The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 19, 1933, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tte OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Satnrday Morning,-Angnst 19, 1933
Woodburn Wim Mee.
Schwab Hurls; Errors Help
Victory; Eligibility .
Question Settled
POCATELLO, Idaho, An. 18.
(AP) Pocatello and Wood
Burn, Ore., battled their -way to
the finals of the American Le
gion northwest baseball cham
pionship series here today and
will meet tomorrow afternoon for
the title. Walla Walla and Miles
City, Mont, will meet tomorrow
in a preliminary game for con
solation honors.
Woodburn, taking advantage
of fiTe errors by the Walla
Walla, Wash., boys, won its game
by a score of 8 to 2.
Errors gave Woodburn most of
Its scoring chances, a tour-run
rally in the sixth- inning coming
on one hit.
.Walla. Walla led early in the
fame but was soon passed and
after Reith counted with a home
ran in the sixth was held scorer
. less. Arblnl and Dyer of Walla
Walla and Battleson of Wood
burn connected for doubles.
Walla Walla 100 001 000 2 10 5
Woodburn ..001 104 00x 8 8 1
Relth, Stone and Witt; Schwab
and Voget.
Billy Black's fanning of 13
Miles City batsmen gave Poca
tello a 4-2 win in the opening
game. After seven innings on the
mound in which he allowed but
one hit and then retired to the
outfield, he was recalled to re
place McDonald who fell into
troubled ways in the ninth, being
touched for a pair of hits, one
of which was a triple by McKay
scoring the Montanans' only runs.
With one out Black struck out
Ball, pinch hitter for Gilmer,
walked the abbreviated Flinn and
fanned Nummerdor for the final
Pizer, Pocatello Ieadoff man,
connected for four hits in fire
trips to the plate.
Pocatello :a 11 2
Miles City 2 3 7
Black, McDonald and Knowles;
Nummerdor and Gilmer.
(AP) Russell T. Cook, national
Americanization officer of the
American Legion in charge of the
Legion 'Junior baseball tourna
ment, today telegraphed Sidman
L Barber, in charge of the re
gional playoff At Pocatello, Ida
ho, that the Woodburn, Ore.,
team is eligible to play in the
STOCKTON, Cal., Aug. 18
(AP) American Legion Junior
baseball teams of Salt Lake City,
Utah, and Phoenix, Ariz., will
meet here tomorrow in the first
game of the regional title play
off, it was determined in a draw
Stockton and McGill. Nev.,
nines will cross bats in the second
game of the day and the winners
of the two contests will play Sun
day for the right to represent the
region in the western district
playoff at Topeka, Kans.
Stockton and Phoenix teams,
with veteran lineups, are rated
the favorites.
18 (AP) The regional Ameri
can Legion Junior baseball tourn
ament tonight had dwindled from
a four to a two team affair as
word came from Casper, Wyo.,
that the team there had been un
able to raise expense money for
the trip.
Word had been received from
New Mexico earlier in the day
that its championship team, Las
Vegas, made ehampions after Al
buquerque was disqualified
couldn't get here.
The teams from Louisville,
Cola, and Nellgh, Neb., will plan
a three) game series for the region
al title, one game tomorrow and
a double header Sunday.
W. L. Pet
Washington ......74 38 .661
New York ..66 45 .595
Detroit 57 58 .496
Cleveland .68 59 .496
Philadelphia 55 56 .494
Chicago, 51 61 .455
Boston 48 63 .432
Et Louis ........44 73 .376
CHICAGO, Aug. 18 (AP)
Ossie Bluege'a single with the
bases tilled in the tenth scored
two runs today and gave Wash
ington a f to 4 victory over Chi
cago. It was the league leaders'
tenth consecutive victory, setting
a new American league record for
winning streaks this season.
Washington .... ....6 9
Chicago 4 10
Thomas, Russell and Sewell.
