Tffa OliEGON STATESMAN, Caksi. Prtgcn, Friday I!srt!r TkrzX I& 1S33 The three creek's trip combined IMIIS Herman is a fellow teacher, and room-male of Miss :.Needham at Hlllboro during the school year.' CoL Charles A. Robertson, Earle Jensen and Mrs. Anna Jensen left by motor, this week for Oakland. 'Califs for a" brief , business and pleasure trip,"1 expecting to return within a fortnight; . : ' 'Mayor and Mrs. Guy C. Newgent were Jolly hosts aPa colorful party In . compliment to - the .aerenth birthday annlTersary of little Nor ma Jean, with a lawn party and porch refreshments serred to Mar ian Burns, and Norma Jean, whose birthdays come on the same day with their ages the same. Elcena McClure, Viola Burns, Betty Krebs, Donna Lee Minton, Helen Doris Frlesen, Rose Ann Hanks, Loretta Mae Lemon were guests. Guit Janzen Hurt Ai Auto Crashes' .1 business and pleasure, and includ ed a Tisit to the Century of Pro-' gCeSS. . : r - -. -j , V" ; : v.. Truck at Newbeg IT W. F. Klamne Tecerred a cony of the fLeRoy (Minn.) , Indepen dent'! tbU week, teing of the death of : bis aunt.' Minnie KUntpe WEST.; SALEM Aug. 1T-JL ne Mabel Ruge, .who; hare .been half grown tame bear at the Theo. Laehr Auto wrecking shop was at tracting . considerable - - attention on a, 19 day wedding, trip return ed home late Monday night-From SeatUe Uey took a boat te Vic '- HOPEWELL, " Aug. ; 17 Gust Jansen met with a serious accident near Newberg. late last week. An automobile crashed into ha track, completely - wrecking - the ear and injuring the occupants. - One woman is in a critical condition. All are in a Portland hospital. Mr. Jauzen receired slight cuts. His brother-in-law, drirlng with, him, suffered a broken knee. .. . A surprise birthday party was giren Ralph Wood at the Wheat land hall. Monday. A large crowd attended. - Dancing was enjoyed. Scout. -"T."---- " " r Mr. - and Mrs.' Schuu celebrated Meeting Will be at School house at 11 a. m.; bid W Residents Visit . " - LABISH, t Ang. 17. Arrange ments bare been completed -for Miss Louisa Miller, a missionary from . the southeastern part of India to speak Sunday morning at the schoolhouse at 11 o'clock. Curios collected by her will be on exhibition, including the native dress. . Mrs. II. E. Boehm was called to Sherwood Wednesday by the seri ous illness of her mother, Mrs. John Young. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. r. Hayes re turned Wednesday afternoon from JEFFERSON.' Aur. IT. More the middle of the week. It was toria and Vancourer, British Co their Cist wedding anniversary In July. - than S00 people were present at the Bllrsa reunion held Bandar at Bryant's park In Albany. There a gentle eub and the children de lighted to pet it, ; ; ' lumbla;:- kks--? :-- s.-.': . . T The Cleary-HUlman ' '.Packing Co- are putting up a large pack of Mr. and Mrs. Marko Emerson, Mrs. Dale Lemon gare a pleas former residents of this-community, Tisited friends Tuesday. ' were people present from . Los ngelev California, Walla W&lla, ant s little birthday party at her home Tuesday, complimenting the sixth birthday of her daughter. string beans with two shifts work ing, full force and expect to begin Washington, Klamath Falls, Eo 111 Wind Adage Is Righto For Weary Walkers to Coast WEST SALEM? Aug. 17. When Leo Stevens and Gerald Cleary cene, Salem and all aarroandlng towns. Retiring president, Thom as Bllyeu of Portland appointed a committee to see about forming a the work on tomatoes about Sept. ist.