i ... ; Yh OREGON STATES-IAN, ' Saknu Oregon; Taesday Morning. Aognst 1. 1933 PAGE SEVEN It h UK 51" IT; a J r ft- af n L Business Directory Card In this directory rum an a monthly basis ouly. Rate: $1.0 pr line per moat. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panes. th brake and ahlmmy doctoi. 975 South Commercial Street . CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. Ph. 8751. CU1A1NEY SWEEP Telephone) t, R. EL Nerthneaa. CHIROPRACTORS pa a U SCOTT. PSC. CMrnpractor, S&e N. H h. Tat Baa SUA FLORISTS ' v 7 arai wreatna, oecorauona, C r. B U-Tw- baupt. QottM. Ml Court. Tat in. . AJXfcladaot floral work. Lou Flor ist, talk Market TeL 993. GLASS Auu and window glass mirrors. TeL 110. Walter J. uowna. ssu wrsye. INSURANCE BUCKiE LU-NUR1CKS 189 M. Hign Tat 4941 COPFKX-SM1TH, gen, laa. Tat. MM. LAUNDRIES TH MEW SALEM LAUN.DRT TUK W&UDJ&B LAUNDRX 1I3 a. Ulib TeL HJl CAPITAL. C1TZ LAUKDRI fcirat in u ull ty and Service Teleuttua 3185 1364 Broadway LAWN LOWERS - gtuarpened, repaired and traded. 1 LiYtlA 0VyxLLL Jl. Zl MATTRESSES Battreeaea from factorr to home. Cottoa matures, 60 lb. 14.00. Renovat ors ad lum lgatora. Ruga cleaned. Cap itol Bedding; Co. TeL 4QS9. JOJO K. Capitol. Maw ntattratt mad to order, ald (aadat earpal daaoUic, alalM ; Cluti turn waavtus. alan JrtuU Ba Mat traaa factory. & llta "WQIhic TaL JUL. Otf Jr. awicaar. Km. mi. MUSIC STORES ubq. CL WLLLF-Plaaoa. radloa. saw Ibm aniiin.i soaet musio and plana at utiles. Kfyalrtng radios, pnonogTapna anu aawiotf macninTa. oiai eum. MEDICINE When Others Fail . Mature' herbs for every IlL H. S Low, noted Chinese herbalist. 47 1 S. Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon, established since 1912 In Oakland, Catif. Consultation free. Telephone &8. Hours to 6, Sun. 10 to 12 L " Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Uriday, a to 4:30 p. m. 14S N. Commercial. r-hariia Chun. Chinese Medicine Co, 122 N .Com'l. Uaily J-6, Sun. -12. All kinds herbs for mala and female, for conuupation, rueumatism. appeouict- tla, colitis, sland. stomach disordera PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Hoofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pampb ' ,-' lata, programs, books or any kind ot pruttuig. call The Statesman Printing Leparunent. 315 S. Commercial, Tele phune 919L REAL ESTATE BUCK si A HENDRICKS, TeL 4947. W. H. URABENUORST ft CO. 134 a Liberty Bt. TeL 1488. SOCOLOFSKX ft SON 104-S Flrat Nat L Bk. Bid. TaL TI07. STOVES tTTOVEal and stove repairing. Stoves for aala. rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy aad -plain, nop baskets, books, logaa books. ' tiaiem Jreace and Suva Works, 383 CHemeketa. TaL 4774. R R Flemlna. SHOE REPAIRING low prices. Goad 7ork. 980 a Com'L TRANSFER CAPITAL C1TX Transfer Co. 228 Bute su TaL 7773. Distributing, for- -wardins aad storage aur specuuty. Uat our rates. jtor local or distant trans! sr atoraga. call 3131. Larmar TraosXar Co. Tracks to Peruana asuy. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Men. sold. rented, repaired. Underwood Agenta. Cooke bhort. 119 Court. TaL 6aa WELL DRILLING R. A. Wast, 19 years axpariaaca. tuu s. Box lei & Tel. tiers. Branch Bank Slated For Woodburn Folks WOODBURN. July 21 -An nouncement that the First Nation al bank ot Portland will open a branch bank here within the near . future has . just been made here, and meets with hearty approval In Tie w. of the fact that banking locally has been tied ap since the moratorium. - LOANS USB OF CUT Credit to the Jefferson Review for use of the Jefferson bridge cut la the Sunday morning Statesman )ras inadvertently omitted. Statesman Classified Ads - Call 9101 CUaalfted AdxwtMms SiacU Insertion per Us.lte Tbree kuartloan per line 10a 8U lABrtion per Un..Stc One montn per lln..l.t aflnlmam cbine ....rii Copj tor tkU pat eepted unUl :S9 the eren taz toetoro pbUentm tor elaaslXicxflon. Copy re ceived attar thU tint will be ma node r Ue ndfng Too Lte to ClAMlCr. The Statesmen nmamee no tmnadAi respoxuibfUtr tor errors wblch may np poar la adrertlsemeats pnb Uabed la Its columns, and tn eases wbere tbJe paper to at tanlt will reprrnt that part ot an adrertlsraient la wblch the typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman resarres the right to reject objec tions! saTertlaing. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising Bin der the proper clssslflo- 0Tt HELP WANTED MALE Several local salespeople to work in and around Salem. 133S State Street. SITUATIONS WANTED Washlnjr R. L.Bx. 18, Salem, Wanted brick, ttle work. Also fire places. Price reasonable. TeL 9449. Repair jobs, paint, roof; any aUe. Tel. 6213. Ex-service man wants work tor board. Box Ml, Statesman. HELP WANTED FEMALE Woman, SO to 40 yra. of age, for as sistant house work. Small wages. 2190 S. Church. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Good baled bar. oats, some veatch. 113.00 ton. Box 1M, Garden road. Expert haircuts, lilt N. Com! Draft beer equipment. H. O. Da mon, factory representative. 897 N. Coml Leaving - town will sacrifice rooms, fine furniture, all oriental rugs. Box 25S, care statesman. Radio for sale. 8112.00, 8-tube Ma-1 Ustle- Console. -Bal. due 8M.10. Terms I 95 down. 5 mo. Sea Mr. Jans, Wnis Musio Store. Lambert cherries 2 cents a pound. Tou pick them at 715 Rural Ave. TeL 8854. - . . . Two chair barber shop . Including building and 13 ma or ram, iiou cash. TeL 9779. W , 1 ... ..... mJ IW" wuh u .in, I paved ; 2 blocks from Richmond scneoi I "?;iiirIJS V- WANTED Miscellaneous Want to rent small row boat by I the week. Tel. 48F14. TRADE Miscellaneous I - - - s Wantpd tn trade: team or Producers I . a-t nrfr. r.d. Elvin Herr. Rt. 2 'sUverton. --. Wood and hald har for truck or par thnf would make truck. Garden Road, Box 188. MISCELLANEOUS Train students keen in practice) spL for summer, 3 moa, for f5. Thoa. Roen, 420 Court. Mr. Lane of Seattle, Wo, expert hair cutter, now located 301 S. Win ter. Prices the same. Adults 20c, chil dren 15C Wa pick up dead, worthless horses. cows, sheep. Tel. 48S9. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, 577 Court St TeL 4857. Sip. porco. ROOM AND BOARD Board, rm, 120. Near P. O. 1413. " sTr-i-i-i-iri 'u j-Xitn.nj-j-ij-Lnrir jutji Board and room for ladies close in. Tel. 6878. 695 Court Street. FOR RENT APARTMENTS wawwwvwi.wwwwwwwv 3 nicaapts. (12 and 125. 1680 Center. wwwwi..w. miw....i.w' Apts.. rooms, garage house. All nlcelv furn. TeL 71(4. 2211 HaseL 1st floor. R. apt 1411 Court. Patton apartments, downtown dli trict, cooL clean, comfortable, private bath. Very reasonable. Call Patton'a Book Store. 3 rm. aDt.. close-in.' reasonable. 281 S. Cotuga. Neatly furnished apartment, private bath. 645 Court Street TeL 5792. 9 and B. apt a, 439 Marion. Reduced rent: I R. furn. duplex. first floor, car. 884 MilL T. G. Albert l,,Me9Weaajwawa Apts. 910 ft 113. 397 N. Comlt FOR RENTHOUSES rum. and nfunw house a R. lorkner. 1119 N. Cottage. TaL I93L Modern house. Inquire 1591 Court. FOR KENT Good T room noose. 11 newly kalsomlned. Large walnut All trees. On bus line. See Mrs. CadwaU, statesman oiiice. NEAT HOME. 913 mo. TeL 9766. Small turn, house. 310 S. 23rd. In quire atation. Slat and Market T R. furn. house. Fresh paint, f 16. 1 451 8. 17th.- ' - --- Housea Damon. 897 N. Com'L Modem house. Call 1109 State St Partly furnished 4 rooms aad porch. Telephone 4019. - FUR KENT 989 Electric 98.00; 1785 a Capitol. 119.99; 1949 & High. $20.09, and sev eral others. -, Store building !n new Stat theatre. I P. ZL BBLU 329 Oregon mag. ' . TeL 9991 -.. Grocery store with fixtures, $35. Damon. 