poeg park. Families and friends will. Jots with the dairymen Mors than 2,000 persons attended last year. ; : ', : r Program -plans Inelude ' sports and races in. the forenoon, basket lunch, at noon with free dairy products tor, all,, visiting and a short program in the afternoon. - In charge of the program are: George H-.Fullenwider. president Oregon, Dairymen's association; Roger Morse, extension dairyman, state college; J. D.Micklet ehW dairy division of the state depart ment of arriculture: Mrs. Anna L : Hughes, Guernsey breeder ; Prank W. Ducbin, president of the state - Holsteln association; ar.4 Paul C. Adams, secreUry of the Oregon Dairy council. - All creamery managers, milk plant operators and dairymen ar invited.-. 1 - Salem Bought 500 Last Saturday! ... nspii Drn .Interesting Facts H 0 01 110 'e Are Baking 700 Order Yours For This Saturday EARLY Your Grocer Will Have Them FRESH Sabirday Morning njpiEiair-iuis SgecfiaflG Soc ETgMay & Sattntu?dlay. 50c Dr. West's Cartoned ' 25 Acllfaesave Tape 1 z Id- . . . E7V2C DDDY PWHDEISL $1.50 Houbigant Qnelqnes Flenr or Ideal New Package 75 3 DD E S S 30c size E5S 10c bar Ecaveflopes acatfl IPag) eg r$ts.L 1 IIbTu. SMSUSS 50c NyalBachu and Turn per Pills For kidney paint and torpid liver & price I 25s Alarm Clocks f 1.25 Challenge Xew .Square Model Beautifully styled. Guar anteed. While TQ they last ....... ffC Fountain Special Yakima Canta- ir loupe Sundae .... IOC ; Za Nyseptol Tooth Paste v 35c Nyal Nasal Drops Reduces nasal e congestion I I makes breath 1 ing easier. Magnifying Make-up Mirror 60c Valoe While they last. Q With coupon only C 50c Nyal Ant acid Powder Banishes belching and gas lA price 1 25 c El I !A price I All Popular 1A. CIGARETTES 1UC 60c Hot Water BotUe . .85c 25c Jfysis Face Pwdr. 12Hc 91 R. Louis Cleans. Cr. 50c 25c Zinc Oxide Oint. .126 50c Nyal Alcohol Bub . .25c 50c Dental Plate Brush 25e lOo Almond Cocoa C Hard Water Soap .... 9C GUARANTEED m p Fly ff Killer I O Bif Fly M? Spray : ' qt. 79c Spray Guns 10c 60c bottle Nyalgesic For strains neuralgia and muscular soreness g Vi price 20c ( 1 oW 1 fnu I h h rMIII rli I . u 25c Nyal Corn Remover (. Storpain-- removes com with a few applications price Expert Truss Fitting' . v '.'..' ; "ui"'" ;;" Phone 3444 Call for and Deliver Prescription Service Your NYAL Service Drug Store , FREE DUVERY . - ' ... ' : . . - Complete Prescription Service Bonds may be Sold Provid ing Funds for Bonus and October 1 Debts . Payment of cash . bonuses to World war veterans whose appli cations have been . received be tween September 27. .1932. 'and July , 21 of this year, will be rec ommended to the World war vet erans state aid commission, by Jen-old Owen, secretary, it was reported here Thursday, there are approximately 100 of these appli cations on file, which aggregate 120,000. The commission halted payment of cash bonuses last . September pending an opinion by the state supreme court. Since no suit has been filed and the attorney gen eral ruled that such payment could bo made until, the constitu tional, provision was changed. Owen will sk that payment , be made as soon as funds are avail able. ' .' The voters -of Oregon, at the special election July 21, repealed the provision for payment of cash bonuses and increased the rate of Interest on loans to six per cent on an assessed valuation of 40 per cent for two years. Cessation of loans after July 1, 1938, also was approved by the voters. The commission previously loaned at the rate of four per cent on a val uation of 75 per cent. At the next meeting of the commission the bond market will be considered with a view of sell ing a block of securities previous ly authorized with which to pay cash bonuses and to make loans for which a. dozen applications are now on file. The commission has unsold bonds of 31,200,000 but has re fused to sell them because of un certain market conditions. In case the market is considered satisfac tory, bonds in the amount of 1250.000 will be sold. Of this anfeunt more than half will be used to meet the $1,000,- 000 payment of principal and in terest on outstanding bonds due October 1, Owen declared. The' distribution of The States man today Including the extra green section copies is One of the attendants at the state hospital told us that he is working 13 hours a day and ev- m iIiti tiA ( nva TilTi am what they call the "flat" shift. He j receives tne enormous sum 01 353.23 a month. O r , F. J. Rogers,' who may be found behind the counter at the Walk er's market Is a good meat cut ter but he certainly knows his flowers. He has & place on Sa lem Heights and spends his extra time with his flowers. Just now he has some very fine asters on display at the market. If you en joy flowers and want Information about them talk to Mr. Rogers. . O There is some of the Jam and Jelly left from the eerto contest. This jam may be purchased at a reasonable prioe at The Statesman office. ' -o ! Dairy Industry Picnic 27th at Champoeg Park The third annual picnic for re presentatives of all branches of the Oregon dairy Industry will be held Sunday, August 27, at Cham- 111 T7 5?rrr Fl F- TITi A One Reason Why U Always " r " Pays to Shop at Irish-Bing gij AAIAIZO CORN STARCH 5c POTATO CHIPS, pkg. 5c Oregon Brand A for 23c SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT . ' . : 2 tor 19c FINE GRANULATED : While " Present ; Stock . Lasts NONE SOLD TO DEALERS - 3 100 lbs. $4.55 101bs:47c WHITE EAGLE FLOUR, 49 lbs. 1.49 Dalles Diamond Hard Wheat . FLOUR You cannot beat this - 0 -Jl l.UO for flour CERTO, for jeUy bottles for 39c CIDER VINEGAR, per gat .... 