if 't ft. i Tha OREGON STATESflfAN, Galeae Ortzon, Wednesday tlarnlngAcgggt 23, 1933 TS. V--4 PAGE NINE t if? f 7 It1 Z t I H.. ! t , Jl- 1 0 r Business Directory to thto'dlraetarx m a bul oalr. Baut f LM 9i Um nottk AUTOBSAEES Kite raanfc itir krmk u oct or. 17 Bomfc Coiwatll Btf. CATERING Burt CraiT, th owe. Fh. t?t. CHU1NEY SWEEP St. B. MKJ CIlinOPEACTOES FLORISTS CUT -ar ehJUj mimpmii iMUtV noitoS. ill Cvurb 7L Wit GLASS jmlw ui window siM nUrror. X INSURANCE 111 H. Um Tei. ml LAUNDRIES TIM WW HAXJCM LJkUNURX SIS A tilCtt " ' ,1X . CJLflTAl CITT LULUMOXT LAWN MOWERS MlMifViiyili rpairl and ' traded. UAitttX W. ijCUiT. "The Cychi Mam. MATTRESSES Ifattrew from factor to bom. Coiioa nuauvaa, bit lb. .U. Kenwat ora aad luiuitiora, Kui cimuea. cay llot tMrUUUitf Cvk - Iti. 4Vitf. 3VU ti. CaitltwL Maw matueaa mad - to order, old rematlo ; cuimI cleaning. atatoa CluU rua weavma. h leni aunt ttaa Mai ire faviuiy, H. ilia Wuwur. XtO. 441. ouo . '6 wlcaer. ICet. 1 1 1. MUSIC STORES . GECX. & WLLXr-llaaoa, radio, aew 1ns tuaeluuea abeei iuusi aud iiauo vuUi:i Mcpatriutt ratuua, pauuuaiapiia actf avWlun uiMtflunna H biaut AUMk baieia. - . MEDICINE Charlie 'Chan CblnH aieuicme Co., lz Com'k Bt. over bueiu Maruwam. n ail klnda ol taerba tor male and te luale oiaurdera, aldoey, biauuer, Btom aco, very atckneaa, UaUMied batein liaiienu wiU tesuiy. CooauxtaUoa Xrets. liours -6. bua V-12. .When Others Fail ' Nature lierb lor every 1U. H. 8. Lew, noted Cuineae oeroailM. ' S ti. Comtnercial ' street, baleu. Orcgoa. etabUaned aioca ltli la Oaaiand, Caul. Conauliatloa iree. xetcpuooe iaS. Hours to C Sun. 1 to XI M. ' Uu Cbaa Lrfua Chin Medioaa Co. tloura 'luaaday and riday, iv . a p. in. 1 N. Cummerctal. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Kteel. KiaxL. Guitar. Mandolin. A be- alnner-a ciub every tiaU Enjoy able, educatiunal, reaulta P. MeUunKer, Stateaman U J.ei. tio. PAINT AND ROOFING Balem talM Kooflnc 474 A'erry, PRINTING roa STATIONER r. carda, pampb- tota, prosrama, booaa or any aiad ot vriauuts. call Tba ma teaman Frlailn . . . I'mn nu.rrHl '1 pbene Till. REAL ESTATE BKCKS A ttKNittUCiUV Tel. ll a Uberty Kb " XatMtk UOCOUJFSKX SON S84-I rirat MatX tta. Htda. Tel TT, STOVES 8TOVS aud atovo repalrlna. Stove to aaie, ry; ana revatreu. mjm ' kinda ol woven, wlro fence, laacy and plain, bop baaaata, booaa, loaan booaa. Haiem aence and titov Worka, SS Coetttekeia. Tel. H. aieauna. SHOE REPAIRING Low pricea. Good -ork. 0 8. Com'l. TRANSFER CAfTTAl C1TX Traaafer Co. U4 litat bb TM. nii. yiannwina iw wardias and atoraae eur . apeclalty. uet our raieaj. FOR local or distant uaaatar atoraae, call 111U Laimec Traaatet Co. Truoaa to Portland dally. TYPEWRITERS TXPEWR1TERS Adding ilcb. aold, rented, repaired, Underwood Areata. Cooke a bftort, n court. Teu aaa. WELL DRILLING R. A. West. SO yeara experience. RKD f. Box 101 B, Tel. IlOVi. . COLLIE DOQ IS LOST - LIBERTT, Aug. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Curies Kranger, ma Kran er, Rath Daris and Mr. aad Mrs. R. C. Jory and ion Roger, pent Saturday night and Sun day In the mountains at Clear Lake. . Returning home . Sunday night. Joryi found their beanti- tul collie -. dor had ' disappeared. As he nerer wandered away from horn it Is probable he may hare been taken by someone. Statesman Classified Ads v CaU 9101 Slaglor InacrUoa per Tlse.l4e Threa inaerBons ysr ' . On ....We Six taaartiona per Uaa..tr O&a maatk per line.. Il.tf MlaliBVSi cterg ...