PAGE SEVEN V? The OREGON STATES3IAN, Sakey Oregoru Saaday Jlomisr. Acxst 13, 1933 , . " ' " ' ,:... ' i i - ' i-V A :- , , . . . t , A? -J fv . ? f I-1 I. ft I I rI 1 i t i i ! . T Business Directory Ckrda in thta diraetMT ry raawi I r. Ru I pr lln per taoa AUTO BRAKES floctot. t South ConncTii Btr C CATERING Bert Crary. tl cittw. Phi Tt. CHIMNEY SWEEP CUIROPRACTORS D. a 1- SCOTT. I'JiU Ctiirwtrdr FL01U5IS CUT flower wwttlui tooqwitt tua rai wreaths. tecorattuoa. CL r. Brtt' mmipU fioiuw. 11 Court. TL; (DO. . ai-i-klnda ol floral work. Luu Star Im. lit ft Marital. Tal Hft GLASS jUttu and window s;Uaa mtrrora. Tai. Walter J. Uowoi, greya. INSURANCE ft UUNUR1CKS , COrFBr-SKlTU. can. ina. Tel Mtt LAUNDRIES XRJfl tiKW 1-ACJNDKT CAF1TA1. C1TX UlONUaT - felrat In QuaiiV mJni ttorvicm Tataibona la MM itroadwj LAWN MOWERS j tfharpenad, rpalra4 and OmdedL HAKKK W. SCUT T. Tha Cycf Maa" f MATTRESSES Mattreacea from factory to home. Cotton mattreaa. 60 lh. -. KenoTM ra and fumixatora. Rusa cleaned. CftP IluI UeduinK Co. TaL 40. N. CaoltoL New mattreaa made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, alxins;nulf rtim Madni. Kaiaoi Fluff RaBT ft l&at- craaa Factory. & 1Kb ft WliUur. TeiJ 441. Qtlo F. awtcner. aiau ta. MUSIC STORES nicrv c wiLXi Plaaoa. radloa. aew- k. mirhmfi. aneet muaie aad plana atudlea. Repalrlns radloa, phoauaranha aewUK macauiaav aaa bw ialem. - ' MEDICINE When Others Fail Naturc'a her be for awry ill. H. S. low, noted CblneM nerbaUat- 47 a. Commercial aUreet. Salem. Ore ton. EatabUahed aince 11Z la Oakland. Oaiif. Consul taUon free. Telephone Hit. Hours 9 to C Sun. It to IS aa. Charlie Chan M . if.ji.i. Vv V. Corn i.i q. iSiUm Hairdsrare. we BKIVIV "V.. aare all klnda of herbe for mala and female trouble After one year In your uiiubi w.w aa dosena of our Salem patienta will Office boura t to . Sun. to 12. rw rhM Lam Chlneae Medicine Co Boars Tuesday end Friday. 10:J0 a-ra. S- 4 '.30 p. ra M w. omiiicriai MUSIC INSTRUCTION Steel. Span. Guitar, Mandolin. Abe ,inpr'. flub every Sat. 2 :30. Cnjor- able. educattonal. resulta P. Melslngr. (fa Stateaman au ieu m. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint ft Boofla. 474 Ferry, PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, card pamph let program books or any kind of or la ting, call The Statesman Printing LeeartmenU 31 & Commercial. Tele-phofio- 910L I . REAL ESTATE BECKS ft HENDRICKS, TeL 4947. W. H. URABKNHORST ft CCX 114 a Liberty BC - TeL 60COLOFSKT ft SON . lae-l First NafL Bk. Bids. Tel T80T STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for) sale, ra--Ut and repaired. All klnda of wove wire feac fancy and plain, bop basket book logaalwok ttakua ence and Stove Work SCI .-. TeL 4774. a B. Flemlsg. SHOE REPAIRING txw price Good rfc. 910 & ComX TRANSFER CAPITAL. " CITY Transfer Co. 228 . . r-feHBla- 9?n 8 tale St. tol ifia. warding ana Ut our rate ,--v ,; FOR local or dista transfer storage. eU mi, Larmar Traosfar Co. Trucks ls Portland dally. -. TYPEWRITERS I r PEW RITERS Adding Mch. sold, rented, repaired. Underwood Agent Cstkt Short, til Court TeL - WELL DRILLING ft, A. West. 10 years experience. RFO (. Box 101 & TeL HO". HAVE MINOR OPERATIONS - -SILVERTON, Attf. 1 ; Jorce Rlmmons. the daughter of Dr. aad Mrs. A. W. Simmons, had her tonsils remored' at the Sllrertoa hoanital this week. Zepheny Glr- n tho six Tear old dtashtef of Mr; aad Mrs. Ed OlTetis, aader- weert a major opetatioa tou eek Uo. ' Statesman Classified Ads i Call 9101 CaaawlXtvd A4fWtlalag stngU tasartloa par Three lasartioas .pr lln ....108 81s lasartloai per Uaa. O&i aonth paw lln..l. Ifialnam-charg ......Sit Copy for tfeU pa so etpUi natll :X0 tho oroa tas botor pabUcatloa (or ciaaecric&tloB. Cap? ra c1t4 after tala tint wtU bo raa under tfto aeadlag Too Lato ta Claoatfy. Tao Statoomaa bo CaaaoUt rastaaiMUty for orroTi falek taaj ap poar to adirertlsenveau ao ltabod la lta eolamaav aaa la cases where tbl paper Is at fault will reprtot that .part ot aa adrerriMotoBt la Twhlcb 'tho trposrap bleed saUUako occar. The JBtateamaa the tlbt to reject ob)ee tloaal adreTttslng. It for ther reaenres the rtxht to dasslff alt adrerUalac u or tho proper eUsalfJea ttoa. HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMN Karn SIS dosen aewlngr. home apare ttane, materiala- cut. In structions fnraubed. experience un- necnaary. write BUfKKiOrt UKiasa COafPANT, 23 Havemeyer a tree V Brooklyn, N. T. WANTED Middle aee woman for general bouse work, steady work In cood home. $10 month. Board. 