Berg; Miller, Heving, Wyatt and
Berry. .- .- ....
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 18 (AP)
. The New York Yankees landed on
Wally Hebert and Hank McDon
ald for eight hits and as many
.' runs in the fourth today to defeat
the Browns 8 to 3 behind Rusa
Tan Atta's steady . pitching. Babe
Ruth was forced out by a braised
leg when hit by a pitched ball In
. the fourth.
New York ..S 11
St, Louis ...........I S O
Van Atta and Dickey; Hebert,
MacDonald, Knott and Hmsley.
DETROIT, Aug. 18 (AP)
Detroit's Tigers, took the opening
game of a series with PbUadel
EhiA today T to 6. Williams boot
ad Gehringer't grounder la the
11 STRING T0 10
Ex-champs Try Comeback
SCHMEUMG Oj"""' " .
mU J- 1
THERE is a great chance that
the coming Fall and Winter
may turn out to be the great
comeback season of recent years.
Three gentlemen of the purple who
dropped their fistic crowns have
plans under way for the days to
Sharker. Schmeline and Canzon-
eri are the three deposed monarch I
who want to win back to the top
and who will stake their all on the
comeback trail.
Of the three, Canzoneri has about
the best chance, if yon listen to the
boys who were at the Chicago ring
side when young Barney Ross de
posed Tony and walked off with the
lightweight crown. The boys say
that . Canzoneri could have won if
he had been as good in the closing
rounds of the Cent as he was in the
early rounds. They will admit that
Barney is a grand little
Fireworks Mark Climax of
West Salem Grapple Show;
Clingman Defeats Heibert
Otis Clingman pulled one of
those miracles in last night's
West Salem wrestling card by re
covering from one of Logger Hei
bert s blows and dropping him to
the canvas with an airplane spin
to win the second straight fall
and the match. Following the
fall, Clingman and his opponent
were both stretched out on the
mat in a dazed state.
Heibert recovered first and
landed a punch to Clingman's
chin, whereupon Referee Harry
Elliott took a hand in affairs and
lowered the tough logger again
with a blow to the chin. Cling
man collapsed after being held in
order to raise his arm as a token
of victory.
Heibert opened the match by
out-fouling the Oklahoma young
ster, who finally pulled through
a siege of hair pulling to be
awarded the first fall with a
rocking split in 11 minutes.
Clingman. won the final fall in
seven minutes. In the last frame,
Heibert repeatedly landed blows
to- Clingman's head and body.
The unexpected climax came after
the logger had knocked his op
ponent groggy.
Dorry Detton and Mickey Mc
Guire, who have both appeared
in the West Salem pavilion be
fore, wrestled a clean, hard
fought match. McGuire came
through to win two out of three
falls. Using one of the most spec
tacular of holds, the Jim Brown
ing special, Detton gained the
first frame in 13 minutes of fast
wrestling. McGuire started with
head butts and finally a Boston
crab to even the match. The
time of the fall was five minutes.
The tinaf yas won by him with
series of whip wiistlocks and a
body press in 13 minutes.
Bulldog Jackson, the one-man
wrestling show, put on his main
act after he had lost a match to
Hugh Adams by the foul route.
Each had taken a fall. Jackson
seventh Inning to pave the way
for the winning tally.
Philadelphia 14 1
Detroit ............ .7 10 1
Mahaffey, Barrett and Coch
rane; . Sorrell, Fischer and Hay
worth. ; v
Cleveland won 2 to 1 over Bos
ton today.
Boston ....23:....,.. 1 I
Cleveland .. ........2 t
Rhodes And Ferrell; Harder
a&4 Spencer. - , . ,
tSl Km I
but Canzoneri was in no way put
to shame. He fought hard and fast
all the way through not hard or
fast enough for the judges, how
ever. Next month, it appears, Tony will
have a chance for a quick return to
the lightweight throne. No one can
say that Ross stalled to keep his
title. He is meeting Canzoneri in
New York and it figures to be a
whale of a fight.
