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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1933)
I C7. v The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem." Oregon; .Friday Mbrnlng, Angus 11, PAGE FIWEEN' n w H ! mmmmmimwmmmmmmwmmmmmmmimmmmm Business Directory Card In this diractoiry mea ' as rhly ktitt only. Bates ILNtMliwpunMdIii AUTO BRAKES Mike Pansk. tha bra and sMmmw B oct or. rt8 South. Comnwreial attreoe. CATERING Burt Crary. the- caterer. Ph. 8783. C111MNEY SWEEP Telephone- 4t. . B. CHIROPRACTORS PR. Cv -- BCtrrX. PSC. C-fc-prsotr. 2h K. tlWl Tt Bo-. 1171. FLORISTS oral wrsauuv mwiuwn . fcaapt. Oox-rt. Ml Court. Tet 394 , AUUktBdaoCflarsl work, ldtts ITar tat. IttA'St Ux-t TL MOJ. GLASS - Auto sad window Um mirrors. TL ties. Walter J. Down rra. INSURANCE H n. maa , sl tut OOfySTaUTH. no. la,Tl twx i LAUNDRIES TBJB MClT 8t.r.lf 1-a.UNXJRT XMJU WJUUkUa LJlUHUHX u a aiafc xt im CAPITA!. C1TI UMKDBZ , ; aim to MiaUtr aait UTtlca Salaviwa AIM Hreartway LAWN MOWERS ; iUiartMMMcL rvvairaO; nd ra4ed liajmit w. auurr. n crcia m-. MATTRESSES aiMtraasea Xrom factory t noma, Couoa matueaa, at lb. Jtt.oO. ilenovat ora aad tuiUAuuora, Huaa oteaned. Cap Koi ileddina Co. lei. iV. UJ W. V'apltoi. 'Mew oaaureaa mad to order, otd vaiaiula; caryei cl ama, atxiacithiU ru weavtna. tiaJaai a'lull Kac Mau trva aractwry. a. iSta VVUtour. TaL 41. Otto . Kwlcaerv iflrt. mi. MUSIC STORES aea C WU-L. HiBoe. radio, aew- tam hin. abaci aauaia aad piaaa atwu-a, iiepairtua raaioa, pnoouarapoa awl aewtoa niachuiea, eSs tHAto btreet. MEDICINE .When Others Fail k Nature's beri Xr evjsry ill. H. 3. Low, noted Cbiaese herbalist. 473 & Commercial tftxeet. Salem, Oregon. KstabUshed since 1912 in Oakland. CsAU. Consultation free. Telephone 8188. Hoars to 0, Sun. 10 to 13 M. Charlie Chan L Chinese Medians Co., 122 K. Com saercial at., over Salem Hardware. We have all kinds of herbs for male and fmaia troubles. - After on year in our midst we har attained rssults. aa dosens of our Salem patients will testify. Consultauon ansoiuteiy iree. Office hours to 8. Bun. to is. Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co, Hours Tuesday and a'rlday, 10 :S0 aJO t 4 :jo p. m. its w. umuaenw. MUSIC INSTRUCTION SteeL a pan. Guitar, Mandolin. Abe cfnner'a club every Sat. t:3. Enjoy able, educational, results, P. Meialnger, HI stotasman pu xeu .. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint AHooCng. 474 Ferry. PRINTING won STATION ERT. - cards. ,. nroxrama books or any kind ot priuU-s, call The gtatesmsn Printing Lieparuaeni. 218 8. Commerc-U. Tele phone 1BL - ' REAL ESTATE BECKK 1 NDBJ.CK3, TeL 4941. W.iL UB-NtOT CO. U4 a. Ubany m. TeL 84M. BOCOLOFSKX A SON 304-8 rirat N f i. bida. TaL 7107. STOVES aTOVKS and stove repairing. Store Cor sale, tvUl and repaired. All kda of woven wire teno fancy and piaio, hop baskets, hooka, iogan aooka. Ualem seace ana d s vr, CtMtnieiieta. TeL 4774. B. B. Fleming. SHOE REPAIRING Low prices. Uood --prk. 980 &ComT. TRANSFER ' CAPITAL CITX - Trauaiar Stat Sb TeL 7713. LJUUUMUina, tor war dins aad swrag ur Gat our ratoa FOR local or uV-t?r S. caU 313L, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland OaUjv a - TYPEWRITERS TTPEWRITXRS Addlflg Mch. sold, rented, repaired. Underwood Agent baort. 113 Court. TaL WELLDR1LLINQ a A. West. 80 rears - exparlsaco, BFD 6. Bos 103 A TsL IWm. ; cmnacii has bociai. TURNER, Aor. 10 Mombort a v- rhviiiiia e h n a h and friends enjoyed a lawa lea cireamlbeardera do -In. 498 N. Coral social with a short program Tue sday night. Mrs. Susaa Glrardln. I " prm SALE Real Est! lira. R. L, Putnam. Mrs. Joe ul PA-UW and Mrs. Raymond TitUS compos - d the committee la charge. ' . 