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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1933)
JL "a ne OUt,GUrb A'A'A ii:.f ANTSakra, Oregon, luurs4iFionunTllur2irisi" A. v inn YOUTHS RT : C. E. SESSION Annual Leadership Training Conference at Turner v On This Week TURNER, Aug. 23. Orer 100 young people from all parts of toe state are gathered here this -week for the annual Christian Endear or conference, which wtn close Sunday night, August 27. The delegates are eanreiriently housed on the tabernacle grounds. Study, worship and recreation are combined In this conference, at which. Dr.' To. E. Stein Is the evening speaker, Ross Guiley of Portland In charge of recreation. Dr. -Paul Brown In charge of even ing bonfire gatherings and Dr. Walter L. Meyers of Eugene Is the morning speaker. . Training Is Given Class instruction during the day Is in cbaTge of Vesta Orrlck of Eugene. Wilma Eddy of Corvallis, Viola Ogden-of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.Tloss Gully, Helen McClay of Oregon City," Glenna Stephens Of McMlnnville, Mrs. L. E. Stein and Veldon J. Dlment of Newberg. .Executives Gather Prior to convening of the gener al conference a weekend execu tive session was held, when finan cial matters were chief topic for discussion. State officers pres ent were Helen McClay, president; Viola Ogden, secretary; William Maurer of Portland, treasurer; Ralph Tarbell of Warren, James Henderson of Portland, Veldon J. Dlment, Thelma Parrish of Klam ath Fallfl, vice presidents. Others at the executive session were Dr. Walter L. Myers of Eu gene, past councillor; and Dr. . Paul C. Brown of Los Angeles, general councillor; . and Union presidents: Arno Vasse of Oswego, Norman Fraley of Medtord, Ster ling Cash of Eugeae, Mllo Ross of Salem, Marlyn Hartley or Dallas, Lovina Wilson of Tillamook, Dor othy Ham es of Forest Grove, Wil ma Howard of Corvallis and Aga tha Hurst of McMinnvlUe. Musical Program For Wheatland is Slated Aug. 30 WHEATLAND, Aug. 23 Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hunjtley and Mrs Walter Kirkwood attended the Cooperative dairy picnic at Mc MinnvlUe Sunday. Grant Walling Is a guest of hia sister. Mrs. Flora Towner at To ledo. "The Oregon Loggers" of KOAC. Corvallis, six members. will give a one-hour musical program at the Wheatland com munity hall Wednesday night, August 30. The public is invited to attend. Birthdays Spell Millions - zx ''-t f. (T? CI I ; ' - - a? V . v-'-'i I PiVir rr 111 - - , I t'A -''AI if --f ' ' ,v -Vk ? iirtii f i i."-" Vi f - t V ! , V f' J fs. J - I - : i -I ;tfi - f n" I ? 1 IC v'H ALFRED 6VYWiE THRESHER BLAZE " DC215 OUKE LDU15E ASTOC VAN ALIEN If written in round figures, the amount of money involved In the lives of these four young' Americans would read like 'wmr debts statement. John Jaeob Astor 3rd.- whose father was lost in the Titanic disaster, recently came of age and received an inheritance estimated between six and forty million dollars. Alfred G. Vanderbilt, whose father, like young Actor's, died m a marine disaster the torpedoing of the Lusitania--will -shortly come into the railroad millions of his father. Miss Dons Dake, the-"worhi,s wealthiest heiress," is approaching the day when she takes control of the tobacco millions of her late father. James B. Duke, and Hiss Louise Astor Van Alen will share in the huge fortune of her mother. Mrs. James Laurens Van Alen. n i 0NS1STBIRTHDAY HAZEL GREEN, Aug. 23 Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. It. Peterson, southeast of Sa lem, Mrs. Martha