11M Onk etreet, Salem, Ore. SITUATIONS WANTED Washta R. l Bx. tS, Salem. Touna- deoendable Ctrl with S yra experience as assistant bookpr. and atenoc- wishes ateady employment. Beet of references. Would also consider clerklns. Tel. SSS. - - FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR ft ALE Cheap, lawn mower. hose, garden tools, feather mattress. Tel. Sunday. Excellent piano. Reasonable- Tel. S4F1J. Old papera 10c a bundle. Statesman office. Used ranees. 15.00 and up. Oregon Trading Post. 332 I. Com L Kentucky Wonder canning bean delivered 2c pound. Box 68, Rt 2. SI1 verton. Orw. FOR SALE Cucumber Central Howell service station. Silverton Road. Thoroughbred, bird dog W. C Bar- chu Brook Ore. Milk fed fryer 4 for $1.00. RL 1, Box 1. ; Saw gumming and sharpening mile E. Four Corner Tel. 4280. SejsasjBaasSSaaSa Gravensteln 6c, bring boxes, far 2-5. Mr Wright 4 ml Wallace rd. WANTED MisceHaneoua Wanted, grade Guernsey or Jersey belfera from 1 to 24 mo. old. Phone, write or rail. Give detail E. A. Rho ten, 1595 a High St. TeL 2351. AHSCELLANEOUS Exp. hafr cutUng, 101 a Winter SL We pick up dead, worthless horse cow sheep. TeL 4889. 1105-1250 MONTH. Government post-depression Job Men. women, 11 50. Steadv. Qualify now. Sample' coach ing and "list jobs FREE. Apply today aure. Box i:2T. care statesman. FARMERS! We repair draper combine drapers or make new ones to order. Call N Inter and Trade at. I have good cow and some young stock: would liku to trale for rough carpenter work. H. ' C. Shields, Tel. 892. Oregon Eldjr. FOR RENT ROOMS rtjj'jyjirvii'i-i'.'m'vm- Rooms. Tel. 5678. 595 Court St. R.oia,s. also mals. 4S2 N. Summer. ROOM AND BOARD A large room with board. Suitable for two. Gentlemen preferred. Tel. 4175 FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartment downtown dis trict. cooL clean, comfortable, private bath. Very reasonable. Call Pat ton's Book Store. Apt 119 ft $-2. 197 N. Com!. Newly deeorititd apartment reas onable. 555 Marion. Attrac. large, 1st floor. 1411 Court Apt $5, 355 Bellvue St Nice furn. apt,-690 Union. 2 room furn. apt, main floor. Very reasonable. Blpcfc Tel. 65T. - . south S. P. depot FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and un:urt. house R Forkner. 1811 N. Cot lag Tel. I91L FOR RENT (Jood 7 room house. All newly kalaotalned. Large walnut treeaun bus lina. see Mr uaa wen. Statesman office. House . Damon. 837 Com'L Furnished, unfurn. bowses. TeL 1330, H. P. Grant HI N. 18th St FOR RENT S acre 1 room plas tered house, water system, no bath, barn, chicken hotse. implement cow, berries and family orchard. $180 year. Half cash, inquire 1198 Marion. TeL 8148. 1 room house. Good -deal to right party. 33 N. 24th. FOR RENT Houses. $T.9 to $39. Furnished $19 to $50. Store rooms $19 to $109. Five, ten and fifteen-acre tracts $11 and $16 month, See Bechtel or Thomason. 141 But . ' 1989 West Nob HU1 117.60 J 819 Electric $8.90: 1940 a High $29; (48 Statesman 81: 1881 court st lis. P. H. Bell. 125 Oregon BtdgV TeL 80S. WANTED TO BENT, . WANTED Small, modern - boose about Sent .1st or .rooms will take- long-tlaae- leas -Might by Oater. AOdrees Box 151, care Stetesmaa. . - WANTED TO RENT Wanted to rent house furulahed 8 to It room a Suitable for room and board- era for a desirable tenant. Tel. C9S1 or call 141 State, room 4. Bechtel ft Tnomaaon. " FOR SALE Real Estate A sfzhtly 1 -room eeml -modern home. basement, fireplace, beautiful cronnda lzoxlll feet. Urn fruit, ant trees. frrape arbor, garden, garage. Near Jun ior high- and two grammar schools, nice view, paved street. Only 112S0. terms. Owner. 