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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1933)
PAGE SIX The OHCGON STATESMAN. Saiga,' Oregon. Thursday Jlbrnlnsr, August 17, 1523 n - Society MeM Olive M. Doak, Society Editor World Traveler Complimented Guest An ' Interesting luncheon , of Tuesday yas that "for . which the members of Mr. Ww E. Kirk's drama class were hostesses in the gardens of the home of -Mr., and Mrs. W. E. 'Anderson .on , Court street -" ": " "r,- The affair was siren to eompUV meat Mrs.-Jessie Mlnto, only; re cently .returned from an extended world .tour, one of many which she has made in the past 17 years." The : - hostesses organized them selves into a drama class t years ago in the home of Mrs. Mlnto, and so -the honor guest was espe cially interested in the affair-of the group. - ? - , - Luncheon, was followed by an afternoon of ."travel" , with, Mrs. Minto as the guide. Maps were fol lowed and Mrs. Mlnto told in fas cinating manner ail sorts of inter esting things -trom out her many years of travel ; - " 4 Present for the afternoon were Mrs. Mlnto. Mrs. W. E. Kirk", Mrs, R. J Hendricks, -Mrs: Ray Far mer, Mrs. John McNary.. Mrs. Jobn'Alhert,- Mrs.' F. A; Elliott.'. special guest. Miss Edith Hazzard. MIbs Mattie Beatty,- and Mrs. An Mrs. Roy Stewart Afternoon Hostess Mrs. Roy Stewart will entertain in the garden of her home on Fairmount hill this afternoon with an informal bridge tea. Ta bles will be arranged, with , the green foliage of the garden as a background. Cards wilr be in play at four tables. - At the tea hour, Mrs. Stewart ' will be assisted by Mrs: Karl Heinlein and Mrs. Mary Burns. Out of town guests bidden for the affair Include Mrs. Rush and Mrs. Thomas C. Brown of Socorro, New Mexico, house guests' of Mrs. H. D. Hubbard; Mrs. John Hun ter, Long Beach, Cal., and house guest of Mrs. Roy Hurst; ana Miss Jeanette Stewart of New Sharon, Iowa, house guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hains. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Roe of Claremont, Florida, are expected back at the home of Mrs. Roe's sister, Mrs. W. E. Anderson, sometime during this weekend. Mrs. Roe will be remembered in Salem as Mrs. F. E. King. The Roes hare been making an exten sive automobile trip which will amount to four months of travel before they return to their home. At present they are visiting a sis ter of Mrs. Roe's, Mrs. S. T. Lisco of Portland. The travelers expect .to return by way of Yellowstone National park and Chicago where they will visit the Century of Progress exposition. O- LADYBIRDS TALK "SHOP? -o Pattern if, V:. n 1 i J I '$ 1 "' . r v 4 v-' J V t ,V w v. r . Amxma Eashat Putkam Among the friends she won in America, Amy Johnson Mollison, half of the famous British aviation team, the "Flying Mollisons," found non with whom she has so much in common as Amelia Earhart Putnam.' America's ace ladybirds, the only other woman to cross the Atlantic in an airplane. Although of different types, physically, the aviatrices have remarkably similar personalities. Both are frank, direct in their attitude and speech and the favorite topic of conversation, with both is aviation "blind flying" ... the merits of aero engines, etc. Amy and her equally famous husband, Captain Jimmy, were recently the guests of the Put nams at Atlantic City, N. J, where the ladybirds temporarily jilted the air for the ocean to combat the heat wave. Ivan Stewarts of Hubbard Feted By Woman's Club; will Live Here Doty Seehale Nuptials at Kelso Interest Southern Marion Residents 2545 By ANNE ADAMS , The fashion world is hot on the idea of blouses and skirts for lar ger and smarter wardrobes. This pattern includes a stunning new blouse and a slim gored skirt . . . a very chic ensemble! Diagonal seaming is quite the vogue, puffed sleeves are tucked and set in rag Ian fashion for interest, and the collar and large flowing bow are youthful . and v very flattering. Equally, smart with contrasting fabrics or all one! . . Pattern' 2545 is available In sizes It, 1C 16. 18. 20, SO. 32, 34. 3, 38 and 40. Size It takes 3 yards' 39 inch blouse fabric and 2 yards contrasting. Illus- ' trated step-by-step : sewing . in- . structions included with this pat; tern.