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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1933)
vV ThM GTiEGON CTATESSIAN. Cslzzx. Dre-ca, Tiay.llonsis-r. Arrest 22. 133 ..... ' a , ' ... - . i ; Business Directory Cards In this directory nraoa a. moathly basis -emly. Rate: 81.00 par Um per eooath, ' AUTO BRAKES Mlka Panes, lb broke aad etilnuuy fl octet. 378 Boath Oo wreial Street CATERING Burt Crery. tb otiww, Ph. ?. CBU1NEY SWEEP Telephone 4480. K. Kor' CHIROPRACTORS pa. a. tjwrrr. i'bc -ciiiropracio M N. High. TeL Rea Mil' FLORISTS . CUT Dowers, wcddlua lwuiiui-Cua-ral wreaths, emworatsuua U. IT. stiatt haapt. fioilst. 81? Court. TeL it. ALL kinds et floral work, Luis aTor 1st. loth Market. Tat, til. GLASS Amu aad window Un ailrrora TeL Siva. Walter J. LA V wrejra, INSURANCE ,! N. iuaa " . - Tat tX)"fc"ET-iiJaiTH. sea. InaTaLMJU. LAUNDRIES TUal NalvV aVALAJi LAUfiURK THK WaUUJkU LAU.NLUZ til a. Utah Tel. S13 CAflTAJL C1TX LAU.NURX tixn. tu uoaiiur ana btuvncm TeleDhoaa Jl troUwa LAWN AlOVViiiiS bUiarpauwl, rciired aud traded, mum V. tiCQlA'.Jfa Ccia Man' MATTRESSES alaitreaaea froia tacUiry to home. Cotton mattress. lb. .. innovat ors aud tuauuuta. Uue cleaned. C4- ItotHeddiaa W. u CayitoL Maw snaUMM saaaa l ardar. rn whlviiul aaiam auiu Kaa a Mat- b efeciurv. bV ISta VVUuur. Tei. St4t. Ot a. tfteiw. ta, ll MUSIC STOKES GEO. C WlXJU-itaaea, radtas, sear- la. h,... s&Mi aiuaia aad kaa SiMdiea. Kayinas saoaia, amii,iara.iia an evwiaa nisi.niiut MEDlClNJfiT ' . . M 'sr nvt-r utMa xia.uv. aei e have an kinds ut lietua ivr uuim aad le- i...ila diora;r. kiauwy, biaauer, stoia- ial fcverv MitKuciii. daUeticd buiem duents will liuy. CouituiWiion tree. When Utiiers Fail Natwe.1 i lot v.e.i .u it. ti. J jojL- nntt!i Cumuo 1m.-1 DullSC 4 1 it Si. I t ..mmerL-kil bUetU Si.eiU. Oiegua. LataDlishtd Since Vilt in Uaivi-tnd. L at CuusutUiliuu t'tee. Itlepuoue bui. Hours to tt. tuu. iO to 12 M. Ur. Chan I rt" Cuiucm alUiCliie Ca. tiuurs Tuesuajf ua iiU. auu. t 4 : p. m. 14 Muuumvuu MUSIC INSTRUCTION stecL guaa. CuiMk.', MunUoiio. A be- ciuuer-a tiut .ry (ml t itiajoy novo, educaUoaai, iuu r. Melamgu. litatesmaa b FAINT AND ROOFING Salem fatal m ItuJtitia.' 44 if'errjr. FiONlING von BTATlOXliUtS. caiJa, pamirt. leu, croarama, iraeaa o any k.urt a pnuutig, call Tba State-nan PnaUng lMuaruaauu Si a. Comnwittflat. Xcr- phvnc 1L REAL ESTATE W. H. UBABMNHOB.ST CO. Tai. C4a 114 & Liberty . l!-lMli'iIKI A SON 304-1 First at L LUu mdft. XaL tS07. STOVES STOVE? awt tu revainua. Stoves tut sale, re-iL aau rcauw. im.ii at sww aire lanca taacy and puin. hop baskets, booIlv IfgaA books. K.i.m itua and Stove Worka. Sfi r-j.-nmkata. TaL 4774. K. B, ki SHOE REPAIRING Low prlcea. Guod -'ark. 0 & Oom TRANSFER CAPITAL. CJTt Transfer C, State SW Tal. I3. Wstxtosalag, for- wardina end aursge aw Ut our tataa, tnn toeai aa- disxaat traaaCar storage. caU Sill Latum Xraaatac Co. Tracks to Porttand aajy. - TYPEWRITERS TTPEWRTTERS Addtoa Men. sold. I rented, repaired. Underwood Ageata I Cooke Short. 819 Court. TeL 5584. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, SO years experience, RFD S. Boa -103 E TeL 110F5. Release Funds & Of Amity Bank Release of an additional five per cent ot deposits In both the . Commercial . and "savings depart ments ot the bank ot Amity, was announced Monday by A. A.-! Schramm Btate superintendent ot banks. il , - Releases in both departments Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 C&aaeffled fdvstg ' Stasia inxertlon per Itea.lte Three limrtton Hf Um ....... 