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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1933)
PAGE: FIVE 'If i - v ! i is,-9 r I v 9 Society .Wood Clan Meets For Reunion Members ot the Wood clan met la the city park. In Dallas to cele brate the flat anniversary of James K. Wood's settling in Ore gon. James K. Wood, the great grandfather of the clan, was born in England in 1774, and. migrated to Missouri, where- he was mar ried and raised his family. After his four boys and one daughter were married, they all came to Oregon by ox team In-185.' In 1874 -he passed away, lacklnr a few -days of 'being 100 years old. The day was spent witli conver sation ot olden days, a musical program of saxaphone duets, by Robert and Ralph .Wood; tap dance by Nona Fasdrlng; laugh ing song by Eugene Wood; vocal solos by Ralph Wood. Officers for the coming year are: Kleber Wood,' reelected, as president; Eugene Wood as vlce president; Bessie Wood Edwards reelected as secretary-treasurer.: Guests ' were Martha Nash; Ed ith Edwards, Del Marks, Jeannle Hul; members were: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wood and Guinevere and Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schackman. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rawson and Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wood and Verne and Jerome, Mr. and Mrs. Layton Wood and daughter. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Dixon, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Holland and Raymond and George, Mr., and Mrs. Arthur Dixon. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Wood and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Kleber Wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Walter1 Wood and Barbara, Rosa Darneille. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Claybaueh and Ralph, Mrs. Mau die Faschiag and Nona. Ray, Loy and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Wood, Mr. and Mrs. -Stlry Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hatten, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chambers and Marrene and Norman, Earl Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aus tin and daughter, Mrs. Mattie Wood and Lester, Robert and Ralph, Mrs. Mabel Landis and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Creasey and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Wood, Mr and Mrs. W. C. Lewis, Jannie Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Vlrl Dixon and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Wood and Homer, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. K. Plun ket and Roxene, Bessie Wood Ed wards. a a a . Mrs. Ralph Coleman Visits in Salem Mrs. Ralph Coleman of. Cor rallls is a house guest of Mrs, Rey Keene this week while Mr. Coleman is in Klamath Falls at tending the Legion convention. Mrs. Keene entertained rery in formally Friday with a one O'clock luncheon-with covers piao ed for eight guests in compliment to Mrs. Coleman. Miss Julia Johnson, Miss Rosa mond Weston and Miss Martha Sprague will motor to Cascadia today where they will be guests ot Mls Margaret and Miss Edna Savage for over the .weekend. The Misses Mary White, Elea nor Tarnes and Mildred Drager are spending the week at the Dra ger cottage In Cutler City. Don't Be We have the lowest price on National Pressure Cookers in Salem. Last Demonstration Today KlQi?dwoi?G s. Corner Court and Commercial Stt. THEY Ve Arc Baking 500 For Saturday: News and Club Olive M. Doak, sassnpaansnanannBMMgan . : SOCIAL CALENDAR Saturday, August 12 Willamette lodge country dub, 7 .o'clock potluck upper at clabhouse; Mrs. E. O. Moll and Mrs. John Craetree, hostesses. r Sunday, August IS Minnesota picnic at Champoeg; all former Mlnne feotan Invited; bring picnic lunch for. one o'clock;, cof fee provided; program planned. Dakota club annual state picnic In McMlhnrille; basket lunch at noon; both North and South Dakota people are Invited. . -- Birthday Party Honors Irene Vogt At David Jacobson Home at Talbot Monmouth Rebekahs Will Honor Members Who Have Birthdays in Warm