The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 27, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salemi. Oregon, Sunday Horning, " August 27, 1933
"Buy Where the Blue Eagle
Flies" NeW Slogan for -Salem
Women ;
.1T7HAT does the "blue eagle' mean to the women of . Sa
: YYv lem? How can they help th much-publicized bird win
for their husbands new work and for themselves new securi
ty? ' These and similar questions will be answered Monday
night at the chamber of commerce at 7 ;30 p. m. when Mrs.
Hannah Martin and her assistants will outline plans f or a
Qt 'tfi"""' '' il "' to be con-
r ' I
Chemeketa flayers
Plan Season
. Original plays on " American
themes by American authors will
receive careful consideration by
Chemeketa Players, Salem's, own
nta nrrtrinrera: for nresefttAtinn
the coming" season, which. It Is
expected will open the latter part
of September, according to .the
' director, Perry, Preacott Reigel
soan. - '. - - :
.. Nine plays, covering a wide
range . of. ttemes. and affording
tb- players a variety -of charac-
ten were presented last season.
- Presentations .were ' given In
Wood burn, Dallas, Monmouth,
And West Salem. This is declared
to be an exceptional record for
an amateur group, especially con
sidering the financial . distur
bances that rocked the country
last spring.
- Chemeketa Players operated on
a plan similar - to the Taylor
Street Players of Portland. -It Is
expected that the local group will
profit by the experiences of last
season. : --
.While the object ot Chemeketa
Players Is not to make actors or
develop stage technicians, yet the
work of play production offers
valuable experience for actors,
scene designers, stage carpenters,
electricians; costume designers,
and stage managers. Young men
and women interested in the al
lied arts of the theatre will find
a welcome with this group when
it resumes activities.
Miss Beugli Hostess
Friday Evening
Miss Irene Beugli entertained
at her home Friday evening with
a surprise birthday dinner honor
ing Misi Margaret King. Dr.
George. Ritteman assisted the hos
tess.' . Covers'" w ere laid for Miss
Adele Amort, Lloyd Smith of
Portland, Orvltle Eastrldge, Miss
Margaret King, Bob Sears, Dr.
George Ritteman, Bud Shedeck,.
and hostess. Miss Beugli.
- Following the dinner the guests
repaired to a theater party.
The West Central Circle of the
First Methodist church will have
a homecoming picnic at the home
of Mrs. T. T. Croxer Tuesday af
ternoon. Angast 29. The ladles
111 vfl tar f ' ft n m anil m &n
-will arrlre at C: 30 for a basket
eianer. . v;ars win ne provided tor
all who haven't a way to go, and
transportation may be obtained by
calling "47I0.
L L. MeAdams Is in
This la a charming frock to slip
Into whenever the occasion de
mands yon look your "very femi
nine best." ' We'd adore it of a
bewitching silk - print or a new
matelasse crepe to carry as well
into the new season. Shoulder
capes v are very flattering, the
waistline treatment is new and
smart, while clever seamings keep
. me sunouetie sienaer . and gra
cious.. ..-.-;' ; ' -'
Pattern 1502 is available in
sizes 1. 18, 20. 34, 3C, 38. 40.
42 and 44. Size IS takes 3
yards 31 inch fabric Illustrated
step-by-step - sewing ' Instructions
Included with this pattern
coine r ittapt (eolni prefrrd) for
thit Am Adaau . psttara. WriU
pUlaly bb, ddreii asd tjrl nan
COOK faatarcs ehanaiag aollMtioa
f fUraMB, I port, colt, Unoi
4rcMS, jampars, Boa frck(, Ipeeikt
begiaar' r- pattaru, ' atyUs far Jam
Ion, mnd ' JaToly elotWa for yonaf.
atara, and butrncttan far anaVint a
chia aweatcr. 8K.D rOR TOUB
FIVE CENTS." ff-- t;:--
StataaasaaPattatm Department,- 845
Waat 17th Sfc, Naw York CHy.r-, - '
lrlf 7ry 1502
ducted tnrougnout tne city.
At .this meeting, Mrs. Martin,
her majors, captains and members
of 18 canvassing teams, will di
rlde Salem into 18 divisions and
in each of these areas a house-to-house
canvass for NRA pledges
will be begun Monday.
. Organization of Salem's feniln-Ine-NRA
workers is now complete.
Staffs, announced, by the three
majors working In the women's
division follow: .
. Mrs. "Major" Chester Cox has
chosen for. captains ' Mrs. Frank
Spears, - Mrs. 4 Curtis ''Cross. Mrs."
