The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 08, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, . Tuesday Mornlag, August 1933
1. 1 j
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4 W-W
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Local News Briefs
!K AL 1 ..
MacXaiighton to Speak E. F.
MacNanghton, president of the
First National bank in Portland,
has accepts d an Invitation to
apeak to the Salem Klwanis club
at Its noon luncheon, Tuesday,
August 29. He will discuss the
"new deal" In its relation to
banking and other economic
fields. MacNaughton's Institution
has been active this summer in
placing branch banks In many
Oregon cities. He stated last week
that the First National. of Port
land was considering a branch
Ice Prompt residence delivery.
Phone 5603. Also new modern all
steel refrigerators at low prices.
Capital Ice & Cold Storage Co.
560 Trade street.
Hop Men on Trip Henry Cor-
noyer, F. E. Needham and James
E. Taylor - planned to leave Salem
early this morning for California
points, where they will be especially-Interested
In looking over
the hop situation. They will go
down the coast route, stopping in
Sonoma, Sacramento and Mendo
cino counties, principal hop grow
ing areas, and also in San Fran
cisco. They will come back inland,
tarrying a short time at Grants
Pass. They expect to be gone 12
Visit Institute CA. Hells,
secretary of the Salem T.M. C. A.,
was a Tlsltor at the Epworth
; league Institute at Falls. City Sun
day, second day of the summer
conference. A well-arranged camp
city, a large and Jolly crowd ot
Methodist young people ana a
group of Interesting personalities
among ' the ' leaders unpressea
Ben "Will Appointed Ben A.
Will was yesterday named aa
Mishaps Reported None of six
automobile accidents reported to
city . police over the week end
proved serious, according to the
drivers statements. Those involv
ed were: B. E. McElhaney, Salem,
and an unidentified motorist, on
North Capitol street: Frank Ka-
ehurowsky, Brooks, and Homer I mlnistrator of the eastate of Allen
DeHaven, Sublimity, at Chemek- Jh. Will, deceased. Personal prop
eta and Liberty; J. D. James, 400 I erty valued at $750 and real
South 15 th, and an unidentified estate of the same estimated vaiue
motorist: H. W. DeLetts, Port- was left. Appraisers are George
land road, and J. G. Watson; John w. Yergan, A. W. Fry and Louis
C. Uglow, Dallas, sad a motorcycle Webert.
rider; Lewis Timme, 1410 Madi- " .,
son, and Mrs. C. K. Spaulding, at Rudig is Speaker O. O. Rudig
i7th an rhomototii of Portland, member of the Ben
Franklin club of that city, ad-
--Davies Asks Freedom Walter dressed the printers of Marlon
J. Davies yesterday filed suit and Poik counties last night, ex
here asXIng a divorce from his piaInin- the workings of thst or-
wue, Binora s uavies to wnom ranlzaUon .The local group adopt-
"a "J"i"c"U 'u " ed by-laws for their division of
I a , A v.Tj Vv the Oregon Printing association
tody of their three children. Da- -
vies alleges that his wife was un- Goln q, license H a r o 1 d
faithful to him and kept company 0oif jg, Macleay farmer, yester
with one Ira W. Bowen. Last fall, rM..tT.d . He-nse to marrr
Lavies ciaiuis us wins ran I villls Snyder, 16. Aumsvllle girl
with Bowen and has not since re- j wno g4Te ner occupation as house-
Wanted Loganberries.
Bros. Packing Co.
P a u 1 u s
Another Trip Talked So suc
cessful was the Old Ironsides ex
cursion conducted last Saturday
by the Southern Pacific from Eu
gene to Portland, 'another trip is
contemplated for Saturday, Aug
ust 19, K. A. DeMarais. ' special
passenger agent. Said yesterday.
The trip has not been finally
agreed upon. Thirteen hundred
people along the line from Eugene
to 'Portland made the trip last
weekend- The special train con
tained 18 coaches.
Lions Hear of X. R. A. W
P. Ellis, -head of the national re
covery act organization in Salem,
will address the Lions club at its
August meeting at the Gray Belle
Thursday noon concerning the
act and Its application locally. He
also is expected to tell of his re
cent trip to Washington, D. C,
in the interests of the municipal
dock proposal and Willamette
river canalization.
Wanted, used furniture. Tel. 5110
McKay to Speak Douglas Mc
. Kay, mayor of Salem, will discuss
his views on a city manager form
of government lor Salem in a
talk at Klwanis club this noon,
While McKay's original proposal
was voted . down by the council
here In July, the mayor is carry
ing on, believing that In due time
some form of city manager gov
ernment will be adopted locally.
