The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 30, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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    "No Favor Sway Us; No Fear Shall Awa"
From First Statesman, March 28, 1851 ' - i
Chasxes A. Snicwt - -' -' Editor-Manager
Sheldon F. Sackett -' - - - Managing Editor
Member at th Associated Press L?
The Associates Preaa tm exclusively antltled to to use for.publloa
tlen f all news dispetchea credited ta It or aot otherwise credited In
I per. . . .. " j - -
Portland Representative
. , Gordon B. Bell, . Security Building, -Portland, Or. .
Eastern Advertising Representatives
Bryant. CJrimth A BraiMo, Int. Chhseao, New Tark, DetroK.
' ' Boston. Atlanta
Entered f -tn Postoffic at Saltm, Oregon, as Seeond-CUut
Matter: PuKeAed every -monttnj xcept Monday, Bueinett
ffUx. S1S S. ConnureUl Street. -
M Pabeirrtptlon Rata, 1n Advance. Within Oregon! Daily and
Sf&J a : M M ! 1 7u
KlMwbero 19 cents per Ma. or Sfc.OS.forX year in advance.
By Olty Carrier: J cnta a month; IS.Ot a year in advance, . Per
Copy J cents. On trains and New. Stands I cant
l 1J,1V1H-,1J-, uy SHANNON
: Br n. J. hendxucks- :
tat last
Sympathies to Pasadena
PASADENA escaped the devastation of the March earth
quake" wh i c h Los Anralea suffered ? hnf Tttlar 1 sm An.
Seles claims to have escaped by 13 degrees the high tem
perature which visited Pasadena last week. The official re
ports were 106 at Pasadena and 93 in Los Angeles. Either
one is "most unusual" for these cIHpa wWa rlfmafa i
principal article of their commerce. But Pasadena thoueht
iiierermusi ue someinmg. wrong witn tne instruments; just
like Salem for examnle last winter, vhon i ir ai
K - - f ki v i na ov
much lower than for other cities.
At Pasadena, such discrimination in the wAthr rnA
'fnrwftmnf irtnni-m .a'IUa .V. .U i
MiMMj, du ura juiuui vxiainucr jl cuuiinerce Days
put that down first on the list of "things to do today. The
juniors ot busy pronto. First they tested the recording in
strument in their own home town, hoping to- prove it was
too ebullient under the sun's rays. They found it in a man's
back yard ; but its test was accurate to a split hair.
v hen went to Los Angeles convinced that the L. A.
chamber of commerce has. held a wet towel nn HniK
that town's instrument. To find it they had to mount to the
top of one of the big down town buildings; and that gave
them the cue to the answer. For up where the-breezes blow
they found it cooler than down at street level. They found
an alibi; but alas for .the juniors, there ;ia no explanatory
footnote which accompanies the weather reports; and 106
for Pasadena will have to stand, like Salem's minus five,
because the thermometer is out on the windswept airport
instead of atop a high building and close to the warm flue,
as in Portland. -Salem can extend sympathies to Pasadena.
The Spirit of the Act
JUST now employers are scheming and planning as to how
they may rearrange their hours of work to conform to
code requirements. Some are enthusiastic; others lukewarm;
others frankly skeptical. May we call attention to the spirit
of the act, which is primarily to put people back to work.
It seems to us that the employer should make diligent
effort to see what he can do to give new jobs, rather than
to see just how little he can do to get a blue sticker and get
by under the code.
.- A degree of faith will be needed. Employers have been
forced to chisel here and chisel there on payrolls for years.
It is hard now for them to see hnw thev ran moof aAAaA
- mmm-.j " .A.VVV "UVU
A11TI mwt VOTAmsi. IJm. W X 1 A T" A -a
vuwoj i ttcikcs. x ciutvus mey cannot., mix nere is n phanco
I for the employer to exercise some degree of faith and make
a venture either in putting more people on the payroll or in
increasing compensation of those already on. It is going to
taice some such willingness to venture to get millions of
men nacx on payrolls.
In planning codes for stores and offices And fartnries
employers should keeD in mind the sDirit of the art tr
spread work to more people, not just do the same amount of
wjorjc wnn tne same force in less time.
1 Close as operating budgets have been held, now is a
time to "take a chance". The resulting employment if gen
eral enough may give just the impetus needed to make re
covery steady and substantial.
Pension Reviews
TOCAL boards are to be created over the country, some
i OA 4 It.,,- ' . , ,
- - vv y ac view pension cases ana determine de
gree of disability and make recommendations as to the pen
sion allowance which should be made. We are not surprised.
It was inconceivable that the government could be as ruth
less as many veterans report.
Now cases may be presented to the boards, whose per
sonnel will be announced within a few days, and those who
feel they have proper claims may get a hearing. A special
board of 15 will be the final board of review.
I Spanish war veterans also get better consideration in
a new presidential order, which authorizes payment of $50
a month to veterans with 50 per cent disability, if they can
show need.