7SS Rural Avenue. Tel. 8834. 'iirrwi(inn.rM"Lruuirn"iru'cn 5 room buna-alow. oak floor a thru out, basement, furnace, fireplace, lawn snruD&ery. etc, 12500. 1200 down. Beautiful room English atyle home, well located, oak floor in Urine aad dining; room; basement, furnace, fire place, beautiful lawn and ahrubbery, I12S0. Term A nloely furnished 4 room house, dishes and all, large lot. east front, 11200. MELVTN JOHNSON, T5 State. SL EXTRA SPECIAL, .1-10 acre well located, neat 2 room house, garage, fruit tree Priced for few days, $600 with $350 cash, baL term SBE IT- TODAY. CHILD3 ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Tel. C70S. FOR SALE One of the best golf courses on the Pacific coast, 99 acres of land with beautiful view of valley and moun tain fine club house suitable for dan cing aad parties, caretaker's cottage, 18 bole course with 9 hi excellent con dition. Priced reasonable. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 844 State Street Tel. 179 EXCHANGE Real Estate WANTED Carpenter work, car or will sacrifice for cash equity In li acres good soil, near house, timber stream, paved highway, near Wood bnan. Price $1500.00. Oregon Land Co, Woodburn, Oregon. FOR TRADE MT RANCH NEAR Sheridan on Mill Creek road, S mL north of Buell, for ranch near Dalla F. J. Neufeld, Sheridan, Ore. 2 5-A. TRADES FOR CTTT HOME R. house, barn, poultry house, all plow land, good soil. Price $1759. Trade for clear house. 14-A. 11009 Located on paved road. Running wa ter. J -A. timber. A real buy. give term - BEAUTIFUL, SUBURBAN 1 1-1 A. all la profitable crop. Nice f-R. home, water system, barn and etc Also small tractor and implement Close in. Price $4500.00; give term SEE JA& D. SEARS, REALTOR 112 South High Stret EXCHANGE Mod. 4 rm. house and nook, full basement, to trade for house in Portland. R. A. Forkner, 1619 N. Cottage. TeL -3031. FOR SALE FARMS 35 A. 8 room plastered house. 13 A In cultivation, baL pastur sandy loam on, -Tocaea ana equipped, only $3509. a. i mi. irom saiem, 7 room house, barn 50x60. orchard, all In cul tivation, 1-1 crop goes, fine clover and gram land, sc. par A 40 A., an Ideal farm, a-ood hid fenced, on paved road. mL to achooL crop, stock and all machinery go. 12 cow horse etc $7000. MELVIN JOHNSON, 275 State Street SPECIAL price on the followtno- properue one weex only. 30 A. farm tor JX7S0. Ten sere tract for $2600. Bungalow, snap. $950. Service station, store and camp ground . 14750. unu rro Jo Choice lots for 1750, wai priced a few rears ant for l$see House, 1-rm on one floor, basement, for 11250. terms, sold once for 12006 improv ea farm, 94 acre for $50 per acre. No reason why you can't double your money In a little while. For real bargains see Bechtel or Thomason, 241 WANTED REAL ESTATE . .... - - ri -Li-.-Lnjnjnu Beautiful close-In view, acre t cu water, ere. nsn. fnone 61 &4. MONEY TO LOAN FRSQNAL LOANS MADE en "furniture, ear aalarlaa or other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need eae ua before closing a loan. QKNKRAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank BIs Pho-e 851 '---- -i- - i i"-iri-.WMwftnnmm PERSONAL INSTALLMENT IRAN'S STATE LOAN COM PA NT til Oregon Building. 2nd Floor Office hr 10:00 A M. to 8:30 P. M Telephone 7783. State license No. 5-165. Borrow on personal property : repay in monthly installment WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO State lie S-l9. 60s uuaraiaa Blag. TeL 1177. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracta Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Yon keep the car P. a, BIKER Cor. Liberty St aad Ferrr Fbone- 4713 Saiem. Ore First mortgage loans yielding in vestors T, interest semi-annually. Farm and city security. Denominations $500 to 12000. A first mortgage loan Is the best Investment CHILDS ft MILLER, Mtge. -Loans 344 State Street Tel. 8708 FOR SALE WOOD A-l-oalr, lt-ln. $1.19. TeL 4885. All klnda of wood, TeL 4418. GUARANTEED DRT wood rL (009 Salem Fuel Co Trade ft Cottage. , Ash, fir and oak. TeL 184 Phone Tracy 1981 for dry wood. Old fir, fir knot sec growth ash, oak. Tel. 3873, LOST AND FOUND ' LOST Order book between corner of Center and Summer and 700 block N. Winter. Return to 1185 Marlon. LOST Black leather purse contain ing key TeL 8965. POLLY AND HER , r- M --w. adia ?rjn r wmci- vnj w'tv&cxr1 VPLeOB i f ARE EGGS ) f I . : VPr, SijV Tra ( LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady" a brown purse, contain fna; paper pen, etc: Reward. Alice I". Palmer. TeL till. v. LOST On Albany-IndeDendence rtT- er road three speelal Line Tools mounted on r stick Please notify Mountain States Power Company. Al- bany. FOR SALE USED CARS wsmawssssaawasaisaaaaasjaasss MUST SELL. Our Used Cars and Truclcs Wi Have Priced Them Right CARS 1-Stodebaker Dictator Sedan l-WOlys-Knlght Sedan Model S 1-Studebaker Commander 4 -pas 1-LL Nash Coupe ' 1-Speclal Naah Roadster 1-Ford Panel Delrrery - TRUCKS , l-'lt Ford" with Warford Tran l-'2.Cher. with aenH-trailer l-'ll Cher. I W. B. with duals 1-'12 a M. a 1H-1 ton. 14 body 1-1 ton Federal with logging bunks and trailer -with booster brakes working bow on good paying- Job. All "crust go this week to make room for trades we are getting In on new U. M. C. truck WOOD-WHEATON MOTOR CO. INC S40 Chemeketa Street Salem. Or 1911 Model A Ferd. Snort roadster. Rumble seat, side wing and 1 wire wheel By owner. IZIfe. 1191 Jefferson tfC KL If SB. Quality Used Cars TRADED ON TERRA PLANX3 10 HUDSON LIGHT 8 SEDAN $495 In extra- coed condition. f 9 BUICK STD. COUPS $47 New paint and A-l mechanically. 19 HUDSON GREATER CPE. $295 Overhauled, new -paint and tires, rumble seat- and other' extra - 10 STUDS COMMAND. SEDAN 4S The light six model in extra good condition. - ' - 11 DURANT SPT RDSTR. $171 Original nnlah good, motor perfect. 21 HUPMOBILE 1 R. 8. CPE. 1125 Run lea than 21.900, new paint and tire mechanically perfect. 28 DODGE SCREEN DEUYERT 195 State Motors, Inc. High at Chemeketa STTTDE BAKER ft HUDSON TERRAPLANK MEMBER N. R. A. Open Evenlnars and Sundays FOR' SALE USED CARS "iTi'iirsfVsr8rr" nVf--sxjnjiiiinnj'i- Chrysler "50" Snort Roadster. Cheao ror casn. zi v st . " . - -.-. - -1 1-1 1 WANTED Will cay cash for 30 or 11 Cher. Coach or Sedan. Call at 249 No. Liberty. TeL 1618. OlFFIf CALLS OFF E DUBLIN, IRISH FREE STATE. Aug. 12 (AP) General Owen O'Duffy, organizer and leader of the Blue-shirt ed national guard, today cancelled a parade schedul ed for Sunday announced as In honor of three late Irish leaders after tho government had Issued an order banning the demonstra tion. O'Duffy announced that Instead her was planning organization of church parades the following Sunday. The national guard leader yes terday announced plans for the parade in which he made it clear it would be in uniform a move to which President Eamon -de fYalera said he wag opposed. The parade was announced to bo in honor of Arthur Griffith, president of tho dail eireann. who died August 12, 1922. of Michael Collins, chief of the pro visional government, who was shot and killed ten days later, and Kevin O'Hlggins, Free State minister who was assassinated July 10, 1927. Fears had been expressed that violence might result C. C.C. EAST FIGHT FIRES TWIN FALLS, Idaho. Aug. 12 (AP) Civilian conservation corps workers from New York and New Jersey centers, drawn from Porcupine Springs, camp, 50 miles southeast of Twjn Falls, Friday were fighting a brush fire on the northwest border of the Minidoka national forest, approximately 14 miles south of here. The blaze that was reported late today to be creeping into heavy timber, ,1s the first in the Minidoka forest . area ' for many years. It - started