99 T tt. toasT. ' .. Oraen house, ajqulpped, S9T K. CoosX WANTED TO RENT Parties arrivlna daUr. want bouses I and apta, furn. and Mnfurn. Might buy. I ii you hare anytning lor rant or aaia i list with-ma quick. K. E. Baulnser. M Court. Tel. SS17. FOR SALE Real Estate Two Urn fine view orchard lots I for sale. C0xll2 feet each. Opposite Leslie -brick, school on Oxford street. Don't build until you aea these lota. Priced right. Easy terms. Phone own er. liH, IHIIEDIITR PDS!!lanV Of a Dartlr furnished resldonoe I blocks from Capitol building, 7 large cneerrui rooms, run baaement, fur-1 nace. iirepiace. Price 4000, part cash, baL bonus loan. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 144 Stale Street TeL 1701. SUBURBAN HOME I 1 acr!L !n Pved J4' TOom plastered house with nook, plumbing; electric lights, drove well, garage and woodshed, nice garden. Price 11800, reasonable terms. 1 . acres. 4 room house, rarmre. coona for 100 hens. pS S15M II5 lull- 111 TVMI- mnnth . nrf lnt.M I " - - . . I l' ' ' i If you wanf a suburban boma. SEE I ww . . I ua oeiore cnoosinar. I uhiujs Mii.i.tCK. Keaitors I ii bum oueci in. iivi FOR SALE-r 1 acres. S acres in fruit. S room bouse. 1900 cash if tak-l en. at once. Party must selL 1 miles I south of Salem. Sea A. B. Browning, 1 Route S. Box 152. 7 A. 12 mL out. 8330.00, terms. Da-1 tnon, 897 N. Com'L Beautiful close-in view acre trees. city water, etc. Snap. Phone S1S4. A sightly 7-room semi-modern home. basement, fireplace, beautiful grounds 120x133 feet,- large fruit, nut trees, grape arbor, garden, garage. Near Jun ior high and two grammar schools. nice view, paved street Only $3250,1 terms. Owner. 705 Rural Avenue. TeL 88S4. i A. S mi. out, new house. 11500. 3150 down. Damon, 897 N. Com L GOOD HOP LAND CHEAP Good soli, good climate, plenty wa ter for Irrigation, address Wheatland irrigation district. Hermiston, Oregon. wwwwAi....w m. I REAL VALUES IS a-r traot. X ml fmm !alm K I R. house, barn, family orchard, run- nlng water. Price 91700. I Good 5 R. house, breakfast nook. mA i -kt ... I Saffin. near school an nua line rarvtul I street and cement walks. 1400 cash. . ' 1 ' " ' I price 9140a. W. G. KRUEGER Tel. 4721 147 North Commercial 5-R. HOUSE 11000.00 1100 down, baL easy, paved street. a Bargain. J AS D. SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High Street - FOR SALE FARMS M-ACRES 25000 Good H. houw. Hath n tnn.t I Barn, garage, poultry house. Moat all in ctod. Running water. S A. fhnVr I JO-A. can be Irrigated. Good plaee and I good location on market road. Take a nouse in Baiem as part. J AS. L. SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High BUT A FARM NOW prices are going up on farm com modities and farm prices as welL To Dona tide investors with sufficient i . ...... I ' UU W I nTk ,. w. K.. rr- M..Mi -.vfl wnim-t. Tn. f- V. Better hurry and Invattlgat. a. SEE HAWKINS A ROBERTS 40 A. S mi. 8. E. of Woodburn, one of I the best farms in Marlon Co., good bldgs., electric water system, orchard. 13 com. 9 Hdraas. trartnr. namd mad. H mL to school, crop, stock and fl sftMlnmAM anaa W Tftfl fl oi(uiruimv Hwas ay i wwv. r?r 19 ml- irom aionmoutn, rarm I bldgs.. woven wire fence, orchard. 80 n crP. 6000 of wood, creek land spring,. water piped to house. 325 I Pr A. Trade for house or smaller I tract. 19 A. 1 mL from Salem on paved road. fenced, 2 A..; timber, 2 A. orchard, 4 room house, electric lights, 32250. MELVIN JOHNSON, 275 State Street ACREAGE Better let me sell you that acreage I and build a house before the ralna I start this faL Choice locations ; your home will cost you less. Sell on term a H. C SHIELDS Oreron Bid. Tel. 8902. Business Oonortunitles i t "i - Going Dusmess for sale, will sacri- ftoa. ttnmt Mil Inr Thtira 9100 will i handle. 1197 Cnemeketa. Cafe for, rant. 197 N. Com'L Established fruit and vegetable bus- i Inees. Take used car as part payment. Box lis, care statesman. MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, ealartee I or other - good sscurity.' Repayable I monthly, wben in financial need saa i us Bernr cioama a loan. I GENERAL INVESTMENT I CORPORATION nrsr nation aj tiana uioc. pnama ass PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 913 Oregon Building, 2nd Floor I Office bra, 19:09 A. M. to 1:30 P. M. I Telephone 1783. state license no. 1 , I Borrow ew personal property ; repay in .. monthly installments, willam- I ETTB LOAN CCK, State Ho, S-119, Iwe uuaraian uiag. let. ss77. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS (Jontracta Rafmancad Arrange to raduca youi paymants too aaap tne car P. A. EIRER Cot. Llbartv St. and ferry 1wne 4T99 1 91wm. Oi LIVESTOCK and POULTRY 93V0 0 AT XT Taam AA 991 si wa, ajara 4y a xjsmm tovvi ay aa Guernsey cows and half era. TeL 14 II. I POLLY AND HFR I VAA A rUlLf nitl. THX ME SOMEnHlrTV-y'S A ) ( WHICH IS CORRECT ? OSTLV HUH? S'POSS Vi( VwVl-,A ABOJT nvllLXIKJr-RIGHT A V -----T-w-bPs I TRY TMILK HSR OM ) (SON, I 7&kaXkt f-XXJ SUTTINI-yjL Ur4KlNEvRj( Z -a TXT J-j THS RIGHT SlDe. AS' V W 4; U&VtFlA&t rl a ' " LIVESTOCK and POULTRY For aala cheat) 1 rows, a Holateln. 1 Jersey ; t month's old registered Hoistem trail, can Tit T. High. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRY araod- raL i00 Salem fuel Caw Trad Cottage. Ash, fir and aak. TaL Mil- Dry wood. 14.00. TeL 1459. M . i i . . 1 1 " ",ni i r iiiij.nifxj 1 Phone Tracy's, MM for dry wood. Wood. 100 cords fine second growth. Bargain for cash, also baled oats, bay, oaraen roan, pox i LOST AND FOUND fur mu-lmltM min oAllnr ihaH ton brown lined, 10 in. deep in back. Re ward. Return to Statesman office. FOR SALE USED CARS VA1XET MOTOR CO. IT f.. U J it27 Ford Coupe 10.09 . 70.00 . 45.00 . 35.00 . 85.00 . 10.00 . 75.00 . 95.00 . 95.00 1W M. Ul M A IMIvT 19IS VarA norl.t.r ists a Tnrin. lszo uoaee ijeiiverv 1927 Pnntln Ttolivarw 124 Fnnkiin sAan 1920 Cleveland Sedan . 1927 Chevrolet Truck 5.09 1921 Ford Truck. 4 speed trana, urea 9is.es Wa have a good light trailer 12.59 Marlon and Liberty TeL 7110. Open Evenings and Sundays. - - - i-iiirinnn.nrLii.ri.nj-i.r. u'i.1 u Stripped '21 Essex parts chean. all sunaay. Kt 7, ux. 32, Burkhart. ----1 ii-.-.--w-riririrLajTjxruTj'u' Your Own Terms in Reason '33 LIGHT SIX SEDAN Demon. strator. Big discount '33 TERRAPLANE I SEDAN Demonstrator. Big discount '30 HUDSON GREAT S SEDAN. Reconditioned as needed. New duco A-l tires, trunk, S ten der wells 9495 '39 BUICK STD. COUPE. A-l mechanically, good tires, new auco paint ..1475 '10 HUDSON GREATER C CPE. Kecondttloned from stem to stem A good Urea refinished. new ear since 227S '3J DURANT SPORT RDSTR. ... H P004. condition - ...f375 " '""yy" bcuai, mw paint ana urea, nonoi ... -1 g " . - - v "'"m't:"!.': ' - - - 'II HTI 1JKKAKKH I.II1HT C HRT. DAN. Vanr small mileara 81SS 31 DODGE SCREEN DELIV ERY. Good condition $ 95 Mate Motors Inc. DEALERS FOR HUDSON A 8TUDEBAKER3 TERRAPLANE and 9 Open Evenings and Sundays High and C heme It eta CHEVROLET GIVES MORE MCKAY'S USED CARS 21 Ford Pickup 9 45.99 t i nrarianri war-- a sva it ar it n si 25 Overland Coach '27 Star C Sedan M Gardner "8" Sedan 115.00 Chev. Coach 115.90 175.00 325.00 .l JJP 30 Dodge Couds 30 Pord Cabriolet 245.00 285.00 '31 Chev. Coupe, special at z jNasn edan 395.00 31 Chev. Coach 385.00 '30 Oakland Sedan 195.90 'iz Chev. special sedan six wheels trunk, snort light. etc., only 11.S00 miles 145.90 TRUCKS '27 Ford fine tirea. licenaa 9 M.90 .. - v.nrwiBi .V 39 Ford long w. b. 4 speed trans. 371.00 31 Chav. long w. fe sneed n-ana. 7S.ao 31 Chev. C wheel truck Van body 550.00 33 Chev. long w. b. 4 sneed trans. . : 575.00 Liberal Terms Fair Trades Open Evenings nni Sundays McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 33 Center Tel. 3189 430 N. Com'L CHEVROLET GIVES MORE saaaaaawwwwawawawWwiwawaaaa,aa BORREGO'S BETTER BUYS 1235 '29 Ford 4-D. Sedan, A-L 3195 '28 Oakland Sedan tip-top. 1235 '28 Bulck Sedan. 1365 '30 Bulck Sport Roadster. 3225 '29 Chevrolet Coach. Z40 North Liberty TeL 3888 Radio Program TCTSEDAT, Angast 1 KOW POETLAKD 620 Xo. 7:00 Food Conervatiou talk. 7:20 Organ concert, NBC. 7:45 Ronald Bnek, pisniit. 