1- ' Statesman Classified r Ads Calt 9101 taagtetnaertloa per tine. 10 Thro faisertloaa for t BO '- a m ' 8U tasartlons Hr Uik JM Om outk BMIUI UialasiB charge Stt i" Cpr tor - this page m eepted natn trlf tin va. tut boforo publfcattaa for elaarifteatloB- Coir r eelved after this timo vfll be ti ander -h eoadlag Too Lata to C3airy. . The SUtauaa&.r uaiUBM a fncU Ymsanbtttty for onsrt. vhlek may at 1 odrortlano&U o0 OMhtd la !U colaana ana la caao wbero tlila papr Is at fault wllT rtprtnt" taat part At aa adrordMmoot to wliich tao tnpcnttalcal atfftsM ootara. Tho Ststeamaa rooarroa tht rixat to ro)et be tloaar adTfedalag. . It tar thar BBMrrea tao rixkt to elaatifr all adrertlalax a- dar tao propar lloi. HELP W ANTED-J1ALE ; 2 jnen with cars. (fc to traTL Bal arr aad coco. See 8. H. Ketchom. Sen ator Hotel, after 7 :39 Saturdar. or Suaoay morning. laa to -look Ask tot V. W. BttT. alter country horn. Clymer, HuntTa Can- HOME BARGAINS 1 1094. Good three reom plasured JtooM 4tii caraae. and pared at. 929 . down, balance fit per month, A WEAL. SNAP. SttS. lat uUt mftdern 4 room home with twa bedroom, ood conaUue- tton, paved at., near bus line, flat iowa. baL HO per mo. - - $19a0. Tlra room home with full ce ment aawment. sarase wiia ea rnest floor, paved at.. located In east alem, $100 down, baL lt per mo. See TTa T"or Bareins W. H. ORABENHORST CO., REALTORS 134 Soutft Liberty Street Tel. iM. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED 2 salesmen between jtges 23 end 35. Must be neat appearing and free to- travel. Traveling expenses paid. We do not want men who are satisfied with Just a $20 a week Job. This is permanent and If you are in terested in making more money, see Mr. Williams, 2nd floor Nelson Bldg. From 10a.m. to 2 p. m. only. SITUATIONS WANTED Washing- R, 1, Bx. 98, Salem. Dressmaking, reasonable price TeL 7388. Mrs. N. P.Webb, 330 Division. FOR S ALBMlsceliaricona Rummage sale, clothes. 2(8 Ferry. Draft beer equipment H. G. Da mon, factory representative. S9T N, Com'l Old papers 10c a bundle, Statesman office. Used ranges, $5.00 aad up. Oregon Trading1 Post. 332 N. Com L Kentucky Wonder canning beans. delivered 2o pound. Box 68, Rt 2, Sil- verton, Ore. Practically new tent stand equipped with lunch counter and stools to serve 14. 871 Union. FOR BALE! Cucumbers, . Central Howell service station. Silverton Road. Thoroughbred bird dogs. W. C. Bar- cans. Brooks, Ore. Milk fed fryers. 4 for 11.00. Rt 3, Box 18. TRADE Miscellaneous Trad for wood '27 Star touring ear to good condition. TeL 7208. Wood and light track for ton eom- powid. track. Box 188.. Garden Road. WANTED Miscellaneoaa WANTED Red Cocker Spaniel pup about 8 months old. Will pay reason- i able price. Box 264. Statesman. oiiscmiEous Exp. hair cutting. 202 & Winter St WWWMMWft1MWWV We nick an dead, worthless horses. eow. sheep. Tel. 4869. FOR RENT ROOMS Rooms. Tel. 5478. 598 Court St FOR RENT APARTMENTS ! 2 nice apt. 112 aad 825. 1588 Center. Apta. rooms, garage house. . AO nicely furn.-TeL 7664. 2261 HaxeL Patton apartments, downtown dis-1 trlct cooL clean, comfortable, private I bath. Very reasonable. Call Patton's Book Store. Apt. 310 A $12. 897 N. Com'L Newly decorated apartments, reas- onaDie. 6 Marion. ,w . ' - "n-ir r irii. i.r ui Attrag., large, 1st floor, 1411 Court TOR RENT HOUSES Modern home, 968 N. 16th St -------------------- - 'i-ivi-MTirnyji Fern, and nitron- housea R. Forkner, 1610 N. Cottaga TeL 36SL FOR RENT Good f room honsa. All newly kalsomined. Large walnut treea On bus line. See Mrs. CadweU. Statesman oiflce. . Housea DaxOn. 897 N. Com'L - nrini-'wiiiii i Furnished, unfurn, houses, TeL 8330, H. P. Grant, 1120 . istn ut l rooms rarnisneo. garage, gwoeni I fruit. 81. Beferenoe . TeL 6340. FOR BENT gtx room heme with small basement saved st located at 3080 - lr e . r - ,, . , .