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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN, galea, Oregon, Thmsday Morning, Actrcsf 17, 1933 PAGE EIGHT : : 3 OPENING GAME IN NEAR Good Freshmen Available if Jobs Provided, .Reports Willamette Coach Letters urging eligible members or . last year's Willamette anlver- Ity loot Dau squad, as well as such, high school graduates as are known to be considering gridiron careers at Willamette, to report ay September 13 at the latest, were" being sent out Wednesday by Coach Roy S. Keene. . : - uonrerence rules permit prac . tice to start Monday, September 11. and Keene will .get busy on that, date with as many candl dates as are on hand, but he is in - slating that - everybody who ex pects to get -Into ' the opening game with Oregon State Septem ber 23, must be on hand by Wed nesday, which will give them only nine days of conditioning, and . considerably less than that of drilling In the. new plays. Keene declared that prospects for his team this year would de pend entirely on the number of . athletes, who. can be accommoda . ted with jobs suited to their var lous financial needs, which will ;-not in. any case exceed. room and hoard. Last year's squad was small In numbers, with only a few freshmen , appearing; it will be -' necessary to hare more freshmen ' this 'year; and a dozen or so ex : ceedlngly promising -, youngsters want - to ' enter if arrangements can -'be made to keep, the wolf from the door. CORVALLIS, Aug. 16 (AP) Saturday. Sept. 16 is the date decided upon for the opening of Pacific coast conference football practice, according to notification received .today by II. S. Rogers, chairman of. the board of control of Oregon State college from H- C. Willett.of University of Southern California, secretary of the facul ty representatives of the confer ence. The announcement followed a special vote of conference mem bers, Wlllett said, to determine whether practice should start on the weekend' of Sept. 10, as was thte case last year, or the 15th, as was formerly the case. As explained here, the confer ence rules permit two games in September with -fract ice starting the week before the first game date. Last year this required prac tice to begin Sept. 10, although this year the schedule Is such that starting training en Sept. 16 will Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFKER 73 iw !t 7 ft r7& i i i i i i ( . ' 77, 21 22 23 2 25 !LllL 1 - wo m M2 . H3 HORIZONTAL ' 1 Vase with a pedestal 4Winnow 7 What kad of the bolhvUt mtmuiI ia Russia Mixed the (venuneal ia 1917? 32 What caaal coaaacU tha Mad- . itarraaaaa aad Rad Saas? 14 Total . -: , 16 Distance between. two points 17 Urged on . 19 Also ' 21 City of British India r 23 Title of military governors of Japan" . : 27 Most sensitive to pain 29 Rodent "" SO Upon 82 Short distance S3 Deserve 35 Obtained ' 87 Elicit : 89 Air hero 40 Made a mistake 42 Shaded walk 44 Chopping tool 45 Bind 48 What f aaottS sagtcUar lias am ; laipartaat part ia taa Arthur- - taa lag aada? 48 Cabin (Scot) 80 What U tk capital ef Del. - war? ' 82 Possessive nronoun 64 Principal post at the head of a stairway 56 Man's name 89 Jump on one foot 61 Cause to be omitted 2 Wfca had the roU of the td tria! aaaraata ia the Motioa pictore "Craad Hotel". Wal ler 7 S3 Incline the head 64 Hardy perennial cereal grass VERTICAL, 1 Utilize - 2 Floor eoverines r 8 Beverage of wine and nutmeg O LAK9 . . " 6 Hard-shelled fruit 8 Hebrew name for God ' ; 0 What river batweaa Naw York and Ontario flaws from Lake ' Erie to Lake Ontario? 