' - -VS ; ; ' 1 Tfcj DTiririnl JITATIZSII AN- J!dr?il ! OrMtm'fThnrsuIav Jllaxnls?- Antra IT 105" " ' . - -:'. J - - ff-vi'S?: v; v: 'J!t l s T -' - -' ? ?i ' - : ' ' r Ci";A3:3-:-,;!;.A''"3t YZiSlVA'i ijaFv-'i' Ci;;:'ivj 'iV-': o zmkw-o yn rvsr .??rs wit ts&vM nrmp nrrp rE: 4 ' . I . i - ' r r Business Directory Cards la this directory row oa montfa.jr( tests ely. Ratal 8L06 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike F k the brake- ad srrtmnry - eoct 1T Bouth Comnnrclti -teres. CATERING Burt Crary. the) wwwf, Ph. 8?. CHIMNEY SWEEP Tetopbooe 6460. R g. Kertnne CHIROPRACTORS PR. Q, I SCOTT. PSC, CtUropraete. 8I H. Hich. TaA. Rea, 673. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedOln towiqueur 1 -rat wreaUia, decorations. C V Br-U-kjwupt. florist. 671 Cwart. TsL m. Al kinds of floral work. Luta Flor 1st. 16th st Market. TeL M. GLASS Auto and window class 4rrora. Tel. 1S6. Walter J. uownsi e xar-y-. INSURANCE BSCKJC fcUNl-UCKS ' 118 M. ttiaa . . SCeL AMt COrnCZ-KMlTH. en. iaa TeL MS. LAUNDRIES TBB MBW 8AXU UUND8I THJ6 WaUiaUt UAU3UUZ tit a. aih - , ,m CAPiTAl C1TZ ULUMOBZ lrR la Quality aud tiwvico TetepooiM lite iM tfroauway LAWN MOWERS fituu-iMoeu, rwyalrcJ and traded. HAJUU W. aCOlT. Cycle Man" MATTRESSES lfattresaes from lactory to borne. Cotton mattreas, tu id. .v. jwui lumiLon. Kuks cleaned. Cap- ltol UeddtBK Co. lei. 4WS. iUJU K CapltoL Mew auttueas made to order, old remade; carpet deautna, Utina . Hull rus weaving, tialem t lull Kaa Mal treat factory, & ISth WUbur. XeL MtL. OUO . Zwlcaer. KsC 111. MUSIC STORES OEfL C WILXp Pianos, radios, sew ing fuaentnea, alieet muaio and 'piano studiea rtepairlna raaioa, phonuierapns acd sewlnM rnMi'ini"" otaie ouwt. MEDICINE .Charlie 'Chan rhinw aiMlicine Co.. 121 .N- Com'L st. over Uniuoi ilardware. We nave all kinds ol herbs lor male and fe mu dieordera kidney, bladder, stom- rh. everr elckneas. Satlstled lialem patienu will testily. Consultation tree, Hours -6. tSun -12. .When Others Fail Nature's herbs lor every 11L H. S. Law, noted Chinese herbalist. 4 2S & Commercial Street. Salem. Oregon. Established sine lls In Oakland. Callt. Consultation free. Telephone .. Hours to (. Sun. It to 11 M. Oc. f Jkm Chinese Medietas CO. Hours Tuesday and rrraay, xw a t 4:e p. m. 1 N. CoTnmerrlnl MUSIC INSTRUCTION Steel, Span, Guitar, Mandolin. Abo Sinner's dub every Sat. 2 :0. ISoJoy able, educational, results. P. Melslnger, Statesman St. TeL lit. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING roa STATION Kit I. cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind ol oruiuu. call The tttaleacuaa Printing Xteparimenw Sis 8. Comnts trial, Tele phoao tltt - - REAL ESTATE B12CKB A HKNPlUCKa. TeL 4H4I. W. H. UBAB1CNUORST A CO. . 1S & Liberty SU TsL 4s. SOCOLA1TSKX A SON SB4-I first NatL tfk. Bldg. TeL tlOt. STOVES STOVK3 and atoTO repairing. Stoves for sale, rr -""' and repaired. ! All kinds oX woven wire tone fancy and xi.ln him tonmumtm. faOQka. iDgaa bOOkS. uaiem seace and Stovo Works, II Cbttatekeia. TeL 4114. B. R riaming. SHOE REPAIRING Low prices. Good -ork. 880 & Comj TRANSFER CAPITAL, C1TX. Transfer Co. 318 HUM ctb AOa. in, viautwwvwa, wardias and storage eur specialty. Ui out rates. rOR local or distant transfer storage, nU 8181. Larmex Tranafar Co. Trucks to Portland daily. TYPEWRITERS T IPE WRITERS Adding Uch. sold, rented, repaired. Undsrwood Agenta Cook A Short. 819 Court TeL 5584. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, 00 years aaparlancat ftPIX. Bos 103 IB. TeL I10FA - ON WASHINGTON TRIP BRUSH COLLEGE, Aug. II. Dr. and Mrs. a L. Blodgett aad Mr. And MrA C. Pattya left here Wednesday on an extended znptoiing trip through Washing ton. They plan to risit Rainier park, Seattle And tha Yakima raUey while away. Herman Weid ner,' nephew of Mr. and Mri. Charles McCarter ot Brash Col- K - r, M YTT 4 i w rwaa nec- oay lO anaeavor to una l:near Salem. Owners. Box ITi, ears lon. oa a boat ateamaa. . Statesmbn Classified Ads Can 9101 CUsmed AdTcrUstms - StaglA laacxtlOB T lls.lBc Tbtd teurtloaa pr Ba . - -' - J 0o SU nnrrtUai r Unt. .tie ODsaottk r Ua..fl.tt KlalmMB coirs ...... I it . C097 tor CluT pat ae ejte4 Btll trlOi th tsa ltit balor pbncAltoa tor elaactneatloB. Oipf l cdvoxl After this Um will b ma aaAer th lMAtflag Too Lata to Oasalfy. Tna Statesman SMumw ftoanctal raapaaaibllUy tor exrora which, eoai pear la aQTertUemtmU paw Usosd In Its eolanoa, aail ta eaaas wbera tills paper la at taalt wCl reprlat tlat part ot as adranisamoat ts waleb tha tTpocrapUeal nlftaka The . StatesiBAB Tt the rttht to reject ebjee ileaal aurertlslnc. It tar tbar taaarrea tha mat to cfeaaaSJr all a4rertlalBC a 4r taa proper laaetOca HELP WANTED MALE Las Angeles Mir. Co. wants dUtrlb utor for this territory. Salary and commission. MY. Adams, TeL 4151. 'WANTED Man with team to level lot CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 14 4 State Street Tel. 70. FOR SALEMlsceQaneocs Excellent 5 1 Fit piano. Reasonable. TeL Old papers lOo a bundle. Statesman office. FOR SALE: Cucumbers, Central Howell service station. SUverton Road. Saw jrumminK and sharpening mile E. Four Corners. TeL 4280. Gravenstelns. 50c, bring boxes, bxs. 2-5, Mrs. Wright 4 mL Wallace rd. FOR SALE Corn SOo sack, beans 76c sack. lor canning. Deliver Tues days, Fridays. Write W. L. Hatch, Aumsvllle, Ore. Radio for Sale $lt.00 l-tube Stewart-Warner. Re possessed. Balance due 136.10. Terms. $5.00 down. $5.00 monthly. See Mr. Jenz at Wills Music Store. Lady's bicycle for sale, SI 5. Ask for O. M, Statesman office. FOR 8 ALE Cucumbers. R. O. Wlt- sel. Route 1. Turner. TeL 67. Good tent, $11.00. TeL 3383. FOR SALE Bantam miles E. of Brooks. C. Route Salem. corn. Two w W. Shelley, TRADE Miscellaneous WUl trade good Universal heater for wood. Owner, 117S N. Com'L WANTED Miscellaneous Wanted 3 or 8. sacks of tender Ore gon Giant beans. TeL 8724. Straw baling wanted. We would be Interested tn buying the straw or will bale It for you. The Rhoten baler. TeL 3553. or call at 1515 S. High St. Sa lem. MISCELLANEOUS Exp. hair cutting, 303 & Winter St. Wo pick vp dead, worthless horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4889. Hair cut Zao. Joe's Barber shop, 154 So. Church street FOR RENTROOMS Rooms. TeL 5878. 685 Court St. Rooms, also meals. 493 N. Summer. ROOM AND BOARD A large room with board. Suitable for two. Gentlemen preferred. TeL 4375 Room, board, for men. TeL 8789. FOR RENTAPARTMENTS Patton apartments, downtown dis trict,' cool, clean, comfortable, private bath. Very reasonable. Call Patton' s Book Store. Apts. $10 A $13. 89T.N. Com'L Apts. $5. 855 Bellvue St Nice furn. -apt., 590 Union. FOR RENT HOUSES rum. and unfura. housea ft A. Porkner. 1810 N. Cottage, TeL S88L FOR RENT Good 7. room bouse. All newly kalsomined. Large walnut tree a On bus Una See Mrs. Cad we 11, Statesman office. ' Houses. Damon. 897 N. Com'L Furnished, unfura. bouses, TeL 8330, H. P. Grant. 1130 N. itn st. . 7 rooms furnished, garage,- garden, fruit. Cheap, with references. Phono 5340. - FOR RENT FOR RENT Small farm. Must bars team. Write 1148 Oak, or TeL 6833. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Small, modern bouse about Sept 1st, 6 or 6 rooms will take long-time lease. Might buy later. Address- Boar 358. care Btatewmaa. FOR SALE Real Estate 1XR SAX FUKNISHEO ' Neat 5 roam shingled cottage, good plumbing. elsctrie lUchts, dreptaos, woodshed, paved street, walks In, close V bus line. Price $17 ir, part term CHILDS M7T.IJVR, Raltora 144 taU Street TsL I7t. A slrntly 7-room semi-modern boms, basement, fireplace, beaattfut grounas 120alSS feet. Urge fruit, rmt trees, crape arbor, fardea, aaras. Near Jun ior hich and two araaamar schools, idea view, saved street Only LS terms. Owner, 716 Rural Avenue. TsL 684. - : EXCHANGE Real Estate ... acrM timber for amall home EXCHANGE Real Estate Want to trade Klamath Falls prop erty (S X room houses) for small ranch valae- around $3504. . Writs or see- owner. Chas. H. Asher, Route 1. Dallas, Ore. EXCELLENT EXCHANGE OFFERED 10 acres saady loam son, 1 acres yr. old walnut orchard, fair Improve ments, paved highway and 1 mile from good town. Exchange equity of I240f lor residence or acreage feer CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors S44 SUte Street TeL 7 HOWELL PRAIRIE FOR TRADE 40-acres, S5-A. cult., living- stream. New 4-R. house, garage and poultry house. Fair barn. For quick sale, 14260. This Is a bargain.' SEE JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR lit South High Street ACREAGE 10S A., 17 mL of Salem: sell on terms like federal loan. If you are In terested in a real farm at rock bottom prices, see as. . H. a SHIELDS Oretron Bld. . Tel. 8001. WANTED REAL ESTATE Beautiful close-in view acre trees, ctty water, ote. wap. Phone 6154. MONEY TO LOAN I'Tirg- UQj-LrLinnj PhlRSONAL LOANS MADS) en fnrnltnm ears, sslsrtes or- other wood security. Repayable monthly. Wben tn financial need ess ns baforo cfoerng a loan; GENERAL VESTMENT CORPOmATlON rirst Nstloaal Bask BM& Pbeae mi PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY tit Oregon Boll ding; ind Floor Office bra lt:t A. M. to : P. M. Telephone TTSA Stat license No. S-145. - - 1 r.r "1 nji i.ri.rm Borrow am esrsonal pmpeitf : repay In monthly Install menu. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO. Staso I la 8-lsS. Iv Guardian Bids. TeL 1177. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Ton keep the car P. A EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phono 4711 Salem, Ore First ' mortgage loans yielding In vestors T, Interest semi-annually. Farm and city security. Denominations SS00 to J2000. A first mortgage loan is the best Investment. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State Street TeL (70S FOR SALEWOOD A-l oak. lC-ln. $(.50 deL TeL 4185. All kinds of wood. Tel 441S. GUARANTEED CRT wood coal TL S00 Salem Fuel Co. Trade Oottaga Ash. fir and oak. TeL l4A Phono Tracy's, 898$ for dry wood. Old fir, fir knots, sec. growth ash. om.it. Tel. 3873, LOST AND FOUND LOST Yellow gold-rimmed (Classes In black case, with sticker Inside case giving name and Corvallis address. Finder please call 3397, Salem. Re ward. FOR SALEUSED CARS MUST SELL Our Used Cars and Trucks We Have Priced Them Right CARS 1-Studebaker Dictator Sedan 1 -Willys-Knight Sedan Model 58 1-Studebaker Commander 4 -pass. 1-Lt. Nash Coupe l-8peclal 8 Nash Roadster 1-Ford Panel Delivery TRUCKS l-'28 Ford with Warford Trana . a rv. .... M.i,h2 -i Y ti.. 1-'J1 Chev. L, W. B. with duals 1-'1I G. M. C l-2 ton. 14' body 1-2 ton Federal with logging bunks and trailer with booster brakes working now on good paying lob. All must go this week to make room for trades we are getting In on new U. m. C. trucka WOOD-WHKATON MOTOR CO. INC. 540 Chemoketa Street Salem. Ore. Quality Used Cars TRADED ON TERRAP LANES '30 HUDSON LIGHT 8 SEDAN $495 in extra good condition. 