Thursday in brush and moved southward, cov ering a two mile area by night fall, when it had about five miles to ' go to reach the timber. A party of 60 civilian conserva tion corps workers which fought the fire throughout the night, was relieved after 24 hours when the Porcupine Springs road construe tion crew of 80 men was dispatch ed to the scene at 3 o'clock yes terday afternoon. Toledo Grand Circuit racegoers saw the oldest and youngest big time drivers la action Steve Phillips, 92, and Gibson White, 18. ' PALS BLUE SIT PAID LADS FROM PEAR K Df HUNTS I IB Confirmation' was riven hero yesterday of aoathern Oregon re ports that Hunt Brothers can nery here this week purchased 1009 tons of pears la DoagUa county at $15 a ton. This deal presumably marks the opening oi pear buying, as no other deals hare been reported. Whether it sets a market for the year Is a question, as re cently pear growers from tho larger northwest producing ; areas hare attempted to settle on a $20 per ton selling price for, this year. The same figure has been talked for peaches, which last year sold at an average price of 16.50 per ton. Canneri la session in Seattle this week agreed to purchase their requirements - at not less than $15 for No. Is 2 3-8 Inch Bartlotts and 110 . for No. '2s. This . eanners agreement was reach edon provision that the ad justment administration -irotect eanners by bring California and other Northwest eanners. Includ ing co-ops,; Into line on buying prices. . Hunt Brothers will start thalr 1933 pear pack. about September 1. Work at tho big plant here Is virtually at a staadstill, save' for some cherry pitting on the mar aschino deal. This year more cherries are being pitted here than In past seasons, this work being done with mechanical equipment, The brine cherries are being shipped out about as fast as pitting la done. POTATOES TARGETS The women aren't going to be left off. the sports program for the Rotary picnic Tuesday night at Hazel Green park. In fact, judg ing from the lineup made Fri day by the committee, the women are pretty apt to make . sport of some of the Rotarians. For the women's sport program includes, among other things, a "potato throwing contest with se lected Rotarians as targets." Oth er events so far arranged include a nail driving contest and potato spoon race. George G. Brown, Otto A. Hart man and C. E. Wilson, the Rotary committee named on the women's sport program, met at luncheon Friday with Mrs. William Mc Gilchrlst, Jr., president of the Ro tary auxiliary, and Mrs. George W. Hug to plan these sports events, which will follow the 6 o'clock dinner. Sunday, Angast 11 KQW POSTIiAND 620 Key 9:15 Palmar House eoaeert ensemble. 9:45 Mark Daniels, baritone. 10:16 International Radio Forum, NBC 11:00 Lady gather sereaae JiBC. 11:30 Dr. Ralph W. Sockraan, NBC. 13:30 Organ recital. NBC. 1:00 Tha Friendly Hour, KBC 2:00 Catholie Hour. NBC. 8:00 Julea Land violin, NBC. 1:30 Wisdom ef tka Age KBC. 5 :S0 Album of Familiar Masie, NEC S:15 Impressions of Italy, NBC. 6:45 Sunday at Seth Parker's, NBC, 7:25 Orchestral Gams, NBC. 9:03 Viennese Nights. 9:30 Charles Hart. NBC. 10:15 Bridge to Dreamlaae, NBC. 11-12 Bal Tabarin Oreaestr NBC. Monday, August 14 XGW PORTLAND 620 Kyc 7:00 TJ. 8. Navy Baa. NBC. 7:30 Organ Concert, NBC. 7:45 Eddie King. 8:15 Old Memory Bx. NBC. 8:30 Merrie Men, NBC. 9:30 Cooking school. 10:10 Woman' Magasine ef- the Air, NBC. 11:30 Words and Masie. NBC. 11:45 Haony Jack. NBC. 12:15 Westers farm and Home hour, NBC. 12:35 WesterB Farm. NEC. 3 :00 Hotel Biltmora ercbettr NBC. 3:28 FriesdTy Chat. 4:30 Bas AppeaL NBC 4:45 Gould and Shelter plane daet. NBO. 5:00 Mind .7 NBC. 5:15 Organ eoaeert. NBC. 8:00 Captain Ervia Tarffie Talk. 7:00 Amos 'a' Aady. NBC. T:1S Arkansas Traveler KOMO. 8:30 Start at the West. NBC. 9:00 Pour Shades ef Rhythm. KOMO. 9:35 Aesop's Fable NEC. 10:15 Melody Mixers, NBC. 11:00 Sid Lippman's orchestra, NBC, 11:30-12 Arion Trio, NBC. i KOAC COEVAX11S 650 Keys, 6:45 Farm Market R art 7:00 Morning Meditations. S:00 Morning concert. 