tA'ii ri-I .-S. vAiit .i-yrS - -'- i-.-.. .,T V 2 i f-'.-. W, Tie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Friday Morning. August 18. 1933 PAGE THIRTEEN - j:: t r " ' -' " .'.'' .r Trs-r Tjit y j t r -t Ttl-L , ' - ' m , "'.'" , " . " kv77 n n T7-c-t: tv at) a rAn rr 5? Business Directory Cards In this directory tun m aMBthlr kMU" wily. IUtt 4Lt r Um vr bbobUu . AUTO BRAKES octo. t7t ouUl OomnwrcU! Sir. CATERING Bert "Cmry. tlw ofrer. Ph. CHIMNEY SWEEP CHIROPRACTORS DR. a U SCOTX. I'SU CbXropnotar. tfc It Hltt Tk IUfc WTX FLORISTS CUT tkwra, wdUiii bo4ucvua fcaiift. CMtiM. HI. Court. TL r ALi kind oCtlora war. LflU ITlaf GLASS Aula and ludo glass mirrors, 14L flu. WmlwrJ. iJuwas, s grsys. INSURANCE LAUNDRIES TBsl MJW SJUJCM. UMSD&X iasi WtUJJMtt LJLUM&KX tlt&UKll ,-Tattm . ' CAPITAL. CtTZ UAUNDKX - : rust la 4uUU wd bsrvlcs ::! LAWN MOWERS tShrvuU rvyatraJ aad - Us Jed. Baku w. acu rr. -Tin cycts un- MATTRESSES sLittresws Xrom lactory to " bom. r.ioa mattress. lb. Kenovat- n, luunmLLurs. Kumts cleaned. Cap it,,! MedOUUt Co. 11. U3U CiitoL Nw mattress made to order, old reuudoi cril cteauui. suuiutilluu ruM weavtua. MUeui tluu tta Mat u tautury, & 13U Wuour. lei. 441. Oil Stwicaer. iftC 1H. MUSIC STORES nirn c WLLJ Flantts. radios, sew- tns luaciuaes, sbeoi musto and plan siuUtes. Kevairiuc racuwa, pnonuKiupos mi MWtnd matfliinea, s OIM.I tareet. MEDICINE Charlie Chan Chineb iuicum IZi Com'L c ..ufr tiiirdware. e nave sil kinds ol toerUs Xor male and le- i .....rricn. kidney, bladder, stom ach, every Mufcnesa. Jiaustled Balem paUenu wlU testily. Consultation Iree. tiours -. tiun t'lt. When Others Fall Kature'a iwrba tor every UU H. S. Low. noted Chinese herbalist. Commercial atreet. iJaiem, Oregon. iSisned since Itia to Uland, Calif. Consultation Iree. Telephone Honrs h Sun. 19 to U M. " ' .... U. M Lt. Chan mud wnini ''"7. Hours Tuesday and kxiday, IS i -n MUSIC INSTRUCTION Steel, Span, Guitar, Mandolin. A b rior s ciuto every Ba a:J0. iZzioT euuol. -ult. P. Mcumgw, ssr Statesman St. Tel. TIE. FAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATION-, cards, paxoph leUt, program-, boo oc any kind Ot uriuuug. call Xb bta teaman irUtUna lepruut, 21 8. C--iarc Tele phone !-. REAL ESTATE UKCKifl Ui-NDRIC---, Tel. 4947. W. H. UHAUi-NHOa-T ft CO. lit & Libert t. ' BOCOLOlfSKX a SON . SU4-5 First titfL kUdg. Tl. T207. ST0YE3 bTOVl and slave repairing. Store fr sale, r--U and reiired. AU k-uds of woven wire teac, Uncy and puun, bop b-saet-, books, logan booaa K-i.m n mncm l BtOV ' VVorfca n-ni.k.iiL TL 4114. R. B. FlajnlneV SUOE REPAIRING Low price, Good -ork. 940 & Com'l TRANSFER CAPITAL C1XX Traa-ler Co. 234 Stat bU Tel. III. D-au-autlng, for warding and storag eur sjc vr Gt ma rates. for inrai r distant transfer storag. call 2111, Larmer Xranaler Co. Trucks to Portland dally. 1 TYPEWRITERS TrpEWRlTERS Adding Men. sold, rented, repaired.' Underwood Aganta Cooke ft bbort, 419 Court TeL . WELL DIULLINQ a a, RKD S. West, 30 years rriace. Bos 103 ML TeL II 0F5. MRS. 8TIIATTOX ItETNS : 6PRINQ VALLEY, Aug. 17. Mrs. Vivian Stratton returned home early this week after sever al months spent In Illinois where he was called by the illness and death of her mother, who visited here a year ago. L. P. Matthews Is suffering with a painful eye which became intecied from a stye. Florida motorlsU In 1932 JO per cent of totl state taxes. . Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUadlfted Adrtts4agj ubibsI laggrtloa fr Ua.lf Tbrag ttuartlaag yr lift MnMMW4.tN Sic jAairtlanfpr Unr..ie-. Oa naath pr lin. .l.ft ICIalmaB cnara .tit . tor laLr pf ae pU4 until CSO.tn Ta tas bafor rabUtattoa for etaMiflnthm. ' Coj r eel red after tali Un will be raa anar taa aeadtag Too-Lata to Oaasity. Th Stateataaa aaaaaiW ao flaane'.al ' reepaaatbinty . for error vhtea may ap pear ta adertlaeaeBta pat tlgned ta ft eelaaaa. aat la cases waere thlt paper la at ftalt wUl reprint that part ot a adrertUenrent la .wWcl taa typographical miataka oeemra.; Tie ' Statesman rerres tUe rlstrt to reject objee Uonal adTertlslng. It ttr ther . reaerres the Hxht . to dassrty all advertising aa der. the proper eUsalca HELP WANTED MALE Les Angetes iltg. Co. wants distrib utor Xor this territory. Salary and commission. Mr. Adams, Tel. 4 151. WANTED Man with team to level lot CHILDS A- MILLER. Realtors S44 SUte Street TeL C70S. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Young girl to do light housework. In 4 rm. house. Tel. SSSC SALESMEN WANTED OPPORTUNITT High class sales men. References, com. SOS Senator ho- tel, 1 to 12 a. m 2 to 4 p. nu, FtL, Sat. and Monday. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Excellent 68F1J. piano. Reasonable. TeL Old papers 10c a bundle, Statesman office. Saw gumming and sharpening mile E. Four Corners. TeL. 4280. Gravensteins, SOc, bring boxes, hrs. 2-5, Mrs. Wright 4H ml Wallace rd. FOR SALE Corn 50c sack, beans 75c sack, for canning. Deliver Tues days, Fridays. Write W. L. Hatch, AumsvUle, Ore. Radio for Sale $189.00 9-tube Stewart-Warner. Re possessed. Balance due $34.20. Terms. $5.00 down, $5.00 monthly. See Mr. Jena at Wills Music Store. FOR SALE Cucumbers. R. a Wlt zel. Rout 1, Turner. TeL 47. Good tent. 111.00. Tel. 2383. Electrolux Vac. cleaner, 2 months old, condition guaranteed, for. quick sale, less than hair price. TeL ss4. 1922 MODEL. The very latest. Little Bungalow built by Baldwin, Used 4 month & Sell for balance contract, 40 off former price. Trad In your old piano. 1A) rt payment, easy terms, CLINK PIANO WAR-HUUH- Largest Dealers on Pacific Coast Free delivery within 200 mile. MADE by famous Baldwin Factory: Baby Grand, nsed only a few moaths. Sell for balance or contract, uem tnan V, former price, very easy terms. Trad in your old upright as part pay- nent CLXNB PIANO WARJCHOUSH 512 Stat Street Largest Dealers on Pacific Coast Free delivery within 200 miles. TRADE Miscellaneous Wilt trad good Universal heater for wood. Owner, 117g N. Com'L WANTED Miscellaneous straw baling wanted. We would be interested In buying th straw or wiU bat It for you. The Rhoten baler. TeL 2552, or call at 1595 S. High St, Sa lem. MISCELLANEOUS Exp. hair cutting, 302 8. Winter St mv w We pick up dead, worthless horses, cows, sheep. TeL Hair cut 25c. Joe's Barber shop. 154 So. Church street ; , FOR RENT ROOMS sjrsj-ry-irs--s i - ' " mm mmmm mm Rooms. TeL SC7S. 699 Court St. Rooms, also meals. 492 N. Summer. ROOM AND BOARD . A large room with board. Suitable for two; Gentlemen preferred. TeL 437S Room, board, for men. TeL 4759. FOR RENTAPARTMENTS Patton apartment, downtown dls eric. mol. clean, comfortable, private bath. Vary reasonable. Call Patton' s Book Store. Apt. 91 ft 912. 29T N. ComX Ants. $5. 355 BeUvn St i ii ii n n imniwovmnr i ...-l- Nlc furn. apt. 690 Union. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and nnfura. hous. R A. For knar. 1419 N. cottage, Te. srss. nn Tj-B-MTrifl f room hous. All newly kalsomined. Large walnut tree. On bus line. Se Mrs, caawu. s.tmn sincai Houses. Damon. 29T-K. ComT. j imen. wk Nob ' HllL SlS.v: l VZ N lTthT 420.00. P. H. BELL, 221 Oregon Bldgv Tel. 2902. m.ii.1 i.nni i i - New flv room modern bouse and CALLf-TI29 er 3111 mwwww" pii-iwi .-g . FOR RENT g rooms furnlabed South Salonv 'BeauUful country home extra wB "? HUDKINS, TL 9191, Room 2. Millers Store Bldg. i FOR RENT. FOR RENT Small farm, -Must Oak, or TeL I Kav team.- Write 1141 IUJ. ' WANTED TO RENT WANTED Small, modern bouse! about SepC 1st, t or roomswill take long-tuns lease. Might buy later. Address Bex 2S2, care Statesman." FOR SALE Real Estate - KQR , SALE FURNISHED v Keat S room shingled cottage, good plumbing, electric lights, fireplace, woodshed, pared street, walks In, doss to-bos line. Price II Tie. part terms. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors - 244 State Street . TeL (70S. A signtlr T-room semi-modem borne. basemsot. fireplace, beautiful grounds izvxisz rest, jargs imit, tint trees,! KraDs sroor. garden, garage. Wear jun ior high and' two .grammar schoots, nice view, paved stret. Only $1250, terms. Owner, 741 Rural Avenue. TeL S4. Grocery equipped, rent 1S5. Modern house near Parrish school, rent S2K t A. dear to trade for clear house, Talue S2000. .1 R. house West Salem, $285. Terms. Restaurant flSO, rent ?2t. Loans wanted. S750. $1000. 22400. ISSOe. First mtg. security. 2 lots 46x85, pavement in. (4vo. - . . Independence home, $850. DAMON, m North Commercial -"- -i iii-vw"wiofra Remember. I am still building houses. Will build to suit en easy terms. Bring I your plans and nee- me. H. C . SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 2902 EXCHANGE Real Estate 120 . acres near Salem. Statesman. timber for small home Owners. Box. 272. care EXCELLENT EXCHANGE OFFERED . . 20 acres sandy loam soft, 4 acres t yr. old walnut .orchard, fair improve ments, pavea ntgnwar and 1 mile from good town. Exchange equity of $2400 ror residence or acreage here. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 244 8tate Street TeL 4702 HOWELL PRAIRIE FOR TRADE 40-acres, 25-A. cult, living stream. New 4-R. house, garage and poultry house. Fair barn. For quick sale, izuu. mis is a Dargain. SEE JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 122 South High Street WILL give good deal on rood Port land home for going farm near Salem. Address 1910 N. E. Halsey St, Pert- lana. Beautiful 5-acres, improved, close in. For mod. city property. Box 272, statesman. "''--- -- " -1 i-n-h-innn.rxri.rxA.jv Will trade or sell 24 A. camn cronnd and gas station on Pac. highway, for Salem home or hi other large town. $2000 mortgage. Box 250, care States man. ACREAGE i , . nn ruxruxruxn-i house, chicken house, good welL 3-4 A. ' a a. 2 m east or saiem. mm ring wainuts, siaau. 1 10 A. 1V4 ml from Salem, fair farm bldgs., fenced, 1 V, A. orchard, some iuwl :i , vit iTi ruauu k2j:av. : . . . . . . . - 1 mi. xrom saiem, all new buildings, family orchard, well, spring w r yipca 10 aposv 30U. 20 A. fine land, fair bldgs., fenced. parea road, ianrny orchard, 1 A. bear ing wainuts, stocked and equipped, $3500. MELVTN JOHNSON. 275 Stat Street WANTED REAL ESTATE " .........- -i-l-V-u-LTt-LnJU-l Beanurui elose-ln view acre trees. cny water, cic. snap, fnon S1S4. MONEY TO LOAN AAAMMW rluK)nIi LOANS a lADHJ n furniture, cars, salartae or other good; security- Raeara ii monthly. When In financial need as ua Doior closing a loan. UKIKItA, LaVEiST TENT CORPORATION Pint National Bank Bids. Pbn 1182 -r - r."M ninrin PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS BiAlHi LOAN CVUaPANX 212 Oregon Bull din bl Snd Fin Office bra. 10. -00 A. M. t S;i pl Telephone 7722. Stat license No. Borrow on personal nrooertr t mum In monthly Installment-. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO- But Ita. S-1S9. Iu uninuH mag. xsi. i. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Untracts isetTna-ced Arrange to redoo yout payments To. keep th car P. A. EIKER Corn Libertr St and Far i Phone 4T22 - Saiem. Or First mortgage loans yielding In vestors 7. interest semi-annually. Farm and city security. Denominations 9509 to 12000. A first mortgage loan is tn pest investment CHILDS ft MILLER. Mtge. Loans 244 State Street Tel. 4702 FOR SALE WOOD A-l oak, 14-in. $4.50 deL TeL 4585. AH kinds of wood. TeL 4412. . - - --,- , iJ--nprnnjTJVjTl GUARANTEED DRT wood eoaJ TeL 4000 Salens Fuel Co. Trad ft Cottage Ash, fir and oak. TeL 1442. Phone ..Tracy's, 2924 for dry wood. Old fir. fir knots, see. growth ash. oak. Tel. IS7S. LOST AND FOUND LOST Amity bill fold, with driver's license. Return Office, First Christian church. P. Crow! URenn. VTsmxa with parents MACLEAY Aug. 17. Mrs, Edith Wilson has had as- her guests her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Banta, and daughter, carol, of Baker City. POLLY AND HER 1 . ".. - " ' " I iTjurTT-n ivtL 1 fiMMM--j - , Tl InG 1-T1M CF COURSE! 