T- The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Blornlng, Aognst 19, 1933 PAGE six ) BBHU TO VISIT FRIGATE DALLAS, Aug. 18. Members of the Bainbridge clan will hold a special meeting in Portland Sunday at Laorelburst park and will visit Old Ironsides in a body. This visit it being made at the request ot the government to honor the memory o Commander Bainbridge who -commanded the ship daring the war of 1812. The Ian was originally known as the Dunn-Bush clan. Meetings and organization of the clan started about eight years ago at the home of T. A. Dunn at Polk Station, with an attendance ot about 30 members which has grown to a member ship of nearly 200. Annual meet ings of the clan are now held in the- Dallas city park during June. Direct descendants of the Bain bridges who live in Dallas and vicinity are Ed C. Dunn, Claude A. Dunn, T. A. Dunn and Mrs. William Shaw, of Dallas; How ard Bush,, of Pedee; and Frank Bush, Monmouth. BELT FLIES LOOSE ZENA. Aug. 18. (Special ) A serious accident was narrow ly averted Thursday when a thresher belt, which W. Frank Crawford, prominent farmer of Polk county, . was attempting to put in place while the engine was running, broke, the loose ends beating his arm until it was terribly bruised and pos sibly fractured. The presence of mind of his young son Frank, Jr., probably averted a tragedy when he im mediately ran and shut off the engine. Crawford was in a dazed condition following the blow on his head and was almost run over by a team which ran away when hit by loose ends of the belt. Ike Barker remained on the wagon until the load of grain slid off but was not injured. The wagon was completely de molished. ORIOX E. HOGUE (Contributed) Orion E. Hogue, the subject of this sketch, who passed away at his residence in Salem August 11, 1933. was born September 19, 1863 In Belmont county, Ohio, Xo Thomas and Ann Hogue, the fath er being a minister of the Friends Society. - Mr. Hogue and a brother S. O. Hogue, well known in, Salem and who passed away at his home in Seattle in April, 1932, were the last two survivors of a large fam ily of children. When but an infant he went with his parents to Iowa and la ter to Kansas where about three years of his young life was- spent, returning to Iowa where he lived until 1910 when he came west, settling near the state fairgrounds In Salem. After two and a half years he removed to Linn county, Oregon, where he engaged in farming, returning to Salem in 1925, where he has since made his home and where he was em ployed as school janitor until his Illness of more than two years : kept him bedfast and unable to return to his duties. On November 22, 1888, he was anited In marriage to Miss Agnes E. Slemmons of the vicinity of Iowa City,. and to this union was born one daughter, Mrs. Jay Cur CRAWFORD HURT S Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE rr HORIZONTAL ' 1 small, light unshadfl ft harsh 13 email fish ' 14 Indian i ' princess 15 bewails 16 gross . 17 cuckoo . 18 places 20 bind 21 a clinging ' plant 23 bora 24 American ,eoin ' ' 25 ceased ' 27 erect V 23 re-cat an pesing. SI mortifies ;' 85 city in 45 uncommon 47 mother of Peer Gynt 48 harangue 51 peer of Charle- man - 53 engine 64 bring into bondage 55 solitary 58 a vessel Herewith is terday's Puzzle. - Oklahoma 87 genus of - plants 88 genns ct maple trees 41 unit of -work KJ 43 wound .: '.: : mark - 44 hinder mi CayrrtsM. lilt, Kis I 2 3 JH 5 6 jl fjS 1 9 110 III j2 i" !ll23 ll!V 25 26 77 27 28 5 - 222 2 30 31 32 3ll 3H 7777V 36 37 30 y ho v4' 42 y43 H6 HH 50 51 53T " r I I 1 ir 1 I 111 1 MATTERN LATE o- ft J' " - ' A ........ . uw)' n :.. .-. . ,v . ..'