10 Within J.1 Inert gaseous element Pade's Enters Playoff by 7 ' Beating Kays 16-5; First Game is Scheduled Monday Pade's kltbillers disliked . thehorsehlde a hath la the millrace. Idea of any doubt about their Qualifying for the city champion ship series, so they did It in high ly impressive style, pounding out IS to 6 Tictory over Kay Wool en Mills in the final scheduled game of the Salem Kitball league season Wednesday night. . . The playoff, with -Parker's, will start next Monday night, and the three games will be- played Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 p. m. Contrary to rumors, the admission price will "be the same as has prevailed all season. Three home runs featured the final' game, Schwartz, Bone and Barnes taking turns at giving the Giants Score 20th Shutout Against Reds NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Eel New York 6 4 Pittsburgh ...62 Chicago -. ,.61 Boston i l fl St. Louis , si Philadelphia 46 Brooklyn . , - , 4 43 49 61 52 S3 63 63 68 .598 .559 .545 .536 .535 .422 .411 .393 Cincinnati ..44 NEW YORK, Aug. 16 (AP) Harold Schumacher pitched the Giants' 20th shutout victory, and Paul Derringer of the Cincinnati Reds sustained his 20th defeat to day as the Terrymen prevailed at the Polo Grounds, 5 to 0, in the opener of a three game series. Cincinnati r. 0 5 1 New York : ...5 14. .' 1 Derringer, Stout and Lombard!; Schumacher and. Mancuso."- BROOKLYN. Aug. 16 (AP) Pittsburgh slammed three dodger still allow a week's training be fore the opening game date Sept. 23. Because some colleges ex pressed a desire for a permanent earlier date a special vote was taken. The Oregon State coaching staff consisting of Lonnie Stiner, head coach; George Scott and Jim Dix on, assistants, and "Slats" Gill, freshman coach, are here laying preliminary plans for the opening season. The first game is with Willamette at Corvallls one week after practice begins. 13 Ciphers 16 Greatest amount 18 Dashed 20 Exclamation 22 Set up a golf ball 24 Native metal 25 What city of central Naw York on ; the . Mohawk Kiver waa - named for t ameaa ancient citv uriliwul ( CartkicaT 26-Box ina theatre 28 Foam " 31 What Eaglish prima- minuter .- waa aemawbat rctponsibla tor the loss ef America to Eng land? . , . 33 What ' American hanker be came Secretary ef the Treaa- mn Im 19217 34 Subject of a sermon . 36 What Italian city on the gwlf t the aama name is the capi tal at Veaatia JolUT 38 Pasteboard 41 Elongated fish , 3 uwelt 46 Legend 47 More recent 48 Person overly concerned with social Dosition 49 Note of the musical scale 61 Trust 53 Ween eonvulsielv 55 Sheltered side 67 Symbol for tellurium 68 Correlative of either 60 Italian river Herewith is the solution to Yes terday's Purzle. a-it mwmm OamUU. 111. KJat tmitam SjBatarts, taa fmmnm it MH rM: ft A'N Tttl 'Doc" Barrick, who used to do some pitching, hurled" the last part of this game. In his first ap pearance on the mound this sea son. :- - v " ." The Elks detested Kingsley Ice 6 to 2 in the first game of the fin al double header. Matthews of the Elks hit a home run. " -Elks ..... 10 1 Kingsley . 2 8 3 M." Ritchie and W. Ritchie; Bahlburg and L. GIrod. Kay Mills 5 8 3 Pade's - II 14 3 Page, Schnuelle and Bricher: Kitchen, , Barrick and Barnes, Pade. ., . . pitchers for 15 hits and an 11 to 7 victory in the second game of a doubleheader today after Danny Taylor's two homers had given Brooklyn a 2-1 decision In the eleven Inning -opener. Tony Plet and Johnny Frederick hit for the circuit In the nightcap. Pittsburgh 1 T Brooklyn 2 6 French and Grace; Mango and Lopez. Pittsburgh 11 15 r Brooklyn i.:. 1 13 Swetonlc, H. Smith and Grace; Carroll, Shaute, Tlurston and Lo pes, Outen. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16 (AP) The Phillies divided double-header with the St. Louis Cardinals today, dropping the first 7 to 6 as a result of Jimmy Collins' homer In the 12 th for the Cards and taking the nightcap 2 to 9. St. Louis 7 14 Philadelphia U.6 15 Grimes, Walker, Haines, Carle- ton and Wilson, O'Farrell; Rag land, P. Collins and Davis. St. Louis I -.0 8 Philadelphia ; t 5 Dean and Wilson; Moore and Todd. BOSTON, Aug. 16 (AP) The Braves made It two In a row from the Cubs by putting on an eighth inning six-run rally while Fred Frankhouse held the Chicago bats In check. The score was 6 to 1. Chicago 1 8 Boston 6 10 MICKEY MOUSE 1 , 1 DONT WOQPV; TAN6LEFO0T! I VA SEE: I WANTED T i5fr?H l'U THlJOW IT ( ) I 1 A.'T SON" USE THIS MAKE VA GO FASTER! BUT ' J'JfC a AWAY ! JW f JSfftflf rDV, imrAPWl I THUtAK UP) I I 'TIS f PTV I III I SUGGEST V CRfXX " I 1 I VAM GONER CHRiST6t VMM 111 DO HERtBV-A -jtyjfr frNf TrVKS Y. WW SUOELV. NMAES FOR. U HE NO I TWKT WE ' LUrWlC, VA j ( WITH r 8G POT OF r- ' CHRS"TEtA VA.8Y L JUS' Ji5'T NrXMt BE HE LrTTUE. SU3E.EPEA ) CHAMPAGNE TO J UhE ABOTUtR MOb' BE J. v 1 SPlNACH J JHE fHAMES Of " CSSCg ST-n AxaOHGThE. -vf ' CHRISTEN TT " OF POP VOOOFV J vj. ' r?ri SCOONEft. Wjf7 S HEROES OF ' GE0R&V V 1 A. H----- lJVHM 8. ;n::::::;::r.:::;::;::::::.a V sl r r::su::;l . I IJC" rJk x.'aw I Ji m-.::::-.: -L':;x::.:r::. a 1 I MlirWZJ g f rr Li' l.fW "7 19.'Tns-a. ::: :1 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY 6EE.SADie.VDUE: LOOKiKf A VJHOLE BETTER.TKAJ4 VOU BETTCHA TT WONT yrXrR&AU.OKAYASAlM -Zzm .1 till t?S. U , I 1 DOU.BUTXFEELA TIP" i 'h : TOAOJcvOW : A NK-c.,LONC j- 351 TOOTS AND CASPER !yJJ vAOmOM I -TVIIS -BILL 1 RAnHE?HtAH, WELU,lT - 1 ci-crTHH-i otust CAMe-"n-revfcre but,astct5. al-u, the Teuvrr jvou as r aoaeous- r ojowvpu'iu r-y sorr op ci.crrHE:s cost a me -1 Bft WUO ABOUT V UlTTttE. EXTRA. BUT fCOO " THlKlkT THIS V "E'VN rTp4 A V "t CtcrtMes A?S I THE E.MD ' . f'i -IT )6pJCHBAPeR',lW OF AV i" n0tm mtntt stars mm B E AVER SQUAD Hitting Orgy Produces 13 To 4 Victory; Angels Beat Sacs 4-3 COAST LEAGUE W L Pet .599 .596 .578 -.577 .467 .412 .469 .363 16 Los Angeles ,.r. 82 Hollywood ...-81 55 55 67 58 72 80 81 86 Portland . 78 Sacramento 79 Oakland - 63 San Francisco . .56 Mission , 56 Seattle 49 LOS ANGELES. Aug, I API The Hollrwood Stars ran themselves almost ragged around the base oaths for six innings to night In a wild hitting orgy at the expense of three vjsiung pucners and swamped Portland 13 to 4. The Ducks were unable to score until the last two Innings while, the Stars rested on their laurels for the last three. "Uncle Tom" Sheehan kept the visitors at their distance until, in the eighth, he seemed to yield to temptation and ceased trying for a shut-out. - v Singles by Loane,',Sheelyr hnd Oana'is home run over the left field fence gave Portland ' three" tallies In the eighth. Portland . . ".. . . . . . . 4 11 Hollywood .........13 16 1 Bowman, A. Jacobs, Wilson and Palmisano, Walgren; Sheehan and Bassler, Franks. SACRAMENTO. Aug. - 16 (AP) Los Angeles continued to null away from the soions ana registered Its second straight vic tory of the series here tonight. to 3. ' Duck Ward beat Ed Bryan in a mound duel. . It was Ward's 20th victory of the season against only five defeats. " The hitting of Gene Llllard. with a homer, triple and single, helped Ward along Immensely. Camilll homed for the Soions. Ward halted the Sacs without hit or run in the last four frames to protect a on run lead, Los Angeles . .4 10 Sacramento ......... 3 6 Ward and McMullen; Bryan and Woodall. OAKLAND, ' Cal., Aug. 16 (AP) In a game that started out DID YESTEEDAYTLL BE LONG BCToRE . ri it . .. . ....w. - ... - - - - i i -nf r-rtMi , . rjf.ninir. hoi j J l Ike an old time hack lot hall feud. Oakland ' defeated San : Francisco, 6 todayv ; i.,. 