The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 10, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Thnrsday Mornintr, Acgtist 10, 1933
V "
i -
4 ,
5 Local News Briefs
Dance Postponed The harVest
mooa dance, to which the Port
land. Credit Women's Breakfast
club and Retail Credit association
.have invited - members of these
organizations in Salem, will be
held Friday 'alht ot this week.
It was aanoaaced - at the Salem
Credit aasoeiaUoa - meetlnS yes
terday. The affair, to be held on
the boat Swan, wa postponed
from last Friday,; wheat rains oc
curred. - . h '
Ooqwifaote fcO Mi
Ringlet Ead
Pnsb Tave end Vp
. Senator Beauty Salon
218 JT. Hi Tel. 5818
Thief Takes Raaors series
of burglaries at the George D-
Fraser home, 170 west Bash,
have occurred in recent weeks.
Twice razors hare been taken.
and a few days ago the thief or
thieves became bolder and-walked
eft with Woolen blankets; cooking
Utensils. ' canned milk and some
other articles. Entrance was pre
sumably effected- with pass key.
The matter has been reported to
police. Fraser operates the Salem
Engraflng company..
: May Appointed Walter W. R.
May. manager of the Portland
chamber of commerce, yesterday
was appointed by Governor Meier
a member of the state probation
Vacuum Cleanert
and Floor Waxer;
Call 0910, Used Fernlture
1SI North High
Herbs for
every ilL i
The Sing Herb Company
H. 8. Low, Directing Herbalist
473 S. Com 'I St., Salem, Ore.
Established is Oakland, CaU
Since 1912 Honrs 9 to (.
San. 10 - 12 M. Ph. Salem 5751
Iierews Leaves $2300 The es-
Ute of the late William S. Levens,
depnty attorney general, has as
sets of S2500 In non-prodncing
real property in Baker county, ac
cording to a preliminary report
filed Wednesday In, probate court
here. Leren a widow Is to be Ad
ministratrix of the property.
While Lerens was en attorney for
years he left no will. He died
suddenly May J at Eugene during
the trial el Lb A. Banks.
Lonely Women! . . What would
you giro tor a strong, male mate?
Attend the gigantic suction of
Harloa Martin who Is to be told to
the highest woman bidder Sun
day. August IS at 19S North High
St.- .. , -
Kells Yctkxft a A. Kells,
Salem T. M. C. A. secretary, with
his family left yesterday for
Brelteabash to spend a two-
weeks Taeation.
Have -Moved
back to my old location In
White corner. Booms 1, 2 A 3.
' . Dr. Alice Bancroft
Ringlet Ends
Castle Permanent Wavers Co.
807 Est Xat'l Bank Bid., 8663
Coning Events
: Angwss IS Asunsrillo
Pioneer association home
cotnins;. Swank: grore.
August IS First an
nual meeting ofJudson clan
here. 1
. August 18 fiwegle Com
tn unity club picnic at Ha-
gers Grore. '.. .., . ,.
. Angnst. IS -Dakota dab
meets at' McMlnnriHe for
annaal state- picnic, both
North and South Dakotans
hiTited. , Basket lunch ei
noon. . .
August IS Minnesota
picnic at Champoeg park.
Sept. -0-Oregon state
September IS Fresh
men matriculate at Willam
ette aniTersity, other stu
dents register September 19.
September 19 Red Cross
Regional Conference.
September 20 Classes
begin 1033 - 1034 year at
Willamette university.
Report. Filed The estate of
Elllah Morton, a to&tienV at the
state hospital at - PeudXeton,4 has
assets ot 11750 according to the
annual report ot the guardian
filed, in probate court Wednesday
Carrie Estella Haynes. is guardian.
Improper License For operat
ing his ear with Improper license,
James H. W61fe was fined f 25 In
justice court yesterday.
Henry Dohse passed away at
his residence, Salem, route C Wed
nesday, August t, at the age ot
7S years. Survived by widow, Mrs.
Gealey Dohse and a. 'son, C. B.
Dohse ot Los Angeles. Funeral an
nouncements later by the dough
Barrlck company. , .
Blind Aid Limited State aid'
tor blind students who shall be
regularly matriculated at Ore
gon's higher educational Institu
tions, shall be confined to the
payment of readers and- shall not
be applied toward other expenses.
Attorney General Van Winkle
held In an opinion banded down
Wednesday. The opinion was
sought by William Einsig, secre
tary of the state board - ot con
trol, r . - .' - ' ;
Permanent Waves. 2 . and.' up.
Miller's Beauty. Parlor. Tel. 79 5 S.
Supplies Needed The " Salem
Associated Charities 'has urgent
calls tor bed linen, baby clothes
and two small cookstores, also
men's work clothing and shoes.
Donors are asked to telephone
S557 and workers win call tor the
Lonely Women! . . What would
you giro for a strong, male mater
Attend the gigantic auction of
Carlos Martin who Is to be sold to
the highest woman bidder Sun
day, August IS at UJUorth High
Meat Mem Meet Meat dealers
will meet at the chamber of com
merce tonight to ' farther work
out operations under the N. R. A.
