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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1933)
' 1 V Local News Briefs Pattoas Have Tltltw Mr. nd Mrs. Hal Pat ton yesterday had as their go eat C. C. Slmeral, chief engineer for the Armstrong Cork company of Lancaster, Pa. Mr. Slmeral formerly -was connected with, the Portland General Elec tric company In Salem. Tuesday night he was entertained at din ner In Portland by former engin eer associates. Colonel Raymond Olson of the Oregon - national guard, former, P. O. E. man, at tended the dinner. Ice. Prompt residence delivery. Tel. 5603. Also new, modern, all ateel refrigerators at low prices. Capital lee ft Cold Storage- Co SCO Trade street. i 1 , . Dfava In this city August 11. at the age of 41 years, Mrs. Hattie Wi on, resident of route 7, Salem, Leaves a widower, W. H. Dixon, route T: three daeghters, Sarah, Margaret and Naomi Dixon, and four sons,-, Fred, George. Lores. and Dale Dixon, alt of Salem. Fu neral aerrices will be held Thurs day, August 24. at 1:19 p.m. from the chapel ot W. T. Rlgdon ft Son. Interment Stayton cemetery. Mrs. Wilson officiating. MeMaban At Portland, August 23, Eugene Harl McMahan, at the age of 37 years. Survived by father, L. H. McMahan of Salem ; sister, Mrs. Leo Barton of Tacoma; brother, Carl H. of Salem. Funeral serv ices to which only friends of the family are invited, will be held from the residence, 891 North Front street, Thursday, August 24. at 1 p. m., with Rev. Kantner offWating, and conducted by W. T. Rigdon ft Son. Interment War ren cemetery, Waldo" Hills, j Schultz ' Joseph Schultz at the residence, route 8, Wednesday, August 23, at the age of 67 years. Survived by widow, Sally A. Schultz, at home; brother. Peter Schultz of Rapid River, Mich.; three sisters; Mrs. E. W. Wlckert of Salem, Mrs. Peter Halgren of Michigan and Mrs. Frank Wolfe ot Rapid River, Mich.; two sons, Kenneth of Salem and Raymond of Bison, Mont.; daughter, Mrs. Ruth Addi son of Salem; grandchildren, Don ald and Shirley Addison and Margaret Addieon, all of Salem. Funeral announcements later by Clough-Barrick company. -o I- -o I i O- Births Eberth To Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Eberth, 1758 South 13th street, a boy, Allen LeRoy, born August 23 at the residence. lUley To Mr. and Mrs. Elton E. Riley, route four,' a girl, Mar jorle Alta, born August. 20. in this county. i ., . Lockard To" Mr. and ; Mrs. Raymond Blaine Lockard, 1940 Lee street, a girl, Irma Bernice, born August 14 at the residence. . MInten To Mr. and Mrs: Hen ry Frank , Mint en. Turner route one, a boy, Donald Alfred, born August 13 at Aumsvllle. Obituary xJ: : . Other styles x "Hyer De Luxe QuoHtjT with arch support, at $3.98 , x , Whooping: Cough Reported Two. cases of whooping cough were reported to the Marlon coun ty health department from the Yew Park district yesterday. Both patients were pre-school boys ot the same family. Scattered cases also ' have been reported In the Marion ,' and Stayton districts. Children, suspected of suffering from this -ailment should be re ported -to the health department ro order that spread of the disease may be prevented. Dr. Vernon A Douglas, county health officer, ad vised. ' '. For sale. 20 cords heavy 2nd growth fir, cheap. Call Ostlind at 4083. 