Insurance Company Sues The
Travelers Insurance company
yesterday filed suit here against
Edward Scar and others, asking
foreclosure of a mortgage given
first in 1923. The plaintiff- says
4zuu, togetner witn interest
taxes and costs, are due on the
mortgage which originally called
for payment of 17500.
Void License Driving a car
with a void Oregon license caus
ed arrest of Mildred Eulalia Mc
Neal. She appeared in justice
court yesterday, admitted guilt,
and the case was continued 30
days for sentence.
Minns Headlight Merrill Gal
laghan pleaded guilty before
Judge Hayden yesterday to oper
ating a car with one headlight!
The case was continued until
August 10 for sentence.
Irene Scott at The Marinello wish
es to announce that her shop Is
100 N. R. A. and will appre
ciate your kind cooperation.
Miss ' Birch Returns Miss
Edith Birch, secretary to Mark
keeper. Judge John Slegmund
waived the three-day waiting per
C. C. C. Charge Dropped City
police yesterday dropped a car
theft charge filed against Bob
Christenson. C. C. C camp cook.
Saturday night, when Kenneth
Poulsen city recorder, returned Morgan. route 6. owner of the car
to her desk yesterday after a two
weeks' vacation spent In touring
the northwest and Canada. She
reported especially enjoying a
brief stay In the Canadian Rockies
at Lake Louise and the return
allegedly stolen, declined to sign
a complaint against Christenson.
b.i Tfenorted Plaintiff real
lzed $1195 in sherirrs saie or
real property, in the case of the
Journey through Glacier National n-nv of Woodburn against W. R.
and Anna McKay, according to a
report filed in circuit court Mon
No Tall Light Arrested for
driving his car without a "tail
light, Leland Franklin Roberts
has been cited to appear in jus
tlce court Thursday.
park and over the- Sunset high
Fkkers Divide Pauline Ficker,
Mary A. Ficker and Fred A. Pros-
ser, partners In the Ficker Motor
company at Mt. Angel, yesterday
filed a receipt In probate court
showing that each had received
$909 as the first distribution of
the assets of the partnership.
Pauline Ficker is administratrix
Roosevelt Program Making
Progress Should be
Supported, Says
Optimism over general business
conditions, with doing instead of
doubt getting the upper hand
now, was expressed by Senator
Charles L. McNary upon his re
turn yesterday to his farm home
north ot Salem. Mrs. McNary ac
companied him and they will re
main hero during the congression
al recess.
Roosevelt's program supported
by congress has changed complex
ion in this country considerably
already, with all Industries on the
upgrade, he indicated.
While making no comment here
on the public works administra
tion's reaction to Salem's request
for a loan to construct a munici
pal water plant, Senator McNary
did say each request Is given care
ful consideration. Especially is
this so where there Is possibility
ot duplicating a service, as in the
Instance of the Salem water pro
ject, which now looks like a com
petitive one to the Oregon-Wash
ington Water company. -
McNary says practicability rath
er than priority rules In granting
of these project loans, and that
It Is said by Secretary Ickes that
10 unworthy and impractical re
quests are made to every worthy
one. -
The senior Oregon senator,
whose ranking as minority leader
has added greatly to his labors
declared that President Roosevelt
should have a fair and full op
portunity to administer the new
laws and authority, and indicated
he believed this to be for the
greatest public welfare.
; Cosunz Events
- August 6 Annual picnic
sponsored by the - Orchard
Heights community. Lather
Stout farm. ; -
- August 6 Pennsylvania
Pioneer association picnic.
Independence city park.
August O Ohio state
annual picnic, Salem Muni
cipal auto park - .
Auguvt 7 City council
meets, irgular session, city
hall, 8 fun. 1
August 7 Repeal con
vention la Salem.
August 8 Elect rlcal
dealers meet at chamber of
commerce, 8 p. m.
August IS Aomsville
Pioneer-' association home
coming, Swank grove.
August IS First an
nual meeting of Judson clan
here. -
August IS Swegle Com
munity club picnic at Ha
ger's Grove.
August IS Dakota clab
meets nt McMinnville for
anrnial state picnic, both
North and South Dakotans
invited. Basket luneh at
August IS Minnesota
picnic at Champoeg park. .
