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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1933)
Th OREGON STATES5IAN, Salen. Oregon, Saturday Moraine. Ancst 19,. 19 33 3 "M Faror Sways Us; No Fear Shall Awe?' From First Statesman, March 28, 1851 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Charles A. Spbgue - - - - Editor-Manager SHELDON F. SACKETT - - - . - - Managing Editor Member of the Associated Press The Associate J Press is exclusively entitle to the oso (or publica tion of all news dispatches credited to tt or not otherwise credited in this paper. , ADVERTISING Portland Representative Gordon B. BelL Security Building. Portland Ore, Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith at Brunson, Inc., Chicago, New Tori, Detroit, Boston. Atlanta . Entered at the Pottoffiee at Salem, Oregon, at Second-Clae Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Busineet office, tlS S. Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Matt Subscription Rates, in Advance. Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday, 1 Mo. 60 cents: I Mo 11.25; C Ma $2.25; 1 year $4.00. . Elsewhere SO cents per Mo., or Sb.00 for t year In advance. By City Carrier: 45 cents a month: $3.00 a year in advance. Per Copy 1 cents. On trains and News Stands 5 cents. Quit Yer Fightin TTE can see where we will be called on again this fall to f T test the relative claims of Klamath and Deschutes coun ties on such controversial subjects as potatoes, scenery, and dairy products. Last year the potato question ended in a Jiu... A. All " 1 Ml w uiaw at our iaDie; so it win need to De revived again, along aoout potato harvest time. Rivalry is still keen between Bend and Klamath Falls, tne capitals of these inland empires. Periodically Judge Saw yer aims a barbed shaft to the south. Now the usually ur bane and genteel Klamath Falls Herald dips the arrows in poisoned perfume and shoots them northward. Under the taunting title of "Paradise Regained in Oregon" the Herald empties its quiver as follows ; and we await with wonder and awe the rejoinder from the Bend Bulletin : "There is a happy land bordering ours where gentle peo ple dwell within the lines of their own country contentedly be lieving they possess an un publicized paradise. It is Deschutes county to the north, where the world ends beyond its boun daries." "Oregon is a favored state, and Deschutes the most favored county of Oregon's thirty-six. Up there are potatoes of the finest quality too fine, for there are less fortunate folks who would put those Gems in foreign sacks for deliberate misrepresenta tion. "There are no annoyances from insects. Cows in all regions but the Deschutes are merely contented; but in Deschutes happy bovines live as they would live in heaven. "There are no vicious snakes, and even the wee garter snake has been expelled from this Central Oregon Eden. No mosqui toes whine through the summer evening, and there is no poison oak to chaff the legs of barefooted inhabitants. "Truly there is a primitive satisfaction and security In Deschutes. And its good people don't hesitate to make it known through the excellent and effective medium of the Bend Bul letin. "God bless Deschutes county. May it always continue to roll along quietly, blissfully lost in the dream of its own well-being." We ought" really to admonish the contentious brothers of the guild. There is no need for regaining paradise in Oregon. It has always been here right in the Willamette valley. . t-x xt n n Tin sT f t , RHRRRTTPRRY" Bv SHANNON CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Labor Question Obtrudes THEY have handed General Johnson a hot poker in the matter of recognition of trade unions. Organized la bor sees in NRA the opportunity of getting unions estab lished in the great industries like steel, which have un iformly resisted trade organization. In submitting codes, these mass production industries have claimed the privilege of refusing to recognize trade unions, while labor organizers have fought putting any such doctrine in the codes. The auto men seem to have succeeded ; but the steel code was sent back for revision. Meantime labor union efforts have been directed to ward organizing mass production industries not as crafts but as industries ; a radical departure from the former prac tice of strict definition of crafts. The language of the act preserves rights of workers, to organize and to bargain collectively; but it does not re quire the executives to recognize outside unions. So the is sue is put up to Gen. Johnson ; and he is sure to be cussed whichever way he rules. One way of looking