- i - ; Monmouth A farewell gath ering complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sellers was arrang ed by members of the local Le gion post and auxiliary at Hel mick state park Tuesday afternoon. Those attending Included Com mander' and Mrs. O. C. Christen sen and children, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Schweizer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sellers and daughter Janet, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. V. But ler and Mrs. Hilda Butler, Mrs. Ben Pollan and son James Chat zauk. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Howard and children, Mr. and . Mrs. Fred Scholl and children. Dr. and Mrs. V. V. Caldwell and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Norris and Mrs. Dora Jaynes. An appropriate gift was pre sented to Mr. and Mrs. Sellers, who will move soon to Banks, Ore. Mr. Sellers has been a book keeper in the local bank for sev eral years and the family was active in social and church circles. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart were inspiration for a farewell party Monday night at the Pythian hall, given by the Woman's club. The Stewarts have built a ew home in the Salem Heights district and are moving there this week. Cards were in play during the evening, high score in bridge be ing held by Mrs. Julius Stauffer and in 500 by Julius Stauffer. Mrs. A. F. deLespInasse, in be half of the club, presented a gift to the Stewarts. Mill City Mrs. Josie Olm- stead entertained a small group of friends Thursday night in hon or of her son, Dick, whose birth day was' on that dafy. Present were Mr. and Mrs. George H. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Lake,. Mrs. Lucy Osborn (Butte, Mont.). .Clyde Golden, Mrs. Olm- stead and the honor guest, Dick Olmstead. Woodburn A lawn party was enjoyed at the George Miller country home Saturday night honoring Mrs. Fern Weisharr, daughter Mary Jo, and son Jim mie. and Mrs. L. Kinman, who are soon to make their home in Mt. Angel. Cards and other games were enjoyed until a late hour. Wallace Road The members of the Willamette Lodge coun try club enjoyed a1 picnic dinner on the lawn at the club house on the Wallace Road, at the re cent meeting. Mrs. E. O. Moll and Mrs. J. Crabtree were hostess for the affair. Scat rilTKEfr CENT8 (15) ia coin r ctaapt (coins preferred) for this Ana . Adm patters. Write plainly name, adJreaa an atyle Bom ber. BS 8URK TO STATS 4IZB. THIS AKSS ADAMS PATTIR3I BOOK featmrea a ekarminf eoltectioa, ot . afterneen, (porta, - golf, tenaie d ret tea. Jumpers, koaae frock, tpeeial beginners' pattern. ' styles for Jntt-, iws, and lovely : eiothes-.-fo? young sters, sad .instrartioas . for Making a ehie -aweeter. 8ENR- JOR ' YOUR " COPY.-. PRICE 'OJT' CATALOa JFIT TICKS CENTS.' CATALOG -AND PATTER TOGETHER tWINTY MVE CJCXT8. , - Address : orders . to ' Tie -, Oregon Statesman Psttera Department, 143 ,Wesi 17tk 8U,Jfew York City. Woodburn The Woodburn W. C. T. U. was entertained at the home of Mrs. E. N. Soule Fri day afternoon. Mrs. R. L. Trull inger presided over a short busi ness meeting, and Mrs. J. T. Tay lor was in charge of the devo tions. Mrs. Nellie Mnir arranged the program. Plans were made to hold a food sale Saturday, August 26. Refreshments were served by the hostess Mrs. Soule, assisted by Mrs. O. E. Belcher. Talbot A wedding of interest to Talbot residents was that of Miss LaVerne Seehale of Jeffer son and Lindsey Doty of Talbot. They were married at the Meth odist church in Kelso, Wash... Wednesday evening and will make their home on the Doty farm near Talbot. Mrs. Doty will teach the Dever school the coming year. Monmouth The birthday an niversaries of Mrs. Ora Snider, day operator of the Monmouth telephone exchange, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. S. Wells of Brownsville, were celebrated with a' family picnic Sunday at Hel mick state park. o a o Sllverton Dr. and Mrs. A. J. McCannell entertained at dinner Tuesday night for the pleasure of their two house guests. Miss Vio la and Miss Jean McCannell of Calgary. Miss Ida McCraig