The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning. August 11, 1933 LEGION LEADER TELL! S PURPOSE First . Allegiance Owed to Actual Disabled, Vets ' ,And Dependents fc (Continued (ram. patent) ganixation "immed lately declared Its Implicit faith and trust in our president. . . . and offered its steadfast devotion ana its utmost help, to the president la solving . this problem which congress Uid ' atilds feet'; . ' : ; rrk adjutant said that "lass t ha 10 per cent of the men who feave ever received . compensation from our government ar mem bee,1 of the . American , Legion," -tuMt that, this was "self-evident proof that the legion program 1 . entirely unselfish." Announcing a drive to solidify the American legion nnder a pa triotic banner of service to the. country. Samuel Obeerred: ,MW mast go forward under tfets : burner three-ouarter of a milMon strong, paddling our own -canoe, undaunted by present-day conditions, inspired and encour t agedr by the accomplishments of the past, with 'high .resolve, to rendeT still greater service to our disabled comrades and to depend' out widows and' orphans, a well i as to pertorm patriotic serrlce to the nation. The-convention was called toJ order by J. B. Eakin of Dallas. denartmental commander; . and ; was formally welcomed by Wil liam: R. Canton, commander ot -Klamath Post No. 8. Mayor Wil lis Mahoney brooght official creetinaa from the city. . To musical program for tho eoenine ceremonies .included numbers by the Capital unit trio tSaiemv Dewey Powell ot Klamath Falls was elected Grand Chef de Care of the Grand VoUuto, 40 and meeting here in conjunc tion with its parent organisation, the -legion. Other officers include ed: Barge Leonard. Portland. Chef de Train; Frank Strong. Eugene. Cotnmlssalre: Henry Dahistrom, Portland, conductor; El wood Hassey,' Portland, Garde do la Porte; Chet Kersiake, Keno; Sous Garde do la Porte; George Sajn miusk Portland, Dong McKay, Salem, E. K. Weston, Corrallis, Walter Stockwell. Grants Pass. Roland T. Warren, Klamath Falls, and J. Wesley Bowden, Baker;- ChemlnoL E. Bayllss, Sheridan, retiring Grand Chef de Gare, was named Grand Cheminot Nationale and , Rex Parllas, Portland. Sous Grand Cheminot Nationale.. Th two will represent the Grand tional Promenade of the 40 and & at the national convention of the American legion in Chicago. TheCall 'sV"rirw e IS Into New York about once a year. was bound from Las Palnuts, Canary islands, to JacksonTillo, Fla. .. n 1H Yoday Lee -Tracy in Nuisance., e' i "Th CAPITOL Saturday Zane Grey's 'Her itage .of the DCsert." - . J : : GRAND Today George 'O'Brien "Ufe in the Raw." in H0XJLTWOOD Today Back Jones in "Mc- Kenna of the Mounted." , Saturday Midnight Matinee, Cheater "Morris and Joan Blondell in "Blondie John- son: ! STATE Today --Genevieve Tobin in "Hollywood Speaks." Saturday Bob Steele in Hidden Valley"; Charlie Chaplin in "Easy Street." RIVAL WIDOWS 0 T QUARREL gComianed from .page 1) unable to submit -evidence that She had violated any law. The argument started when Mrs. Marie Deeds arrived a week ago at San Francisco with the body and-was met by the other woman. It war resumed witn vi gor today when Mrs. Deeds, escorting Deeds' casket, was met at the train by Mrs. Betty. Deeds, who-flew here yes terday from Los Angeles. ' "He ww my husband and you know it," asserted ' Mrs. Betty Deeds. "Ton 'left . him and he married me," retorted Mrs. Marie Deeds. "You -waat money. Insurance, whatever was left." "Why shouldn't IT I was his wife seven years. Ton were with him ia China four days," Mrs. Betty Deeds responded. Machado Condemns Role of United States; Party Leaders Support (Continued from page )) : ; his mind nor his purpose to lend every support to' the constitution al reforms." a. program of which has been worked out by Cuban political leaders nnder the guia ance of Ambassador Welles. The state of war had no spe cial purpose or significance, the president said, calling It only a matter of -routine intended to cope with the problems created