2 8 ta iiMttlsu pir UnaHe OH Vosts pir.,UM..LII : Minimam . Charge ......Sit Xm jwi- page ecpted nntft : the am fau batera paMteaXtoa for gt.gainritlrrn lCif ro 01 be iu tnitf tit .Too Lata to Classify. The C2t4 rwpaWtftr tor errora which ay ap pear la adTcrUaasaaoU yne Ustatd la 3ta otassv sal - la case where this paper la 1 fault wM reprint Oat part t ax advTteaaet, tm -valta taa .tfpoarapaleal aUataka oeeara. . Tba Stateamaa tMarraa the rlbt to raj act obee tloaal adTrtIaln. It far ther raaarrca taa mat to classify all adTcrtlaiag aa 4er Ua propar tUsaltlca tioa. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Housewom iur and .XJ1 wages. js.xperwi. 274, statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous sasesnaayaes,jnaeaj,,'' aasasiriis-aa- One nearly new Sparks combination wood and gas range, apiw v. Transfer Co. Tel. 7 77 J. BIO PIANO SALE I'sed pianos. 45 up; new pianos. $15 up; new Grands sa up. terms. CLINE iaa (IS State Street Largest Distributors on the Pacific Coast Old papers lc a bundle. Statesman office. Saw gumming and sharpening mile E. Four Corners, ei. . Gravensteias, 60c. bring boxes, bra. t-S, Mrs. Wright 4 mi. WaiUce ra Radio for Sale 11 Oft Stewart-Warner. Re- V - B A MAMMM poeaessea. Balance one -- 15.M down. S5.0S monthly. Sea Mr. Jena at Wills Music Store. . mi LTUtr 1 ------ Good tent, 111.90. TeL IMS. aurk i-ambinatlon Kas and wood range Sii.0 cash or trade. Used oUy three asontna cost ase.vw. xci. GraT-ensteln apples J4t4 N. Front. Canning peschea Crawiords, V-uar- lotte'a other varieties in season. Tnwneend. Canning pears, 50c and zsa William. Stoddard. 1H- miles on Wallace Road. Grar. apples. 5c bu. You pick. Bring boxea 2487 Maple Ave. Good Crawford canning peaches at Grand Island orchard. Keasonaoie price for ripe peaches mat wm noi ship. Rim'a. favorite Individual plea Scat grocery stores or 1197 Chemeketa. TRADE Miaccflaneoua Will trade good Universal heater for wood. Owner, 11TS N. Com'L WANTED Miscellaneous -Lrmjinjru-ir-i i n-i- --- -.... Krraw ballnf wanted. We woald be interested in buying the straw or win bale it for you. The Rhotea baler. TeL 2353, ar call at I5s s. toga Bt, oa lem. MISCELLANEOUS PRUNE DRTING We will dry prunes on shares or at current pricea. No lot too smart. Can care for large crop. Miller Deny dra tor. , Six mL south of Salem at Sunnyside. 1-3 mL E. oa north side Turner road. Arrana-e tn next 10 days. A. M. Hammer. - Turner, Ore., Route 2. Tel. lOn-'S. Hair cut 25c. Joe's Barber Shop, 154 South Church street. Exp. hair cutting. 303 S. Winter St We pick vp dead, worthless horses. eowa, sheep. Tel." s. FOR RENT ROOMS I Rooma TeL 5C7S. 595 Court St. Nice sleep. rm. Walnut fura. St 3 Center. Boom. Tel. -STSS. 725 Court. - ROOM AND BOARD Room, board, for men. TeL (769. Room, board. 31-50 week. Also gar age for rent Tel. Tll. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pattoa apartmenta downtown dis trict, ceol. dean, comfortabla, private bath. Very reasonabla, Call Pattern's Book Store, Apta $10 $12. 897 N. Court. 2 room neatly furnished apt., private bath. 845 Court Street Fura. apta, $10-115. 191 & Church, FOR RENT S close la duplex Un furnished apta. $15.00. A. C. Bohra atedt. No. 19, Ladd A Bush Bank BIdg. Very nice apartment, reasonabla. 158ft Center. FOR RENT HOUSES Furnished, unfurnished housea H. P. Grant, TeL 8330. 1120 N. 18th St Fura. and onfurn. housea R. A. Forkner. 1818 N. Cottage. TaL S03L FOR RENT Good T room house. AH newly kalsomined. Large walnut treea On bus llna See Mra CadweU, Statesman office. Housea Demotu. 89T N, ComX New five room modern house ana garage, close In. ' CALL 1511 or 8131 8 room house, 207 Richmond Ave. Mod. 8-rm. house. 