana Mrs. William Powell, Mr. and Mrs. O. fi. Knmhor 1 mnA Mrs. F. E McCarrolI, Mrs. Har old Zwlcker. Edwin Mr. and Mrs. El Tin Pruitt. a Miss ScharKack Wed To S. J. Smith A recent wedding of Interest in Salem is that of Miss Juliana Scharback, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Scharback, to Sylves ter J. N. Smith, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Smith of St. Paul. The ceremony was performed at St. Vincent de Paul church with Rev. Tboma V. Keenan officiat ing. A large group of friends and relatives were present. Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the Schar back home. The couple will make their home in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stiffler have returned from Camp Maury in eastern Oregon where they have been visiting their son, Low ell. Camp Maury is one ot the C. C. C. camps. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kirk have returned from a vacation in New port. Mr. Kirk is a professor at Willamette- university. OFFICIAL BOARD'S ElECTIil IS HELD HAZEL GREEN, Aug. 2S Sun day morning, the official board elected officers for the local church as follows: Class leader, Mrs. Robert Mas sle; financial secretary, church and benevolence treasurer. Miss Ruby Woodward; general stew ard, G. G. Looney; stewards, Mrs. A. T. Van Cleave and Mrs. Louis Wampler. The directors ot Christian ed ucation are: general, pastor; ad ult. Mrs. A. T. Van Cleave, vonnz people's, Mrs. G. G. Looney; cnuaren, Eva Smith. The Sunday school elected Ellen Smith to rep resent the children's division at the annual conference at The Dalles. The Christian Endeavor held its annual election Stand nt-fat; president, Guy Allen Looney; vice presiaent, cuiton Clemens, secretary. Glen Looney; treasurer, Nora Rutherford. Heffley Purchase! Farm Near Monmouth INDEPENDENCE, Aug. it. The. farm of Mrs. Enoch Cham berlin, located abont a halt, mile west ot Helmick bridge south of Monmouth, was purchased recent ly by T. R. Heffley of this city. The farm stands on the original donation land claim of Aaron Chamberlln. Mr. Heffley's son, John, has moved to the place, and Mr. and Mrs. Heffley will take up residence there next month. The - Heffley homo on Monmouth street will be occu pied by A. E. Horton and fa in ly. - . . . ' Ask Applications ' From New Students MT. ANGEL, Aug. 23Stu denta expecting to attend ML Aa gel college or Mt. Angel academy and normal are asked to send in their applications as soon as possible.-- .. ... . Registration t o- Mt Angel col lege will be September 20 and for Mt' Angel arademy Septem bv.r'18. Registrairon for the nor mal school will extend from Sep tember 23 to 25. Students at the academy will again be. offered col lege extension work by Mt Angel eouege. . ! y. GUESTS OF FOBSTER3 ' i f LIBERTY. Aug. 28 Recent guests at the . Robert Forster homo were Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Forster and children. Ralph and Ruth ' ot Long Beach. - Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Preston Newton ot Port land: and Mr. and Mrs, R. J. For ster of Halaey.,;: -..-... .. H1USEUI MEETS IT LIBERTY Dr. Caroline Loehner to Re sume Work at Columbia University , LIBERTY, Ang. 28. The Wes tenhause clan held the annual reunion Sunday at Green's Bridge on the Santlam near Jefferson. Dallas Westenhause was elected president, Delvla Neiderhlser. vice-president; Urla, Neiderhlser, secretary-treasurer. - " : Present were Mr. and Mrs.' G. G. Westenhause, Mr.- and Mrs. G. Stringer and family. Mrs. John Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wes tenhause, Mr. and Mrs. Ardte Westenhause, Mr. and Mrs. Dal las Westenhause and family. Mr? and Mrs. Conrad Westenhause and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Westenhause, Hugh Westenhause. Mr. and Mrs. George Todoroff, Mrs. TJria Neiderhlser and fam ily, Mrs. Mary Bed! en t and daughter Hasel, Mr. and Mrs. George Triesch and son .Wesley, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Westen hause and family. These family members were from Liberty. Sa lem, Scio and other valley points. Dr. Loehner Leaves . Dr. Caroline Loehner of New York, who has been visiting at tne borne ox her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hrubetz, left here Sunday tor the east Mrs. Loehner bat been on: the Colum bia university . faculty- the 3ast year aad will continue In the same work. . y . - Miss Etta return ed Satnrday from. Urbana III. where she attended summer school at the University of Illi nois and where she is working for her library degree. She spent several days in Chicago and other places. TURNER, Aug. 28. Mem&ers of the juvenile grange with their parents and friends enjoyed a picnic at the Lawrence Roberts home east of Turner Sunday. The young people spent the day swim ming, horseback riding and play ing games. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. F. Steiner and two children, Raymond Titus and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Riches and two sons, Mrs. Mar garet Clark and daughter Fran ces, Ruth Robinson and the host Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and chil dren Jean, Barbara and Alice. Postoftlce Inspector C W. Llnebaugh spent Tuesday in Tur ner to study the discontinuing of one of the rural routes out of Turner. It is the intention of the postof flee department to have only One carrier in. the future. -retiring Fred Gunning who has been in the postoftlce service tor 30 years and is eligible for re tirement this year. Mr. Pearson. who will carry both routes, will have about an eight-hour day by combining tho routes. Mrs. D. S. Riches -and small daughter returned Monday after spending a month in Welser, Ida ho, where Mrs. Riches visited relatives. ABIGAIL ELLIOTT PASSES AT DALLAS DALLAS. Aug. 28 (Special) Mrs. Abigail Elliott. 89. resi dent of Dallas since 1883, died Sunday night at the home -of her daughter, Mrs. Millie Statrln. Fu neral services will be held Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the M. E. church. Rev. George W. Bruce officiating. Burial will be in the I. O. O. F. cemetery here. Abigail Mann was born in Pe- tersboro, Ontario, Canada, April 18, 1844, and in 1863 was mar ried to James Elliott They came to Dallas 20' years later, locating on a farm a mile south of town. Surviving are four sons: Her bert J., former Polk county state senator, Wes and Fred R., all of Dallas; Dr. Bert R. of Medford; and three daughters, Mrs. Stat, rin, Mrs. Isabelle DeHaven ot Dal las and Mrs. Abble Wagner of De Lake; also 29 gttndchlldren and seven great grandchildren, a brother. William Mann. and . two sisters, Mrs;. Sarah Wilburs and' Mrs. Maggie. Garbutt. -The latter three live in Ontario, Caida, ' Young Folks Hold - Sway at Vothurgh Residence on Drive WEST SALEM, Aug. 28 Miss Mona Yosburgb and her brother, Reginald were hosts to a group of their young friends .at their home on-Cascade drive Saturday night - Present ' were ' Violet ; Wal lace, Margaret Kaster, Josephine Tandy. S. Catharine - Applewhite Helen Gosser,. Barbara Lee Whip ple and Mona Yosburgh, Bob Ma thers, David. Williams. Ellsworth Weatherby, LeRoy Wells. Edward Englehorn George T. Tandy, ,WJ1 lard Wells, Reginald Yosburgh and Mr. and Mrs. G. .Elmer Yos burgb, l vrf: v- Fishing trips have been' much the "vogue f or the past few weeks For Better EYE -HEALTH You may be sure that glasses wQl be recommended and fit ted only when neeessary. And ; the cost VQ be amalL - ; RUDAL SERVICE ID BE CURTAILED SOOII 4 ; ' These two scenes in Norfolk, Va, graphically fflustrate the extent of the damare dene by flood waters aftne m oe atv which bore the brunt of the teniae hurricane that swept the Atlantic coast At ton is Kain Street Norf elk's principal business thoroughfare, under two feet ef water and below, inhabitants, dad in bathing suits traveling a street via row-boat Damage here is estimated at over SL000.00tX. and Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Clark and family and Mrs. Clark's father. Irvin Miller have Inst returned from Yachats where they had good- success. Mr. Miller is a vet eran river fisherman. Yacatioainr in Portland and at Hosier for the week vir Rr. and Mrs. Kimball Kent Clark and family. Just immediately nrior to their leaving on this trip they entertained Helen and Ethel May Murphy and Helen and Ralph Darling of Harrisburg. CAMP CLOSED MILL CITY. Aur. 22. Due to the low humidity Canto 21 of the Hammond company has been closed down forseveral days. It is possible that k may reopen the first of the week if weathr conditions permit. So far there nave been no Sorest fires In this community with tho exception ot a small tire above Gates in tna Shepherd logging camp. The con tinued: dry weather, however, la a terrible menace.' 93S South Commercial Str eet) Open Until 9 Dily Court & Commercutl Street O pen Until 9 p.m. Saturday Only It Pays to Came a Long Ways to Pay'h Takit. . -r'' , ' ; omethins; SaTed on EverytMngr . ; Maximum, tall cans, each Pe?Ei Campbell's, 4 cans Quality in Bulk. lb. Highway, 12-oz. bottles Large Size, limit 2 i -"' - a ' .. " . " - .7 : . ' Above Prices Effective Tuesday and Wednesday. Aur;. 29 & 30 : WeBeserTethelUjihttolJ . i- - T r r ..... .j. . PORTABLE CiBEBT (TSUI TODAY TURNER, Aug. 28. The Ma rion county portable- cannery, slated for Aumsville last week end, set up Friday just south of the reck crusher on Mill Creek banks here for a run through today. The news was spread as widely as possible by Mrs. Helen Lamb, Aumsville w e r k e r, and Mrs. Helen Hamilton, Turner dis trict county relief worker. Heavy runs were made Friday and Sat urday. The cannery will be set up today at Stayton. which will con clude the run on beans. Ted Whitehead Sr., is chair man of the Turner, relief com mittee for the year, and has on his committee Earl Prather and Mrs. Earl Bean Mrs. Helen Ham ESeoo ISB0tM;QI? pkgs. .. ' r V - L3C-:--tf.iZ. t w;: ... ; r ' ' t ' . V. C 7 fi ,1 1 ilton has established -office hoars In Turner every Monday from 10 to 11 a. m. at the postotfice. BREAKS KXEE CAP LIBERTY. Aug. 28 Richard Allen had the misfortune to break his kneecap on a rock while la swimming in the' Willamette re cently. He is in the Deaconess hospital for treatment. When Your Daughter CcmestoWomanhocd Che Ber Lydia E. PLn&haxn Vegetable Compound Most gjxis In their teeasj need tonic aad regulator. Give jsvr daughter Lydla E. PiakhamTa Vegetable Compound for tba next lew months. Teach, her how to guard her health at this critical time. When she Is a happy, lasattaw wife and mother she will thank rMk . . A r