-tw Ctrpy tear ttrta pair eepud- ata t: th mrma tag borerrw vahtleattett far etaasiOcaUvw. C era J . cetve after thte ttauv wBL be ran vader lhe essd1as Too Late ta TJIassxry. The taleaman asstmea a HaancaU reajaaarbttay br aoroca which max ear la, adrcrtiteaienta pan- I uaatd a ICS cvraiBBna mua la Man arber tlflB taMT Is at fanlt will reaxlnt that J pan ox as aaiwrrejiw-r-. i wMA Ch upagraphlcal laeaWkt , r Kataaraaa the right U reject oe- I Oaaai aaveru&wg. ther isesiiis the xtghi. to classKy alL adrertiaiag ea- er the propar rttaafrrrn tie. FOR SALE MlsctDneoi3 Old mimts lc a buaat Stateamaa office. mil & Fur Corner TeU 41M. , n...ridu a. hrtn boxea. bra. t-&. Ura. WrlaM 4 ad. WaJlaoa rd. Good tent, flt.00. Tflt XSU. o-.-a. - - - wrm m and' WSOd pnia v."." 1 v 1 - SrST mOTtiia. Coit 1 10. 80. TeL . GraTeaataia anplea 1414 N. Front. yv. totte'a. other varletlea In aeaaon. X TowoaenA, Cnr. atmleeu KOe bo. TOU Pick. Bring boxes. 148T Maple Ave. -.MwAit Mnnlnf iMafluia at Grand Island orchard. Reasonable price for tip peacbea that will not BMP. favorite Individual Biea Scat grocery stores or 117 Chemeketa. MISCELLANEOUS Hair cut ZSc. Joe'a Barber Shop, 14 Sown cnurcn aireei. Exp. hair cutting, SOS & Winter SL We pick up dead, worthless horses, cows, sheep. Tel 46. Vin-.tso MONTH. Government post-idepresaion Joba Men - women, iLtft 8mIi Ouallfv now. SamDle eoaohkig aad list Jobs FREE. Apply today , sura, -3qx 1272T, care. Statea man. - - " " FOR RENT' ROOMS Rooms. TeU 6478. 695 Conrt St Nice sleep, rm. Walnut furn. 45S Center. . Rooms. TeL 8723. 725 Court ROOM AND BOARD Room, board, for men., TeL 4749. Room, board, S4.E0 week. Also gar- aae for rent TeL 79 IS. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton anartments. downtown dis trict cooL clean, comfortable, private ttath. Very reasonable. Call Pattoa'a Book Store. Apta 10 IIS. 197 N. ComL 3 room neativ furnished apt. private bath. 445 Court Street Furn. apta, 110-116. 191 S. Church. FOR RENT 2 close in duplex un furnished apta, 915.00. A. C. Bohra atedt, No. 19. Ladd A- Bush Bank Bldg. Verv nice aDartment reasonable. 1580 Center. Nice furn. apt. 690 Union. FOR RENT HOUSES Furnished, unfurnished housea H. P. Grant TeL B3S0. 1120 N. 18th St Furn. and unfurn. housea R, A. Forkner, 1410 N. Cottage. TeL SOIL FOR RENT Good 7 room bouse. All newly kalaomlned. Large walnut tree a On bua line. Sea Mra, CadweU. Stateaman office. Housea Damon. (97 N. Com'L New five room modern house and garage, close In. CAUU 7Z Of 3131 S room house, 207 Richmond Ave. Mod. 4-rm. house. 1790 N. Water. 2 room furn. garage bouse, 2241 HaceL TeL 7444. Modern T room house with oil burn er, nice lawn and shade trees, 11 blocks of State House. Price 140 per month. Not for sale. CKTLDS ft MILLER. Realtors S44 State St Phone 4701 Furn. house. Close In. Also dairy and grain farm. 710 N. HlKh FOR RENT - FOR RENT Small farm. Must have team. Write 1142 Oak, or TeL WANTED TO RENT Want to rent fully equipped farm on shares, or will manage. Not interested tn fruit Married man. Write Box 404, Statesman. WANTED Smalt, modern house about Sept 1st 6 or 4 rooms will take long-time lease. Might buy later. Address Box 268, care Statesman. FOR SALE Real Estate Suburban borne, 1 acre of land, mod ern five room house, excepting baaa ment good land, nice location. Price 13800.00. Easy terma t. . Strictly modern five room bouse, close in, a choice home at 9JO00. 49 acre tract north of Salem, an In cultivation, good deep solL good farm house at only 96600. Will consider some trade. . - f room house, ta good location In Sa lem, Will trade for house la small town. If you nave anything to trade teu us about it J. PVULRICBOa 925 Btate Btreet TaL 9471 FOR SALE Hal EtaU atebtlr T-roam semi-modeni homa basement, fireplace, beautiful grounda 129x1 JJ feet, large fruit, nut tree, gran arbor, garden, sarage. Near Jun ior blah and two arrammar schools, nice view, pared street. Only $US0. terms, uwner. 