-: " -. - i . -. Newcomers looking for a perm anent location here are Mr. and Mrs. Preston Fought with ' their sons, Bobby, Howard and Ken neth -of Waldport They are daugh ter and son-in-law of Mrs. Lulu Clark, with whom they are mak ing their home temporarily. Miss Gertrude Need ham and Miss Gertrude Stltt, accompanied Mlsa Rowena Herman, of HIUs boro, as far as Seattle, to see her oft. on the boat taking her on a sightseeing trip to Alaska. Mlsa Loretta Mae. Enjoying the occa sion were Betty Lou Brink ley, Janet Martin, Lois H11L Nor Scholarship Loan Fund, to be used by the descendants of the ma Jean . Newgent, Rose ' Ann Hanks, Helen Doris Frlesen, June Young, Betty Krebs, Eunice Mill er and Loretta -Mae Lemon. Mrs. VvV ' Bllyeu families. v The oldest mother present was started to the coast recently, mo E. L. Miller and Mrs. Young as Watches Cleaned $1.00 Wrist Watches 1.50 Moderate Prices on Watch and Clock Repairing CLAUDE MIX Busk' Market Harioa and Commercial Mrs. Mary Bllyeu of Jefferson, and the oldest father present was torcycle trouble developed and they were forced to camp out for the night, sans camping equip ment. V Pedestrian tourists noticed their sisted the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. TJnruh, . WHEATLAND. Aug.. 17. Miss Zella Bernard of San Franslsco is a guest for three weeks at the home of her brother In law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Maker.-. Their father, Larrell Ber nard of Portland Tisited until Tuesday. L. Jackson of Halsey. Each one receired a stlrer cup with name engrared. Each year the cup pas Homer Bllyeu, Walla Walla; rice president. Lee Bllyeu, of Leban on; secretary, Leona Bllyeu Mil ler of Turner. ses to the oldest mother and fath fire, and-by morning the camp er present. . " a motor trip into eastern states. had enrolled 15 or 20 "recruits: New officers are president. PAGE TWELVE mm SPEAK LIS OF UBS Lewis Lunsford announces the of the Salem Branch of the (SHONE PIIAW Q. "THE LARGEST PIANO BARGAIN HOUSE ON THE PACIFIC COAST" New Bligh Bldg. Tel. 6911 512 State St. A COMPLETE LINE OF THE WORLD'S BEST KNOWN PIANOS Featuring the "BALDWIN" Remember the Location New Bligh Building - 512 State tSreet TV A Miss Helen Boucher, French aria trix, pictured at the Orly Aero drome, near Paris, after she had set a new world's altitude record for women. The "23-year-old flier soared to a height of slightly orer 20,000 feet. She was in the air less than one and one-naif hours. RETURN FROM CHICAGO WOODBURN, Aug. 17. Doris Harader, Edith Manning, Mathilda Gillis and Jack Sanderson return ed Monday from a Tisit in the east While there they Tisited the highway and returning the same Chicago Fair going Tia the Lincoln route. They reported rains, elec tric storms and dust storms but rery little hot weather. STATE AND COMMERCIAL STREETS Open Until 9 o'clock Saturday Evenings SIPEGfflAIL IPDSUBSISSl FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 AND 19 Pure Cane 100 lbs. AU Pure Brand Cans ImIocIJ o o IPWI32)m 25c size SCHILLING'S PICKLING BELL BRAND FLOUR CANTALOUPES, large SPICE. AQrt Guaranteed Hard Wheat size, Q lb. pkg. jOC 49-lb. fr fTA 3 for OC ; sack.. , tpl.OU BLACK PEPPER i " " CORN, for canning Q H lb. pkg; lUC ECONOMY LIDS TZT&tt-' CRACKERS Sodas 'or . Gnu .. " BELL PEPPERS : t"' hams, 9Q LEMONS - r Round uOC 2 lb. box We7C Dozen .XfJls - ' ,. ., PHONE 3837 Orders of $2.00 Delivered ORANGES, fine OK0 We Beserre tbe Right to Free Sugar Excepted quality, 2 doz. dOs " , Limit Qaantities n In 5 Gallon Factory Sealed Cans IPoi?;-.aIlflim alDey liotor Center & Liberty Street Phone 3158 N EfaMasr Satiuocdlasr, Auogimcti tiQth nqth er BunflEi Crystal Wedding pkg. Campbell's TOMATO m juice A for lAKHlG i The Phosphate HaMimg IPw(3ei? IT! i u ii ii ii - ii ii ii ii x l ii i -vr o Elsinore Pineapple 9-oz O tins . for Sliced or crushed All Green Asparagus IS Fresh and Delicious RUBBER APRONS Heavy 25c QuaUty Each -L- Makes Ironing Easier Pk. : (be BIRD SEED I6-01. pkr Fort Howard Soft as Down - White, as Snow 3 flai?GG 2 tor BAKER BARS 3 for - . 2cl CHOCOLATES Old Fashioned Com merciaL lb. OVALTINE The Swiss Food Drink, 50c size I7LIHIinDA, NoOO cans, QQGU . . - Poboiiuo I : For That Schoolgirl Complexion ini mi iiiiii ii MMOW tLna " America's Favorite Dessert 2i DIISS. . . . 2i 7 1 1 ) 1 4 - f