1, 1 frfrpy s - -' "' s j I FOR SALE USED CARS Our Used Cars and Trueks We Have Priced Them Right --CARS-- l-8tudebaker Dictator Sedaa ' 1 -Willys-Knight SwUa Model 54 l-8tudebaker Commander 4-pase. 1-Lt Nash Coup 1 -Special Nash Roadster 1-Ford Panel DeliTery TRUCKS l-2 Ford with Warlord Trans. l-2 Chev. -with semi-trailer l-'ll Cher. L. W. B. with duals l-'U Cv M. C lH-t ton.-14 body 1-2 ton Federal with logging banks end trailer with booster brakes working now en SMOd Daring Job. I All must go this weak to make room for- trades we ere getting la on new u. h. u. trucks. WOOD-WHEATON MOTOR CO. INC. 540 Chemeketa Street Salem, Or. Quality Used , Cars TRADED ON TERRAPLANES 20 HUDSON LIGHT 8 SEDAN 2425 in extra good condition. 20 BUICK STD. 4 COUPE $475 New pamt and A-I mechanically. '29 HUDSON GREATER CPK. $221 Overhauled, new paint end tires. rumnie seat and other extras. '20 STUDB COMMAND. SEDAN $450 The light six model In extra good connitloB. 22 DURA NT HPT RDSTR. 2271 Original finish good.' motor nerfect '22 HUPMOBILE t R. S. CPE. 2225 Run les than 25,000, new paint and urea, mecnanicany perfect 24 DODGE SCREEN DELIVERY f 95 uvuu onaiuon. State Motors, Inc. High at Chetnekata STUDEBAKER a HUDSON TERRA PLANE MEMBER N. R. A. Open Evenings and Sundays ..... 1 irLil.n .1 n Borregofs Best Buys I4T5 '10 Stud Commander Sedan $445 '22 Chevrolet Coupe $225 '28 Buick Brougham 225 25 Buick Snort COUD $225 '2t Oakland Sedan We have many others to pick from. WILL TAKE HAT IN TRADE 240 No. Liberty TeL 2488. 1932-Dodge 8dan radio, trunk neater. -wheel equip ment car Just like new .2995.00 i3V-jDoage tie dan Eight new rubber . 250.00 If 28-Dodge Sedan 128 real buy 235.00 1927-Bulck Sedan, new rubber 150.00 l31-studebaker Eight Coupe overhauled 495.00 235.00 1928 Studebaker Sedan 1928-Oldsmoblle Sedan six' wheel 295.00 1928-Durant Coupe 1925-Palge Sedan 125.00 100.00 1821-Ford Tudor 25.00 1923-Maxwell Coupe 35.00 BONESTEELE SALES SERVICE INCORPORATED (Tel. 4444 See the Big New Dodge) QLO SCHOOLMftTES IT.' SCOTTS MILLS, Aug. 17. A- bout 100 persona attended a pic nic Sunday at the park of old res idents and school-mates of this vicinity. Harry White and Clyde Phillips of Gervals were the old est graduates present, graduating from the eighth grade here In 1905. The Heinz reunion wes held Sunday under the fir trees at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vulnle Heinz. Basket dinner at noon fol lowed by business meeting and program. Thirty friends helped Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kellis celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary Sunday at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Moberg. 1933 Wool Clip In Oregon Over Last Y ear 9Word Preliminary reports on the Ore gon wool clip for 1933 -tlmate that 19.720.000 pounds were shorn from 2,320.000 head ot sheep. In 1932, the clip was 18,- 630,000 pounds from 2.300.000 sheep. For. the entire country, the United States department ot agri culture estimates the 1933 shear ing at 348,194,000 pounds, which is about 'four million pounds more than In 1932. This is one per cent Increase and resulted from a two per cent Increase in the average weight per fleece, which was 7.75 pounds in 1932 and 7.90 pounds this year. Portable Cannery At Jefferson Soon For Aid of . Needy JEFFERSON, Aug. 17. Those who are planning to take advan tage of the portable cannery for home canning, which will be in Jefferson August 28. and who have not registered, - should do so at I once. This portable cannery will be located on the school grounds. The elty will furnish the water for for its operation, and the