9:0O Home Economics Observ sr. 11:00 Better Health aad Loafer Lit 12:00 Noon Farm Hour. 9:00 Aa Ton Like It. 2:30 Tho Homemakers Half Hoar. 7:0O 4-H Club Meeting. Ia charge ef Lisa aud Benton roaatie 7:30 New State Laws Affecting Agrt- eattar 7:45 Farm Hour. 8:15 Philosopher of the Crossroad i. "This Little - - BOTMNLIBE Radio I Program l l BUMPER HOP CROP NOW INDICATED LIFTING OF GRAI N LIMITS N E A R Trading on Saturday Brings Prices to July Minimum CHICAGO. Aug. 12 (AP) Brought to a standstill by meas ures adopted; to " meet recent emergency eondiionx, all grains stopped today at tho lowest prices possible nnttl August 16. On that date an, absolute fixed minimum level of quotations will be no longer la effect, and trade predictions were numerous today that tho markets won Id then quickly right themselves. Talk was -general that any far ther declines In grain values ap peared likely to result . In an ex cellent class of buying, as many traders of late had remained apart from grain operations, while .prices have been subject not merely to daily 5-cent limit ap or dowa.-bat banned altogeth er .from -going; below tho closing level of Jaly 31. In something of a res oral sell ing rash of buyers, every -kind of grain quiecjy-. reaeued too- July a a lamiusD, na m marxeu re mained in a deadlock tho rest of tho day, closing flat, wheat 1 - z-l cents ander yesterday's finish, corn 2 3-8- 2 2-8 down; oats 1-8 to 1 3-4 off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: Sept, 92 1-8: Dec 95 3-4; May 99 7-8. Corn: Sept, 49 3-8: Dec. 54 3-8; May 60 1-8. Oats: Sept 36 3-4: Dec. 40 1-8; May 44 1-8. General Markets PRODUCB EKCRANOa PORTLAND. Ore.. Ana-. IS AtM rreeace exenange. act prices: butter. x trar 21; standards 20; prime firsts 19: firsts 18 H: egg freak extraa 22: fresh maamms zu. - 1 Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore- Ana. 12 (API naaas upea Uirh U dose Sept. 75V4 75 75 75 Dee. 79 79 79 79 Cash wheat No. 1: Big Bead blaestem SO; dsrk bard winter 12 pc. 82. 11 pet., 73; soft whit western white, bard wintr, -northern spring, 70; western red ea. Ostt: No. 2 white 25.00. Corn: No. 2 E Yellow 24.50. MiUrua: standard 19.00. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Aur. 12 (API natter prints, extra S4e; standards. z Butterfat Portlsnd delivery: A rrad 31c lb.; farmer's door delivery, 19e per lb.; sweet cream, as higher. a ggs Pacific poultry producers' sell- iag price: overuse. 24e: extraa S2c: ataa e&ras, zoo; -meaunma, 30c ; pallets, lSe eoae tfayiag price by whoiesalera: fresh extra lc doaaa; aaediams 16c doaea. Uheese V2 scare Uregoa triolet 11 e; loaf. 13 a lb, Brokara wUl pay ft oeiov quotations. Milk On tract nric 4 pet- Portlaad deli vary, SL70 ewt. ; B grade cream. 37 fee la. Country meats Selling snce te re tailers: co a try-killed hoc beat butch ers, wad 15S lb 7-Sc; Tester 70 to 100 lbs.. 8 9c; spring lamb lie lb.; yearlings, 4-5e b. ; eaaaer cow S-le id.: bun Vi-&e lb. . Mohair Bujinc. price: 1921 -clip. lSe lb. Cascara bark Buying price. 1931 peaL lie lb. Heps nominal. 1933, 45 lb. Live poultry Portlaad delivery: boy lag prices. Heavy ban colored, 4 -6 lbs- 12c; do 5 lb up, 12a; hens, aver S lbs., 14c; roosters, 5c lb.; duck pekins. broilers, 8-10c lb.; eld duck pe- kins. colored. lOe lb. Osioaa Sailing prices to retailer Oregon. S1.SV1.85 cental. Now anions Walla Walla, 11.75 aea- tal. Petatees Local. S2; Deschutes Gem 13.25 erntal; de bakers, 12.40; Yakima Gem 92.10. Strawberries New Oregons, 12 erst Wool 1933 clip nominal: Willamette valley. 23 25c lb.; eaatera Oregon 16-2 la lb.: soothers Idah 16-20c lb. Hay Buying price from producer: al falfa. No. 1. aew crop. 917; clover. No. L 114; Willamette valley timothy. SIS; eaatera Oregon timothy, 1 8.00 osts and vetch. 