.:. v. .. -ja. ,)(. Osv : 1 Wr' LftM ' Back in New York alter a round-the-world flight that was haunted by a jinx at every turn, Jimmy Mattern waves a hearty hello from the cockpit of his plane as he landed at Floyd Bennett Airport. New York. Jimmy's attempt to set a solo round-the-world Tecord ended when he cracked up in Siberia. West Salem News WEST SALEM, Aug. 18. A group of ten or a dozen work men were rushing the water line extension from Edgewater along the Wallace road for 600 feet north to the Copeland yards with a good six inch main. This main will terminate In a triple hy drant for fire protection. Conrad Fox, Sr., father of Mrs. Leonard Burgoyne, who left for a visit at the home of relatives at Dlsmet, Idaho, was taken has tily to the Spokane, Wash., hos pital for eye treatment and medi cal care. Moving from here to Jefferson street in Salem this week were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Creasy, who have lived here for a number of years. Mrs. Hattle Mattox, who has been confined in a Salem hospi- tis of Lebanon, who with the wi dow and three grandchildren, Margery, Florence and Charlotte Curtis, survive. He is also surviv ed by a number of nieces and ne phews in Washington and Iowa, and a cousin, Charles R. Gregg ot the Sunnyside district. In 1893 be Joined the Masonic Order of Webster City, Iowa, and later became a member ot the Eastern Star of West Liberty, Iowa. In early manhood he united with the Presbyterian church,- in which organization he served as elder. Mr. Hogue was a man of strict integrity and a conscientious christian gentleman; his profound faith being demonstrated by the patience and fortitude with which he bore his final Illness. Funeral services were conduct ed Monday, August 14, from the Presbyterian church, Rev. J. Lin coln Ellis officiating, and inter ment following in Belcrest Me morial park. TO SHOW PICTURES R0SEDALE, Aug. 18. Rev. C. A. Hadley will show pictures of the Bohemian mission work at the Friends' church Sunday night. Ruby Riser was also an in structor in the Daily Vacation school held here. SHEFFER VERTICAL 0 1 to flatter 2 white crys talline sub stance 3 recalls 4 fear 5 transgres sions --' 6 repeatedly 7 masculine name 8 part of a circle 9 vehicle 10 growing out 11 amorphous substance 12 harass 19 perceives 22 fisher for eels 24 steep rocks the solution to yes- 26 noise 28 exclama tion SO row -32 kind of road paving S3 elusive 34 more calm 36 covers with hanging cloth 38 the ringed boa 39 a hymn ' 40 muse of , lyric poetry 42 permit 46 besides 49 a weight 50 sooner than 52 winglike part XTIAI I INI tt'A restates fjadlteta, las. THAN NEVER tal with infected knees for some little time, was able to return home here this week. The Clarence Snyder family, who spent their vacation visit ing with relatives at Clear Lake, Calif., returned home the middle of the week. They went south as far as the Sacramento valley and Mrs. Snyder's sister and family from near Bakersfleld came north that far and they vacationed to gether. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McClendon from the Auburn neighborhood have purchased the McCall acre age on Cascade drive and are im proving it. Mr. McClendon is a teacher and they expect to make their permanent home here mo toring back and forth to the school. Complimenting the birthday of Master .Vernon White Wednesday, his parents, the Floyd Whites, gave a swimming party and weiner roast on the banks of the river. The Tracy Fuel company and Kingwood Service Station, Sam Harris, proprietor, are two addi tional firms signing for coopera tion with the NRA. MICKEY MOUSE Pursued BV A SWARM Of ANGRY MORNETS, TANGLEFOOT! SHOWS THE MOST AMAZING BURST OP SPEED MICKEY HAS EVER SEEN' THIMBLE THEATREtarring Popeye i BOUGHT VA BABY OOLLl rVv rJ i uik up wrv DRraES ON HIM VO01A. SUMPW IrWrt v; rib TO PLfYY a a is i u w jsw l a---n-?