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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1933)
PAGE SIX Fhe OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon Sunday Morning, Jtrfr 30, 1933 x If . Attention on Brilliant Gard en BRILLIANT and smart will be the garden party -which L planned as an event of Thursday: in the gardens of Mrs. Clifford Brown with the American Legion Auxiliary as hos- x .. .. , . ' ' , . .. , . , ' , ' . The affair has been delightfully planned and .will in- clude in addition to cards and tea, a unique feature an in- teresting quilt display. Elaborate plans are being carried forward for decorative .effects loveiy garaens wmcn win iorm Tne event is being planned, as a Denem lor tne Auxi liary Trio which will go too- : Chicago for the American L gion convention in September as a representative of Oregon at' the convention and at the Century of Progress fair. ' : Musical organizations of ; the eity have been lnTited -to send representatives who will assist la receiving about the gardens. These Include Mrs. W. S. LeTens, 51 aeDo well club; Mrs. C. A. Spragne, Phllharmonie Orchestra association: Miss Dorothy Pearce. Salem Music Teachers associa tion; Mrs. Susan Varty, Business and Professional Women's chor s. and Mrs. R. W. Hans Seltz, Salem Symphony orchestra. Sa lem Madrigal club will choose a representatiTe early this week. Mrs. King Bartlett is general chairman and is being assisted by a large committee. Mrs. Wal ter Zosel Is chairman of the tick et committee and the tables and arise committee j includes Mrs. Mem Pearce. Mrs. Albert A. Cragg. Mrs. i Willis I Vincent, Mrs. Glen Seeley, and Mrs. J. T. De- laney. . - I" . , M The tea committee is headed by Mrs. Lelt Bergstik assisted by Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Mrs. C. K. Logan. Mrs. R. D. Woodrow, Mrs. Van - Seller Welder, Mrs. J. E. Marcroft, Mrs. Curtis Johnson, and Mrs. T. L. Kuhns. ; The qunt display will be in charge of the War Mothers and mill include some rare specimens of handwork. Mrs. Llsbeth Wa ters la chairman of the commit tee in charge and Is being as aisted by Mrs. J .A. Bernardi, and Mrs. Carrie Beechler. . Other , plans will be announced early in the week.: Mrs. Caroline Hrubets Loebner ef New York City! was the Inspir ation for a prettily appointed luncheon with Mrs. .Ray Smith as Jiostecs Friday at her home. ...(.. Dr. Drirer of Portland will preach at the CalTary Baptist church today, both morning and erenlng serTlcea. Mrs. Millie Currln and Mrs. McCounel of Estacada, were visi tors in Salem Friday. By ANNS ADAMS': Pattern Everf housewife wanta maaiffot thie affair were J membere pretty aprons ; an the model sketched -todav affords ODOOrtan - Ity for doing lots of t r 1 e k y - - -- a i ml - hieaed of contrast or may be earning iad .'trim the pockeU or be omitted. .Cotton nrinU , ara lust the thing: to use. Pattern SC29 may be ordered only in sizes Small, medium and large, smair sue, as niustratea, :requlrea 1 7da eh-f lustrated step-by-stea sewing in - atractlons Included; ith this pat :' 4'''; f , e&4 firtMa erts III) ta elas r tUmr teetas ptrfm; tn tais AnM Ateata ttra. Write ' slalalr T1 aaaiv Mdrtas aaa ss, B sore te state sis waste. Tka aw auBH aditea ef U Aaa -A4ml Vtters bMk la nady. Alter. aea. iporte, otf, tennli Arm, Jasm, babm fneka, spaelal atfta Mn Mttersa, atyUa tor Jvatece, aa4 moI clatkaa far- VMaastera. aa4 ta- atnettn tn auklag a cate sweater in uuxtf tha fmniitt1a ttesu. aa4 tor yanr oopr. Frice eatelog, tetm Mnta. Cateloa ea atttaca te- gUcr. twty-ttr etate. '..f" - AIImo n ma araua te Tae Oaa.: tea ItttUMi fatten aerpattawat, 849 Wart !7tt atetet, Tw Tarh dta. Party to properly compliment the uie setung ior xne party. Miss . Mary Schultz Returns From Study Miss' Mary Schults': returned home this week from risking in San Francisco : and at Mills Col lege, v v .r .