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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1933)
t Tit OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, ! Oregon, Wresj MornlnR Ansusl 2, 1923 PAGE SEVEN J. , 1 1 V ' - - " &TODS 14 I t r ... If - ir - iiv. 1 1 1 1 111 1 Business Tf? r 4 r it SiVr-r 7 i r. v a m II i : Cards la this d Ireetory run ea a monthly basts only. BaU 1.0 par Una par month. AUTO BRAKES HOu Pan-k, the brake and shimmy doctoi. 178 South Commerc-- Street. CATERING Burt Crary. tha caterer. Ph. 8783. CHIMNEY SWEEP 'Telephone 4480. R. E. North nee CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. IS M. High. TeL Baa. 8571. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun eral wreaths, decoration C . Breit haupt. tiot-H, 677 Court. TeL 6904. ALL kinds of riorai work. Luu Flor ist, lath a; Market. TeL 59 , GLASS ' Auto and window glass mirrors, TeL HQS. Walter J. Downs, 680 Bray a. INSURANCE BECKJC ft HENDRICKS lit N. High TeL 4Mt COFFKT-fiMITH, can, tna, TeL . LAUNDRIES XIUO NEW SALEM LAUNDRY Tlllfl Wl&LDttU LU.UNDRX t a Hlb TeL tils CAPITAL C1TX LAUNDRY First in Quality end tiervica Telephone Bll Ut4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. UAiUU W. SCOTT, Tha Cyda Man" MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to - horn Cotton mattres (0 lb. S4.U0. Rftnovat- ora and lumisator Russ cleanei. Cap itol Bedding Co. TeL 40S. 2i)3U N. Capitol. New mattress made to order, old remade i carpet cieanina. aUlna;flult rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag Hat tress fraetary. S. ISU fVUbur. TeL S44L OUo . Zwlcker. fiat. 11L MUSIC STORES cm C. WLLXmPtaaoa, radios, saw- in m. machine sheet arast .and Plane studiea. Kepairiog raaioa, pboourraphs and sewing mwchrn 41 tttete Straau ! Salem. - MEDICINE When Others Fail Nature's herbs for every 11L H. S. Low, noted Chinese herbalist. 473 H. Commercial Street." f'-lem, Oregon. Established since 1912 in Oakland. Calif. ConsultaUon fre Telephona 9758. Hours to 4, Sun. 10 to IS M. Dr. Chan Lam Chinas Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and rioay, in a to 4:30 p. oa. 148 N. Co-unerclaL Charlie Chan. Chines Medicine Co I 12. N .Com'L Daily 9-4. Sun. 9-12. All kinds herbs for male ana xenuue, or constipation, raeumsnsm. appenuu--ti coiiti gland. atoDiach disorder FAINT AND ROOFING Saiem Paint A Root g. 414 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATION EUtT, cards, pamph let program books or any kind of pruituig, call The Suimu Printing Deparunent, 316 SL CnmrnercUi. Tel a phune 910L " 1 - REAL ESTATE . BECKS il-iND-UC-- , Ttd. 4947. VV. 1L URABENUORST CO. Ill B. Liberty tf. Te- 848k SOCOLOFSKX A SON 804-9 First Nat L Bk. Bldg. TeL 7807. , r STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop basket book logan hooka. Salem Fence and Btov Works, 383 Ctieniekata. TeL 4774. B. a Fleming. SHOE REPAIRING Low price Good -ork. 9(0 & Com'L I TRANSFER a pit AX. CiTT Tra-sfar Co. 136 Stat SL TeL 7778. Distr-TWlng. for , war-ins and storage eur specialty Oet our rats . stir irw-i nr diatant transfer storg. eaU 3131. Larmer Traaatar C Tracks to Portland daily. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding ktch. sold. ran tea. re pa ire . udostswu Cooke Bhort, 819 Court. TL fte. WELL DRILLING R. A. - West. 30 years xprinc RFO 6. Boa 108 L Tel. 119F. Jones-McAlpin Clan Meets at: Silverton SILVERTON, Ang. 1 Thomas Jones of Macleay was elected! VCA VTF!T1 TO RENT president at the Jones-McAlnln clan meeting held at the city park cm Jr a v c g. ot Chemawn was made oecre - try. xaw aiieiuuuu wss sv with an informal Drosram of mn "4 J jujou wmw u-w u l Savage auartet. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Claasfrtod AdverttefesC Single Insertion pr Itse.lO T2tm Insertions per One toe Six Insertions per Uaa. .'10 One month per liae.-1.8 Minima m charge ...... tie Cop ter this pare ac cepted until :30 tha era fas before publication for classification. Copy re celved after this time win be rue under . tie heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes do financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear la advertisements pub lished In its columns, and la cases where this paper la at fairit will reprint Uhat pan ot aa adrertlaement In which the typographical mistake oceera. The Statesman reserres the right to reject objee tlonal adrertlfilng. It far ther reserves the right - to classify all advertising an der the proper classification. HELP WANTED MALE -Several local salespeople to work in and around Salem. 1335 State htreet. SITUATIONS WANTED Washing TL 1, Bx. 93, Salem. Wanted brick, tile work. Also fire place Price reasonable. TeL MO. Repair Job paint, roof, aar sisa. TeL sill. Ex-service man wants work board. Box 281, Statesman. for FOR SALE Miscellaneous Purebred R. 3 pullet 2301 N. 6th. FOR SALES OB TRADE For wood. modern Bridgebeach range. TeL (23, If 9 N. Winter. Good baled hay, oats, some veatch. flJ.OO ton. Box 188, Garden road. Expert haircut K14 N. Com'L Draft beer eauDmenL H. O. Da mon. factory represetitatlv 897 N. Com'L Radio for sale, $113.00, 8-tube Ma jestic Console. BaL dws $33.10. Terms $S down. $S mo. See Mr. Jans, Wills' Music Store. Two chair, barber shop Including building and 13 rm o furn. S700 I cash. TeL 8779. I a.roora no oa ana rot, ivvxiov, i nawd : 3 bkxks from Richmond school I and ba $1509 cash. Will sell furnl-1 ture if desired. 3248 Mill Street. WANTED Miscellaneoos Want to rent small row boat by the week. TeL 48F14. TRADE Miscellaneous Wood and baled hay for truck or car that would make truck. Garden Road, Box 188. MISCELLANEOUS $196-$250 MONTH. Government post-depression Job Men women, 18 50. Steady. Qualify now. Sample coaching and list Jobs FREE. Apply today sure. Box 1272T, care States- Government wants messenger $800 91080 year. Boys girls 16-20. Salem examination Applications accepted until Aug. 8. Particulars free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 887 T, Rochester. N. T. W pick op dead, worthless cows, sheep. Tel. 4849. ROOM AN D BOARD Board, rm.. $20. Near P. O. 8482.- Board and room for ladies close In. Tel. B678. B95 Court Street. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 nice apt $12 and $25.1580 Center. Ant, room garage house. All nicely furn. TeL TS64. 2261 Haiel, Patton apartment downtown dis trict, cool, clean, comfortable, private bath. Very reasonable. Call Pattern's Book Store, 3 rm. apt, close-in, reasonable, 266 S. Cottage, Neatly furnished apartment, private bath, 545 Court Street TeL 5792. 3 and 3 R, apt, 432 Marion. Reduced rant: 5 R. furn. duplex. first floor, gar. 864 MilL T. O. Albert Apt $10 tt $12. 897 N. Com'L FOR RENTHOUSES ltodsrn 7 -room house .near school 1 966 N. Fifth St TeL 7351. Furn. and unfurn. bouse R. A. 1618 N. CotUg TeL SOIL Modern hous Inquire 1598 Court FOR RENT Good 7 room house. All newly kalsomlned. Large walnut tree On bus Hn Se Mr CadwU, Stateman offloe. ; - ' - 1 - -1 i 1 1 i ii ii. 1 ii 1 Ti ii ii - ii nfjl NEAT HOME, $13 mo. TeL 6766. Hotisa Damon. 897 N. Com'L Modern hous Call 1600 Stat St I Partly furnlshd 4 rooms and sun! i inicimm FOR RENT Coxy 1 R. mod. hous TeL 8868. 880 Electric $8.00; 1783 & Capitol, $15.00; 1940 a High, $10.09, aad ear-1 eral other . Store building In new State theatre. I P. H. BELL, 119 Oregon Bldg. TeL $901 Grocery store with futures, $38. p" ' . k Green noose, equipped. 