Harry Hawkins, Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr.,
Mrs. Linn Smith and Mrs. Victor
Griggs. .Workers under these cap
tains are Mrs. James Young. Mrs.
George Fake, Mrs. Vernon Perry,
Mrs. Garland Simpson, Mrs. Clay
ton Foreman, Miss Margaret Sims,
Miss Katherlne Laugbridge, Miss
Virginia 'Holt, Mrs. Gus Hixson,
Mrs. Paul Hendricks, Mrs. Arthur
Rahn, Mrs. Roy Simmons, Mrs.
Wayne Loder, Mrs.- P. D. Quisen
berry. Mrs. 'John Carson, Mrs. E.
J. Sellers, Mrs. Wallace Carson,
Mrs. James Linn, Mrs. T. A. Rob
erts, Mrs. James Humphreys, Mrs.
Frank Chapman, Mies Sarah Lan
sing, Mrs. D. A. Young, Mrs. Hal
Patton, Mrs. H. H. dinger, Mrs.
D. R. Ross. Mrs. J. H. Garnjobst,
Mrs B. Stutesman, Mrs. Kate G.
Bel, Mrs. Tom Holman, Mrs. Con-
nell Dyer, Mrs. O. C. Lock, Mrs.
Dan McLennan, Mrs. Carl Arm
strong, Mrs. T. C. Smith, Mrs.
Malcolm Smith, Mrs. W. L. Phil-
Hps, Mrs. A. W. Knox. Mrs. Clif
ford Farmer and Mrs. Harry
Mrs. "'Major" Harry J. Wled-
mer has selected as captains Mrs.
E. H. Kennedy. Mrs. LeRoy Card.
Mrs. Russell Bonesteele, Mrs. V.
Kuhn, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr..
and Mrs. S. W. Starr; Workers un
der these captains are Mrs. Robin
Day. Mrs. Fred Bernard!. Mrs.
Jake Fuhrer, Mrs. James MeFar-n
land, Mrs. Ben Pounds Mrs. James
Clark, . Mrs. John Brophy. Mrs.
Harry Willett. Mrs. Kenneth Pow
ers,- Mrs.' Don Roberts,' Mrs. Rex
Adolph, Mrs. Ralph Cooley, Mrs.
George Weller. Mrs. Scott Page,
Mrs. L. B. Endicott, Mrs. William
Stacey, Miss Molly SehWabbaner,
Mrs. William Chandler, Mrs. Ray
mond Bonesteele. Mrs. Max Flan
nery, Mrs. J. V. Brlggs, Mrs. Tom
Wood, Miss Bula Bailey, Mrs.
Ralph Klnzer. Mrs. Alton Hurley,
Mrs. E. A. SkeMey.' Mrs. Ray Ba
slck. Miss Marmion Conner. Mrs.
W. A. Johnson, Mrs. H. K. Stock-
well, Mrs. Al Adolphson, Mrs.
Jack Brady, Mrs. L. V. Benson and
Mrs. Harris Lietz.
Mrs. "Major-David Wright has
under her command Captains Mrs.
I. L. Darby,- Mrs. B. B. Herrick,
Mrs H. R. White. Mrs. Frederick
Deckebach. .Mrs. Mason Bishop
and Mrs. Walter Spaulding. Work
ers under these captains are Mrs.
Ida Niles, Mrs. Walter M. Smith.
Mrs. J. N. Chambers. Mrs. All-
good, Mrs. Elmer MeKee, Mrs.
Charles Grahill. Mrs. Earl Ander
son, Mrs. Ray Yokum. Mrs. W. H.
Paulus, Mrs. Lewis Griffith. Mrs.
Richard Slater,' Mrs. Claude H.
Glenn, Mrs. Archie Holt; Mrs. G.
S. Paxson, Mrs. J, J. Griffith, Mrs.
K. M. Krlese. Mrs. E. A. Rhoten.
Mrs. J. B. Ulrich, Mrs. E. T. Bar
kns, MrsJ. Ray Pemberton. Mrs.
S. B. Gillette. Mrs. Wayne Green,
wood, Mrs. A. B. Evans, Mrs. Al
bert Smith, Mrs. Charles' Kauff-
man, Mrs. L. M. Purvine, Mrs. J.
J. Tallman, .Mrs. B. J. Ramseyer.
Mrs. H. H. Pickens, Mrs. W F.
