PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, - Oregon, Saturday Morning, August 12," 1933 FLOWER DISPLAY IS f SLATED AUGUST 26 Guckeroo Directors Have Frolic With Out-of-Town Men as Guests UOLALLA. Aur. 11. -Molal la'g annual . flower sbow will be the last Saturday in Amst this year, August 26, the Flower gar- flea committee or the cme c:ud has decided. It will be held as usual in the school gymnasium. A special invitation is being ex tended outside communities and. organizations to hare displays aet the show, j i.: : A new feature will be the cen (vnUA A lenlnvn. -Mrs. F. M Henriksen.- Mrs. . Ererman Rob- bins and Mrs. J. O. Staats have general charge of the show. Mrs Km Overiorde. Mrs. E E. .Turner and Mrs. Ola Buxton are on the arrangements commit- tee.,'.' f MOLALLA, Aug. 11. Twenty mo Molalla Buckeroo directors ii their friends enjoyed a get together dinner and erening at the J. E. RIddell summer home Tuesday, night. Among the out ef-town guests were Walter. Mai lav and Arthur Gardiner of 8a lem; W. O. Vaughn, county Jud- ge of Mulino; Jonn paraer, vre gon City; aad : Maynard Cole of Pnrti.nH y a "Tluteh lunch" din ner was served by F. M. Henrik sen. president of tne Bucaeroo Association, and E. R. Wallace, secretary. MOLALLA, Aug. 11 Mrs. Geo. Case was hostess to the Ore gon State college Kappa Alpha Theta Mother's club Wednesday at the J. E. RIddell summer home on the Molalla river. Thirty members of the club were pre sent. Swimming was the most popular past time. E E ROSEDALE, Aug. 11. The Christian Endeavor society held a progressive social Tuesday night. They first met at the T. D. Trick home and after playing a .few games, hiked to the Cam- macks where more games and re freshments were enjoyed. A sim ilar stop .was made at the Beck ley and Christensen homes re spectively after which the return kike was made to the Trick home. Loganberry picking was finish ed here the middle of the week, the latest season for loganberries ever known. There is being some threshing done, though not much grain is raised in this community. D. C. Bloom has been running his bay baler in various parts. ! : The funeral of Mrs. Emadine Eastman who died at her home in Falrview Sunday night, was held from the church here Thursday afternoon. Milo C. Ross, pastor here, officiated. BABBKli FAIRFIELD, Aug. ,11. At a recent meeting of the Fairfield grange Home Economics and Ex ecutive committees presided over by Worthy Master Fred Rodgers plans were made for the Bar becue and bazar to be held Sept ember 24 in the grove near , the John Fahey home on the Salem Champoeg road. A dinner will be served the public at noon and. various con cessions will afford amusement. Booths of fine handwork of the H. E. club will be exhibited and sold. Proceeds from the entire affair will go to the corporation. I Committees wll be appointed at the regular grange meeting Friday night Threshing Season At. Spring Valley To Begin Monday SPRfNQ VALLEY, Aug. 11 Several farmers in this vicinity are going to combine their grain I nis year. iracwwuiy grain to be bound la in the shack and threshing will probably start early next week. The only home owned combine started yesterday when I. R. Utterback began on his crop. He also has a large acreage of radishes cut and dry ing preparatory to threshing them for seed. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevenson of Seattle spent several days here with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alderman. Stevenson Is with the Ford Motor company of Seattle and was on his annual vacation. Forest Fire Gets j Another Start but Neighbors Stop It PIONEER, Aug. 11. The tire that gained such headway last week in the timber on Mrs. El' - gin's place and burned ; over (0 ; acres and also 10 acres on the i Howard Coy place, started again Wednesday night and help was J called out again to get it stopped, Several of the neighbors helped fight the fire last week. 1 The regular meeting of the ; Dallas community club was held at the home of Mrs. Brock Thurs- day afternoon. . The time was spent in quilting for Mrs. Brock. i Refreshments were served by the hostess. . - . ' , . LEASES COFFEE SHOP - MONMOUTH, Aug. 11. Miss Margaret Amort has leased Gray's Coffee Shoppe and will operate It, assisted by her sisters Peggy and Thelms, The Sparks .family, now operating" the shop, are moving back to their home in Corvallis . where Dr. Sparks is on the staff CI Oregon State eeilege, - - - HUE If SSI PARTY PUIS ARE STARTED Open Garden For Hop Yard Slated20th MISSION BOTTOM. Aug. 11.