of Sa lem was also a guest at the Mc Cannell home Tuesday and for the Tuesday night dinner party. o O Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stiffler en tertained at dinner recently for Mrs. Henry Crawford, Miss Elea nor Crawford of Bismark, North Dakota: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hau- ser and son, Robert Hauser of Salem. Mrs. Hauser and Mrs. Crawford are sisters. " o Mrs. J. H. Arnold will enter tain at her home on North 21st street Friday afternoon compli menting "members of Hal Hibbard auxiliary with an. informal gar den party. Mrs. Sherman Nelson will assist Mrs. Arnold. e All Junior Artisans who. plan to attend the Hazel" Green pic nic Thursday are to meet either at the Fraternal .Temple or at Mrs. Robey's home, 1979 N. Capi tol at 1 o'clock. Bring 5c for gate fee. and own table service. . Mrs. F. M. Hoyt will enter tain members of the Fidelia class of the First Baptist church at her home on North Winter street this afternoon beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Church Plans .. Elaborate. Silver Tea A delightfully arranged tea will be an event of ' this afternoon In the. parlors of the F,irt Christian church with women ot the church in charge5 of plans: ' T : , An-Viborate" decorative note will be carried out irftfc tbe'edn tral theme that of a South Sea' Is land garden. The "hours for. the tea will, be between 2:30 and 5:30 o'clock.. Funds will be given oves. to benefit the high 'school Chris tian Endeavor group". - The public is invited.- Presiding at the urns - during the afternoon .hours will be Mrs. A. T. : Flint and Mrs. E. Reasor between 2:30 and 3 o'clock; Mrs. Dean Schomaker and Mrs. ' D. Yatvs, 3 to 3:30 o'clock; Mrs. Welch and Mrs. Smith, 3:30 to 4 o'clock ; Mrs. McDowell and Mrs. Bowen, 4 to 4:30 o'clock; Mrs; C, C. Cole and Mrs. A, Noth. 4t30 to 5 o'clock; -Mrs. t. L. Drill and Mrs. A.. D;f Wagner i to 5:3 o'clock. -r,. : ; -" Those assisting, about the room wilt be-Josephine j.Hun, Opal Yates; Geneva Barnes,' Guinevere Wood, . Ruth. Pendergraf t, Ruth Reasor, Erma Cole, Betty Rae McGahan. ' Nola . .Clark, Pauline Barry, ZellaWebb, Esther. Wirt, Glenva McReynblds. Audrey La Duke, Lois Sellers, Hazel Leak. Velma Wagner, Marjorie and Maxine Schomaker' and Vivian Noth. The program will feature young David . Smith, vocalist, and Miss Helen Purvine, violinist. Others appearing on the afternoon pro gram at 15 minute intervals will bo Pauline Barry, Erma Cole, Opal Yates, Guinevere Wood, Jun ior, girls gleo "club. Ruth Reasor and the senior girls" glee club. . Mrs. A. G. Nagel Complimented Mrs. A. C. Nagel, nee Ruth Mae Lawrence, who has been visiting ner motner,. Mrs. n. A. Lawrence. was the inspiration for a delight- luiiy planned surprise party at the Lawrence home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Laura Douglas, sister of Mrs. Nagel, planned the affair to which were invited newspaper and st&tehouse friends who were Inti mate friends of Mrs. Nagel when she made her home in Salem. The many friends of Mrs. Her bert- E. Rabe will be pleased to know that she is expected to ar rive in Salem Friday after having spent the time since June 24 in Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. Jessie I. Rains, Mrs. Helen Mulkey, Warren Mulkey and Miss Grace Rhodes returned this past weekend from a motor trip along the California and. Oregon coast. o o The F. L. club will meet Thursday evening at the W. E. .Cummings home, 1357 N. Winter. Hostesses will be Mrs. William Heseman and Mrs. Chester Lank-tree. Rebekahs Entertained With Program . - The Rebekahs' met for their regular business and social meet' ing Monday evening- in the Odd Fellows hall with a good at tendance of members and friends for the entertainment. About sixty .members, ot the Salem Rebekahs and Odd Fel lows' lodges, were at the picnic In tho Silvefton .park.' The 'committee of Hazel Mc- Elroy, Willie Warf ' and Jessie Beatty .had , a vprogram- arranged which Included,; piano .solos., by. Alena ' Bremmer. n u m b. e r s by about twenty of the pupjhvtroin the National - Institute of ,. Music and ; Arts, and a skating program mitt An ,hw Ualhnni flratiAr WrI.. ter