7s Knrai Arenuar TeL Sale or trade,- 1 A. eo bur ban rtome, fruit aad berries, clear, trade for mora land. Owner, 615 Piedmont St, West Salem. ' ' Build that new bouse . now on thtai corner Www lot. Do your part. TH do mine and. let yea bare tbia dandy lo cation for the price of a common lot. Owner at tOl Mission Sc. Salem. - 8TOP- PATINO RBtfT ' Two Good. Suy In. Homes . $! down. $12 wer mo., erica SloOO. Good S-R. plastered bouse, modern ex- cepc basemeat and rurnace. Paved street Aeo 17-dWa buya Rl piaav wrea couae. xtaaeeaant. A..mignty good boy for 11800. Also -R strictly mod ern. Quiet location and a good boy for It will pay you to see J AS. D.. SEARS, 1 8. High Street xiOMJE BARGAINS Walnnt grove for sale cheap. ICnute Anderson, Houte 1. Box tj. r. BEAtmrot VXEW PROEEHTT S lovely airy rooms ami nook all on one floor. parch, across- east aide of nonse arzorda view of cRr aad' mtau full baaament. furnace, flreclace.- car age, yard with wonderful, landacanlngi possiDiiiues, neansaT c berry trees-i ana aeversL outer fruit trees, larga ramny garden. Property 120x190 ft. rrcm only s45o wtth terma. . SEE Mra xnUb wtth CHILDS KHXER, Heal tors X44 State St. Phone (70S EXCHANGE Real Estate F0R EXCHANGE--Attractive auburbaa borne. Modern slx-roora booaa, grada A dairy bam. i acres. 114 mL ot. paved road. Want city home. TeL TIFJ. WIU, gtva good deal on gsod Fort land home for tng arm near 8alam. Addreae 1S1 N. K. H&laey St. Pert, land. FOR SALE FARMS CHOICE FARM IN THE FAMOUS WALDO HILLS 140 acres el ta cultivation except 19 acres of timber aad pasture, wall lo cated on saved road, H ml. of school, no house, good barn and granary. Priced very low at 9TS00. CHILD3 ft MILLER. Realtors S44 State St Phone 4708 ' 44 acres aad new modern bldga. On kAKaHAKA - 4"ve. - a a WANTED REAL ESTATE Client with 92500 cash, wants 40 to 80 A. for 96.000. See me today. Client reaay to buy. H, C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902, Business Opportunities mesa woman who can aew. Reason for selling, outside Interest Box 274 Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN PUKSONAX. LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other rood security. Repayable moouuy. wnea m unandaj need see ua berere - closing a loan. OENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Pbece 158 S PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Orecon BuildlnK. 2nd Floor Office hrs. 10:00 A. M. to 4 :S0 P. M. Telephone 2792. StaU licenae No. 8-145, . Borrow oa personal property: repay tn monthly metalline nta WILLAM ETTE LOAN (XX, Stat tie, 8-149. tws Guardian Bldg. TeL 3877. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce yout paymanta Too keep the car P. A. JEIKER Cor. Liberty at aad Ferry Pfemta 4733 Salem. Or LIVESTOCK and POULTRY - - 'i'i - -i 'i'i'i- -i-,"yyymr-uij-ij-Lrxnj Veal Wanted Highest pricea paid. Schaller Meat Supply, 190 8. 12th St FOR SALE WOOD All klnda ot wood. TeL 4419. GUARANTEED CRT wood eoal TeL 1009 Salem Fuel Co. Trade A Cot lege. Asb. Or aad oak. TeL 9949. Phone Tracy's, 2999 for dry wood. Old fir, fir knots, sec. growth ash. oaa. TeL SB7J. Box Ends 2.50 PER LOAD : Just the thing for quick hot fire. Salem Box Co. TeL 7122. Box Wood $2.50 per Load Just the thing for Quick Hot Fires Salem Box Co. Phone T122 LOST AND FOUND LOST 9 months old light red Cock er Spaniel. Reward. TeL 4304. FOR SALE USED CARS NASH S SEDAN. Second series 1932 model 1040. Six wire, wheels, good con dition. 