897 K. Comt I Limn . n . r , - - - - I parties arriving daily, want nouses I mnt ante., rum. and unfurn. Might buy. 1 fJZlr$?c?T. 1(19 Court. TSL on. - 1 wwww' ?J?lTU Btol o i nd. Seme alfalfa, r, a. toopar, au. i, Dundee EXCHANGE Real Estate Trade for car. Equity in a cottare. Term TeL 4tt. FOR SALE Real Estate Two laree fine view orchard lots for sale. 60x112 feet each. Opposite Leslie brick school on Oxford street. Don't build until you aee these lot Priced right. ssy term Phone own er. 8854. . : IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Of a partly furnished residence B blocks from Capitol building, 7 large cheerful room full basement, fur nace, fireplace. Price f 1000, part cash, baL bonus loan. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street TeL 4708. SUBURBAN HOME 1 acre close In, paved road. 4 room plastered house with nook, plumbing, electric lights, drove well, -garage and woodshed, nice garden. Price $1800, reasonable term . . i acre 4 room bouse, garage. woodfihed, electric lhfhts, drove well, coops for 300 hen Price JIzOo, cash 335, bal. 12 per month and Interest 6. If you want a suburban home. SEE US before choosing. CHILDS & MILLER. Realtors 344 Bute Street . TeL (70S FOR SALE 6 acre acres In fruit. 6 room -house. $909 cash if tak en at once. Party must aelL 3 miles south of Salem. See A. B. Browning, Route S. Box IS 2. I A. 12 ml. out. $350.00. term Da mon, 897 Is. Com L Beautiful close-In view acre tree city water, etc Snap. Phone 5154. A sightly 7-room semi-modern home. basement, fireplace, beautiful grounds 110x132 leet, large inilt. nut tree grans arbor, garden, garaan. Is ear lun for btgn ana two grammar school nice view, paved street. Only $3250. term Owner, 765 Rural Avenue. TeL 8854. sssssssSsseesyesaassssMSaaMSj 5 A. '3 mi. out. new house. $15001 $150 down. Damon, 897 N. Com L GOOD HOP LAND CHEAP h Good soil, good climate, plenty wa ter for Irrigation, address Wheatland Irrigation district. Hermlston, Oregon. R. HOUSE 81000.00 9100 down, baL easy, paved street a bargain. JAS D. SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High Street FOR SALE FARMS 2-ACRE3 $5000 Good R. house, bath and to net. Barn, garage, poultry house. Most all in crop. Running- water. 1 A, timber. ! SO-A. can bo Irrigated. Good place and good location on market road. Take a house In Salem as part. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 133 South High T"Jsrviri.ruin.r rui ruxnruriTnj 40 A. 5 ml. 8. B. of Woodhurn. one of the best farms In Marion Co., good bldgw electric water system, orchard. 11 cow 1 horse tractor, paved road, tt ml. to school, crop, stock and equipment' goes $7000. 240 A. 15 mL from Monmouth, farm bldg. woven wire fence, orchard, 80 1 A. in crotv. 5000 cords of wood, creak and spring, water piped to house. $25 Br A. Trada for hoiiM at Dnill.f I tree. - i is A. 1 ml from Salem on na-eA roait fenced. 8 A. timber. 3 A. orchard, 4 room house, electric light $2350. MELVlN JOHNSON, 275 State Street; ACREAGE See me if you want 10 acres beaver- i dam aoO. : Immediate poasession, poor -iag, term H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bids;. Tel. 8902. Basin ess Opportunities flsinc buafaiesa for aal WUl sacri fice. Must sen by Thur $100 will bandi 1197 CHemeKeta. Cafe for rent. 897 N. Com'L I Established fruit and vegetable bus- lnea Take used car as part paymeaL Box 358, car Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS MADB ea fnrnitur car aalaiiee or other good security. Repayable monthly, when tn financial need see as befora closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First NaMonnl Bank BIs. Pboae 8581 PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY SIS Oregon Building, and Floor Office hr 10:00 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Telephone 7783. Bute - license No. 8-1C8. - I ' Borrow we personal ptopoity: repay tn moo till- isstaiiment - wiluh ETTB LOAN CO- SUt 11 8-169. 