at it, if the government is going to step in and regulate a man's business as to number of em ployes and wages, there would be little need for labor un ions. The other way is, that the unions will seize the oppor tunity to entrench themselves in the mass production indus tries and build up unionism without regard to general in dustrial 'recovery. The difficulty seems to lie in telescoping all our indus trial problems of wages, prices, etc. for solution in the course of a few weeks. Things are moving fast; but we can hardly expect to usher in the rnillenium in four years, the democrats will insist on four more at least. A Washington Canal FROM the days of the early settlers in the territory of Washington there were proposals made for a canal from the Columbia river across to Puget Sound, linking Shoal- water- bay and Grays harbor. In the early days travel was by boat by the Columbia to the mouth of the Cowlitz, thenr up the Cowlitz to an easy portage to Nisqually on the sound. Opening of roads permitted stage travel; later the railroad served the needs. Now under .enthusiasm for expenditures on public - works the canal idea is having a revival. The estimated cost is $33,000,000. Government engineers have turned in an adverse report but local interests are hoping for a reversal. The practicabiliy of the canal i3 very questionable. There is comparatively little traffic between the Columbia river and Puget Sound, for the reason that communities on both bodies of water produce the same goods and im- '." port the same commodities. Both export to national and world markets lumber and agricultural products of similar varieties. Both import fabricated articles. The principal lanes of traffic are from the northwest to California and cto other domestic and foreign ports by water; and over land by rail to the east. The intermediate movement is not heavy in proportion. The canal might accommodate logs and lumber pro duced, in the tributary territory; but that volume "would not seem sufficient to justify spending thirty-three millions. even if itcomes from Uuncje Sam. About the only exclusive tonnage would be shipping a few lugs of cranberries from the Ilwaco bogs to Seattle; or some Willapa oysters to 'fa- coma; and these would doubtless continue to move by truck and rail. The Washington canal seems a revival of a dream long since outgrown. r "When I eame into this busi ness, he said, still .holding her hand, ! had heart. I threw it out the window. For twenty years I've had a main spring1 inside me that Lent ticking right on the dot. I'm going to tell yon something. Ton are the only human being the only woman that has done any thing to me. Internally. I mean. Why do you think your path was made so smooth in the studio ? ? Leni released her hand. "Please," she whispered. "Isn't everything difficult enough as it lsT" "It Is only fair that you know," Gerstenfield continued relentlessly. "When a man feels as deeply about a woman as I do about you that man has rights that cannot be de nied. When I talk like this to you, I'm breaking down everything that I've built up around myself. I'm like a soldier throwing away his weapons." He paused and Leni attempted to speak but found her throat tight. She stood gazing at him for nearly a minute. Above her misty eyes the finely pencilled arch of her eyebrows drew together. She was scarcely breathing and her lips trembled a little. At the second effort she found words. "Are you trying: to tell me . that you love me . . ." She looked at him in amazement and saw a man that was almost For the first time she took stock of him in the matter of appearance. He looked thin, almost ilL Under his exceptional eyes the skin was white and bluish. There were lines in his face as though etched by acid. Yet he was not old. Forty at the outside, perhaps thirty-five. "I dont know anything about love," he said, harshly abrupt. "I'm ungodly tired. , I've been tired for twenty years. There s some thing about you that rests me. don't even feel desperate about you. Last night when I saw you up there on that screen it was the big gest kick I ever had in my life. Figure it out for yourself." Slowly Leni began to forget her self began to forget Lucky Cava naugh as unconscious pity for the man showed in her face. There was something shameful and embarrassing in his plight. She had known many men and seen them suffer but she had never seen a strong man reveal his weak ness before. It was a sorrowful thing to see his self -power melt that way. No woman ever before, Leni was certain, had wrenched such a confession from him. His own sufficience, his overcoming