-ETrtuo . a. rv : lyicM r , xa. uxu vw' ( lit ti. l-werry pireei FOR RENT MrMi-l-8aidSaa3 lowsr flat also large nous for 1 9 room house. West Salem, 1275.8$ terms. Demon, sii . w- FOR SALE Real Estate U50t HOUSE FOR S2I0 Owner IeaTlnc city offer this tra- nsual bur. T nice rooms, modern tn-1 ctudlnr tile drain board, oak floor, I etc. Lara tot and garden spot. Juat oat of cKy limita Mast hare part caaa CHILD3 A MTT.T.KR. REALTORS 344 Stato Street Tel. 70. NICB HOME! BARGAINS tlOft dowC price i R. pla. tored boo. On pared street. BaL 12 per mo. ' ANOTHER GOOD ONE Cory i R. bungalow, fireplace. nook, built In a, Garage, cast front, paved street. ptOO down, price 170t. 8TR1CTL.T- MODERN S-R. bous. fin location north. House cost owner SS7tt.tft: price now only $3200.00 ; any . reasonable pay ment down. For home bargains SEE JAS D. SEARS, REALTOR 133 South High Street . 1 acr tract do- to city limits, I small boose, nice fruit, nuts and gar den. Priced for quick sals f 1000. Let I hAn .1 .- I as snow yon. - CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street TeL 070S. A. sightly T-room semi-modern home. basement, fireplace, beautiful grounds 120x133 feet. Urge fruit, nut trees, area arbor, garden, garage. .Near- Jun ior high and two grammar schools, nice view, pared street Onty ?23S0, terms. Owner, 713 Rural Arwme. TeL 84. : ' . - " ----- - - rn-i- " "i rwi i i r.rLrin 10 A. H ml east of Salem, i boose, f enoad, well, family orchard, good soiL 33230. A. 2 mi. east of Salem, an la eoltl- ration, good soU, 4 room bouse, some frnit. 9 ISM. " 20 A. 7 mL from Salem, fenced with woven wire, all cultivated. 7 A cher ries and filberts, bouse 34x20, 11760. Easy payments. KELVIN JOHNSOy. 27 Stato Street EXCHANGE Real Estate Absolutely the best bur tn the eoun. ty; 13 acres, part beaver dam with ronnnar water : eome and see me about this. Will exchange for residence tn Salem. H, C SHIELDS Oregon Bide TeL 3902. FOR TRADE lit acres of Mil land, part was' fat crop this- year, some good timber, spring water, will exchange for Salem city property. Price S45 per acre. SEE W. ti. URABENHORST at CO. 134 8oath Liberty Street - WANTED Carpenter warkv ear or I wui sacrrrice ror caab equity In 13 acres good soil, new house, timber stream, - paved highway, near Wood- bum. Price 31300.00. Oregon Land Co., rr bob pern, uregim. FOR SALE FARMS REAL BARGAIN For a few day we are offering 108 acres with new fully modern six room home, electric water system, new large hern, family orchard, all well fenced, on good market road, close to I rauroaa town, nice large creek and some timber, an Ideal farm at a price. very uitie aoore me cost or buildings. see unaa vicx. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street TeL 8488 ACREAGE . . , rtnrwvxjTji FIVE ACRES Best of soil all slowed, nmnlns stream, good road, located about five mile east on Center St road. Price 1000.. one-half cash. baL term a A REAL PLACE TO BUILD TOUR HOME. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 a Liberty St TeL 843. WANTED REAL ESTATE sbaisiss..r -rVyarunrLrLrui Beautiful close-ln view acre trees, city water, eta Snap. Phone S154. WANT going farm near Salem, for I good, well located Portland home. Fori particulars write the Homeseekers I Agency, SH verton. Brokers please I note. MONEY TO LOAN PBONALi LOANS MADID en furniture, ear, salarto or other (rood aecurlty. Ranarabl montniy. wnen m rmanciaj ased M us before etoehig a loan. UENSRAL IN VErTM3T CORPORATION First National Bank Bids- Phone SStt PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Orexon Bulldlnc 2nd Hlnnr Office bra. 19:00 A M. to 6:20 P. M. I xeiepbons 7783. Stato license Na 8-16S. irl-i-,-l wirvinnnaa "ltlu Borrow en porsonsl DroDertv: reoav In monthly Install menta. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO.. State Ho. S-169. 80S Guardian Bldg. TeL 3377. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refmaaoad . Arraags to reduce yout payments ' Too kesp the ear P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 4723 Salem. Or. First mortgage loans yield ins In vestors 7. interest semi-annually. Farm and city security. Denominations aa to 32000. A first mortgage loan Is the best Investment CHILDS A MILLER. Mtge. Loans 344 State Street TeL 0703 FOR SALE WOOD mmmm--'mr-1Tr " T " " rtilftfW AH kinds of wood. TeL 4418. GUARANTEED DRY wnrirl r rial TeL 508 Salem Fuel Co. Trad A Cottage, Ash. fir and oak. TsL 8643. Phone Tracy's, 2986 for -dry wood. Old fir. fir knots, sec. growth ash. oak. Tel S67J. LOST AND FOUND LOST Order book between corner of Center and Summer and 700 block N. Winter. Return to 11(5 Marion. LOST Lady's brown purse, contain ing papers, pen, etc. Reward. Alice F. Palmer. TeL 99 SL POLLY AND HER J I i a iSSrXy j jt , asrwiN' suits, am' besides thsx axj. about jdOirB DRF THcxsJ4Ic itsths GiAjfr) i viStfv i EJZ&UvS t&ffez GROW OH BUSHES; BOGS, ASH- Vtwi& HAWK T'MB i f0 ' - VTWO-l-I-SGEOl ri 'MmkSSS :: " ii4 VvOT kinda A-- ' : T WT-ki w-Tr- LOST AND FOUND LOST Gray Peraiaa eat. answer to name Jerry anyone seeitr TeL f 46t. FOR SALEUSED CARS MUST 8KXJL -'-Our TJsed Car and. Tracks W Bar Priced Them Rlht CARS : 1-Stadebaker Dictator Sedan 1-WUlya-ICaisbt Sedan Model H 1-Studvtwker Commander 4-pas. -1-UL f Nash Coup l-8pcial Nash Roadster l-Ford Panel DeHrery TRXJCsZS 1-'J Ford with Warford Trans. l-'2 Cher, with semi-trailer 1-'J1 Cher. U W." R. with duals l-'2 CL M. C ton, 14' body " 1-3 ton Federal with k reins' .bunks and trailer with booster brake working- now on good paying Job. An must go this week to make room ifo. MA mw nl(ln. am wrw - T - wrpne i tvj irvrr-o v tun S40 Chemeketa Street L " -ww. Salem,. Ore. THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN 1133 Chevrolet Conpe . 1930" Buick Sport .Roadster 1039 Ford Sedan X938 Ersklne- Coach 1923 Oakland Sedan 1923 Buick Sport Coup 1923' Bsick- Brougham 1929 Chevrolet Coach CAN USE SOME GOOD HAT . ' : BORREOO 240 North Liberty TeL 3(83. Chryaler "30 -Sport Roadster. Cheap ror caaa. ztk -or et pkm mem Quality Used Cars TRADED ON TERRA PLANES 39 HUDSON LIGHT 3 SEDAN 9495 In extra good condition. 0 BUICK STDu COUPE W New paint and A-l mechanically.: '29 HUDSON GREATER CPE. 9398 Overhauled, new paint and tires, ramble seat and ether extras. '20 STUDE COMMAND. SEDAN 34S0 The light six model la extra good condition. 83 DURANT f 8PT RDSTR. 8S7i Origtoat finish good, motor perfect. '28 HUPJCOBILE 8 R. S. CPEv' 9328 Ran less than 21,000, new paint and tires, raecnanicaiiy perfect '28 DODGE SCREEN DELTVERT $11 uooor cenaiuon. State Motors, Inc. . . , High at Chemeketa STUDE BAKER A HUDSON TERRAPLANK MEMBER N. R. A. Open Evening and Sundays " LEFFLEU IS SEATTLE HUBBARD, Aug.. 10 Frances Leffler left by motor tor Seattle Monday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Byers for a week's vis It with relatives. XOTICK OP FINAL HEARING IN THE COUNTY COURT Of THE STATE OP OREGON, e FOR THE COUNTY OP MAR ION. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF EARNEST ARTHUR C. SMITH. DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given that the final account ot Leah Louise Smith, Executrix of the Estate o Earnest Arthur C. Smith, de ceased, has been filed in the County Court of Marion County Oregon, and that the 2 1st day ot August, 1933, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the Court House of said county, has been appoint ed by said Court for hearing of objections' to said final account, at which time any persons inter ested in said estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. LEAH LOUISE SMITH, Exec a tlx. KEYES & PAGE, Attorneys for Executrix, TT S National RanV RMs-.. c,i rti-ae-nn J. 21-21; A. 4-11-18. BAT GIRL" TWO YEARS AFTER O : O -- ' "V 1 ' ' ' ' i -j : u . r fV-L , Afc .. :-;: . 