, . , : 5 f 4 1 f -1 Business Directory . ,Cr In this dtroetory run oa monthly bun ly. ' Btui Ltt par Um par month. AUTO BRAKES Mike FtMk, tn bralM and ehlmrny doctot. 173 South Coaer Street BRUSHES Fuller Bruh Man, 1482 Dstreet. CATERING Burt Clary, Um caterer. Ph. 4753. CiliSLNEY SWEEP Ttepo 448. B. BL Northncasw . CHIROPKACTORS DR. a U bCOTT. f SC. Chiropractor. t N. HlgH, Tot Re. $573. FLORISTS CUT flwr, wdls ooq tun rml ariUia, deiuona, C . BnUl iMMipt. Dot toy Ml Court. ToL t04. ai.i. kaiMU of Ilara! work. Luta MoT 1st, lUa Mrt. Tot S432. GLASS Auu and window tun mirror. ToL lot. Waiter J. Dowua, tu Brey. INSURANCE B-CK NDiUCl 388 N. fc-a- Tot 4341 CXk--UTH.-g, las, ToLSISS. LAUNDRIES THM MkiW BAi.KM LAUNDAX vvu au.nx t a. ua xot m CAPITAL C1TX LAUNDttZ Jurat u W lily auU 6nrtco -Totepnuao liroaawa LAWN MOWERS Utuu-poiiaU, myaured oaa traded. BAKUX vv. aeon. "The Cycio a; MATTRESSES Mattreakea tmta lactory to borne. Couoa nwiuesa, 60 lb. tt.ui). Kenovat or uuU luiuiators. Ituti clean ou. cp IUm tieOUtu Co. Tel. 4Ut. 40 N. Capitol ' tiow maiuM nuiae to order, 010 rouuMlo' caryot ciauiu. uuuj,Ciuu rus wevuiv ctaioiu iuti Kmt lro vlwiy, a 1IU Vuuur. Toi Mt. uuo . ILwicluu. JCou 111. MUSIC STOKES QHXX C VVtLLr inauoa. radio. aw ln vf1'" hot luuoto ad piaoo axuiitoa, MetMurUMt rauiu paouognLpii jl-u MWUtf umclimoai 14J Ola to BUotM. MEOICINE Uiarlie Ctian " Chlaefe oievucuiu Co., m j. Com'L St. over oateut ttaruware. Wo have ail Undo ot uri xor ouui wu v- .iiNiniMM Kifintav. bijulilar. atom acu. over siduieita. duuslied Saieia patients wui utatuy. voomuu-uuu uv. iioura - un K-12, Wlien Others Fail h M.lMn,,. i,.rnn lur M b Ml" V ILL ii- tL Lowt nolod ChuieM herbalist. 4iS b. Cununerctal eueet. eaieoi. utcauu. aweiaousnod aince I ii In Oamanrt. iuil. Conaiutauon Iree. Telii0oae . Hours to . tJuo. Itt to 12 At, lr. Cuaa twa CIuuwm Medicine Co. flours lioedajr and rtday, lv ; ajn. t 4:tt P. ax 14 N. CwniimrclaL MUSIC INSTRUCTION bteel. bpan. Uuitar, ManUolio. Abo iniun iuu mvmi v SaL 2 Krtloy- aouJ auuaUooai, resuita. If. AdelKJinfoi. k otatwainan ou - PAINT AND R001ING galea, i'auil A Itootina. 4i4 Ferry. PRINTING roit HTATiONl-iU. cards,' panipu lata, umaiaats. booas or any tuud oi prututia, uali i'oo btaieautaa frinuiia huartiiuoL 11 & Coauuerclat 1'eie- Duouo aioi. REAL ESTATE BKCKlfi tU-ftKlCl-a l'et 44T. ... lj ,iuiu kiv mi kkt a ixj. " -"' " M AM 114 H. Laboru Bt. SU4-I rtrst X4at t lta. BidaV Tot t1 STOVES MTUVfctf and stove repatrtiis. Stove ... il -:-::" axMl cebalrod. All fcuuda ot woven wire ten taucy aau OMun. twp baskets, booas, loan nooaa lMMin aencO and bteve Worka, -- 4Jumee-a. Tel. eue. v - """ SHOE REPAIRING Low prices. Uood "ork. 9 8. Com'l TRANSFER CAPITAL C1TX Transfer Co. 126 Bull bk Tet 1773. UisLrinuilng, tor warding, and atorac our apeclaity Ui wr rafaV . . fOU local or distant transfer storage, gall mi. LnxfMr Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. TYPEWRITERS , T T PEW R1TKRS Adding Men. acid, rented, repaired. Underwood Agent SnkTA bnort. 519 Court TeL 6584. WELL DRILLING r. A. West, 80 years xpertnc. KFD T. Box 303 E. TeL 110F6 LABOR MEET 'MONDAY . . SILVERTON, Aug. 25- Repre sentatives of the American' Fed eration of Labor are to be at Sll verton - Monday night to explain the NRA. The meeting will begin at S o'clock at the armory aad Ben T. Osborne, Portland labor leader, will ' bo the) principal 'aneaJtar. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUaslfted AdvcrtlaiBS 81asl lnrtl9B pr llcaJOc Thro luortioa pf lino toe Six lnsartioaa par Ua..tOc Ono noatti par ltn..1.0t Iflnlmam Cnars . ....H Copy tax thla pa fa ae eepted tmtU :S tha ins bafora pablieatton for cUsaincatlon. Copy ra celred after this tlmi will ba raa under tha neadlog Too Lata to Claaatfy. TD GUtaatnaa tuafflM bo financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear la adYertlaemente poo iUbtd In 1U columns, and In case where tbia paper Is at fault will reprint that part ot an adTertlsemtnt In which the typographical mistake ocears. Tha Statesman reserve the tight to reject objec tion! advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising Ba de? tha proper elu location. HELP WANTED MALE Wanted Diat. (or product with Nat. reputation, repeats every twenty days. Small amount of cash and car neces sary. Box 279, care Statesman. SITUATIONS WAN7TED WANTED Work by exp. house keeper with small child. Ret. 1223 S. 12th St WANTED Brick, tile or fireplace work. Tet 44l. 144 N. Front St. Refined girl needs work, clerkin-. some typing-. TaL 43S8. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Old papers 10c a bundle, Statesman office. Saw gumming; and sharpening. 14 mile E. Four Corners. TeL 4280. Spark combination gas and wood range $45.00 cash or trade. Used only three months. Cost $90.00. Tell 4383. Gravensteln apples 2494 N. Front. Canning peaches. Crawfords. Char lotte's, other varieties In season. - I Townsend. Good Crawford canning peaches at Grand Island orchard. Reasonable price for ripe peaches that will not ship. Salem's favorite individual pies So at grocery stores or 1197 Chemeketa, Canning peaches. Slappies now on. Orchard prices. Puritan Cider Works, Wast Salem. i or sate, loose oat straw, f l per ion. 1693 & Liberty St Canning Peaches Now ready at Waconda Corners and Mission Bottom Orchards. Britt AsplnwalL WANTED Miscellaneous Want furniture. 555 Marlon. TeL 6876. Wa rtar eaah for used furniture. 2095 N. Commercial. MISCELLANEOUS Hair cut 25c. Joe'a Barber Shop. 154 South Church street Exp hair cutting, 303 & Winter St We pick up dead, worthless horses. cows, sheep. TeL 48S9. FOR RENT ROOMS Rooms. TeL 5678. 595 Court St Nice sleep, rm. Walnut furn. 658 Center. Room TeL 3723. 725 Court Steam heated, well furnished sleep ing room Private home. 3 blocks from statehouse. First floor room, private bath and sitting room. Second floor room, fireplace and connecting bath. Use of sleeping porch. 495 N. Sum mer St ROOM AND BOARD Room, board, for men. TeL 6769. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartments, downtown dis trict cool, clean, comfortable, private bath. Very reasonable. Call Patton'a Book Store. Apt. $10 4k $12. 397 N. Com'L Very nice apartment reasonable. 1580 Center. Nice furn. apt 690 Union. 3 rm. fum. apt Tel. 6825. FOR RENT HOUSES Furnished, unfurnished houses. H. P. Grant TeL 6130. 1120 N. 18th St Furn. and unfurn. bouse & . Forkner. 161 N. Cottage. TeL 3631. FOR RENT Good 7 room bona. All newly kalsomined. Large walnut tree im dus line, be Mr uaaweu. Statesman office. Houses. Damon. 197 N. Com'L New fiv room modern bouse and garage, close in. CALL 7521 or 3131 Mod. C-rm. bouse. 1790 N. Water. 3 room turn, garag bouse. 2261 HaxeL TeL 7644. - . r Modem house, 960 N. 16th St 5 room furnished bouse. Inquire 761 N. Cottar. -Modem Horn close in. Furnished or uwftrmlwhed. 475 North Commercial. FOR RENT r "rjJ-vkiivTuVvvvxrLrui FOR SALE 4 year leas an& complete stock and equipment ot 134 acre farm.