The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 19, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday- Morning. August 19, 1933
Checkup of Compliance to
Begin That day, Says
- "General" Qlis
; (Continued from pace I)
tative on the state. Industrial ac
cident commission and the sec
ond speaker, asserted that "work
ers hare a duty and obligation to
perform-in this program, by Join
ing with your fellow workers to
assist in putting oyer this NRA
movement." He characterised the
movement as "a new Magna Char
ts for labor."
Speaking for Mayor Douglas
McKay. Alderman Day id O'Hara
promised to lend his support in
getting governmental bodies to
participate in the NRA hour and
wage plan as soon as possible.: He
pointed out that Salem was par
ticularly affected by the status of
governmental payrolls and that
budget management prevented lm
mediate readjustments.
United States Senator Charles
L. McNary, who was to have ad
dressed the gathering, telegraph
.ed that he had been ordered by
bis physician to make no 'public
appearances this month and ex
pressed regret at elng unable to
be present.
- Roy R. Hewitt, local attorney.
summarised the natlopal recovery
act and declared that it essential
ly called for Increasing the purch
aiine nower of the people. He
averred that Immediate price in
creases thwarted the act's pur
The fifth speaker, A. M. Church,
said "the first thing has got to be
bigger payrolls."
Frank Crosier, president, and
T. C. Amend, secretary, of the Sa
lem Trades and Labor council sat
on the platform, with James Pre
ble presiding- o-er the meeting.
Retail lumber dealers from Al
bany, Corvallis, Lebanon and all
towns In. the Salem district will
Where are the Beauties oi Yesteryear?
mi i ' "fN. y--?"";
ym 1 -3-: Aha; ;i -k"- -.
l' ku t M v- N ix ,
t i2r x- 1 ' . V
,! V" ill l.'V- . -A c -r); I
, J. lt.J'ii i,' 1
Eight Soldiers1 Held After
. Bodies of Political
Prisoners Found
The Call
(Conttaued from page 1)
toms collections have fallen off
sharply. The dock workers major
demands, Including - wage raises,
decreases in the weight : of sugar
bags, abolition, of ferries and a
requirement that ships anchor in
mid stream Instead of - docking,
nave been met.
Shipping '- Interests Contended
the strike was being prolonged by
communis ts. '
The relationship of the United
States to Cuba should be 'one of
"mutual profit." President de
Qespedes said in an interview to
day. -
"We desire you to buy our su
gar and we' want you to be our
best source , of supply for many
things," he said. "We want to be
your largest customer if possible.
The Importance of having a sugar
supply at your door was made ev
ident during the war, and this
should make the United States in
terested In maintaining good con
ditions la Cuba."
The recent marriage of Miss Mary Catherine Campbell, "Miss America" in 1921 and 1922, in New York,
inspires the question above. The former Fay Lamphier, the most famous "Miss America1 of alL who won
the title in 1925, is now Mrs. Winfield Daniels, wife of her schooldays sweetheart, and the mother of a baby
daughter. She is happier now than she was when the world was at her feet as the reigning queen of beauty.
Not all of our beauties enjoyed such a happy aftermath to their hour of glory. Mrs. Fred Nixon-Nirdlinger,
who as Charlotte Nash, oi St. Louis, was acclaimed as one of the world's foremost beauties, married a Phila
delphia millionaire. He died by a pistol bullet and his widow stood trial for his slaying. Another tragie
beauty was Julia Brans. She rose to the heights on the stage, but finished her career in squalid surround
ings, a victim of acute alcoholism.
Mickey Mouse
meet at the chamber of commerce Prospective Freshman List
this afternoon at 2 o'clock, when
W. C. Bell of Seattle will discuss
the lumber dealers' NRA code
and Its administration.
Double That of Last
Year, Announced
M. M. C.
Tes, I had a swell time, thank
M. M. C.
But one thing that surprised
me very much was that there isn't
one Mickey Mouse club in Seattle
running in the summer time, and
those that run in the winter time
T?rDnatH.. frMtiman an mil
T1iA wont! fnrni fihn. P. . w .