-. .'-" ... ' While In the south Miss Schults took intensified violin work with M. Onnon, mentor of the Pro Arte Quartet which is appearing in a series of concerts at Mills College this season. Miss Schults is enthusiastic for the work of this organization which is said by critics to be the best string quartet in either Eur ope or the United States. She was able to hear several of the con certs presented at the college. The quartet has so far not been heard I on the coast except at Mills college where they are appearing in a series of programs for the second time in two years. It is anticipated that it will be possible for them to appear in at least one concert at San Francisco this year and perhaps next year they may be secured for other coast engage ments. While at Mills College Miss Schults was the guest of Miss Ru by Ann Lorence of Monmouth who has been a member of the music faculty of Mills for several years. Annual Birthday Party Attractive One of the delightful affairs or the year for Yew Park circle of the First Methodist church is the birthday garden party given each year by Mrs- A. A. Underhill In compumem xo ner moiaer, jars, -Mary uiuer. The party this year was observ- ed Friday afternoon la celebra- tion of 94 years of life for Mrs. An laiormai luncncuu w wrveu ii .,U1'".T '. "... preuy garoen ox me unoermu nome. owers in p r oib lion aaornea me laDies ana i ioe non- or guests. oie wu uwumui Dirtnaay caae. .... - An informal business and so- eial afternoon followed the lunch-1 eon hour. At the business hour of- MariePattbn, Miss Jeanne Pat ficers for the coming year were too. Misi Franeei Martin, Miss elected .with the following women M Jane Adams, Miss Lorraine " ?L'"L ""T" T-:iKinser. Miss Bnla Bailey, Miss vis. president; jars ippin, vice prwsiaeni; ir. u- v. treasurer; and Mrs. Ida Shade, secretary. Special guests in addition to 29 members of the circle and Mrs. Mary Litler, honor guest were Dr. and Mrs. B. Earl Parker, Mrs. G. W. Fox of South Bend, Ind-, Mrs. J. C. Tibbets, and Miss Bald win. Miss Cells Penny of Kalamazoo, Michigan, who is the house guest I or Miss Leaa Cherrington lor tnei summer was . the inspiration lor an attractive evening of cards and music recently, uuests ow- den to meet Miss Penny included Miss Gertrude Mishler, Miss Mary Heenan, Miss Mardette Heenan, Miss 'Martha Hutt of John Day, Miss Ruth Moore. Miss Hazel j Shutt, Miss Mobel Lindqulst, Miss j Carolyn e la Sioux Miss Erma Swaddel, Mlsg Mabel Harrison, Mrs. Veryl Graves, Mrs Charlotte Fake, Mrs. Edna McCllnntock, """" rington. . .. JVJZ: l'o.f 2f, en West, of New York City will arrive this week to spend some time , with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Os West in Portland. Miss' Louise FindlfT, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Findley is home from Berkeley where khe has been- attending the UniversV ty of California. 8he will remain only a short time berore return ing to Berkeley. An unusually happy time was enjoyed by members of the ' Wo men's Benefit association Thurs day night when they motcred to Rlverdale park and there enjoyed a picnic sapper preceded by P n swimming v and games. ad friend of. the association.. l v ... .. r .. . , . i - - . - . weorge siooaara na a I Ft .ti ..f 1. m ImthM n fa P"iv r. ana mn. w. r.atwvr r brother have mettn H y T?f!" '? ? qui. . wbiib nrr uit wm tnd iii-v. nhirt t-t- w.u 'Ji .. . ... . . r -; -r-- r?" ;ir,7 - 1 v .v. ... v. - i'pifSTJ "I Plaited other eastern iotnU. ' Mrs. H. F. SchiUiBK of Loa An geles has teen a guest of her par ents, Mr. andrMrs. R; K. Ohling. She left Friday tor a visit In Bend before returning, to her home. Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. Guy Deming -of Monmouth have", re ceived announcement of the mar riage of their son, .James Den ning, to. Mise Anna Mae Oglesby, July is, at Payson, Arizona. .Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lew ell en of Portland are "spending the week end with Mra. Lewellen's mother. Two marriages were .observed in St. Joseph's parish -Saturday with rather Buck reading the nuptial mass. h-- . .V-cj Miss Emily Folk bee am the bride of Mathew Burgemelster In a quiet' ceremony in St - Joseph's AinmtK ' Ca f ti a mnm Inaf . 1tiakw are both of Salem but -will make home in Folk coonty. Miss vWlldma Folk, brother or the bride attend- ed Mr. and Mrs. Burgemelster. miss Edna Snyder of saiem be- came the bride of Floyd Johns of Junction city at $ o'clock $satur- K - aTSiSSS Donald Cabler acted as brides- maid and best man. Mr. and Mrs. Johns will make their home in Junction City. -; Smart Events Is Weekend Feature A TTBACTIVE affairs continue l to feature .the weekends of the capital city and both the younger sets and the older circles. The out-doors continues the favorite for entertaining and picnics and garden parties take the lead. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Iaehmund entertained with a garden supper party at their home Friday night a number of Salem people to meet Mrs. C. W. Shants of New York City, Mr- and Mrs. E. R. Spencer of Portland and Dean Walker of Independence. Salem guests in eluded Mr. and Mrs. Lynn C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Carson, Mr. and Mrs.: James R. Linn, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers, Mr- and Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Don Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mr. and Mrs. William Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLel- lan, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Victor R. Grlrzs. Mt. and Mrs. Curtis 1 Cross. Dr. and Mr w. H; Lytle, Miss Flor- ence IrwIn MI wlnifred Byrd, MUa EiiiaDeth Lord, Dr. W- B. Morse, George Putnam and John Roberts. tinl and nvtmminr nartv of interest Friday afternoon . was that 8ponBored by a group of the younger set at Rlverdale park. In- cluded jn this gTOUP Were MISS Margaret Engel, Miss Jean East rldg6i Ml3i Margaret Burdette, Ml8g Frances Sande, Miss Margar- et Corey, Miss Anita Wagner. Mlg, Dorotha Cannon. Miss Cyn thla Delano, Miss Isobel George, MIgl E8ther wood. Miss Kathryn m.. tv niM... Haxe, Johngonf Miss Lois Wilkes MfM viola Crozier. Miss Dorothea Corey, Miss Claudia Buntin, Miss Cathrin Headrick, Miss Cleo Rit ner, Miss Barbara MacDonald, Miss' Jean Doollttle, Miss Fran ees Jansen, Miss Helen Weldmer, Miss Maxlne McKiUop, Mrs. Charles Claggett, Mrs. Robert Ramsden and Mrs. Hubert Ashby. The Senior Christian Endeavor Society of Enalewood United Brethren church held its month- 7 business meeting at the home of Mrs. Bessie Shepherd Friday evening. The early nart of the evening waa Bpent transacting business an(j mafcing- plans for a picnic t he held Anrust 12. Each immmk - r nr th witv i tn hrinc Games were nUved af- ter the business . meeting. Later refreshmenU were served. Thos nt were G a r n e t hU'kbk Lauretta Fish. Sam Saunders, Clelcnd Fish., and the hoctKi. Mm. Rtmlii Shtihrd. . be held at the home of Garnet Larkins. , . A . happy, surprise party .was that planned by music students of Mrs.: George Melslnger Wed nesday evening when they coop erated with Mrs. Melslnger in honoring the birthday of Mr, Melslnger. An informal evening was spent in music and conversa tion. Present in -compliment to Mr. Melslnger were Mr. and Mrs. Louise ' Preim. Mr. and Mrs. arlea McElroy. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Garrett and Nadra Garrett and Mrs. Tennis, and eons Deryl and Dalton Tennis, Luly McClay, Verda Olmstead, Flora Turnbull, Ella Smith.. Haxel McElroy, Jes- mim snui;, ntnt iiuiini;, w trade Badeau, Robert Garrett. Eugene Doyle. Alvift Burns. Mrs. vsag wsnar. Mr riai,iua. Culver.- PrisciUa Melslnger and m,,: p-tnH I w--.-w. IY - tp. at last weekend as ruesu Jf MrJ-JS wlltS . .. - I3- Kirk at Newport. r Kraiwfiiia ruumi ki Nani I and Seuth DakeU er those r.i- deal, visiting here are asked to I be held Anmst 13 et McMinnvtlle Oregon., A basket Juneheoa wjn rved atnoon. t -iT; OUR PRICES i on portraits: .. .will not- be "raised before " " September 1st. ' ' Court aad Commercial Bta. : SOCIAL CALENDAR; V Sunday, July SO v . Jones-McAlpin reunion, Sllverton Park. Oregon branch of Engle clan, reunion at Silvertoa Prk. ',;. .; .'-v'-:'"; . " ' Monday, July SI . Willamette Shrine No. 2, White Shrine of Jerusa lem, annual picnic, evening, on the. lawn of E. B. Mil lard residence, 181 D street, , for members and famil ies. Bring picnic baskets. ' 4.. ... . '..u . ReciUl of students of Prof. William Wallace Gra ham, 8:30 o'clock at Ralph Scott home, 500 North Cap ltol street; for reservations call 0549. Rebekahs to meet for regular business meeting, t o'clock in Odd Fellows hall; all visiting Rebekahs in vited to attend. - ' . . . . Tuesday, August 1 Three Link club "and Encampment meet for potluek dinner, : 30 o'clock. E. B- Millard residence. 181$ D street. Bring' table service. - ' W. C. T. U.,.l o'clock In hall at Ferry and South1 Commercial 'street; 'program, and tea' meeting.- " , ; Indoor picnic 'for: Daughters-of Nile and families, t:SS o'clock In Masonic temple; bridge te follow din ner hour. - v Thursday, August S - : : . , Marion County ' Veterans association, Silverton park; basket dinner. . - Women's Benefit association, f o'eloek in Women's clubhouse. ' Friday, August i Joint picnic Berean - and Sterling chapters World Wide guild, 'Hat el Green. Leave ' First Baptist chureh, 1:30 p. m., Mrs. J. Vinton Scott, speaker. Junior Guild Bridge Tea Hostess AMONG the smart affairs of the week was the garden - .1... V C, ' VmmVm Junior Guild at the country home of Mrs. Homer Goulet. Resplendent In the beauty of flowers and shrubs In natural set ting the small tables were attrac tive invitations for bridge and la ter tor a charmingly served tea. The tea service table where Mrs. Louis Lachmund and Mrs. George Swift presided was a pretty study in blue and yellow. . .Scores for the afternoon were won by Mrs. Harry Crain and Mrs. J. H. Wlllet, . Guests for bridge and tea In cluded Mrs. W. T. Jenks, Mrs. Tom Roberts, Mrs. S. de Lisle, Mrs. C. E. Wagner, Mrs. James Hum phrey, Mrs. Frank. Durbln,. and Misa Irene de Lisle. Mrs. H. H. Olinger, Mrs. T. A. Livesley. Mrs. A. M. Jerman, Mrs. George A. White, . Mrs. Romeo Goulet, Mrs. Jay Upton of Bend, Mrs. P. C. MacDonald, Mrs. T. L. Kuhns, Mrs. H. G. Malson. Mrs. Homer Smith, Sr Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., Mrs. Margaret Le Furgy, Mrs. T. H. Galloway, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. Max Car man, Mrs. Frank Shaf er, Mrs. Richard Stole, Mrs. Arthur Knox. Mrs. James Laidlaw, Mrs. James Odell, Mrs. Harry N. Crain, Mrs Phil Newmyer, Mrs. Willis Rough ton, Mrs.-Seymour Jones, Mrs. J. T. Whittig, Mrs. Joseph Beveridge. Mrs. U. G. Shipley. Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs. Harry Willett, Mrs. John Brophy, Mrs. Harry Wied- mer, Mrs. A. C. F. PerryMrs. Don Roberts, Mrs. Josephine Parrish Stewart, Mrs. Russel Catlin. Mrs. James Young Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs? F. M. Jordan of Se attle,: Mrs. Henry W. Meyers, Mrs. W. H. Lytle, Mrs. Louis Lach mund.' Mrs. J. V. Schur, Mr. Wal lace Bonesteele, Mrs. Thomas RI- lea, Mrs. B. F. Pound,' Mrs. R, E. Downing, Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs. James Lewis, . Mrs. Frank Bowersox.' Mrs. William Hamil ton, Mrs. Roy Hurst, Mrs. John Hunter, Mrs. Reed Rowland, Mrs. Curtis B. Cross,' Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs. William Walton, Mrs. Victor Griggs, Mrs. C. F.1 Patton, Mrs. Charles .Jory, Mrs. Claire Simeral, Mrs. Alton D. Hurley. Mrs. E. K. Kennedy, Mrs.'E. B. Gabriel, Mrs. Lawrence Imlah, Mrs. R. H. Stew art. Mrs. George Welleftf Mrs. Ed win Keech, Mrs. Raymond Bone steele, Mrs. Don Pritchett, - Mrs. Homer Egan, Miss Page, Miss Hat- tie Ramp, Miss Margaret Wilson, Mini Margaret Drager, Miss Ruth- ita Hoffnell, Miss Virginia Holt. Mlsa Margaret Wagner, Mrs Hen ry Cornoyer, Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Mrs. Wallace Carson.. Miss Rovena Eyre and the hostess. Mrs. Ho mer Goulet. . e - -Word has reachedr Salem ef the b 1 r t k of a son 1 to - Mr. and. Mrs. Oral Hageddra.f . Portland Friday. Mr. Hagedorn Is a bro ther ef Mrs. Paul H. Haoaer and formerly made hia kome In' Sa lem. - - ' .L . e . - - Mlsa-Berniee" drwig.'ldaaghUr of Mr. aid Mra.:C Orwig has been called to Peruana by .the serious illness of her. grandmoth er, Mrs.. Adallne Young. -rr .' V - ' . URU-KOL., : i FcmlaliM Hygienic 'AjrtlscpUe.' A Health Bafldim .Medixm. TJRU KOL la safe.- Imw siileble, eCld cient eaiieepUc w Peedaet at 'the America ' Bwreasi , -ef Personal Hygiene. -'-ft..v uKir- . Mr: K.;mhfar BeprecnUtrve 1342 Capital St. "- Pbae S283 . : Don't Neglect Yotr ; ; Eyes--To Do So :- r May Mean Trouble : We will test your eyea and fa the proper prescription Into j smart looking frames for sal. ' extremely moderate eoeC Con? i suit with us todayr-H wm pay B ride Elect Is Honor Guest MONO the pretty affairs be ing given In compliment to Miss Sibyl White, bride- elect of A. Leon Redfern. whose wedding will 'be an event of August 11. was the informal party, given by Miss Joyce An- oerson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Missler In Stayton Sat urday night. The party motored to Stayton early in the evening and enjoyed swimming before . an evening of bridge concluded by a late sup per. Miss Anderson was assisted at the supper hour by Mrs. Don ald Deckebach. A color scheme of pink and Ivory was used for the guest rooms and for table decorations. i .rreaem ior me aiiair were Miss White, Mr. and Mrs. Don aid Deckebach, Miss Dorothy KreDs, Miss Dorothy Moore, Mlsa Phyllis Hauge. Richard Devers. Merle Long of Corvallis. Charles HeltzeL Patt Campbell and Miss Anderson. - - The Three Link club met for its regular business and social af ternoon Friday at the Siegmund home on Lee street. -The affair was a garden party and Droved delightful. Small tables were ar ranged on the lawn and here tea was served as a happy conclusion to the afternoon. A color scheme of pink and green was carried out for table decorations. Hos tesses for the afternoon were Eu genla Siegmund, Murtle Bechtel, Wilda Siegmund and Mrs. Lucy siegmund. H. Philharmonic .Chdir- Wins Acclaim k - The Willamette university Phll harmonie choir sang Its I way to fame .and favor at the Century af Progress exposition In Chicago last week. ' A telegram to The Statesman from Cameron Mar shall, director, reads:. ; "First appearance Philhar monic