1790 K. Water. S I . - TflH RKNT i v 1! Good S R, furnished house with bath, FOR RENT FOR RENT Small -. farm. Mast bars team. Writs 114S Oak. or TeL WANTED TO RENT Want to rant fully equipped farm on share a or will manage. Not Interested I la ft-nit. ICarrUd man. Writs Box 414, Statesntaa. - WAKTED Small, modera. house I about Sept. 1st. 6 or rooms will take lons-ttme lease. Might buy later. Address boy Z5Z, care Statesman. FOR XSALE Real Estate SUBURBAN HOME New S roan shingled cottage with I 7ri;iSSi ' -. I drove - well, electric aurao. larze lilr I pool, lawn, shrubs and nowera One ttMJtffZS1 CHUULNS MIH.KK. Realtors I U4 State Street Tel. 78. 1 a swnirr i -room senu-mooarn none, i ttm mmm ftMnlaM kMnHfiil wuima 1 arap arbor, aarden. aaraae. Near lun-1 tor sign ana two grammar schools. ; nice .view. aaTed street. Cinl-r 11?EB i 8154. Suburban home, 1 acre of land, mod ern: five room house, excepting base ment, good land, nice location. Price I2800.0D. Easy terms. Strictly- modera five room house, ciose in, a cnoice Home at 83000. 45 acre tract, north of Salem, all in cultivation, good deep soil, good farm house at only J5500. Will some trade. consider I ( room house, in good location in Sa lem. Will trade for house in small town. If you have anything to trade ten as about it. J. F. ULRICH CO. 3!5 State Street Tel. 87I Sale or trade, IV A. suburban home, fruft and berries, clear, trade for more land. Owner, 58a Piedmont St., west Salem. ' " - Wi'rrrMVyrwn n ami Build that new house now on this corner view lot. Do your part. I'll do mine and let you have this dandy lo cation for the price of a common lot. Owner at 201 Mission St., Salem. STOP PAYING RENT- TWO Good Buys in Homes $100 down, 812 per mo., price 81000. Good 5-R. plastered bouse, modera ex cept basement and furnace. Paved street. Also 8175 down buys 5 R. Plas tered bouse, basement. A mighty good buy for 31800. Also 5-R. strictly mod ern. Quiet location and a good buy for oniy iizev.ov. It will pay you to see JAS. D. SEARS, 132 S. High Street HOME BARGAINS EXCHANGE Rial Estate FOR EXCHANGJS Attractive suburban- home. Modera six-room house, grade A dairr barn. S acrea 1H. mL out, paved road. Want city borne. TeL 73F3. JSJLCtLaNUIS l rw. ci- v ,ianuw mucu. iuvuuuuw v house la Portland. Owner prefers large! lot or suburbaa place In good district. Most be A-L CHILDS MTIJ.KR. Realtors 344 State Street TeL 8708. WILL give good deal on rood Port land heme for going farm near Salem. Address isis N. K. Halser St.. Port- janu. ACREAGC a. z oil east or UiUera. 4 ream banse, chicken house, good walL 3-4 A. bearing walnuts, 81550. It A. ltt sal from Salem, fair farm bldgat fenced, 1 A. orchard, some nraoer, on pavaa road, szzte. kb A.. 7 mi. from Salem, an new buildings, family orchard, well, spring water- piped to house, 82800. so a. nne land, latr bldaa. fenced. pavea roaa, ramiiy orcnard, l A. bear- in? wasauts, stocked and ' equipped, 33500. MELVIN JOHNSON, 275 State Street WANTED REAL ESTATE ssaaasiaaae.- - -, r")fVVTJ-Lri-na Client with $2500 cash, wants 80 to 80 A. for $5,000. See me today. Client reaay to ouy. s . a ----- H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bls. Tel. 890! Business Opportunities Paying business for sale for bus iness woman who can sew. Reason for selling, outside interest. Box 278. statesman. MONET TO LOAN PfcR30NAL LOANS MADE an furniture, cara salaries or other good estfuiUf. Repayable monthly, wasa rasnactai seed i us before d using a loaa. UEftSTRAL. IXVKM-THSairT CORPORATION First National Bank, BUs. Pbsns ST8S. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS! STATS LOAN COMPANT SIS Oreaoa Buildtex. Sad Floor Office hra 10 0 A. M. to 8 -A p. M. Telephone T783. Stats Ucaaas Mo. 8-isa, - Borrow aa personal property l repay In monthly testaUments, WTLLAM ETTB LOAN CO. State ha, S-189. Hi Guardlaa BIdg. TaL I TIT. MONET LOANED ON AUTOsl Contracts Refmaaeed Arranga to redoce yon paymants Toa k p tha ear P. A. ETKEB ' Cor. fJbartv St. and Fmrrv smtia JSt aeasaa. Ore. LIVESTOCK Slid POULTRY Cocker Spaniel poppies. Hatch, Aumavtlle, Ore. W. L. FOR SALE WOOD A-l oak. 18-ia. $8A deL TaL 4888. All klada at wood. TeL 4418. GUARANTEED DRT TaL aaaa ffsisss Fuel c Trade at POLLY AND HER PALS KEVErT TIMS ANGEL TH0S& BABY PISS, HAVETC 11 tiliJK lr Bf. . Tg- JIMtiM AJ Bi M I s. 1 1 . M ' v l Zl tSNJ lyZtY-JLStilM A rVH" -aes-si "V-h r-wn in litT I' A I .i : Ffireirc rve baoh-D I nz6BMax&Y7Zzw sa, jjwt KnAjJc axthesc-jrce' l K- Interesting. Pacts One flfta of all known crime is the work. of. minors. Axes 18 to 19 are the largest factors In an derworld actlrity. O All national adrertiahur is maaanrad br tha a rate 1lni Tbera re it asate unea to ma men. Aate type (S point) is smaller tnaa. the smallest type used in Statesman which is C point. . - is 8 point, the I point betas Osed s . V Klondike fold WAS diaCOTCred in Alaska IT thm ara tadav All those who hare not renew ed their drivers' licenses mast do so before September the first. O Rass Bones teele just phoned us and said that If we would put in bis headlines that he made hole number 12 in one at the Salem Golf club Sunday he would give us a bigger ad. Sony Ruaa, you can buy advertising but you can not buy news. O We hare suggested to Ralph Curtis, manager of The Statesman golf team that he put Genevieve Morgan, star reporter, on the team. We were told that she shot a snappy 43 at the Albany golf course Sunday. O Miss Scheible, washabillty ex pert, is at Miller's this week giv ing advice on how to use White King Washing soap to the best advantage. Each customer buy ing yard goods advertised in this paper to the amount of 79c or more will be given a free pack age of White King. - ' O . We asked W. E. Hutchins, a new comer to Oregon, who is now with the Johnson's Ready to Wear store, how ha liked the hot weath er. He stated that he hadn't seen any as yet, "When it gets up to 1X4 in Ohio one stays Inside," he said. O We saw Longtied, expert fly caster, cast over on the court hnnia lawn Snndav. Wa don t i v. -i v v- aurely could cast his line out eaa- lly. The action of tha wrist seems as important for easy casting aa it I does for good golf. Things done the right way always seem easy. FOR SALE WOOD Ash, fir aad oak. TeL 1841. Phono 'Tracy's, 3988 for dry wood. Old fir. fir knots, sec growth ash. oak. TeL 2873. Box Ends $2.50 PER LOAD Just the thing for quick hot fire. Salem Boa Co. TeL 7123, LOST AND FOUND LOST 8 months old light red Cock er Spaniel. Reward. TeL 4304. FOR SALE USED CARS Quality Used Cars TRADED ON TERRA PLANES '30 HUDSON LIGHT t SEDAN' $415 In extra, rood eaadltkm. '30 BUICK. STDl COUPE - 84T5 New oalnt and A-l mechanicaUy. '29 HUDSON GREATER CPE, $391 Overhauled, sew paint and tires, rumble seat and other extras. 30 8TUDB COMMAND. SEDAN $410 Tha light six model In extra good condition. - '33 DURANT 8 SPT RDSTR. $375 Arixinal finish good, motor perfect. '28 HUPMOBXLB S R. 8. CPE. $338 Rua less than 25.000, new paint aad tlrea mechanically perfect. '28 DODGE SCREEN DELIVERY JPS Good condition. State Motors, Inc. High at Chemeketa 8TUDKBAKER A HUDSON TERRAFLANB MEMRKR N. R. A. Open Evenings and 8undaya Chevrolet Qives More McKATS USED CARS 1929 Whippet Sport Coupe , , $198 193S Oakland Sedan 1932 Cbev. DaLuxo Coupe 49S 878 1931 Bulck. sadaa 1933 Chev. Coach, non-shatter alasa only 250 mL Cant be told from new 851 TRUCKS 1927 Chev. 1126 1927 Morelaad . 188 . 