(-..- ..nn r c.i.m ment in the Willamette univer
the Radio Trade association will sity law school has doubled this don t bar any interest in them.
.m mHA .t th , of t, , t .v. .,. Maybe it's because the boys and
1. PW1.. S .14, I
cummcrc o AiUB"f BInu dean and professor of law. an
Watters relative to NRA opera- ,
students have signiifed intention
of registering September 18,
when classes will startJ
tlon will be main discussion.
Enlarged enrollment, addition
of a number of prominent attor-
neys on' the lecture and
lists, and improvement
of law
library facilities give promise of
making the coming term one of
the best the law school has had
in recent years, Lockenour said.
Admission to the law school is
the As-
(Continued from page 1)
Owners, and at present Just 1,098 according to standards of
trucks and busses have been Is- sociation of American
sued P. U. C. plates." , Schools and requires that
Anderson says talk of losing the plicant have at least 90
$5 license fee Is "borrowing trou- 60 semester hours in an approved
ble", and believes that the special college or university,
legislative session now talked The law school faculty
eould make a "reasonable law" 1 1933-34 semester will. In
with a small tee per ton mne ana t tion to Dean Lockenour,
eliminate other unnecessary reg- c. M. Inman, Willis S
requirements. Ray l. Smith. William P. Ellis.
to Staenli's comment victor R. Griggs. Walter E
the truckmen traded the $5 J Keyes, A. M. Page, Lyle J. Page,
girls in that town aren't like
those here. Well, me for Salem.
M. M. C.
I'm awfully sorry -"Boots" had
to be master of ceremonies last
Saturday, but I couldn't get any
body any cheaper than I paid
M. M. C.
Yes, it is quite warm.
M. M. C.
On the program last Saturday
were Barbara Duncan, Friciua
Simpkins, Marie Stutesman, Dean
Arehart, Emma Miller, Curtle
Wurtie, Bootsie Wootsie, Ada
the ap- Jene Lama, and Barbara Lea
term or unerry.
M. M. (J.
The annual Oregon Statesman,
Mickey Mouse club Pet Parade
and dress up contest will be held
Saturday morning, September 16.
SUrt thinking about It, and I'll
JUUU1B, I sKnn If 1af
M. M. C.
Not long before it's Mickey's
fifth birthday.
M. M. C
(Continued from pag 1)
senger, as secretary oi tne Ore
gon and Idaho district . board,
called the state board together.
A decision was reached to take
Immediate steps to organise coun
ties of the state behind the Blue
Eagle emblem of the NRA. The
chairman was authorized to con
tact existing city and county or
ganizations to coordinate their
work with the state program.
The functions of the state re
covery board are to be supple
mented by a state recovery coun
cil, for which a member from
each of the 36 counties will be
a"u"- -mm t- mm
The state board Is responsible M TS. BaMiS lfl3V
in lug urKoa-iuauu uionitt
board, which reports directly to
The board agreed today to
adopt the county system of organ
ization for Oregon. County mem'
for the
Mrs. L. A. Banks of Medford,
whose husband was received at
the state penitentiary recently to
bers of the state council will be J serve a fife term for the murder
responsible for organization of all j of Constable George Prescott of
communities in their counties. Jackson county, has arrived in
The state council of 36 members Salem where she will spend a
will be advisory to the state re- few days. Friends of Mrs. Banks
covery board. said she might locate here per-
Thls board has the power at manenuy.
will to advise, report and act
when requested by NRA," Mes
senger said. ' The state board
creates it and It acts as field in
spector for the state board."
