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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1933)
w ' j . t . t 1 I . . A . " " s , , i 1 - ociety Invited to Oswego tor Outing Miss r Anne Shannon Monroe, well known Oregon anthor. will entertain members of Salem and Portland Zonta clubs at her borne on Oswego lake, Saturday after noon,! at dinner and during the renin. Water sports will be en joyed, . Zontaa attending from Salem are "Mrs. Wlnnlfred Herrlck. Miss Helen loutse Crosby, Miss Basel Cook Miss Nellie Schwab Mrs. Ora Mclntyre. Mrs. Belle' Niles Brown, Ul.i Helen Tockey, Miss Dorothy pearce. Miss Kathryn Ounnell, and Mrs. Elizabeth Gat la her. The Salem .Zonta club was de lightfully entertained Thursday renin at the home of Mrs. Ora Mclntyre. Miss Helen Louise Crosby was assisting hostess, and Mrs. I Gladys Mc'ntyre Thomas helped -serve. The erening was spent Informally. Present were Dr. Helen Pearce, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Miss Helen Yockey. Mrs. Laverne Winkler, Miss Alene Phillips, Mrs. Wini fred Herrick. Miss Kathryn Gun nell. Miss Nellie Schwab, Mrs. Belle Niles Brown, Miss Hazel Cook Miss Crosby and hostess, Mrs. Mclntyre. Buffet Supper Given By Mrs. Boals Mrs.. R. T. Boals entertained last erening with an Informal . buffet sapper complimenting Mrs. Robert T. Boals, Jr., who is ristt ing her Irom Chicago. Fall flow ers prorided the decorative mo tif. Guests were Miss Lois Wilkes, Miss Jeane, Wilson, Miss Claudia Buntia, Miss Helen Darby, Miss Frances Martin, Miss Frances Laws, Miss Dorothy Moore. Miss Irene iUtner, Miss Isabel Childs, Misses Helen and Marjorle Mar cus, Mrs. Earl Cooley. Mrs. Gard ner Knapp. Mrs. Charles Claggett, Mrs. Frank Shater, Mrs. Marion Lamb, Mrs. Allen Gilbert of Tilla mook, and Mrs. Robert T. Boals. Jr. . Mrs. A. B. Kelsay who has generously offered the excellent water Irom her well to any who care to come and get it, reports that as many as 75 bare called In one day. Children, sick people, trarelers, and housewives have answered the kind invitation to come and tin their Jars or bottles with the ice-cold drinking water pumped from the Kelsay well. The water Is still available to all who wish it. - Miaa Margaret Smart will sail on the 8. S. Dorothy Alexander irom Portland August 29, for wiimington. California. ,; Miss Smart will enroll ia Santa Ana junior college in southern Cali- xornia. Pattern ' 1ST ANNE ADAMS The fashionable woman clever ly enlarges her wardrobe with chic blouses to wear with suit, skirt or ensemble. The newest style-lights Inspired these two smart, easy-to-make models . . . unusual sleeves, flattering necklines and trig but ton trimming! Pattern 1586 is available in sixes 14. 18, 18, 20, 32. 24, 3C, 38, 40 and 42. Sixe II takes 2 yards 39-inch fabric. Pattern 1565 is available in sizes 12, 14, Iff, 18 and 20. Size 16 takes 2Va yards 39-Inch fabric. Illustrated step-by-step sewing in structions Included with each pat tern. Be& rimijc ctxts nsuu eiwm er ttaarpi (eoioa pn(me4) for tkia .Asa A4mm pctUrm. Writ pUlatv Mini, sddrt and trl D am ber. BE SUBJK TO STATE SIZE. THE ANXS ADAMS PATTZS5 COOK faetam s afcaraiac wllaetiM ot ((watM, ports, jolt, taaaia mil, Jaaipara, ImM frock, spaaiai bafiaaan' patUra. atylaa tar .Jaa ira. sad lavaly etethaa far yaaar atara. ad taatrnetima for Mliif a efala awaatcr. SEND FOE TOCS OOPT PRICE OF CATALOG Fir TEEN CEXTS. CATALOG AND PATTERN TOO ETHER TWEKTT- riyx cents. - Addreti orders re Tka Oraca tataaaiatt Patterm Dapailamat. 14 Wast ATth SU Kaw Tork. City. s WfT r.:, News and Club a Jessie Steele, j Brunettes Preferred Here ' J - -;jvX Xi'-IA O i . Az.