National pressure cooker demon
stration at Ray L. Farmer Hdw,
Co. ' " '
Marriage License Carl W.
Mick. 22. ot Silvertoa. and Wll
umins i. roiwm, zz, rortiaao. i ver isagie on a charge or Doing
were Tuesday granted a mar-1 drunk in a public place, was fined
nage license at Vancouver, wash.' S25 in Justice court yesterday.
Eastma '
1 Emadine Eastman at the resi
dence, route 4. Aug. 7, at the age
ot 43. Survived by widower, Rich
ard Eastman ot Salem; three sis
ters. Mrs. Mae Stowe and Mrs. L.
Peering both of Turlock, Calif.,
and Mrs. Eva Lucas ot Crosby,
Minn.; three brothers. Lawrenee,
Emeral and Theodore Friak, all
of Crosby, Minn.; and mother.
Mrs- L. Frink of Salem: Funeral
services will be held Thursday,
Aug. 10 at 2 p. m. from the Rose
dale Friends ehurch under the di
rection of Clough-Barrlek com
pany. Interment Rosedale eeme-
tery.. . ;., . . v . -.' -
Steeves Attend Dr. Laban A.
Steeves.and family left last night
for Klamath Falls to attend the
Legion" convention. They expect
te return -Friday night or Satur
day. . "-
Vlckers Fined $25 A. E. Vlck-
ers. arrested July St at the Sil
ver Eagle on a charge of being
Final Account In The final
account ot Jennie Bohannon, ad
ministratrix ot the estate of The
odore L Bohannon, deceased, was
approved in probate court yester
day: He left -11009 In r personal
property and $4200 la real prop
erty. . : i ;.'.-: '
National pressure cooker demon-'
stratlon at Ray L. Farmer Hdw.i
do.' ; - : j
Minnesota Picnic The annual
Minnesota state picnic will be
held Sunday at Champoeg: park,
with a basket lunch and program
the -mam-features. Several hun
dred former residents -of . that
state are expected to gather. 1
Used Frigidaire Specials: One" 4
cu. ft. like new, 1109.50; one. S
cu. ft. all porcelain, S 97.50; one
k cu. ft. like new. $150; one 4
ft. Kelvinator $92.50. Eoff Elec
tric Co.
Jadgnsent Granted A judg
ment for $120.0, to which Interest
and costs are to be added, was re
turned In circuit court Wednes
day in the case of Grant W.
Schaftner against Ada Jones aad
others. . ' - v
ICE. - Prompt residence delivery.
TeL 5 OS. Also, new modern all
steel refrigerators at low prices.
Capital Ice A Cold Storage Co.
SCO Trade street. . : -
Final 'Account In Mabell A.
Simpson, executrix ot the will ot
the late Robert J. Simpson, filed
her final report Thursday in pro
bate court here. Income was $3SS
aad outgo $258.
No wonder' children are cheery
when Post Totistie brightens up
the breakfast table! J,".
These big, cronchy flakes so
crisp, so cool, so refreshing are -simply
delicious : ; plain, or
with fresh, ripe fruits or berries
i i ; and plenty of cold milk or
cream to float in.
Made only from the sweet,
tender hearts of the corn kernels
themselves, Post Toasties gives
you new energy quick! Try
some tomorrow for breakfast,
lunch or supper : : A product
of General Foods. '
When In hotels, restaurants r
on trains dsfc for Post Toasties in'
the Individual-serving package'
cellophane-wrapped, te keep,
them always crisp and aelidavs
NEW "FLYTNG A" btings a smoother, quieter flowing
power to your car. New, because there is in "HYING
A" a quality new to non-premium gasolines. It comes
closer to ETHYL performance than any other gasoline.
Your car will prove this statement: No gallon of
gasoline, except ETHYL, will carry you farther, more
smoothly than a gallon of the NEW "FLYING A'
none, as. qaretlv. NEW "FLYING A" is colored
amber for your protection.
Associated was the FIRST to introduce ETHYL Gas-
. A
oline on the Pacific Coast; FIRST to show the talue
of equi-fractiotiating perfect balance in all qualities
FIRST to champion road-test as the only true measure
of gasoline performance; FIRST to point out the need
of octane stability, controlled anti-knock performance;
FIRST to market a gasoline " tailor-made" for climatic
conditions of each locality.
Now Associated scores another FIRST. The NEW
"FLYING A" brings a definite, measurable improve
. meat that makes meaningless the claims and tests of
Ask your Smiling Associated Dealer about it.
Prove) it inyour own car. Hear the difference
feel tl difference as you drive.
And when you buy, note how the Smiling
Associated Dealer goes about his work. He is
sincerely interested in you and your car. He is
tv only efScsent but also friendly and courteous.
m m visas
When Mrs. Smith fela
the butter-dish prize
and Mrs. Brawn sets the
booby-prize ' rattle Mrs.
Smith will swap the bat
ter bowl (she lias six)
for Mrs. Brown's rattle,
! for Junior. Profit by
swapping..- . t--vJ-.-
; Phone Your ;
Swap Ad Now!
V f" I
-, ' ii J .