As to the heavyweight big shots,
Sharkey and Schmeling: things are
shaping up nicely for a Sharkey
Schmehng bout in December. These
boys might Jost as well go at it
again. Despite the easing off in
popularity that Sharkey has suf
fered, it is not beyond possibility
that the gob can capture attention
and favor if he decisively whips
Previous to the Schmeling en
with his usual bluster took on
the referee and his opponent and
offered to fight anyone in the
stands. '
Tillamook Is sending a So
man golf team here Sunday to
play the Salem Golf clnb squad.
The local team has not been
lined np finally, and there is
room for about five more men.
Those interested in competing
are asked to get in touch with
John Varley at the clubhouse
Players so far signed up are Dr.
Woodmansee, Flannery, Crews,
Hammond, Dr. Glenn Prime, Dr.
Frank Prime, Wolgamott, Burch,
Bernard! Kuhn, Bonesteele, Day,
Skelley, Starr and Elmer Hill.
The load team will miss the
semlces of Walter Cllne, Sr.,
who la In Jail at Hood River
for burning np the Hood River
course. At leastT that's the word -'
from the Salem club, where
Graham Sharkey has been
pointing ruefully at several
brown spots on the fairways,
blaming them on dine and re
gretting that he didn't have the
stern fortitude of the Hood
River people and do something
about it
ML. Angel will play at Sweet
Home Sunday In a Mid-Willam
ette Valley Baseball association
piayou contest, sweet Home up
set the dope and defeated Stay-
ton last Sunday at Sweet Home,
but it has been learned that by
agreement made beforehand, this
was a "kings-ex" game and did
not count In the elimination eon-
test,-"The winner of Sunday's
game will entertain Stayton the
following Sunday. . It is double
elimination and Sweet Home is
A. 1 m
me muj ouuit ox the three re-
remaining, that has been defeated
once officially.
Thai was a queer mixnp at
Pocatello which got Woodbam
and some sections of Salem all
he np Thursday night. - It
seems that the Woodburn boys
counter, Sharkey will meet Xing
Levins ky in Chicago just why it is
hard to say, but it might just as
well be King Levinsky who will
start the drums beating for the
Sharkey comeback parade.
To the victor of the Sharkey
Schmeling fight will go a match
with Max Baer in California under
the sponsorship of Jack Dempsey
the promoter, you know." And that
will be the main event on the come
back circuit.
Lack of activity can be blamed in
good measure for the poor showing
of Sharkey against Camera and of
Schmeling against Baer. They
were huge disappointments.
But if either Schmeling or Shar
key tan actually make a startling
showing, the road is wide open for
a quick climb to the championship
OwnUhi. Itll. B3ac rwtan
credentials had been sent to
Indianapolis and there wasn't
anything amiss ..whatever, ex
eept that some officious official
at Pocatello wanted to start a
Somebody up there also ques
tioned the Woodburn team's
makeup because, there were Sa
lem and Silverton boys on it. That
came from only a partial reading
of the rules. The national junior
ball rules permit each state to
prescribe its own limitations of
territory within which players
may be recruited, and Oregon
with only one metropolis, made
this a district proposition to even
things up. It has been donethat
way for four years and there nev
er has been a question.
It may be that the whole
thing was deliberately engin
eered to get the Woodburn
boys np in the air, with no
thought of making the objec
tions hold water. Sounds im
possible, but there are some
mighty rabid baseball towns
over in the interior, and Wood
burn was feared.
Pocatello is undoubtedly strong.
but we suspect it is a one-pitcher
team, otherwise why would they
jerk this boy Black when he had
allowed only one hit for seven in
nings? They wanted to use him
again today. Then he can go back
to the mound in the ninth. May
be he can "take it" for two days,
maybe not. That's the only thing
that is important here, but we
might add that such tactics have
ruined promising young pitchers
more than once in the past.