1 ; The opening .. Inning saw . Joe Demaggio, Seals 1 outfielder who recently- set a new coast league record for - consecutive game hit ting, put. on a slugfest with Roy Joiner, Oaks pitcher. '. Demaggio, protesting a decision on which he was thrown out at .the plate, took exception to a remark made by Joiner. The. Seals outfielder swung first hut -only, ran' second In the mixup as Joiner landed with a left to the jaw that flat tened his-bigger opponent. The police stopped the fight and the combatants stayed in the game.. The Oaks went into a 7-5. lead in the fourth when Pool doubled to score Mailho- and Uhalt. The locals stayed out In front from then on. - Pool, Oaks outfielder, hit two doubles and two singles. San Francisco 5 2 0 Oakland .915 3 Stlne, Stuts and Bottarini; Join er and Raimondi.' SAN FRANCISCO, Aug.1 16 (AP) The Mission Reds turned on Herman puiette, a zormer teammate, and handed Seattle an 8 to 3 licking today. It was the second straight vic tory for the Reds.' " John Babich: on the mound for the Missions had a few trying mo ments early hut breeted through id the closing stages. The Missions found Pillette's pussling.. curves In ' the - fourth, scoring two runs and taking the lead. They contln- uped to pile up runs in each' In ning thereafter. Seattle .,:. 3 7 4 Missions 8 14 3 H. Pillette and Bradbury; Bab ich and Fltxpatrick. Limber Pine is Found by Peck Professor Morton E. Peck of Willamette university has the dis tinction of discovering specimens of the "limber pine" In Oregon: This tree - had been ' reported as growing in Oregon, but no rep utable botanist had previously lo cated it. Besides discovering this tree, Professor Peck found spec! mens of several very rare plants while on a recent camping trip Into the mountains of the Wal lowa country. . The first Christmas celebration In Ohio took place In Licking county 183 years ago. Sparing The Simnabulist TT 'V " ' " am : r'TZ2"!2zi--:r:.-i . Tl LOTf THANKSANNlt.X HAD THE BLUES ' VTT . " Jf SUKE-WU.5EEAAE. K r! BEFORE VtXJ CAME. IM-X "TRIED TD GET I SOLOWG, i f TOMOBJacW-AM' VOUU. No Laaghbg Blatter SH HE M STRUT 11 AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet .655 .596 .505 .496 .487 .464 .431 .341 Washington ' .72 New York ' " 65 Philadelphia . Detroit 56 38 44 54 57 59 59 62 72 Cleveland 5 Chicago Boston , , " 47 St. Louis 43 CHICAGO, Aug. 16. (AP) Washington's league leading Sen ators scored their eighth straight Tictory today, again defeating Chi cago. 6 to 1. . . Washington . : .'.5 9 1 Chicago ... . . V7. ... .1. 7 0 Whitehill.and Sewell; Gaston, Wyatt and Grube. ' CLEVELAND. Aug. 16. (AP) Tallying in the eighth to tie the score and . again in the ninth, Cleveland . today defeated Phila delphia 5 to 4. ' . Philadelphia .........4 15 3 Cleveland .'. . . . . . . . '..510 0 Cain and Cochrane; Hlldebrand, Harder and- Spencer- - DETROIT.-Aug. 16. (AP) Ray Hayworth'a triple and Rog- ell's- single in the sixth: brought in the wlnnlnUHy for the De troit' Tigers today," and gave them the third game of the series with Boston here, 6 to 6. Brown; Welch and Ferrell; Fra sler, Fischer and Hayworth. ST. LOUIS, Aug." 16,(AP) The Browns hammered three New York pitchers for 18 hits, bunch ing seven of them for six runs in the third and -defeated the Yank ees 13 to 3 today. New York 3 7 1 St. Louis . . . . .18 . v18 . ( 1 Devens,-MacFayden and Jor- gens; :.Wlls and Hemsley. Sunday Attendants Hold Annual Outing LIBERTY. Aug. 16 The Lib erty Sunday school held its annual outing at the Olinger field play ground Wednesday." Swimming was the main activity ' for the children. A picnic lunch was en joyed at noon. A surprise treat of watermelon' and cantaloupe was given during the afternoon. the Rod NOW IXJKj'r FL.V INTO A T544E. YCU, VkAKiTED AEL TO HAVE A VVCATK3KI AMt r4ATURALUV. X MAO TO BUV OIVETHilsUr "TO WEA15:-ACOOMSS