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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1933)
-A I V I t i I f A HELD J ni JEFFERSON, Aug. tsA. large number of relatires and friends of the Skelton families attended the reunion held at Silrerton tUis year. A basket dinner was en Joyed at the noon hoar, and Yisit Ing was the main dirersion of the day. It was Toted to hold their annual reunion at Silver Falls next year, July 10. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. William Skelton and two chil dren; Lois, Do rig and Russell Miller, all of Jefferson; Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Barnes and son Nor man of Millersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Wllbert Saylor and two children, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Case, Mrs. Minnie Davis, Mrs. Roy Hllliker, Mrs. D. W. Crock er and three sons, all of . Albany; Agnes Berger and Percy kelton, of Portland; Mr., and Mrs. Chris Llechty, Muriel Liechty, Gladys Liechty, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Liechty and son, Mr. and Mrs, R. ' H. Bye, Pearl Bye, Evelyn Stewart, "and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Bye, all of Silrerton, and Lena Cox of Salem. -V Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Skelton, and , George Skelton, Lillie Skel ton, Elmer Osborne, Ruth Mc Cleary, John Skelton, Mr. and Mrs. Jote Wooldrldge and chil dren, Roy and Arietta, M and Mrs. Harry Wooldrldge, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert-J. Skelton, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cox . and three- daughters, Mr. and Mrs. George Cox, Marie Embry, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Har nlsch and daughter Donna June, all of the Dever community. Lucy Patty, 82, is Paid Final Honors ; Imimgrant of 1852 AMITY, Aug. 5. Funeral serv ices were conducted Friday after noon for Mrs. Lucy Patty, 82, at tbe Amity Methodist church and Interment was made in the local cemetery. Mrs. Lucy Patty died at her home near here Wednesday. She was born in Piatt county, Mis ourl, and crossed the plains with her parents in the year of 1852, settling near Dallas. She and her husband came to the farm near Amity about 63 years ago, and she resided there ever since. She was a member of the Meth odist church. She leaves one brother, J. A. Ruble, two sons, George- and Ray, two daughters, Mrs. Irene Shields and Mrs. Lucy Gibbs of Amity. SDIMO.VS FAMILY SURPRISED ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Aug. 5. The J. W. Simmons family were pleasantly surprised Monday by the arrival of Mrs. Grace Bliss and her daughter, Miss Helen Bliss, from Fairfield .Idaho. They will be here for several weeks and will be accompanied on the return trip by Mr. Simmons; Mrs. BHss and . her daughter will re main another year in Idaho where Mrs. Bliss Is administering the estate of Charles Simmons, de - ceased brother of herself and Mr. Simmons. Bald Men Will Grin Vf lien Others Follow Fashion, GeiPermanents r ' By D. H. Talmadge, Sage of Salem ' THE Tennessee Pioneer associa tion Is holding its annual pic nic at McMinnville today. I've met up with some pow'f ul fine folks from Tennessee and I know some pow'f ul tine folks who are living there now. A right smart weather growler gets as much inspiration from 90 degrees of temperature (office hours from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.) as he used to get from 90 de grees of temperature (office hours from f a. m- to C a. m.) In cer tain other, parts of the country. Still and all, there were groans intermingled with the erstwhile growls, which same are missing now. . A man of 70, without relatives, friends or money, committed sui cide by throwing- himself in front of an automobile near Grants Pass a few days ago. An opportunity here for some brilliant worker in humor to say something funny. The Incident was certainly as fun ny as the comedies we see now and then at the movies, and a bit funnier than any one of three or four announcers who inject cheap puns and mechanical wisecracks into an