- Mr. and. Mrs. C. C. Russell of Mission Bottom have announced Sunday, August 20 as "open gar den" day at their home a mile and a quarter west of the river road, six miles north of Salem. The public is invited to visit what is said to be the beet hop yard in the state. A number of buyers and growers have seen and passed opinions to this ef fect. Mr. Russell has an 18-acre tract in bottom soil. Hay men estimate that one 12 acre field of early clusters will bring two tons per acre. The best materials have been used to erect a new modern drier. Around 160 pickers are regis tered for harvest which begins about August 24. ; Remodeling of the home is go ing rapidly forward, and so with building activities and prepara tions for hop picking the Rus sell farm is a beehive of activ ity these days. FUTURE FARMERS' SILVERTON. Ana-. 11. A no tice has been sent to all nresent and prospective F. F. A. members giving information concerning the big market day event to be Thurs day, August 17. . Every student Interested In this event is asked to meet at the agricultural classroom Mnnriav night, August 14, at 8 o'clock to make final arrangements. The cards beinsr mnt tint signed by Grover Lichty, secretary vt iae Etiirenon swine Breeders association. All local arricultnra.1 ntnAant are also being urged to prepare for the judging contests at the Canby and state fairs. The latter includes- a dad and son The local boys are also being urg ed to enter shop exhibits at the state fair. MONMOUTH BOY WINS MONMOTTTTT An ti and Mrs. D. L. Williams of Mon- uiuum nave received word that their son Floyd, of Portland, has WAR O Iwa wofllra vf A I. - st tury of Progress fair in Chicago Ht-uusurea oy awiit & Co. Floyd, a former Monmouth boy, has "ecu in ine employ or Swift c Company for several years. MARKET DAT 17TH Mm I'lDBIflTOIIEAR ABOUT EH LOIS wnnrmmwf. Aur." 11. A public meeting arranged by the Woodburn . chamber of commerce will be held in the city hall Mon- dT nlrht. AnniBt 14. at 8 o'clock V when the - Federal land bank loans and commercial loans will be discussed by Ed Piasekl of Salem. John .Ramage. presi dent of the local chamber of commerce, was instrumental in securing the speaker. Plans are being made for tne annual St. Luke's parish picnic which will be held at the Wood burn city park Sunday, August 9.n Thin will be an all day af fair with a chicken dinner served at noon, two ball games and nu merous other attractions. At Legion Confab Amen those attending the American Legion convention be ing held at Klamath Falls this week are Dr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bon- ney. Dr. E. S. Donnelly, two sons, and Dick Whitman, Milton coy. Mrs. May me Cochrane, Kenneth Evans and J. J. Hershberger. Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Pember- ton hare returned home from a visit to California, going south thronrh Klamath Falls as far as 43an , Francisco and returning over the coast route. : " . Members of Immanuel Luth eran church will hold an all day picnic at the Sven Llmas grove Sunday,. August 13, with services at 11 a. m. and 2 p. m. Evan gelist Uddle M. Berg of Horace, N. D., will be the speaker. Rebekak President Will Visit Lodges Near Scotts Mills SCOTTS MILLS, Aug. 11 Ivy Rebekab lodge is making plans for a visit of the president of the Rebekah Assembly, Mrs. Esther Frlsbie-Bond, Tuesday night, Au gust 15. Monitor lodge will also be guests. Miss Nora Woodward, who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Woodward, left Monday for her home in San Francisco, where she is a teacher in the school. Miss Woodward was ac companied by her sister Mrs. Smithrude of North Dakota, who has also been visiting her parents. Mrs. Smithrude expects to return here before leaving for her home in North Dakota. SLATE RETURN GAME LIBERTY, Aug. 