115 ton. Final Rites Held For Baby Girl of Colorado People JEFFERSON, Aug. 12 Funer al services "vrere held Friday morning at the grave in the Jef ferson cemetery, for the Infant daughter, Betty J. Hensley, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Curtis Hensley, who died Wednesday af ternoon of bronchial pneumonia. She was hot a November 10. 1032 Rev. F. A- GInn conducted the ser vices. The Hensleys were camped in the Jacobson hopyard near Tal bot, and came here from Colo rado. Mrs. Ida Lynes, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. Doty at Klamath Falls fox the past few weeks, arrived here the first Of the week, for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. William Skel ton and family. Miss Astrid Beca dahl of Portland who has been a guest of Miss Elizabeth Aupperle returned home Wednesday. Pig Stayed Home -. . Salem Markets Grade B. raw A nUk.. co-op pool price, $ 1.50 per hand red. Sarplns f 125. thdlk taaed . eo semi mental sal tit Ha I aaeracovj Distributor price 1.7tt Butterfat Top lfr-SOc, pristta 22e, cubes 24c Prices said to crawura by Salem asyan August 12 (Tha ericas . nopuboe a loaai greoer. are lad tcattve ef the daily market itat era as gwa eatasJ ay The stataaauaa l raurr ajtd tsoituui 8triag beaa local. Is. .02 Cabbage, lb, .01 vreea pepper The Dalle lb. .08 Pea coast, lb. - - .02 to .03 Oaleo do bas oats . J5 Potato Ueal 1.25 to L50 Lennc local - .65 te Jt Paget Boead U65 te l.OO Oaiea Calif, ewt. L0 Celery, do we Apple Transparent .LOO Orange Valeaaia faacy S.1S te B.9S Plaee peek 1.40 te 1.00 Boot locaL do .19 Taraip lecaL crate ft CarroU. local, do .10 Epinaeh. local, crate 3i te .60 .0 Baaaea aa steak Hands " .S51fc. Cae-mbar hetheaa baa .75 LoeaL do .20 to .40 Cantaloupe crate 1J0 te 1.25 6.00 Lime freak. A vac ad aa, crate Squash. Italian, orate .1.00 .1.25 .1X0 Summer, era to 1JH jn .1.90 te 9-15 Watermelons, retail . Toms tee both sa Caaforaia .1.26 The Dalloa R spberriea .90 to 1.85 .1.50 to 2.00 .75 :L00 U5 Loganberries Blackberries Peacho local, lb. . Apneet The Dalles Kgg plant, crate .72 I.I 5 ..2.25 JO A3 -50 Grspes. seedles Cera, local, do Casabas, lb. HOPS Tap. 1932. I EOGS Raylag Prices Extras Standards . .19 . .18 . J7 . .04 - .12 . .03 . .07 - .11 ..5.00 -5.7S -5.50 5.00 isms rOOXTRT Old roosters . Colored hens Medium beas Light bens Leghorns 6CSAT Spring lamb top , Mors, top Pint cats Seceada cats Pigs Steers ' Cow - 4.75 .01 .01 .02 te .04 te to 02 tt Bulls .03 Draasel veal, top -07 Dressed hogs .08 gsaxs aa BAT Wheat, western red White. Ne. 1 .70 .70 Barley, top, ton 17.00 -25.00 .12.00 -15.00 -13.00 Oat toa H-y Oats and vetch, toa AHaU valley 1st cut Clover hay WOOL -Tedium Ceeras . Mohair .25 .23 .20 .01 .08 CASCARA BARX Green, IK Dry. lb. BETETMDE Ifl TOMATOES NOTED PORTLAND. Aug. 12 (AP) Pressure against poor grade but ter continued on the open market for cubes but top scores were holding up well. There was no change in the price list for the weekend either on the open mar ket or on the produce exchange. Make of butter continued chief ly below top score which has cre ated a weakening situation for the offgrade while forcing fair strength for extras and standards Butterfat values were at least steady. Trading in the egg market con tinned to reflect more or less steadiness with the exception of undergrade "which were weak. General maintenance of country meat prices wss shown for the day, a condition that has ruled In all lines except beef from the week's opening. Beef remained slow. Betterment in the tomato mar ket was again showing. Local stocks were insufficient to take care of needs. Slow opening of the peach trade continued. Retailers were well stocked with California El her tas snd J. H. Hales but appeared to show little interest In Oregon Craw fords. There was a weaker tone for local potatoes with further in crease of offerings. APPLE CROP SHORT Apple production In the Yaki ma and Wenatchee valleys will be lower than estimated early in the season. Present Indications are for 11.000 