Neptune, Mrs. Arthur E. Gibbord,
Miss Madge Hobb. Mrs. Glen Por
ter, Mrs. O. E. Palmanteer. Mrs.,
Glen Seeley, Mrs. A. M. Johnson.
Mrs. Christopher Butte, Mrs.
Mem Pearce, Mrs. W. P. Watkics
and Mrs. J. T. Delaney.
Mill City-- Mr. and Mn. .Rnr
Harris returned to Mill Citr Sim.
day evening from .a wedding trip
to the coast, where they had gone
following their marriage in Van
couver, Friday. They were mar
ried at 2 o'clock Friday after
noon, August 18, in Vancouver,
in : the presence of Mrs. W. 1
narns ana iiiss Lucille Freston.
The bride is a daughter of
Henry Brown of Mill City and has
urea in Aim uity lor a number
of years. She wore a bine travel
ing dress.
Mr. Harris is the son of Mr
and Mrs. W. L. Harris and Is a
graduate of the Mill Cit? hirh
school. He Is employed as a me-
cnanic in tne Hammond lumber
Tuesday, August 29 .
West Central Circle of First M. E. church home
coming picnic at home of Mrs. T. T. Crozer. Ladles
come at 3 p. m. Men at 6:30 p. m. Call 4760 for
transportation. ' - ; ' . ' ..' - -
G. K. P. club covered dish dinner In garden at
home of Mrs. Dale Taylor honoring husbands.
Berean bible class of First Presbyterian church
homecoming at home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop, 765 Court
street, 2:30 p. m. - : -
! August. circle of Jason. Lee ladies Aid ice cream
social at parsonage, 860 Jefferson, street 5 to 9 p. m.
iiie tn uoM potiuck dinner at home of Mr. and
Mrs. H, E. Bosell pn Crosian creek, 6:15 p. m. Bring
sandwiches and table service.
. v Thursday, August 31 , .
Aid society of Women's Relief Corps' meets at home
of Mrs. Cordelia LaBare.
Friday, September 1 - "
Free lecture on home economics at Nelson Hall, 381
. Chemeketa street, 2 p. m., by Mrs. Jerome W. Crays.
Saturday, September 2 C "
D. A.,&. covered dlh luncheon. 1 p. tiL, home of
Mrs. Herbert J. Ostlind. Each member bring table
service and covered dish. Phone 7161, Mrs. Carey Mar
tin, for transportation;--t.. rvv t'iU'---. v y' -v J
Reception and Rail jr
hvents of WeeK.
' National and department offi
cers of the Daughters of Union
Veterans were honored by a re
ception given Friday night in the
Women's clubhouse at 8 o'clock.
- Department heads of all patrio
tic orders affiliated with the G. A.'
R. were invited, together with all
members of .patriotic orders In the
city. rMrs. Elva Mortimer was
chairman of the reception.
.The Women's Home Missionary
society of Salem district held its
annual rally al Iday Friday, at the
First Methodist church. An enter
taining and inspirational program
was presented. -
Mrs. Tucker
To Entertain
1 mas 'Lewis (Elsie Tacker)
. who with her husband has
been in England during the sum
mer Tislting Mr; Lewis mother,
Mrs. E. J. Tucker. will giro an in
formal reception Monday evening
at her home from 7:30 to 10.
Fall flowers will form the deco
rative motif and Mrs. Tucker will
be assisted by Misses Dorothy and
Bessie Tucker and Miss Daisy
Varley. About 35 guests have
been invited. .
v Mrs. Lewis was married: this
spring in Casanova, Va. She was
graduated from Willamette unl
rersity In 1929 and was very
prominent In campus, activities,
being president of the campus Y.
W. C. A. in her senior year. For
two years she was Girl Reserve
secretary In Portland.
Mrs. Hobson Gives
Informal Party
' Mrs. E. W. Hobson entertained
at her home Saturday evening
with an Informal party compli
menting Miss Betty Mae Rice.
Sweet peas in pastel shades
graced the softly lighted rooms.
Mrs. Kenneth Rich assisted the
Present were Miss Betty Rice,
guest of honor. Mi 8s Ruth Bed
ford, Mrs: Fred Fargo, Mrs. E.
Ebfen, Mrs. W; T. Mlltonberger,
Miss Hazel Shutt, Miss Juanita
Hald and hostesses, Mrs. Hobson
and Mrs. Rice.'