--aa LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY yPX JZE T5 15 l1 T IW NAME. 15 "7 HAVE YbU AM T NO, I A1HT GOT I'M SORRy- 1 V SEE, ZERO. 1 GOTTA GET AM APPOWJTMENT ,.S-L"':OOKlM RACE AWM1ET200WEY- APPOINTMEK4T? J NOTMlN EXCEPfA V - MT2. GOLDEM . J BERX2E.X KIM SEE M52. GOLDEM I DUMKlO ' 1 aV, A,NT KcM AM IF OU PLEASE; POCK LfTTLE FR.1EWD gM CAM ONLY BE WHAT AM APPOWTWEMT 15 BUT WHATEVER j FALLOWED TO COME IM j-- C04.DEN ID LIKE TO TALK YZZTT WEED5 HELP SEEM BY f ITIdA GOMHA GETOME'.' TVf f t1 ,nr 1 If I H' TO ME. GOLDEM X I AWFUL BAD AM' X APPOINTMENT J - . A TlTlfc T " ' ' ' TOOTS AND CASPER 4 A Paid Start, st Last ! 23 JtLyrVT TWIKi TO DECIDE S WO- I MIRACLES, BUT l TOC?TS FROM MV HOUSEHOLD VVDNDERFUL , r-"e J USE ISAOK1E.V SURPRe TOR SMEWa C WAR FOR 11 7 r-O THE TAy TO TTTT Z .-. --f (ECCOV4VVHERE . yOU-W5TW THCS VACATION, IL-L. t7 THE- RAIL RQAO r - ----T-". : ivTtm3P 7 A akjd see: what wea to an affidwit Ja ( station-alh have - ":1 1 "r&klZ- ' IT ,VEfe: TVWTTHEREISA, j IJ TO Ry FOR IS THE s Jj ' X ' ra Oil SET FDR SEPTEMBER 3 FALLS CITY. Aug. 15. A Pio neer or Old Settlers' day. Is being planned by . local citizens, to be held la the City park Sunday, SeppWadneadaj and SYtday naetiags until tember 3. AH former ana oia tlmo residents are urged to at tend. A basket dinner will be serv ed at noon. Coffee will be served by the local-women. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bowman re cently celebrated their 40 th wed ding anniversary by entertaining the following friends and relatives at dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. White, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bowman and family, Mr. and "Mrs. Walter Bowttten of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. FloyH Bow man and family of Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowman and fam ily of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hyde ofPhilomath, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hyde and Mrs. Mae Warren of Albany. Incendiary Blaze At Dallas Burns House to Ground DALLAS, Aug. 18. Fire de stroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gosso In North Dallas early Thursday morning, with none of the contents saved. Mr. and Mrs. Gosso and children and her moth er, Mrs. Williams, had left Tues day for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mortenson at Cascade Locks and no one had been in the place during their absence. , Neighbors were awakened about 2:15 Thursday morning by the barking of a dog and found the house in flames. The neigh bors reported that when they were awakened, they heard men's voices and a car starting up and then discovered the flames com ing from the house. Roosevelt Picnic Slated 27th, With 2500 Crowd Due SILVERTON, Aug. 18. The Silverton park has been selected for a Roosevelt harvest home pic nic, August 27. Approximately 2500 persons are expected to be In Silverton for the day. National, state and county representatives of the ad ministration are to be on hand to outline the objectives of the pub lic works program, the NRA, the forest reserve undertaking and other paramount subjects now be fore the people. tSK? 'svrm VPstt GOVNf OVER. TO Stt OLIVE OWL TO-NIGHT, VUnVY - TOO KIM TfKt CARt. OP r-E CHILD- PUT HIM TO BSD T sever To- mi.vlii Nil ;i,cs ! "''- J SUNDAY in the Churches v - THX CHtTBCS 01" CHXIST Corner ef CettaTe ui Saipplag strata. O. T. Springer, aaiaister, 275 Portland Bead. BibU study at 10 e.na. Freaehinr ud eo in amnio a at 11; Mrooi topier "Tn War that ia Rlrht and Caa-aoa-'ba Wreag.' Evealag aerriea at T :30 ; Hrmoa topis t b Mlected. Ko fall. TOST CHXISTLUr Center and High a treats. 