Months Talbot. Mrs. David Jacobson entertained Wednesday afternoon in the Jacobson grove witn a birthday party In honor of her niece, Irene Vogt, on her seventh birthday. -lee cream and cake were served to Gaynell Cole. Ernest Freeman, Donald Cole, Meredith and Earl Johnson, Francis and Loren iiov en, Bobbie and Harold Taylor. Glen Johnson, Ida Belknap. Mary and June Vaughn and the honor guest, Irene Vogt. . Special guests were wn. Johnson, Mrs. unanes Mrs. E. J. Freeman, Bernice Smith, Mrs. Arthur Johnson ana Norma Hampton. m unnmnnih Mrs. L. E. Forbes was hostess to the Bnslness and Professional women ot Monmouw t her home Monday nighf. Hans for the coming year were outlines. The program feature was a talk by Miss Grace M. Breck of Port land who Is attending the Oregon normal school. Miss OTetk was missionary in China for 12 years, a teacher there and a director In n e-IHa fhoai. Another visitor wa3 Mrs. Falbe of Roseburg, president of the Bus iness and Professional women in that city. The next meeting will be a social affair at the heme ot Mrs. E. Barrows. Aurora Miss Elizabeth Crisell of Van Nuys, California, whe mo tored north, with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ehlen of Eugene, has been the guest of her aunt, Mr. George Yergen, and her cousin, airs, jonn Kister of this place. She leaves soon for Portland where she- will be entertained until time to re enter the University of Soutnern California. Monmouth. Local Rebekahs will entertain August 17 in toui- nliment" to all members having birthdays In July.-August and Sep tember. A 8necial feature of cn tertalnment will be a talk by Mrs. Esther Frlsbee Bond of Halsey, president of the state Rebekah as sembly. Silverton. The social commit tee ot the Legion auxiliary has an nounced that a basket supper wm be held in the nark with the mem bers of the Legion as quests on MandiT irizht. Aurust 21. Making arrangements are Mrs. AHie Hei denstrom. Mrs. Mae Hlgglnboth- am and Mrs Mina Cooper, Deceived! MUST BE V -.;.. . Order From Society Editor Silverton. The Rt. Rev. H. L. Foss, president of tb Pacific dis trict of Luthran churches, and Mrs. Foss and daughter Patricia of Seattle, were honored at a par ty given by Mrs. A. O. Legard at the home of ner son and daugh-ter-ia-law Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Le gard, . during their recerit visit here. The Fosses made their home at Silverton for four years while Rev. Foss was in charge of Trin ity church. Present at the party were the honor guests. Rev. and Mos. Foss and Patricia, Mrs. Christine Jacob sen, Mrs. Josephine Jacobsen, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Satern, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holden, Dr. and Mrs. II. E. John eon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sather, Victor Sather, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Legard, Lois Legard, Mrs. A. O. Legard and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Legard and Denxel. s Liberty Miss Dorothy Judd and Miss Lola Dasch entertained with a delightful lawn supper par ty at the P. J. Judd home Thurs day night in compliment to Mrs. Wayne Blaco (nee Janette Dasch) recent bride. Invited guests were Misses Beatrice Olin, Amy Morris of Salem, Irmal Saunders of West Salem, Wllma Westen- house. Mary v Berndt, Dorothy Browning, La Verne Oakman, Hel en Dasch, Orpba Dasch, Veneta Rains, hones guest, Mrs. Blaco and hostesses Dorothy Judd and Lola Dasch. Aurora Mrs. Walter Fry has entertained a number of Interest ing Portland guests this week. Sunday Mrs- Barbara Galbreath, mother of Mrs. Fry, Mrs. James RIdenour, John Darby and Mr. and Mrs. Samue 1 Goodwin and family motored down for the day. Mrs. Galbreath 'will remain for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Walgreave and Mrs. Martha Heinke were Monday guests at the Fry home- a Monmouth. Mrs. Elwyn Hill waa complimented Wednesday af ternoon at a shower when 40 friends and relatives presented her with many charming gifts. The Women's Missionary socie ty of the First Baptist church met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Marvin Roth. Mrs. Chester Slater, assisted by Mrs. Floyd White, gave an interesting pro gram concerning India. Devo tions were led by Mrs. Britton Ross. Marjorie and Kathleen Broer, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Broer, gave a Ante and violin duet, and Doris Barnett contri buted a piano solo. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Earl Strausbaugh, Mrs. Wal ter Lottls and Mrs. Joe Graber. Those present were: the Misses Kathleen and Marjorie Broer, Doris Barnett, and Master George Milliken of Silverton; the Mes- dames E. J. Ayers, L. H. Barnett, Fred Broer, JSary Broer, J. W. Cabeen, Mattie Clark, Fred Erix- on, Joe Graber, Walter Lottls. W. L. McLaren, A. N. Mackey. W. L. Meeker, L. G. Prescott, Britton Ross, Marvin Roth, James Smith- er.'J. C. Lindley, F. A. Starkey, Floyd White, Kate White. E. A. Wimer, and Miss Emma Graham. Members of Willamette Lodge country club will meet for a 7 o'clock potluck supper party at the lodge clubhouse with Mrs. E O. Moll And Mrs. John Crabtree ts nosieases. Miss Helen White is in Port land visiting her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ogdon. GOOD! a Fresh One Your Grocer Aff Shower Compliments Brides-Elect - . Miss Elsie Schroeder and Miss Lydla Mehl. attractive brides elect, were honored with a Joint miscellaneous shower. Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harold Schroeder. An Informal af ternoon was enjoyed and many at tractive gifts were presented the honor guests. . . . The marriage Of Miss Schroeder to Joe Dodgu and Miss Mehl to Bernard Schroeder will be events ef the early talL Those bidden in compliment Jo the honor guests included Mrs. Marther Buhler, Mrs. Marie Eck ert, Mrs. Lollle Rader. Miss Kath erine Kregor. .Miss Murtle Shir ley, Miss Eleanor Rutledge, Miss Rachel Nelson, Miss Juanita Dor man,. Mrs. Bessie Blodgette, Mrs. Mae Sharpe, Miss Esther Aebl, Mrs. Leoen Thlrsirs, Mrs. G.' A. Schroeder, Miss Arlene Voth, Mrs. Ruth Eebi. Miss Clara Voth, Mrs. Emma Mehl, Miss Lois Clantleld, Miss Louise Fink, Misg Lois Rob inson, Miss Edna Lante. Miss Mildred Lange, vMiss Mildred Clantleld, Mrs. J. J. Buhler, Mrs. Tory Hanson. Mrs. Louise Fink, Miss Lucille Rldrkopp. Miss Wini fred Elliott, Miss Harriet Lock ling, Miss Dorathy McBra. Mrs. Sadie Ridrkopp, Miss Dorcthy El liott, Miss Velma Schroeder and Mrs. Harold Schroeder. An attractive affair la younger social circles was that of Wed nesday night when Miss Lucille Hansen complimented a, group of maids at her home on Miller street. Mrs. Winifred Pettyjohn . and Mrs- Murry C. Fletcher have gone to Newport. where they will spend the next fortnight. Pattern Getting your youngsters ready for school? A frock daughter will love to wear and one you'll love to make is the model shown to day. The button trimmed yoke Joins the lower bodice In scallop ed seaming, puffed sleeves perk out smartly,, the flared skirt has lots of animation, and to top it all .. note the youthful, collar ot contrast. 'Nice in cotton prints. Pattern 1528 may be ordered only in slses , 8. 10, 12 and 14. Size 10 requires 2 yards SI inch fabric and yard contrasting. II lustrated step-by-etep sewing in structions included with this pat tern. Stac flftMa eeata (lc) ta eetai t staaw (colas ynfsrjr), for this Anas AAamm ytura. Writ plalaty 7er auM aadiMs aa styl aanv etc. Be nn ta stats slat wasttd. Tas arm nwm dlta ef Us Aaa rattera bMk U ne4y. ATMv nazta, nu. Unmla arMMS, Jaatpsrs, ans fneks, speeUt seHa aacs' yrtfras, stytM for Janlars, a4 cool tutkN far yeaagatsra, aa4 ta tnettaat ar stalOmg s ckla swastar ara asuag k taaelMttag Siii. 8an4 tat yaw eay. Vxtoa 1 cauiag, tlt taaa cants. Catalog see pattara fstkar. taraaty-ttTa casta. Aidnta an auQ ar4rs ta Tba Ota gae fjNta laa rsttara aaraan t. ga Wcat 17U stroat, stew Tack dty. 245 N. Commercial 11b. tins (i 15,1 21: Picnic Enjoyed at Riverdale v ' An enjoyable plcnle was that enjoyed Thursday night at River dale park by the, Oregon school of beauty culture. Swimming and a . plcnle mpper i were highlights of the evening. -v . Present