9250.00 cash or trade. BaL 30 mo. is montns. Fbone tsu 1930 Ford Std. Coma 3255. Box 37, statesman. - POLLY AND HER PALS WHS-RE'S Myccw-Boy rW AT, UNKf I GOTTA MILK THE COW r T KMCW SILLY SKIMMER, y 'PORE 1 S.s. I-' Interesting Facts ti 1. i In-lSIS maierlala need In- the prodnctlen of fermented lienor was: Malt, 2 Jtl.71$3ii4 pbonds; rice. "1S7,750,177 poands; corn and eorn producu. .(04.890,201 pounds; hops, 3J,g3t,2P4. pounds ; sugar and syrups; ia,sga,42S poundsr Other gxiasv-14$,SS7,70 paands; other materials, SaS80, SX0.ounds.. -o-r s-: ' In 1932 the above figures shrank to the following: Malt, e,5.m ponnds; rice, t.ao 942 pounds; corn and corn pro-tocts,-.. .483,9 11 ; horpa, 1,84. 631; sugar and syrup, 22.112, 576; other material. t7$t 4T. . , ' i o ... .Hop picking la jnst: starting In Oregon and as Salem la the tenter of the hop-fields of Oregon It Is. expected that local business will show a reaction of thla Industry bs It will j)rorld emplojrment for many. There Is nearly lt.OOv acres of hope In Marion and Polk, eoontfes. . 0 Hop pickers will do well to read Friday'e Statesmen and use It as their guide in buying foods ana supplies. " ; 01: - One of the v members of Dr. Poundw Sunday scho&L class was trylnx to find out how the doctor behaved on the golf coarse so ha asked the doctor's son If the doc tor ever swore when he made a bad shot. "No., but he can throw his clnh . an mwfnlly long; way, was the reply. FOR SALE USED CARS ssSeeysaaaavBaSSpai Chevrolet GlvesrMore McKATS USED CARS 1929 Whippet Sport Coup I1J5 1930-Oafcland Sedan - . US 1932 Cbev. DeLuxa Coupe 495 1031 Bulck -Sedan , 475 1933 Chev. Coach, non-s hatter glass, only 2500 mL Can't be told from new 950 TRUCKS 1927 Chev. $125 1927 Moreland - 185 1931 Cbev. . 4 4g 1931 Chev. Six wheel att 650 1929 Reo, S-ton," hydraulic dump 475 Fair Trades Liberal Terma Open Evenings and Sandays McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center Tel. 3189 47b N. ComT. CHEVROLET GIVES MORE WANTED USED CARS WANTED USED CARS Top price for your car. If you want to sell see us. We need light closed cars. BORREGO-S CAR MARKET 240 No. Liberty Tel. 8688 NOTICE OPAPPOINTMKXT OP EXECUTOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that hy order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Ma rion County. James Ben Green hag" been appointed executor of me last win and estate .of San- ford Green, deceased. All ner- sons having claims against said estate' are hereby notified to pre sent tne same to said executor at the office of. Geo. A. Rhoten. 511 United States National . Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six montns from the date of this notice. ' ' ". Dated at Salem. Oregon. Aug ust 23, 1933. . -JAMES BEN GREEN Executor of the Estate of Sanford Green. Deceased. GEO. A. RHOTEN , . 511 U. S. Nat'L .Bank Bldr.. Salem. Or aeon. Attorney for the Estate. A. -2 3-20; 8-13-20. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, duly ap pointed by the County Court of tne state of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Mary J. Reust, deceased. and that he has duly qualified as such executor; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby-notified to present the same, duly verified. to me, at my office, 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this zsrd day of August, 1933. RONALD C. GLOVER. Executor of the last will and tes tament and estate ot Mary J. Reust, deceased. A23-30 85-13-20 NOTICE The state treasurer will pay upon presentation at his office all general fund warrants endorsed "not paid for-want of funds" between the dates ot July 5 and 15, 1933, both inclusive: In terest on such warrants ceases on this date. Dated August 22. 