607 li. Drill, pastor; residence' 860 N. Cottage. Cltarca school each Lord 'a day at 9:30 a.m. Morning worship, 10:45. Lord's Sapper ant sermon; theme, "The Goal ef the GospeL" Young people's meetings, 7 p.m. Erangelistie service, 8 p.m. Kn thusisstle gospel singing; special devo tional and inspirational service. Sermon, "Stop, Look and Listen." COTTBT ST. CHURCH 07 CHSJ8T Seventeenth and Coort streets. Hugh. X. McCallnm. pastor, 1744 Cbemeketa street, phone 8104. Bible school at 9:45 a.m.; Mra. Irene Waller, Sept. Horn ing worship and Lord's Sapper at 11 a.m. Mrs. Sarah Tennis will sing the solo "Others." Special day sermon, "The Church, Its Work Today." Thia bing the 19th anniversary of the church. Christian Endeavor at 6:15 p.m., and evening evangelistie services at 7:30 p.m. KEPOKKED CHTJECH Capitol and Marion streets. W. G. Ltenkaemper, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m.; John beany, Supt. German serv ice, 10 a.m.; subject, "Who Is On the Lord's Bidet" English service, 11 o'clock; subject, "Riches of Grace." Special music by male quartet. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial at Washington. Charles C. Haworth, pastor. Sunday service: 10 a. m Eanday school: Bertha Haworth, Supt. 11, morning worship; sermon by Frederick Baker, evangelist. 7, C. E. meeting; topic, Worshiping God Out-of-Doors. 8, evangelisite meeting be ginning the Young People's revival eon ducted by Frederick Baker of the Chris tian Workers League of the Friends church. Miss Rachel Pemberton will also assist with the music. Evangelistie meetings each evening daring the week at 8, and meetings for prayer and bible etuay every afternoon at S o clock. FIRST GERMAN BAPTIST North Cottage and D streets. G. W. Rutsch, minister. Sondsy school 9:45 a. m.; Sam Schirman, Supt. Morning wor ahlp 11 a. m. ; sermon, "Bitterness snd Sweetness 6f Christian Life." Evening service a p. m., Hev. A. Busman of Ta coma, wasn., will bring the message. t'rayer service at S p. m. Wednesday. FIRST METHODIST 9:43 a? m.. Church school graded for au ages. 11 a. m., public worship; ser mon, "Entrance and Exit" Dr. B. Earle Parker. Musio by mixed Quartet. 8 n. m.. Union service with CaTvary Baptist church, Kev. &arl Cochran preaching. PRESBYTERIAN Corner Winter and Chemeketa streets G rover C. Birchet. D.D., minister. Bible school 9:30 a.m.; Ralph H. Scott, Supt. rroi. KoDert Ja. ttatke. Willamette uni versity, will bring the messsge both morning and evening, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. C. E. societies 8:30 p. m. Prayer J meeting i :au p. m. rnursasy. FIRST CHURCH OF T.HB WAZAREXE istn snd center streets. Kev. jrietcn er Gsllowsy, pastor, 652 K. 14th street. phone 9630. 11 a. m., "Union with God." 7:80 p. m., "The Conquering word." Sunday school 9:43 a. m.; T M. Litwiller, Bupt M. T. P. B. groups 6:30 p. so.; Mrs. Louella Hardy, presi dent. Chased! Now Showing "A Case 7u T UP UNTO YOUR CRftDLE,) LTTTLt FtLLOVU- TtMS FOR BED T w 1 A Very Important Man FIRST EVANGELICAL North Summer at Marion street. 'Em ery W. Petticord. D.D., minister. Rev. Desa lb VermUlioa. assoeiste minister. Sunday school at 9:45 a. am. Morning worship at 11. Prelude aad offertory by Mrs. Xthel Poling Phelps. Sermon: Seeinc Jesus Only" bv Rev. W. F. Rademacher ef Albany. Junior, Inter mediate and Senior Christian Endeavor at 7. Evangelistie service at 8 p. m. Twenty minute song service led by Bev. Vermillion. Sermon: "Hopelessly Lost" by Rev. Rademacher, pastor of First Evangelical church, Albany. Bible study aad prayer Thursday at 7:30 p. m. FEUITLAND EVANGELICAL Dean It. Vermillion, miniater. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Oris Face. Snot. Morning worship at 11. The paator will preach. - CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OP LATTER DAY SAINTS 460 N. Cottage street. Suadsy school at 10 o'clock; church immediately alter wards. REDEEMING LOVE MISSION Sl&H N. Commercial street. Home for unemployed women and girls; Mrs. M. E. Buekbee, Supt. Services Sunday S p. m.; Miss Louise Pinnell, speaker. JASON LEE MEMORIAL METHODIST Corner Jefferson and K. Winter streets. H. O. Humphrey, pastor, Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; Text: Jno. 12:21 "Sir we would see Jesus." Evening