50 Pickers Employed The U. S. - T. M. C. A. employment bu reau yesterday reported having obtained a crew of 50 pickers for Homer Morgan. Woodhurn route 1, who expects to sell a. large Quantity of evergreen blackber ries. He Is paying one-half cent a pound, one-quarter , cent ' bonus and furnishing pickers with camp lagJ. place, wood and water. The work Is expected to start. Friday. Jory Case Carried. OnTran script of the testimony in probate court of Holman vs. Jory was filed in circuit court here Wednes day, plaintiff carrying -the suit on after an adverse decision; from Judge John Siegmund. The state contends the estate of the late Ada E. Jory should pay more In heritance tax than the adminis trator preferred. Typhoid Occurs One case of typhoid and one of scarlet fever were reported In Marion county during the week ending August 19, according to the state depart ment of health bulletin. The only other new communicable disease cases noted were two ot influen za and five of tuberculosis, the latter all at the Oregon tubercu losis hospital. Kowitz on Vacation Chris J. Kowitz, Salem city attorney, left here yesterday with Mrs. Kowitz and their four children for coast points they will visit during a week's vacation. They planned to go first to Pacific City. Secure Decree C. V. and Stella Pfaff secured a decree by default yesterday against M. J. and Delia Steward. The decree was signed by Judge L. G. Lewelling and called for $786, interest and costs. Pays Costa H. S. Low, arrest ed for operating' a car without proper license paid $4.50 in jus tice court yesterday in settlement of the case. He reported to Judge Hayden that he bad obtained li cense. Recorder Vacations Mrs. Dan J. Schreiber, recorder at Willam ette university, left yesterday for Gearhart where she will spend the greater part of her two-weeks' va cation with her parents. PIIES CURED , Without Operation or Lot of Thn DR. MARSHALL S3 Oregon Bide PboM 6609 MEN! Shoe buying timet And Penney's NEW; "Hyer Quality" line is .ready v . in a wide variety of styles . . . all sizes! It's distinctly a "class" shoe for particular men. Choice of black or brown, semi soft or hard box toe, leather or half rubber heel; "Sporty'! and conserva tive models . ; " in Penney's greatest shoe value at $3.49 , cX- The OltEGON Tbree Vp On Traffic Coats City poll co yesterday r renewed their drive on traffic law offend ers, arresting three motorists on charge ot reckless driving sad one for cutting corner. Charged with recklessness were Lawrence Air ens, C. C. C. cams fit; Floyd H. Pugh. 80 North Liberty street and Ylcar I. Wagers, route seven. Wagers operator's license was suspended for 10 days when he pleaded guilty In municipal court. The corner cutting charge . was filed against Alford Smith of Til lamook,; j, - .- . - Habbard Store Looted Burg lars jimmied their , way into the Safeway store at Hubbard via the front door sometime, Tuesday night, located a 3301 cache of money, taking that sum and 10, 000 cigarettes, state police were informed. It was believed the loot ers bad previously acquainted themselves with the store mana ger's hiding place for the day's re ceipts. Virtually, dues were ob tained as to Identity of the bur glars, state officers said. , TJenee -Cmated -A- decree for the plaintiff In the case .of Her man Fresia against : John , and Wlnnlfred Zehnner was granted Wednesday by Judge L. G. Lew elling. the court holding for spe cific performance of the sale con tract -made between the parties. Right of defendant to redeem was extended, to November 1, 1133. The Judgment calls for 111.413 to which interest and costs are to be added. ' v -v. - Grocers Line wp EL H. Blng enhelmer ot the Irjah-Bing Gro cery company was is Eugene on Tuesday to attend, a meeting of the Lane County Grocers' associa tion, which at that time complet ed the drafting of a grocers' code for. that district. Eugene and Lane county grocers are cooper ating 100 per cent In the pro gram said Bingenheimer, who at tended the meeting at the invi tation of the group. Quota Wot Filled This district has not yet filled Its Quota of men in the standing army. Sergeant Delbert F. Gearhart, recruiting of ficer here, reported yesterday. Men enlisting through his office