- U crap rent . -. ? CHILDS MILLER Realtors 344 Stat St - Phono 6748 WANTED TO RENT abovt Sept 1st. 6 or 6 rooms win Tax long-omo waaa wgnt any later. Address Bos 353, care Statesman, FOR SALE Real Estate SPECIAL. BUYS IN SALEM HOMES Attractive 2 room plastered house with plumbing-, electric lights, wood shed, corner lot, on street paved. Price only S60. t rootn house in North 8alem near Summer St. Price only $150, easy term. North ICth Street house of 4 rooms, largo lot, pavod street. Price $1000. Largo corner lot 91x16$ ft, room comfortable bouse, double garage, im mediate possession. Price only $850. Neat 6 room plastered bouse nearly completed. Worth $2000. WUI con sider reasonable otter. NOW is the time to buy while prices are low. SEE CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 844 State St Phone $70$ A sightly 7-room setnl-modern home, basement, fireplace, beautiful grounds 120x183 feet, large fruit, nut trees, grape arbor, garden, garage. Near Jun ior high and two grammar schools, nice view, paved street Only $3250, terms. Owner. 7(5 Rural Avenue. TeL SS54. 80 a. on paved road, good soil, fair farm bldga, good family orchard, all cleared, stocked and equipped, $3500. $700 down. 110 a., 14 miles from Salem, dark rich soil, good farm bldga.. fenced, fine grain and clover land, $60 per a. 240 a., 30 mL from Salem, fenced with woven wire, family orchard, fair farm bldga. 5000 cords ot wood, 60 a. in cultivation, $25 per a. 5 a. 2 mL east of Salem, small bouse, other bldga, fruit good soil, .well. $1575. MKLVIN JOHNSON, 275 State St j-rTrwarir"MLruT-rxT-i ijrnnjinn SUBURBAN HOME 2 acres, 4 room bouse, garage, wood shed, electric lights, drove well, coops for 300 hens. Price $1200, cash $25, bat $12 per mo. and Interest 6. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 944 State St. Phone 6708 ACREAGE 106 A., 17 mL of Salem ; sell on terms like Federal Loan. If you are interested in a real farm at rock bot tom prices, see ua H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902 -i-g-ii-M-K-vf-tjxn .rij-iixnj-u-Ln ACREAGE FOR CITT HOME 2K A. good solt fine location, nice place, good improvements, one mile out on pared street Take a good home in exchange. 5 A. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS R. strictly modern. Basement furnace, water system, good barn and poultry bouse. 1 miles out on paved street Want -a. modern home in ex change. GOOD 4-A. BUT 6 R. House, barn, etc Family or chard. Creek. Fine sandy loam gar den land. Price reduced to $1800.00. $500 down. This is your opportunity. See JAS. D. SEARS. Realtor 132 S. HlKh St. RESORT PROPERTY For Sale Top of the Hill Barbecue, 2 miles south of Canby. Doing good business Canby. Business Opportunities Paying business for sale for bus iness woman who can sew. Reason for selling, outside Interest Box 276, Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS HAD8 an furniture, care, sal arise or other good security. Repayable monthly. Wbm in financial need see us before dosing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bids- Phase 1511 Borrow en personal property : repay In monthly Installment. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO.. State lla S-169. 6 is Guardian Bldg. TeL 3877. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Cantraeta Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Ton keep the car P. A, EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Wm 4TI? m Or LOANS WANTED FOR SALE Two first mortgages bearing 7 lnt on Fairmount Hill properties. Excel lent security. CHILDS MILLER. Htffe. Loans 344 State 8t. Phone 6708 LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Vas1 Wanted TTletiit Tirlr-e Tin I A. Schaller Meat Supply, 190 8. 