8e Guardian Bldg. TsL 8877. -srifs i n nn r- inniii nr i iru in rytn i n in r rh MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Reflaa-cod Arrange to reduce youi paymenta Tow keep the ear " P. A. EIKER Cot. Llbart St and Ferrr Phono 4711 Saiem. Or FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRT wood cosj TeL 8009 Salem Fuel Co. Trad CotUg Ash, fir and oak. TL 8648. Z!y7!Zr7r7ZC!i LUST AND tVUnU ... ... taot m mumV. receipt driver's license, etc Reward. Leave at statesman orrice. i FOR SALE USED GARS I . - Repossessed SS Chev. Coup. Can b handled very ' reaaonabl New car iu.n-i. BORREOO 848 N. Liberty FOLLY . AIM 13 . HKR - .I I I poor cowyswaT i-srs iomJZ ;5 7 (ZZ SHS'LJ- GIT SUM-SOME.- jyW' & f JZZ BURMED OUT f KjfA ' Jt ffCS7 X V-SEMELB?Ll V (sSSSV i , . f. " - " , -USED CARS VALLETT MOTOR CO. USED CARS 1917 Ford f "1 rora iuaor 70.00 lt2S Ford Tudor 48.00 112$ Ford Roedster 1023 fiasez 4 Tourinx 35.00 35.00 (0.00 Ji uoage Delivery 1017 Pontiac Delivery 1924 Franklin Sedan -1028 Cleveland 8edan . 78.001 05.00 05.00 85.09 HIT Chevrolet Truck -, . 121 Ford Truck. 4 speed tran. dual tires 325.00 Ws have a good light trailer 11.80 Mr1,S2f d Sundaym'- Your Own Terms in Reason '33 LIGHT SIX SEDAN Demon strator. Big discount '33 TERRAPLANE 3 8EDAN Demonstrator. Big discount '30 HUDSON GREAT g SEDAN. . Reconditioned aa needed. New duco A-l tires, trunk, 3 fen der wells '10 BUICK STD. COUPE. A-l mechanically, good tire, new duco paint $475 '30 HUDSON GREATER 8 CPE. Reconditioned from . stem to stem good tires refmished. 32 durant ""sport RDSTR:,m I in extra, good condition $375 New paint : and tire UDhol- stery good 83Z5 28 STUDE BAKER LIGHT SE DAN; Very email mileage $185 "2$ DODGB SCREEN DELIV ERY. Good condition $ 95 .State Motors Inc. DEALERS FOR HUDSON A STUDEBAKER3 TERRAPLANE S and 8 Open Evenings and Sundays High and Cnemeketa chevrolet gives more McKay's used cars 1 Ford Pickup 25 Overland "6'T Coach , 27 Star "6" Sedan '28 Gardner "8" Sedan $ 45.00 1 cu 135.00 165.00 i?i m 28 Chev. Coach '28 Dodge "6" Coupe !!? S?8 "8." P?UP 12&.00 30 Ford Cabriolet 265.00 '31 Chev. Coupe, special at 215.00 los.eo i zw waan eoaa '31 Chev. Coach !!f !5 '30 Oakland Sedan 895.00 31 Chev. Special Sedan Six wheel; trunk, sport light. I ate only 11.S00 miles TRUCKS '27 Ford fine tire license .3 85.00 rr ' ww trin ' 175.00 31 Chev. long w. b. 4 speed 81 TTnSjfiS ' body , ; 880.00 yoev. iong w. a. i speed tran 571.00 Liberal Terms Fair Trades Open Evenings and Sundays McltAI CHKVROLKT CO. 313 Center TeL 3189 43 N. Coml CHEVROLET GIVES MORE Radio Program WEDM-SEtAT. Jaly 2 XO W -TO KTIUTD 62S X. 7:00 Org concert, HBO. 7 : 20 Or eo-sert, HBO. T:45 Bo-ald. Back. pUais s:oo ttoiout,' kuu. 0:15 Orifiaelltie XTBO. s:io Mem a Men. ssu. 8:45 B-Ttluni Sereaad NBO. :80 Oookiasr sebeoL. 10 :00 Sarah Krieadter. NBC. 10:15 Books for Ohllerea, HBO. 10:80 Woman's Macatiae of the Air, NEC 1:18 Castas orchestra. KBC. 3:00 Al Peeree a ad His Gsag. NBO, 2:00 Al Peeree a aa His us nr. bo, s:oo Jack sad Loretta cunaea HBO. i .li m.-. .(i 'Biitiui; u ,,du 1 ii t m miiw dv., v, utcjrut. .wa ter, aoO. 5:00 Goldman band, KBC. 5 :80 -FsirTie ' Farms. 7:00 Amos 'n Andr. NBC. 8:05 Hotel Roosevelt orchestra, HBO. --- . . '. : !o Sagew t BMC es-a. 9:80 Frances Inrrsni 9:45 Wslts Time. NEC, I 10:15 Anson Weeks' orchestra. KBO il :00 Abe Lyman's orchestra, HBO. KOAC COEVAXUS 550 X 7:80 Scanning the Headline 8 :00 Morning concert. 