in the postoffice building are placed with the seventh Infantry at Vancouver. Aberdeen Slan Visits Web ster M. Ruble, advertising mana ger with the Aberdeen, Wash., World, visited In Salem Wednes day. Ruble was advertising man with the old Salem World In 1927. Blaze, 15th and B The only fire alarm sounded early yester day was for a grass blaze at 15th and B streets at 3:25 p. m. The fire did no damage, firemen said. Estate Closed Final account in the estate of the late Wencel Williams was approved in pro bate court Wednesday here. John Ames was administrator. Charlie Chan Chinese Medicine Co. 122 N. Commercial St. ; Over Salem Hardware Store - S. B. F ong. Directing Herbalist We have all kinds ot herbs for male and female disorders, kidney, bladder, stomach, every sickness. Satisfied Salem pa tients will testify. Consultation Absolutely FREE Honrs: 0 to 6; Sun-, 9 to 12 i - '. v., ' - -,-1 STATESMAN, Saleia, Oregon, Thursday Morning; August Ccs&xj EcczU . ' August 27 Rickey com munity elab aad Honeeoau tec pkade at Hagerw Grove. August T7 State Dairy, men's pieaJe at Cbatnpoes; August 27 Annual Me noneer ptende at Mc vark: aeiik at. tt 'clock; basket dinner, 180 Vclock; program phmmtd for sternoosu . September 4-9 Oregon state fair.. . . September 10-Asnericaa legion. Kingwood Poet,. No. SI. regatta, starting at 13 ooa. West Salem ea river. September 18 -Salem public schools open. . September 18 Fresh men matriculate at Willam ette udversity, other . ste, dents register September 10. September 10 Red Cross Regional Conference. September 20 . Classes begin 1933 - 1034 year at Willamette university. .. Bahes Returning Professor H. E. Rahe, instructor in public speaking and drajnatlcs at Wil lamette university, and Mrs. Rahe are- expected to return to. Salem today from- Indianapolis where they hare been-guests for several weeks of Mrs. Rahe's father. -The Rahee made the trip by motor and spent a week, visiting the Century of Progress exposition In Chicago. To Repair House Two per mits were Issued' by the city building Inspector yesterday, one to W. P. Ringle for repairing a honse at 2473 Hasel avenue at cost of $45 and to S. A. Philpott for rerooflng a woodshed at 1160 South Liberty street at cost ot $15. Crawfordsville Ilaa Here Jay Cochran, for a number ot years an employe In the George Allen hardware store here, was a busi ness visitor in Salem yesterday from Crawfordsville where he Is engaged in the sheep business. - tex - . ..- i . . .",.. : ", - " ' - Miss Thaden says: "Flying is a terrific strain at times. I frankly don't know what I should do without cigarettes. But I've found that different cigarettes have different ef fects eo Bay nerves. For some . years I've smoked CanyR They taste better. They're much milder. And I've noticed that they never upset my nerves." . . . , Miss Mabsalis sajs: "1 started smoking Camels because most of my friends who were flyers seemed to prefer them. I've never changed because I can't afford to take . chances with my nervous system.'' ' Camel's costlier tobaccos do make a differ , taste; in jmildness. . They never jangle the nerves.'. Your taste and your, nerves' will' confirni' tlu Turn to Camels, Idabo Vfaltor Mrs. Myrtle Craig ot ; Waier,.adaho,. former resident of Albany; was a Salem visitor Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Craig,, who Is spending a portion ' or the summer as the guest of her brother, Clsude Smith of Albany, reported excel lent crops Ut Indian and. Welser valleys where her husband is a stock-raiser. . i Decree Modified- The decree of divorce 'granted Beulah Rund from Joseph Rund. wa modified Wednesday In an order signed by Judge 1m o Lewelling. Plaintiff agreed, to drop, her contempt of court proceedings when defendant paid up moneys past due. Status of the children and monthly pay-1 mems oi me aeiendant were al tered in the decree. Lamkins Happy Mr. and Mrs., Walter Lamkln are having a fine time on their trip to Chi cago and other mid-west cities, they write local friends. A trip to the fair has been a part ot their, month's vacation, Mr. Lam kin Is planning to be home to re sume work as chief deputy coun ty clerk September 1. 