Sept. 4-0 Oregon state
September 18 Fresh
men matriculate at Willam
ette university, other stu
dents register September 10.
September 19 Red Cross
Regional Conference.
September 20 Classes
begin 10SS - 1931 year at
Willamette university.
Temperance aim Is Stressed
At Luncheon for wet
Convention Voters
my trip compares with Salem for
its beauty and attractiveness. '
While here the officials ex
pressed their endorsement of the
administration's recovery - pro
gram, and their determination, to
cooperate in every way to make If
tv Ht Back Wayne Pettit, vet
ran iwirr Miwndent for The Ore-
oi tne esiaie oi rea a. rroer, KOnian, returned last w e e k e n a
uu .-w from a vacation trip to tne
business. I , Mm Pettit ac
I uw
Kindergarten classes open Sep- companied him.
tember 11th. Register with O. J.
Sigurdson, P. O. Box 143, Salem.
Young Hagedorn Works Word
has been received from Wilfred
Hagedorn, youthful Salem pub
lisher, of the fine vacation he is
enjoying In Idaho. Twenty-six
trout in one day's fishing and .a
Job on the Moscow Daily Star
Mirror during the remainder of
his family's stay there are among
the Items of Interest mentioned.
New Call ot State
Warrants is Made !
Nearly 225 persons crowded
into the Marion hotel dining
room yesterday noon for the In
formal luncheon given by the
Oregon Hop Growers' association
In compliment to the repeal dele
gates In convention here during
the dsy.
Dean Walker of Independence,
president of the state group, pre
sided at the affair, which was
largely in nature of a festive
occasion over the turn of tide for
the hop industry. Rental has
been only one of the ends toward
which the hop growers, as a
permanent association, will work.
Walker said. Indicating the de
sire of growers for a real tem
perance in the liquor status.
Quick acclaim greeted Mrs.
David Honeyman of Portland, a
delegate to the convention and
chairman ot the Oregon organisa
tion for national prohibition re
form; and also ex-Mayor George
Baker of Portland. Baker Dledc-
ed his support to the new pro
gram thus: "If this can lend any
assistance in putting Oregon
back in the ranks of common
sense. I'm for It."
Mayor Douglas McKay welcom
ed the visiting delegates to the
city. Other repeal leaders and
workers who spoke briefly were
Miss Lillian Harris of New York
City, Mrs. Louis Lachmuad of
Salem, president of the county
rerorm unit: and Mrs. C. S.
Jackson of Portland, a delegate
and member of the state reform
group executive committee; John
Beckman, legislator; and Dr. W.
s. Knox of Portland, chairman
of the state liquor control commission.
Dr. Knox told the rroon h
Ex-Senator R. L. Eddy ot Rose
burg spent part of yesterday in
Salem conferring with Governor
Meier with relation to the ap
pointment of a circuit Judge for
Douglas county to succeed J. W.
Hamilton, who died recently.
Petitions have been received by
the governor from the Douglas
County Bar association indorsing
Carl Wimberly of Roseburg for
the office. Neither Governor
Meier nor Ex-Senator Eddy would
discuss the conference.
Ex-Senator Eddy Is a close
friend of Governor Meier, and as-
isted the latter at the 1931 legis
lative session in enacting a law
creating the state police depart
Governor Meier gave no intl
mation as to when the appoint
ment would be announced.
About 100 former residents of
ftli B-atliaraf at th mniiMiiitl
auto park here Sunday for- the u,t in or tne commis-
thlrd annual reunion of that B,on uay to give to the people
group. Otto H. Hunt of Salem OI ujwm. Doth wets and drys,
was elected resident, and other Teiums lMl wouia work to
A call for all general fund officers hcsen were: Elmer E. ueBl interests or su
warrants Indorsed "not paid for Snyder, vice president; Haxel . :ai ieaiures were songs
want of funds' up to July 11 Snyder, secretary., and W. F. ?T in American Legion auxil-
was Issued by Rufus Holman. Nentune. treasurer. iary championship trio and solo
state treasurtr, here Monday. The Douglas McKay, mayor of Sa- v,iayion v. Bernnard
amount Involved totals 1108,-llem, gave a brief talk during
854.96. Records of the treasury the program hour, and Rev. H
department show that warrants I L. Frafious
have been indorsed In the I A Mr. Brundy,
Browns Fined Forrest Brown,
who was arrested with
Saturday night on
being drunk and disorderly, plead
ed guilty in municipal courtl yes
terday and paid a 320 fine. His
father was fined $10. The pair's
arrest was effected after they had
chased another motorist through
downtown streets.