9 :00 Home Economies Observer. 10:90 Th Psrsd of Mlodie 13 :00 Farm hour. 3:00 As Ton Like It, with Anthony Enwer. 3:80 The Horn ems Vera Half Hoar. . 9 :45 Gene-iev Banat-Osskia argaa- it. T:15 Stories thst Scieaeo Tell "If America Had Hot Baea Diseev- : ared ." 8:00 Dr. W. Ii. Power ''Tk SoO 1 (W1DIU.., - I 8:15 Philosopher of the Crossroads. o . o Bits for Breakfast 1 o- . o (Continued from Page 4) Insane In the United States:' " 'This period of neglect exist ed from the settlement of the country practically to the opening of the TJtica state nospital In 1843. It Is true that sporadic ef forts were made in certain com munities to provide for a few of the more urgent cases of Insan ity, but there was no concerted or sagacious plan ot action or any conception of the magnitude oil the undertaking. The first effort. as has been often pointed out, was made la Philadelphia In connec tion with the Pennsylvania hos pital for the Insane in 1765. 'In the original appeal ror funds to provide for building' the Pennsylvania hospital the express intention was w pr-Tiuv m yini. a tinin. natnl. Tha form In. 1 IU1 mT.,l VJ VwWV.W. - I 8&ne. however, referred at that time more especially to such per- i sons as were violent .n raaa I custody to prevent them from do- iniurious acts' toward UBIT neighbors or themselves. The care thought of was almost wholly ena- i toaiai. sum tor . wu u , probably until the time of Dr. Rllsh. little was attetnOted tn the I -,a- nf mprllcal trnalma-t.' TeL 3688.1 (Continued tomorrow.) PAIA! Interesting: Pacts m.. ui-.tUntlAM" will Iva am Uored at the east aide of Swaa isiana. rortiana. irom August to 22. lsitlng hours will be 10 known as "Old Ironsides' was built at Hart's shipyard. Boston, October 21, 1797, and rebuilt at the loson navy yard In 1930. O President Harding Nd led 10 Hjsjyears ago today. The Friday's Statesman will be I bigger and better than ever this, week. Watch this paper for In- iutinr trwd nun Thrlftv housewives save money by read- lng Statesman ads HI GRIFFITH CALLED Df DEATH AUTJRN. Aug. 1. Calvin J. Griffith passed away at his v... ui Salem earlv MnndaV . morning, July 31. He was born in Genera, Neb., November 18, 187Z. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Gertrude Griffith; six children. Ben Griffith of Jefferson, and Duane. Grace, Lola, Vada and Wlletta at home. He la also survived by a broth- er. AUea. Of Spray, and two sis- ters. Addle Sutton of Salem, and Laura Bechtel of Geneva. Funeral services wUl be neia at me saiem Mortuary, Wednesday, 2:30 p. m.. Rt. A. J. Smith officiating. In- terment will be at Belcrest Mem orlal nark. M n-iffith had been ill since May. 1932. He wan very active and i.t.rf.j l. .11 rtlTIHo- f th " community, and many friends and neighbors regret his passing. Hel- was chairman of the local school 1 1 board until his 111 health forced I his resignation. LATE RALLY HOUSES new tork, Aug. l (AP) a ! nil miuuI nfnrlf -" peaceful doc-days slumbers today and the market retrieved part ot yesterday's decline. Sales from the five hOUrt Of gtOCk trading totaled only 1.780.M0 ahares, smallest 1 1 .n 11 n.t Vafnr thai e--- v j - " United States left the gold stand- I - - 1 1 a f. Stocks UD 1 to 2 points net In- eluded American Telephone. Gen - eral Electric, New York Central, Union Pacific, Southern Pacinc, i . , . , . ni American n. u rvui, UI'lc lienersi u iui s, smo vcuuv, Montgomery ward, weetingnouse, I Bethlehem Bnd National Steels, .