We're roinr to have an adant-
A A. M a A I
wu me usi oi law lecturers xor bllltv trront todav. I'll tell vou
the year are Judge Harry H. 1 n hnnt it t th mating this
license fee for publie opposition I William H. Trindle and
to the- West bill, Anderson said M. Gilllngham
this was misleading, and com
mented further:
"Tb general public can readily nu f h .t.t. .nnn,. ,t-
. . ... vtii .....j k. I - -- uiemwa,
T . . x . . circuit Judge James T. Brand of m. m. C.
uw il'" i I MiNhntM! Circuit Jndn Jamca I wv. i.i .vi. .
vii. Jl . I-V-'.rV "V IvI "li Jame" Aiger ree or u. a. amnct Sum Summervllle and ZaSu Pitts
win mmrn u.aicuou uu I Court. Portland SfJtn Scnitnr i. kit u k-
. t -. a. if j I ' "- m net .a nt.i w
nuwivu - "- rviu.... .... jl i;au or Mamnriolrt-
te remain on the road, th larger Charles B. McCulloch, specialist
operators anowu ' in law of public utilities. Port
Truck Owners appeared to be well iaad: Arthur i Mnnltnn anaofal.
. i.l i , v v i : -
pieww Ian w wuci 1 1st in law negligence, Portland:
new it wouia mrow wousana George Mowrey, ehlef detiuty dls
of smaller trucks out of : their trict attorney, Portland;! George
way. ine yarasuc u-u u7 i Neuner, ex-U. S. district attorney.
All lea iruCK uwuers to measure I Portland- Alhrt n PMa.T
the flaws In the West.bilLls not ex-president Oregon Bar associa
tion, Portland; Judge George
Rossman, state supreme court:
Roy F. Shields, assistant solicitor
general for the Union I Pacific
railway system, Portland, . and
Circuit Judge Robert -i Tucker.
used to measure the bill that was
passed by the last legislature.'
Too Late to Classify
ly" 1 '1 Pn,ll,.J
Canning pears, SOc and 25c. wiuiam "
"Wings of Adventure." The title
suggests a good picture.
M. M. C
Remember thajt we keep it very
cool at the matinee.
So Long,
Stoddard, ltt mile on Wallace Road.
ne o
Kids Matinee
Today 10 a.m.
Hoot Gibson
(Continued from page 1)
Better Pictures! Perfect
' Sound!
Today Only!
"The Cowboy
Midnight Show
Tonight -11:15 pm
Admission 10c
Jack Holt
. rWax Correspondent"
Date Your Sweetie and
Come Along!
General Frank T. Hines, vet
erans administrator, today an
nounced the personnel of Ore
gon's special board of review had
been approved by the president
A group of three, with three al
ternates will act on veterans'
cases in that state.
Those appointed were Malor
ITanfff T rl a w A tlM.tM A
and one that we greatly reret. t . t-..j .
Sfnr S ? . .I 1 ien M ,ack of West Li". Alternates
S :U Alexander G. Barry and John
'. . " '"v- " I H. McCnnrt nf Ptrtl&nf mnA m?.A.
VZ c-T" i:,,, vt" ""WU5ward F. Bailey of Eugene,
Sin Member, of. the veterans' ad.
- .! -."v. "fa I ministration: are Dr. O. Edwards,
iocai interests had been bom.
ful that the mUl would start at
an early date because it was one
or, tne largest payrolls of indus
trial plants in the city.
25c 25c
To tho Popular Music '
'. of
and His Band
.' at'; -
Hazel Green
Free Bus Leaves
Salem Hotel at 8:45
1 Krte lindeVS. &
Dorothy Jordan
- ill vj ti r 7if I
The Civilian Conservation
corps will be maintained at full
strength tor another six months
but president Roosevelt hopes
many of the men will find jobs to
make way for others to enlist.
Mr. Roosevelt was advised
theje was enough work ahead to
employ the 314,000 men for the
full year.
However, he Is writing a per
sonal letter to the men asking
that they make an earnest effort
to find regular employment so
that their places can be taken by
others desirous of going into the
It any of the men are unsuc
cessful in finding regular work
after an honest effort, Mr. Roose
velt is willing that they shall re-
enroll for the second six months.