- Miss Rice is' sailing September
5 from Portland aboard the Ad
miral Peoples for San Francisco
on the first lap ,f a journey to
New York city. She plans to en
ter the Cornell school of nursing
and will "be met in New York by
Miss Pauline Miller, formerly of
Dallas. .
Miss Uice Is a graduate of Wil
lamette university and a member
of the Madrigal club of Salem.
For the past -five years she has
been employed at the state li
brary. Mrs. Paul Wallace Has
.Thirty .guests were bidden to
the country home of Mrs. Paul
Wallace for her annual "harvest
dinner Friday afternoon at 12:30.
Miss Edna Sterling, who- has
been visiting Mrs. Wallace for
the summer from Seattle, was
honor, guest of the day. .
Dinner was served on the ver
anda, and the long table was cen
tered with an old colonial glass
vase holding golden-rod. Two
vases in wrought iron sconces
holding yellow summer flowers
graced the side wall of the ver
anda. Out-of-town guests Included
Mrs. . Kenneth Walkey ot Santa
Monica. California, Mrs. Louis
Bean of Eugene, Mrs. D. B.
Stuart ot Bend, Miss Marie
Churchill of Portland, and Miss
Edna Sterling of Seattle, Wash
ington. " Mr. and Mrs. James S, Drury
(Beatrice Crawford Newcomb)
and their daughter, Miss Joan
Newcomb, left yesterday for their
home in New York where Mr.
Drury Is a member of the faculty
of the University of New York.
They -will motor through, going
by way of Lake Louise, Chicago
and the world fair, thence by the
central route to New York. . They
hare been guests here of Mrs.
Drurys parents, , Mr. and Mrs.
John Crawford and have spent
much of the summer at their
Agate Beach home.
. Silrertom The Junior Wom
an's club will meet at the city park
Tuesday for its regular social
night. The time has been set for
5:30 o'clock, in order that .those
who wish may swim before eating.
A potluck supper will be enjoyed
following the swim.
'Auiruni S6
In Newest Vanderbilt Romance!.
i,- ft
l v , St.-.:.'--.- : : i
XA x " - ft
ursNn. 1
VANoecBiijVVv , ; 1
t if "
It ' ' I ! c - 1
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f- A I tl ' - "
iL- AT WHPFt Or Vrn
Hajrold Stirling Vanderbilt, '49-year-old mtdti-iniUionaire
sportsman who recently sprung a surprise on American
society by marrying his old friend, the former Miss Ger
. trude Lewis Conaway of Philadelphia, is the man who suc
cessfully defended the America's Cup against the late Sir
Thomas Lipton's Shamrock V. in 1930. - "
Mrs. Harms Hostess
To G. ICR Club
The G. K. P. club met at the
home ot Mrs. Harry Harms Fri
day for a social evening.
Present were Mrs. K. H. Pick
ens, Mrs. B. E. SIsson, Mrs. W.
F. Foster, Mrs. Dale. Taylor, Mrs.
J. E. Billeter, Mrs. O. H. Pick
ens, Mrs. Kinley Adams, Mrs. H.
S. G lie. and hostess, Mrs. Harry
Next Tuesday evening the dub
has been Invited to a covered
dish dinner In the gardens of the
Dale Taylor home. Husbands of
the ladles will be honor gue6ts.
" -
Younger Set Guests at
Three Affairs
Two beautifully arranged
bridge affairs and a lormal din
ner marked the week's social cal
endar of the younger set. Wed
nesday . afternoon . Miss -Helen
Boardm'an and Miss Florence Mar
shall entertained with a bridge
party In the 8. H. Boardman resi
dence on Center street honoring
Miss Louisa Sidwell. popular
bride-elect jot M e 1 t 1 n Crow ot
Tuesday afternoon Miss Yvonne
Smith entertained a group of the
younger set at a bridge tea in the
home of Captain and Mrs. Robert
Mills, complimenting Mrs. Francis
A. Burgy (Gwendolyn Jarman) of
. Miss Roberta Smith, who re
cently returned from a year spent
in the east, was guest of honor
for a beautifully appointed for
mal dinner at the Gray Belle Tues
day evening. A modern decorative
effect of black and white was car
ried out for the table. About fifty
were bidden for dinner and were
joined by their. escorts later in the
evening for dancing. . i
- Sixty-seven members of the CaU
vary Baptist church group gath
ered in the lovely gardens ot the
Dale Taylor home Wednesday eve
ning following the regular prayer
meeting, to -honor : their pastor.
Rev. W. E. Cochran, on his birth
day anniversary. :
A large illuminated cake and
refreshments were served, and
Rev. Cochran was presented with
a gift.
