Main , . . 01 Local MM T&MgM fa out v iiifSiifi Reed Will Initiate Seattle Wildcat; , Harrington May Rule Arena Elsbt lively grapplers," none of whom will weigh much more than fire pounds either side of the 150 mark, will be paraded on the mat at the armory tonight in a quad rnple main event show, the big' gest "hippodrome" attraction ever staged here. r,RlTalry for honors as main at traction of the. four equally-fea tured one-nour bouts, proDaoiy will be divided between the match in which Robin Reed and Emmett "Wildcat-: Mack of Seattle will tangle, and the one which brings , together George Bennett of Okla homa and "Bunny" Martin of Se attle. I Bennett's match tonight , will give him a better opportunity to show Salem fans his real ability, than : that a week ago .in which J'Swede" Lawson, though . he is ' Quite grappler, didn't choose to wrestle "straight", AO any great extent. Martin does a little rough ' Srork occasionally but has no scruples against wrestling. - Reed Is meeting an adversary who Is declared to be able to match any sort of tactics the ver satile welterweight champion may choose to adopt. "Doc" Nelson and Soldier Bob . Anderson', a couple of well, known boys will furnish another of the one-hour ; bouts and the fourth will " feature ' Lawson- and Bob ! Philpott, a newcomer from Taco i marlth an excellent reputation. - Matchmaker Harry Plant an' nounces that Vern Harrington wilFbe here as' referee if he can be- 'persuaded, that his injured ' hand has -healed sufficiently, but lf.'n6t,Glen Stone, also recognized - as a -capable arbiter, will be on " the Job. ' - Otis Clingman Beats Namanic, Portland Bout PORTLAND, Aug. 14 (AP) Otis Clingman of Oklahoma City defeated John Nemanic of St. Louis, two falls out of three in the main event of tonight's wres tling matches here: Bulldog Jackson of Klamath ' Falls won the semi-windup from Logger Helbert, St. Helens, taking two falls out of three. Dorry Detton, Salt Lake City, took two straight falls to win the preliminary from Eddie Helbert, St. Helens. Gross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE unni7miTii , ual. t: ..j ..:t . .1 Wy ChH-tiaal, th. - ZVZzZJ . Z.ww..w;;W.t , Quahrttv i- he tbrkk I! ! ?0,M ia A-ena7. 1S Agreaieruuanwiy , . i ternary pin lfr Diminished i!TZ-J i. 19 Restet authority 20 Quoted 21 Doctrines ! a tuw" 24 Brother . 2 united witn neeaie ana ifJ.f.u 01 v 31 Sloth . 3Z Sbauow Tesei . S Pronoun 84 Appendage. . 36 Sharp points S8 Domesucatea raammai 11 PrlAd of time 43 The pressure of one dyne ea'""':t - 40 nuaw ' , , . 48 Playing-marbles . . ""wrVf whTtdbliol. 1931? 7" 7 "i 5 4 1 6 1 IO II i2 z, 75 yys'v " . . 3h vP3 ""PP """" :iilliLi ; . - 772 92 5H a3 9T IP7- " 51 Guitar-like musical instrument 82 Self . . 54 ArmamU h a part of what cootaaoatr ' " ' 85 Dregs -56 Foot digit 67 Aquatic carniverous animal VERTICAL 1 Who u TurkiA cess-BwaJor-ia-chiof ia the Cri- mm War? SPrntnhoranee 3 What largo country U locotoJ - hotwooa tho Red Sea and the Persiaa Gulf 7 -7.. 