12th St FOR SALE WOOD All kinds of wood. TeL 4418. GUARANTEED DRT wood ooal rL 6000 Salem Fuel Co. Trad Cottage Ash, fir and oak. TaL 1648. Phone Tracy's, 8986 for dry wood. Old fir, fir knots, sec. growth ash. oak. TeL 3671. Box Wood $2.50 per Load Just the thing for Quick Hot Fires Salem Box Co. Phone 7182 FOR SALE USED CARS 1930 Ford Coupe $275.00 1930 Dodge Eight Sedan 350.00 1928 Dodge Sedan. 4 cyl 225.00 1927 Bulck Sedan-Brougham- 150.00 1928 Oldsmobile 6-wheel Sed'n 295.00 1928 Chrysler Sedan, 6-wheel 275.00 1928 Durant Coupe- 125.00 1923 Maxwell Sedan 35.00 1925 Maxwell Touring 25.00 1927 Oakland Sedan, new rub. 175.00 192 S Dodge 2-ton truck. Dual Disc. ; . 225.00 1930 Dodge 3 -ton. Dump bed ana noist . 995.su Bonesteele Sales & Service, Inc. Comer Liberty and Chemeketa St. PHONE 4444 The Homo of Plymouth and Dodge POLLY AND HER PALS H'aUL r-Z. V I I ii.7 C Vt 1 - - . r W - It .k I Ulh" I 11 I f I : - r i Interesting Facts l-i V (m Thirteen years ago today the 19 th amendment was passed giv ing women equal suffrage. O Be sure to read the Ford letter In Sunday Statesman. If you are Interested In motor cars you will find this series of letters which are running in advertising form in the Sunday paper very Inter esting. The Oregon state fair will open Monday, Labor day, September 4. We predict fair weather for next week and some rain during fair week. O We noticed a bice new truck which the Copeland Yards have put on for delivery of retail lum ber. Looks like better business for the lumber yards. FOR SALE USED CARS '27 Star touring car in good condi tion for sale cheap. TeL 7206. Red Hot and High Class 32 De Soto Sedan . $595 Air wheel tires, small mileage, fin ish Inside and out like new. '31 Stude Dictator S Coupe ,-$650 One ot America's best automobile 30 Hudson 8 Sedan $495 A-l mechanically, new finish, good rubber. '30 Hudson R-S Coupe $395 This is the famous S cyl. model, and It looks like new. Mechanically per fect State Motors, Inc. Hudson and Studebaker Terraplano 8 Open 525 Chemeketa Open Kvnlnrs Sunday WANTED USED CARS WANTED USED CARS Top price for your car. If you want to sell see us. W need light closed cars. BORREGO'S CAR MARKET S40 No. Ltbrtv Tel. 8688 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an Execution is sued by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon Coun ty, In suit No. 19547 W. W. Mc Klnney, Plaintiff vs George A. Larson and Oka Larson, Defend ants, therein pending and to me directed, I have levied upon and shall on Monday, August 28th, 1933, at ten o'clock A. M- at the West door of the Marlon County Courthouse, Salem, Oregon sell at public auction, for cash, air right, title and Interest had and pos sesses by said defendants on or since May 11th, 1923 In and to the following described real prop erty, to-wlt: Beginning at a point set In the County Road at a point 1.14 chains South. 17 degree 25 minutes West, from the most Southerly Southwest corner of the D. L. C. of John Sapplngfield and wife in T. 7 S. R. 2 W. of the W. M la Marlon County, Oregon; thence South 17 degrees 25 minutes West, 4.73 chains; thence South 89. degrees 35 minutes West 25.82 chains, to the East line of George Eoffs land; thence 4.50 chains along the East line ot said George Eoffs land; thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes East 27.24 chains to the place of beginning and containing 11.95 acres of land. A. C. BURK. Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By W. Richardson, Deputy. J-29-A-5-12-19-26. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter ot the Liquids tlon of BANK OF WOODBURN, Woodburn, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as Superintendent ot Banks tor the State ot Oregon Is in charge of the assets and af fairs of Bank of Woodburn, Woodburn, Oregon, for the pur pose of liquidation. All persons who may have claims against said bank are hereby notified to make legal proof thereof by filing a duly verified claim, as by law provided, with the Deputy Super intendent of Banks In charge at the office of Bank of Woodburn, Woodburn, Oregon, on or before October 30. 1933. Date of first publication, Aug ust 26. 1933. Date ot last publication, Octo ber 28, 1933. . A. A. SCHRAMM. Superinten dent of Banks. A.26-S.2-9-16- 23-30-O.7-14-21-2S. SMITH FAMILY MOVES SILVERTON, Aug. 25 Mr and Mrs. A. H. Smith and family are moving from the home which they have occupied at 108 West Main street for the past 10 years, to 154 Fisk Street. .r 4r F-- . - . -- -T. aa r- - - w - jg-tcee-3y -1 EMUS GlNCHILHir Many Questions Arise From Growers as Control Plan Is Started H. A. Lindgren, of the Marlon county -Kieat production control campaign, reports that questions are coming up from various sec tions of the county as to who is eligible to apply for the benefit payments on wheat. Lindgren states the plan pro vides that any grower who has grown wheat during the years 1930, 1931 and 19S2 Is eligible to file an application for contract. The payments will be based on the average production for these three years. There are certain excep tions, according to Lindgren, to the three-year plan where the grower can show that the three year' basis Is. unfair for his par ticular plan of rotation. Under these conditions, the county allot ment committee may grant the use of the four or five-year basis in determining the. wheat allot ment. Another question, according to Lindgren, is regarding the use of land taken out of wheat produc tion under this contract. It is spe cifically stated that this land shall not be used for crops commercial ly produced In the United States. The land taken out of production, according to Lindgren, can be used for the production of hay for work stock, or to produce food that is to be consumed on the farm. 'These and many other questions will be taken up at the educa tional meetings soon to be an nounced for this county. It is hoped that all wheat growers will avail themselves of the opportun ity to attend at least one of these meetings, In order that they may become thoroughly familiar with all phases of the wheat adjust ment program. These meetings are likely to be held the latter part of this month, or not later than the first week in September. Radio Program KOW 620 Kile. SATURDAY, AUOUST 26 T:00 Vss Family. NBO. 7:30 Org concert, KBO. 7:45 Eddie King. 8:15 American Legion Campaign, KBO. 0:15 Palmar House Concert Ensemble. S:S0 Cooking ScheoL 10:00 National Farm and Hon Host, KBO. 10 . 'SO Woman's Magsiin of tk Air, NBO. 11:80 Marshall's Mavericks, KBO. 1:16 The Casino orefceatra, MSU. 3:00 Melody Misers, NBO. 8:20 Friendly Oht 4:00 Waldorf Astori orchestra, NBO. 4!30 Under tk Bridge ef Paris. NBO. 6 :00 Saturday Night Dancing Parties. 7:15 Chsrie Hart. NBC 7:80 Hotel Montclair orchestra, KBO. 8:15 Mark Daniels, baritone. 9 :00-Homer Sierfned. tenor. S-.30 Rerae ea Broadway. 11:00 Old Portland Landmarks. 11:05 8id Lippmsa's oreheitrs, SEC. Konr :S0 KOTK's Ktock. 8:00 Vincent Travers orehestra, CB9. S:S0 Frank LaMarr's ereheatr. CBS. 10:00 Dancing Echoed. CBS. 11:00 Italian Idyll, CBS. 13:00 Spanish Serenade, CBS. 1:80 Between the Bookands, CBS. S:00 Irrinr Cona'a orebeitrs. CB3. 4:80 Philadelphia Summer Concert, CBS. 8:45 Gertrude Klesen. CBS. 0 :80 Columbia Exchange program, CBS. 7:00 Jerry Freeman's orchestra, CBS. 8:00 The New Yorkers, CBS. 9:00 McElroy's Greater Oregoalsns. K0A0 6:45 Farm market reports. 7:00 Morning Meditations. 