occasional news reel or travel film, which otherwise would be enjoyable. (Not aimed at you, Mr. McNamee.) Of course, there are heaps of folks who have never acquired the gentle art of minding their, own business. Sometimes it seem too bad that this is so. Just the same, dear friends. It Is well that we deal not too harshly In our thoughts with those meddlers who are actuated only by kindly, even though misguided, motives- .Kip Brickies says to me he's just took notice his hair is gettlh' mighty thin reckons he'll be plumb bald before it gets to be the fashion for men to have per manents, and he ain't carin much. A feature of the theatrical week in Salem which city, by the way, now has five theatres, a new one, the State, having been opened during the past week was the appearance (not In per son) of Ann Harding. This young woman has attained, with a few other young women of the silver talking screen perhaps five or six that point where the public Is no longer Indifferent to her tal ent. Is no longer content with mild praise of the "good enough" sort, but either declares itself in terms of enthusiastic praise or not at all. This Is, perhaps, the most dependable Indication of true dramatic power. Thanks to Jimmy J. for a cock roach. Jimmy labored for a time under the impression that he had found a rare bug. Anyhow, it was a very nice cockroach for a cockroach. ' Possibly there is nothing In which exists greater difference than the "atmosphere" of mercan tile establishments, unless it be cities and towns. I am reliably Informed that some jails are much more "hom ey" than others. The times continue hard Many folks are still unable to replace their old cars with new ones. 7 5T vi - s;- V Ore . said to Romeo. And a door key by any other nam would still be a door key. Bat if It failed to fit the lock It might quite as well be a can-opener. The week has been prolific of big fish stories, with the llah In evidence, which Isn't Invariably the case. Mr. Talmadge: We 'hare been having a discussion and are not agreed. Which was tbe greater motion play, Grand Hotel or Ca valcade? Will yon please give us your opinion? -East Salem. It Is merely an opinion, a pref erence. I enjoyed Cavalcade more than I enjoyed Grand Hotel. Crackers may be busted up In soup. But It Isn't proper. CATIIER BUB D. H. TALMADGE A ' rose by any other name would smell as sweet! as Juliet One Cent a Day Brings $100 a Month Over One-half Million Dollars Al ready Paid In Cash Benefits One cent a day ($3.15 per year). Invested In a National Pro tective Policy, will now buy more Insurance benefits than can be se cured from any other company tor any amount np to J 10 per year. This new policy, paying bene fits np to $100 each month or $1,000 to $1,500 at death, is now being sold to all men, women and children, between the ages of 7 and 80 years, whether employed or not. The benefits for auto accidents of $100 a month (instead of the usual $50 a month) is said by many to be alone worth the en tire cost of $3.(5 per year. Yet this is but one of the many feat ures of this new and unusual pol icy. The National Protective Is the largest and oldest company of its kind In the world. It has paid ov er six hundred sixty thusand dol lars ($660,000.00) In cash to thousands of Its policyholders when cash was most needed. Send No Money For 10 days' free Inspection of policy, simply send name, age, ad dress, beneficiary's name and re lationship to National Insurance Co.. 746 Pickwick Building, Kan sas City, Mo; No medicinal exam ination or other red tape. After reading policy; which will be mailed to yon, either return It or send $3.65 which pays yon ap for a whole year 865 days. Send today while offer Is still open Ik Salem Brick and file Co. is still in business in Salem. We have an excellent stock of our own building materials and drain tile, and in addition, are agents for the materials , of the Willamina Clay Pro ducts Company. - the day they were sent out and adjusted our time and pay. schedule on the basis prorided. There will be no advance in prices, however, until the government