Wolf was hon or guest at dinner given by her children on her lst birthday. Mrs. Wolf has lived in this com munity for 50 years, coming from Indiana. Mr. Wolf died in 1931. The children and families were all present except Bert of Mayger, Oregon. Covers were laid for honor guest. Mrs. Wolf, Mrs- ack Campbell of Rainier, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wolf add son Kenneth of Saleni, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Wolf, Shaw, Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Peter son, Salem, Clem Wolf and daughter, Geraldine, Mr. and Mrs. Gross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFKER y r r r nil itt r -w- 23 Z?22 22 HO HI AA 't . M2 4- 'mt 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 b Archie McCorkle and daughter, Thelma. Hazel Green.. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson and son Jun lor of Salem. Man Makes $2.80 for Day's Work in Hops DAYTON, Aug. 23 More than 500 nickers began work in the Ross Wood. Ash Island, hop yar-1 Monday. One man picked 280 pounds and one woman picked 250 pounds. One cent a pound is paid for the work. 'Local people nave been emDloyed, almost en tlrely. Heavy Drains From Gervais .Water System Make No Impression GERVAIS, Aug. 23. Sparks from a threshing' machine en gine working at the Joe Doran place Monday afternoon caught the straw stack on fire and seri ous damage was threatened for a time. Men from Gervais and Lake Labish and finally the Mt, Angel fire department fought the fife before It was brought under con trol. The barn on the Anton Hauptman place ecross the road was threatened for a time. The paving company working on the Pacific highway between Brooks and Hubbard has nsed in one month 106,480 gallons of water in wetting down the fills at the Romeo Gouley, Frank and Henry Eder places and the Check erboard. This was in addition to the water nsed at the plant, which goes through a meter. The water in the 142-foot well has main tained its 23 -foot level all through. The pump starts every seven minutes to fill the 6,000 gallon tank. Party Disastrous A dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. FIckel Sunday ended rather unhappily. In the af ternoon one of the guests, Mrs. Ida Seidnnm, climbed on a ladder to pice some appies. The ladder broke and she fell to the ground, cutting a deep, three cornered gash in the calf of her right leg. Polk Wood Dealers Form Organization Under NRA Setup MONMOUTH. Aug. 23. The county Wood Dealers' association was organized here this week with retail dealers from all sec tions of the county cooperating closely on wood sawing and all retail prices. Mileages will make a little difference on hauling costs. but a general advance of 20' on all wood was indicated. An estabishd code was signed by 82 ner cent of all county dealers and will go to Washington thlB week. Retailers agreed to give wood cut ters of the county a wage on which they can earn a living. Officers are: president, W. B. Ward, Monmouth; secretary, Francis Holt, of Independence. Principals in Torch Murder - .... .-.,..,.,-.',... .... .-' - - v- " - ' J f , s ; - , , - I k - , - -1 : J r v t " s j . - : - 'r!l- - - - '" '11 : s . 