15c LOCAL SWEET CORN; per - doz. ,;, 10c CABBAGE i solid heads, lb. lc Feed Department We have: purchased the; Crown Feed Store, of which Dave Ram seyer . was manager, and will cairyja complete line of Crown Poultry, Dairy and Fox Feeds. MrY RAMSEYER WILL BE WITH OUR FIRM FROM NOW ON. We have Hodgen-Brewster Dairy and Poultry Feeds of all, kinds. Hodgen-Brewster Egrg Producer, milk, oil and greens, 100s; H. B. Laywell Mash, milk, op and greens, 100s. NOTICE We have no limit on our merchandise. Buy all you want. We are your friends-and neighbors. HEARING SET FOR THEE FIT SETUP A hearing will be held in Port land Tuesday, August 22, at which a proposed marketing agreement requested by the Northwest Fruit Industries. Inc., will be discussed, it was announc ed in a telegram received at me executive department here Thurs day from Ammon McClellan, chief hearing clerk or the agricultural ad lustra ent administration, with i headquarters in Washington. The proposed agreement wouia come under the arricultural ad justment act and relate to condi tions, practices ana proration ox Moments in the fresh deciduous tree fruit Industry In the states of Washinrton. Oreeon. Idaho and Montana. . The telegram indicated that an : emergency exists in conditions deciduous tree fruits in tense deciduous tree fruits In these states Senator McNarr was said to hare been Instrumental in obtain ing the hearing which Is of Inter est to a large number of frult- rrowers in Oregon and otner northwest states. 1 BARS WED IN CELL OF BATES TOcmveR. Aur. 17 (AP) Police late today found sawed through two bars of the cell hold ing Albert Bates, held as one or the Urschel kidnapers. No saws or other instruments were found and the bars were cut i thranrh close to the floor. Police began a search of the Jail and strengthened the guard on the tier holdlns the alleged desserado. Heavy wire netting was nlaced orer strategic wln- Warned of a possible attempt to dellrer Bates, a machine gun squad has been on duty for three days. . OPTOMETRIC SERVICE Telephone Kftft . Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted All Modern Frames and Lenses at Prices Everyone Can Afford Satisfaction Guaranteed - Dr. Ruth MDaugherty 801-3-S first National Bank Bldg. Terwilliger Funeral Home 77t CBXMEXXTA BTSXZT raOMZ SALEU C22S Careful ' and XntelUgeat thought Is given to every sit uation. .Wi tenderly , bonox the " opiwrtonity to' serve roa at a time when service means so much. We attend to every, detail. ESTABLISHED 1309 We AgEi YdDmn? Himdliiallgeimoe 0i? As during that time we win be in the process of modernizing the Market along the line of the latest super mar ket ideas the many hundreds of items now on display will be rearranged to what we believe you will agree to be the most convlenent shopping center in the west. Prices will be reduced to lower levels rather than advance with the present wholesale advances in order to dispose of as much merchandise as possible before setting in the new fixture. Th? Market i3 open 'till nine every CTcirg. JO) UJ, MARION STREET StJPER MARKET Not a Chain Otoro Red Arrow, Freshly Baked SODA WAFERS Slightly salted Crisp 2 Pound Box 22 2 Boxes 45c Finest Quality Large New Pack SHRIMP H AD Per Can . Fancy Grab Meat No. 1-2 Tins 253 Fruits and vegetables are in plentiful supply, exceptionally nice for this week end are Peaches, Cantaloupes, Cassa bas, Watermelons, white and Golden Bantam Sweet Corn and of course other items such as Head Lettuce, Cucumbers, String Beans, Summer Squash, Beets, Carrots and Turnips are as always at their best at the Market. The price like other foods at this store are to the ad vantage of the housewife. ' MJB Coffee 1 lb. can 2,0c Libby's Fancy : Red Salmon 1 pound cans 2 for 29 Armour's CORN BEEF 2 cans 25 Libby's Rose Dale Alaska Medium Red Salmon .2 cans 23 C Armour's Veribest Lunch Meats Vi size cans S for iC Freshly Roasted COFFEE In bulk 3 pounds 63c Maxwell House COFFEE 2 lb. cans per pound 23 Schilling's Orange Pekoe TEA Unlimited Guarantee l4lb.pkg.27c Supreme Brand Fancy Asparagus Tips Picnic Size 2 cans 25 WHITE KING GRANULATED SOAP Large Package 3 One 5c Bar White King Toilet Soap Free Noptex Tissue Paper Post Toasties j Rolls 4 Pkgs. SgQ - ; ; Quaker Puffed Wheat DURKEE'S SALAD AID I DTScli, Keznlardze package .' . ; . I MAYONNAISE -Packages 2Se: ; lYou Can Buy Fruit Jars At A Very Low Price TAT THE MARKET DURING OUR REMODELING SALE j: O