Jefferson Mr. and Mrs.' J. A.
Martin ot Dallas were guests at
the home ot Rev. and Mrs. Carl
Wackerbarth and family Wednes
day. They are the parents of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Feldman
left yesterday for Crater Lake.
From there they will go to north
western Oregon and Walla Walla,
and expect to be there until early
. : .
Mrs.-Glen ' Perrr who has been
visit In r her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
George Nash' for the past six
weeks, has returned to her home
in -Los Angeles, , ?. ;
Mr. and, Mrs. ' Donald Young
and Mrs. Mary Young, are leaving
Wednesday for a month's tour of
the middle-west. They will visit
in Minneapolis and Chicago. v -
- - ... ,,.
Mrs. Alice Richmond ot Eugene
Is a weekend guest ot Mrs. Jessie
L. Armold. . .
Building Permits i
7 Spurt Last Week
Value of new construction In
cluded in building permits Issued
here last week- gained f 2510 or 53
per cent over the. preceding week
while total value of permits rose
$1553 or 21 per cent. The 18
permits for the week consisted 'of
13 for repairs and alterations es
timated to cost 11800 and of five
for new : construction - to i cost
17185 :-;'v;C.-::-fw -
.Included .1 n" the week's ! grist
were two permits tor construction
of houses, one tor a store building
and two for private garages, z ?
Aid Society Enjoys
Social Event
The aid society of the Women's
Relief corps met at the home of
Mrs. Laura MeAdams Thursday
for a social afternoon. Special
guests were Mrs. Joe Schlndler,
Mrs. Julia Strand, Mrs. Florence
Odenborg and daughter, Arlene,
and Mrs. John Robblns.
Assisting hostesses were Mrs.
Sarah Peterson, Mrs. May Town
send, Mrs." Bessie Martin, Mrs.
Bertha Ray,. Mrs. Bertha Love
land, and Mrs. Louisa Koon.
Others . present included Mrs.
Helen Southwick, Mrs. Sarah Dra
ger, Mrs. Amanda Crum, Mrs.
Clara Adams, Mrs. Lou Kraps,
Mrs. Mettle Schram, Mrs. Mary
Wirtz, Mrs. Jennie Martin, Mrs.
Hattle Kennen, Mrs. Cordelia La
Bare, Miss Ina Koon, Mrs; Rose
Hagedorn, Mrs. Pauline Clark,
Mrs; Rose Doris, Mrs. Hattle Jew
ett, Mrs. Amy Ellis, Mrs. Vera
Cover, Mrs. Ef fie Dunlap,. Mrs.
Ida Babcock, Mrs. Susie Botts,
Mrs. Mary Kennedy and Mrs.-Jennie
F. B. Jones.
The club will meet next Thurs
day with -Mrs: Cordelia LaBare.
Five Anniversaries
Celebrated Friday
Five birthday anniversaries
were celebrated at a ' surprise
party Friday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Acton.
Guests of honor were Mr. and
Mrs. Emmett Welling, Mrs. Ralph
H. Kletzlng, Mrs. Marion Curry,
and Mrs. Lloyd Lee.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Marsters,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMUlin and
Mrs. J. H. Phillips assisted the
hosts. Mr. McMillin presented the
ladies who were guests of honor
with bouquets. Cards and refresh
ments were enjoyed.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Em
mett Welling, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
H. Kletzlng, Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd- Lee,
Mr. and Mrs. .Waldo Marsters, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold McMillin, Mrs.
J. H. Phillips, and hosts, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Acton '
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dann ot
Corvallis are visiting at the home
ef Mrs. Dann's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. C Miles, for the coming
week before leaving for the east.
They plan to make their home in
Philadelphia for the coming 'year
where Mr. Danh will study at the
University of Pennsylvania and
Mrs. Dann at a graduate school
near Philadelphia,
. - - ..
Jefferson -The Hl-Tti club ot
the Christian church met in the
church, parlors for their 'regular
meeting this month. The usual
program was carried out, and a
potluck lunch was served at the
close of '.the meeting to Miss Mar
garet Goin, Ellen Looney, Pauline
Looney, Jessie Hart, Dorothy Mar
cum, Mina Wright, Margaret Halt
and Mrs. Chas. Hart. -
Liberty Mrs. wi. R. Dallas was
hostess at a lawn picnic supper
at her ' home Tuesday evening.
Present were Mr. and .Mr. C. W.