(k ,rff rhe fact that both the dinner and rmmer-up of the bathing beauty Peat at Lon Beach, L. I are brunettes does not Becesaarlr mean that the Judges are not gentlemen. It just goes, to show that not all renfleraen prefer blondes that's alL Hera are Winifred Mackey. right, the winner, and Rose Pruitt, mmwr-up, proving the judge ahowea admirable taste. Portland Bride-Elect is Honored With Shower by St Paul Women Mrs. Worley of Molalla Compliments Daugh ter on Visit From Vancouver, B. C. St. Paul A wedding shower honoring Miss Marjorle Douglas ot Portland was given at the home of Mrs. Ed Davidson by Mrs. Da vidson apd the Misses Zella and Alice Davidson. Cards were the di version of the evening. Mrs. Bert Gooding drew the door prize, Mrs. James Gooding the first prize. Mrs. Bill Gooding second, and Mrs.' L. P. Gooding, consolation, a a Molalla Complimenting her daughter. Mrs. Walter Riddell, who is visiting here from Van couver, B. C, Mrs. E. L. Worley entertained Monday night at a card party at her home. Assisting her were her daughters, Mrs. Wel- Bullock Takes .Job With Auto Concern And to Move Here RICKREALL, Aug. 25 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bullock and three sons hare moved to Salem where he has employment with the Valley Motor company. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Price will move about September 1 into the house vacated hy the Bullocks. Miss Aurelia Burch and Miss Mary Burch are risiting with rel atives in Tillamook. They wrote home that they are in no danger from th6 forest fire. Mrs. E. A. Stenson who is with her husband in Salem was home for a short time Thursday and re ported that Mr. Stenson is recoT ering from his recent illness very slowly. Helga Wormdahl In Charge Sunday Gathering at Tent SILVERTON. Aug. 2. Miss Helga Wormdihl, daughter of John Wormdahl of Sllrerton and a graduate ef a Bible Institute at In Romance Helen Alris Howard, 'Atlanta, Ga beauty, whose engagement to wed Anthony J. Draxal (lower), scion of the Msooinnt Kew York and Philade&tfai aoeiety family, was re. eeatn aaswasawd. The romance waa wwaan nanaamai awBMS a waanaKAflBiBV yr aaH ramUJ aft . iuH, tm wi iloward by fexaer GoremoT John , iL Slater, of Georgia. if t - 'V y 3 : L ....'Ti, OgCGOtt STATESMAN.' Saler WCTnJ SakrdaV M6rnW:AmrnSt 26, 1933 Society Editor don Hibbard, of Gladstone; Mrs. Gien Morgan, of Astoria; and Mrs. Roscoe Hibbard, of Portland, a a a St. Paul A shower was given Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Clement Vande Wiele, and Mrs. Gerald Connor, with Lester Kirk, Mrs. Richard Gooding, Mrs. Ed Daridson, Mrs. Ray Managre and Mrs. !. M. Simon joint hostesses at the Simon residence. The afternoon was spent play ing cards, with 500 prizes going to Mrs. S. J. Merten and Mrs. E. C. Davidson, and bridge awards to Mrs. Claude Smith and May Koch. Los Angeles., Calif., will speak Sunday night At the tent located at First and High streets. Her subject will be "What Lies Be yond the Grave." Miss Wormdahl will be assisted by Evangelist F. E. Crook of Eugene. Meetings will be held ev ery night except Monday, begin ning at 7:45. FINISHES SCHOOL MT. ANGEL, Aug. 25 Miss Consuella Gregush, who has been spending the past year with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Dehler and attending school in Mt. Angel, has returned to her borne in Los Angeles. iPi&nKfirnKRs spipipileiss Fall is coming. Business is increasing. Check over your supply of printed forms and stationery and place your order at once. Paper prices may go higher It is well to anticipate your printing needs for the next few months at least. The Statesman Publishing Company operates a large and modern printing plant. Skilled workmen using best and latest materials are able to turn oat high-grade work economically. Our prices are based on the standard Franklin Price Hat, a protection to the buyer of printing and as surance of fair price. Dial 9&il Commercial Printing "Department Statesman Publishing Co. Aff airs Miss Robertson Honored This Afternoon Mrs. TTatiti Af fi TOif .