Marlon county relief workers donated money to pay for the wood. All who have had assistance from the Red Cross, are entitled to use of cannery, but all must register before August 28, at Ed- I na B. Allen's home on Third street, PALS T MS BfflMCBE Light Hen Market is in bad Shape; Hogs Ease off; top Lettuce Scarce PORTLAND. Aug. 17 (APX Cheese reached a new low point dating the late, session ot the pro dace exchange with triplets down' le to lie lb., the lowest mark ever reached, locally. Storage stock of cheese "were heavy and this was becoming quite burdensome with more than seasonable production continued. Market for batter showed a alow tone with no change suggest ed In the day's price either on the exchange or on. the open market: There continued far greater than normal seasonable make. . ' Most of the eggs being sold lo eally at this time were out of storage. Some that are talking of great strength: In. fresh eggs were unwilling to bny them, claiming they were using their own short held storage. Market for light and medium weLeht ' hens anoeared In bad shape here as a result of the hot weather which has greatly curtail ed consumption locally. Lights are down to 7c lb. baying price, a new low record. Late drops In the price of live hogs in the stockyards caused values on country killed stuff to ease off a trifle. Veal was holding, steady to strong at recent ad-, vance. Lambs were well held. Beef was dull but unchanged in price. Serious scarcity of peaches con tinued here. It was impossible to have orders tilled In northern California and prices on the small lots available have been advance. Therefore higher prices were shown here. There was little really top quality head lettuce available and prices were firm to higher here. Sales were being made up to $1 crate tor the best available. Winter Oats Yield 75 Bushels, Dayton DAYTON, Aug. 17 Winter oats made a yield of 75 bushels an acre; tall and spring wheat went 40 bushels an acre on the Neal Stoutenburg farm,. In Unionvale Tuesday when threshing was done with John Squire's outfit, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of Marlon County. State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 9 th day of Aug ust, 1933. was appointed admin istratrix of the estate of WIL LIAM S. LEVENS. and that she ha duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified as re quired by law, at the offices of Keyes & Page, 306 U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon, in the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, to-wlt Aug ust 10th, 1933. LEODA M. LEVENS, Administratrix of the estate of William 8. Levens, Deceased. Attorneys for Administratrix baiem, uregon. a-ii-is-z-s-i-b. Radio Program TODAY, AUGUST IS SOW PerUa-d 020 Ke. 7:00 U. a Maria band, NBC. 7:20 U. a Marine band NBC. 7:30 Orgas concert. NBC. 7:45 Bddie King. 8:00 Soloist, NBC. 8:15 Old Memory Box,NC. 8:20 rood eoaservstloa talk, NBC. 8:4- Soloist, NEC. 9 :1S Baekaroos, NBC 9:30 Cooking school. 10:00 Arioa Trio. NBC 10:80 Woman' Magazin of the Air. una 11:45 Fire Cards. NBC. 12:15 Wester Farm sad -tome hoar, . NBC 4S O. M. Flo-uner. 00 Manhattan Besek Brass band, NBC. 8:00 The Sollickers, NBC. 8:20 Friendly Chat 4:00 Winston Petty. NBO. 445 Soathera Harmony Fenr, STBO. 5:00 Phil Harris, NBC 5:80 Oat of the East NBC. 8:45 8am Gordon, the Kibitzes. S:00 Foirst Kighter. NEC. 8:80 The Arkansas Trarelers, ECO-CO. 7:00 Amos Andy. NBC 0:50 Terrs Gardens orchestra, NBC 10:15 Anson Weeks' orchestra, HBO. It: 00 Sid Uppsssa's orchestra. NBC 11:80 Bel Tsbaria ereasstra, NBC. .. ' . XOAC Corralll 50 Xe. 6:45 Farm market reports. :00 Hosa enamla Observer. - 11:00 Better Health sad Loafer Life. 1 1 :80 Morning Matinee. s:oo rim aoar. 2 :00 As To Like It Aethony Enwer. 