2 3xm -x'.:v:-..-:-x:-xi mmmmmmmmwmmmmmmWjf s, k ' I - ' i ii ,ii ill I M- F t-"' - 1 - o.? f , - - v V . . , - . j J '- 3 ' " - s - - 1 r Two years ago, Edith Riley, of Washington, was In the national spot light as the wat GirL" She waa found in the condition shown in inset and her parents were sent to prison for ill treating her. She is shown above as she appears todsy after two years of good food aad proper care, bright and healthy in mind and body. PALS BA1I1 OVEBSUPPLY V itlltilSROTED The abnormal spread between northwest aad Chicago- wheat prices, which at times recently has reached as high as 30 cents, Is explained by L. R. Breithanpt, extent Ion . aconamlgt, to bo- dae largely to excessive- stored sap-, plies ot wheat in this territory resulting from near collapse of the export outlet for the last two years. In an effort to restore tbe nor mal relationship, between the Chi cago and. western ' markets, the agricultural adjustment adminis tration is- considering using a small -percentage of the income from the processing tax on wheat to establish an export subsidy or equalisation fee by which to make possible export ot the northwesjj surplus to the orient. . This method would not only restore the east-west relationship. but would avoid dumping western wheat on the eastern market via the Panama canal, thus prevent ing depression ot the markets of the country through distress sell ing. Brelthaupt sees little- hope for attaining parity tor the north western wheat grower unless some such method Is found to re duce the burdensome export sur plus. NOTICE TO CREDITORS' JNottco la hereby siren that by an order of the County Court ot the state . of Oregon for the County of Marion duly made, rendered and entered ot record ih said, court . on the seventh day of Jurr. 1933, George Sucerlch was duly appointed administrator of the estate ot Donald 8ucorlch, de ceased,' and that George BuceTich has duly Qualified as such execu tor. . All persons baring claims against said estate hereby are required to present the same with proper Touchers and due verification to attorney tor said administrator at 825 Failing BMg., Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date- of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published this twenty-first dsy of July, 1933. GEORGE SUCEVICH. Administrator of the estate ot Donald Sucerlch, deceased. DAN J. KENNEY, Attorney for Administrator. J. 21-28: A. 4-11-18. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1033, Standard Eta titties Co.) aagnss 10 STOCK AVERAGES Today 90.3 80.3 92.1 S4.4 Prev. day i LS 60.0 04.1 SS.9 Week age 87.1 48.3 04.1 82.3 Tear are S0.7 2S.1 80.0 60.8 8 yrs. as 158.3 118.0 207.8 160.8 mc 1038 102.1 68.0 113.7 98.0 Low 1933 42.8 33.5 81.S 43.9 High 1932 73.8 89.8 111.0 73.0 Low 1932 85.1 13.3 81.8 3S.0 BOXXt AYEBAasS Today 78.2 81.8 80.0 81.1 Prsv. dsy 75.0 81.8 85.8 81.1 Week ace 75.0 81.8 85.8 SL1 Tsar age 65.0 65.4 82.0 70.8 S years ago 03.7 107.5 100.2 100.5 High 1033 77.1 84.9- 88,8 83.5 Low 1033 58.3 57.0 74.1 63.8 High 1933 ., , , 71.2 78.0 - 86.9 76.1 Low 1932 53.2 47.4 70.8 57.5 Pa Knows r PRoiubEit Government's Desire To see 1926 Price Restored, Factor CHICAGO, Aug. 10 (AP) Advancing for the third day In succession, wheat today went to almost 8 cents above Tuesday's bottom figures. Profit-taking on the bulge, however, wiped out at the last most of todsy's gain. Much of the buying of all cer eals was