of all soft sentiment, had been his proud flag flying at the masthead. The thing for her to do. of course, was to push him away rudely. That was what a true-hearted woman would be supposed to do. But even in Hollywood, women are still a prey to a weakness dat ing back to the beginning of the race. It began to stir in Leni's hreast, gently and kindly and in finitely tender . . . the mysterious, overwhelming quality known as the maternal instinct. Gerstenfield stood motipnlessly before her, emptied of all that he could 'say in words. From force of habit, he snapped up his wrist and looked at the watch upon it. He was due back on the lot. This was the Hollywood of Her man Gerstenfield. Lore ground un der the heel of career. The man had actually bared his soul and was in haste to get back to the studio. Lent looked at him with misted eyes. He was harried, driven, con sumed by the relentless dominance of the studio. Twelve, sixteen, eigh teen hours his working day. No wonder he was cold and harsh and arid! Every normal thing of life, she thought, has passed him by. He knew nothing of living of lore, aughter, companionship. : Among all the great and good gifts of God to the world, Gersten field stood empty - handed and alone. ... "You poor man!' she said softly. He was looking around for his hat. When he spoke his words were dry, crisp and nervous. WelL that's settled! Well talk it over again sometime. Glad you've come to your senses. Get that fel low off your mind, and be at the studio by three o clock sharp I The amazing transformation left Leni stunned. The maternal instinct began to whither efen as it started to bloom. Gerstenfield again was his old self, giving orders and dic tating lives. When in this mood his words had the rattle of hail, Leni had the feeling that she was caught in the vortex of a -whirl wind. "But I'm not going out to the studio," she said, her head spinning "Why should I?" "We start shooting the new pic ture next Monday," Gerstenfield shot at her. "Publicity department is making new stills of you this afternoon. We're going to have a reading of the story at five o'clock, and youll have to be at the ward robe department for fittings before that. The story ain't right yet and we're going to battle it out if it takes all night." "But I thought the story was per feet," Leni said. "Wingate told "We threw the whole thing In the ash can this morning. I got four brand new writers in at eleven o'clock this morning and by noon they had already run into trouble. That's what we're battling about. You're a French girl on this Amer ican gunboat running up the Yang tse river in China, It's in a blasted mess now but well get it straight ened out." She heard the last of this as he was disappearing toward the curb where his chauffeur waited with the big black car. In any other walk of life the man would have been mildly insane but in this maniacal business he was rated a genius. No one thought him even eccentric, and he was reveren tially imitated by a hundred lesser men. Host of these wore their hair rumpled, cultivated a burning stare and radiated weariness as though from over-work."None, however, succeeded in duplicating his brain power. When he had gone, Leni pressed her hands to her temples, hoping her head would clear. If she stayed in the pictures she would become herself, in time, as zig-zag as, Gerstenfield. Life would be angular and jerky, shot through with all manner of eccentricities like those modern paintings in the smart art shops. " ' - The far-off public, knowing nothing of the real Hollywood, could not possibly imagine the in credible confusion out of which the talking pictures emerged so splendidly.. The life of the studio goes on with Irresistible gusto and frantic activity. Except for the anitors, everyone was a creature of temperament. It is a swarming hive in which none of the bees think in a straight line and whosoever gets within the hive falls into the bewilder- log rhythm as If bewitched. Even tually,, and this truly is a miracle, the jig-saw puzzle takes form and becomes a thing of living beauty. None of tne bees can escape and none of them wants to escape. It was the swarm-Instinct that now made Leni remember the pro foundly satisfying hum of activity. the beating of wings in which she had her part. Gerstenfield had reminded her that she was a part of all this. Lucky Cavahaugh love had drawn her outside her orbit, but the counter-pull was terrific. It was stronger than she realized. But it was not stronger than love. . . . Leni pulled her mind off Gersten field and the studio. Her knees felt rubbery, but this was forgotten