8:00 Johnny Marvin, NBO. 8:15 Pollock and Lawnhurat NEC. 8:30 Rex Battle eoneertentemble, NBC. :1& Bnckaroos, NBO. 9:80 Martha Meade Society, NBO. 9:45 Tom Mitchell NBO. 10 :00 Oeekinc sehooL 10:80 Woman's Mafaxine of the Air, . HJBU.' . 11:80 Argentine trio, NBC. 11U5 Meredith Willaoa. JiEO. 11:15 Western Farm and Home hour. 1:00 Casino orcheatra. NBO. 1:45 Little Colleen, NBO. 9:20 Friendly Chat 4:80 Little Colleen, NBO. 4:45 Adventures of Arnold and Aj bera, NBO. ft:00 Balladettes, NBC. 6:30 The Fire Chief's Uncle, NBO. 6:00 Livea a Stake, NBO. 8:80 Concert trie, NBO. 7 :0O Amos 'a Andy. NBO. T:1S Memory Lasa, NBO. 9:00 Masieal Menneamlaa. EOMO. 10:15 Anaon Weeks' arehestrs, NBO. 11:00 Abe Lyman5s erehettra. 11:30 Bal Tabarla arekestra, NBO. X0A0 COXVALXJS 550 Xo. 6:45 Farm market reports. 7:00 Morning - M edits Woas. 8:00 Morning concert 9:00 Home Economics Observer. 10:80 Wslts melodies. 11:00 Concert reoordUaxsv 12:00 Farm hoar. 9:90 The Eamemskera' half honr. 6:45 Genevieve Baum-Oaikini, ergsa i(t 7:80 Farm boor. 8:00 1. D. Hill, "Field Cereal Trials." 8:15 Dr. Victor P. Marrla, "Tae World la Bavlaw." PAI 5 rAlaJ Interesting Pacts The World war began 19 years ago today, August 1, IS 14, O . A year ago today 500 Chinese drowned and 50,000 homeless In flood ot Canton river valley, China. O 211,71 license plates Issued to date tor this halt year. This time last year -only 103,296 had been issued. O . The new Jefferson bridge which has Just been dedicated Is over 700 feet long, has S arches of 200 feet each, the roadway Is 24 feet wide and the cost was close to $150,000. mllEOF IS Weakness Belied; Mart for Eggs Dull; Chicken Tone Still Firm PORTLAND, July SI. (AP) There was heavy sale of butter over the weekend and floor stocks of Jobbers and cburnera were get eing well cleaned up. No change was suggested in open market prices for the week's opening but was noted that most values were held at least at exchange tig ures. Indications that the market is not as weak as suggested by the recent tactics of outside Interests was that buttertat ralnes were occasionally shown with a pre mium of M to 1 cent pound and especially so for sweet, which waa scarce. Most of the cream arriving was sour tor which the trade was apparently paying the extreme price. Basic prices appeared to be forgotten. Make continued to sow a smalt volume but little change In total churning was suggested during the last few days. Trading In the egg market was dull. Weather conditions were still the chief factor against ade quate consumption and with pro duction increasing in the pullet line there was a surplus sug gested in the daily movement. Market tor chickens continued to hold Its recent firm tone with some price advances. Demand, was favorable in practically- all lines For turkeys the call continued in excess of supply. Throughout the market for country killed meats, with the ex ception of beef, which remained more or less stagnant, there was a rather good call suggested in late trade with prices held at re cent betterment. Fractional decline was showing in the market for new potatoes locally with a rather liberal move ment. Digging operations of early crop were now general and quality was gaining. New Walla Walla onions were fairly steady, also old locals. few new local wax were arriving and selling 2 cents pound. Toungbenies were still finding a good call at former prices. Celery market was sluggish lo cally with too much offering. Dads' Quartet Has New Name as Each Gets Grandchild SLLVERTON, July ti Dads' quartet, known np and down the Willamette valley for the past 10 years, has graduated, it is now Grandfathers' quartet and will likely be known as such hence forth. The last of the four to be come a grandfather was I. B. Al fred. But it took the group al most two months to realize the change. The youngest grandson is Robert Lee Alfred, born! June 1. Other members of the qaartet