-, uvu.viuv- " and VJnrtb Amarican. Oafns for STOCKS FROM SLEEP the volatile wets" ranged from 2f?,5d: ' Mrw , 8a IM,ttn(L Eulu to . Case -as np about 7 and J 4 Ma-aa-" Bayt-g driet 1933 Up Harvester and Deere arouna s. o o ENVOY WEDS - 1 An International romance Is that of the fornw Mrs. Courtney Borden. f Chicago, and Dr. Felipe Espil, Argentinan Ambassador to Wash- burton. Ther were auietly married fat the capital by Justice Bailey of ue amutic oupremw vwu-w - .w- -i'--. --'ox ; 1 ff y I I .v: -wv.dx : 1 y tTx r ' -i " I A Perfect Tit BITONG STAMPEDE HITS GR AINS WEATHER TEJiLS ON EGG M ARRET Chicago Quotations go Limit; Orders Turn Toward Winnipeg CHICAGO. Aug. li (AP) placed stampedes to sell, and with purchase outlets here wholly In sufficient whirled Winnipeg wheat prices up 9 cents a bushel. Chicago quotations on ail grains sped upward to the top most limit permitted by new em ergency rules, 6 cents for wheat. rye and barley, 4 cents for corn and Z cents for oats. Then the waves ot purchase orders which normally would have been put through In Chicago; dashed on to Winnipeg. Sudden cemplwte reversal of grain market sentiment was at tributed mainly to action of Chi cago board of trade directors last night la fixing a minimum below which quotations here could not go until August IS. This served largely to restore confidence of buyers and to check stampede selling which had overwhelmed the markets of late Wheat here closed strong at the j i - . w V.?,T ccul - t cts advanced. Today's closing quotations Wheat September 9 7 ; De- cember 1.004; May 1.04. Corn September 63; De- cember 18; May C4. Oats September 39 ; De- cember 41; May 47. General Markets raoDtm KXORAJroB POMXLmASD. Or. Aar. 1. AP) I Paae uckun. at piiei: Bjuut I t??raJ lOcpruae firsts 1 hi. firsts lSTie. cxs fresh extrss I ste, fresh ssediasu 3o. Portland Grain 1 POftTLAKD. Ora, Aog. 1. (AP) Wheat Ops High Lew Close 8aptoater 78 SOft 78 S0 DKialxf tltt 04 81ft 94 Cash a-beat He. 1 Big Bead bt-e-Umb S4c; dark sard wiatar 13 -per cast as 11 per eeat 70e: soft wkh. west era Whit hard wiatar aorthera spriag 77; western red 7St Umta e. 1 whiU .f2S0. Cora He. 3B yelknr atS.35. XUlraa Staadard 119.50. I Portland Produce I ' poktlaxd. Ore, Aag. l. (AP) Batter Priats, extras 15c. sta-rd 4Bmtt-rfvPrtUad daUverd: A grade 2 3a Mead. Parma.' doer delivery lis poaaa. Bwsst emaM ugaar. , Eawa Pacifie PoeJtry Drodacers' I ..ii,"" -h... 0t.;.. i4. -itrm. tt.'J.l'n: ' Y? V2l -exam. Berims rice br Freak earraas receipts, 6 poaads aad 1 "p' " ".. , Pa-tuad doUvery. ewt.; B grade 1 ri S7ft peaaa. i caaa seers vreroa tripion I Uaf llfte peaad. Brokers wiU i selow uetauoa i cauy au Sailing price te ro 1 tailors: Ceay-ea aog test aatca. i ii poaaa; jeariiag-i -o poua-. m.j l-t muL Madia cows 4-5 15c soaaa. Caaeara bark peel 3 ft peaad. Baying pries: 1938 Hop Nominal, 1933, 43-50 pound. Lire poultry foruaaa aeuTerj. ti.,nr mrlrni : He YT kea colored 4ft a iU aoanda 11 do Sft posads n lie; kanfc, orer 8ft poaads 9e; under 3ft pounds 9c. Broilers 1 ponnoa iz Colored spring 3 pound, up, 1314c Boaatar over 3 pounds 14. Boosters 5 Doaad. Dock Pa-ins. broilers 8-lOe peaad ; eld dack eolered 10 pouad. Oaioa Solliag price to retailers: Oregoa 3L25-L35 centaL New oaioa Walls Walla fl.75 ceatal. Potatoes Local $1; Deschates Cems 93.38 eeatal. do Bakers $3.40; Tskims Oeaaa $3.10. . Hew potstoo Local white sad ret $1-85 2 eeatal. Btrawberries New Oregon 91,75 3 eraU. . . UJ 1933 ellD. aeaiia-L WtQaaiette valley 38-35 pouad, eaatora Oregoa 18 31e pouad, soatBsra Idaho lg-30 penal. Hay Baying yrico from producer: AUalf He, 1 sew crop. $16-18; clover, si. J. $14; eastera Orefoa timothy $16; aU sad vstck 915 tea. H Portland Livestock FOKTLAXD. Or. Aag. 1- (AP) Cattle BecaipU 89. ealve 9; weak. Staor boat SS-S.50. eea-teo end aie- diaai 93-4.50. HeUar best 99.78-4. Be dlam 8 .35-9-60. Cw