30 BUICK STD. 8 LOUPES $475 New paint and A-l mechanically. '29 HUDSON GREATER 6 CPE. $396 Overhauled, new paint and . tires, rumble seat and other extras.' '30 STTJDK COMMAND. SEDAN 8450 rne light six model in extra good condition. 32 DURA NT SPT RDSTR. $375 Original finish good, motor perfect. '28 HUPMOBILE 8 R. 8. CPE. 8225 Run leas- than 25,000, new paint and tires, meenanicauy perfect. '26 DODGE SCREEN DELIVERY $95 uooa cenauion. State Motors, Inc. - High at Chemeketa STUDE RAKER A HUDSON TERRAPLANE MEMBER N. R. A. Open Evenings and Sundays in - - nm i.nni r inmn Borrego's Best Buys $475 '30 .Stude Commander Sedan $465 '32 Chevrolet Coupe $125 '28 Buick Broojrham f$235 '28 Buick Sport Coupe zza -zs uaaiand Sedan Wo have many others to pick from. WILL TAKE HAY IN. TRADE 240 No. Liberty Tel. 3688. SIRS. MA GEE HOME SCOTTS MILLS. Aug. 16. Mrs. Hugh Magee who has been Yialting her aon and "daughter tn San Francisco aad Oakland the past two months has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mulrihlll and daughter Rub Harriet of Portland are Tlsltlng Mrs. Mul- Tlhlll's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Brougher. ; POLLY AND HER (THIMK OP Mlf?;- ttm PORK CHOPS) -YfpUr&S-' J4rCS""fP Interesting Facts . Tomorrtrw'i statesman will car ry . Information ol Talne to Tery housewife. Watch the Friday Statesman tor the food news of Salem. ... : O The Oregon state fair starts La bor day, Monday, September 4. Heretofore- it has opened the last of September. . O We were told -that the picture on page f 3 ot this week's Saturn I usy n cuius run iwiieu iiae C. P. Bishop. We fall to see any marked resemblance in the face although we'll admit 'the foot might be of a site. , O-- It is estimated that 315.000 pounds of coffee Is sold and used in the Salem trading area -each year. Very little tea Is sold in pro portion. Ouess we're not so Eng lish. 10 CERTO CHEST Mrs. L. T. Beals, 1570 S. Church st., was winner .of The Statesman-General Foods Certo- made jam and Jelly contest held yesterday at the Elainore theatre. She was presented with SS for first prize. Second prize of 33 was won by Mrs. E. J. Both, 1113 N. Cottage st., while Mrs. It. W. Straw, 1120 Rural are., won third prize ot 2. Honorable mention was awarded Mrs. Richard D. Sla ter, 370 Rural are.; Mrs. Glenn Seeley, 944 N. Winter St.; Frieda Sharp, route 7.- - - The entries were Judged on the following score: flavor, 40; sol idity, 20; texture, 15; color, 15; appearance, 10. There were oxer 60 entries. Each of the ladles had a matinee ticket and enjoyed the afternoon perform ance while the jams and jellies were being judged. Ladies of the American Legion auxiliary took charge of the jams and jellies and put them on sale. LESS OF FOOD Examination of food handlers in the city, started some time ago but halted because of Insufficient laboratory facilities, win be re sumed again the last of this month. Dr. V. A. Douglas said yesterday .- Although the examination Is entirely voluntary, response at the outset was good. Employes of all places where food Is served on the premises may be examined. Notices hare been sent out to most of the restaurants, cafes, ho tels and soft drink stands, but In event soma hare been overlooked. Dr. Douglas says all such food handlers are entitled to the ex amination and may ask for ap pointment. MBS. BEALS FIRST RESUME E X S M n BID FIGHTING TO KEEP TEXAS DRY - ,1 ' 'V, a- T..T. . .