are Bert Day, W. K. Cain and A. H. Smith. Mrs. Helen Conutock is te accompanist. The four grand' fathers, their four younges grandchildren for some hare more than one the mothers of the babies, and Mrs. Comstock will hare a "family picture" taken in the near future. NEW ARRIVAL IS GIRL - VICTOR POINT, July 31 Mr and Mrs. Eric Fisher are being congratulated on the birth of daughter Monday night at the Stay ton hospital. The Fishers have one other child, a boy. Never Cry n RAIN MARKETS AGAIN COLLAPSE a ' - - - , . " -. I - - or. WHEAT DOWN, HOGS UP LOCALLY Hogs at top of $5.50, 1 0-CentGain; Lamb Trade Weaker Wheat dropped to 75 cents per bushel locally to open the week, while hogs took a 10 cent" ad vance, to top of 15.50. Lambs are lower at 14.50 and cattle ore weaker also. No other market changes were recorded here yesterday. PSOSTCX EZORAXOB PORTLAND. Ore. Jalv SL (API Preaeee exchange. Bat prices: Batter Extras S2e. staadarea Sle. nrima firsts SO He. firsto lvss. Eggs Preck extras 22e, fresh aeaiame ZUc. Portland Grain I PORTLAND. Ore- July 81. (AP) wsest vpea iii(H Lew Close Jaly 7S 78 76 7S September 77 7T 75 H 75 December 80 80 79 79 aah wheat No. 1 Bic Bend blue- item 81c; dsrk hard winter 13 per cent 13a. 11 aer cent 74c: soft white, western white, Lara wialer. aorthern spring 7 -e; westera res 7Ue. Oats Ne.t wbiU 926.50. Cera Na, 2 yellow 921. Millraa Standard 919.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, July 81. (AP) Butter rrinta, extras zoe, sUadards 3c. Butterfat Portland delirerd: A grade 3c pound. Farmer' door delivery Sle pound. Sweet cream 6c higher. Eggs Paeifle Poultry proa seen' Uiag price: Oventse ?c, extras tit. standards Me, meerams 20c, pullets lac aoaen. Buying price by wsoleaalers: Freak current receipts. 66 pounds sad ap. 15-loc doitn. Milk Contract pries. 4 per cent. Portland delivery, 91.70 cwt; B grade eream B7 e noons. Cheeae 99 score Oreroa triplet tftte. loaf IStte poos 4. Brokers will pay fte aelew aaoteueas. Oaaatrv meats Selling price te re tailers: Country-kiled Sera, beat outea era. aader ISO pounds 7tt-8e: Tealera, 70 te 100 ponads Ba-ae; spring tames lie Pound: yearbngs a-Sc poaaS. Heavy waa 2-Se pound. Medium cewa 4-5c pauad; eaaaer eewn S-8e pound. Bulla 4H5e pwaad. Meeaur Buying price: xvsa cup 15a pound. Cascara baric Baying price : peel 3 Ha pound. Hons NoauaaL 1933, 43 50a poena. Lire poultry Portland delivery, haT-tnr nrleea: Heavy hens, colored 4fe ts Stt panada lie. da Stt pounds ap lie: hens, over Itt pounds wc; ana or 9Vb nounds 9. Broilers 14 pounds 1ZC Colored springe, S peanas np, i-ic. Roaster, ever S pounds 14e. JKoeaters 9ej vuwm. we, c . . , ....Kt. w Mil; aid doeka. colored 10e pound. .UaiWBS Beiung prices ve reiaiier. Or.mii It. 15. 1.85 cental. jSew aaloaa waiia vtaua fi.u ceataL Petateea Local 93: Deschutes CesaS 93.25 cental, do Bakers 93.40; xsmtaa Qeau 92.10. New potatoes Local wnie aaa rea 91.S4-3 ceatau Strawberries asw uregons S crate. Wool 1999 alio, nominal, wuumette nllev 23-25e nound. eastern oreroa 10 21e pound, southern Idaho 16 20c ponnd. Uay Buying price rrom proaucer: Alfslla, Na. 1 new crop, 916-18; clover. No. S. 914: es iters uregoa ubout t oata and vetch 15 ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. July 9L (AP) Cattle Receipts 1203, calves 58; gen erally steady. Bteers, best SS-o.