1933. RufusC Holman, State Treasur er, A-23 V5USOME8UDLT SWIPED ABOOT TrW J LOOKIN' llHTBElM WILLIE Pl'SOOU 20 Cents Bushel dim About September , 15, iflh Cents More Later r Whea benefit payments to Marion county wheat growersun der the agricnltaral adjustment act, will be around 22 cents jmt bashav and 20 cents of this amount will be available around -September 15, and the remainder next spring after planting time. H. A. - Lindgren, who Is - in charge -of the Marion county pro duction control campaign and has established his office at the conrt-' house, announces that plan are. now being formulated to conduct a - series of meetings throughout the county to aeanaint fanners of provisions of this plan. Mr. JJLnd gren urges that every grower in the county - cmiliaTlze- hisaeelf with the plan thoroughly, e that he eaa make an intelligent deci- slen regarding- acceptance or r e-, lection a it pertains to. his owns xarm. Tlmond place of the com munity meetings, will be announc ed In the papers. The local office is busy assem bling a complete mailing list of wheat growers in thia county, thla to be used 1n announcing meet ings and. farther explaining tho provision of the control cam paign. Mr. "Lindgren asks that growers who- are intereeted ta this plan send In their mrmee and addresses to the wheat produc tion control campaign, office, In the courthouse. Marion, county's total wheat production -for the five year aver age Is 1145,185 bushels. Of this amount. 54 per cent Is what is termed a the ounty allotment on which the benefit paymanta will be made; In other words, Marlon county's allotment will be 332,721 bushels. The total bene fit payment amounts to mere than 290,000 for the county. IS HELD OF VALUE Thoueh culling will not make high producers of a low producing flrvt of hens, the value of culling has never been greater than at the present time, according to a new extension service bulletin. "Cull ing for Production," written by F. E. Fox at Oregon State college. PnlUnsr on a. definite, recogniz ed plan Is a means of weeding out the low, unprofitable producers. Tt will not take the place ot sound management, good breeding, prop er diraa&e control, suitable nons ing, etc., says the bulletin. It Is not a cure-all fer the evilsthat hara rone before. In fact the de gree of culllng' neceesary or the percentage of culls may be an in dication of faulty management. in tha bulletin Professor Fox discusses when to cull, points In culling, and convenient practices to follow in catching and exam-, ining the birds. He says culling reaiiv ahonbf start with "the Bar ents -of the present flock." and then adds that It Is more or less of a continuous process with com nlete flock examinations each May. or Juno and -again In. August. Thla Illustrated bulletin Is free on request either from the college or from any county agent's office. SEVEN DAT HARVEST BRUSH CREEK,. Aug. 22. Threshing la well under way In this district and farmers are re porting comparatively good crops. Threshing on Paradise Alley con tinued straight through. Sunday. Thla was done, threshers report, because .grain -ripened so lata .this year that harvest Is considerably behind the usual schedule In time. IN THE ' COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON COUNTY OP MARION LN THE MATTER OF THE ES-) TATE OF OLIVER ELAM) BOND, Deceased. ) No. 81S4 NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administratrix of the estate ot Olirer Elam Bond, deceased, has filed her final ac count in the Couniy Court ot tho State of Oregon for Marlon Coun ty, and that Tuesday, the 5th day of September, 1933, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, and the court room of said court baa been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement there of. Dated and first published, August 2. 