448 1921 Chev. ltll Chev. -Six wheel att, 850 I I9:S Reo. 3-toa. hydraolle dump 478 rair atboos laoerai imn' Open. Evenings and Suadaya McKay Chevrolet Co. i SSS Canter TeL S1S9 438 N. CoraT. CHEVROLET GIVES MORS NASH S SEDAN. Second aeries 1933 model 1080. Six wire wheels, good con dition. $360.00 cash or trade, BaL f 1 months. Phoaa . 1988 Ford Std. Coupe, 1268. Box 178. Statesman. PUHS SHEJ r a a ai w , a -w aa vx - - - y eztri ay am .a, sa sjs srr rvavJ sar m , raiaj sew a i av a s s a a a .'-mm WANTED USED CARS - WANTED USED CARS Top price for yoar ear. If roo arant to sell sea na We need Uatt closed -BORREOCS OAS MARKET -?4 No. Liberty ' 1 TeL. It NEW YORK. Aug. ll--(AP) Business fail urea . In the United States for .the- week ending Aug. 17 1 reports Dun 4k Bradstreet, Inc., were less than, one-half of those In tha 132 period. ' . The trade agency's records snow SIS defaults against SIS and S5. respectively. In - the. two preced ing weeks,-and: 61S a year ago. For the year to date the decline In failure Is equivalent to S 1.1 per cent. The situation in the south in the matter of insolvencies, it was said, continues to improve in a marked way. The reduction in the east was also? large and the num ber was lower in the western and Pacific coast states. YAKIMA, Wash., Aug. 21 (AP) While James Parker, SO, a ranch landlord, was in a serious condition with a shattered leg. Louis Gunkle, IS, was dead and his mother and small sister bore gunshot wounds today from a Sunday eviction shooting affray. Parker had ordered the Gunkle family to leave the ranch several times, he said. Near noon yesterday, police quoted Mrs. Gunkle as saying, Parker came to the ranch and as she and her small girl fled from him towards the house, he fired at them with a shotgun. She waa shot in the shoulder and the girl in her arm. By that time Louis Gunkle heard the shots, and rushed to the door, to be met by a blast of shot which hit him in the forehead, Mra. Gunkle said. He died almost Immediately. An older brother, Clarence, then caught up a 3S-30 rifle, fir ing four times at Parker and hooting him through tha leg. Ha then rushed to a neighbors ana summoned the sheriff and an ai balance. Both Clarence Grokle and his father were arrested, but released later in the day by order of the prosecutor's office. The Gunkles said they were planning to leave within a few days. Labor Day Rates Are Offered by Espee Says Noth Plans for the operation of an other, aeries of its popular Dollar Dar round trip excursions over the Labor Day period were an nottneed here yesterday by the Southern Pacific company. Covering the railroad's lines in six western states, the low-fare program will feature cent-a-mile trips from August SI to Septem ber 4. inclusive, it was made known by A. T. Noth, local agent, Tha return limit, he aaid, will be September IS. On New Deal WE Uata Green, President ef the Azaericaa Federation of Labor, Who is in Washington closely watch ing; labor'a Interest in the National Iattrl Bxeorary Admirrigtra Uaa'sprocram. It AO Comes BUB Evinine CAUSES IE DEATH n r GRAINS ERRATIC, WHEAT OUTSroETO Bad Russian Weather, Argentine Need of : Rain Ignored ' CHICAGO, Aug. 21 (AP) Grain prices moved erratically today, bat wheat and corn recov ered the major portion of a three cent decline before the close. Private reports from Russia that inclement weather indicated harvest delays and a smaller harvest-were Ignored as were official reports from Argentina telling ot urgent need or rains. A predic tion by the International Insti tute in Rome of a shortage in world wheat and a consequent ad vance in prices waa also passed by. Wheat closed fairly steady, un changed to cent lower than Saturday, corn steady to cent down, oats steady to cent off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat Sept., 87-: Dec., Sl-Sltt; May. S4-95. Corn Sept.. 52-; Dec., 57- tt-; May, 82. Oat Sept.. 36: Dec.. 39 - ; May. 52-. 