ehoir. sang to 40.000 peo ple. Management asked for two extra appearances next week. Chicago Tribune: "This choir got down to finer things and proved one of 'the best, small choirs heard for, some time." The - choir ' will . start westward again this week, with numerous stops, scheduled before reaching Salem. i Garden Part v Fetes Small Maid? clever garden party plan ned for this afternoon will be that which will compli ment the first anniversary of wee Nancy . Lamb, daughter of Mrs, Helen Lamb, at the home of ' the wee maid's grandmother, Mrs. Winifred Pettyjohn. Gay balloons, garden furniture, small animals floating in the gar den . pool, together' with many flowers and the - background of shrubs will make the setting a perfect one for the small guests. Miss Nancy will receive from a canopied, flower decked corner of the yard. . Many older friends are invited to call during the afternoon and for those who care to play bridge small tables have been set in formally about the garden. Amonc tnose caning will be Miss Pauline Johnson, Miss Caroline; Parker. Miss Doratha Cannon. Miss Nancv Spurlln, Miss June Jackson. Miss Jessie Blackburn, Miss Genevieve Morgan, Miss Thora Boesen. Miss Marguerite Elizabeth Doak, Miss Bioise Wright, Miss Ethel Lives ley, Mrs. Jessie Follis, Mrs. Helen Hamilton. Mrs. Frederick S. By- non, jr.. Mrs. Irl McSherry, Mrs. C. D. Gabrlelson. Mrs. Jennie Barrett, Mra. Blanche Furgeson. Mrs. . Cilia Hughes, Mrs. Chester Cannon, Mrs. Clarke Jackaon, and inaries cannon, great grand father of the small maid. The small folk asked to greet Miss Nancy on the momentuous occasion include Janice Jackson, Patricia Cannon, Frederick By- non. Ill, Clifford Hughes. Bettv Hughes, Donnie Evans, Georgia Evans and Miller Follis. Mrs. Lamb will be assisted by Miss Doratha . Cannon, and Miss Jessie Blackburn. Pioneer.. The fifth annual wiener roast was held by the Live Wire class of the Dallas Chris tian church, Friday bight, at the Bobbins oak grove. The time was spent In singing and social con verse after which Mrs. Burt Curtiss, Robert Dornheeker, Clyde. Gibbs and Clyde Robblns favored the group with readings a . RlckrealL Mrs. Jennie Demp- sey, Mrs. Harry Dempsey and son Ralph are spending the weekend In Portland. WE, THE OF M melPowerib II. STIFF Furniture miPERIAtFtirni - . ' , M , - - i . C. S. HAMILTON Furniture FIDLER Furniture -. ' i . .... University Circles Busv With, Smart Summer Social Affairs (! AS the late summer advances and coIIej-aTs gain be come a matter of immediate plans; 'society; is colored with gay rush parties, formal sets. Twodelightful university parties were given-this week. Beta Chi sorority entertained with a smartly formal bridge luncheon in the. Green Gate room of the Spa Saturday aft ernoon asking as special guests Miss Helen. Purvine, Miss Margaret Doege, Miss Helen Worth Miss Jane Fisher, Miss Julia Johnson, Miss Edna Savage, Miss. Eleanor Trindle, Legion Auxiliary Plans Told Interest In American Legion auxiliary circles la being centered on Klamath Falls where August 10-11-1 J the fifteenth annual con vention of the Legion and Auxil iary will be held. Mrs. Alice George, department president, will preside over the meetings which will be held in Fremont school. The state com mittee in charge includes Mrs. E. Templar, Mrs. Visa Cozad, Mrs. R. W. Browning, Mrs. R. C. Dale, Mrs. J. H. Rhea, and Mrs. L. K. Porter. Ceremonies will open at 9 o'clock in the Pelican theatre. Mayor Mahoney will give the ad dress of -welcome, and addresses will be made by officers of the Klamath Falls Legion and Aux iliary and by state officers. Frank E. Samuel, national adjutant of the American Legion will be