11:00 Better Health and Longer Life. 12:00 Noon farm heirr. 8 :00-4 :00 Aeolian Echoes. 8:45 Dinner mnsie. 7:30 Farm hour. Stauffers Visiting With Port Angeles Folks Till Tuesday HUBBARD, Aug. 23. Mrs. El mer Stauffer, accompanied by her children. Bob. Norman and Betty, left Thursday for Port Angeles, Wash., to visit her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schoenheins. They will return Tuesday with Doris Stauffer, an other daughter, who has been, a guest at the Schoenheins home for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Brown, Betty, Boyd and Wallace Brown were guests of Rep. and Mrs. Howard Belton at their home at New Era Thursday night to meet a cousin of Mr. Brown and Mrs. Belton whom they have not seen for 20 years, Mrs. Frank Brennon and children from California. Oth er guests present Were Mrs. David McArthur ot New Era and Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Schroeder and Bob and Bruce of Portland. It's an FOUR OF ANGtiS, ADORABLE DRESSES HAVE BLOWN AVXW BULLISH NEWS SHOOTS DANUBE PRUNE SURPLUS IS SAME Market Closes Firm 3 Yl Cents Above Yesterday CHICAGO, Aug. 25 (AP) ' Grains swung sharply upward to day la response to a variety of bullish news. Recurring talk of a govern mental policy on inflatoin, an nouncement that the London wheat conference had reached an agreement and strength of securi ties all combined to register sharply higher opening prices on all grains. Despite some reac tions caused by profit taking and a lack of vigorous support, the gains were fairly well maintained. Extreme advances ot four cents a bushel in wheat and three cents in corn were pared down slightly by recessions. Wheat closed firm and 2 Ti to 3 Vx cents above yesterdaygs fin ish, corn also firm and 1 to 2 higher, oats 1-14 up, and provi sions 5 to 15 cents advanced. Closing quotations: Wheat: Sept., 88-H; Dec., 92-92H; May, -. Corn: Sept., 61Vs-U: Dec. S6-4: May, Oats: Sept., 38; Dec, 40- 41; May, 43. General Markets mODUOB KXCBAJTOB PORTLAND. Ore.. Anr. 25. fAPi Prodace Exchange, net cieea: Batter. extras 20; atandarda 19; prime first 19; lints 17. fcggs, fresh extras 22; fresh mediums 20. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore- Ane. 25. f AP) Wheat Open Hish Low Cloae Sept 73 78 73 79 Dee. , 77 7744 76H 76V4 Cat wheat tHa. 1: Bis Bend blneaUm. pet.. T3o: soft white, wester white, hard winter, northers spring, 70; wester red. ooc. Oats: No. 2 white, $24.00. Corn: No. 2 E yellow, $25.50. Millrtm standard, $18.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore- Aoe. 25. (AP) Batter prints, extras. 22c: standards. 21. Batterfat Portland deli Terr: A trade 19e lb. Farmer's door delivery, 17c per id., sweet cream, oe ntgaar. Eggs Pscifie Poultry Producer' sell ing price: Oreraixe, 24e; extras, 22e; standards, 20e; mediums, 20e; pnlUU. lOe loses. Bavins priee by wholesalers: fresh extras, 20e dosea; mediums, 16e doses; undergrade, 10c doses; pallets. ive aozesv Cheeae 92 seore Orexo triplets, lie: lest 12e lb.; brokers will psy V4o below quotations. Milk Contract price. 4 net.. Portland delivery.- $1.70 cwt.: B arale cream. ST He lb. Ceeatry Meats Seumg price te retail ers: Country killed hogs, best backer. under 150 lb, 7H-Sc; Testers, 70 te loo, stt-ioc: spring lambs, loft-lie yearliags, 4-5 lb.; heavy ewe. 3-8e lb.; medians eowa, S-6e lb.; tanner eows, 2-le to.; Dane. tt-ae id. Mohair Baying Price 198 CUP. 15 lb. Cssesre bark Baying price. 1938 & . Mops nominal, iss, u-t i. Live oenltrr Portland delivery Bay ing price: Heavy kens, colored. 