4 Feasts " - 1 5 Possessed Preposition , Wait's and Pade's Win as Kitball Year Nears Close; Schedule Ends Wednesday No upsets, but two well play ed and fairly close games, mark ed the next to the last double header of the Salem Kitball league season " Monday night. Walt's ; Market defeated Kay Woolen' Mills to 2 and Pade's won I from Salem Linen Mills 7 to 2. Nick Serdots of Wait's hit a home run into the creek. Pade's had almost Its original lineup for Monday night's game. Another change has been made in the schedule for Wednesday night. Since Parker's is already sure of a place in the playoff, Its postponed game with Kings ley Ice has been cancelled and Klngsley Ice will play the Elks, the game regularly scheduled for Wednesday. That will be at 8 o'clock; at 9 o'clock Pade's and TO The Pilgrim Players of Los An geles,, who Sunday were received by two good audiences at Willson park in the afternoon and the First M. E. church at night, will appear here again tonight, at the Court Street Christian church, 17 th and Court,' at" 8 o'clock. ' ' They will present the religious drama, ."The Fisherman," tonight The message is stronger because of the vividness of the scenes and the care taken in reproducing the times in which the action took place. Special music will be han dled by. the Silver String trio of the church; Messers Priem, Meis inger and .Garrett. . " Kitzmiller Will Be Pro Gridman Again Says Mara NEW YORK, Aug. 14 (AP) Tom Mara, professional foot ball promoter, announced tonight Johnny Kitzmiller, former Ore gon football star, will return here next fall to play with his New York Giants in the national professional league. Kitzmiller, an . outstanding back the one year he played here, 1931, was an assistant coach at the University of Oregon last fall. Hunter, Okla., received a tank ear of water by rail to help relieve the drinking water shortage. SHEFFER I 7 Unit of lenrth 8 Sudden overpowerinr fear LJZotseSe 1 11 Require !5-Tree U5 -4 - f 23 The wife of what former U. 3. i Sowotarf of the Nvy chrW-, t 7 toaod tho 5boaantfoasr 124 Obese 1 25 Narrow inlet 1 27 Hostility 1 29 Wine-vessel 30 Still 1 85 To chide severely 136 To wait for 37 Bristle 33 The mark ef a fold 140 Comrades 1 42 Wild buffaloes I IS Snherieal body 1 44-A periodic malarial fever U Thebowftn 1 47Wia. U ti, BaBB .f h Dutch 1 1 H .pok. by tk I t whius of Sooth Africa? I ja f 1 P50 What u4 Amorlca pool I i was aathor of "Tho RavesT T Herewith is the solution to jes- I terday's Puzzle. El EIN'AfTORTDjREferaEIDI PUM PLAYERS flPPEAB AGAIN Kay Mills will play the game postponed from August 4. If Pade's wins. It will enter the playoff with Parker's next Monday night; It Kay Mills wins a playoff game-between Pae's an Wait's will be necessary and will probably be played Friday. Meanwhile challenges for the ultimate city champion are com ing in, the latest being from Eu gene where the Knights of Co lumbus von the title. Several in tercity games may result from these challenges. Wait's V. 6 10 1 Kay Mills ......... S- 6 2 D. Walker and C. Kelley; Page and Bricher. Pade's .7 1 Salem Linen 2 3 4 Stelnbock and Pade; Serdots and Seguin. League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet New York ....... 3 43 .594 Pittsburgh .......91 48 .540 Chicago .........91 49 .555 St. Louis 59 52 .532 Boston ..........58 62 .527 Philadelphia .....45 61 .425 Brooklyn ...43 2 .410 Cincinnati ....... 4 4 7 .399 COAST LEAGUE . ; ... , ' W. . L. Pet. Los Angeles .....80. Portland i ...... .78 65 55 56 55 73 78 81 82 593 ..586 .585 .583 .459 .418 Sacramento . . . . . . 79 , Hollywood .....77 Oakland ...62 San Francisco . ,;.56 Mission ......... 5 4 .400 .374 SeatUe ..........49. Sunday's Resnlta At San Fruiciscd 15-1,"" Port land 1-4. At Oak!and 7-7. Mission 1-8. At Los ' Angeles 1-7, Seattle 6-2. At Sacramento 4-5, Hollywood 4-7. Series This Week Portland at Hollywood. Los Angeles at Sacramento. Seattle at Mission. San Francisco at Oakland. MICKEY MOUSE , f HEY! DONr SLOW DOWN W'j F" X 9 ' ' ( V.rfrJ&Ai1;0 I P'GOSN SAKES ! Xf.'