as she picked up the newspaper and, forcing herself to calmness, finished reading the story about Cavanaugh's arrest. The details were scant and un satisfactory. A woman, Annette Santos, had been shot to death in his apart ment. The police said she was a former sweetheart of Cavanaugh. The shooting occurred about half pat three o'clock in the morn ing. The woman had entered the building an hour earlier saying she had a date with Cavanaugh. The arrested man's Filipino ser vant confirmed the night clerk's story. Several witnesses had been found who said they heard Cavanaugh and the woman quarreling short ly before the shot. What, if any. thing, Cavanaugh had told the po lice was not revealed in the newspaper. So he went directly from me last night to another woman," thought Leni. "I cannot believe he did it deliberately. It is strange but I do not feel Che slightest pang of jealousy. It is ridiculous to ex pect that Lucky Cavanaugh would shoot a woman. The police are idiots to arrest him." She went into another room and got police headquarters on the telephone. Her voice was cool and practical. Let me speak to Detective Mul- rooney, please." "Mulrooney's not here now." said the man at headquarters. "Who's calling?" "Never mind." said Leni. "IH call again." She hung up the re ceiver. Someone was ringing the bell at the front door. The maid did not appear immediately and Leni her self walked to the front of the house. Standing on the porch, holding his hat in one hand and mopping his forehead with a handkerchief, was Mulrooney himself. (To Be Continued) Copyright. 1932, by Distributed by Kin Robert Terry Skamoa Features WndicatB. Tc Gently But Firmly Walking Him "Turkey" Some of these CCO hoys are getting soot on their faces. When a fire starts In the woods, if s all hands to the fire lines; and the CCC units hare' had to get out aad tight fire. Their bosses, report them as doing a pretty good job. It's an adventure for them; and the experience will do them good.: The forests will soon cover the scare: of their handwork; but the Impressions of Oregon s . deep woods will remain long engraved on their minds. The Cottage 'Grove Sentinel suggests that editors Imitate the cotton growers and plow under every fourth - paragraph. No; Bede, that's carrying the reverse of the two blades of grass idea too far. There Is no overproduction now of snappy -paragraphs- like those In the SentineL ..'. BKSvGrBR j By IC J. HENDRICKS- Marker at the grave of "Governor" Gale: V (Continuing from yesterday:) The oath of office was prepared at the July B, 1843, meeting by Jason Lee, Rev. Harvey Clark and Rev. David Leslie. It was admin istered to the members of the ex ecutive committee-elect, and to the recorder (secretary of state), supreme judge, treasurer, and the others. "a "a The members of the executive committee were given a certificate of office. It read: "This certifies that David Hill, Alanson Beers, and Joseph Gale, were chosen the executive committee of the terri tory of Oregon, by the people of said territory, and have taken the oath for the faithful performance of the duties of their offices as required by law. George W. Le- Breton, Recorder. Wallamet, Ore gon Territory, July 5th, 1843." The certificate must have been written at the Jason Lee mission, and not at Champoeg, for the lo cation of the mission was then generally designated as Wallamet. It was, as every reader of this column knows, 10 miles below the site of Salem. The mission site, or something lees than 10 acres of it, now belongs to the people of Oregon, in the trusteeship of the Willamette university. That point will be the shrine of a great pilgrimage next year, in the cen tenary celebration of the coming of Jason Lee and his little party. arriving there Oct. 6, 1834. A covered wagon on auto wheels is now being arranged for, to start next spring for Salem, Oregon, and to follow the route of Jason Lee and his party from New Eng land to the Missouri river, and thence over the Old Oregon Trail, as it later came to be called or an approximation of it. The original oath of office was changed, as most readers know, by the provisional government legislature of 1845. The new oath was prepared by Jesse Ap plegate, and it read: ' I do sol emnly swear that I will support the organic laws of the provision al government of Oregon, so far as they are consistent with my du ties as a citizen of the United States or a subject of Great Bri tain, and faithfully demean my self in office; so help me God." The original oath had been changed by the insertion of the words, "or a subject of Great Bri tain." The proposition to Insert