8tt-6W lbs., 12e; do bhk lb, up, 12c; hens, ever Ift lbs, se; under Itt lbs., 7e; springs, 2 lbs. p. lie; broilers, 14-3 lbs., 18c; colored springs. 4 lbs. np. 14c: colored roaster, under S lb, lSe; roaster. Se lb.; docks. Peklns. broiler. S-lOe lb. Unions Belling price to retailers; Ure ron. 61.25 eeatal. New onions Walla Walla. $1.40-1.80 cental. New potatoes Local whit and re. 81.60 entaL . Msatslonpes Dfllard standard, 91.25; Takim standards, 75-85o erat; Delia, 85e II crate. Wool 10SS clip, nominal; Willamette valley, 2S-25e lb.; eastern Oregon. 16 21e lb.: southern Idaho. 16-30 lb. Hay Baying priee from producer : Al falfa, Ko. l, new crop, a it; eiover, io. 1. S14: Willamette valley timothy. SIS; eastera Oregon timothy, $18; eats and gram f 15 ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ora Ang. 25. (AP) Cattle, receipt 17; calves, 12; ateady. Steers, best, 6.25-5.79; common end medium. 8.25-4.50; heifers, beat, 4.00 4.25; medium, 8.25-3.50; eows, beat, 8.00-8.25; common end medium, 1.75 2.50; eaaners, 1.00-3.00; bulls, best, 8.00-8.50; medium, 3.75-3.00; calves, best, 6.00-6.50; good, 5.00-6.50; ordin ary. 4.00-4.60. Hogs, receipts 540; stesdy. Top light batchers, 6.00-6.50; heavy butchers, 4.75-5.00; sows. 8.25-4.00; slaughter pigs, 4.00-5.00; feeder pigs, 4.00-6.00. Sheep, receipts llt stesdy. Eastera Oregon lambs. ' S.25 ; lambs, best, 6.00-4.25; medium. 4.75-6.23; feed er iambs, 4.00-5.00 ; yearling wethers, 2.00-8.00 ; ewes. 1.00-L50. STOCKS HIVE BEST MY SINCE JULY 25 NEW YORK, Aug. 25. (AP) Speculative markets lifted sev eral notches today, drawing their courage chiefly from the central banking- systems more vigorous efforts to facilitate credit expan sion. Stocks were strong and enjoyed the busiest session since July 25, IK Wind NOTHEyAlMT, COU5IS CARRIE:. COMS SEE ii, Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 - milk,, co-op pool price, $1.50 per hundred. ' - Surplus f 15. (Milk baaed semi monthly ' altarfst a re rag.) Distributor price f 1.70 Butte r t a t Top ISC, printa 21c, cube 23c. Priee paid to a-rowm kr Sales barer August Ji (The priee keiw. aili4 T a lee greoar. are Indicative ef the Sally market bat r mot tTnated by Th Statesman ratm ajtd veo stables String beans, local. Ib j01 Cabbage, cwt. 74 te l.oo Oreea peppers, local, lb. ,,. .05 fees. Nit IS. .0 te jo Oalona. do, boaehes ., .IS Potatoes, local , , ft" te 1.25 Lettuce, local ,5 to .95 Paget Sound 1.09 te 1.25 Onieaa, Calif., cwt. ., ,- 1.85 Celery, do. AS Apple, trravenstelaa .75 Oranges. Valencies, fancy 8.00 te 8.50 Piece pack 1.75 te 2.25 Beets, locL do. .10 Turnip, local, erst .10 Uarret. local, .do. .10 8pinaea, loeal. erat Banana ib. en stack 5 te jto Mi .OSH .75 - Q 1.00 6.00 1.00 8 J5 1.00 ! .00 .85 2o 30 .75 .05 .70 125 S.25 ., .08 .03 Bands Cucumber, hothouse, box Local, do. Cantaloapes. Grand Island. Lemons Limes, fresh Avacades, erat Senas. Italian, erat 8nmmer. erst Toms toes. The Dslles . Local. No. 2 Blackberries Peaches, local. Ib. Peachea, Calif- erate Egg plant, erst Grape, aeedles Corn, local, do. Casabas. lb. . HOPS Top. 1932. Ib. . JO EOGS Baying Price Extras Standards Mediums .It .18 J7 .04 .12 J0 .07 .11 5.25 5.50 5.25 , 5.00 4.50 POUXTBT Old roosters . Colored hens Medium hens Light hens Leghorn ICS AT Spring lsmbs, sop Hog, top First cuts Second cats Pigs Steer Cows Ball Dressed veal, top .08 to .04 .01 te .02 te .02 .03 .08 .07 Dressed hoe O-ATS AND HAT Wheat, weatern red White, No. 1 Barley, top, to . .5 .65 -17.00 -.21.00 22.00 Uats, ton Oats, milling, ton Hy buying prises - Oats and vetch, ton Alfalfa, valley 1st eat .13.00 .15.00 Hover hay .13.00 WOOL Medium Coarse . Mohslr . JS3 .28 .20 XI .08 CASOAXA BAK