Emadlne Eastman at the res 5- amount of $3,800,000, of which east of Salem was the oldest
dence rt. 4, Aug. 7, at the age $2,917,937 have been called and Ohioan present He is a civil war
n V survived by husband, paid. veteran. He enlisted at Columbus,
ciA.rH t Kastman of Salem; (Ohio
thrAA sisters Mrs. Mae Stowe. Directors Meet The regular The gathering for 1934 will be
Tnrlok Cal . Mrs. L. Deerlng, monthly meeting of the board ot held at Hager's grove,
t,iv . poi . Mrs. Eva Lucas, directors of the Salem Y. M. C. A.
la uuui v uu xtGT mm -
uiiiciais rraise
Beauty of Salem
Wanted Loganberries.
Bros. Packing Co.
P a u 1 u s
Frlnk, all of Crosby. Minn.; and
mother, Mrs, L. Frlnk ot saiem.
Funeral announcements later by
Clough-Barrlck company.
Milton Howard Jones parsed
away In this city Sunday, Aug.
6. Survived by widow, Mrs. tm-
ma Jones; son, Benjamin u. ana
tory to the fall's schedule is on
the calendar.
R. H. Fogler of Chicago, vice-
president of Montgomery Ward A
Co., C. L. Ettelson of Oakland,
regional manager for the Pacific
th his father Crosby, Minn.; three brothers, will be held in the Y building this TInf1 J Mintn
a charge of Lawrence. Emeral and Theodore noon. Regular business prepara- l Uiei UC lUlIlLO
Sta7C Pnniimrcost' Walter Graham, in charge
- of real estate department for the
. T . . , . coast, J. P. Barr. Seattle district
Summer ha. brought no let-up manager and E 'L Barth p
the number of men seeking i,n(, d,.trIpt
food and sleeping at Hotel de Min- romery Waril., rTno r.
he is an Oregon resident. He paid -Ch! of Pol lcJ Mlnt? J the local store This is the first
a 125 fine and costs terday. During July, he stated, Ti8lt which Fogler and Ettelson
a iza line ana costs. oyer 4000 mealg were .erTedf or naye made Jn Salem Mr Fogler
Visits From Coast Mrs. M. considerably more than during
Outstate License George G.
Grinnell pleaded guilty in Justice
court yesterday to operating his
car with a California license while
.r-. ... mn. I aiiiiZDter. isaomi, an ui , I ii Mnreftn mr Fiarer.ce la a saiem I muy l " " lulc' mvuiuo.
torists Daid fines in municipal parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tisitor tnIg weekf -pending the of the men going to the "hotel"
. iiuvH. i Tim a wit n nsr nan znipr iifor aid uu occaiu wva sa va ov-i
are hoboing, the chief declared.
n t xrainiv I Is. Jones of Perry dale.
Salem. $5 for speeding, and Oliver services will be held from the
Gilstrap, route 2. an Installment w. i. igaon ou ouu
on a $10 penalty for reckless driv- Wednesday. Aug. 9 at 1.30 p.m.
Herbs for
every III.
The-Sing Herb Company
H. S. Low, Directing Herbalist
473 S. Coral St., Salem, Ore.
Established In Oakland, Cal.,
Since 1912 Hours 9 to .
Sun. 10 - 12 M. Ph. Salem 5758
vi jjifi. J
e witn ner aaugnter.
eve Morgan.
was enthusiastic in his praise of
'I am happy over the kind of
city I find here," said Mr. Fogler,
"No other city I have visited on
Polk Bee Club
To Demonstrate
At State Fair
DALLAS, Aug. 7. Extensive
plans for the Polk county bee
club's demonstration at the state
fair are under way here. The club,
of which Joe Rogers is president,
plans to build a screen house to
contain the demonstration. Don
Woo dry, Salem youth, several
times has donated the services of
his dance band to aid in the rais
ing of money for this purpose.
Last week the club held an In
teresting demonstration In Dallas.
For five successive years this 4-H
group has sent one of its members
to the summer session at Oregon
State college.
Frentress Writes That he
Just Missed Tragedy
Of Engine Blast
Hot days without any maybe
about It; hordes of crickets that
lay waste a land; three-minute
leeway from a train catastrophe;
diseases attacking pigs and hogs
In Iowa these are some of the
things recounted by Jim Frent
ress, formerly of the Model Food
cafe but now ot Danbury, la.