.l ST Jll ' THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeyc fLV. TELL HIM f BEOirAS STOW BEFORE I TUCKS HIM IK ONCtl OPOH fTlAc THEt A CPN ttCOUivlL f K 1 guvirniiiiN rr R 6TC ETC' - 7 n TJ m LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY l G10RM)5KY. THAT 60UP"5ME1LS H ggTggAMP -C0UR5E,5ICK FOLKS AWT iTnT Nn?". r eor much appetite -but ill 11 rs5. betcha Sadie will" 60 r 1 I A BOWL OF THAT J TOOTS AND CASPER HERE3 A RDLDER K20M TUTi SUTHRRAKJO HCTO. wkc HA-HA- ALL THE RICH TOLK5 J THKV ELKS LOSE OP IN BIG PLAYOFF Mt. Angel Wins 11 to 6 as Wolf Hurls Eight -hit Bali Here Sunday The Salem "Elks were eliminat ed from the Mid-Willamette Val ley Baseball association playoff Sunday when they were aeieatea 11 to 6 by Mt. AngeL Wolf .of the visitors held the Salem boys to eight hits, but handed out eight free passes, the same number as Zorn of the Elks. The Elks stayed in the running until the fourth Inning when Mt Angel scored four runs, adding a couple more in the fifth, and capping that with three in the eighth. In addition to being met for 11 hits, Zorn had some diffi culty with his control. He was re lieved by Heenan in the ninth. , The Elks are expecting to play one more game, against the Sena tors with whom they are dead locked on the season's play to date. "Frisco" Edwards, who um pired Sunday's game, may Join the Elks for the game with the Sena tors. -Score; Mt Angel ' " AB R H Keber 2b 4 3.1 Asboe It ...........4 1 1 Poepping 3b A 2 1 Schlessinger ss......6 0 2 Howard ef 6 1 3 Aerhart If. 3 0 0 Johnson If .......... 2 - 1 0 Saalfeld lb ........ .5 1 2 White c ......... ... 5 - 1 1 Wolf p V. . ; . r. . ; .V. 4 , 1 t 1 . Totals 44 11 12 Elks .... " AB R H Kitchen 3b ..4 ' 1 ' 2 McCaffery H...' ....... 5 1 Busick cf .5 1:9 Heenan lb .... .. .... 4 1 0 Keber ss .. v.. .3 0 1 Beechler rf ........ .5 1 2 Burch ............. 3 0 0 Bricher e .......... .3 2 1 Zorn p .5 0 1 Totals 37 6 8 Erastus Parker of Hartnett county, N- C, increased his wheat yield per acre from 28 to 60 bush els by planting it on lespedeza sod. . -. fN THEV COME. OPfSWttU m THONEft - MA. OP f SU0D1N6 r UJAVE Rll UP- rH' THE UTTLE CJK- KrVBBlT SAdD TO THE SEA-UUPH1HK- OLD SAM 'ir? AT CUACT A X Kt4W- m I I I GMM BfMUl r-r 3 I wouldn't mvE TO STAVTVflERe' VHRY Bend Winner Over Sblons By Big Rally STATE LEAGUE , W. L. Pet Federals Bend -U. .8 .8 .7 . .5 .3 4 .667 5 .615 5 .583 6 .500 8 .385 f .250 Eugene . Schapp's Salem Albany . The Salem Senators put up a valiant battle at Bend Sunday, holding the Bend Elks to a 4-all deadlock up to the eighth inning. Then the strain of trying to "bend them" in Bend's rarefied atmos phere proved . too much., for "Squeak" Wilson and the boys with the; Philadelphia Athletics uniforms cut loose with two home runs, a two-bagger, and five sin gles to score six runs in the eighth and salt the game away. Salem 1 5 7 Bend ..10 17, 2 Wilson and Moye; Murphy and Eubanks. Federals -I. 5 1 Eugene 2 7 4 Foulk and Richards; .Wiltshire and Bishop. ' V " Schapp's IT 3 Albany . 