1 General Markets PKODTCB KXCRAiroX PORTLAND. Ore.. Ao. SI. CAP Produce Exchange, net prices: Batter, extras 19; standards 18; prime first 18; firsts, 10. Errs, fresh extras 22: fresh medians 20. Portland Grain P0RTLA5D. Ore. Anr. 21. fAPI. waeat: Upea liig-fc Lew Closa Sept. 70 70 70 70 Bee. , 7 li IS 75 Cash wheat Ko. 1 : Bic Een Blnestem. 77: dark hard viittr 12 Dct. 7. 11 net.. 70; sett white, westera white, hard wia ter, northern spriac, e7; westera red 85. usu: wo. a white, 124.00. Cora: Ke. 3 K yellow. $24.73. Millroa sUadara, 18.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore- Aas. 31. (AP) ileus prints, extras, 21e; staadarda, Batterfat Portland delivery: A trade 17e lb. FaraMr's deer delivery. 10 per sweet cream, as aigaer. axes raetlie redltrv PredaeetV sell ing pries: OveraUe, lie ; extras, 72 e; standards, ZOe ; Btedinau. 20c ; paUets, IN Msea. Bay tax price by wholesaler freak extras, IS dsea; ssediaau, 16a eeeee: aadeiatsds. lis doaea. Cheese OS seers Orerea tripleta lie: leaf, 12s lb.; brokers will pay o belew aesaueas. sua i-oairact pnee, pet rertieaa delivery. SL70 swt.; B grale ereaas. 79ae is. Ossnstry Meats-.-8.Uiag inn te retail ess: Ceaatry killed kes, host saebers. aader ISO lbs, TK-Sc; vsaiere. 70 te 100. tt-10: spriag Uashs. 10-lls lb.; TsarHaCa. 4-5e lb.: heavy ewes. S-S lb.: mediwas cows, 5-s lb.; eanner cows, 2-Se lb.; bwus, w-e IB. Mohair Baying price 19SS cUp, 15e lb. Ca scars bark Baying price, 1938 Peel, S is e. - Heps Nominal 1938, 40-45 lb. Live aealtiy Perttasd delivery: Bay tag price: Heavy aeaa. colored, 3-SVb Iba., 12c; do lbs. up. 12c; hens, ever SH lbs. Be: aader 3 lbs, 7e; sprwg. 4 lbs. ap. lie; broilers, 14-2 las, lse; eelerea spnss, Iba up, lse; celorea roasters, aader S lbs, lie; rnoaters, Se lb.: docks. Pekias, broUeri, 8 10 rb. Oniene Sell iag price te retailers: Ore gon, 91.25 cental. New onions Walla Walla, $1.40-1.50 eeataL New potatoes Local white aad red, $1.00-1.75 cental. Caataloapes Dillard staaaard, $1.85; Takisae standards, 80-OOe crate; Dalles, 90 c -8 1.00 crate. Wool 103S- clip, nominal; Willamette valley, 23-15 Tb.; esstera Oregon, 16-31e lb.: soataera Idahe. 1S-20. lb. Hay Bnyiag price frem predocer: Al falfa, No. 1. new crop. $17: clover. Ko. 1, 814; WilUmette valley timothy. $15; esstera Oregea timothy, $18; eats aad grata f IS tea. I Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore- Aag. 81-(AP) -Cattle, receipts 8115. ealvea 108, steady. Steers, best, 5.25-5.1S; eeatssea aad asodiaas, 8.25-4.50; heifers, beat. 4.00 4.S5; medium. S.35-S.S0; cows, beet, S .00-3.25; eomasoa aad modi am, 1.75 2.50; eaaaera, 1.00-3.00; balls, best. 8.00-8.50; medium. 3.75-3.00; calves, beet, 0.00-8.60; roe. 5.00-5.50; ordin ary. A 00-4,50. Hogs, receipts: I860. Active. Top light Vatebera, 5 .SO-8.00 r heavy batchers. 6.35 5.50; sows, S.25-S.S0; ilaaghter pigs, 4.25-4-75; feeder piss, 4.25-4.75. 