the quoted words gave great of fense to some Americans. The members of the little legislature of 13 members who opposed it put up a hot fight. How close was the vote? How aear did the pages of history fall short of re cording the events of a third war between the United States and Great Britain? By a majority of one. Here was the vote: Against: Barton Lee of Cham poeg (Marion) county, H. A. G. Lee, W. H. Gray and Hiram Straight of Clackamas, David Hill of Tualatin, and John McClure of Clatsop 6. For: Robert Newell, J. M. Gar rison and M. G. Foisey of Cham poeg county, now Marion; M. M McCarver and Isaac W. Smith of Tualatin county, and Jesse Apple-. gate and Abijah Hendricks of Yamhill county 7. a The changed oath was meant by Applegate as the prelude to his endeavor to secure the allegiance to the provisional government of the officers of the Hudson's Bay company, and thus the mutual support and the like mutual pro tection of American and British subjects. The strategy succeeded. Jesse Applegate was wise beyond his day and generation. He was miles above the narrow dissenters who sought to block his move. In the language of CoL . Nesmith in an' address at one of the meetings of the Oregon Pioneer associa tion, Jesse Applegate was the noblest Roman of them alL" As the reader noted in yester day's article of this series, Col. Nesmith . said that on the arrival of the Gale party with their herds in 1843, "the monopoly in stock cattle came to an end in Oregon." U b The student of Oregon history will agree. But he will bark his memory back to 1836-7, when William A. Slacum, representing President Andrew Jackson, arriv ed In Oregon; was met Jan. 13. 1837, by Jason Lee, at Champoeg, and, four days later, at that place, organized the famous Willamette Cattle company, Lee and Slacum subscribing $500 each, and Dr. McLoughlin, later, $800. And how the settlers took all the stock In the company they could: how Slacum took Ewing Young, man ager, and P. L. Edwards of the Lee mission, treasurer, and Lawr ence Carmichael, James H. O'Neal, George Cay, Calvin Tib bets, John Turner, Dr. W. J. Bailey, Webley Hauxhurst, and Francis D u p r e and another French Canadian settler named Ergnette, 11 in all, on his' ves sel, the Loriot, to California, where they bought mission cattle from the Mexican government, stolen by that government from the old missions there. How this purchase was accomplished after fearful delays and trips from, Yer ba Buena to Monterey, to. Santa Barbara, to Santa Cruz, San Jose, etc., and -finally tne herd of over 800 wild longaorns was headed north, and, after nine months of terrible travail and danger land ed in the Willamette valley and divided according to the original subscriptions and labor of the men bringing them, the latter at the rate or $l a day. How the cat tie finally arrived at the Lee mis sion, 10 miles below the site of Salem, in mid October, 1837; that is, 632 head of them, about 200 having been lost on the way, on the awful old California trail, HEALTH "v Royal S. Ccpeland. M.D. ever- the" 6iskiyes-Bd through the savage Rogue river country, through the Cow creek canyon, on the Umpqna mountains, etc The cost per bead was $6.76. in- A eluding the $3 purchase price In.. California and the expenses and losses. . S S ' The culmination of that enter- i prise was the first one to break the cattle monopoly of the Hud- ? son's Bay company in Oregon; the greatest influence of the time in rendering the settlers of early Oregon independent and prosper- ous. Cows had been S200 in Ore gon, and not a cow to be bought. 5 The Hudson's Bay company's pol icy was to loan cows, taking the increase for the rent, but refus ing to sell on any terms. . S V w Bancroft's writer said of the success of the enterprise: "The great object of the WiUamette settlers was accomplished, and an era opened In I colonial history , which rendered them in no small measure independent of the fur company," meaning the Hudson's Bay company. But, three years later, and three years before the Gale stock came, the Hudson's Bay company itself, in 1840, obtained a permit in Mexico to drive out from Cali fornia 4000 sheep and 2000, horn ed cattle Scotch shepherds be- 4 ing sent to select the sheep, and the company's trappers in Califor- 1 nia being employed as drivers. The reader has noted that Re corder LeBreton called this Ore- i gon Territory in his certificate of election of the first executive committee. It was often termed a colony, etc. It was not Oregon Territory until. Aug. 14, 1848. it was made a territory by congress. Before that it was foreign land. under the joint occupancy agree men of Great Britain and the " United States, up to June 15. 