-en . vm ir ttovtt W All HOD or Miss Eunice Robertson, brlde- ciect or. Hnrng Knmnai .iti, . pretty garden tea this afternoon ivui d iu a n piivr , Kt. m n guests nave oeen invited. Mrs. WillarA UToraholi .. ii Jane Humphreys will pour. As- olaMn. f ... . who serving will be Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs. Kenneth Power. wis. uuinaier . Krnvn m George Weller, Mrs. Wallace Car son. Mrs. FranV iwviKiki; t and Miss Margaret Wilson. Those aSStatinr lhnnt tVa den will be Mrs. Donald. E. Pritch- . airs. Tank Chapman. Mrs. John Caughell and Mrs. Wolcott oursa, Miss Hulsev Married Friday Evening auss seryi uuisey and Donald Muellhaupt were quietly married Friday erening at 9 o'clock at the parsonage of Rer. Earl Cochran. Only members ot the family and a few intimate friends were pres ent. The bride looked rerv charm. Ing in blue crepe with white ac cessories. Alter a wedding trip to the beach, the connle will malm their home la Salem. Complimenting: Mrs. Rnth T. Reed, Alpha Phi Alpha sorority entertained with a reception Fri day night at the chapter house. Miss Helen Breithaupt and Miss Edythe Glaisyer were in charge. Actlre and honorarr memhnra aa well as patronesses were inrited. a Wayne S. Elgin of Los Anreles has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Charles S. Elgin, for the past week. Mr. Elgin ir assistant dis trict adrertising manager for bears Roebuck and company. a a Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Elford and Miss Edna Tucker hare as house guests Mr. and Mrs. John T. Tuck er and daughter Jean of Washing ton, D. C, and Mrs. W. P. Landon of Vancourer, B. C. a Dean and Mrs. Frank Erickson are in Seattle for the weekend risiting their son, Frank, who is connected with the United Air lines. They will return Sunday. a Funeral Services At 9 a. m. Today For Irene Zuber STAYTON. An. 25 Reaul- em mass for Irene Zuber, 9, who oied Thursday morning, will be held at 9 o'clock Satnrdar morn ing at the Sublimity Catholic ehurch, conducted by Fr. Frank scber bring. Irene was fatallr IniureC Wed. nesday night when she roller skated into a truck. She is Bur- rived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zuber. a brother. Cle ment, and sister, Thelma. ' CLIMB MT. HOOD MOLALLA, Aug. 25. Led by Jess Emmert and El win and Du- ane Knapp, 10 members of the Molalla Sahale club, a hiking or ganization, and their friends start ed climbing Mt. Hood early Thurs day morning. Emmert, president of the club, and the Knapps are reteran mountain climbers and hare made many trips up both the north and south aides of Mt. Hood. Other members of the party were Elmer, Ruth and Alrin Cor- dill, Louise Voget, 8. A. Knapp. Marie Mullenhoff of Bull Run and Marie Bremer of Oak Lawn. s IB ututffls II Christian Church Pastor to Open .Oratory Classes At Woodburn . WOODBURN. Aor. SK M!aa Ira Harris of Portland ha a lwuin employed to teach the nrimarv grades at the Bella Pass! school ror me coming school year. She Is taklnsr the nlace of Mrs. Vr Odgus (Mildred Haraden). Mian Harris is a graduate of Monmouth Normal school and also attended the University of Oregon. Rer. Conlev Sllsbr. outer of the Christian church, has aa. nounced that he will onen a elaaa in oratory for anyone who wishes to take adrantaee of voice train. Ing. beginning Saturday night at i o ciocK in the Christian church building. The W. C. T. TT will h a cooked food sale in th neiA hniht- ing Saturday, August 26, the pro ceeds or which will go to help carry on the work of the Chil dren's Farm Home at Corrallls. The