by the general strike. In a formal communication. President Machado said: "In answer to your message asking a statement from mo as fco the purpose and significance of my decree placing Cuba under a state of war am glad to say there is not any special . purpose or significance in It, being only a matter of routine. ' "In other words, whed the Cu ban congress approved the suspen sion for. a- period of 30 days of the constitutional guarantees tip held in eight different articles of bur magna charta, the logical step to put in . operation this emergency law was the decree ot a state of war. "But the temporary suspension QUIET THIS YFBR STANFORD UNIVERSITY; Calif.. : Augi JO (AP) In tho role ot private citixen, former President Herbert Hoover sat down to a quiet dinner with his wife and a few friends on his 59th birthday here today -while the publie in general thought ho was en route to . tho mountains, i The trip to the high Sierras which a secretary said Mr. and Mrs. Hoover had planned to take today will probably bo started tomorrow. It was announced. A pile ot telegrams and other messages on the big library ta ble grew steadily throughout the day, as tho falrful among jtho Hoover friends sent their greet ings on his 59th birthday. Not a few were signed by famous names both, here and abroad. Friends hero ot the couple who have been companions in their, every undertaking since 1 - their, college days said they believed the birthday observance ot ' today was "far more to Mr. Hoover's taste" than tho one of last year. A year, ngo It fell" on the day before, the then president's form al acceptance ot his party's nom ination to run again for tho of fice which made his hair more grey, his mouth more set, and his eyea'more tired than campus of the constitutional guarantees I fiends remembered them. Nobody Hurt in Dynamite Blast In C.C.C. Camp Is only intended to cope with the problems created throughout the republic by the- general strike Marie I and nas BO PoUtlcal moaning. regarding my future plans I can say that I hare not changed my mind nor my purpose to lend ev ery support to the constitutional reforms; to the project of elec toral law prepared under tho guidanoe ot Prof. McBain and which project was sent yesterday to the congress with a message ot. tho executive; to uphold tho autonomy of the university also in accordance with the project of the same Prof. McBain, and which project I will send today to the congress with a messago of the executive recommending its approval." Dave Oliver, American photo grapher for a New York news reel company, and Leo J. Relsler, Havana correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune, were arrested while Oliver was at tempting to take a picture In a restricted area of the -city. Rels ler was released a short time la ter, but Oliver was held four hours. The photographer charg ed that the police cursed him and threatened his life. There were politicians' visits. conferences, and tho arrival of a birthday card which had to be transported by frieight, contain ing signature of jome 40,000 followers, many of them state governors or mayors of cities. BEI'JITTCISETMI OTB HSU (Coatmued from page X) itt home and after several visits from the Utter. Mrs. Hewitt said her husband and herself bought a. total of SZlSC in securities. She declared Hughes told her tho investment- was better than a bank aavings account She said Mr. Hewitt toldughe he want ed Lis money where ho could draw it out on short notice and that Haghes said the Hewitts could have the money in two or three days. Tho plaintiff testified Mr. Hew itt, had told Hughes he was pri marily interested in the safety of nis principal and. wanted the money kept intact so Mrs. Hew itt eonld have it-alter fhisr death which" Hewitt-thought waa : im mineht:, ir t '5 M Mri,,'Bewit,1 testifier; that Hughea told her he was "ponded and couldn't do anything "but right.' In another conversation Hughea is alleged ' to have told plaintif f 'that Jtho .Pepco had .law yers' who would : always- protect her Interests. If t Testimony to substantiate that ot the plaintif t was offered by William Hewitt, a son.' . . , , F-' . , -- . - . : - LIBERTY WILL -VOTE i ; , . . j - LIBERTY, Aug. 10 Taxpay ers and tho heads of families in this school district will meet Fri day.; August 11,' at t p.m. in the community hall to vote on the special tax tor tho transportation of high- school students from this 'community. - Ml E "HEIlITAGEof the DESERT with RANDOLPH SCOTT Sally Blane - J. FarreH MacDonald . ' 'c"-'ajai " ----- French -Troops ipispattihed tow, Germah -Border irrJLHOTJSBif France. Aug. 10. -4iPrAs a precantion against alleged. I aggressions' by German naxis-'such as occurred last Feb ruary at Haningue, French troops a gain wre etation ed on the Ger man frontier near here today. ' The French soldiers occupied defensive works along the Rhino at Chalampe. At Kemhs they guarded the electric-plant and tho span lover tho-Alsace canal. At Hunlngno they did picket duty at tho ..bridge 'Where browa-shlrted groups made an anti-French dem onstration, shouting taunts, six months ago. 1 Tho dispatch of troops to these frontier points was upon request of tho local population. DfFAXT DIES TALBOT, Aug. It The eight months' old baby girl ot Mr. and Mrs, Curtis Henaley died Wed nesday afternoon of bronchial pneumonia. The Hensleys were camped- at Jacobson's hop yard, coming hare from Colorado. TOMORROW AND z SUNDAY When the West Was Young . . - - - y and a six shooter and a-mans courage ruled. , the wild frontier. I f.i. 111 ".uiii m Bargain . ' I . Hour is 19 I:. '- ' - l Anr Seat II v! - III 1, 3 to 11 p.m. Any Seat Chfldreii 10c iMsdassBaMBUMM WE'RE BEHIND lTTTR PRESIDENT CV3a? TODAY :AND SATURDAY Nii&tivS a Break" Tracy at His -Riotous Best!. ' T . Hft hmt'th law into a pretzel ... ' ' But ar woman straightened HIM out I t iw"A llwW I Cartoon 00 itTfTL-wl . Newm Seats ZZJ&DZr STZAS!!-, i.. 1 Travel 25c Mickey Mouse Mat. Sat. Hoot Gihson Hard Hombre" 1 ill E ffi F MINERS PENDLETON. Ore.. Aug. 10 (AP) An explosion of 1000 dyn amite caps in a garage at the Frogheaven C. C. C. camp last night destroyed the garage and tool shed. ' No one was injured. The loss was not more than 100. Officials said today they were slon. Tho powder house is con- Bodv OT UwSCCi camp, Dut percussion caps naa been stored in the near-by garage. The forest workers were called from mess to battle the resulting fire. Fisherman Lost June 8 is Found (Continued from pas 1 submitted by the non-union op erators a feature which has met with official opposition ot the in dustrial administration Lewis said tho recovery act "assumes that employers will freely recog nize and doal with representa tives of employes." -Lewis expressed opposition to tho. eight hour day provision in . the code he neipea arait, iavor- tag a all hour five day week. Establishment of the 30 hour week through the six hour day Lewis said, "will extend employ ment to all available men in the ASTORIA, Ore., Aug. 10 (AP) The body of Walfred A. Cook, Ilwaco fisherman, who drowned June 8 in the Colum bia river below Astoria, was re- COTrpf WAritiAartnv h twn Tiara- State Contests co 'i6?-MM wu.av uau. uucu liauiuft will Salem Trio and Quartet win in Walter Zosel received word early Thursday night that the Capital Post Auxiliary trio and quartet had both taken -first places in their respective contests at the Legion convention at Klam ath Falls. The trio, composed of Mrs. Grace Zosel, Mrs. Bernlce Bowe and Mrs. Mildred Wyatt, was national champion last year. Miss Edith Findley was accom panist for the singers. Jalmer Pulkinen. Their boat was found on Sand Island, undam aged, with evidence the engine had run until the fuel was ex hausted. It was believed one of the two men fell overboard and the ojher leaped in to rescue him, both drowning. The body of Pulkinen was found soon after the accident. , . I mm fit will cheek over proauction (JnntlnPTirf man and nlaco the industry in'a po- W1CJCC UIO.11 sttion to product at least our na- W)ntri in