7 -' II '- f r X - fcf - " . t . V-' 'ii - - !u " v s-fc -X "i I -.4 I V." iiS.. '. ' v -: A - - J IIDSH GATHER AT TALBO V - Event is Fourth Annual one In Memory of Sturdy Pioneers of 1851 ; Mrs. Earl Hanson, who is held at Roekford, I1L, In connection with the death of her former husband. Earl Hanson (right), execollve of a Rock ford machine company. Hanson's body was found m his Darned ear on the driveway of his home. Mrs. Hanson steadfastly protested her innocence. - 1 M 1ST MONMOUfH, Aug. 2S. Mrs. J. W. Tilton and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Wolveiton are home from a 21-day railway trip to Minne sota. They went to Minneapolis, from whence Mrs. Tilton visited her parents in the farming area of Morris, Minn. Crops she found were . generally poor with some sections, as at Albert Lea, fairly good. At Morris there has been no rain and Intense heat, the grain is dried up and being cut for hay because the hay crop was a fail ure. A few farmers are trying to thresh, getting two to five bushels of oats and wat per acre. Corn, always a standby crop In that sec tion, is also dried up and form ing premature f o d de r without ears. During her entire three weeks there not a single thunder shower occurred, the thermometer reached 107, and dust lay thickly over everything, with hot dry winds searing the ground surface. All dairy products were selling much below the Oregon present prices; ten5 weeks'-old pigs were bringing 61.00 each, and fryers 10 to IS cents. Passing through the Dakotas they observed simi lar conditions. TALBOT, Aug. 2S. The des cendants of Joseph and Missouri Anne Edwards met in the W. E Doty grove on the bank of the Santiam river. Sunday for their 4th annual reunion. , Joseph Ed wards crossed the plains in 18 SI while the Indians were very hos tile. He encountered many-hardships In the early days. - Mlssoarj: Anne RItner crossed the plains in 1S52 losing her fath er as they came across. Her moth er later married ' her widower's brother. : ; They homestead ed 600 acres of land at Pedee, Ore., where they lived until death claimed them both at a ripe old age. Thirteen children were born to them of which only seven are living. Mrs. W. E. Doty of Talbot being the youngest of the 13. Relatives present were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mayberry and Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Chapman and daugh ter of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bureh and. family, George Stew art -of Harrisbarg. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cady, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Burch and daughter Pauline of Albany-; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Doty, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cole and child ren of Talbot; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Allen and two sons of Marion; Mr. aad Mrs. Elmer Knight and son of Jefferson. Thief With Heart ; . Leaves DoUar for : Return; Sted$ $40 INDEPENDENCE; Aug. 23. Fred Von. Lob oc Sa lem had m costly swim Sin day atlWand's Field, south of townw -j- i i ; i-: .' r . He left his coat with f41 In the pocket in bis locked ear about a half mile from the swinuains; bole. When he finished his swim, ha dis covered! someone bad takes the car keys from bis tron ser pocket. , Investigation "showed the thief had visited the car and left him oae dollar of the f41. Hie watch was sot taken. State police were called, but no arrest has been made. . m T Grange Opposition To Special Session Voted at Ankeny TALBOT, Aug. 23. Ankeny grange, at its Saturday night meeting, went on record as oppos ed to the special session of the legislature which Governor Meier is now talking. A letter from the grange chap lain, Roswell Wright, who is now in California, was enjoyed, as well as a mixed program presented by Edwin Swartz. mm ffi SUDDENLY KEIZER, Aug. 23 Joseph Schultz, 67, died suddenly this morning about 7 : 3 0. o'clock. He had gone to the Fred Kurtz place to help with the threshing, and bad Jumped off the wagon, when he tottered nd fell. He died al most immediately. , Mr. Schultz had lived here 20 years. He leaves his jridow, Sally A., and three children: Kenneth of Salem; Raymond of Bison, Mont.. and Mrs. Ruth Addison of Salem; also three sisters, Mrs. E. W. Wickert of Salem, Mrs. Peter Hal- gren and Mrs. Frank Wolfe, both of Michigan. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. N CHURCH CLASS ZEXA. Aug. 23 Vt. and Mrs. W. D. Henry entertained fellow members of the Loyalty class of the Calvary Baptist church of Sa lem, with the annual party at their attractive suburban home, "Maple Mound", Tuesday,, night. At the close of the potluck sup per, Rev. W. Earl Cochran, pas tor of the Calvary Baptist church, was presented with' a beautifully decorated birthday cake by Mrs. W. Kenneth Henry. These present included Mr. and Mrs: W.'F. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. J. Billeter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Goo kins and son Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Dale- Taylor and daughter, Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. X. Pick ens, Mr. and Mrs. O. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schunke and children, Doris and Robert, Rev erend and Mrs. W. Earl Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. D. Petersen, Dr. and Mrs. K. Adams, Mrs. G. C. Far mer, Mrs. McMullen and son Rich ard. Mrs. Elma McAllisten and daughter, Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jenks, Mrs. E. Bingen heimer and son Wayne. Mrs. Mary Enslin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kenneth Henry and daughter Coxinne'and the hosts Mr. and Mrs. W. D. enry. TAKES CAXBT PRACTICE AURORA, Aug. 23. Dr. Hemp stead has taken over the practice of Dr. Deadman of Canby who la attending a medical clinic in the East. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dentel and family have returned from a j trip to Ontario, Oregon, and Wil liam Nagl and family are spend ing a week at the Oregon beaches. MICKEY MOUSE "Stung" into Action! By WALT DISNEY ITS Ha s$.7 $w,Jl 'iL "JEM TAKEN US TWELVE MINUTES T GET THIS FAR' BUT WITH TANGLEFOOT SCARED O HORNETS, I BET GOiN' BACK! TANGLEFOOT I . V VI I anW&A'JKP." 1 LV. THPEF MtNUTEK a I J X M 1 (lV I 1 I WJW I -m. T" bw 'BV T I THIMBLE THEATRE-Starring Popeye "Read 'em an' Weep!" By SEGAR WJRRN UP'. TtU.tA6 JOUKT THE rAOTHER. OP rAt CHUO SAID OVER TWG tELEPOAe 7 SWSHOECKtO - TUtY IwOtRE PlCKO) OP BY FttHER- V VMtH FROM HORIZONTAL 1 What great Eaperor of tk v Wett became, witk kia tweWe kgeadary pn, the kcro of chivalrtc roainct? 11 Person on whom an erder is drawn 12 BooAike cover 14 Three-toed sloth 15 Consume 16 Greek letter IT Towards " 18 Kind of eMh . 20 What Columbia prefcMer S assisUat to Cordcll HaUf 22 City in Brazil -2A-IkX fall 25 Umdw what aame did tke American kamoriat, Cksrlvt Fairer Brown, writes Arte saas T f Like 27 Ea what coantry did the Crewa Prmce mo ant Ik tkre ia lt30 altkeagk ko had ro aeaaced kia right to the sae ceesiea ia 192S? 22 Exclamation 23 Italian city ' 24 Large African antelope 25 Hebrew name for God 37 What city of ceatrat Connecti cut m famous far its silver ware? 29 Part of "to be" 40 To give an inner coating . 42 Therefore 44 Came at eards 4 What is taa miasma aamet The kair to tfco British tkraae Is the Priace af . . . . 7 49 Sense organ 60 Half an em . ' 61 Edge ef a wound 152 Fairy queen " 64 Symbol for tellurium 65 Bristly ..