NEW YORK, Aug. 18. (AP)
Two more major league base
ball managers were banished
from the game today for disput
ing decisions too vigorously with
the umpires.
Bill McKechnle, manager of
the Braves, was put out of the
Cubs-Braves game at Boston by
Umpire Powell for protesting too
long and loud on a play in the
first inning," In which two Chi
cago Cubs crossed the plate.
At the Polo Grounds in the
Reds-Giants contest, Donie Bush
claimed Fred Fitxsimmons made
a balk while Chick Hafey was at
bat In the third Inning.. Umpire
Magerxurtn failed to agree and
when Bush refused to stop the
argument, ' the Cincinnati mana
ger was ejected,., .
Schapp's Coming Sunday
Beck Will Pitch With
Manning on First
The "giant killers" of Schapp's
restaurant will invade Salem for
the third and last time Sunday
to play the Salem Senators in a
State league game. Schapp's.
strong defensively but weak at
bat early in the season, has won
its last four games as a result
of the strengthening undergone
immediately following the 1 to 0
defeat suffered here early in
Stung by that setback which
couple of timely hits might
have prevented. Manager Repp
went out and signed up some
hitters, and he brought his boys
back a short time later and ob
tained adequate revenge. Close
followers of the league's status
predict that on the final Sunday
of the season, Schapp's will knock
over the leading Federals and
tie up the race, although because
of its early season misfortune,
Schapp's Itself may not figure in
the tie.
Johnny Beck will be the choice
of Manager Frank Bashor of the
Senators to start Sunday's game
on the mound. Another change
will be the return of Ken Man
ning to the first base job, Lee
Chester having packed his big
bat and departed for other fields
of endeavor. Rex Pembertow or
Harold Colgan will fill Man
ning's place in right field, and
it is- possible that both of them
may get into the game.
The Senators made a good
showing considering the handi
caps, at Bend last Sunday. Now
out or tne championship race.
their ambitions at present are to
spoil the chances of some of the
remaining contenders, and they
have two opportunities, Sunday
against Schapp's and a week later
against Eugene.
Leo "Frisco" Edwards, long
connected with baseball here, will
be the umpire Sunday, Bashor
nas announced. Edwards man
aged the Klamath Falls team
this summer but his season there
has closed.
Ten Accused
Of Doping up
Race Horses
CHICAGO, Aug. 18 (AP) A
federal grand jury today struck a
stunning blow in the nationwide
race track "doping" scandal, ac
cusing ten men of giving narcotics
to race horses.
Five indictments were return
ed, each naming one to three per
sons and charging violations of
the- Harrison anti-narcotics law
and the internal revenue laws by
possession of narcotics unlawfully
Outstanding among the defend
ants were H. Price Headley, Lex
ington, Ky., turfman; A. A. Bar
onl, Reno, Ner., horse owner;
Benjamin Creech, Lexington, Ky.,
manager of the stable owned by
bis wife, Mrs. Creech; Jack How
ard, also of Lexington, who also
manages his wife's stables; Ivan.
H. Parke, former noted Jockey
and now a trainer, and Dr. Nel
son Edward Southard, a veterin
arian of Louisville, Ky.
Baroni was named in the in
dictments with James Hexhin, an
exercise boy: Howard, with
Charles Mitchell, an exercise boy;
Headley, with Marvin Hardin, an
exercise boy. and Creech with
Parke and William Paine, also an
exercise boy.
Bond for each of the defend
ants was set at 15.000.
Two ' hundred and fifty race
horses were given narcotics at
tracks in Chicago and through the
south and east, the indictments
charged, but only few were men
tioned. Some were among the best
known thoroughbreds of the
American turf. They Included
Marmlon, Ebony Lady, Spud, Ade
laide A. Liqueur, Portcodine, Dr.