pres ent and talk at this time. Numbers will be given by the Salem Trio and the Salem Drum Corps and by the Rose City Glee club. The annual music contest will be held at 7:30 o'clock at Fremont school. It is anticipated that there will be eight or nine units compet ing. A convention parade will be held at night, an original feature with this convention. It is sched uled for 9 o'clock Thursday night. TTls will be followed by a mid night matinee. Lunches, tea, dancing and other social affairs are being planned for the pleasure of the visiting conventioners. Indoor Picnic Plan Of Nile Group , A smartly planned Indoor pic nic is being arranged for Tues day evening by the Daughters of the .Nile for members and fami lies. Dinner will be served at 0:30 o'clock picnic style and this will be followed by an evening of bridge. The committee in eharge In cludes Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. chairman, and Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. O. A. Olson, and Mrs. M. C. Petteys. e e W. C. T. U. will meet on Tues day afternoon at 3 o'clock at their hall. The program will in clude reports from the national W.C.T.U. convention, report from the children's form home, and a silver tea for the benefit of the children's home. UNDERSIGNED SALEM If 'We have today signed up to comply with the President's wishes in the National Re covery Act. .. Mini! Company ,.v any tureCompa Comp and informal in the university ' ' ' OMiss Evelyn Haag,Miss Dor othy Keetciv: Miss Frances Ellis, Miss Charlotte McQary, Miss Grace Elizabeth Holman and Miss Margaret Heltzel. . The tables at the luncheon hour were arranged In a delicate color scheme ef blue and pink carried out through the medium of sum mer flowers and tapers. For cards winning scores were held by Miss Frances Ellis and Miss Margaret Heltzel. Hostesses Included Miss Doro thy Dalk. .Miss Helen Boardman, Miss Florence Marshall, Miss Mar garet Purvine, Miss S a v 1 1 1 a Phelps, Miss Isobel Morehouse. Miss Eleanor Henderson, Miss Jo sephine Cornoyer, Miss Roaalind Van Winkle, Miss Mary Hazard, Miss Hattie Ramp. Miss Eloise White, Miss Jeryme TJpston, Miss Margaret Savage, Miss Esther Gibbard, Miss Dorothy Alexander, and Miss Faye Cornutt and Miss Louise Fletcher. Another gay party of the week In university circles waa that for which Miss Betty-Mae Hartung was hostess to a group of Delta Phi sorority sisters at her home. Tenth Nebraska Picnic Pl&hneel The tenth -annual Nebraska Picnic will b' etd in the Cor vallla city park August 6. Thl picnic has always Attracted many former Nebraskans. Last year over one thousand were in at tendance, coming from Ashland on the south to Seattle, Washing ton, and The Dalles on the nortb and east. There are 90 counties in Nebraska and 70 were repre sented at the Corvallis picnic last year. Francis Ziegler, Corvallis, for merly of Monroe, Platte county, ia president of the Nebraska Pic nic asociation and promises an interesting time to all who attend. A program of good music ha been arranged. A prominent "ex cornhaaker" wiU deliver a 30 mthute talk and short, extempor aneous talks will be of interest to alL Coffee is to be furnished for the basket luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn and Mr. and Mrs. John Brophy motor ed to Portland Thursday night to attend a performance of Victor Herbert's -The Only GirL" Whil at the theatre they met easually Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Riggs, for mer Salem residents and chatted with them. Mrs. Riggs Is one of the sponsorers for the play, th? Victor Herbert company in Port land. ' ; . ny Ml Uompa if' v 4 el? a x '4 Mrs. J. R. Payne. k i i i. ' 7 :tj urn..