-Jr.-.'. 1 n .sVf Senator Morris Sheppard, known as tha "Father of the 18th Amend menL" addresses a gathering at Hughes Spring; Texas; during hia whirlwind campaign through tha Lone Star State against repeal of tha dry law. A sound truck and folding speaking platform ara used by tha v.,"1 - Senator ea his tour. PALS IS THAT AfW Ji DOMT BS TTALK IH POOR PIOS FIKII 5 SUP BEIT RECOVER NEW YORK. Aug. 16 (AP) Financial markers allpped and fell today but, with some late sup port, managed to- get back on their feet and resume their limp ing Jog along the pathway of un certain prices. Total rolume amounted to 1, 803,(20 shares, or about double that of yesterday; The Associated Press-Standard statistics average of 90 selected stocks declined 2.2 points. Losses of 1 to 2 or more points were distributed throughout .most stock groups without discrimina tion. Some of the Issues which de clined were TJ. S. Steel, Bethle hem, American Can, American Telephone. American Tobiteo "B," Westlnghouse, Du Pont, Chrysler, Auburn, Montgomery Ward. J. I. Case, New York Cen tral. Baltimore & Ohio, Pennsyl vania, Chesapeake & Ohio, Con solidated Gas. Western Union, Na tional Distillers,' Commercial Sol Tents, Johns Manville, and U.' S Industrial Alcohol. Radio Program THTTBSDAY. ATJOTST if ' JMW Portland S80 Xe. 7:00 8 infill r Strinfs. KBC. 7:20 Siacisff Strings, NBO. 7:30 -Organ concert, NBC. :00 Oese ' Arnold sad Commodores. KBOL 8:15 Orifinslltiec. NBC. 0:45 Cooking sehooL 10:00 Woman1 Msfszia of Us Air, 11:00 Arioa Trio, NEC. 11:80 Organ Concert, NBC. 13:15 Westers Farm and Home hoar. NBC. 1:00 General federation of Womea's Clubs, NBC. 1:15 Casino orchestra, NBC. S :20 Friendly Chat. 6:30 Memory's Melody, NBC. 5:45 Collins Erwin. 7:00 Amos 'n' Andy, NBC. 7:30 Death Valley Days, NBC. 8:00 Standard Bymphony hour, NBC. 10:15 Jimmy McCool'a Fishing Guide. 10:80 Anton Weeks' orchestra, NEC. 11:00 Sid Lippmaa's orchestra, NBO. 11:30 Bal Tabarin orchestra, KBC. KOAC Corvallis 550 Sc. 6:45 Farm market reports. 8:00 MornLnr concert. 9:00 -Home Economies Observer. 10:80 Walts Melodies. 12:00 Farm hour. 2:30 The Homemakers' Half Hour. 6 :45 Genevieve Baum-Gaakins, organ ist. 7:15 Ten Viantes with Famous People. 7:80 Farm hour. 8:00 Hop Improvement. 8:15 8eience News ot the Week. 8:85 Fishing Conditions in Oregon. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Maude Kelley Moore, de ceased has filed in the .County Court of Marion County, State of Oregon-, his final account as such administrator of said estate, and that Wednesday the 20th day of September, 1933, at the hour of 19 o clock a. m., has been fixed by said court as the time for hear ing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof. J. W. MOORE, Administrator. C. C- Bryant, Attorney First publication: Aug. 10. Last publication: Pept. 7. A-10-17-24-31-S-T. Ya Can't Jadge a IKs ix SILLX jrff MiurAS 1 IHOW U CRSbAJUraUKDBSTANDS 1 1 tJJ?' JTT ,w rntM g GRAINS FLOP, STAY AT BOTTOM BUTTERFAT DECLINES TWO CENTS Selling Orders Piled Up While Price is Pegged Reason CHICAGO. Aug. 1$ (AP) Before . trading was one mlnutei old today, prices of all grains un derwent a new maximum col lapse, and later failed to recover in the slightest degree. . Accumulated selling orders, which had piled' up during tire last three days while the markets