; (-. " I. Salem, Oregon, Friday Mornlnsr, August 4, 1935 ii i : 1! i Woolpwtliegg OFFER ONLT ON Class Products COLGATE'S Ribbon Dental Cream Speciall 25c tube 19c GIANT 45c size T klacU' ot (talna dlacolor teeth. 35c Colgate's remove U 7. PALHOLIUE i SHAVE CREAM Special! LARGE 35c tube Ita ollr and palm oil tooth the skin. 25c COLGATE'S Rapid Shave Cream Special! Large AT 35c tube QC ref.4Sc A 35c Givei longer laatinf Aare. DEODO 50c l(g MUM (Deodorant) 23c SOLGOENT For Sunburn OC. Tub , a-OC CASTILE SOAP z-Ib. bar 35e size 39c Lifebuoy Soap ban" 19c One free with your coupon. ASPIRIN 100 pure 0( tablets LVC Mineral Well's CRYSTALS $1.80 ice ' : 98c 25c PACE POWDER 11 WITH THIS COUPON WHILE THEY LAST 3 Popular Cigarettes - Alway 1UC SNAPFOLIO FREE Handy holder for snap shots and negatives, Free with 8 packages Agfa Films 8 No. 120 ....21c each 8 No. 116 ....26c each Your prescription is gircn preference over any other service we of fer. Prescriptions called for and delivered. SPECIAL TRUSS FITTINQ DEPARTMENT Lw prices, S2.SO to $10 Graduate Fitter Your NYAL SERVICE Drug Stor. Cort at Liberty TeU S444 Interesting Facts Tha itBVihnt1nn rt Thft St&tAft- man today, Including the extra green section copies, is The U. S. S. Memphis, flagship. and the U. S. S. Marble are In Portland for an eight-day stay. Visiting hours on these ships are from 1 to S ix m. daily. -O , Newell Williams, deputy sheriff. says that he worked 131 hours the past week. That girt him only 36 hours for rest and eating. Not enough tor a man with a nice family like he has. ' - O r The Oregon Pulp and Paper mill had 200 men applying for Jobs after a news Item - In The Statesman a few days ago about the company working shorter hours. . . They do read The States man. 0 Saw Loyal Warner, assistant manager of the J. C. Penny store, standing on a stool on a counter poking the money carrier, which was stuck, loose with one of Manager 'Chambers' golf clubs: 5 O Opening of a new kitchen In San Francisco by Best Foods has enabled the company to reduce its prices on the Pacific coast. O F: T: Dick, local Kellogg rep resentative, says that Kellogg has been operating for some time on a six hour day with the same pay as for eight hours. 0 Consumers will hare to form the habit of purchasing their foodstuffs between the hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. Local retail grocers have decided to keep these hours, according to Edward Schunke, president of the Salem Retail Grocers' asociation. O Bette Davis, one of most allur ing womn of the screen. See her picture on page five, in Best Foods ad. O We note that even the- Capital Drug store have used our head ing in a little box of their ad in today's paper and give you some interesting facts. . . O Kellogg's Whole Wheat Biscuit. a nationally advertised article Is being advertised In The Statesman today. O- Next Friday we will announce a contest that every housewife In Salem should be Interested in. This will be a chance to earn some money. Watch next Friday's biaiesman. TO ATTEND POMONA PICNIC VICTOR POINT, Aug. S. Be eral from here are nimninr attend the Pomona grange picnic at siiverton Park, Sunday, Aug Picnic Suggestions Mens Chicken Salad Saratoga Chips Cream Cheese and Jam Sand wiches on Bran Nut Bread Cucumber Fingers Strawberries with Powdered Sugar Bran Ginger Snaps Iced Tea (tn thermos Jug) Or perhaps you'd prefer: Sliced Cold Cuts Potato Salad : Raw Carrot and Lettuce Sand wiches Pickles Celery Watermelon Iced Coffee Cocoa (In ther mos Jug) Bran Ginger Snap 1-3 cup molasses i tablespoons shortening 1 cups flour H teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt S teaspoons ginger 1 cup bran Heat molaaaea to hntlln nntnt and nour over - shortenlnr. AAA sifted dry ingredients. Chill overnight.- Roll very thin and bake m a not oven (400 degrees Fah renheit) about 8 minutes. Yield: 7 dot en X-lnches In diameter. Iced Coffee Cocoa Make 2 cups coffee: 2 tablespoons slightly rounded. coffee 2 cups freshly boiling water Usinr a drinolator. allow wa ter to drip through coffee. "uaiielne-rree coffee can be used if one wishes a non-stimulating beverage. Make 2 cups cocoa: 1 tablespoon cocoa I 1 tablespoon sugar '2 cups milk, scalded Mix cocoa and surer, add to ! milk and heat 5 minutes. Mix coffee and cocoa and chill quick ly. Place Ice cubes in glasses, pour the beverage. Add a spoon ful of whipped cream and serve. Yield: 4 portions. Wedding Permits Asked by 2 Pairs Two aDDlicatlnna tftr marrls.n licenses were filed in the county! clerk' ofrice yesterday. Appli cants must wait three days before the licenses are granted. Ralph Wlllard Glllett. 