accepts the code prepared by the Oregon manufacturers. Salem; Oregon ITTIo MCE Ml : 11 11 O TcL4917 FUffilll OBSEffl INDEPENDENCE. Aug. I. Funeral services were held here this week for Mrs. Catherine Nox oll Haener, wife of A. J. Haener. a prominent hop grower, who died at the family home In the Hopvllle section southeast of In dependence July 29. Services were held from Sty Patrick's church in Independence with Rev. E. J. Murnane of Corvallla giving tbe requiem mass, and Interment was in the Catholie cemeterr at ML Angel. Mrs. Haener was born Novem ber 11, ll$, at Effingham. tlU nr parents Being air. ana Mrs. Ferdinand NoxolL When she was II the family moved to Green Creek, Idaho. later going to Fer dinand, In the same state, where she was married to Mr. Haener October 18, IS 04. The family home was main tained there until 1116, when Mr. and Mrs. Haener and other members of the 'family went to Washington and finally coming to Independence six and one-half years ago. Besides the husband Mrs. Hae ner is survived by ronr sons and five daughters.' They are: Ray, Bertha, Mrs. Clifford Jones, Mrs. Gay Menke. Delbert, Alfred, Ella, Virgil, Dorothy Ann, all residing In this locality nmntlnr Mr, Jones, whose home is . in New- berg. There are also five sisters Almond Crop Be (Fair; Report i . . .. ; ' , A fair crop of almonds, slightly larger nuts but in lesser quantity than last, year's. Is reported by Alderman Sam Hughes. Although almond trees -are not generally considered, well-suited to this elim inate, Mr.-Hughes has been suc cessful In raising them on a small scale; he. has two trees on the parking of his place at the corner and a brother: Mrs. Lizzie Kauf man, Lewlston, Idaho; Mrs. J. W. WileJiborg, Green Creek, Idaho; Mrs. Frank Koester, Effingham. 111.; Mrs. Michael Snbert Cotton wood, Idaho;. Mrs. Tony Aehjn meler, Spokane, Wash., and Fer dinand Nuxoll, Marathon, Wis. of Chemeketa and ISta streets. The feathery pink blossoms in the spring are as much 'a reason as the good quality nuts produced, for retaining tbe trees, his neigh bors believe. AT YACHATS FOR FORTNIGHT KINGWOOD, Aug. S. Mr. and Mrs. Rollln Beaver and Mrs. Mary Beaver are spending the first hslf of August at the newly erected summer home of the Beavers at Tachats. Dr. B. H. White No Charge for Consultation Night and Day Calls Osteopathic Physician and f Surgeon Office: $55 North Capitol St. Telephone 5030, Salem, Oregon Values Extraordinary . . . uster Town or mile Shoe Values generally are uphere comes Buster Brown with the seasons greatest Value giving event Z tturs tor the Price of I Pair. All prices quoted are on the Low Market Cost hence an opportunity to secure high grade Pumps and Oxfords at the Lowest Possible Cost. In offering these tremendous Bargains at 2 Pairs for the Price of 1 Pair we are actually doubling the Reduction as it appears now it will be impossible for us to offer such values so we say this is our Last Sale this year. A Choice Lot. of Kid Oxforda, Cuban heels numbers for. street or dress wear Excellent quality. Regular $4.95. Now $A95 2 pairs White Beach Oxfords Mesh Cloth Regular $1.25 Two $- JZ5 i -A. WHITE ELK Vf! See Window A Marvelous Selection, of Styles Arch Support Oxfords leather Cuban heels. A reg ular $6.85 value for comfort and durability ee this splendid model. Now $85 2 pairs Avail Yourself of this Great Opportunity Blonde ties, light in weight, for dressy street wear. A Naturalizer model Regular at the low price f 5.60. now $r50 2 pairs I . . Jr Greatest Shot Values we have ever offered White Kid Pump, medium French heels. Dressy Stylish. Regular $5.50. Now $r 50 2. e r jl pairs . . Perhaps your favorite shoe and size is here Sport Oxfords in white and Elk leather. Rubber soles. Exceptional Values at $3.95. Now 2 pairs . f 2 pairs . . . J7 $395 (CHIC SANDAL 50 2 pairs . ... j i Blue Kid Oxfords 2 pairs . v . v$yf95 BROWN PUMPS $coo Now is the time to buy Shots 2 pahs . . . . J own Store Ope: Originators cf this Greatest :Vduegiving Sdi lis 9:30 It1 s Shoe Time Now At the: Buster Brown Sale 1 Starts Tomorrow 9:30