had been chained to an artificial continuous limit on price flactua- tions, were more- than sufficient to overcome any immMLatA stim ulus from altered rules of trad ing. (.Th substttuto ruler lifted every has- oa what tha market mlkht do. excent that'rhinrM la values during any one. day keep wilcih rrvex cent umir. nn nr nnwn from the paeTlous day'j latest I quotations. - PH obserrers aald mob- nsrcbal- pgr in the shape of unreasoning fear, was chiefly to blsme for to- aay s market action, ana that public sentiment regarding, grains was likely now at any time to mace a sudden right-about-face. Wheat closed nominal at . the day's bottom firures. S enta down from the average of yester- aays rmisn. corn 4 cents off. oats -showing X cents decline. Today s closing quotations. Wheat: Sept., 87, Dec. May 14. Corn: Sept. 45, Dec., 50, Uay 5S. Oats: Sept. 3Jg, Dec. 37, May 41. General , filar kets PORTLAND, Ore, Auc 16 (AP). imK, (kiu(, in prices: natter, ex tras 10; araadards 18; prime firsts I7H 1 firsta lSUi t tin. fraah .wtrm ot. .k mediums 20. ' 1 Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. Aur. 16 (AP). Wheat Open High Low Clots ept. . 70 70V4 79H 70 Dee. 74 74 74 74 Cash wheat No. 1: Big Bead blnestem 77: dark hmnl wmtar 19 nt TO. 11 - 70: matt whit. hi- : . . " n U.U W.H- trr, northern spring 67; westers red OaU: N. 3 white 924.00. Corn: X. 2 E. T, $23.00. Millraa standard $18.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. Anf. 16 (AP). -Butter prints, extras, 21e; standsrds 20e. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade, 18o lb.; farmer's door-delivery, 16 per lb.: sweet cresm, Se higher. ESgs Paeifie poultry producers' sell ing price: o Teniae, 24c; extras, 22s; standards, 20c; medinms, 20c; pullets, 16c doxea. Buying price by wholesalers: fresh extras, 19c doxen; mediums, 16c doiea; undergrade, 12e doaen. Cheeie 92 score Oregon triplets, 12 He; loaf. IS He lb. Brokers will pay He below quotation. ' Milk contract price, 4 pet, Portland delivery. 81.70 cwt.; B grade cream, $7He lb. Country meats telling price to re tailers: Country killed hogs, best batch ers, ander 150 lbs.. 8-SHe: vealers. 70 te 100 lbs, -He; spring lambs, 10-llc is.; yearuags. 4-Sc lb.; heavy ewes, 2-Jc lb.; medium cows, 5-6c lb.; csaner cows, 2 le lb.: buHi. 4H-6o lb. Mohair buying price: 1938 slip lSe rb. Catcara bark baying price, 1988 peel. 7lC. Hops nominal. 1033, 40e lb. Live poultry Portland deli very : Eur lag prices: heavy hens, colored, 8 te H be. Me; do 6H lba, ap, 12c; hens ever SH lbs. Se; ander SH lbs. 8c; broilers, li-2 lbs. 18c; eolored springs, 4 lbs. up, 18c; roaster, ever 4 lbs. lie; roestert, 6c lb."; docks, Peklns, broilers, 8-10e lb. Nsw onions Walla Walla, $1.75 cen tal. Onions selling price te retailers: Oregon, 81.25-1.35 ceataL New potatoes local white aad red, fl.60-l.7S cental. Strawberries Ifew Oregons, S3 crate. Wool 1933 clip, nominal; Willamette valley, 7S-25c lb.; eastern Oregon 16-Slc lb.; aonthern Idaho, 16-20e lb. - Hay- baying price front producer: Al falfa xfa 1, new crop, $17.00; clover No. 1. 614; Willamette valley timothy, $18; astern Oregon timothy, $18; eats aad graia $14 ten. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore. Aug. 16 (AP). Cattle: receipts 20, calves S, steady. Steers, beat, 6.25-6.75; common and mediasa. 8.85-4.50; heifers, best, 4.00 4.25; medians, 8.35-8.50; cows, best, 8.00-8.25; eemmoa and median, 1.75 2.50; caaners, 1.00-8.00; balls, best, 1.00 SS; medians. 