19.33; HATTIE MAY BOND, Administratrix. MILTON R. KLEPPER and ROBERT'W. GILLET, Attorneys. A-2-9-16-22-30. Broncho rn CULLING HETJ FLOCK ; I l . J I ( 5HAX55-5 OF EUJrALO ' I I -1 T2?fS?rSlA I mr tm v et t X . .. rt.j! -Hv..-r-i.i4i r . rc. I -v . r "sr 1 u ru.,M,3n. a iasis3 . y- .JLA-re ' . otrx uiuym j .' R YE ADVANCE EGG TRADEJ Top limit hit by rye, Carrying December Wheat to 97c CHICAGO, Aug. 22. (AP)' A sharp advance in rye gave wheat a firmer tone late today and turned' prices higher. Buying by' millers and eleva tors, chiefly removal ot hedges, sound rye vulnerable, and the price quickly shot up five cents a irasizei, may gotngrMo 92 cents, tha maximum advanrw mr. mltted in one day. This also ear ned wheat up, the December de livery touching 97 cents before profit taking wiped out almost 1 cents of the gain. Corn Jailed to -follow and was easy at th close. Wheat fialshed firmer. to 14- cents- higher than yester day's close and somewhat under tbo day's peak, corn easy, to lower, oats to higher. Todays closing quotations: Wheat September 88S-; December 914-; May 95K-fc. Corn September 52; De cember 57-57 1-8; May 42. Oats September 37 De cember. 40 ; May 43 1-8. General Waiiets zxoDtrtm xzcsAvax a. mw yrrrw : Duier, firsts 17. Iggs, tresh extras S3; fresh sMeJewa 20. Portland Gram PORTLAND. Aar. 22 f API Wheat Opea High Lew Close Sept TO 71 70 71 Dec. . 75 70 75 70 Cash wheat No. 1 : Bif Bead blaeatosi 7; dark hard wiater IS pet 81. 11 pet 73 ; seft while, western wafts, hard winter, aorta ern sdtIhx 09: raton nd 07. - Oats: Ne. 2 white S4.00. Cera: Ne. 3 E. y el hew 25.50. Millraa standard J. i.60. Portland Produce POBTLASD. Ore- Aec. 22 (AP) Batter prints, extras, 21c; standards 20e. Batterfst Portland deCrerr: A arade 18s lb. Farmer's doer delirerr. 16o ear lbn sweet creaa, 5e higher. t-ffi raeltie Poultry Producers' sell ing pries: OveriUa, 24c; extras, 22c; sUndsrds, SOe; mediums, 20c; pallets, lfc loien. Bayinx price bv wholesslert: fresh extras, 19e doiea; ntediumt, lSe dosea; andercrade, lie dosea. caeeis va score ureceo triplets, lie; loaf. 12c lb.: brokers will psr below e,aotatioas. Milk uoatraet price, pet., Portland delivery. 9L70 wt: B xrsle aream. 87He lb. Country Meats Selling price te retail ers: Country killed hoes, best backers, under 150 lbs, 7K.8e; Teslen, 70 te 100. OW-lOc: spring Umbs. 10-1 Is lb.; yesrliags, 4-Se lb.; heavy ewes, 2-3e lb.; medium eews, S-Oe lb.; caaaer cows, S-Se lb.; ball, 4tt-Se lb. Mohair Bnyinc pries 1939 slip. 25e lb. ... . Casesra -bark Bavins- price. 1933 peel. Sfce. . Heps nominal, 138, o-43e l. Live ponltry Portland delivery: Buy ing pries; Heavy heats, eelered, S-Sa lb., lie; do bfk lbs. p, 12c ; bens, ever 8 lbs. Set aader Stt lbs, Te; springs, inau. lie: broilers, lti-2 lbs. lSe: colored sprints, 4 lbs. op, 14e; colored roasters, under s lbs, ise; roosters, ae lb.: daeka, Pekias. broilers, 8-10c lb. Oaioas -Selliaa price te retailers! Ore gon, 9LSS eeatai. Kew ealeas Wslla WsHa. SL40 LS0 ceateL Kew potatoes Local white and ' red. 41.80 enUL Caataleupes Dillsrd stsadard, 91.89; Tskima staadarda, 75-85e erate; Ialle, Sae-fl erate. Wool 193S clip, aemiaal; WUlsmette valley. 2S-S5a lb.; eastern Oregon, 14-31c lb.; soot A era Idshe, 18-SOe lb. HayBuying price from vodneer: Al falfa, No. 1. aew crop, SIT; clover, Ne. 1. 81r Willamette' vaUev -timothy. 915: asters Oregoa timothy, SIS? oats aad gram fi ton. , - - Portland Livestock FOBTLaTTD Ore, Aug." 22 (AP) Csttla, reeeipta 4: ealves aoaa, steady. Steers, belt, 4.35-5.7 ; eemosea and medinm, S.3 5-4.60; ' hetf era, best, S0 AJ5 mediam, S.25-S.50 1 . eews, bst. 3 .00-8.95; common- and sadism, L75 1.50: censers. 1.00-2.00: bulls, best 8.00-3.60; mediam. 