12 6 Hatch and Worthier; Coovert, "Hampton an4 "Wilkinson. . Babe Ruth Sends Baseball to Fan Who Loses a Leg PITTSBURGH. Aug; 14 (AP) Babe Ruth, Yankee home run slurrer. - tonight " sent an' auto graphed I baseball to 16-year-old James Jack, Oil City, who lost a leg ""bumming?, to' Pittsburgh to sW the ball" player perform at Forbes fleta. - - -4v Jack, fell last night from' a freight car. and his leg was 'so badly .crushed it "'was amputated at a' Franklin, Pa., ' hospital.' ' - Ruth . said he" hap hoped to knock a ball over the" fence .In today's exhibition game with the Pirates, and send it to the youth if possible. He failed however and sent another sphere, with a message of sympathy. Jack's condition was reported as so critical physicians have not informed him of the gift. A Towed Now Showing "Why rU' THE. UTTLS VCKc RfsBBlT Sf0 TO THE. S EA- E.LErHMNK': HM HE'S SOUH ASLEEP VLL. FINISH TttE. STORY VTOMORRV HGHT A Man l A .Af.. VF .MHJC v4TMr "TUP TV&IirMJTrO iT 0TO4KIN5fT CLOWN. IS SlCK- Ar4ABS bkinsing her. some. BROTH -OHE UTTLE DAJ2LWS i VJ00LDfr.TA5TE A BUt. I OF Hue OUU s ft 4 M V I9H Km fawn Swkw, Ini, Cfnt Stiwh nffanj Not so Funny AND WE CWOUirM TO ASK THE CLERK m WHAT THE RATES ARB X RATES i r v Ave ' l SLUGGER JIM FOXX DRIVES in 9 RUfiS AMERICAN LEAGUE i . W. I. Pet. .648 .598 .505 .487 .486 .472 .439 .373 Washington 70 38 43 63 58 57 67 60 71 New York 64 Philadelphia - -54 Cleveland 5 5 Detroit 54 Chicago - 61 Boston .....47 St. Louis . . 42 CLEVELAND, Aug. 14 (AP) With Jimmie Foxx driving in nine runs for a new American League record, the Philadelphia Athletics today opened their west ern. Invasion "with a 11 to 5 vic tory over the Cleveland -Indians. Foxx hit a. single, "double, triple and his 35th home run of -the sea son,, the latter with the bases loaded.. - - v V - . PhUadelphJa.11. 13 , 1 Cleveland ........ lL 6 1, -.1 Mahaffey and Cochrane; Hud Hn, Bean and Pytlak, Spencer. DETROIT, Aug. 14 (AP) Detroit won the opening game of a series with Boston today, 6 to 5. A seventh Inning Detroit ral ly netted four runs. " Boston ..... 6 13 1 Detroit - r " 6 1 10 2 -Pipgras, Brown, 7 Welch ' - and Ferrell; Auker, Fischer, Hogsett and Pasek. Hayworth. Canners Stage Benefit Contest . - r. For Champions ? WOODBDRN, Aug. 14. , A benefit ball game' was-played at the Leglofft'park here- Sunday be tween', the .-JUy-Maling cannery team of iHillsboro and, the Ray Brown ; eannery; team of ; Wood burn All proceeds were donated to the Juflfor. Legion Tteam, Ore gon i champions, vto help, pay the expenses of their trip to Pocatello, Idaho,- where-, they will play .this week.". rw:ir r.- The Woodburu team defeated the Hlllsbonrteam. 19 to 6. Bat teries for Hillsboro were Johnson and Hanna,' and for Woodburn, DeGuire, Graham and Halter. Total oil production for Mich igan the first half of 1933 was 2,803,950 barrels. - Engine Bring That Up?" UJHKTrX MATTER WVTCHfS, GOT SUMptN ON YcH. MINOJ-VAU), CAN'T CT VIl you J (COnE ON.TELL.Dui of Mirth forget YOU L0T5 LAUGHS ME VOU LlMwN t il l . r 1 xi AW FUMWiER ALLTMETTME -6EE. YOUR to Casper Wg gTDVn-t.O AT THE X SUPER4iaAr40 OUR KIAMES V- WOCB-D T K THE. i -L. y Tthe.- rOLCE. XURTIS - Golfers moved in on-Keko wia la foursomes and gang somes Sunday for the opening of the new coarse there. Salem dlvoteers held a slight edge In umbers over those from Port land, anions; the nearly 300 who tried oat the coarse. All were unstinting in their praise of the new layouts In order to ' make the opening day still more attractive, luncheon was served' to all comers. Graham Sharkey, who had the edge on the rest of the boys be cause he had a hand in laying out the course and therefore knew where: all the pitfalls were, set a neat mark for' others to shoot at when he toured the nine holes in 3, two under, par. He went on and turned In a 36 for an 18-hole total of 69, which is another mark the ambitious ones may try. for if they like. Millard Groves, who hasn't played a great deal of golf