21, Eugene, a pa per mill employe, seeks permis sion to wed Maxine Sappa, 17, Salem, a housewife. Elmer Grie pentrog, 23, 1348 Ferry , street, Salem, a naturalist, seeks permis sion to wed lira Schnissler, 19, 285 McNary avenue, Salem, a housekeeper. ust 6. Mrs. Orlo Humphreys of this place who is chairman of the committee for dinner arrange ments announces that coffee and sugar win be furnished free, but each family Is asked to bring their own cream, also well filled lunch baskets, table cloth and in dividual table service. ORIGINAL The Style of Haircut you get here ORIGINATES here. Market Barber Shop Emit Bnchmana, 4T0 W. Com! An Unusual Opportunity Valuable Coupon this coupon to end purchase packsie et rfilAtto) WHOLE WHEAT BISCUIT WW and they will give you another CKIgt rreal rfgutar site ps Not good after ntot p. Utrnm't WW WW ta- (THE ABOVE IS MERELY A DUPLICATE OF THE COUPON MAILED TO YOU AND WILL NOT BE REDEEMED AT FOOD STORES) Is Being Offered Housewives This Week Pne of the coupons illustrated above has been kuuled to your home. Take it to your grocer, purchase one package of Kellogg's Whole Wheat Biscuit, at the regular price, and he will rive you another package absolutely FREE, rhis offer is for a limited time only and you must redeem the coupon NOW if you wish to share in this unusual opportunity. Kellogg's Whole Wheat Biscuit are made of delidout - wheat shreds, packed with flavor. They are toasted on the bottom as well as the top - crisper than ever. Kellogg's Whole Wheat Bis suits are a new, convenient size, too just right to fit the cereal bowL Fifteen biscuits to the package. Get your package with an extra one FREE at your grocer's today. u'V- 1 p 1 .i-. 7Yi L r m Br aT WHOLE WHEAT BISCUIT v . KJUsfw WHOLE WHEAT Bimvtt is eerlM r food swfa. Look for thm mncdyit m thm aid paneL Emth hUetdt eeafotJie 10 Imprtant mdnwnd oka. A bowl e milk mid tw bUcwt will tnpply boui half your daSf roqmbomomt of eIeam halftho photphorm ym mood nomrly m fomrik tho iron, as spZI ea tmany othmr olmmoni; Including tho VHandni 'A, B, C, D, E, O. IMPORTANT i Coppot I pront, which mmko j tho Iron waltt all tho wri m$mlmltmbtw. Recent wcUntfflo rooomrtk Indicattt that ooppor h mmcottttry ( wrovent anemia. .ipsttk All wheat products taxiabl. While we are not advueinfir any one to over buy on any of these products, it would seem to be good business to buy a reasonable amount, as tor instance a 49 pound sack of flour will be taxed about 35c per sack. We have liberal quantities of all wheat products and are selling them tax free up to and mdudxnsf Saturday. Remember of course, stores close at 6 p.m. Saturday, the same as other days. MARION STREET SUPER MARKET Not a Chain Otoro KeIlIl(Bgg7c Whole Wheal Mcsuontl:! O PACKAGES TTTf a With Your Coupon Ji JiVi . GRAPE NUTS 2 Packages Pan Crust SHORTENING 6 Pound Palls 9 Pfflsburys Old Mill All Hard Wheat Flour 4S Pound Sack Uo2G) Sperrys Maple Leaf Hard Wheat Flout 49 Pound Sack 3U29 Posts Whole Bran Flakes JPkgs. 2ge Hwang Down Cake Floor 119 Pkg- Pork and Beans I Blue Ribbon Beer Van Camps or Armours Medium size tins 5 for 25 fl I Per Bottle Case of 24 for 02.59 FRONT LINE COFFEE Not the best coffee at any price but the best coffee at the price (our opinion of course). Ball Mason Sanitary GLASS TOP JARS Quarts Per Dozen Swift's Freshly Made SALAD DRESSING Quart Jars I1)C Durkees Mayonnaise Pint Jars 2JC El Campo Tuna Flakes No. Yt 2 Cans E9Q White Star Tuna Fish No. y2 2 Cans 25 Fancy Grape Fruit No. 2 Cans IOC 3 for 29c Freshly Baked Soda Crackers Red Star Snowflakes or Crispy s Pound Packages Hunt's Supreme ASPARAGUS L Picnic Size Tins fl3 Gibraltar ASPARAGUS Tall Cans 2 For 2$ SHRIMP a mm - new paac, urge size iisfi. II a shrimp Is a fish if not its a Biff snnmp me price 11 O Anyway EGGS Fresh Extras 2 doz. S Opening arid, closeing conforming to the hours as adopted by the Retail Food Dealers . v BEGINNING TODAY OPEN 8 A. M. CLOSE 6 P. M. SATURDAY, INCLUDED i K V V "