Stacey, Mrs. Winifred Stevens and
Miss Frances Stevens of. Cathla
met; Miss JWilma Stevens, of New
York, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas, Cath
erine and Robert Dallas. ' -
: :,"-:
- -Miss-Edna' Savage, Miss, Elea
nor Trindle, Miss Martha Sprague
and Mlas.JuUa Johnson are spend
ing the weekend with "Miss Mar
gery Kissling at Garibaldi.., :
. Your
8 x 10 in. -Opal
finish ;
It Pays to Patronize
k .Court fit Commercial Street
Pupil of Mrs." Denton :i
To Broadcast .
r Monday evening at 1:40 p. m.,
David Smith, Jr., talented eight-
5 ear-old pianist and student of
rs. Walter A. Denton of Salem,
will be presented In piano recital
brer station KG W,, by the Collins
and Erwln company of Portland.
' The program is as follows:'-'- !:
Hungarian Rhapsody ...Koelling
Rasslsche Polke .... . ..C. Zerny
Sparklets ........ .Walter Miles
Musie Box ; . . . . . .... . . . . Heifls
- Doll Dance from the Muslo Box
- . . ,
Garden Affair
Planned at
4 Today
MISS Margaret Whyte Steven
son, who is leaving the first
..: of September t o r Seattle,
Wash., will be the inspiration for
a charmingly- informal reception
given in -the garden: of the home
of Mrs. Robert Gatke this after
noon front 4 to a: 80. - -
The grounds of Mrs- Gatke's
home-- are situated on -,, the . mill
stream and are beautifully -fitted
for a late summer, entertainment
of this-sort. All workers in the
First Methodist church s e h o o 1
have been Invited.
Mrs. M. C. FIndley and Miss
Grace Smith' will assist in greet
ing the guests. Miss Muriel White,
Miss Percie Miles and Miss Grace
Sateh well will : serve: About 45
guests have been bidden.
' Miss Stevenson ' has been direc
tor of religious education for the
First Methodist church but will
enter the University of Washing
ton this fall to complete work for
her master's degree.
Library Bridge Benefit
Given at Silverton
SUverton. The library bridge
benefit which was to have been
held Wednesday afternoon at the
home ot Mrs. C. A. Reynolds, will
be held instead Tuesday after
noon, August 29, at the Reynolds
home. Members and wives of
members of the library. board are
acting as hostesses and friends are
being asked to make up tables.
Mrs. H. B. Latham, chairman ot
the board, assisted , by Mrs. G. B.
Bentson, Mrs.. C. R. Wilson and
Mrs. Reynolds, Is making arrange
ments. -
Miss Margaret Smart
Honored at Party
Kingwood. : Miss Margaret
Smart was the Inspiration Thurs
day night for a delightful surprise
when a group of young friends
from Salem arrived laden with re
freshments which were served at
small fables on the lawn. Dancing
and outdoor games were enjoyed
until a late hour.
: Guests-included the Misses Nel
lie Carter, Lucy Klein, Catherine
Eaton, Helen Lytle, Margaret
Johnson, the honor guest. Miss
Smart, and Don Davis, Louis
Stutt, Bob Hulst, John Evans,
Glenn Etter, Don ' Ellis, Marvin
Wilbur, Norman Scott. James
Smart; Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Smart. .
The party was In the nature of
a farewell for Miss Smart, who is
leaving Tuesday for her second
and final year at Santa Ana Jun
ior college, Santa Ana. CaL She
will go sonth by sea, embarking at
Portland on the S. S. Dorothy Al
exander. From San Francisco she
will continue on the City of Los
Angeles to Wilmington.
RIckreall. The Thursday Af
ternoon elub was entertained at
the home of Miss Doris Goodell
Thursday with Mrs. Goodell and
Mrs. Virginia Adams Kelso joint
hostesses. The afternoon was
spent In playing cards, high score
going to Mrs. Darrel Hewitt and
Mrs. E. N. Hill, low to Mrs. J.
Robison and Mrs. J. Robblns.
Present were Mrs. Robison, Mrs.
Robblns and Donabell, Mrs. Hew
itt and Richard, Mrs. Elwyn Hill,
Mrs. Virginia Adams Kelso, Mrs.
Delbert Price, Miss Mildred Rob
inson, Miss Doris Goodell and Vir
ginia McCarter.
The Leslie Can Do club win
hold a potluck dinner at the home
of Mr.' and Mrs. H. E. Bosell on
Crosian " creek Wednesday even
ing at 6:15. Those attending are
asked to bring their own sand
wiches and table service.