9:iewT-e Homeauvkera' Half Hoar. Brothers Under the Skin Wheat Runs Wildly in ; 1 0-Cent Limits and -; Closes up 2 to 3 CHICAGO,. Aug: 17 (AP) Renewal of confidence of buyers asserted itself In: giant fashion on the Chicago board of .trade today, and .Whirled aLW grains values sky ward. In, excited dealings, wheat ran wildly through almost the entire 10-cent range -of prices permitted for a single day, and just before trading ended reached an apex of 1H cenu tip from early bottom figures.: Corn, oatr, rye and barley advances went to the full extent allowed under emergency rules. and established: net gains of 2 to. f cents a ousnei. . . 1 Removal of all grain trade re strictions except a 'maximum B cent limit up or down trom the previous day's -close appeared to be the spark which set the grain markets afire. Complete reversal of aentinvent among traders de veloped first. In the corn crowd. but spread quickly to other grains, wheat last of all. There was no evidence of con centrated buying of any cereal. and rumors ot a huge pool having been formed to purchase wheat were explicitly denied. Lively profit-taking near the dose pulled wheat down from top figures, and the market closed unsettled . l-2 above yester day's llnLsh, with corn strong 4 cents up, oats also at the maxi mum, 3 cents advanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat-SepL 89-90; Dec.. 9ZT-93; May, 964-97. Corn Sept., 49,: Dec. 51 H: May, f9. Oats Sept., 36: Dec., S3: 40 JMay. 44. General Markets PBODIICX EXCELUrOB PORTLAND. Ore.. Anr. IT (A.P). i-njaaee e-eeaage, net prices: Batter, ex tras 19; standards 18; prime firsts 17; firsts 14 ; efts, fresh extras 52; fresh I meai mi su. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore. Ang. 17 (AP). High Low Close Wheat Ooen Sept . 70 Dec. 74 70 69 69 74 73 74 Cash wheat Mo. 1 Bis Bend hlnetem 77; dark bard winter 12 pet. 79; 11 pet 70; soft white, western white, hard win ter, northern spring 67; western red 9. rOats: No. 2 white 934.00. orn: xo. E. Y, 823.00. Millrua ataadard $18.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Anr. 17 f AP). Butter prints, extra. 21c; standards ZOe; Bntterfat Portland delivery: A rrsde. 18 lb.; farmer's doer delivery, 16 per id.; awees cream, bo aigser. Eggs Pacific Doaltrr Dr-dneera' eell. tng priee: oversize, 24c; extras, 22a; standards. 20c: mediants. 20e: millets. see aoxea. staying price or wselesalera ireaa extras. 19 gosea: saediama. 16 dosen; undergrade, lie dozen. Uaeese 03 score Oreroa triolets. axe; ioz, xze id. -irosers will pey He below - quotations. Milk contract Dries. 4 net Portland ettvery, ?i.7U cwt; B grade cream. 87 lb. Country meats selling Dries t re tailers : Co entry killed bors. beet b-tch- ers, aader 150 lbs. 7-8e; vealers, TO to -00 loe.,.-Hc; spring lambs, 10-lle lb.; yearnaga, -5s lb.; heavy owes, 3-50 lb. ; mediass cows, 5-6e lb.; caaaer cows, s-Be lb.; boils. 4-5a lb. Moaau -bay lax once: 1938 ells 15e lb. Ca scare berk baying price. 1933 PeeL -e. MoDa nominal. 1933. 40s I. Lire poeltry Portland delivery: Bay. tng prices: heavy Sens, colored, gtt 5 lbs. 12e; do 5 lbs op. ltc; ken ever a 4 lbs- Be: under i it, 7; rnrtag. 3 lbs. ap lie; broilers. l-3 lbs. 18c; colore springs. 4 lbs. ap. lie; roasters, over 4 lba 14c; reoeters. Ce lb.t decks. Pekia. broilers, 8-10e lb. New onions Walla Walls. 11.75 cen tal. Onions selling priee to retailers: Oregon. 81.35-1.35 cental. Mew potatoes local white and rs. 81.60-1 75 eentaL (J sa talon pee Yakima standarAs el- 1.10 crate : Dalles, si-l.iv crate. Strawberries New Oregons. 92 crate. Wool 1933 eUp. nonunal; Willamette valla 7, 28-250 lb.; eastern Oregoa 10-21 lb.: soetnern Idaho. 10-zoe it). Hay baying Price from producer : Al falfa No. 1, aew crop. $17.00; clover No. 1, 814; Willamett vaUey timothy, sio: eastern Oregoa timothy. 218; eata end graia 914 ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Aog. 17 (AP) Cattle: rta 20. ealves S. steady. Steers, best 6.25-5.75; common sad medium, S.2&-4.50 heifers, best 4.00- 4.35: mediam. l.l-.o: cows, nest. 8.00-8.25: eommoa and mediam, 1.75- 2.50; canners. 