2.75-3.00; ealves. best, 0.00 6.50; food, 5jOO-5.50; ordin ary, 4.00-4.5O. Hiwi ntahtta 15 steadT. Top Ught butchers. 6.60-4.00; keevy bnuaers, j-a.w; -sews, - a.so-av; slaoghsar pigs, 4.25-4.75; feeder pigs. a.za-4.7. Shaea. raeelsta 1947: Steady. Xastera Oregoa lamb, ' 8.85; iambs, best S.OO-4.3S ;' medium. s.7S-6.t5 feed er lambs, 4.00-5.00; yearling wethers, 3.00-8.00: ewes.' 140-1.50. Airlie Hop Picking Will Start Sept 4 AIRLIE. Aug. 22. Tho hop men of this district are preparing tor the picking ot their crops, which will begin September 4. Fred Frokef la reporting an extra good crop and Is building a sew hop house. " - ; Several Airllo folks spent Sun day at tho Newpprt . beaches, a mong them being Mr. -and Mrs. Sam .Hastings, Mr. and Mra. Frank Cooper and Mr .and Mrs. George Plonb and Elmer Tandy and his mother. Bnster Salem" IJarliels - Grade B raw sailk. co-op pool r!oe,. ftJJO -per Sarplaa SI .S3. taaiX -based ea seal aostabr auitevraa lHa4ribwr fM-tca S1.T0 Xttftertat Top 18-1 7c, prints aOc, cubes 22c. Pricea said te rr galas bayete iintt 21 (The prices VMia. evrr&e ay -a lame aew eaaisari ar ixaait bat are as waaraataed as Te Osm ratrax ajavvaozraaxas String beawa. heal, lb, . XI H vavftege, cwt. .75 te I.DO Oseea esmeva. loeal. lb. - .05 reaa. coast, lb. J02 te JO Oaiaes. sea. boaeaea .15 Fatateea,-local 1.00 to 1.25 Utvawe. Jaeal .85 -ta A5 " raget 8ead l.OO tv 1.35 iiea. Calif., iwt. a5 Caiery. di Appke. rarenaieins .75 Orsaces. Valeaciss, fancy 8.00 te 8 .SO naee wacx 1.7a te us Beets. leeaL ea SO Tarsias, laeal crate .10 Carrots, local, das. -10 aptaaca. local, sste- lb. eatmi Haada Oram here, betbease. box Level, aea. CaasaleapeSi Craad Ils 8.00 las freak JLOO Avaeadoa. nats Italia a, aaata .1.00 erate .1X0 . .TS .05 Tossstees, 'The Dalles- Blskberriea Peaebes. CaliL, erate E Plant, erate . . .70 .1-S5 Otapss. seedlee . Cera, leeei. des. -.S5 - .08 - .08 Casabss. lb. Hors, Top, 1922. IK J50 JCOG Prlecs Extras 4 as ax J3 je A7 .11 Suadsrds Kedinms . rOCTLTBT Old roosters Colored aeaa Medium aeaa Uf-ht bene -Leghorns afSAT Spring Iambi, eop 3.25 5.50 5.25 6.00 4.50 uors. top First cuts Second cuts Plfs Steers .03 te .04 Cows , .01 to .02 Balls .02 to .03 Drossel vest, top , , .07 tt Dressed bore .07 QSA AND bat Wheat, western red , . .85 White. No. 1 . .05 Barley, top, toa te on Oats, ton "Q Hay. but ins priei Oats and vetch, toa Alfalfa, valley lit cat .18.00 .15.00 .18.00 Clover hsy WOOL Medium Coarse Mohair .25 .28 .20 .01 .OS CAS C ABA BASK Green, fb. Dry. lb. Stocks and Bonds STOCK AVEXAOZS Tedsy 94.2 61.0 88.9 88.7 85.4 83.2 68.5 irev. day Weew age Tear ago 8 yearsre . 02.4 60.7 . 89.4 40.8 61.8 . 88.0 -162.7 117.2 .102.1 68.0 43.8 23.5 72.8 89.8 . ss.i is.s 88.9 80.4 0S.7 518.8 113.7 61.S 111.0 51.S 165.1 96.0 48.0 78.0 85.0 High 1983 Lew ivs High 1982 Lew 1932 BO-TD AVZSAOSS ; 75.S 81.2 85.1 Tedsy - 80.T 60.8 80.8 rrev. day Week ago Tear age 8 years age . High 1938 Lew 1983 High 1983 Lew 1933 .75.9 .78.0 -68.S 81.8 81.1 76.1 65.8 85.S 65.4 ro.6 .93.9 108.5 .77.1 84.9 100.8 101.1 88.5 88.5 .56.8 71.S -58.2 67.0 78.0 47.4 74.1 88.2 70.0 S3.S 7S.1 57.5 Poisons Four Mark B. Shank, Akron, Ohio, attor ney, who Is held at Hot Springs, Arkansas, as tha confessed poison murderer of Mr. and Mrs. Al via Colley and their two young; sons, Clyde and Clarence. According to police Shank said he committed the crime to silence Colley, who might have implicated him in tha theft ol evidence in aa Ohio forgery ease ta u ju k AS .. ..