8heep, receipts: 8037. Lambs 25 higher. Esstera Oregoa lambs, 8.25: Iambs, beet, S.0O-,35; asednua, 4.75-5.25; feed er Iambs, AOO-5.00; yearling wethers, 3,00-A.OO; awes. l.OO-LSO, Asking Prices on WoolsStill Firm BOSTON. Aug. SI (AP)- (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Asking prleea on domestic wools are firm and unchanged from last week. The undertone of the market la par ticularly strong on 5(8, blood wool as a considerable portion ot the recent interest has been on this grade. Inquiries continue somewhat scattered. ,1StImated receipts of domestic wool at Boa ton, reported to tha Boston grata uw vwm e" , v andine- An mat it. amounted to 2.110,000 pounds as compared With 10,477,100 during the pre - Tiona week. Oat in the Wash Salem Jarltets Grade B raw 4 Batik, co-op pool price, flJSO per hHndred. Surplus f iJSS. (Milk' based aa Seal sseatkly Satseitas - sveragaj : lUstributor price f 1.70 Batterfat Top 15-1 7c, prlata SOc, cubes 22c Prleea said to were br gales barese Asgast 81 1 CTVa sricea Mew. astaaaied sv a toeai giessu sre eaduadve ef the daily ssarket eat are set rwssina by Tee btauamaat PBTJTT AXD VXSKTABLSS String bedas. local. lb. .01H Usbbage. ewt. .75 to 1.00 reea peppers, leeai, lb. .. .05 reas. coast. Ik. , .02 te .03 Oaieas. doe. beaches - J5 Potatoes, local .. ,.1.00 te 1.S5 Lettocv local AS te .05 Pocet Soond -LOO te 1.25 1.35 On tens, Calif., ewt Celery, das. .45 .75 Apple, trraveasteias Oraages, Valeacias, fancy 3.00 to J. 50 Place pack 1.75 to Z.25 Keats, local, dox. 10 10 Taraipa, local, crate Carrots, local, dot. Spinach, local, crate -Baaaasa lb. ea stock Heeds . Cucumbers, hothouse, bos - Local, doi. .. Cantaloupes, Grand Island- .10 SO 05 Jt5 te . .05 . .75 .20 -1.00 .6.00 .1.00 .835 J. 00 .1.00 . .52 H . .75 . .70 Lemons fresh Avscadoa, erate -Sqeasa. Italiaa. crate Bummer, crate Tomatoes, Th Dalles.. Blackberries . Peaches, local. Ib. Peaches. Calif, crate Egg plant, crate Grapes, teed lee- Corn, locsL dot. Caaabss, lb. .1.25 k25 3 JDS JS0 HOPS Top. 1932. lb. ooa Baying Prices Extra StasSarda btediama .1 .18 J7 JS4 .13 .OS .07 .11 POTJliTBT Old roosters , Colored bans edrent hens Light beas -Leghorns 8CBAT Spriag Iambs, tp 5.25 5.50 5.25 5.00 4.50 te .04 te .01 te .03 Uses, vow First eats Second eat Pigs Steers Cowa .03 XI J1 Dtmsel vast, tep J07H Dressed seas .074 OBAXa AXD SAX Wheat, westera red , .08 White. Ke. 1 .S Barley, top. toa 1T.0O Oats, tea Oats, milling an Oats, aad retch, tea Alfalfa valley 1st cat .13.00 J SUM Clever say .13X0 WOOL Udhua Cearse Mohair IS .28 JO XI XS CASOAB A BASX Cross, lb. Dry. ft. Stocks and Bonds Aagaet SI STOCK AVSXAGCS Today S3.4 50.7 88.9 83.4 Previous day 00.8 40.5 88.4 84.0 Week ago 80.0 49.3 0.3 83.1 Tear age 58.7 30.2 91.5 60.1 3 years agol1.0 117.5 24S.3 168. High 1033 J02.1 M.O 113.7 6.t Low 133 43.3 23.S 6L5 43X High 1032 72.3 30.8 111.0 7S.S Lew 1933 - 35.1 13.3 51.S 35.0 BOKO AVERAGES 5. 81.S 85.3 Today 80.8 SOX 80. 75.0 Pmisu day 76.0 81.0 85.4 Week ago 70.0 81.S 85.5 Tear are 67.8 78.4 84.S S years age S3. 10S.S 100.8 101.0 Hich 1033 77.1 SAO 88.5 83A Low 1S33 58.3 57.0 74.1 63.S High 1033 . 71.3 78.0 86.2 78.1 Low 1933 53.2 47.4 70.8 67.5 E BY SPBi VETS LOS ANGELES. Aug. 21 (AP) A charge that the nation al economy act was . passed through misrepresentations to congress waa made today by Col. Rice W. Means, former United States senator from Colorado, and chairman of the legislation com mittee of the United.. Spanish American War veterans, at the an nual encampment of that organ isation today. Col. Means, a past commander-in-chief of the veterans, said the bill waa written by those whose principal endeavor has been "to evade the payment of the Income tax and to exploit the American people," and that It waa consid ered only three minutes by a house of representatives commit tee before It waa reported tor p usage. Tha speaker said the only thing tha veterans ot the Spanish-Amer , -- - - lean aad World wars asked when they returned to this country waa - taa privilege or. re-euxering Tu 4 Un Ufa. aS-w ACT KIT Prices not Cnaiiged; Peaches Spurt in Strength, Noted PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 21. (AP) Eggs from outside