- "87 Pressed -. 69 Hakes less conservative " r;;--H'VE8TICAt" 1 Those who make proclamations z Exclamation 5 Inspire with reverence ' 4 Quantity of papec 6 Mather of Apolla Husband er wife I T Not at home .. . African antelope f Symbol for nickel . - , 10 Complete 11 What atraU extends 40 mile between Enrope nnd Aaiatic Turkey 7 13 Of a cheerful temperament 19 River in Italy 21 Meadow 22 Egyptian-sun god 24 Principal 25 What famous general ia the Revolutionary War was csllad "Mad Aataoav"? 28 Utilise . 29 Deface 30 Incline the head 31 Anger 36 What is the brat name of the motion picture actor who tarred in "Looking Forward' aad "Sweepmra" ? 38 Sick 39 Child's marbles 41 Negative 43 Note of the musical scale 45 Sagacious 46 One who imitates 47 Man's name 43 Principal garment of a Hindu 61 Return a ball in a high curve 53 Under what pen-name did Char lea Uickena sometimes write 7 66 Note of the musical scale 68 Compass point Herewith is the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. mPlCraS L OP CawrthlltU.Kkc K FEW MONTH URTrM 1 8&8TtOMBoPtt THE . N DEMONMS BELIEVE IN OnEKS AND EtftL SPtRVT&s: THEV fSR THE MOST SOPERSTITIOOS PEOPLE OH eARTVTH6Y te roETw thev fvne. r 5URROONDED BY PETON j J .u l :" 51 THE.T UX)RSHP EMERyTWHCi WHICH THEt THtHK MM BRlHCl THEM GOOO LOCK THET 65PECiW.LT U30RSVWP THE a NUMBER SEVEN- THEIR fLfCi llS OECORfXTEO lOiTH TOX N rut tf pivfC jujo on THE. UJHW'S If THE1 GET VOUfV WLLTHKT BAB7 THET UALL GCfT TO 00 J I TREAT HIM UHE wrm mv Fa goo soch J30Y KiO ?RtKI MINT 0JO0LO lrV Yfi&to THW IS UV THE MOTHER RfJtA NJJW FROM DEHOHlfX- SHE SGNfTTHtS BA87 TO VOO BECA06E SHE KHEttJ VOO'O F16HT FOR WM. HERE'S THE CPOSfc Wfe TPouftut -THERE fRE SEVEN MOLES OH THc H.Ob BW-K-j V.OOX i VeTHERE1 .THEYKE: 1 ME OOUJrA! 1 JOS'. LVKE THE. Ci DICE t LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY The Song of Songs By DARREL McCLURE tF&SS IL-.W . ... I L " 1 ' II fcrJ f "II 'fl i I ' ' ... I ' l 1 I 9 '4 , T!!r OH AMr-THlS JS OUST LIKE HEAOJ1 5UE VDU WILL I P 11 I I f OH, AMNiWiU-MDU LISTEN 1 - -sT ' ' -hf EVE1RNTJE TREATS AE UUST LIKE. J HOMEST EVEM IP"! JRHH if THAT PCETTV LiTTLE I ffS-fZ m I A QUECM-AWO M 6URE.ILLS0DM I WAS AWFUL SICK, TTExvf. II 1 I &ZO 60SIMG' iTSOUMDS JfZ . M B&WEXLAMD5TR0WG ASAlVjJ C0MIM6 To A MICE J J&'tl 1 L I I MUCH WCE32. THAM THE 7 4&" m afJ':-x r PLACE.LlKtTHJS f (OCH'tAwl I l2ATXiSn-lTVJCIRFUul Ii 1 rim- r f ELiTmrM I La T II AMY 1H Ml' J 1 ! .11 1 Waw fl 1 I laammmmmBBaassf, rVU rMU C ' 4-:-"' Jr arnsai I LOOK. SAOiEl-THAT BRD r6 JUST FOR VOO HE'S LOCHOM6 F3GHTAT yOU 1 GlfcSS HE WAMT5 TO TELL, VOU THAT ALL. THE BROS 'ROUND WERE. - vb WFUL oL AD TO JfcT VOU- e 19)1. King FcMafa Srndvm. Inc . Ok-it bonis nfhn il TOOTS AND CASPER Food for Thoaght By JIMMY MURPHY THiS 15 A LOVELY ROOM THEY 6 AVE US. CASPER! OCEAN VIEW AND EVERY THlNCr ! I LOVE IT HERE AT OCEAN FrVlAWSEU m STILL LAUHINCt AT THE WAY WE SUPPED CUT 0? TCYftt WITHOUT . .LETTINCt COLONEL HOOFER KNOW ABOUT IT, TOOTS! 1 I CAN FAINTLY HEAR VOICES IN THE NEXT ROOM"- BY OOVE,rLL SWEAR THAT 1 HEARD SOMEBODY MEMTTON MY NAMS- - e Km f Mm ! YES. CASPER IS ALL RIHTBUT HE'S AM AWFUL FCICI-FIJUSKSR . HE PRETENDS TO BE SO CULTURED BUT HtS TABLE MANNERS ARE TERSU2LE""" Cmumble-mumole) WHAT A PRETTY GiRL LIKE TOOTS SEES IN HIM IS A MYSTERY TO Me . ( MUMBLE- MUMBLE) WELL, COME OriHONEY! LETS CrO EATi .(KJMQLErHUHEU) c If 11 rv an u m a CASPtR! WHATS THE MATTER ?i THAT SMART ALECK IM THS Kimnr ROHM WONT BE SO HUNGRY AFTER I MAKE HIM EAT HIS WORDS! r n 8-24- 1 TOHORROV-f