3 V-pACK? CIS Tlw OltEGON CTATZCMAN, naUn. Oreom Trllxf Arrest S3. 1933 1 t SietplMews and Club WCTU Cu poses Officers f o r Next Year North Salem W. C. T. TJ. held it annual meeting Wednesday at the home of Mr. and "Mrs. Ed Ol son. Lunch was lerred at the noon hour and a business meet ing and short program occupied the afternoon. . The following officers were elected for. the ensuing year: pres ident. Mrs. Necla E. Buck; vice president. Mrs. Mollle Spiers; cor responding secretary, Mrs. E. J. William;, recording secretary Mrs. Jennie Deuber; treasurer. Mrs. Esther Olson. , Departments were adopted and directors appointed as follows: evangelistic, Mrs. Bell Roberts; religious education, Mrs. Jessie Cole; flower mission, Mrs. Anna Barnes ; . International relations, Mrs. Jessie Gles; official papers, Mrs. Esther Olson; farm home, .Mrs. Dora Forge; temperance and missions, Mrs. Maude Roberts; young peoples' branch, Mrs. Olive Goodrich; IT.L., Mrs. Arthur Brown and Mrs. Edna Lively. The -departments of scientific temperance instruction, medal contests and publicity are yet to b filled. Mrs. Mann, formerly treasurer of Multaomah'County and Wood stock Union, Portland, was pres ent and spoke briefly. She expects to make her home in Salem and will be a welcome addition to the work. Mrs'. Arthur Brown gave two readings which were greatly enjoyed. The next meeting will be held September 27 at the home of Mrs. Stella Wilson at 455 Richmond avenue. Mrs. Jessie GJes will hare charge of the program, and the subject will be Scientific Temper ance Instruction. Arrangements were made for the holding of a food sale Septem ber 18 and committees were ap pointed by the finance committee. Miss Beatrice DeGood Weds E. E. Large News of the marriage of Miss Beatrice DeGood, former teacher In the Salem schools and now of Eugene, to Mayor Elisha E. Large of Eugene has been received. The ceremony took place in Madison, S. D., home of the bride, on August . Mayor and Mrs. Large, -together with Mr. Large's son, Herbert, returned to Eugene last Tuesday night after a three weeks' trip to Chicago. Mrs. Large taught in the com mercial department of the Salem senior high school during 1924 1925. The Northwest division of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church are giving a potluck din ner this afternoon at 12:30 at the home of Mrs. C. E. Siegmnnd, Garden road. All ladies of the division are i raited. The Willamette university phil harmonic choir will return from its eastern tour September 1. WITH MAWA THESE LOW PRICES $m U OT LAST Majtag quality was never higher. . . Majtag price were never lower. There has nerer been a better time to get a new washer for your home. Visit the Majtag showroom. THE MAYTAG COMPANY . . . Newton, Iowa . WmmmS4 COME IN AND ASK ABOUT TERMS KM Tel 6022 t. Hnr low wacn oh all maytaoi Jessie Steele, SOCIAL CALENDAR ) Friday, August 1 5 1 South Salem W". C. T. U. 1 o'clock;. Rev. S. Darlow , Johnson, speaker. : Daughters of Union Veterans regular meeting In basement of Women's dub house, 7 o'clock. Reception at -8 o'clock for national and department officers in club room. Members of all patriotic order invited. Women's council of First Christian church meet In church parlors, 2 o'clock. Women's Home Missionary society of Salem district annual rally at First M. E. church, 9 a: m. to 4 p. m. Speakers: Mrs. E. J. Maple of Forest Grove; Mrs. Ruth L. Reed of Portland, and Mrs. J. J, Oeder of Portland. Ice cream social in the grove opposite Webb's gar age in Turner for benefit of school soup kitchen; Every one invited. - Berean Chapter W. W. G. at home of Gall McClean, 2720 Cherry avenue, 8 p. m. Three Link club at 2:30 in club rooms of Odd Fel lows hall for regular "business and social meeting. Northwest division of Ladies Aid of Presbyterian church potluck at 12:30, home of Mrs. C. E. Siegmnnd. Garden road. Members of Battalion Group are HonorJjuests at Picnic at Bethel Nina Ryan Becomes Bride of Orin Harr at Quiet Rites Said at Woodburn Bethel Mr. and Mrs. P. A. King entertained at their home, which was for many years the Battalion farm, with an old-home picnic for the Battalion group. Present were Mrs. Minnie Bat talion. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Busch, Mrs. S. J. Busch. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Battalion, Miss Tina Bat talion, Albin Battalion, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weenig, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Webber with Clarence Jr. and Shirley Jean, Miss Alice Gar riott of Vancouver, Miss Rosa G. Webber, Ray Whiteman of Hood River, and Mr. and Mrs. P. A. King. Woodburn The marriage of Miaa Nina Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ryan of Donald, to Orin Harr, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Harr of this city, was sol emnized at the Free Methodist parsonage here Monday at 12 o'clock. Rev. J. T. Taylor per-( formed the ceremony In the pres ence of Immediate relatives. The young couple will make their home in Woodburn at the Ro maine apartments. Gates Mrs. Claud Sellard was the recipient of a large number of gifts at a miscellaneous shower given in her honor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ed Collins near Gates, Tuesday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. Hazel Brown, Mrs. Merle Devine, Mrs. Paul Brown, Mrs. Arnold Syver son, Mrs. Sam Donnell, Mrs. Ruby Winters, Mrs. Guy Matey, Mrs. E. V. Collins, Mrs. Helmer Rue, Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mrs. Renal Hesse man, Mrs. Paul Ratzberg. Marie l Ratsberg, Mrs. Glen Henness, i lm P R I LE-S-'""A rO TTDTTT) 73 APPLIANCE STORE- 43S State St.- tausyro wtth oakxjni multi motok Society Editor Mrs. Russel Lake, Mrs. Marietta Smith. Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Spoolstra, Mm. Tilden Rains, Mrs. Ed Col lins and Mrs. Claud Sellard. Brush College The M. P. club, composed of local and Salem per sons will be entertained with a garden party at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Lee Gibson at Brush College, Saturday night. Mrs. Harry Crawford, Mrs. Pearl Grote and Mrs. Charles McCarter will assist Mrs. Gibson with the 6:30 o'clock picnic supper. A party composed of Mrs, V. Lee Gibson and sons Billy and Paul and the Misses Goldie Rain bolt and and Vera Baker returned this week from an enjoyable out ing spent at the Newport cottage of Mrs. Andrew Vercler, mother of Mrs. Gibson. Annual Missionary Rally Opens The annual rally of the Wom en's Home Missionary society of Salem district opens this morning at 9 a. m. at the First Methodist church. Meetings continue all day with a luncheon interlude from 12 to 1, at which time lunch will be served at the church. Word was recived last night that Mrs. Olive Beedle, who has charge of the boys' work at the Jesse Lee home in Alaska, will be in attendance at the rally and will speak sometime during the morn ing in addition to the previously arranged program. The program is ai follows: 9:00 Song Service, Mrs. Ma son Bishop. 9:10 Road to Service, Mrs. George Israelson. 9:25 Road Construction Ma terial. Mrs. P. J. Voth. 9:30 Road Survey, Mrs. E. J. Maple. 10:00 Music. 10:05 Meeting of Highway Commission Chairmen and High way Engineer, Mrs. Ruth L. Reed, Mrs. E. J. Maple. 10:35 Highway Signs Along the Way, Mrs. Mason Bishop. 11:00 Buz-z-z-z-z, Mrs. E. C. Miller. 11:30 Widening Trails, Mrs. C. C. Bray. 11:45 Rocky Trails, Mrs. J. L. Bray. 12:00 Lunch. 1:00 Song Service, Mrs. A. B. Evans. 1:1 Road to Service, Mrs. Lr w 1:25 Bridging Difficulties, Mrs. K. M. Durkheimer. 1:35 Information Please, Mrs. P. J. Voth. 1:45 First Service Station, Mrs. M. Schreiber. 2:00 Surfacing the Roads, Mrs. J. J. Oeder. 2:15 Marimba solo. Miss Edith Findley. 