Assisting the hosts will be Mr.
and Mrs." Charles Vick and Mr.
and Mrs. Vernor Sackett.
Silverton. According to an
nouncements, received here.
Dwlght Kercher, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Kercher of Silverton. will
be married to Miss Ernestine
Flury at . Chiloquln September 3.
Don't Neglect Your
- : EyesTo Do So r
May-Mean Trouble
We will test your eyes and fit
the proper prescription Into
smart looking frames for an
extremely moderate cost. Con
sult wltb os today tt wia pay
L -'"
8 x 10 In.
2 for
'. 95t .
a Home-Owned Studio
Weddings Past and to Gome,
Still Hold " Center of J "
Social Stage :
ONE wedding-to-be and two from the past week are en
gaging the comment of Salem society at the present time. '
Miss June Bavies, bride-elect of James S. Nutter, has an
nounced the date' of her wedding as Saturday evening Sep
tember 2. ;: It will be a garden ceremony at the home of th
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Davies, in Portland. ! ,;
Miss Davies. is a graduate ot
Franklin high school, Portland,
and has attended Willamette, uni
versity. Mr. Nutter also attended
the university where he was af
filiated with Alpha Psl Delta fra
ternity. He Is now. connected with
the. Salem. Associated Press bu
reau. . . '-.'-. -. .
At l qciet' bnt beautiful cere
mony Friday evening at 0 o'clock
In the parsonage of the Calvary
Baptist church Miss Beryl Hul-
sey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Hulsey, became -the 'bride of-
DonaFd Maellbaupt, . eon . of. Mr
May" Stevenson "of Portland -and
Otto 'Muellhaupt of Salem, Rev.
Earle Cochran -Officiated with
only members of the two imme
diate families presents . -::
: The ' bride wore -: blue ' crepe
with white accessories and a cor
sage of Cecil Brunner roses and
blue sweet peas. She was unat
tended. - ''-;.
Following a short- trip to the
beach, the couple will make their
home In Salem.
Miss .Rosalie Buren, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Max. O. Buren,
was married to Marion B. Lamb,
son of Mrs. George B. Lamb.
Thursday afternoon at .4:30 at
the home of the bride's parents.
Only relatives v and a few close
friends were invited. Rev. W. C.
Kantner performed the ceremony.
The bride was gowned in white
satin, made along princess - lines
and wore a long tulle vein edged
in lace. She carried a shower
Mrs. Wolcott Buren, the ma
tron of honor, wore turquoise
blue with matching hat and a
corsage of roses. Little Miss Nan
cy Buren, niece of the bride, was
flower girL She was dressed in
yellow and carried a colonial
. Harold Lamb was best man tor
his brother. . Miss Rosalind Van
Winkle - played the wedding
marches and Mrs. Malcolm
Spaulding sang "Until." A re
ception wag held following the
ceremony in the drawing room of
the Buren residence with mem
bers of the bridal party, Mr. and
Mrs. Buren . and Mrs. George G.
Lamb receiving the guests.
The bride's going-away en
semble was of gray printed silk
with a gray coat and fox fur. She
wore a gray hat and accessories.
Following a short wedding
trip Mr. and Mrs: Lamb are now
at home to friends at the Court
Young Set at Rickreall
Gives Surprise Party
- Rickreall Mr. and Mrs. S. ' H.
Robinson entertained on Thursday
night with, a surprise., party In
honor of their daughter Mildred's
17th birthday. The group went
swimming in the Dallas park after
which they returned to the Rob
inson home near Derry, where
games were played and refresh
ments served with a color scheme
of yellow carried out.
Guests were Audrey Allen, Ed
na, Wilma and Dorothy Middle
ton, rkirln Peterann. TVtrfs nnsu1.
ell, Edna McCrow, Virginia Adams
Kelso, Mrs. Hershel Wait, Mr.
and Mrs. John Robison, Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Gilliam, Norma Rob
inson, Peggy and -Elsworth Rob
inson, Dean Allen Joe Simmons,
Milton Frlnk, Arthur and Ralph
Dempsey, Vernal Busch. Leo Bihl
and Bill Rowell.
Picture and Lecture .
Featured Tonight
Dr. and Mrs. J. Vinton Scott
will be featured by the Women's
Foreign Missionary society of Les
lie Memorial church , at the regu
lar Sunday service this evening.
Dr. and Mrs. Scott have many in
teresting pictures whfeb they have
taken while they rlseded In China.