worship 8 o'clock; subject: "The Braised Keed and the Smoking Flax." Young People's meet ing 7 eiocic. SPIRITUAL CHURCH OF DIVINE TRUTH 556 Union street. F. Gordon Flem ing, pastor. Services 8 p. m. Lecture: "After Death What I" Lecture by Gor don Fleming; messages will follow. Tuea day, 8 p. m.: Lecture and demonstrations of Color Psychology. Wednesday, 8 p. m.: Class in Uafoldment. Friday, 8 p. m. : Lecture and message meeting. KNIGHT MEMORIAL 19th aad Ferry street, H. C. Stover, minister. Church school at 10 a. m. ; C. C. Harris, Supt. Morning worship at 11; sermon by Doctor C. H. Harrison, state superintendent of Congregational Miasions of Oregon. Fellowship dinner at Ha ger's grove following the morning serv ice. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Hood and N. Cottage streets. Kesl. pastor. Sunday school 10 G. T. James Davis, Supt. Morning worship 11 a. m.; subject, "Some Christisn Hin- derances." Eveninr services 8 p. m subject, "Excuses." Young People's meeting T p. m. Prsyer and testimony meeting Wednesday 8 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST Marion and North Liberty street. Brittoa Ross, minister. Bible school st 9:45 s. m.; Fred Broer, Supt. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Special music by the choir. Sermon: "The Chris- tian'a Standard." Junior, Intermediate and Senior B. Y. PCs at T p. m. Or gan prelude at 7:40. Prayer meeting be fore the eveninr service st 7 p. m. .ven ing service at 8 o'clock. Special music by the choir. Sermon: "The Price of a Haircut." Prayer meeting snd bible study Wednesday at 8 p. m. FREE METHODIST 1230 N. Winter street. M. H. Pitcher, pastor, 1230 N. Winter street. Services: 11 a. m.. and 7:30 xt. m. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.; Emory Goode, Supt. Young People s meeting. 6:30 p. mM Sunday evening. Week-day services: Mid-week prayer and praise, 7:30 Thursday even ing. of Mistaken Identity" IT'S GtTTiK Lfsre, I , 1 rnrra-' ve beeh rocvi (HONEY. I GOT TOH fs6 ( TOR POOR HOURS AHO HE , -7 BF.AT T J 1CT I feJl00tT CLOSE HIS EYES- I iy 'ZTrwwN .a lJ ;Jt HE'S rHW0bHTY BOY- ig VG?J BOTTLiy TURNER FIRST CHRISTIAN ' R. L. Putnam, pastor. Saaday school 10 a. m. Moraine werskin 11 o'clock: subject: . "The I Pecofiar Peeitioa of a Christian," Evening worship 8 o'clock; subject: "Bible Sinners That Confess It." Young People's meeting 7 o'clock; subject: "WeraBiDins? Cod Out - ef Doors." Leader, Everett Hansen. Mid week service, Thursday. S p. m. Song service, devotional aad study conducted by pastor. Study: "Holy Spirit and Je sus." OutUae study. Interesting. Wei coma. LESLIE MEMORIAL CHURCH South Commercial street at Myers. S. Darlow Johnson, pastor, S48 E. Myers street, phone 9687. Church , school at 8:45 a. m.; V. M, Beckett. Supt. Depart ments and classes for all ages. Morning worship at ll'o'clock. Anthem, "How Lovely la Zion" (Heyser). Sermon by the paator, "The Second Mile." "In stitute Echoes'? at 8 p. m. by young folk of the Epworth League. Mid-week prayer aad study hour Thuraday evening. 7:30, continuing consideration of Mark 11. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Ferry street at 13th. C. U. Weston, pastor. Revival eerviees every night but Monday, with Evangelist Ethel Gutekunst speaking on the Spirit-filled life. Be ginning Tuesday night the eTangelist will give special bible studies on "The Fruits of the Spirit." The bible studies will start at 7:30 p. m. sharp; the evan gelistic services at 8 p. m. Sunday serv ices: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.; OIlie Schendel. Supt. Church service at 11 a. m. Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. O. M. A. GOSPEL TABERNACLE 655 Ferry Street. . H. Caldwell, paator. -Phone 8693. Sunday school at 9:45 a. ta.; Gramel Sheets, Supt. Morn ing worship at 11 a. m. Young People's meeting at 6:45 p. m. Evening evengel istic services at 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting on Tuesday evening, 7:45. Or chestra and ehoir practice 'Wednesday nighta. Young People's cottage prayer service Thursday night. CALVARY BAPTIST Sunday services begin with a graded church school at 9:40 o'clock a. m. ; Mrs. W. A. Barku. Supt. Preaching at 10:50. Subject: "My Faith at Fifty." Special muaie. B. Y. P. U.'s at 7 o'clock p. m., at the home of Mrs. W. A. Bsrkus. Evening preaching will be a joint service ia the First Methodist church. Tuesday evening Loyalty class social at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henry, at Zena. Wednes day evening at 7 :45 o'clock, prayer serv ice. W. Earl Cochran, paator. ROSED ALE FRIENDS Milo Clifton Rots, pastor. Sunday, school, 10; T. D. Trick, Supt. 11, mora ine worship. Chester A. Hadley, super intendent of Oregon Yearly Meeting ef Friends, will speak. 6:45, Bolivian pray er circle. 7, Christian Endeavor: Glenn Pearson, leader. At the 8 o'clock serv ice, Chester A, Hadley will show a new set of pictures of South America. I'rsjer and bible study. Friday, 8. PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY 420 State street. Sunday achool at 10 a. m. Morning worship st 11. Evsnge listic service 7:45 p. m. Mid-week serv ices Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. RICKREALL EVANGELICAL John J. Rudin, pastor. Services: 11 a. m. ; sermon topic: "What We Be lieve." Sunday school 10 a. m. ST. PAUL'S (EPISCOPAL) Church and Chemeketa streets. Phone 5164. Rev. Georee H. Swift, rector. Holy Communion 7:80 a. m. Morning prayer snd sermon 10 a. m. (daring Au gust). ' ST. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Corner 16th and A streets. Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor. English services 9:45 a. m. German services 11 e clock. ;on See HI Fated Balloon Try STAYTON, Aug. 18. In a communication to Mrs. O. F. Kor- inek, Mrs. Edward J. Bell, who with her husband is attending the Century of Progress of exposition at Chicago, states that they were among the disappointed thousands it Soldiers field who witnessed the attempt of Lieutenant Commander Settle to go up 15 miles in a bal loon. Mrs. Bell wrote that they sat on benches at the field from 10:30 p. m. until after 3 a. m., and that while the flight was not a success It was nevertheless most exciting. She says, the weather has been moderate with only a few hot days. While In the east Mr. Bell and wife attended the K. C. convention in St. Paul, he being a delegate from Oregon. Riley Oyster Passes At Woodburn Home WOODBURN, Aug. 18 Riley Oyster, 77, passed away at the family home east of Woodburn, August 16. He was born at Potts ville, Pa., September 8, 1855. He is survived by his widow, Lor ough Patterson Oyster; two bro thers, George of Kelso, and Gurry of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Services were i held from the Beechler-Killan chapel Friday at 2 p. m. Interment was in Belle Pass! cemetery. Valsetz Camp Cook Preparing for Work VALSETZ. Aug. 18 Henry Hobson of Salem is here going over the cookhouse, getting it in shape for operation. He was the cook here before the mill closed down. Owen McDonald was taken to Dallas Wednesday with an in fected finger. Young McDonald was piling lumber and ran a long sliver in his left hand. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sunday school, 9:45 and 11 a. m. Sunday service, 11 a. m.: subject: "Mind." Testimony meeting Wednesday, S p. m. Reading room ia Masonie temple open 11 a. m. to 5:30 p. m., except Sundays and kolidsji. HOUSE OF PRATER Interdenominational. Chemeketa and 17th. Prayer and praise service Sunday afternoon 2:45. Prayer services also every week night 7:45 except Thursday and Saturday. A. J. Smith, minister, 1372 Skinner street. W. Salem. By WALT DISNEY By SEGAR By DARREL McCLURE By JIMMY MURPHY AN