best 8-u. oess ssoa and sao-iam $1.75 3.75. Osaaor $1- 3. Ball beat 93-S.S5, -wararn i.T-e. Calve boat $6-9.35. goo ---. er diaary $4-4.50. Hr unca a i steaar. Tes light batcher $3.50-8.75. kvy batcher f news -.ow. tsr pigs 84.75-S; feeder pigs T-a. nil.,- i im nn Asa: etenuT. Ut Ad is lamha 86.40: lamb best 85-8.74. Tssrbag wethers 43-8. . Xtree $11.88. - - . ROCK HITS EYKBALL niVTfWf. . A nr. 1 Mrs. Guy xetealt received injury to one of her -eballs from flying glass I ... h nw ntA om currt Ia u Florence- rnr-allla coast hlrhwar Sunday. Salem Markets Grade U raw 4 nrUfc, co-op pool price, f 1.50 per bsuKtred. ' - Sarplns f lS. ' fsllik. based ea teotkly mtteitsa aeerssa-l ' IMstribufor swice f 1.70 Dutterfat Top 20-Slc, prints 23c, cubes 25c. Prlees paid te grmmmn ky Baleai fcsyen Asgntt 1 (The srires !. eapplied e e taeai greyer, -era ladtesrive l tke dally sasrkvt at are ae gaarvatecd by The Slslesiss I rxurr us rcosrABLsi Striae beaas, UcL lb .02 Csbbage. lb. . . .01 Vs Greta pepper The Dalle lb. .10 Fee eesst. lb. 02 Vi te .03 Oaioa do baackes - , , ,. .15 Pets toe local 1.25 te 1.50 Lettaee. loeel .65 te .95 Pnxt Beaad .1.00 te 1.10 ,, 2.00 .01 .45 Onion Caiil., cvU Rhnberb, local Celery, des. Aavle Traeipsreat , ...1.0O Orsace Vsls-eiss, faacy 3.25 te 9.35 - Piece pack L40 u 2.V0 Beet local, do .15 Tnrsip leeaL crate .15 Carrot. loeaL ae 10. te .15 , 25 u .CO Jbi .05Vs .30 te .50 &pi ack, loeaL crate Baaesa lb. ea stock Haaaa Caeasiber hotboate LoeaL log , , Caataloape erate .40 .2.25 t S.75 no 1.00 S.25 Lnaons Li M. fresh Araeade crate Sqaaah. Italia, crate Snmsser, crate . Wstezmeloo retail . T matoe hotbease CaUfornis Tha Dalle Saspberries Blackcap ., ,.1.00 1.00 .03 .1.90 te 3.-5 1.25 1.45 .1.35 to 10 1X0 Co mats Legaa berries Cberrie lb. Pesefce loeaL lb. Teuscberrie erate Cera. The Dalle do Aerieot The Dallas Ecg plaat. erate Crape eeeales Hora Top. 1933. I AO BOOS H-yiag Prices Extras Sun da ids . .M . .17 . -4 . 43 . -OS . .07 . .11 .4.50 .5.50 55 5X0 4.V5 Medio is . rOVLTBl Old Colored kea Modi am boa Light kea Leg ores M AT Lamb tap Up first cats Seeoads eats Pigs Steers Coa-s . .OS .01 JO te .04 to .01 U Balls te JO jOSH .07 Dressed -a L top. Dressed hoes ... S-AtH AHB HAT Wheat, wostera ted White, He. 1 Barley, top. tea . Oat tea . . , .78 . .79 -20.00 -33.00 15.00 Has- baytaa OaU ssd vetch, tea AlfaU valley 1st at Clever say WOOL Medhn Coarao . Mohair , JtS .29 .IS .01 ea CASC-BA BARX Green, lb. Dry, lb. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright 1983 Sunder. Statistics Co. Aart 1 STOCB srElUOIS today 85.9 47.7 94.1 81.4 Pre-ioesdsy S3.S 46.1 91.0 79.0 Week age 86.3 48.3 95.7 82.0 Tear age 48.5 11.0 72.0 48.5 3 years age 165.1 111.4 917.S 167.0 Hi- 1933 103.1 69.0 113.7 98.9 Low 10SS 43.8 23.5 61.5 43.9 High 1933 72.3 39.8 111.0 73.9 Low 1933 85.1 13.3 61.8 85.0 BOH2 AV-XAOCS 75.7 81.0 86.0 Today 80.9 80.9 81.8 Pre-ieesday 75.8 S0.9 96.0 Week sgo 75.7 82.0 96.3 Teara-o 62.2 60.8 78.1 67.9 3 Years sro 93.7 107.8 100.1 loo. High 1933 77.1 84.9 89.5 93.5 Low 1933 68.3 67.0 74.1 63.6 Hisk 1933 7L8 78.0 86.8 78.1 Low 1931 - S3.- 7. V U.J, OT.O County Veterans To Hold Meeting All Day Thursday . SILVERTON, Aug. 1 One hun dred members are expected to at tend the annual ' meeting of the Marlon County Veterans' associa tion to be held at the city park at Sllverton Thursday. The first ses sion wUl open approximately, at 19:30 o'clock. A basket lunch will be enjoyed at noon followed by a continua tion of the business meeting. Of ficers will be elected during the afternoon- -Irs. Helen Southwick of Salem will be present to act as presiding officer. Mrs- Laura Llvesay ot Wood burn, is the sec retary; Mrs.. George