The public Is invited to enjoy
the evening -with the missionary
HelpM Hints for Healfcal iMig
;,r -vOr
I wj
' - '
; Where Science
J. H.
405 State St
Mrs. Bradford Feted -At
Mill City '
Mill Cliy-XMrs. C. L. Atwood
was hostess to the members of tbr
Missionary, society of the Presby
terian church Wednesday after-
noon with . Mrs; R. A. Andersor
assisting. - This- had one. of the
largest attendances of any. meet"
tog of the year and In addition tc
me regutar . missionary pro?Tn
took thev'form of a -farewell for ..
Mrs. Bob'Bradford who Is leavkiif
soon f or!rErerett, Wash to make
her home: Mrs. Bradford .bar
been very: prominent in the wor
of. the church and will be greatl
missed. The rooms of - the At
wood" home were gay with 'vaser
and baskets of beautiful cur
flowers. ' At the close of the meet
ing the guests were invited to tbr
lawn where a long fable was Be'
and. a delightful afternoon lun
cheon. was'served; ; J-
j Mrs. Otto Geertsen preside
over the meeting and the topic fo
the afternoon was "China' atart
was handled ina most able man
ner by Mrs. Verne 'Clark, leader
Mrs. Nina Wadsworth Kahlei
played a group of piano number
and Miss Marjorle Sumpter ane
Miss. Maxine Jewell offered
group of duets.
In appreciation of the help Mrs
Bradford has dne for the chare
during her residence here, sha
was presented With a gift by th
elety. Mrs. Geertsen made the
presentation speech.
During the; refreshment houi
Miss Lois LOvett, Miss Sylvia Far
men, Miss Alice Smith, Miss Max'
ine Jewell and Miss Betty Jan
Atwood . erred." with Mrs. Fre
Grimes,' Mrs. Anderson and Mrs
Atwood cutting. Ices.
Among those present for the
afternoon were Mrs. Bradford
Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mrs. ; Henr
Baltimore, Mrs. Clayton Balti
more, Mrs. Tom Booth, Mrs. Ver
non Clerk, Mrs. Mary Carter, Mrs.
James Clark, (Portland), Mrs.
Fred Grimes, Mrs. Otto Geertsen
Mrs. Charles Gentry, Mrs. O. C.
Hutchlns, Mrs. M' E. Hendrlcson
Mrs. Bert "Jewell," Mrs. Nina
Wadsworth Kahler, Mrs. Lee Mor
ris, Mrs. R. C. McCormlck, Mrs.
W. OUlver, Mrs. Michael Ruder
Mrs. Robert Schroeder. Mrs. Johi
Swan, Mrs. Alma Smith, Mrs. I
M. Smith, Mrs. O. H Newmaa
Mrs.; Lark (Los Angeles), Mrs
Harry Wood, Miss Sylvia Farmen
Miss Maxine Jewell. Miss Lob
Lovett- Miss Alice Smith. " Mis
Marjorle Sumpter, Miss Harriet
Bradford, .Mrs. Anderson an?
Mrs. Atwood. '
The next meeting of the Mis
sldnary society- will be at the
home of Mrs. Otto Witt with Mrs
O. C. Hut chins as leader. The to
pic will be "Outlook for the
Shelburn Gommunity
Has Busy Week
Shelburn Shelburn friend?
were Informed recently of the
marriage of ' Richard Schrick to
Miss Marie Powell. Mr. Schrick
has worked in this community foi
a number of years. The youn?
couple is making their home at
present with his father.
"Mrs. J. L. Arnold has return
ed after spending a week at New
port.. :
; J. J. Ransom and ' family at
tended the; Ransom reunion held
at Dayton Oregon. The reunion
was la celebration of Mr. Ran
som's father's $Srd birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Finley
entertained their immediate fam
ily Wednesday r in honor of the
83rd birthday of Mr. FinleyV
mothei. Present were Mrs. Iva
Speers and son- Mr. and Mrs.
James Trolllnger and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Finley and
"Grandma'' ; Finley. ,
Sf When a Chinese phy
sician could not pro
- cure medicines nec-
essary for a Prescrip
ition, he would write
$ithe names of the
drugs v he needed oh
a niece of naner and
vkan a a Ana
blibll A JL WW U1C OUwV
to swallow it. Today.
we can rurmsn pny
sicians - with all the
known chemicals and
'drugs for ftheif scien-
tific prescriptions".
end Ethics Retpi
Phone 3118
'""f. T'