&U, common ana me dium 93-4.50. Heifers, best 93.75-4, me dium 93.25-9.50. Cows, beat 83-3.25, com mon and medium 91.75-2.75. Canners 91 3. Built, beat 93-8.25, medium 92.75-9. Calves, best 96-6.25. good 95-5.50, or dinary 94-4.50. Hors Keeeiptr -am; generally steaay. Ton lirht butchers 95.50-5.75, heary butchers 95-5.95. Bows 93-3.60. Blsufk- ter pigs 94.75-5; feeder pigs 94.75-5. Sheep Receipts 1878; sheep e.uiet lambs steady. Lsmbs, best 95.50-6, medium $430-5; feeder lambs 94-4.50. Yearling wethers 93.50-4. Ewes 91-3. NEW YORK, July 11. (AP) Financial markets bogged down today. Trading on most exchang es was dull, bnt buyers held aloof and the month ended with specu lative positions In sharp contrast to their status at its beginning. Volume dropped to J, 091.188 shares tor the five hours. TJ. S. Steel dipped under SO for an extreme loss ot approxi mately I points, hut cat Its loss to 2 net. This leader was fairly typical of other "pivotal" Issues. American . Telephone ended the day 2H lower, whereas It had been off more than 4. American Can. Bethlehem, Allied Chemical, Consolidated Gas, New York Cen tral, Baltimore Ohio. Kenne cott, Du Pont, Woolworth, South ern P a e 1 f I e and Chesapeake ft Ohio were down roughly 1 to S, while Santa Fe, Union Pacific Was torn Union, People's Gas. Case and U. S. Smelting suffer ed more extensively. Over Spilt IWk General Markets FimCIMRKETS BoraDowi Salem Markets Grade B raw. 4 Milk, co-op pool price, 9t-50 per bwmlred. Burplas 1123. (Milk based an eeml monthly aaleertst awrag. Distributor price 1.70 Buttertat Top 20-21c, prints 23c. cubes 25c. Prieee said te grewesa Sy Catea bayera Jaly 31 (The Prices ketan. aaatHied a a teem greoer. are laanaatlva af ts Sani saarkrl eat are mot swarantenS ttr TV gmasul raorr AW waaaaTABtES String beaas, laeal. Ik .02 Cabbage, lb. . .01 Vs Green peppers, Tb Bnlkts, In. - JO Pcav coast. Is. ..... 03 to .03 Onieaa. doa. kvaekea -15 Pete toes, leeal 1.25 te 1.50 Lettuce, local - .65 te .93 Paget Seend .1.00 to L10 2M0 Onieaa, Oalit, cwt Bhabarb. local .01 Celery, doa. AS Apples. Transparent 1 Oranges. Valencies, fancy 2.95 to 9.35 Plaee pack 1. 4 0 to 3.00 Beets. Weal. dos. - .15 Turnips, local, crate , .15 Carrot, loeal. dos. io. te .is 3i to .60 Soiasck, locals crate Ba-nanaa. Ib. ea stack .03 Hasda .. , .05 U Cu cambers, hothouse .30 te .50 Local. . lug , . . . .40 Csntslaapes, crate .2.25 to 8.75 Lemons 6.00 1.00 ASS Limes, fresh Avacados. crate ,, Squash. Italian, crate i on 1X0 .03 .90 te 9.85 Bammar, crate Watarmalona. retail - Tomatoes, hothouse CaUferala The Dalles , Raspberries " Blackcaps .1.25 1.45 .1.25 to L50 a.oo Currsats .90 te 1.85 .79 J Lagan herriee C berries, lb Peaches, local. Ib. Toaagberriea, erata Cora. The Dalles, dos. Apricots. The Bellas Egg plant, crate , . .05 J.50 to 1.75 iO .73 i.a 9.85 Grapes, seedless hops Top. 1933. Ib. JO EGOS Baying Prices Zxtraa Standards Mediums . .19 J9 SI rooxrai Old Catered hens Mediam hens Light heaa Leghorns . .19 .09 .07 .11 MZAT Lambs, top 4.90 5.50 5.25 5.00 4.75 te .04 Uses, top First cuts Seconds eats Pigs 8 tears Cows - Ralls Dressed vaaL top. .03 .01 .09 te .09 te .os Dressed bogs O-tAXJf AND HAT Wheat westera red White, No. 1 ; Barley, tap, tea Osts, ton , , Hr banana art aea Oata sad vetch, tea Alfalfa, valley 1st eat , .75 .75 .20.00 .23.00 .13.00 J 5.00 .13.00 Clover say WOOL Medium Course . Mohair , .95 .98 .16 .01 .03 CASCARA BAKK Green, lb. Dry, lb. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright 1933. Standard StatLatlca Co.) July 31 STOCK AVERAGES Today 83.5 46.1 91.0 79.0 Pr.Tinni dv 87.8 48. 5 Ba g 82.8 Week ago - ... . 87.8 48.6 7.i 83.4 Tearsge 48.9 21.7 72.6 484 S rears sgo High 1933 . Low 1933 . .102.1 . 42.3 . 72.3 . 95.1 58.0 113.7 96.9 4S.9 T3.9 2S.5 61.5 69.8 111.0 13.3 51.S High 1933 . Low 1933 , 35.0 S05D AVEEAQBS Today . 75.8 80.9 86.0 . 75.9 81.S 84.8 75.5 8L3 86.1 . 61.T 59.8 77.S 80.9 Previous dsy 81.3 80.9 Week sge Tear age 3 years age . High 1933 Low 1939 High 1939 66.4 . 93.8 107.4 100.1 100.4 . 77.1 84.9 88.5 83.5 . 58.8 67.0 74.1 69.6 . 