1.00-3.00; balls, beat 3-00- 1.25; mediam. 3.7 - calves, neat. 0.00-0.3. ; goo. S.oo-o.oo; ordinary, Hon: receipts 187: 85 lower tor light .batchers. Top light batchers 5.00- B.50: heavy Botchers, ,7--a.vu; bows. 2.75-8.00; slaughter pigs, 4.00-4.60; faedav ttira -.DO-4.B. Base: none: aeure. sea. aasme nan 8.40: lembe. best 6.50-8.00 ; mediam. 4.50-5.00; yearling wethers, x.oo-s.oo; ewe. 1.00-1.60. - 7:00 Sammer Mnilc TrSft Wmrm hoar. 8:15 Philosopher f the Csosirosds. Saleni Markets Grade' B raw 4 mUk. co-op pool price, f 14(0 per hmxlrrd. - Surplus S1.23. (Iflik sated eattarfss srtrag. sari 1 taly Distributor price St. TO N Batterfat Top l-17c, prints 20c, cube 22c. : J - Trleeo psld U stsssw ky Baltai bsysrr Airut IT (Ta eriee MIm, pph4 ey s Iseal groter, r tadiestlv 41 ta eaiir srkt im are mo gn sratd by Tb- 8 I . mOIT AJTO VISETaBUI string bw. local, lb ., Mk rxM Osftbsre. ewt. 75 U IjOO Oreea peppers. local, lb. - .05 . .02 U J03 1.00 to 1.25 . 65 te . J.00 te 1.25 LIS Peas, nxit, lb. Oaioas. do. - baaekes Pltoes, local ' Lettaee. loesf - Pager bb4 . , Onwni, Cstif . cwt Celery, doa, Apples,' Grseeasteias .75 Orsac. Valeaelas, fsaey S.00 t S.50 Place pack L75 U 2.25 Beets, local, do. , .10 Taraip. local, crate . JO Carrot t. local. So. .iv Spiasck, local, era to jti to .se Bananaa. lb. ea stock .OS Basds -J5 Ose-atbera, kotaosse, box 7 .20 Local, oos. Cantaloupes, crate , -90 to 1.25 8.00 1 nn 8. J 5 1.00 l.OO J02 .60 75 " .05 .70 -1.S 2.2S .08 ' .03 icBooa Lnaoa. freak ., Arseadoa. crate Sqnsao. Italiaa, crate Seauner. crate Wstoraietoaa. retail . Tosaatoe. The Dalles Blackberries Peaches, local, lb. Peaches, Calif- crate Bsc Blast crate Grapes, seedlee Cora, local, doi. . .Casabas, lb. HOPS Top. 1932. lb. .50 BOGS Baying Prices Extras . .19 . .18 . .17 . J04 - .12 . -OS , .or .11 5.25 5.50 5.25 Standards Mediums POOXTBT Old roosters . Colored heas Media i hens Light heas Leghorns MEAT Spring Iambs, eop -iocs, top First cuts Second eotf 5.00 4.50 to .04 Pics 8teera , .OS .01 .02 Cowa Balls to .02 4 to .03 Dresscl veal, top -07 H Dressed bogs : .08 UA-B aIO UI Wkeat, western red ... .68 .68 -17.00 .23.00 White, No. I - Barley, top, toa Oats, ton Hay. baytag pneee Oata and vetch, toa " , , .13.00 .15.00 .13.00 Alfalfa, valley 1st cut , Clover hay WOOL Mediant .25 .29 .20 .01 .08 Coarse Mohair . CAS C ABA BASX Green. lb. Dry. lb. NOTICE OP FINAL ITEARIAG IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE COUNTY OF MAR ION. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF EARNEST ARTHUR C. SMITH. DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby glren that the final account of Leah Louise Smith, Executrix of the Estate ot Earnest Arthur C. Smith, de ceased, has been filed in the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, and that the 21st day of August. 1932. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the Court House of said county, has been appoint ed try said Court for hearing ox objections to said . final account, at which time any persons Inter ested in said estate may appear and. file objections thereto m writing and contest the same. LEAH LOUISE SMITH, Execntlx. KEYES ft PAGE. Attorneys -for Executrix, U. S. National Bank Bldg.. Salem, Oregon. J. 21-28; A. 4-11-18 NOTICE OF APPOINT-fENT OF KXECXTllIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marlon, as Executrix of the last will and testament and estate 1 1 01 i-ii us xt nan, aeceaseu, auu II tntt ,n a dnl an"" -oca 1 1 STnfrlT all iwruini bavins- claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office , of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six. months from 'the dale of this notice. . Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 18th day of August, 1932. . ALICE B. CANNON, Executrix of the last will and tes tament and estate of Enos Pres- nall deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, " . Salem, Oregon. A-l 8-2 S-S-l-8-15. Wet Stocks Leaders in Rally That Boosts Prices 1 to 5 ' NEW YORK. Auc. 17 f APi I Taking their cue from a spurt in me gram and cotton markets, stocks today kicked, up their heels for a Jamboree which left nrlcea 1 to 6 or more oolnta higher. Volume totaled 2.474.730 shares, and the Associated Press- Standard statistics average for 901 selected- Issues advanced 4.5 points. The so-called wet .stocks were the leaders of the rally. National Distillers, American Commercial; Alcohol and U. S.. Industrial Al cohol shot up from 0 te 9 points. issues which registered advan ces of 1 to f or more included Al lied Chemical. American Can- American Telephone. Santa Fe, J- Lease, ceianese. Chile Conner. I Chrysler, Johns Manville. General . Motors, General Electric, Corn Products, Montgomery Ward, New York Central. Standard Oil ot New "Jersey, Western Union. U. S. Steel and U. S. Smelting. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion duly - made. rendered and entered of record tn said court on the seventh day of July, 1933, George Sucetlch was duly appointed administrator of the estate ot Donald Sncevich, de ceased, and that George Sncevich has duly Qualified as such execu tor. All persons having claims against Said . estate hereby are required to present the same. with proper .vouchers and due verification to attorney tor said administrator at 825 Falling Bldg.. Portland. Oregon, within six months trom the date of the first' publication of thl notice. Dated and first published this twenty-first day of July. 1933. UEORGE SUCEVICH. Administrator of the estate ot Donald Sncevich. deceased. DAN J. KENNEY. Attorney for Administrator. J. 21-28; A. 4-11-18. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned was duly appointed executor of the last will and es tate of Charles F. Kllby, deceased. by order or the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, on the 9 th day ot August, 1933, and that all per sons having claims against said estate are hereby requested to present their respective, claims. with proper vouchers, duly veri fied, to the undersigned executor; at 517 North Tront Street, Sa lem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the -date of this notice. Dated August 11th, 1933. HOWARD NOLL. Executor of the Last Will and Es tate ot Charles F. Kllby, De ceased. John Bayne Attorney for Executor. A-l 1-18-. 26-8-1-8. m NOTICE OF ITXAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed. La the Coun ty Court -ef the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, hia duly- verified final account, as the- admlnistrator of . the estate of Tina Edwards, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 19th day ot September. 1933, at the hour of ten o'clock A. If. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the Coanty Court House at Salem, In Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this . 18th day of August. 1931.- ARTHUR EDWARDS, Administrator of the Estate of Tina Edwards, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. A-18-25-S-1-8-16. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1933. Staadsrd Statistics Ce.) Angus It -TOOK ATXSAGXB Today 92.2 60.8 00.5 85.S Prer. day 87 J 47.8 8S.S 81.0 Week ag 90.8 60.2 92.1 84.4 Year axe 68.8 S8.4 SO.S S0.7 8 years eg - .,181.2 119.0 213.8 104.0. High 19S8 10t.l 68.0 118.7 90. Low 1988 42.9 22.5 81.5 43.9 High 1932 72.2 89.S 111.0 73.9 Low 1933 25.1 11.3 6L8 85.0 BOBTD AVSXAOZS 78.1 81.0 83.S SO.t Today rrev. oay Week ate Tear age TS.O '80.8 85.4 80.T 70.2 S1.8 8S.S 8t.3 66.8 S9.S 83.2 72.9 93.9 108.0 100.8 100. 77.1 - 84.9 88.5 88.5 8841 67.0 74.1 63.S 71.8 78.0 86.3 78.1 68.2 47.4' T0.9 hi s years High 1988 Lew 1988 High 1938 Lew 1932 By CLIFF! STERRETT