Jaeschke of Silverton. treasurer; and Conrad McQuorter of Salem, marshaTl. with her husband while enroute Gervals to work on road construc OO La 1 25 .75 .03 .05 L38 to 1.75 JO .73 1.25 2.25 tion contract. She Is la a Portland hospital. ' Fruit Firms Will try Ovm Codes After Disagreement PORTLAND, Ang- 1. (AP) . Market for eggs clearly showed the effects of hot weather togeth- -er with cries from the country ot too close candling. The market may safely be considered steady tor selected stock. Much ot the so-called extras were in reality ot larger size and were being sold at the price for the former. Receipts were fairly liberal con sidering the season and no short age exists. Cash buyers at country points were able to get all their needs with easer There appeared a fairly steady tone in the market,, for butter during the day. The late session of the Produce exchange was un changed, those In control there keeping Portland prices below those of Seattle. Latter market appeared weakest on the cosM. Market for chickens appeared good and especially for heavy weight bens. Prices were showing a further advance of one-half cent In buying values In spots. Because of Inability to agree at a meeting with various firms, the Pacific Fruit and Ryan Fruit companies will try out a code of their own. The new rules call for general opening at 7 a. m. and closing at 3 p. m. Sales of' small sised Elberta peaches from California have been made as low as 35 cents although the general price Is aronnd 59 cents low. Early local stock con tinued to sell best. Country klled hogs. Teal and lambs were quoted firm. Beef was weak. Celery trade was fairly steady for ahipplag, weak locally. DAYTON, Ang. 1. Cart Lean er, farmer et this vicinity who for years baa vsed the treatment and Is interested ia exterminat ing the pea weevil In Oregon, Is passing the information along that all beans and peaa gathered tor food or next year'e seed should always be fumigated with carbon disnlphide. - This metho' of fumigation la simple and inexpensive. A stone jar or wooden, airtight container with lid, filled to within a few inches of the top, may be treat ed at one time, using a flat dish for the liquid, the amount also varies in proportion to bulk to be treated from one to several . tablespoonsfal placed on top of the beans. Cover perfectly tight from 12 to 24 hours when the liquid will have evaporated down Into every part ot the container. Air thoroughly before cooking., The solution may be purchased in bulk. WRIGHTMAX PROMOXKD SILVERTON. Aug. 1. Dr. A. Edgar Wrightman, Jr., has just begun his new duties as head of the surgery at the Doernbecher Memorial hospital at Portland. Last year he served as head as sistant physician of Multnomah hospital, also at Portland. Dr. Wrightman is the son oLDr. and Mrs. E. A. Wrightman of Silver- ton, and is a graduate of the Sil verton high school. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF MARION IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-) TATB OF OLIVER ELAM) BOND, Deceased. ) No. 8180 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as administratrix of the estate of Oliver Elam Bond, deceased, has tiled her final ac count in the County Court ot the State of Oregon for Marion Coun ty, and that Tuesday, the 6th day of September, 1933. at the hour of 10:0 o'clock in the forenoon of eaid day and the court room of aald court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place tor the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement there of. Dated and first published, August 3, 1933. HATTTE MAT BOND, Administratrix. MILTON R. ELEPPER and ROBERT W. GLLLET. Attorneys. A-3--lS-33-3t. to By CLIFF STERRETT