11. The Lib erty baseball team will play a retain game with Brush Col lege here Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Beginning today BusictVs Eflarion Street Market and the Market Drug Store will be open until 9 p. m. six days eadmeeL Busiek's Bourt ':& om mercial Street Store open till 9 o'clock only on Satur days - ther days 6 o'oIcsK. SUM SOIL IS ILiHEISE Id ILK A second musical program will be given Sunday night at the Church of the Naiarene, by Rer, J. G. Minton and the church r Thr was a very-fine attendance for the first 'program which -was given - lasi ounu night. The music Is ; Interspersed with' th conrregational singing in the opening part of the service. Sixteen musicians are inciuaeo m the orchestra; Clyde Hotter is ac companist.'":: " ';' ' ''V V Rev. Fletcher Galloway, pastor of the church, will speak tomor row morning from the subject, "Th a hoIt Snirit and Holy Liv ing," and Sunday night from- the subject, "Jesus, the Sheltering Rock." Tha Sundav school has been. maintaining a good summer aver age. Frank M. Litwiller, superin tendent of the school, reported at the last monthly business meeting that the school had made an 18 ner cent increase in attendance during the month of July over the attendance for the same month last year. h'at.t.s CITY. Aug. 11 Salem Portland teams each won tour first places and Salem took first in the boys 50-yara crawi at tne imworth Learne Institute annual swimming tournament, held here Thursday. . Winners in each event! Bon relay Portland team: Marcy, Espy, Mills and Barnett. Boya 50-yard crawl Orwig of Salem,4 first; Bennett and Espy of Portland, second and third. Boys' nnderwater for distance Port land team: Richards and Baptist. Girls' relay Portiana team: Sauter, Gross, McClellan and M. Peters: rlrls 50-yard crawl Sa lem team: Gillette and Lee. Boys' 100-vard free style Salem team nrwir shack- and Stockwell. Girls' backstroke Portland: Es py and Barnett. Girls' plunge ior HatanA Ralem. Lee. Bovs' Quar ter mile endurance Salem: Or wig, Stockwell and Sheck. COACH TO SEE PAIR WrtNMnnTH. Ana-. 10. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Powers and daugh ter Barbara left Sunday for Chi cago where they will spend a month at the world's rair, ana will visit their son whose home Is SALEM. POBTLANB ' DIVIDE MINI TEST -"J Inlhe Ghiircheg I'm - thb cErntca oy chbxst OetUc ud Hhippinf strstte. - O. T. Bpnagi, Blunter. ZS7 leifi Ugkwy. Bible Italy, 10 a. m. PraMkhts sad ooa ii t 11. Tnr pplra traiBiag eU WdBMUy Talnc at 7:10. Soag prMtiet IViday eraaiat, T:0, XZFOBJCEA CHUXOH Capitol mmi Karioa atiwta. W. O. LUa. kmper. paatar. Soaday aeaoI, 10 a. at., John Daaav. Sant. Oirnu, unlau. l a a. m. - Sabjaeti "Tha JTairMt Ta TaoBcaad. - EbjIIib Mrrieal, 11:00 'clock, 8alijaet: "Tfca Cnpardoaakla fiia." SOUTH SAUDC niZXVB CHVXOa a Commercial at Wathiagtoa Bu, Charles O. Haworth, pastor. Saaday aerr icac, 10:00 a. m. Bandar school. 11:00, aioraiar warship. - Sanaaa : Tha Euffl eieaey of Christ. T:00 p. au,'C. E. ssaet. inf. .Topia: What the Pacts Say About God. 8.00, aTealBS worship. Tharsdar, 7:80 p. - midweek meeting far prayer, praise and bible study. . rzxsr oHxrscB or chuist, 80TEKIIST -t Cheneket aad Liberty streets. Saadsy school, 0;45 and 11 a. aa. Saadsy serriee, 11 a. m sabjeet I ' ' Soul Testimony meeting Wednesday, 8 p. as. 'Beading room la Ifasoaio temple open 11 a. as. to 8:90 p. as except Sundays aad holidays. ST. JOHir'S EVAKOEUCJU. , - " XaUTUZXXST OHTXSOH " Missonrl 8ynod, corner 16th aad A St. mt. xx. w. uross, pastor, aingiisa serr. ices e:45 a. as. Oermaa. at 11 o'clock. in Chicago.; Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Cox started by motor for the mid dle .west this week, to .visit rela tives and attend tha Chicago fair.' While away Mr. Cor, who is ath letic coach oX Monmonth high school, will' attend a two weeks' session at the Northwestern School of Coaching, Evanston. ni. In their absence work is going, for ward on the remodeling of their home on North Monmonth avenue. OJf YELLOWSTONE TIUP WACONDA, Aug. 11. Mr. and Mrs. George Martin of Seattle. son in law and daughter ot Mr. George Lemery are taking a trip In