cars in the Yaki ma section and about 7,500 from Wenatchee. IF- TO L'kL- Record Production is Yakima Forecast; No Mildew now Pacific coast hoo crops all look like bumper yields, and' especially so In Yakima, where the estimate now Is for the largest aad best crop ever raised. . vuauty ana quantity both look excellent la Oregon, growers have gotten bravely over downy mildew appre hensions, thanks to warm weatn- er the past few weeks. Now tho Oregon crop, harvesting of which will get ander way the end of this month, is estimated at tO.OOO bales, about a third greater than last year. Had not mildew made some Inroads early Ta July, ' tho erop would likely have reached 100.000 bales. If present weather conditions prevail, California will come In with a heavy crop, around S 0.0 00 bales. Extremely hot weather In tho Sacramento section the last 10 days or two weeks probably , knocked 2.000 bales off ther har vest, but growers still look for 50,000 bales. Holdover in all three coast states is at startling low ebb. Ore gon has only 992 bales of L932s oa hand; Washington. 946 bales; and California, 19S0 bales. . This is holdover in growers' hands. Local hop sales the past week have been largely mixed- lots aad old ones. Denny McCleary of Sil verton sold last of 1928 hops held in Oregon at 18 cents to Hart The lot was 84 bales. McCleary also sold 50 bales of 1929s at 22 cents to Hart. Hart bought Russell's 1932s at 40 cents and 34 bales from . B. Fleet at 46 cents. Hughe purchased 86 bales of 1931s from Fook Chung company for 25 cents. A week ago 800 bales of 1932s were sold In California at 39 and 40 cents. Medium Quality Fleeces Strong BOSTON. Aug. 12-(AP (U. S. Dept. Agr.) The first few days of the past week were quiet in the wool market on all lines except medium - quality fleeces which were selling In moderate quantity at very firm prices. In the middle of the week a few mills began to buy more freely western grown wool of 58s. 60s and finer qualities. The price trend was very steady on most lines. mediums showing a strengthening tendency. XOTICK OP SALK SCRAP METAL AND TIRES Sealed bids will be received by the Oregon State Highway Cora m las ton in the Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Oregon, at 9:00 o'clock A. M. on Tharsday, August 24, 1933, for the purchase of teh fol lowing approximate quoi tities of scrap metal, tires and batteries located at the Highway Depart ment Shops at Salem: 250 tons steel 40 tons cast iron 5 tons aluminum 5 tons bronze 75 only old radiator cores 500 lbs. copper 50 tons old tires 44T only old car and truck batteries Bids will be received for the purchase of all or any one class of this material. Proposal blanks and full infor mation for bidders may be obtain ed at the office of the State High way Commission. Room 322, State Office Building, Salem, Oregon: The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to aeceat the proposal- deemed best for the State of Oregon. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION By H. B. Glaisyer, Secretary. A 13 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the Oregon State Highway Com mission In the Multnomah Hotel. Portland. Oregon, at 9:00 o'clock A. M. on Thursday, August .24. 1933. for reshingling two build ings at the Highway Department Shops at Salem, requiring approxi mately 100 squares of cedar shingles. Proposal blanks and fall infor mation for bidders may be obtained- at the office of tho State High way Commission, Room 322, State Office Building, Salem. Oregon; plans, specifications and form of contract may be inspected at tho same place or may be obtained upon the deposit of 32.00 for each set. The right li reserved to re ject any or all proposals or to ac cept the proposal deemed best fop the State of Oregon. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION -. By H. B. Glaisyer, Secretary. . . A lt By CLIFF 5TERRETT VCU'RE RaERRlN'i ME,SAMU PESKlSiS, BOX ttXJR EARS . r