the state were believed behind a movement today that Indicates , retail selling at a price equalling or below, that quoted to retailers by distributors, making: it -extremely difficult to maintain prices - except on . extreme top grades. Prices, however, remained unchanged. . Market for butter was without quotable change in the open trade for the week's start. Weakness continued in the mar ket tor light and medium weight hens in the live poultry trade but heavy stuff and broilers are in clined to hold rather well. Market for. country killed meats waa at full last week's final prices. The only exception to the generally steady to firm tone re mained in poor grade beef. Market on tomatoes received a setback during the day with greatly Increased offerings from Yakima as well as liberal ones from The Dalles. Still further spurt of strength '; was suggested in peach prices here and generally along the coast. Prices are steady to 5c -higher iu spots on Elbertas and J. H. Hales with limited local can ning offerings firmer, Green peppers were In overs up ply and lower. Sweet potatoes were down. New potatoes were active at un changed prices. Cucumbers slightly more active. STOCKS IMPROVE AS IS ('IB NEW YORK. Aug. 21 (AP) Stocks Improved In quiet trading today. The turnover was 1,562, 429 shares. Gsiaa were well distributed amoivg the industrials. Rails were firm bat Utilities lagged. Steels, "farm belt" stocks, chemicals, oils and repeal shares went ahead rather easily and the market ruled ahov last Friday's elose. U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Allied Chem ical. American Can, Chrysler, Sears Roebuck, Case. Harvester. New York Central, Delaware at Hudaen. Baltimore A Ohio, Cel axraae. Commercial Solvents, Creat Western Sugar, Standard Oil ef New Jersey, Texas Corpu. Indus trial Rayon. Johns-ManrUJe, Sizo moaa and U. S. Steel Preferred rose-1 te about 2 , while Union . Pacific, American Sugar, Du Boat. National Distillers, south Porto Rican sugar and American com mercial alcohol bettered that range. , Radio Program. Taeeday, Aagaet SS - KOW r.rUaae -020 . 7:00 Organ concert, NBC 7 :ie Orgaa concert, KBC. 9:45 Tea UebeU. KBC. 10:O0 Coekiac school. 10:80 Woman's sgaaiae ot the Air. SBC. 11:30 Food eonaervatiea talk. 11:45 Meredith Wilsea. KBC 13:15 Western Fane aad Hesse Hoar. KBC 12 :5 Westera Farm. KBC. 1:00 Ceaia. Orchestra. KBC. 1:45 Little dices, KBC. 8:15 Ailra's pregrash, tf Friendly chat. 4:45 Ad ven tares of Arnold aad Am bers. KBC. 5:00 Arioe trio, KBC 6:00 Lives et stake. KEC. 8:15 Coa cert trio, KEX. 7:00 Asm 'a' Andy, KBC 7:15 memory Laae. JfBC. , A 9:00 Musical sUaaeoaias. K0XO; 10:15 Aasoa Week's orchestra, KBC. 11:0 Sid Lfppasaa'e orchestra, KBC 11:30-13 Bal Tabaria orchestra, KBC JCODT rwrtlsad 980 8:30 KOIX8 Kleek. " 8:00 U. 8. aria Corps Bend. CBC 8:30 Concert Mituataro, CBS, rSO ftesaiaa Gypsy erehestra, 11:00 Horace Heidt's Cariforaiaas. 12 :00 Dea Rest, berfteae, CBS. 1:80 Between the Boewweda. 4:4S David Bee. Feet's Cold.--5 :00 Children's Badie Theatre. 8:30 Kia. Ifartini, taaer. CBS. 6:45 Light Opera Gems, CBS. 8:00 Freddie Martia's erehestra. CBS. 9.-00 rights Broelcast. 11:00 Karl Daacer's orchestra. DLBR. 1:00 Siga off.. XCOAO CervaJUs 550 Ke, 1 :00 14 oraiag sfoditatloas. 8:00 Morning Concert. SO Heme Keoa emits Observer. 10:30 Waits Melediea. 13:00 Keoa Fans Hoar. 2: S0- The Hoesesaakere' Halt Hoar. 8:00-4:00 Aeeltsa Echoes. 8 :45 Ocaevieve Beaas-Gesktas, ergaa krt. T:10 Farm Hoar. 8:000. R. Hyslea, "Kew Crops." 8:30 Masicast, Mrs. BUaley Baylia, By CLIFF SnTERRETT L. ?a $8.00., Good -4 R. house, $8.00. Call at S78 Locust Street of this bank now aggregate 15 ( per cent. 1