based on reports that the Washington administration desired to see prices restore! to the level which prevailed in 1124- 28. and it was especially noted that the average 1129 price the farmer received for wheat was 81.24 a bushel, corn 74 cents aad oats 40 U cents. Leadinr traders said the national code tentatively o-pt w .i dealings on grain exchanges was exceedingly broad and liberal, and would encourage belief in a free. open, competitive market. Wheat closed unsettled at the same as yesterday's finish to A higher, corn unchanged to H oPt osu advanced. Today's closing, quotations: Wheat Sept., 1.00 Dec-. i.3s-; May, 1.07-. Corn 8ept., 85; Dec, S8 : May, 95. CornSept., 41-41 V, Dec, 43 T4-44; May, 4-47. General Markets paomajg sacBAjraa POBTLSn. Ore A or le fAPl. nw-i exeaaaga, aetancea: saner, ex trea Sit staadara SO: nriraa first. 10 : firaU Mb: eccs. tresh extras 32: freak aaiavs z. I Portland Grain PORTT.AVn Ar In, 10 flPV Wkaat Open Hie- Lew Case Sept. 78 77 78 76ft IMC .81 Blhi 81 81 Cask wheat Ke. 1: Big Bend blueiteai a A .pfc- k.4 .u. . T , H. M. W.M . . .. W 1 , . . pet, 78; soft white, westara white, hard winter, aerthcra sprisg, IS ; weatera red 19. Oats: o. 2 white 28.50. Cora: Ke. 2 E Yellow 25.50. k M-lroa stsadard 10.50. Portland Produce . PORTLAND, Ore., Ang. 10 (AP). Bntter prrnta, extras, 24c; standards, 23c Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade. 21s lb.; tanner's doer delivery, 10s per lb.; sweet eresm, 5e higher. Etc Pacific poultry prodacers' Salt ing; price: erersiie, 24c; extras 22e; stan dards, 20c; mediums. 20c; pullets, 16c desaa. Buying price by wholesalers: trash extras, 19o eosea: mediums 16 doses. Cheese 02 score Oresoa triplets, 12H; loaf, 18tte lb. Brokers will psy He below aaotstioas. Milk Contract price, 4 pet, Portland delivery, ft.70 ewt.; a grsae creaat. 87 He lb. Country aseati Selling price te re tailers: coeatry-killed hoes, beat batch ers, aader 158 lbs. 74 -8c; vealers. 70 to 100 lbs.. 8Vi Be: spring lsmbs. lie lb.; yearlings, 4 -5c b.; canner cows, 2-Se lb.: Wis. 4tt-5e lb. Kohair Baying pries: 1933 clip. 15e lb. Cases ra bark Baring price, 1933 peel. 21e lb. Heps nominal. 1033. 45e lb. Lave poultry Portland delivery: bay- las pnees. Beavy heas. colored. 4H-8H lbs, 12e; de 5H lbs. up, 12c; hens, ever 3tt lb 14c; roosters, 6c lb.; decks, pekinx. broilers, SUOs lb.; eld docks, pa- has, colore, IOC lb. Onions Selling prices to retailers-; Ore-os. 81.25-1.85 cental. Kew ealoas Walla Walla. 81.73 cen tal. Potatoes Local, 82; Desehate Geeaa, $2.25 cental; de bakers, $2.40; Yakima Gams. $2.10. Strswberriei Ksw Oregont, $3 erst. Wool 1933 clip nominal; Willamette valley, 33-25o lb.; eastern Oregoa 18-21 lb.; soatbera ida-e, is sue io. Hay Baying pries from prodocer: al falfa. No. 1, new crop, $17; clover. Ho. t, $14; WiUaaiette valleytlmothy. $18; eaatera Oregon timothy. $18.00; oat and vetch, $15 ten. ' Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, Ang. 10 (AP). Cattle receipts: 1, calves 33, abont steady. Bteers, best 9.---S.7-; commoa ana edlXBl 8.25-4.75; heifers, best, 4.00- A35; mellnm, 8.50-8.75; cows, best, 3.00 8.25; common sad medium, 1.73-2.75; eaanara. 1.00-2.00: balls, best. 8.00-8.25; stadium. 8.75-3.00; calves, best, 6.00-6.25; goed. 500-5.50; ordinary, 4.00-4.5O. nog receipts: ivsv; latny steaay. Tea lirht bntohera 6.00-6.15: heavy batchers, 5.50-5.75; sews. 3.25-8.50; slsaghter pigs, 4-73-5.25; feeder pigs, 4.75-5,00. Sheep receipts: 88; steady. Mt Adaaui lsabs 6.40; lambs, best 5 AO-6.00; sssdiaa. 4.50-5.00; yearling wethers, f. 00-8.00; ewes. 1.00-L60 Kentucky Solons Consider Repeal FRANKFORT, Ky., Aug. 10.