'Small Girl Hit Lefea Mae Ev enden, '6, of 880 .North Winter street, was struck by a car drives by J. J. McDonald, Portland, at Fairgrounds and Summer streets, McDonald renorted to iuiiin No arrest was made. Condition ot the litUe girl was not considered serious. Abrams Returns CoL Carle Abrams has returned from Van couver Barracks where he put In several weeks on duty as reserve officer. No work was done on tac tics this year. Instead he was at tached to the Seventh Infantry and used chiefly in handling CCC work. CROQCIXOLK PUSH WAVE Ringlet Ends Complete $1.00 Castle Permanent Wavers Ce. S07 Est Nat'l Bk Bid., 3663 J..umuQi..3..ji)iiii iiiim.ujjuijijjw.1 immmw , m- ..-1r-r-. , , --'x-fp - 4kwx& 11 linn'llllni lit LSfi ft 1 ! -x'j" rr is I X.-. X. - ' ' w SBBnmnmsmmvv.v.wMsaaiftj. aaaayav:.. faji j 24, 1933 Health, Board Meets Members of the Marion county health de partment's executive board have been called to attend the August meeting of the health office at 6 p. m. today. Reports will be re ceived from the department staff and plans for school health activi ties discussed. Eight at Clinic Eight ore school children attended yester day afternoon's clinic st the Mer lon county health center here. Dr. J. R. Backs trand will conduct his usual baby clinic there this morn ing. - ; t ' : ' - Chemek eU at Uberty St. We FRANCES flight record Long Island, Winding sun, r.:ariE re:i to lain;; Camels- are, riiade from. - finer, MORE EXPENSIVE 2 tobaccos than any other popular brand You will- . nd Camels rich in flavor and delightfully mild. I .!CM X"'-. XX-. XXXXXl ' TT . " :: ; '"XV "jf I VXronr nerves, inato .sfa3KiCji..MWM;v jm. j'-i I-,-. - if " -JwiB--. .ic.v..-.-i-..,.i;i ...t , '. .. "':,.V;. ;. i -. Urease Siwpd4-The driv er's license of V. I. Wagers, route seven, Salem, was suspended for ten. days , yesterday by Police Judge Poulsea. Wagers - having been booked on a reckless driv ing charge to which he pleaded SwiUv. . , ' Jm CHri, Kot Boy .The Infant born to Mr. and Mrs. George Pick ens is a girl and not a boy, as previously reported. The baby has! won uawau ouuuii. uui. - , Tulane will dedicate a new gymnasium derma: the coming tootbeU 4i. Certified" Lubrication Measured in dettars tt4 eent the cost of Shell -Certified Lubricxtlon is no more than an or dinary Iabrication job. v Bat consider the earing "to yonr motor. We fol low exactly the specifications given by the manu facturer of YOUR car, nsiag eight types of the finest Shell lubricant. The complete operatioa is systematized and there is bo chance for guess work. ' ' SHELL "Certified" LUBRICATION Smith Watkins Go a Long Way to Make Friends MARSAU3 AMD LOUISE THADEN set the vorLfs endurance for women when they brought their plane down at Curdas Field, after flying more than 196 hours without a stop through, fog, rain and pitch-black night. . - TN ADDITION to their astounding endurance flight, VCas Maraalia (Lett) and MiaiThaden bold many other flying records. Miss Marudlab the women's cbampion stunt flyer of the world. It takes kaoltny nerves to fly ...doubly eo to fly like these two young women. It is significant that both are enrhnaiastic Camel smokers : v.' ' - s " W PAGS-FJVE - Y HOSPITAL BEDS ! TO RENT ; T z - Call OOIO. Caed Fnmiiure Departmeat 151 Worth-High v mm Phene 3412 OwrlchC itsa. S. X 1 sVWsadat TbvBOC GMttWB0 X .; . 'v -.'. - 160 North Liberty SU f