OJOVVS HAY CLOTHES. COST, tXJ LXTTT-H ENOUGH CUtlTIS, Football .. circles la- Oregon were- somewnat- etirrea np , n couple of days ago wtaem it was " reported that Johnny KItzmlller ' would quit the U. of O. coach-, tng staff and Join a professional', team again this fall. Rumors of discord In the Webfoot ramp, arose, as was to be expected in such a case. Bat Johnny 'says It's afl wron. he didn't even have a bid from the pro boys. The Salem Golf club held an other of those enjoyable stag par ties Wednesday night. These bi weekly affairs are becoming more and more popular. The club, team will play Tillamook' here Sunday. No word as to the numoer or jnen coming has - been ' received, but John VarieT. at the clubhouse, has asked, all members interested ' in competing with the home squad. to talk It over wun mm. Tito Statesman golf sqnad will play the operators division team from the statehonso Sat urday afternoon. Though de feated twice by the caddies, the Statesman boys have yet to lose to mm industrial ' or business team, so they haTO high expec tations. Xo gallery charge. - wimo IN CLASSIC GOSHEN. N. - Y.. Aug. 16 (API Asserting her superiority over -11 of the country's fleetest three-year old .trotters, Mary Reynolds, a long-striding bay fil ly, today carried the silks of Wil liam N. Reynolds,- of Winston Sa lem, N;.C, to victory In .the clas sic ' HamMetonian,- richest of the harness racinc stakes." Mary Reynolds .led the field home in . two of the three heats and placed second In k the bther to earn the winner's share of the purse, amounting to .328,323. As treasurer of the Hambletonian so ciety, sponsor of the race, Reyn olds, wealthy tobacco merchant wrote himself a check for that amount. By AAS-BEEM HE IM THE LAST FEW n i ilnmsm3 inwsis Bf. TU3T VMUCMS AROUMD IN HiseixEp; OP COU?SEiA HANDSOME' "BRUTE UlKT5 ;C3iJ ISAHT MAVS. AOtsJE TO AFRICA AMD AAARIEO A Z.UUU BEU.E A BAUe OT WOULD BEA NWPeNSVH ROBE t Vat W' 'af Jl " Gehrig Ties Recordfor ay ST. LOUIS, Aug. 16 (AP). Lou. Gehrig, who started playing first base for the New York Yan kees aa an -. ambitious.- young "rookie" back in 1929 and hasn't stopped yet, today equalled the big league record for consecutive service byf "playing -his l.SOttb- game since that distant day when he broke In, The- mark t was set by Everett "Deacon" Scott, who started with the Boston Red Sox in 1916 and continued with that club and with the Yankees until he .was bench ed in 1925.. .- Gehrig - began In - Jane of the year. Scott's string . ended - and he hasn't missed a championship game In seven full seasons-since, usually" playing more than the al lotted .154 games. Today's game was his 109th this year and he hasn't any idea of quitting, es pecially since be has run into a batting streak In recent games. He led the Yanks at the plate yesterday and again today, getting two of . their seven hits as they took a 13-3 trimming from the Browns. .. HE KM BEATS BOB KRLISE IfJ CDUT Steady P . PORTLAND. . Ore., Aug. 16 (AP) Abe Kaplan of New York defeated Bob Kruse of Oswego, Ore., two falls out of three In the main event of tonight's wrestling card here. -. - Kaplan took the first fall in 16 .minutes . with a series of flying headlocks.. Kruse evened the match in 8 minutes with a Jap anese leg- strap. Kaplan took the deciding fall 5 minutes later with a hammerlock. . Al Karasick, 1S9, Portland, and Harry Demetral, 192, Chicago, wrestled five rounds to a draw in the seml-windup. Each won a fall. Scotty Dawkins, 194, Monroe, La., and Everett Kibbens, 198, Oklahoma City, "went three rounds to a. draw in the opener. By WALT DISNEY SEGAR DARRELL McCLURE By USED TO BE FUMW-BUTr WEEKS HESEEM5TO By JIMMY MURPHY r-r rj HAV AMO A CRASS KUV VtRJ CXC., VDU UAUAM a 1 V -