- (AP) Governor Ruby Laffoon late today called the Kentucky general assembly, into extraordin ary session beginning next 'Tues day to submit the question of re peal ot the lsth amendment, to provide funds for relief purposes, to levy a license tax on -3.2 beer and wine, to amend certain state banking laws and to amend the automobile registration laws. . His Etc! GETS MORE Sarem Lkruets GauSe EL" raw 44' ntlthv co-op price, $1.54) per haadred. .. , '. Sarphts f lS5. (Milk ' baMdr ea' eead sMathly. sttartat aver.) Distributor price ft.70 Batlerfat Top 10-2OC. prints 22c, cubes 24c Prices said to svewer ey - Aagast 10 - . - -r" (Ta psieas Salew. sappned g giessc-aa iisraatlve f to dsMy bst are a s-arsvwed bv Tae'Stai rXDTT lvajBiBUt Su-lag beemsi leeaL P. ' J03 vaseaga, la. Ul!! ZF? iDM' TT "St I eeasv in. ... ,. mi te .o Oaiee, des. bases. Petals. L28 to L54 .05 to .08 88 to IJf Lsttaee, local Pace Seaad Oaiena. Calif- nrt. BMuk, loeal.. J01 Uelery, t AS Apples. Tnai arsat L00 Orsagas. VaWaei, fsaey 3.2 S to 8.25 rise psex t x.eo , Beeta loeaL aes. - .10 Turnips, local, crate .10 Carrots. local. Set. , .10 Spina ea, laeal. arate 1 to .60 Baaaaav la. e stock J3 Baads .OSU Cacaaseri. betaems. bex , . .78 LecaL des. .20- te .40 Oaataleapet, erst O.90 te 2.25 -800 -.-l.00 i.eo 1.00 seas Lisses. fresh Areeaaes, crate Soaaaa, Italia, exste Hammer, crata Wsten-eleas. retail . .02 - Teaeteea, hat-eas JL0O to 1.25 CaliforaSs Tke Dalles . .L25 J0 to 1.25 .1.60 to 2.00 .75 1.00 -OS Baspberriea Lagasbeiries atackSerries Psacfces. loeaL to. Aprieeta. The Dallas . Keg plant erate Grapes, seed lea .Tift v a 2.25 loeaL dos. 12 Casabas, lb. , .03 aora Top. 1932. IV. AO eoos Boyingr-rJces Extras Standards Hediumt JO .10 A1 Jt4 .13 .08 .07 ai rooxsar Old reeaters - Colored hens Kediasa hens lAfbt hens Leghoras MEAT Sprisg lambs, tep 5.00 5.75 5.50 5.00 4.75 to .04 Bors, top Pint eats Seconas cats Pigs Steers Cows . BalU .03 .01 .02 to to .02 .03 .07 .08 Dressel veal, top Presses' hog OBAXH ABB BAY Wheat weetern red .70 .70 17.00 -25.00 White. Ke. 1 Barley, top, ton Oats, toa Hay. swrntx prteea Oats aad vetch, tea -- Alfalfa, valley 1st cat .15.00 J 5.00 Clover say .13.00 WOOL Vadium Course . Mohair . .23 .23 .20 .01 .03 CA80ABA BABE C-reea. lb. Dry. lb. Transport Rates To be Discussed A meeting preliminary to es tablishing a rate structure satis factory to various transportation agencies was held at the cham ber of commerce yesterday after noon, and will be followed by An other session within a tew days. Navigation, trucking and railroad interests were represented. Radio Program Friday. Angus 11 KOW POBXXAsTB SO Eyes. 7 :0O Peed Conservation Talk. 7:2 U. & Xerina bead. NBO. 7:30 Orraa concert. 'BC. 8:15 Old Memory Box, NBO, 8:80 Merrte Men. NBC. -9:30 Coekiag School. 10:00 -Arioa Trie. NBO. 10 :80 Woman's Magasiae ef the Air, NEC. 11:45 Five Cards, NBO. 12:15 Western Fsrss and Home Boor, NBO. 13:45 O. M. Phuanser. 1:00 Msnhsttaa Beach Brass Band, KBC. 3:00 The Kolliekers, NBO. 8:20 Friendly Chat 4 :00 Wiastea Petty, NBO. 4:45 Southern Harmony Four, KB0. 5.-O0 Phil Harris, KBC. 5:30 Out of the East KBC 8:00 Firs Nlrater, NBC 8:80 The Arkansas Traveler, KOilO. 7:00 Amoa 'a Aady, NBO. 7:20 Club Kaleiloseope. , i45 Terrace Osrdena oreaestrs, KBC 10:15 Anson Weeks' Orchestra. NBO. 11:00 Abe- Lyman's Orchestra, VBO. 11 :30 Bal Tsbarin Orchestra NBO. EOAC COBVAXLIS 650 Eyes. 8:45 Farm Market Reports. 9:00 Ham Economies Observer. 11:00 Better Health aad Longer Life. 12:00 Noes Farm Hour. 2:00 As Yea Like Ir with Anthony lower. 