since' June, proved that he has lost none of his cunning- by going around In 35, even par. It was an Ideal day at Nesko- 7 win, persons going there escap- . ing both . the sweltering , beat . here and the comparative frig idity reported from some other . place on the coast. And while we're on the subject, it might .be well to mention, that the same .invitation, to play the new . Neskowin. , coarse , w 1 thei t charge,, will continue to be ex-'. . .'tended until the course. is. final ly completed, which. will keep it .open under, that arrangement.. . most of this season. ' - Somebody paraphrased Gray's Elegy" to the effect - that ''Full many, a Mathewson' was destined to . "waste. 7hls benders, on ; the tanktown air," and that applies to golf too we're not talking, about Neskowln now, but about the na tional P. G. A-i lu which Willie Goggin, unknown- from amunlci pal course out of San' Francisco, battled his way. to the finals and then stayed in the contest with Gene Stfrasen for 32 holes. Sara sen got most of the praise after It was all over, . but Goggin de served a lot because he rocketed rX COORSE. LOON'T THIUVC YEk SILLY- IP YA GOT A SUMPlN' ON YR, MiND H TELL ME ABOUT IT-UJE"RE AtMT nr-T OWE YOU KNOW, DAD FOR ALLTHE VOLTVE HAWDEO ABOUT L0&MG SET PUKIKflER HE SA5 BUSiMESS AIMT, USTEM-TKERErS J U) ELL, ALL 1 KlCaHT THtri J f v.,r u , ITUSEDTOjBEV ETNTkAnCE. AUJ5IC OM.VOU SIUL-V- KK4CNV r S you ? VVE COUlON'T APFDRO TO LBASB A TCLGLPHONE. pqoth tor five vinutts at THE SUfETRAJi out of nowhere toV-if near the top. Most of the scribes can see only the recognised stars and put interlopers down as "accidents, V when the truth is that the vroods are full of good golfers und men Just as. good as the recognized stars In all sports. TO SEG010 POSITION LOS ANGELES, Aug. 14 (AP) Behind sclntillant pitch ing of Sbellenback and Wetzel, the Hollywood Stars moved up next to the Los Angeles Angels tonight by 3 to 0 and 2 to 0 defeats of Seattle. Some 7600 fans saw the ath letes race through a two hours and 20 minutes twin bill, the fastest played in the Coast league for many a. moon. . Phil .page and "Dutch" Ulrich, the -Seattle pitchers, hurled a fancy brand of ball, but their, mates could not get . a run for either of them In the 16 innings. Seattle ..0 I 0 Hollywood 3 8 ' 0 Page and Bradbury; Snellen back and Sassier., SeatUe . .r. .0 2 t Hollywood .........2 . 5 1 Ulrich and , Doer; - Wetzel and Summers.' ' Hole-in-one on Fly Scored in Unique Tourney NEW YORK, Aug. X 4. (AP) Jack Hagen, who has been liv ing 53 ryears.and playing golf most of them, today pulled off. that 820,000 , to ;1 shot," most golfers dream, about a deliberately hit hole-ln-one on the fly. t Inaugurating the second annual World-Telegram -hole-in-one tour nament, Hagen stepped to the No. 3 tee of the Salisbury , Country club - course and. on his third - at tempt -sent the ball flying. 148 yards' true to - the grassy rim of the cup. ... Theoretically, of course, every golfer is aiming for the cup when he takes his lick on the short holes, but it was the first 'time on Tecord that a player had done it with a gallery looking on and in a tournament for only that pur pose. By WALT DISNEY By SEGAR UJHKT t THE l LtTTLc OACKrKHBBVT TO THt, 5EAEUPVWVT? STABS CLIMB By DARRELL McCLURE t5 HE'S JHJST FOOUM-HESI AM AWFUL FUNWCLOWM HIS EVERYBOOV BUSTS SHOW THOR SIDES LAUGHW LIKE .ATHiH-HOMEST : " -rrHEYDO 1 'U '. t I a ifw im i By JIMMY MURPHY DIOMT you OKILV TEASINZ ) HOUR. HUMOR I cf? OULL HAval 4 t r I V V ; 4 4 a v.