Einfeldt, .with -the Lane and! Bennett skating trio from the R. K. O.' circuit. . . At . a . lata - hour - refreshments were served by the committee in the dining room of the Odd Fel lows hall. ' e Bethel Dorcas Club Plans Guest.Day Mrs. -!W T. ; Brlnkleywand her daughter. .Mrs. . Emmalino WU? llams, entertained members ,of the. Bethel - Dorcas club, recently at the regular monthly meeting. The . afternoon . was'apent: Jnfor mally with sewing and con versa-' tion. At the business meeting plans were, -perfected - for the guest day program to be given in honor of the Macleay 4-M club Wednesday, August 16. The hostess served refresh ments assisted by Mrs. Nichols Brinkley to fourteen members. , The September meeting will be held at the 'home ot Mrs. Julia Grant. 00 Misses Brenda and Delphine Savage left Tuesday night on the Dorothy Alexander from Por land for San Francisco, where they- will . spend their vacations, returning here August 26. Mrs. Blanch Ferguson is spend ing her vacation in a motor trip which will take her through Yel lowstone National park. She plans to be gone about three weeks. Mrs. Walter Harris and son. Neddie, of Kelso, Wash., are the guests of Mrs. Dora Leighton, mother of Mrs. Harris. ' ' Mrs. E. T. Haltom of Portland is the guest of Mrs. Jennie Bar rett for the next three weeks. Truckmen Ruin Gravel Roaii is Complaint Here Alleging that truckmen hauling gravel to the Gouley fill on the Pacific highway were ruining the market road in front of her Mis sion Bottom tract, Mrs. Kelley asked help from county officials. The road had recently been oiled, at considerable expense to Mrs. Keller, but a truckman had appar ently dronned some loads of coarse river gravel on the road in order to prevent spattering of the oil. After an inspection by county commissioner Smith and engineer Swart, the contractor agreed to have a man with a fork remove the large rock from the road. SOCIAL CALENDAR Thursday, August 17 F. L. club with Mrs. W. E. Cummings, 1357 North Winter street. Junior Artisans' attending picnic at Hazel Green meet either at Fraternal temple or at 1979 Capitol street at one o'clock. Bring five cents and table service. Tea meeting at First Christian church; 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock. Women'a Benefit ' association, regular, meeting. ' 8 o'clock in Women's clubhouse. Friday t August 18 Annual picnic of Calvary Baptist church at home of Dr. and Mrs. Kinley Adams on garden" r6ad;' potluck supper planned at: 6: 30' o'clock; program planned.-,r - . Fidelia class ot First Baptist church, with Mrs. F. M. Hoyt, 753 North Winter street. 2:30 o'clock.' - - . Mrs. J. H. Arnold will entertain Hal Hibbard auxil iary with garden party 2 o'clock; ; informal, r; " Sunday August 20 - - v-" Annual joint picnic of Cascade, Linn; Independence, and Marion post and auxiliaries of Veterans of Foreign... Wars, Dallas city park;.l o'clock basket luncheon;' bring v own table service; coffee furnished. Call Mrs. Charles -Low for transportation. v.;-. ' OUR TENTH Anniversary SALE Better take advantage of these extremely ldw prices probably never again toill you see such prices on such new clean merchan dise as this. EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL BOTH FOR $0.45 26-pieee set fin SHverpUU and 32-pieee China dinner set. Silver consist- ef six each hollow handle knives; forks, teaspoon and tablespoons, a sugar spoon and batter knife. Carina C each dinner plates, pie plates, caps and saaeera, berry dishes, 1 vegetable dish and 1 saeat platter. Beavttfal design. Both sets silver and china J For $0,45 Bay on ear Badget llaa 19 PIECE WATER SETS 19 pieces Wtcher. water glasses, t Iced tea glasses, ale glasses. AH with ehlp proaf rime, Beaatifal Kite Green. Jact think aU aJse teen pieces complete ' $1.15 EXTRA SPECIAL 34 piece set 1347 Sogers ftei ware hellew handle knives wtth stainless blades. -'TO) $10.50 (3, SILVER HOLLOWWARE A beautiful assortment ef fine vternng and silver plated Hoi lowware, ten sets, platters, waiters, sugar and creams, bowk, plates, etc. All greatly redaeed, many pieces - half price and less. Year Credit Is Good . MANTLE CLOCKS Seth Thomas, hear and half