He writes friends here that
weather encountered at Blackfoot, -Idaho,
en route to Iowa, was 113
degrees at I p. m., and that Dan
bury has produced three days in -a
row of 97-degree warmth.
He witnessed, about 15 miles
from Blackfoot. droves of crickets
a mile and a half square. The
crickets are about three Inches
long and travel in the large droves
at a rate of a-mile per night. The !
farmers kill them by digging
trenches, into which the crickets
are enticed and then sprayed with
kerosene. Of them he says fur
"This Is the first sign of crick
ets since they came so thick a
good many years ago when the
Mormons prayed for help and the
sea gulls came and cleared them
up and saved a great portion ot
their crops. ... At thst time the
Mormons put up a large monu
ment in honor of the gulls ; .
Frentress writes that they las
missed by three minutes the loco
motive which blew up in Omsta
and killed three persons and in
jured 11.
Many Iowa farmers are vaccin
ating their pigs and hogs tor chol
era, which is causing heavy loeses
this summer. Iowans say the sum
mer Is the driest in 50 years.
Frentress ends by saying the Wil
lamette valley is still the place to
Bicycle Sales
Continue High
Bicycle sales continue high In
Salem, local dealers report. One
dealer says he Is having his great
est difficulty In obtaining enough
wheels to make delivery. Not only
are the manufacturers short of bi
cycles but second-hand wheels are
at a premium. Considerable up
turn in trade is noted from the
rural districts. A number of boys
and girls who formerly went to
high school on county - furnished
busses are planning to go to and
from home this fall on bicycles.
Isaac McCarty, cashier of an
Altamont, Kas., bank, received
$1,100 in rewards for killing one
escaped eonvict and wounding an
other when the pair sought to
rob the bank.
With od t Oparitloa r Um t Tim
979 Orccoo BUg. PhoB. 4S0t
Have Moved
back to my old location in
White corner. Rooms 1, 2,4 3.
Dr. Alice Bancroft
I Vacuum Cleaners
I and Floor Waxen
I to Rent
I Call eOlO, Csed -Furniture
II Department
1 151 North High
Suit Dropped The suit of the
Prudential Insurance company i
against Louis M. Johnson and
Rev. fiuv Drill omciatmg. in
terment Belcrest Memorial park.
Donald Cameron Silver at a
others., was ordered dismissed in 1 local hospital Sunday, Aug. C,
. . . A. 1 I ... r. I A r
Circuit court aionuay wiiik yrcju- at tne ag0 or years
dice to the plaintiff.
Hansen To Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Hansen of Pratum, a girl,
Elmetta Rene, born August ,1.
Mr. and Mrs. M.
E. Morley, 915 South 22nd street, by Clough-Barrick company,
bv widow. Esther Olson Silver of
Salem: daughsr. Velva Silver of
Salam: son. Richard Silver of
Webster City, Iowa; parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Silver of Webster
City, Iowa; sisters, Ada and Alta
Silver of Webster City, Iowa.
Shipment will be made to Web-,
ster City. Iowa, Tuesday, Aug. ,
a girl, Mary reari, corn August
3 at the residence.
Vanderhoff To Mr. and
Mrs. Everelt A. "Vanderhoff,
route five, a boy, Everett Wil
burn, born August 4 at the resi
deuce Case To Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford L. Case, 425 Locust street
Enos . Presnall, at the resi
dence. 2595 Hazel avente, Sun
day, Aug. 6. Survived by widow,
Mary R., and the following chil
dren: Mrs. C. C. Cannon, H. R.
Presnall and J. B. Presnall, ail
of Salem; a lifetime member oi
a boy, Donald LeRoy, born July the Highland Frlenas cnurcn
28 at Salem Deaconess hospital. Funeral services will be heia
Frederickson To Mr. and Tuesday, Aug. 8 at 10 a.m from
Mrs. Leland Charles Frederick- the Highland Friends church,
son. route four, a boy. Pauf under the direction ot W.
Douglas, born July 30 at Salem Rigdon and Son. Interment City
general hospital. Tiew cemetery.
f j
jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJ ,
PUMPS and M7
; Wfe don't mean by this to
J rioideaofdoinqthat:
But we Kave i dgarette tiiat is
milder and tastes better and we
libnestly believe you will enjoy it
the cigarette thats MILDER
the cigarette that tastes better
19)3, Ikcctt Mteu Tosmxo Co.