1846. when the settlement of the international boundary line was ratified. Who was ehiefiy responsible for bringing the first cattle, in 4 1837? Jason Lee, of course. Yes, Joseph Gale was a gover- nor. And worthily he bore the ti FRANK ENZ WEDS ELIZABETH 1TB Dallas Boy Scouts Oh Two-Week Trip To Canyon Creek DALLAS, Aug. 18. Seventeen Dallas : Boy Scouts of Troop 27, Ray . Boydston, scoutmaster, left Tuesday for the scout camp at the mouth of Canyon .creek on the Lacreole. Charles Campbell and Frank Kliever are In charge and Mr. Boydston will go- to the camp each evening to assist In the work. They, will be gone two weeks. T'. C. Stockwell is cook, with Robert Allgood, assistant. The camp is being financed, by donations from local business men and fees paid by the boys wtfo are able. Boys attending, are Bob Dal ton, Normaa Bar Scott, Jack Eakln, J. C. Pleasant. Joe Guthrie, Har ry Watson, Ralph Gu;irie. Bud Robinson; Robert AUgood, Jim- mle Allgood, Thomas Starbuek, Frank Guy. Howard Campbell. Bob Hartman, Buddy Foster and Warren Bennett. Delbert Hunter, assistant scoutmaster, is there part of the time. v,, ' f Dr. Copcland Editorial Comment From Other Papers Twenty-two Ohio cities will have teams in the Ohio bantam weight football league this fall. PAINTED LADY OF THE CASCADES That's what the Obsidians call the beautiful South Sister, fairest and most Impressive of the fa mous Three. North is the Old Hag of the trio, ancient, broken, vi- eious. Middle has a certain round ness and drabness which seems to fit her age. South is the young and buxom beauty of the Cas cades. She has that schoolgirl col oring. Wicked wench, she uses rouge! It is this allure of the South which conceals the fact that she is Just as dangerous as the other two. Ferry and Cramer were look Ing to the South that stormy Sep tember day six years ago when they were lured into the "draw' between the peaks whence they never emerged. Years later, men came upon their bones. Something has been happening up on beautiful South. The Paint ed Lady has been playing tricks. She has been bathing and basking In the summer sun. All day Sun day, the beautiful McKenzie and some of Its tributaries were taint ed and discolored with her rouge. Some say there was a tremendous avalanche from her high crags and that it thundered down upon the Lost Creek glacier and tore loose the dams which it has been the glacier's work for centuries to build. Some say the avalanches were merely a coincidence with floods from melting snows. Only one thing Is certain. With in the memory of man. nothing like it has occurred till now, and something mighty has occurred It requires millions of gallons of water, thousands of Ions of silt to discolor a great river as the McKenzie was discolored. South sits there silent among her snows. In the morning and evening glow she smiles her crimsoned smiles. She enjoys her secrets and she does not tell. - But her secrets will be found Men will -go back to the mountain to explore. They will be heedless of the risk of fresh avalanches. They will chance the yawning green glass chasms of the gla ciers. They will not stay away from this Painted Lady because of dangers. The Witch of the Cas cades has a mystery, and she is more fascinating than ever. Eu gene Register-Guard. r SOME PERSONS axe extremely rasceptibla to an annoying Inflamma don of the mouth commonly known aa "canker sore". The exact cause of this affliction is not known, but If not due to an injury, it la believed to come from a sensitiv ity to certain foods. Though never a really dangerous d i s ease. I have seen sufferers from this malady ex tremely UL As a rxje, the trouble comes on fuddenly. A small reddened spot ap pears at the base of tha teeth, under the tongue, or on the Inner surface of the lips or cheeks. This la followed by a small blister which breaks and forma a whitish patch, which is really a pain ful ulcer. Difficult to Eat, Driak There may t many such spots or canker sores in tha mouth. It la an uncomfortable affliction and even the chewing of food and drinking of fluids prove difficult and painful. The tongue Is coated and the breath has an offensive odor. Some persons rarely. If ever, have this affliction whlla others are con stant victims of it , It can be pre vented by careful study of the diet and the detection of the offending food. Every effort should be made to avoid tha particular article that is suspected of causing tha disorder. In addition to car in the diet It la Important to remove all diseased and infected teeth, as well as enlarged