hoar. Mahogany finish case. $5.95 DIAMONDS A saperh group of bhte-whito diamonds set ta faaadseaM white gold aueaatlngt. Styles for both men and women. Matchless valaes, all priced to sett saaeh higher hat far this anniversary sale, choice - $39.50 Bay aa oar Budget TUm . WATCHES ?" es of Elrm. Watthaza, Hamilton and Illinois watch- ea, rrtoss half and r SUCCESSOR TO BURNETT BROS. : 457 STATE STi ; U CLEARANCE W I ,:;, SUMMER APPAREL! p $9,50 $8.50 Ventilated Foundations By Gossard 5 Why not enjoy the cool comfort of MiaSimpttcity'B ventilated foandattons? This a amber by Gossard Is a wondcrfnDy popalar garment for sammer and early fall wear. All stzes. Expertly fitted. Shadow-Proof Slips "SEAMPRUF" tailored & lace trimmed slips are here test cuts. $2.48 in iasnion s latest Fitted and sha dow croof You'll enjoy shopping , forL these high ' class dresses and salts made by SNYDER BROS, and BRADLEYat these specially low -prices. Also silk and sheer cottons drascalJf reduced for this sammer clearance. Frocks irpa purpose wear, golf, outing and vacatiezvbeaxia; summer cottage, workaday, school-room, etcv 27 KNIT FROCK AND SUITS ' BY SNYDER AND BRADLEY;. . .Values to 16.75. On sale at - , . - rear choice of twenty-seven .good quality knit frocks and suits, anyone of which is today's fashion, at a saving ui .nearly half. Whites and paMel shade- siacs from 14 . - to 42. ., : -,. ' . . .;, 24 SILK CREPE AND.WOOL KNIT FROCKS AND SUITS . . . values to $15.00, on sale - - Hera pro Jaunty 'Jacket affairs, one, two and three piece fashions that wOl wring your purse strings at this price! Plain and printed tOk crepes, knitted tracks and suits of finest wools. White, sastete. Sixes 14 to 42. 5 ONLY, FINEST SILK DRESSES . . . regularly sell ing at $16.75, on sale at Silk flat crepes, rough crepes in combination shades, prints, and plain shades. Beige, white, green, pink, etc Sixes 11 and 42. 8 ONLY, PASTEL CREPE DRESSES . . . regularly sell ing to $7.50, on sale at Here's a good buy In smartly fash loned dresses of good euality crepe. Pastels and combination shades. Sizes 14 to 42. 7 ONLY, BETTER-GRADE VOILE DRESSESr.v former ly selling up to J X ftC $6.50, on sale at-)JeU? What a pleasure to ' wear during these warm days. Cool, sheer cotton voiles In pleasing designs ef pastel shades. Sixes up to 52. 15 WHITE SUEDE CLOTH JACKETS. . . regularly $3.95 on sale -at These are washable and are made same style as- leather Jackets. A wonderful garment for vacation and general sportswear. $11.50 $4.85 $2 95 BE WISE - BE THRIFTY! These "3-Year Certified Sheets' Will Cost More After Sept 1st 63x99 and 81x99 Three Year Certified Sheets $1.19 or four for $4.25 81x108 Three Year Certified Sheets $1.39 or four for $5.25 12x36 Three Year Certified Pillow Cases 19c each or four for 85c SPECIAL "BATES" COLONIAL BED SPREADS $1.98 Buy your good quality bedspreads now while prices are low. You can't beat "BATES" quality Colonials at this low price. Both full bed and twin bed sizes. A variety of patterns and shades. (Imperfects.) STREET FLOOR SHOE SECTION CLEARS OUT Summer Footwear A final clearance of aU odd pairs of summer foot wear now at Boner's gives you the opportunity of se lecting from quite a range of tics, straps, oxfords, pumps, ete, with nearly aU sixes m the lot. Remem ber the MAIN FLOOR SHOE DEPT. $flo29 Hurry! If You Need Good Stockings at this Low Price! ALL-SILK CHIFFON HOLEPROOF HOSE .: ........ j . These beautifully sheer chiffons by Holeproof are stm priced at 79e. Miller's feel ft their duty to Inform their patron that the price oa this number win soon he fSe and perhaps stm higher later oa. For a few days we offer this fuB fashioned, all-silk chif fon In good range of shades. , - -PAIR 7 200 YARDS OF LACE PIQUE SPECIAL 4Sc YD. Keep eool In lues pique ... supple and shoes' as lae . . as attractive aa piquet tn all the pastel shades such as archidV ptok, peach, beige, fight blue and Bght green. ktapaT floor. .TRAY, COASraRSAND GLASSES, SET lLCO A Ftorentlne tray, six coasters o match with six tan glaauee to thls lwrao aet aJ anJy fLM. An aasoTtaent of colors. GIFT SHOP, MAIN FLOOR. V ! f ' - ' ' &FXIS lauaawrma co winr . . . , ua