Ore, lb. Dry. lb. making aa average gain of 3.2 on the basis of the Standard Statis tics-Associated Press composite. Allied Chemical was up 6, Na tlonal Steel, U. S. Steel, Bethle hem, American Smelting, U. S. Smelting, Du Pont, Kennecott, Montgomery Ward and Sears Roe buck ranged from more than a point to around 4 points higher, while Case was 5 to the good. Johns Manville, Santa Fe, Union Pacific, New York Central, West ern Union, Southern Pacific, American Can, American Tobacco "B" and National Steel gained 2 to more than 4. Sales totaled 8, 328,410 shares. 41 B WSmW 3S - ,jpiivX3 W. l:X - if aK m: Set New Inverted Flight Mark J) . j, Ti ' f Milo Burcharn, Long Beach, Calif- aviator, is examined bj a physician after he had established a new world's record for upside down flyingw He flew for two hours and twenty minutes with his head turned earth war over Long Beach. Lieut. Tito Falconi, Italian air ace, held the former record. jrwc, WHE AT UP As 1932 Crop When 3 0,0 00 Tons Exported The following August renort of the Danube Basin prune crop is made by the federal bureau of agriculture economics: -Heavy rains with hot days throughout Jnlv canaed innr. ciable damage to developing prunes in Yugoslavia. Production for 1933 was estimated at 30 per cent higher than last year (fresh basis) early in the season. Thia estimate was reduced to "somewhat better than last year" by. June SO, and July conditions bare been unfavorable to devel opment and the trade has become pessimistic. Trade estimate nf the 1933-34 exportable surplus or aried prunes range from 5 to it per cent below last years ex port, which totaled 29.982 short tons during the first 10 months of the export year. until more definite informa tion is available, the Danube Ba sin office estimates the dried prune surplus from the crop of 1933 to be about tha nam a m last year, 30,000 short tons. The home supply of plum bran- ay irom last years large crop is larger than normal and tha peas ants will probably not ferment as utrge a proportion of their crop aa last year. The quantity dried will be influenced bv tha nrir of fresh prunes for export. At present mere is no Indication as to whst the fresh plum price will be. Prices for future deliveries ot dried prunes are better than last year, which may induce peas ants to dry the same, quantities as in 1932. 2 DAYS NEXT WEEK The fourth valley irrigation tonr will be held next Tuesday and Wednesday, starting at the S. B. Hall dairy 11 miles from Portland on Sandy boulevard. This year the tour, which is open to all interested, will aim to instruct those who attend in how and what to irrigate. At 11 o'clock the first morning the party will be at Ed Frueden thal's Fir Grove dairy a mile -from Hillsboro toward Portland. Devel opment has Just started here to ward a 100-acre irrigation project. The Gales Creek Women's club will serve lunch for cost at the John Thornburgh rarm nine miles up Gales creek from Forest Grove, and then the group will view Thornburgh's 62 acres of Ir rigated Ladlno clover and alfalfa. At 3:30 the tour will be at Ches ter Mulkey's farm four miles out from McMlnnville. then at the J. A. Campbell farm between Ball ston and Perrydale. The second day will start at the College East farm. All morn ing will be spent on the station visiting. In order, berry Irrigation on the East farm, and vegetable irrigation. Lunch will be served by the women ot the First Pres byterian church in Independence with a 50-cent charge. Hop irri gation will be discussed at this meeting. x- i rfiai "i f ri mi a By CUFF STERRETT IKATIOII T0UH .B;;:::.T!.i"ilK.."l.. 6 8j C " 2HQS.20MIN.