WDni; tional coal requirements." Cities Arrested CHICAGO, Aug. 11 (AP) The arrest of a man police said had been Identified as William Elmer Mead, 59-year-eld alleged confidence man said by authori ties to be wanted In 28 different American cities, was revealed ear ly today . by Herbert Graham, U. S. postal Inspector from New York. SIT 1 PHD And Professor Crash Victims , (Continued from pas 1) Lake highway between The Dal lea. California highway and Cas cade Lakes highway; inu.uou.i r y r j This section was graded in 1931,1 LOlWge Leader fians ana Bycvuicnuuna w two other NRA highway projects Were approved by Lynch today. Thev are: Clearing, grading 1.3 miles. North Fork-Humbug mountain section. Wolf creek highway, Clatsop county: $145,645. Grading, surfacing 3.1 mile, Mills Bridge-Deadman section, . Wilson river highway, Tillamook county; $54,800. Tho state highway commission will-call bids on theao latter two projects this month. Vessel Founders With Crew of 13 Company Learns NEW YORK. Aug. 10 (API The Tidewater Oil company learned today that tho three- master bark Guadalhorce, last of the Spanish sailing ships in the New York-Canary islands trade, was lost with all 13 of the crew snout two months ago in the Caribbean sea, off the Cuban coast. ine wooden ship, which put I mtln Afc Bm4 PUU ROCKFORD. 111.. Aug. 10 (AP) Dr. William A. Maddox, president of Rockford college. and Prof. Alfred O. Wilgeroth, di rector ot the college music de partment, were killed today when ut. Maaaoxs aatomobile was struck by a freight train ot the Milwaukee railroad at Davis Junc tion, near here- tM 1- t U Um4 tmd M4(() . mill vkk n.V "--- Bn RftbM. T.ka SOLS IT bsugguts Kvtarwsui it Mr DrmhL An Itm Ht-cHi srTfcRS sustn MAHomcOvnedTbeater FN OLLYVVOOU Too Late to Classify IjOST Tan kid rlove with dart tiWhlns: Return to Statesmaa offic. LOST Black leather pura contaln- ms kora TeL ss5. STOLEN Suit coat from car nark- ad ut 4S6 Belmont Reward for return to above address. No questions asked. . mi k vs'aEMr io mm mu 1L snsMcus My rbt-amo ' JJ SDf ONJMHCM H THOVOfT ClVf JKSCMIHM) MTSHftD WU 'Vili' msmmbmmmmmjLJ LAST TIMES TODAY "Hollywood Speaks 9f with GENEVIEVE TOBIN PAT O'BRIEN SATURDAY ONLY BOB STEELE 'Hidden Vaney- HEY KIDS!! MORNING MATINEE Saturday 10 5c Ago Limit 14 Years TODAY AND SATURDAY Buck Jones Ranger Club Meets Sat. 1:30 p.m. Thrills and Fast Action with the "Mounties" In the Northwest mm mm Also News, Comedy Cartoon . Comedy and MWhlspertagv Shadow" with Bela Losoal AN to. users of Gaso line CLAIMS of die qualities of various gasolines are confusing. Therefore we feel that you, who use 76, should know the facts. 4 Nineteen months ago the Union Oil Company commenced marketing its superior anti knock gasoline, 76, with an octane rating beyond any competing motor fuel. Three) times during the last year and a half the Union Oil Company, has improved the per formance of 76 setting new yardsticks of qual ity for 76 competition. The company maintains one of the finest of research laboratories and is continuously working for the improvement of the qualities of the products which it markets. Nineteen months ago at the Inception of 76, we told you It was the finest uniform anti knock motor fuel ever offerecf and we assure oarown patrons that this statement Is true today. NOWSEVEN PREMIUM QUALITIES Today 76 gives you octane leadership by supplying the greatest possible number of natural anti-knock fractions and In addition offers you seven premium aualltles at no extra cost. As evidence of our faith in these qualities we continue the guarantee first printed nineteen months ago. OUR GUARANTEE If, after you .try 10 gallons of 76, you do not recognize an improvement over any non premium gasoline you have used fust return your, receipt and we will refund the amount of your' purchase In cash. THE UNION OJL COMPANY QV hasilgnediH , vKV President's Re-employment . adwill operate ttnder its provisions vara? UNION OI L C O M P A N Y ;: L V OWNED BY OVER 20,000 AMERICANS 1 s i A. 4 4 t f 1 r