8.75-8.00; ealves, beet, 6.00-S.25; good, 5.00-5.50; ordinary, 4.00-4.60. Hogs: receipts 137; 8 5c lower for light batchers. Top light batchers 5.0O 6.60; heavy batchers, 4.75-6.00; sews, 2.75-3.00; slaughter pigs, 4.00-4.50; feeder pigs, 4.00-4.50. Sheep: none; active. Mt. Adams lambs 6.40; lambs, best 6.50-6.00; medium, 4.50-5.00; yearling wethers. 2.00-3.00; ewes, L00-L60. i CANADIANS VISIT HERE LIBERTY. Anr. 16 Miss Fern Wilson and Miss Ruby Williams of Winnipeg, Msnnooa, uanaaa, were visitors Tuesday at the P. Q. Judd home while on a racation trip to western Canada and Sa lem. Tha airls ' exDressed keen ttleasur over tha fir trees and variety ot beautiful flower in the northwest and Oregon. Book by its Corer 1 1 1 toexj kim alvjs mi, ip aX I l Saleo Clafkets Grade B caw 4 saUk, co-op pool price, f 1JJO per hsndret.. " Sarplns f 1-43. " 4Ultk aaaea ea sesal monUly SoUarfat average.) . IHstribwtor price f 1.70 BerftewisA Tetv lsV17c, prints 20c, cubes 22c ' Prices said ts rrowerw ay Salem be yes -AsgMt II 4Tae srieea !. sapp&ed sot a eaea mk. ara easlearies af saw AvUr market bt are wor raaiameed 4y T Stseeassaal rsujrr abtsi situui Strlag aeaas. local. Is. ... J Cabbage. Cwt. - 7S te 1.00' Greea peppers, local, lb. . .OS- . fees, etwt n. . J0 to Jtm Oaiona. dos. benches , , . JA- Potatoes. Ucnl -1.00. te 1.25 . S3 M ii' -1.00 to 1.25 1.35 r .45 Lettaee, local-,,, , Pvset Sound Oniens. Calil cwt- Celery, dos.' Aavlns. firaeeaatetss .75 Orances, ValaacUs, fancy s.tw te s.9 Place pack 1.75 te 25 Pacta, local, dos. .10 Tamips. local, crate .10 Carrots. local, dos. , .10 8aacB. local, crate Si te .60 Bananas, lb. ea stock .05 Hands -OS Hi Cncnntbers. fcatheose. box , .TS Local, dos. i . '.20 Cantaloupes, crate .00 to 1.25 aao 1 no 8.25 " : JDS .60 LOO .05 .70 1.25 1.25 .OS .03 .50 Lessens Limes, fresh , Avaesdas, crate - . Squash, Italian, crate Bammer. ciate Waisrmekiaa. retail . Tomatees. The Dalles Blackberries , Peaches, . local, lb. Peaehes, Calif., orate Egg plant, crate ' Grapes, seedles , Corn, local, dot. Catabaa. lb. HOPS Top, 1932, lb. BOOS Buying Prices Extras Standards Mediums . .1 .18 -17 JB4 .18 J9 .07 .11 5.00 5.50 ..5x25 5.00 4.50 POULTBT Old roasters -Colored hens Medium hens Light hens Leghorns MBAT Spring lambs, top . ... Hoc, top First cuts Second cats Pigs Steers .03 te .04 Cows Balls . .01 te .03 to .02 .03 .07 .OS Dressel vest, top Dressed hogs OSIB AKD HAT Wheat, wen tern red ,., . White, No.: 1 . Barley, top, ton Oats, ton Hay. baytns ericas- Oats and vetch, ton Alfalfa, valley 1st cnt .67 .67 -17.00 ..23.00 -18.00 -15.00 -13.00 CloTsr bay WOOL Medium Coarse . Mohair .25 .S3 .20 .01 .08 CA8CASA BAR On a. lb. Dry. lb. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1933. Standard Statistics Ce.) Angast IS STOCK AVEXAQES Today 87.1 47.8 86.6 81.0 83.2 85.9 61.0 Prev. day 89.4 Week age 91.8 Tear age ' 60.8 49.8 89.4 50.9 94.1 29.6 91.5 S yrs. ago High 1938 Low 1933 High 1932 Low 1932 161.2 119.0 213.8 164.0 102.1 58.0 113.7 96.9 23.5 61.5 43.9 89.8 1110 78.9 13.2 61.8 85.0 Today 80.7 80.8 Sl.l 72,4 100.9 88.5 6S.S 78.1 57.6 Prev. day Week age Tear ago 8 yrs. ago High 193S Low 1933 High 1932 Low 1932 Auburn Will Vote On School Busses At Special Meet AUBURN, Aug. .If.'. The meeting to vote on a special tax for the busses will be held at J the Auburn schoolhonse, Tuesday evening, September. 