Parris, Threat, Louie Dear, Is
lam, Technique, Big Beau, Street
Singer, Ttfin and Snaplock.
In a 10-lnnlng-game yesterday
on the Lincoln playgrounds, Lin
coln's third team defeated din
ger's third, 8 to 7, to take the
championship for the summer, the
There's a new note in shoe styl
inga distinct tendency toward
higher lines this mirrors the
dress theme of higher necklines
and higher millinery. A notable
example of this new effect art
the ties illustrated here.
.k. snr
third taken by Lincoln teams this
Previously the second team had
led in its division and Lincoln
girls had for the first time taken
the girls' championship.
The . championship for first
teams among the boys has' not
yet been awarded; O linger is lead-,
ing by one game but will play the
Lincoln lads next week.-
Yesterday's game, was one of
the big events at the south play
grounds, marking the close of the
grounds for the season.
Playing for the Lincoln third
team were McPeak, catcher; Mc
Kay, pitcher; Schelbner lb, Smal
ler, Hansen 2b, King Is, Krue
ger 3b, Randall'lf, Mason cf, Nel
son rf.
W. L. Pet.
New York 66 43 .606
Pittsburgh 62 49 .559
Chicago .62 51 .549
St. Louis 62 '53 .539
Boston .......... .60 53- .531
Philadelphia .....46 64 .418
Brooklyn ........44 63 .411
Cincinnati 44 70 .386
NEW YORK, Aug. 18 (AP)
Fred Fitzslmmons outpitched Red
Lucas today to give the Giants
the third straight victory over
Cincinnati, 4 to 1. Lucas' single
with two out in the ninth cost the
New York pitcher's shutout.
Johnny Verges hit his 13 th hom
er for the Giants.
Cincinnati 1 10 0
New York 4 13 1
Lucas and Lombard! ; Fitcsim
mons and Mancuso.
BOSTON, Aug. 18 (AP)
Chicago scored three runs in the
first inning, two on an error by
Huck Betts, and defeated Boston
4 to 3 today.
Chicago 4 10 1
Boston . ....3 9 3
Root, Nelson and Hartnett;
Betts and Spohrer.
St. Louis at
poned, rain.
Philadelphia post-
Just a few weeks before his 71st
birthday Almos Alonzo Stagg, fa
mous University of Chicago foot
ball coach, filed the entry for
himself and son, Paul, in the west
ern veterans' father and son ten
nis tourney.
in Pumps, Ties, Oxfords
Calcutta LIZZARD
ore the 1933 Fall leathers
shown in
m 'aasMMiannnnnna.
Oakie to Oppose Bennett;
Barrackman Returning,
Will Meet Martin
Some lively action at the ar
mory mat shows, for the next few
weeks is assured with the an'
nouncemest that Mervin Barrack
man, one of those grapplers who -never
fall to "pull something", is
coming back. He has been, signed
up for next Tuesday night against
"Bunny" Martin, the tough Seat-,
But that is not the only big at
traction billed for Tuesday. 8teve
Oakie, the only full blooded Eski
mo in the grappling business, will
make his first' appearance here,
meeting Salem's latest favorite,
George Bennett. Oakie has been
defeating some of the leaders in
the junior middleweight class In
the northwest and is expected to
give Bennett a tussle, aside from
the color which his debut will
lend to the occasion.
Both of these bouts are billed
for two hours, as equal attractions
on a double main event card. The
third bout will be alS-minute af
fair between Jesse McCann, bro
ther of the "Wildcat." and Prof.
Newton of Oregon City.
Colored Team to
Play Silverton
"SILVERTON, Aug. 18 The
Negro House of David ball club of
Chicago will play the Silverton
ball club here Saturday afternoon
at the Eureka field. The game
starts at 5 o'clock and hundreds
are planning to attend.
Xefckowin, Oregon
to the Guests of the Hotel
Campground and Cottages
until Course is Finished.
Still Under Construction
but Playable