3:20 The Homemakers' Half Hour. 7:30 Fares Hear. 8:15 Philosopher of the Crossroad. FOR EGGS Selling Prices Don't ' Advance; Tomatoes Quite Active PORTIAXD Aug. lft (AP) The prod nee exchange has rovers-. ed itself la its butter price plans..' During the late session It cut the price of prime first tte lb. which thereby eliminated the previous advance in that score. Manipulative tactics of the ex change were . creating consider- . able worry among distributors of butter. When tke advance was previously made in prim Urst there was an overload, of this score on maay- floors and lower Instead of higher prices were, an-, ticipated. There was a real short- , age of top score batter. While there continued a weak tone tor undergrade, eggs, , the. market was Inclined to show more' strength and evert le advance in the buying price on top. score al-; though selling values- wero sta tionary. Recent advance fa the price on lightweight hens appeared, off- with probable armistice between two local packing interests. Small hens were now showing a buying value of te- Stags were being quoted at Sc f or the first time. Market tor country killed masts continued ot character for every thing except beef and there has not been the slightest . improve ment la the latter. Other lines show maintained values. Cantaloupes were quoted gen erally lower for the day with the near-ending of the Calif-orals sea son in sight and the increasing supplies from Wapato and The Dalles. Little selling above S1.2S crate. Considerable activity was sug gested for tomatoes since, the price dropped so low. General top of 35.40c was showing for No. 1 grade stock with 2s selling down to 2 0-2 Be generally. Some good peas were arriving from the Rsinler section. Demand was goed with the price up to 3e lb. All pea offerings have decreas ed rapidly within the last 10 days. EXECUTOR'S XOT1CE Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned was duly appointed executor of the last will and es tate of Chsrles F. Kilby, deceased, by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of, Marion, on the 9th day ot August. 1933, and that all per sons having claims against said estate are hereby requested to present their respective claims, with proper vouchers, duly veri fied, to the undersigned executor at 517 North Front Street, Sa lem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated August 11th, 1933. HOWARD NOLL, Executor of the Last Will and Es tate of Charles F. Kilby. De ceased. John Bayne Attorney for Executor. A-l 1-18-- 25-S-1-8. r TAX y VERS NOTICE . The Board of Equallxatioa meets on the second Monday in August ot each year for the pur pose of examining and equalis ing the assessment rolls of Mar-' ion county. Oregon. All persons deriring to protest any assessment c said rolls must do so according to the following provisions of the law: "Petitions or applications for the reduction of a -articular as sessment Shan bo made in writ ing, verified by the oath of the applicant or bis attorney, and bo filed with the board within 15 days from the time it is by law required to me t; and any peti tion or application not so made, verified and fii shall not bo considered or acted upon by the board." - OSCAR A. STEELHAMMER. County Accessor. J28-A4-11 NOTICE. TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court ot Marion County, State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 8 th day of Aug ust, 1933, was appointed admin istratrix of the estate of WIL LIAM 8. LETENS. and that she has dnly qualified as such. AH persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre-' sent the same, duly verified as re quired by law, at the offices ot Keyes A Page. 30 TJ. S. Natl. Bank Bldg., Salem. Oregon, in the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon. Within six months from the date of this notice, to-wit Aug ust 10th, 1833. LEODA M. LETENS. ' Administratrix of - the estate ot WllUam 8. Levens, Deceased. ' 'Keyes A Page, . Attorneys for Administratrix Salem, Oregon.-A-ll-lS-25-S-l-t. By CUFF STERRETT