- .75 .so 4uw, .... Huge Tomato Supply Weakening Factor; Peaches Strong . PORTLAND, Ore.. Ang. 22 (AP). Trading In the egg market continued to reflect an erratic tone today, aside from the strict ly fresh staff; which was in -moderate offering.. Some of the firms selling nothing but storage. Generally steady tone showed for lire chickens with decTeaahv g supplies of light and medium weights and continued slow sea In arrivals of. small broilers. There was no champs In price for- the day. - - 1 Market for country killed meals was- again without general quot able change. Lambs were tn very good call but at no change in price. Veal continued at . lull prlto for quality ar did hogsr - General -tone of nutter remain ed depre-sed. though low score slightly higher. Market tor. tomatoes continued to reflect weakness with husra supplies offering from Yakima, The Dalles, ha well as Increasing home grown. Pricea were aa low as 25c box for good stuff with a general top of 25e. Well maintained prices contin ued in the market for potatoes. Local stock is taking-the bulk of the demand because of the lower price, as compared with other northwest offerings. Peach trade continued to show strength with Elbertas chiefly 75 85c and J. H. Hales 85-900. Northern lettuce - firm up to 11.10 crate. Pickling cucumber movement was better with price steady. Irregular Early, Stocks go Into Brisk Rally Late NEW YORK. Ang. 22 (AP) After esrly Irregularity,, stocks swung Into a fairly brisk rally late today and net gains of 1 to 2 points were numerous at the close: Transactions totaled 1,963,515 shares. General Motors was an active favorite and up 2 points net. Chrysler, also in demand. Jumped 2U. DuPont gained nearly 4, Au burn 2 and Nash about 14. U. S. Steel, American Telephone, Cel anese. National Biscuit, Pennsyl vania, New York Central, Balti more & Ohio. Delaware & Hud son, Santa Fe Union Pacific. Great Northern, Case, Interna tional Telephone, Wilson prefer red, and Erie Improved 1 to more than 2. Armour of Illinois pre ferred Jumped almost 5 points. Radio Program Wedaesdsv, August 25 SOW rarUaad 020' Kb. 7:00 Orgma eoacert, KBC. 7:20 Orgaa concert, KBC. 7:45 Eddie King. 8:05 Soloist, KBC. 8:15 Old Memory Box, KBC 8:30 Merrie Men, KEC. 0:15 Beckaroes, KBC. 0:80 Cooking school. 10:00 Sarah Kreindler, KBC. 10:15 Books for Children, KBC. 10:30 Wemsa'a Msgssiaa ad the Air, KBC. 8:00 Jack sad Loretta Clemeas, KBC 8:90 Friendly Chat. 4:30 Life and Songs ef Stephen voe ter. 6:00 ttoUman Baad. KBC. 5:80 Myron Kieeley. KBC. 7:00 Amos 'a' Aady, KBC. 8:20 CotUa club orchestra. KBC. 8:80 Club Kaleiiaacope. 8:35 dgowater Beach hotel orchestra. 9:30 Frsacea Ingram. 9:45 Wslti Time,- NBO. 10:15 Anson ! Weeks' orchestra, KBC , 10:80 Old Portland Landmarks. 10:85 Anson Weeks' orchestra, KBC 11:00 Sid Lippmaa'a etchestra. KBC ' XOrjl PorUaad 960 Xs. " g:30 a. a. KOIH'8 Sleek. - 8:00 Yiaeeat Travers' erchestra, CBS. 8:80 Ooaeert Miaiatarea, CBS. 10:10 Kay White's Travels. 11:45 Lais BaaseU'a erchestra. 13:80 Daaiag by the Sea, CBS. 1: SO Between the Beekends, CBS. 9:00 Temiatae faacies, DLB8. 4:45 TUe Oaiaar, tenor. CBS. 6:80 Hawaiian Melodies. 6:00 Waring' a Penasylraaisna e 6: SO Howard Mare a, tenon CBS. S :45 Columbia Symphony erchestra, - CBS. T:45 Franeesce del Campo, tenor, DLBS. - :00 On Arahelm'a erchestra, DLBS. 11 :80 MeElroy'a Greater Oregoniaas. KOAO Oervattis 550 Xe. -7:00 Morning Meditstieaa. 8:00 Meraiag Concert. 8:00 Home Keoaomiea Observer. 10:80 The Psrads ef Melodies, 19:00 Keen Fam Hoar. 2:00 Aa Tom Like It with Aatheay Xawer. . -r 2:90 The Homemakara' half hear. . 6:45 Oeaevieva Baum-Oassins, erraa 1st, - -7:15 Stariee That Sdeee Telle "II . America Hsd Kot Beea Diseev- 7:30 Perm Hear. 9:00 Dc K. U Potter " The Arricab sural Codes aad Marketing Agree ' meats." . 8 : 1 5 Phi loeepher mt tha CraatroaJs. By CUFF STERRETT fHw v a :