their car to Yellowstone Na tional Park and will visit Miss Francis Lemery. Mrs. Martin's sister, who is employed at the resort. Both Mrs. Martin and Miss Lemery are Willamette gradu ates, well known here. F MAL ?r Winter and Chemeketa ' street. Grorer O. Birtehet, D. D. minister. Church school, 9:80 "a. m. Ralph . H. Scott, aaporiotea. dent. Horning worship 11 a. nu ' Br. James X. Kelaley, Connell, Wash., will apeak aa "Christ's Kslga U Jemsalem," Psaha TS. KTaning worship 7:30 p. m.1 subject, "The Atonement Money." Ezo du SO ' chapter. C B. societies 6:S0 p. s. Ptayoi" meeting 7:80 p. m. Thorsday. rntST MBTHODISI : B. Earle Parker, pastor. Church school t:4S. Dr. Br X. GaUe, superintendent. Pnblio worship 11 a. aa. Seraaoa by Ir. Cari Gregg Doaey at S'p. m. The Pil grist Players from Lot Aagelea U1 pro sent the three-set roligioaa drama, "Tha Fisherman." . v X08ZDAXJK rxXESDS CHTOCH ICilo Clifton Boss, minister. Sunday school, 10; T. D. Trick, superintendent. 11. graduation exercises for Daily Vaca tion Bible school. 11:80, worship. Mes sage I "risking lor Men." U5, Boliyiaa Prayer Circle. T. Christina Endeavor. Topic: Uod ReTealed Through Eeaoty." Leader: Will HoffnelL 8. Erening Praise Serriee; message by tha pastor. Prayer and bible stndy, Friday, 8. SPZBZTVAT,. CHXTRCH Or DIVHTB TBUTH ' ' 556 Union Street. P. Cordoa Pleming, pastor. Serriees at 8:00 p. m.. Lecture: "Let this Mind be in yea that was la Christ Jews." Messages will follow. Tuesday: 8:00 p. en. Psychology lec ture and demonstration. Wednesday: 8:00 P. m., class in anfoldment. Thursday: 8:00 p. m, lecture aad meesago serriee. - xbooks ooumnrar . G. H. Quigley, minister. Sunday school 10:00. Leo Seed, fiupt, Chss. a" Wade, teacher of the Adult Bible class. Morning worship, 11:00, sermon topic, "The Su premo Tost," Neighborhood gathering, A. serrieo at prayer, and praise XCTaHTlirZKOfcIAI, ; 19th and Perry streets. H. O. 8terer, minister. Church school at 10 a. m. C. C. Harris, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 Sermon by Rot. George A. Pollard of Portland, pastor at largo of the Con gregational churches of Oregon. TOST BAPTIST CHURCH Marion aad North Liberty Sta. Britton Ross; minister. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Trod Broer. Supt. Morning worship at 11 o'clock sermon "A Great Secret". Special maslc by the choir. Jr. Intm. Sr. B. T. P. U's at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting before the erening serriee at 7 o'clock. Orchestra pre lade at 7:40 erening serr iee at 8 o'clock.. Special fuiic by the Gideon quartet and mixed choir. 8ermon "God's Last Call". Read the 22nd chapter of Rerelation. Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. CHURCH 07 JBSTTS CHRIST OP LAT TER DAT SAIHTS 480 K. Cottage street. 8ondsy school at 10:00 o'clock. Church immediately afterwards. CLE y mm mm e r Offering Sports In white and combination colors 02.95 Pumps White, white and tan, white and brown and others two-tones. $2.95 and $4.95 ONE WEEK MORE 'When you find shoes of such uis moueri price yon may cuoose looiwear now is to pass up a gplcndid opportunity for economy : SJ!09 . rXXST GSRJCAX RAPTIST - ITorU Cottage and D streets. G. W. Rutseh, minister; 8. School, :4S a. m. Sam Sehirman. 8apt. Serriee 11 a. as. Topic: - "The Christian aad Bis Anx ieties." Ladies duet. Serriee at 5 Topic "Daniel' m Pirmaesa.' Regular midweek prayer serrieo it I p. m. .Wed aesday. . - . . - - ; , - C. X. A. OOSPEX. TABERKACUI 855 Ferry street. W. li. Caldwell, pas tor. Pheae 8093. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Mr. Grsnral Sheets, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Communion serrieo following. Theme, "The Vatae of Christiam - Ordinances." Tonng Peoples' mooting at 0 :45 p.- mv - Erening erange listie erriee at 7:45 p. m. Prayer meet ing on Tuesday erening at 7:45 p. aa. Orchestra aad choir practice Wednesday erening. Toung Peoples' cottaga prayer serriee on Thursday erening. COTJRT STRBRTCHURCH OP CHRIST . ' Serenteeath - aad Conrt streets; Hugh K. MeCaUam, pastor. 1744 Chemeketa Street. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Irene WeHer superintendent. Morainr worship and Lord'a ' 8npper at 11 a. m. Sermon theme "Children of the Higher." Toaag Peoples' Endeavor meetings at :15 p. sa. Erening erangelistio serrieo at 7:30 p. m. Special steel guitar duet "One Fleeting Hour" by Mrs. Sarah Taenia aad Priseilla Meisinger. The silrer String orchestra will giro the musical prelude to the Will son park service at s:bu p. m. wnea tha "Pilgrim Flayers" present the drama, "The Rich Young Ruler." These players will giro the drama "The Tisherman" Tuesday erening aoj4ho charch. Time, 8 P. m. ' PTRST CHURCH OP THB BTAZARZKR Thirteenth aad Center streets. Rer. Flet cher Galloway, pastor. Residence 05S X. 14th street, phono 9830. The pastor will speak Sunday from the following sub jects: 11 a. m, "The Holy Spirit aad Holy Lir lag." 7:80 p. m, "Jesus, the Sheltering Rock." Sunday school 9:45 a. m. T. M. Litwiller, superintendent. N. Y. P. 8. group 8:80 p. m. Mrs. Lonella Hardy, president. RBPRRamro LOVR MISSION ' S15H tf- Commercial street. A mission leading a helping hand to the man or Woman is need of a friend. Shelter' for wamom and girls. Opening serrieo Sunday 8 p. m. Mrs. M. E. Backboe, superinten dent. . HOTSB OP PRATER InterdenominatlonaL Chemeketa aad 17th. Prayer aad praise serrieo Saaday afternoon 2:45. Prayer serriees also erery week night 7:45 except Thursday and Saturday. A. J. Smith, minister, 1863 Skinner St, W. Salem. PEHTBC08TAL ASSEMBLT 420 State St. 8undsy school 10 a.m. Morning worship at 11. Erangelistie serrieo 8 p. m. Mid-week serriees Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Brother Voget -will bring message. Saturday, Au gust 12. . JASOX LEB MEMORIAL M. E. Corner Jefferson and North Winter streets. H G. Humphrey, pastor. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a.m., preach ing by tha pastor: sermon subject, "The Preeminence of Jesus." 7 p. m., Ep worth League. 8 p. m., Eeho reports from the Epwortk League Institute at Palis City, Ore. Footwear tf M m T ' leaf " ' 1 J SLACKS HOSE Close out Rollins all silk 02.95 ( 01-00 THEN GONE FOREVER fine quality as these offered at De certain tnat to neglect to 6.05 - TOST CmriSTTalf CHURCH , High aad Center streets: Gay L. Drill, miaistorv 880 N. Cottage street. Church school. 9:80 v sa; E. W. Cooler, 8upt Morning worship-, 10 :45. Sermon it the fourth in the series on The Glory of the Conquered Life. Three) C.E. meetings and Friends of the Golden Hoar at 7 p. m. EraageHstio serr too, 8 p. as. Special ma aieal aad ' derotional serriee. - - Sermon. "Stop, Look aad Listen." Midweek aerr. ice. Wed. erening. The Pilgrim Players will present, "The Fisherman" ia drama form. . .' . i v - . FIRST STAhTOEUCaT. Xorth 8ummer at Marion. Emorr W. Pettieord, D.D., minister. Rev. Dean L. Vermillion, associate minister. Saadsy school at 9:45 a.m. Morning warship at 11. Prelude sad offertory by Miss Hel en Sex. Sermon: "The Fullness of Re demption" by Rer. Dean L. Vermiliioa. sssoeisto minister. Junior, Intermediate aad t Senior . Christian Endeavor at 7. Erangelistie serriee at S p. m. Twenty minute aoag serriee led by J. H. Triesen. Sermon, ."Fiva BeHofs," Rev. Deaa Ver million. Bible study aad prayer Thurs day at T:8 p. m. ' . .- '"' " PRTJTTXAXTD BVAWQEXIOAI. . Rev. Deaa L. Vermillion, pastor. Sun day school at 19 a.m, Orsa Pagg,- Sawt. Morning worship at 11. , la tha absence ot the pastor tha pulpit will h supplied. Wednesday, August. 18, thd Woman's Missionary society will moot at tho ehnreh at 2 o'clock tinder tho leadership Of tho president, Mies Daisy Lambert, . THB FIRST CHRISTLUr Turner, Ore. R. L. Patnam. pastor. Sunday aehool 10 a.m. Morning wor ship 11 o'clock: subject; "What Thom as Mined by Being Absent. Erening worship 8 o'clock; subject: "Mistakes of Three Toaag: Men.. Young People's mooting 7 o'clock: subject, "What the Poetr Say About God." Midweek serr iee. Thursday, S p. m. Soag service, de votional aad study led by pastor. Study t "Tho Holy Spirit aad Jesus." Ton are welcome. . First Baptist Church Marion & .N. Liberty Sts. BRITTON ROSS Minister 11 a. m. "A Great Secret" 8 p. m. "God's Last CaU" The Gideon Quartet Will Sina; Ton win receive welcome at all our services . . COME! FLORSHEIM SPECIAL f t