71.8 79.0 86.9 78.1 Lew 1913 - . S9.9 47.4 70.9 57.6 GERVAIS, July II. F 1 r which la thought to hare been started by a transient complete ly destroyed A large barn and two Slios belonging to C. T. snxey. tnree miles soutn or oer - rals, Sunday noon. The firo had gainea euca wsawy wuen uin- wrrwiBB wua lun urjcouui- ua muu si iuvus iiuria niau is was impossible to save it. r The , fire crept through some trees at the south, a nearby hafldlnr caught la the roof sot- eral times and the new barn on th R. S. Harner nlace waa en dancered. A water tank thought to bo from the paring plant Gerrals and the hook and ladder truck from Woodburn responded and It was by their efforts that the nearby buildings were saved. The Brixey ban contained an almost new combine, feed grind er fan mill and ensilage cutter and a small amonnt of hay. All BR1XEY BARN BURNS Wl H LOSSES Fluctuation Limit is j Unsettling Factor Close Lifeless CHICAGO. July SI -(AP) Complete collapse grain markets . today for the third day in succes sion, prices going down the ex treme limit allowed, and later re maining prostrate. , Definite fixing of S to I cent boundaries for daily market fluc tuations either up or down ap peared to operate at least tempor arily as a means of unsettling In stead of reestablishing confidence of traders? Some leading grain specialists said the limits which had been adopted ry tho various American exchanges In connection with covernment officials at Washington had aoured holders of future delivery contracts, and had disturbed prospective new buyers. More stringent requirements as to financial margins needed were also a factor. During much of the day, all grain business was virtually at a standstill, with receivers of cer eals unwilling to accept rural of ferings because there was practic ally no futures market available in whieh purchases of immediate delivery grains could be. "hed ged." By "hedging" is meant a trade method equivalent te Insur ance for operators who wish - to avoid a speculative risk whether down or np. Wheat closed almost lifeless. 4-5 cents under Saturday's fin ish, corn 4 cents down, oata S cents off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat July, 89: Sept., 92- H; Dec., IS. May, 9. Corn July, 45 4; Sept., 41: Dec.. 544: May, 0. Oats July. Sept., S4; Dec, 40; May, 44. A minimum price of 129 per ton for Pacific northwest pears, with a price of 25 for MedTord and Sacramento pears, ts being urged by the tree fruit Indus tries' session at Seattle. A mini mum price tor prunes will also be urged, and tree fruit leaders in session hare .urged the presi dent to fix an emergency price for these two commodities, har vest ot which will open this month. ' Leading canners of the north west hare already signified in tention of supporting the $20 minimum level suggested, accord ing to word from Seattle. How ever, some canners object, pre sumably to "cash in" on rising values if they can buy on a low market. If the $20 pear minimum be comes an actuality, this will double the early season offerings said to have been made by one I of the price-demoralising canners tn northwest. This canner. according to reports late in June. quoted opening prices oh a basis which would indicate offers ot $10 for both pears and prunes. Wool Mart Quiet; Undertone Firm BOSTON, July $1 (AP) (U. S. Dept. Agr.) The wool market is quiet but the undertone is firm despite the comparatively limited Inquiries from manufac turers. The quietness of the mar bet Is a development that has been widely anticipated In the wool trade and consequently Is not re- e 1 suiting in any appreciable change I In wool quotations. The estlmat- - 1 ed receipts of domestic wool at Boston during the week ending J1t 21. according ta ta Boston 1 Grain and rianr-sr h a n a-. amounted to If .877.200 pounds M co-pared with 25,211.100 dur- , thJ preT10 week ere destroyed except the eustl- cotter, which bad been mor- ed Saturday In preparation to storing the new hay crop Mon - day and wa.- near an entrance where It could bo saved. The at I Harper barn had just been rilled I wun nay. I The loss Is estimated at $3500 or more with some Insurance. I Mr. Brixey began Monday put- I ting lumber on the ground to re- - 1 build. Mr. Harper suffered a se I rere Injury to his ankle during ' the tire. By CLIFF STERRETT. m PEAR PRICE IS URGED 0 ROOSEVELT v