were Anita Snelgrove, Pearl Anderson," Clara Bursoa, Dorothy - Tucker, Marjorie - San ders,' Katherine and Dorothy -Janette, Mabel ; Fowler,' Agnes Brad Held. Ellen Ray, June Copeland, Clara Jane Haraes, Gladys Scher maker, Happy 8ples, Mabel Mo Gann, Norella Deacon, .Aline Dickson,' Fern ColwelL. Florence HalL Joyee Phelps, .Harriett Gil- Uica elub ot Dever was entsr- Ree M?rtaHr alddr r1"6 l tae home of Mrs. Del Reece, Marta Critea, and addi-mm. rjaM. in t, ji. tionl guests, M r I e Brownson, J uerman Bauer, vwgji Mcuann. informal and a bnsinea. meet Ercel Deacon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy toc brought the meeting t a K. Payne and .Sr. and Mrs, James dose. E. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Da-l . A. Hermans A il. Are rlOStS Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Herman were nosis ior a cnarmwg eve- Flagger. Colorado, are guests at ning Thursday. The early eve- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wll ning hours were spent at Tay-. Ham E. Lake and family. Mrs. lor's beach with swimming as the Lloyd Edwards of Portland was enjoyable pastime. in Jefferson last week visiting Following this the party went her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wll- to the Herman home for a 9 liam E. Lake. , Donald Lake, ten o'clock supper party and an In- year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lake formal evening of music Mrs. accompanied his sister to Port- Herman used a color scheme ot yeliew and green tor the tables! at which the guests were seated. HnAota at Mr anil fpa TTor- man included Dr. and Mrs. Ver- a en .-uocreit, Mr. ana Mrs. v. P. McNamara, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Bensen, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Owea, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mayer, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard Hul sey. Miss Sibyl White Honored Guest Another attractive affair in compliment to Miss Sibyl White, bride-elect of Leon Redfern of Eu gene was that given by Mrs. Da mon Fleener-at the Fleener home Thursday night. Mrs. J. Paul an. nee Wil- -da Fleener, assisted her mother at the late coffee hour. Guests bidden in compliment to Miss White included Mrs. C. J. Taylor, Mrs. W. A. Cummings, Mrs. Daisy Mclntyre, Mrs. Addle Hamler, Mrs. Lily Drager, Mrs. William T. Heseman. Mrs. Belle Carlson. Mrs. L. F. White, Miss Flora Turnbull. Miss Laura Me Gee, Miss Grace Robertson. Mrs. J. Paul Bollman and the hostess, Mrs. Fleener. Past Grand Chief Mrs- Pearl Klnzer made an official visit to Pontralla fomnlp. N'rt. 11 Pvthian - . .:,", .v - a.olCr. r,i lue .i uxm v. iu. organiaation. Mrs- Kinzer repre- sented the grand chief. Miss Ma- m,16 1111, 01 V.00 n.?rtr! ill. The Dallas staff of Dalore temple assUted-the officers of Centraha temple In presenting the work. Members from Indepen- dence and Dallas were also pres- ent. After the meeting cards were enjoyeu .na i io ur Myrtle Burk and her committee served refreshments. Miss Elisabeth Wilbur is the guest ot her cousin. Miss Janet Weil. Miss Wilbur ts spending the summer as a guesi in roruina oi uer uncie inu iuui, nr. iuu jir. itaipn wiiour. Bride-to-be Feted At Shower Given By Auburn Women . AUBURN, Aug. 11 Mrs. Har vey Armstrong and Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck were Joint hostesses Wednesday evening at the Arm- Ujon on August 15. They wIU re strong home tor a miscellaneous Tlca Vlu Florence Sniulrrui shower complimenting Miss Velma Armstrong, wnose marriage to Waldo Miller will be an event of August 19. An evening of music, including special piano numbers by June Armstrong and Hawai- fan guitar selections by Jean Rod- gers, was. enjoyed. Assisting the hostesses were June Armstrong. Jean Rodgers, and Alice Aufder hlde. J. W. Armstrong has been vis iting his brothers in the com munity for the past few days. Mr. Armstrong Is from Marsh field. Mrs. A. R. Marshall, sis ter of the Armstrong brothers, has been visiting them from For est Grove. Crider Sues Shiltsj Bradshaw Gets Permit DALLAS, Aug. 11 C. L. Crid er filed a complaint here Thurs day against Manford Shllts, et nx, In which he seeks to collect $155. el due on goods delivered to the defendants. ' A marriage license was Issued to Elwood Robert Bradshaw, 24, laborer, and Gladys Loretta Bren neman, 21, housekeeper, both ot Albany. Tel. 4018 COFFEE SPECIAL Buy now before the Advance. 