Ray-Brown cannery here SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE OF GENUINE COWHIDE Travel Cases o XouH want to trav el when you see these new grainedj cowhide, travel cas es with their rich moire linings, chro mium and gunmetal hardware trim mings . In both men's and women's sizes. Black and deep brown. Speci ally priced at $4.95. Men's Apparel department. n cr enn II . WE ARE NOW SHOWING ALL0FTHES3 LATEST iTODELS THE IJNETTjB i i vw. m w commenced ' Its s. blackberry packj weanesaay morning and it Is ex pected the pear pack will start by September L. A heary run of pears Is expected, this year, with three shifts to be used, at least part of me uma. Mondar nizht ' will irili " h musie sight lor the Woodburn Harmonr clnh at thftlr nMthir ta be held, at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dickinson. Mrs. Peter Brachman will be In charge ot the 7:20 o'clock nrorram. assisted by J. D. Woodfln. Chemawa Grangers Oppose Legislative Session Right Now CHEMAWA. An. 25 The last meeting of the grange was held at the home of John' Zie 1 nskL During the business ses sion a resolution was passed ob jecting to the com temp lated spe cial session of the legislature. W. E. Savage. A. Bunnell and H. W. Bowder were appointed on the building committee. During the lecturer's hour the Doolittle Vaudarillians of Salem entertained with musical num bers. The September meeting will be held at the Albert Glrod home. T2 CTRLLHOUJinQ . ofWornemShaed There's a new note in shoe sty ! inr a distinct tendency, tovnard higher line this mirrors the dress- theme of higher necklines and higher mSlintry. A notable example of this new effect are the ties illustrated here. THE SUPREMB PITT will Hifttm I . ' -k v ft Fil BITES HELD fob ti. i. mm MOLALLA, Ant. 25 - Funer al serrices for W. A. Sharer, 6, who died In a Portland hospital last Tuesday were held In the Stoto hy the Adams cemetery Friday, Anst 25, at IS a.m.. the Rer. Harold Miles. Molalla offlciatlnc Mr. Sharer's death was the aftermath of a serious operation and came as a shock to his many Molalla friends. Mr. Sharer had been a resident of this community for almost 65 years. e was Dora la Sllrerton. He was also one of the early Moalla. school teachr TT at. tended both Willamette nntrer slty and the Monmouth Normal school and later tanght at both Marquam and Molalla. He was Don't know Is TOUE appetite hard to please in hot weather? What you need is Kellogg's Com Flakes crisp and oven-fresh, served with cold milk or cream and fruit. are delicious and extra refresh ing. Rich in energy and so easy to digest they don't uheat you up. Fine for lunch. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. in Pumps, Ties, Oxfords Calcutta LIZZAl PINTUCK IOD MAUDRUCA and SUEDE are the 1933 Fall leather $ shown in GREY BLACK BROWN pStuck .y s-r.rv PAGE FIVE , married la 1 1 9 & to Delia. Qena Bobbins, who 'sorrtres him. - Ho Is also snrrlTed by his Uto, children, Leo, Alfred and James. Molalla; Mrs. Frank Mailer. Mo lalla; and Mrs. Warn Wright. Canby ; fire grandchildren. ; Vir ginia, Iris Rose, and Phyllis Anne Sharer, Gena Mailer and Jane Wright; one- brother,. Edgar, Molalla; and fonr sisters, Mrs. M. K. Thomas, Beverly Hills. Cel., Mrs. Charles Scott, Seotts Mills, Wara Sharer. MoUlla. and Mrs. George Dangherty, Molalla. Six Men of Pioneer Called to Fight Fire PIONEER. Anr. 25 Howard Coy. Cecil Dell, Erwin Erickson, wiius Keller and Homer Conley -were called to near Hashlnn tn fight forest fire. There are sereral farmers here who are threshing their grain this week. DomasehofskT'a 1nst fin. Ished and Mark Blodgett intends to tnresh today. what to eat 5? CORN FLAKES n. yr V 4 t SIGNIFIES THE UTMOST IN SHOE VALUES l 4 1 3 r - i y si'- t . ..-i.t i .