2:15 Main Traveled Roads, Mrs. Ruth L. Reed. 2:45 End of the Trail. Mrs. B. E. Parker. Adjourned. Silvefton One of the lovely late summer affairs will he the benefit bridge to be given at the Charles Reynolds home here Wed nesday afternoon. Members and wives of the library board will act as hostesses as the -"benefit Is for : the . Sijverton - public library. ' Mrs. H. B. Latham, who has been chairman of ' the . library board for 19 years, Mrs. G. B. Dentson, who has bees a mem ber of the board for . the same number of years, Mrs. Charles Reynolds, and Mrs. C. R. Wilson, are arranging the affair. Mr. Reynolds and: Dr. Wilson are members of the library board and of the city couneil. The hostesses are asking friends to make up tables and playing will commence at two o'clock. Both contract and auction will be played. .'..' Monmouth Of Interest hereFls the marriage of Miss Opal Armstrong,- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Armstrong of Lewiston, Idaho to Maurice Brislawa of Longview, which occurred Satur day night at Vancouver, Wash ington, Miss Armstrong has been employed in secretarial work, at the Oregon Normal school for the past three years. ' She Is a grad uate ot Lewiston, Idaho normal, and a member of Phi Beta Sigma. Mr. Bxislawn is a graduate of the University of Washington. Af ter a short trip Mrs. BrUlawn will return to her work in Mon mouth. Mr. Brtalawn will teach Affairs 'Majors? Announce Team Captains Team captains representing the feminine ranks of the NRA have all. been-appointed by the three majors,- Mrs, David Wright, Mrs. Cheater Car. end Un vtmm J. Weidmer, and are awaiting In structions from Washington, D. v, as io weir amies. - Those s erring under Mrs. Wright are Mrs. I. L. Darby, Mrs. B. B. Herrick. Mrs. H. R. White. Mrs; Frederick Deckebach. Mrs. Masoa Bishop, and Mrs. Walter Spaulding. Captains under Mrs. Cox are Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs. Dan Fry. Mrs. Linn Smith. Mrs. Victor Griggs, and Mrs. Frank Spears. Mrs. Weldmer announced her captains- at the first of the week a Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Le Roy card, Mrs. Russell Bene Steele, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs. Ho mer Smith, Jr., and Mrs. S. W. Starr. The entire corps Is under the direction of Mrs. Hannah Martin. Miss Buren Married Quietly Thursday " Before a beautiful Improvised altar on the staircase landing at the home ot her parents. Miss Rosalie Buren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max O. Buren, was mar ried to Marion B. Lamb, son of Mrs. George B. Lamb, Thursday afternoon at 4:30. , Dr. W. C. Kantner officiated in the presence of relatives and a few close friends. The bride was gowned In white satin, made along princess lines, and wore a long tulle Tell edged In lace. She carried a, shower bou quet. Mrs. Wolcott Buren, the matron of honor, wore turquoise blue with matching hat. and a corsage of roses. Little Mlis Nancy Buren, niece of the bride, was flower girl. She was dressed in yellow and carried a colonial nosegay. Harold Lamb was best man for his brother. Miss Rosalind Van Winkle played the wadding marches and Mrs. Malcolm Spaul ding sang "UntiL" A reception was held following the ceremony In the drawing room of the Buren residence with mem bers of the bridal party, Mr. and Mrs. Buren and Mrs. George B. Lamb receiving the guests. The bride's golng-away ensem ble was of gray printed silk with a gray' coat and fox tpr. She wore a gray hat and accessories. Following a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Lamb will be at home at the Court apartments after September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dencer en tertained members of the Artisans aft a potluck dinner last evening. The meal was served on the lawn andsguests roasted wieners around & big bonfire. eure O WJu LsNBTr t Urns Toaacco Gov Miss Armstrong Wed The marriage -of Mlsar Velma Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Armstrong, to Waldo Miller was . performed Saturday evening; August It. at the boms of the bride's - parents by Rex. Hugh N. Mccauum, The bride was chirmlat in pale bine lace gown, and carried spray gjaaioiis wun tern. The oriaa and groom were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. McCallnm unr the duet,"'! Love Ton. TrnlT" end Miss June Armstrong played the wedding march. The guests Included Alice Auf derlelde. Kathleen Lindbeck. Eth el Marshall, Tola Armstrong. Jean Koagers, June Armstrong, Jinnle Miller. Leila Fare. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Me- rCallum, Donald Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Marshall, Lloyd Marshall, Stanley Fagg, Raymond Armstrong. Lester Armstrong and Alvin Armstrong. After a recention at the bride's home the young couple left for a short wedding trip to Olympia, Washington. Reception to be Given Honoring Officers National and department offi cers of the Daughters ot Union Veterans will be honored by a re ception given tonight In the Wom en's clubhouse at 8 o'clock. Department heads of all patri otic orders affiliated with the G. A. R. are Invited, together with all members of patriotic orders in the city. Honor guests will be Mrs. An nie S. Warren, national chaplain, of Portland; Mrs. Ethel Andrews, department president, of Astoria; Mrs. Angle Dayton, department secretary, of Astoria; Mrs. Ruth Wicks, department guide, of Al bany; Mrs. Grace Wendt, depart ment patriotic Instructor, of New berg, aud Mrs. Eulena Bales, president ot the Salem chapter and department Junior vice-president. Mrs. Elva Mortimer is in charge ot the reception. Veterans Order Has Potluck Supper The Sons of Union Veterans and their auxiliary met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kruger Tuesday night for their regular monthly potluck supper and social evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Remington, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tantlss, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Mc Whorter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ad ams, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pres cott, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Perrine, Mrs. Hattie B. Cameron, Mrs. Mettle Schram, Mrs. Sophia Sykes, Mrs. Louise King, Mrs. R. L. Woods, John F. Thompson, G. R. Stover, Misses Helen, Mary, Vio let, Hazel and Doris Kruger and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kruger. Misa Verna Johns, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johns, Is spending her vacation with Mrs. Clare Vibbert and daughter. Miss Leota Clare, at their beach cottage. f;--;..vy.y;v:..:.::.x-vtf'; .-:::: -:.. y.;'::-.'.- ::::: II rr- vfCV - f s 'J - r "Yrk I Vc - -- ' -1 - - - -s -y--- -: : r?.x 1 "v7 - in!A&: y i m m Al y f B--f- y- , - , - V f ' S- 2- i , fix P v .-:.- v -VS ..' :'iX I' ii I Hi in m" -f - s, - ' j 'f A milder JLn Wteuasteetfer f a' ' ' : : ' ! jrattern -' By ANNE ADAMS A smart model for the matron and woman of larger proportions holds our attention today. It ex tolls new fashion notes skillfully applied with an eye for slimness. The contrasting scarf is softly draped and knotted on the shoul der, the waistline Is beltless for an unbroken silhouette and smart, full sleeves join .a tight cuff Just below the elbow. Black satin would be smartest. Pattern 1538 Is available In sizes 36, 38. 40, 42, 44 and 46. Size 36 takes 3 yards 36 inch fabric and yard contrasting. Illustrated step-by-step sewing in structions Included with this pat tern. Send nTTEEK1 CEKTS (15c) is eoin or ituapi "(eoias preferred) for this Antra Adrnn pattern. Writ pUinly nana, tddreit ad itrl naaa br. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. THE ANNE ADAMS PATTERS BOOK feature a charming col lection of afternoon, porta, foil, tenni d re saei, jampem, "boos frock, special bogianers' pattern, styles for Jun iors, and loTely clothes for young sters, and instruction for making a ehle sweater. SEND FOB YOC& COPT. PRICE OF CATALOG FIF TEEN CENTS. CATAX.OO AND PATTERN TOGETHER TWENTY FIVE CENTS. Address orders to The Oreroa Statesman Pattern Department, S4S West 17th St, New York City. Mrs. W. H. Henderson has as house guests until Sunday her sister, Mrs. Harold Maltby and Mrs. Thomas Field, both of Re gina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Jj Ill I k- ..a ,y J.::::-.V... .:..:... t. .'.HOMES WANTED for bright, energetic boys, and girls, aged 14 to 11 years. The children have all passed the eighthgrade, have .completed rigid mental tests and are anxious to complete their Jun ior high school-and senior nigh school work, r - Such Is the advertisement Miss Mary Sahrell .had In mind when aha conferred with. Mrs. Nona White at the courthouse yester day. Kiss Sebrelt Is a staff mem ber of the Children's Farm home at Corvallis and Is anxious to place some ot the school's older pupils.- -. N . She explained that the children, all orphans, were too old for legal adoption, but were boys and girls who would welcome and respond to good home surroundings. In re turn for. the cost of furnishing a home, persons who took the chil dren for the next few years could reasonably expect considerable home service from them. Mrs. White urges residents here Mrs. W. F. Johnson and daugh ter. Miss Leila Johnson, returned yesterday from Nelscott where they have been spending the sum mer months. Miss Evangelin Johns returned home from Portland last evening, where she has been visiting tor the past two weeks. Mrs. Lillian Cadwell has re turned from a ten day vacation in Seattle. Dt Ship and Train THROUGH VACATION LAND This ideal vacation-tour starts on a fine "Princess" liner a picturesque salt-water trip to Victoria and Vancouver. Then by rail you go through the world's .finest moon tain scenery the Canadian Reckies. Stop-ever where you please stay as long as you like. The fine resort hotels at Bans' and Lake LoaiIm, where rates have been greatly reduced, r and the comfortable Chalet Bun galow Camps afford every type of recreation. Play golf on the mile-high championship course ride horse back, play tennis, go fishing, take mountain ante . trips and swim In -warm water pools. On your way home you visit Calgary and Spokane, com pleting the circle, with never the same scenes twice. Plan to go this summer. See our local offices for literature and details. CANADIAN PACIFIC W. H. DEACON, Cent Aft. IWr Dept. 14S-A Broadway, Portland. BR. HSJ American Bank Building to comauaicats 4frcUy Wita Mlsg Sabrall at the ZlJ??:' 7$ desire, t make a horns for caw Doys ana giris can go directly to the home near HnmiK. ...a talk with tht ooyt and girls. . The management ofjhs Chll dren'a Farm home Is especially anxious to place the graduates be cause there Is no home school course beyond the efrhth and many younger children now seek a a mission to the home schooL They cannot be admitted until the older children are placed. Demos to Gather From all Parts of Valley on Sunday Residents of all nuMnn. A Willamette valley will gather at Silverton on Snndav fn Roosevelt picnic. Speakers will uciuae uarsnai ri. Dana, federal director for Oreron. TTmahTt a w n maMUlSjkUU and Idaho; J. P. Lipscomb, Port land; noi v. Marls, Oregon State college: H. B. VmUmo, t- land; Lynn P. Cronemiller, state lurester. ana wiuiam Y. Ellis, Sa lem. W. A. Delzell will net as master ot ceremonies. The picnic Is being held under the direction of the Mation coun- tv democratic orranizatinn. r which John S. Marshall is chair man. Minimum Adult Fare 50c Children Half Fan GOING Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 2, 3, 4 RETURNING September 12 (Horn b" midnight that do) Tickets will be good not only in Coaches, but in Tourist and Standard Sleepers upon pay ment of usual sleeping car charges. For complete inform ation about these exceedingly low fares can on or address General Passenger Dept., 637 Pittock Block, Portland, Ore. A i 4 i i st at LongTiew next year.