30 c 31b. tins; 4' lb. tins 59c SILVER M 6111 .EJ01 JEFFERSON, Aug. 11, The silver tea given by the Methodist Ladles Aid - Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Earl . Phelps, was well attended. An interesting program included readings - by Mrs. Geo. Mason, Mrs. Elmer Red mond, and Mrs. Grace Thurston: story by. Mrs. Elmer Beach; and contsts by Mrs. J. G. Fontaine and Mrs. Blanche Ltbby. Th a UAraln, fit Vn-mm. .AA. m trict. -' The afternoon was spent I Vl .- .1. .I..U , T Calif. They are looking for a location, and may buy property here. They are stavinc in the Frank ILIcMitnim nia ' Mr. and Mn civi viru-v nf land, to undergo a minor opera- won at tne Doernoecker hospital. Clear Lake Women Will Hold Picnic Sunday,' Silverton CLEAR LAKE. Aug. 11 The Ladles Improvement club will have its annual plcnle Sunday, August 13. at Silverton park. All members and their families are invited. Basket -dinner and ice cream will be served at noon, and the afternoon will be spent visit lag and swimming. Hoppicking wfil soon begin In this neighborhood. Haying and cutting and threshing grain Is now In order. Everyone is anx ious to thresh before the rain commences. Mrs. Bill Clement has been quite sick but Is getting better. Mrs. Art Baker and daughter Pearl are spending a few days at the coast with Mrs. Baker's moth er, and will return home Satur day. Hazel Green Sees Initial Threshing During Past Week . T. . .. . . 11. i in Iirl mresning ot tne season was d Thursday by C. A. Ko- bow ofihi8 , good. Mach gprlng and tn weatner has favorable fnp niantin Tne jblah gardeners are th,9 week flnIishinK the last planting ot erT They have had very ROod cropg of TegeUble8 thlg gea. ,OB. ge tne gpxlntUnK aTB. tern of irrigation, using electricity to pump. t a Van ri,,,. ai vin A-riwt tn hsrla nlnk-in hl ,antM Er.n ki.-vk-h a Th- h.ri as tons last year from the five acres. Tner consider them better thU i yeiT, Mrs. Callin Sells Interest in Dallas Hotel; Comes Here DALLAS, Aug. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Al Matheson of Salem, have purchased the Dallas hotel and cafe here jhA will take bomm. and Mrg. Madalene Callin who have operated the business since june 1 Snodgrass became associated with the El Centro cate here October and the two took over the operation of both hotel and re8Uurailt on jun i xriu SnfHrra .111 with the new owners for a short time. Mrs. Callin plans to move to Salem where she will work with the Salem Retail Credit association. GRANGE CLUB MEETS LIBERTY, Aug. 11. The grange heme eceneaics club- had FOR M I CLOSING OUT I I LADIES WHITE SHOES j II f V. ' 00-' pairs,-of -ladies ' - i t--gSyM:--: I ; ' 1 -&k white sandals to be jJA " ' W XJLJf closed-out today at C U 7 I '' only 85c pair! ' . ' -' rr' I ii -. 'h l ) ' " ' " -: I ( I Your C") tf 6 PAIR I J i choice r ZT r rmiv iv In this group are mesh tand 'JjJwV : ' - ' abj "'white elk .strap sandals, "'VlilmLi doth'.: sandab with aatfn ,. Jjy - rS'v straps and other styles. Sites 5r. P V.I MWfr 2 to 8 but there are not all -yij: 11 U ' -'''fft- i sizes in every, pattern. ' r XKy:'.v? u. . an all day meeting at the E. O. Beckley home on Thursday.. A short business - meeting was held and work done on a quilt for the hostess, Mrs. Bee kley.V Potluck luncheon was served at noon. The September' meeting will be at the home of Mrs'. W. H. ; Taylor in Sunnyside. .- . v RICKREALL. Aug. II Mrs. Delbert V. Price, entertained with a dinner party Wednesday even ing sit the home of Mr. and- Mrs. B. F. Lucas, honoring her IMS- band's . birthday. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Lu cas. Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Hnber, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Price, Kather ine, Miriam and Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ' Nelson, Betty Jane; Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Hill and Mr. and Mrav.D. V. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wait, Deani -and Barbara of Portland. spent Tuesday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wait. His mother accompanied them home for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tremp were recent visitors at the4iome ot Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughan. Mr. Tromp is aa instructor in the schools of Berkeley. Mrs. Tremp will be remembered as Thetma Gurfin, Mrs. Yaughaa's niece. Arizona Residents Leave After Visit With Brooks Folks BROOKS. Aug. 11 Miss Fran ces Bower of Flagstaff, Arisona, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Firth ot Lawrence, Mass.. left Friday fdr their homes after spending sev eral weeks as guests of their sis ter, Mrs- T. D. Wallace. Mr. Firth is cloth inspector at one of the large mills in Lawrence, . Mass They .will stop in Portland to vis it relatives and also in Spokane, and other places of interest. Mr. and ' Mrs. Chris Otto and daughter Miss Beulah, have re turned to Oregon after spending the winter in Iowa at the home of relatives. The Ottos are now at the home of their daughter at In dependence. Mr. Wilson, suffered the loss of one eye, caused by a poison bug getting into it. The eye was re moved Friday and Mr. Wilson is recovering very satisfactorily. One hundred and fifty-eight di rect descendants of Isaiah Stave ly attended a family reunion at Myrtle Beach, S. C. AT BIRTHDAY POT II I I I f Ss Except bsttex! KeHoggVCorn Flakes help yon feel cooler all day through. These delicious flakes are so easy to di gest they don't "heat you up. For comfort that lasta, enjoy a bowl of KeHogg's instead of hot, heavy foods. Breakfast, lunch, the children! evening meal. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. F fICB BRUSH COLLEGE. Aug. 11. At the recent ' meeting of the grange here, Pomona Master Glenn Adams gave an interesting account, from the parent's stand point, ot his recent trip with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ctley to the Y. M. C. A. camp at Oceanside over the week-end. " Dr. C. Ir Blodgett. Brush College grange master, pre sided. BiUy Utley and Coryden - Blodgett, members ef the Salem T. M. C A. aba-gave vivid des criptions of camp life at Ocean aide, Ruth and Loyal Whitney, 4-H club members gave, an Inter eating report on the recent P'c nic held at Dallas, August 4. The September- meeting will be held in the school house also. -- Forty-seven attended the reg ular community picnic supper and social evening held at the Brush College Community grove Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Roy BoghO ef Santa Anna, California, who have been visitors here for the past It days at "Triangle Ranch" home of their friends Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Utley, and Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Blodgett - at - Brush College, left . Tuesday morning. v ' Mrs. Marie Flirft McCall ' and George Bayer, young lad who makes his home with her are In West Lake, where Mrs. McCall has a summer cottage for a vaca tion during August. Italian Woman is Called; Was Gold Star Mother Here SILVERTON HILLS. Aug. 11 Lulgi and Tony DeSantls have re ceived word ot the death ot their mother. Mrs. Madeleae DeSantls. 73. In Italy. In spite of her Ital ian residence. Mrs. De Saatis was a Gold Star Mother, her son, Ane bale, having served in the world war with the American forces. He was killed in action October IS. 1518. Mrs. DeSantis is survived by two daughters, Mary and Elece. both war widows, their husbands having been killed with the Ital ian forces in the" world war. Twenty-four grandchildren and one grat grandchild also survive. SALE NETS $10 DAYTON, Aug. 11. Forty-four women Wednesday afternoon en joyed the Dayton Woman's Civic club white elephant benefit card party held on the R. D. Johnson lawn. Each member received a nice and useful household gtft. HUBS DIB BOYS FLAKES; d A"