and Infected tonsils. Infection of the mouth la beUeved to play an impor tant part in the production of canker MT. ANGEL. Aug. 18. Frank Enz, 76, and Elizabeth Hauth, 61. were married here at at. Mary's church at 6:30 o'clock Thursdav morning. Rev. Father Berthold said . the nuptial mass. Mr. and Mrs. Wetland were best man and bridesmaid:-At noon a reception was held at the Mt. Angel hotel for relatives and friends. The bridegroom is an old resi dent of Mt. Angel, having lived here many years. The bride came here recently from Salem. If you are susceptible to this dis order, I would ad visa that you regu larly rinse or gargle tha mouth with a mild anUseptlc. Do this three times a day, preferably after meals. The Traatsaant During the acuta attacks, the sores can be touched up with a place of alum or a silver stick. This appli cation la made to the bottom and sides of each of the ulcers. If silver nitrate is used It is best applied by the physician as It Is a strong drug and when Improperly applied may burn the delicate lining of tha mouth. To removs tha objectionable taste of the silver, rinse tha mouth with warm water after each application. Canker sores are frequently en countered. In- parsons who fail ta In clude sufflciant "an ti -scorbutic" foods In their 'diet. These foods contain liberal amounts af vitamin C which protect against a disease called scurvy, a wan as ailments of the mouth and digestive organs assocl a ted with undernourishment. , v Aaawars tar Health Queries Miss B. Q. Would an excessive dryness of the akin on tha body indi cate soma fault in tha diet? Would cod liver oil prove a corrective In this case? Bathing seems to aggra vate the condition. X am under weight and have been all my life. A. Yea. It Is possible that tha diet may ba a contriDuUng factor al though this condition may ba due to other causes as well. For fan par ticulars send a self -ad dressed. stamped envelope and repeat your question. 8. P. Q. What can I da to pre vent, an attack of the flu or grippe which I usually suffer from at this time of yearT . I would like to pre vent a further attack. A, Trr ta tmsrove your caneral health and In this way increase your inalstsnra to the germs of colds and coughs. For further particulars send a sett-addressed, stamped envelope aad repeat your question. (CowriaJtt, JL F. a. Inc.) 'a MT. ANGEL, Aug. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zollner gave a dam e in their new hophouse Tburstluy night, to celebrate the birthdavs of their son and daughter, Gerald and Letitia. Penka's orchestra furnished the music. Lunch was served. TIES ST.'.RTS FARMS LYONS, Aug. 13. Harry Hob- son received a telegram from his son John at Chicago stating they were leaving Wednesday for Port land. John was among the west ern boys who competed at the St. Louis sportsman tournament and also visited the fair. Vera Scott Is moving a hay baler here Saturday, to bale the crop on the L. C. Trask farm, estimated between 80 and 90 tons. Orville Donning is baling his crop aso. The Donnlngs are leav ing here for Klamath Falls, where his parents are located. The John Neal thresher began operations Thursday, working for Lawrence Trask and George Ber ry and Friday for Jack Johnston. Then Mr. Neal will go to Scio. Most local farmers have made more grain into hay than usual. MARRIAGE 19 SLATED STAYTON, Aug. 18. Roy Lee. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee of Stayton, will be united in mar riage Sunday to Freda Rosalee Fellows. The ceremony lsto be performed at 4 p. m. Mr. Lee is employed at the Gehlen store here. Yesterdays . . . O? Old. Salem Town Talks from The States man of Earlier Days August 19, 1908 Ruth Homan, 16 months old daughter of Dr. Fletcher Homan, president of Willamette univer sity, falls into south mill race and is drowned; demands made that stream be covered for safety. i Alderman Stockton directs at tention to existence of huge rocks and boulders on Fair Grounds road; council passes his motion to have them raked off before state fair time. Socialist campaign party to tour Pacific coast in special train car rying Eugene V. Debs, candidate for president.' August 19, 1923 Rodney Alden, son of Dr. and Mrs. George H. Alden and a Wil lamette university graduate, re ceives contract to coach debate at Grants Pass high school. State pays out $9059 on orders from Marlon county flax growers to pay for their flax-pulling help; $30,000 to $40,000 all told spent for palling flax in valley. WASHINGTON- Pacific coast war couds held dispersed as five delegstes to conference here agree to scrapping of 750,000 tons of fighting ships. . a " A