He asked today that the army
and forestry service find ioca
tions for 450 jiew camps. TUls
number will be moved from the
deep snow regions during the win
ter, but it will be unnecessary to
locate all of them in the south.
Today Slim Summervllle and
Zasu Pitta ia "Her First
Today Four Marx Brothers
In "Horsefeathers.
Today Eric Linden, Doro-
thy Jordan In "Roadhouse
Today Richard Dix in "The
Great Jasper." Midnight
prevue of "The Mummy."
Today Hoot Gibson
"The Cowboy Counsellor.
Ducks Ahead
8 to 0, Then
Lose Contest sara'ss
One More Major Problem in
Recovery Drive Solved
As Leaders Agree
(Coatinmei trm p( 1)
"Provision for three represen
tatives of NRA to receive full In
formation, with access to neces
sary records, to meet with board
of-directors of iron and, steel In
stitute upon administration of
code and advise the president so
as to provide assurance that code
operation is in full compliance
with the law, providing adequate
protection of public Interest and
furnishing the basis for recom
mendation to the president as to
continuation or modification of
code after 90 days period of trial
and determination of results."
Announcement of the agree
ment was made smilingly, by
Johnson, shortly alter a six "hour
session with the- steel magnates
had broken 'up. The labor advis
ory board of NRA was called into
session before mid
its approval.
Smoking Behind
Barn is Proven
Perilous Again
i WATSONVILLE, Calif- Aug.
18 (AP) While playing at
smoking corn silk cigarettes be
hind a barn with her four broth
ers, Edra Evelaod Pate 4, was fa
tally burned here today. '
A match passed to her by one
of the brothers ignited her flim
sy dress. She died a tew hours
later. , .
QUINCY. Calif, Aug. 18--(AP)
Fire of undetermined origin to
night destroyed Lawrence Wool
eys sawmill in southwestern Plu
mas county, half a . million board
feet of logs and a large quantity
of cut lumber.
W. L. Pet.
Los Angeles .....83 S6 .697
Hollywood 82 5( .5-94
Portland 79 58 .577
Sacramento .......80 59 .574
Oakland 85 73 .471
San Francisco ....57 82 .410
Mission 55 83 .399
Seattle gl 86 .372
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 18.
(AP) Delegates to the 31st an
IS I nual convention of the Oregon
(AP) Six Thousand howling I State Federation of Labor here to-
f ans saw Hollywood put on a bat-1 day voted approval of a plan - for
ting spree, score 10 runs in the! standard uniform wage scales for
fourth inning, overcome an 8 to all workers In Oregon based on
0 Portland lead and finally win I the Portland schedules.
the game tonight, 14 to 10.
Punished with eight Portland
runs In the second and third
rounds. Frank Shellenback was
allowed to remain in the box. His
swatting, galloping mates came to
his rescue in the next frame, and
thenceforth he held the Portland-
Otlvr resolutions adopted in
cluded: t
A suggestion that contractors
handling public works in this
state hire only Oregon residents;
suggestion of a schedule of pen
alties for delinquent taxpayers
which will . be presented to the
ers in check, excepting the ninth, governor and the legislature; ap-
when they rallied belatedly for
two runs.
Portland 10 15 1
Hollywood 14 18 4
Gibson,' A. Jacobs, Koupal,
Bowman and Palmlsano; Shellen
baack and Bassler.
Locate in Salem
Single Teacher
School Costly
The highest per capita cost of
education in Oregon Is in the one
teacher school, C. A. Howard,
state superintendent of public in
struction, declared Friday. How
ard said It was necessary to oper
ate many of these schools because
of Isolation of the communities in
which they are located.
(Continued from past 1)
tlon in the supply.
He told them there was a new
ASTORIA, Ore., Aug. 18.
(AP) A marriage license has
element in their troubles. The I been Issued here to James O.