6. The Au burn school will begin September 18. The same teachers will hare charge, L. B. McClendon, princi pal, and Mrs. Clifford Feller. (Margaret Edwards) in the pri mary room. . The Misses Jean Rodgers and June Armstrong were recent ?.os tesses at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rodgers to a group ot Sunday school friends and their teachers. Friends , in the commun ity were additional guests. After an afternoon of games "a light supper was served informally by the hostesses assisted by Wlllet ta, and Lorretta Sneed. In the lata e t e n i n g a . campflre was built and a welner roast enjoyed by tha 27 guests. MAKE TRIP TO SHIP 8UNNTSIDE. Aug. If . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Byers and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Taylor and Paul Tay lor were Tuesday Portland visit ors, tha main attraction being I Old Ironsides. 42.8 72.8 85.1 BOHZt AVXBAOES 75.9 80.8 85.4 , 76.0 81.1 85.6 75.9 81.8 85.8 66.0 68.2 83.2 98.9 108.0 100.8 77.1 84.9 88.5 58.3 57.0 74.1 . 71.8 78.0 86.8 63.2 47.4 70.9 Potatoes Drop; Growers get $1 to Two-Bits More Butterfat took a two-cent de-' cllne yesterday to mark its second drop this week. Top quotation la now XT cents. . Prints and eVes are down one cent, California peaches are quoted at T5 cents; Transparent apples hare given way to GraYensteins. which ara quoted at T5 cents. Or anges are 2S cents higher. Local potatoes axe cheaper, with growers gettinr frem tl to 11.25 per hundred. Cabbage is a it lower, at from 71 cents to SI per handred. - California onions are down 15 cents. - Local- encumbers arer quoted at 29 cents a dozen to the grower. Freshman Class u. to N umber About ; Same as in 1932 The registrar's office In Wil lamette university finds business picking np with the registration of freshmen students vhose ar rival in Salem will be September 18 for "freshman week. Expression from the registrar's office indicates that the freshman enrollment this year will be much the same , as that of last year which number about 200 students. Localities represented will also be much the same ar the preceding year with many students register ed from Washington and Oregon, a number from California, and some from Idaho and Montana with a sprinkling from more dis tant points. Electric Shock K Kills Workman On Seattle Job SEATTLE. Aup. 16 (AP) George Worden. 32, steel work er, was killed by an electric shock Tuesday shortly after he found a Job after a period ot unemployment. He was working on steel gird ers of the Horluck Brewing com pany's new brewing house when a fellow workman handling a guyline fouled a high tension electric wire, sending 26,000 volts through Worden's body, al though he wore rubber sold shoes. He left a widow snd two young children. BRIDGE WORKER HURT DAYTON. Aug. 16 Cletus Geil received, slight cuts and bruises Monday when the scaffold upon which he was standing while working on the Dayton McMinn ville highway bridge gave way He jumped about 20 feet but not far enough to miss having tha tailing timbers strike him. He is in a McMinnvIIle hospital. HEALTH NTRSE VISITS BRUSH COLLEGE, Aug. 16. Miss Margaret Glllls, Polk coun ty health nurse, was a Monday visitor here. Miss GIUIs waa leaving for a racation of 10 days in Seattle and Vancouver. She will take up her work in Lin coln county soon after her va cation. NRA AIDE Mary E. Hughes, of Imsyille, Kj v new head of the women's division of tha National Recovery Admii listra tkm, is shown, at her desk in tha Commerce Department as she as sumed bar new duties. She's en trusted with the task of getting tha nation's woraa-hood Intoli-i to ai4 reoovcry. . By CLIFF ! STERRETT O- -O - - "Of , . V. ? - ' N- - - - ' C : J X! 1 5 -- "v.