N. R. A., program, he said, would I Bennett, 28, of Astoria, and Tel-
raise prices and make It lmpos-ima Mae Emmett, 23, of Salem.
sible for the farmer to buy, un
less his condition were Improved
The terms of the plan, as he
presented It, were:
The government would buy
enough pigs, light hogs and sows
due to farrow in the fall to re
move from the markets between
600.000.000 and 700,000,000
pounds of live pork. This would
be done "as rapidly and effective
ly as possible," and the farmers
would be paid prices "which en
courage cooperation."
San Francisco ......0 0 1
Oakland 5 10 0
Zinn and Mclsaac, Bottarini;
Walsh and Ralmondl.
proval of a bridge across-1 be Co
lumbia river at Astoria; a demand
for a 30-hour and a five-day
week; a request for a federal re
employment service; support of
the federal administrator here of
the NRA; condemnation of the
wage policy of the Oregon state
highway commission
In the only resolution present
ed In the open meeting, the dele
gates reiterated organized labor's
opposition to the sales tax.
Los Angeles - 13 12 2
Sacramento 4 6 4
Gudat and McMullen; Vinci,
Noonan, Gilllck and Woodall.
Seattle 7 12 0
Missions 3 9 4'
Ulrich and Bradbury; Phebus,
Osborne and FItzpatrlck.
San Francisco
Davis and Bottarini; McEyoy I " '
.n V.1tm.fl , vU.i.UU y.uv
Bomb Explodes
At Reiii Home;
Nobody Injured
DENVER, Aug. 18. (AP) A
terrific explosion occurred to
night near the home of Max
Relff, . Denver wholesale- meat
dealer who several weeks ao
was threatened with death In an
Mehama Firebug
Still at Large,
Police believed a bomb had
been thrown but they were un
able to discover where It landed
s- r - . I y-r i u secretary or war
LJIIlCers iSJeuOlL today approved plans submitted
to his office by the Oregon higb-
. . .. . . fway commission for the nroDoaed
Hiaie pouce announcea, rnaaj bridr torn.. ti,
. 1 ZZ r. i t Florence.
ciew (O me uniueuuiicu uiiu nuu
was detected early yesterday
while attempting to set fire to
a store at Mehama.
The officers spent virtually all
of Thursday combing the hills in
the Mehama vicinity. Clarence
Bass, .light watchman at the
store, fired two shots at the
can of gasoline abandoned
by the prowler is being held by
the police.
W Cciflldhrr.Tij
Today and Sunday
Continuous 2 to 11 P. M.
Bargain Hour
2 to 3
Any Seat
3 to 11 P. M.
Any Seat
Childrer. 10c
AHocwOwrtTteotsr rv
Buck Jones Ranger Club
Meets Today 1:30 P. M.
Also Comedy, News and
"The Whispering Shadow
with Bela Logos!
Attend our Saturday nite
9 o'clock show and remain
for oar 11:15 p. m. midnite
matinee free.
. The Uncanny
Ttto riUMMY
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
Matinee Each Day, S P. M.
" Direct First-Baa -Portland
nt '
Mickey Mouse Matinee Today, 1 P. M.
Thrilling Adventures of an Aviator Who Turn- Bandit
to Rescue a Beauty
"Wings of Adventure" - Big Cast
Hurry! Last Times Today
Get aboard for the fun trip of your life . . . positively
this riotous couple's funniest film! It's the'panic scoop
of the year!
zasu pins
ties Irirst tcatie
Midnight Show Tonight - 1 1 :30 - and
Sunday - Monday - Tuesday
Ten words whispered in a woman's ear . . . and he
changed the history of the world!
Don't miss lPSS's most Important screen event ArUsa aa
the Buua who scandalized the wickedest city fas the world!
A Warner Bros. Pictaija
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yon. Do this today with
0 T OO'
Application For Insurance
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Salem, Oregon.
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