The injustices have been administrative Tint lAorfalarlva
! and executive orders should modify cases of manifest injus
hvc. iub ciWU UOW nave a niace Tnr nreaentincr their
claims for consideration; that is fair, and we anticipate they
nm uo ueaieu witn iairness py tnese local boards.
' TTiWAaa V TT7aUa m ' .
- r . wi orTajus nas oeen named assutaat man-
oi noma loan something or other. Now there's a reward
lor a deserrlng democrat. Walter has fought the battles ol demo-
I Tii T uu-uuuuu repaoiican county or Benton lor many
' j't aoucrationa.. m tne aarkest days ot the eclipse when Cool
T.u.w! at the peak ot Power. Horace Walter was still an lrrecon
i11a Kla M mh a a a a. a .
jTvt . u Al ionK 31 ms sturay Tirtne gets recompense;
hi. uw iegiou oi inenos ot both parties wUl bo happy for him.
Walter, incidentally, ia a realtor; so he should be able to dis
- charge whaterer duties attend the office with success. And he will
not hare to put the white pillow slip over his head either.
fitctar star. Is es&barrassed
premier of her latest pktare wkeap
her haaband, Karl Krager, wtoat
she thenght ia prisoB, arrlTca and
tareateBs U rereal Ui Ideatitf
3slesa she talks with klav Lky
Caranamck, a gaabler, nrereats
Krmger freaa saaldar a aces and
-a him placed ia a prirata eOos
U await Leal after tne snow, u
the next eflee, tkierea akorglar-
izinx the safe. Leal goes t Kragtr.
HeCentands reeognitlem as-ker kns-
band. She ref asea but he says
wQ wait far her to recaaali
Cayaaaaxh, fascinated fcr Lenl's
hity, teOewa ker into the hex.
finding kar ia tears ke tries to
comfort ker sad Leal is strangely
atrengtkened fcy kls kaadclass.
He takes ker eat for seme air.
Ferced to confide ia someone,
relates ker past life! alaring ia
Yieama factory v . ; marriage to
Krager when only f oarteea
beatisgs ... Km gera arrest .
America . , and ker gradoal rise
to. stardom. Uaable to resist. Car
anangh kisses ker. Later ks ceei
to Kmger and iaslsto that ke hare.
bat tit utter U delaat. A fight
caavea, Krager draws a rerelrer
and CaTaaasgh turns eat the lights.
Kmger empties his gas at Lacky
but misses him. Then, in f rj,
Krager rashes threagh the deer
leading to the next offlee, sarpris
ing lhe robbers at werhv A toagne
of flam spurts from a burglar's
aatematie sad Krager drops dead.
CsTaaaagk slips t of the eOce
anaotieed, hut a the stairs he
nteets DetoetiT .Tsn Malreey.
CaTaaasgh knows Malroaaej will
eenacct him with tho murder whea
It is discrred. . .
Just before he entered the box.
Leni turned ker head and saw him.
A faintly discreet smile formed en
her lip.
The smile said, Tm glad
hare eome back to m. It is ale to
hay yoa right her, but I har not
told'lfr. Gates about yoa, Pm pre
tending you're a stranger till later."
Caranaugh's ImperatiTe necessity
to tea har at one of Krugars
H did not enter the box but
retraced bis steps again to the
rear of th first floor where be
found washerthis time a genu
in on. Fortunately it was th
same youth who had procured him
the seat ia th -box.
"Do yoa think yoa could do me
another faror this eTeninr," he
asked th . youth with his compel
ling touch of eameraderi.
The young man thought he could.
Cayanaugh put a bank not ia th
lad's hand and went back to -the
box. Unostentatiously he found his
seat. A few minutes later the usher
was bending confidentially behind
Douglas Gates and whispering in
his ear.
"A long distance ealh has just
come in for you, sir," h lied de
ferentially. The operator has
switched it into the booth in the
men's lounge. The party said it was
rery Important that we get you on
the phone, sir.
The usher disappeared and there
after kept out of sight. As Gates
mored np the aisle, Cayanaugh
spoke -to Lent in a rapid hushed
"Brae yourself for a shock, be
said. Els band reached forward and
dosed above her elbow. Tour trou
ble with Kroger is all orer. There
was some sort of a hold-up ia th
front part of th theater a little
while ago. Krnger got shot acci
dentally. I had nothing to do with
it myself."
Leni drew her breath la slowly
orer her teeth until her lungs were
completely filled.
Tea. Dont let it rattle yoa. It's
iZ ( )M)
"Braesjearself for a shodc." he said. "Tour trouble with Krager
to all Tr-
the break of a Cfe-time for yoa
but yoa deserred H."
"Ifs terribler sh attend pain
Tnt hopug h didnt carry any
papers that would link him up with
yoa," Cayanaugh went oa quickly.
Tf h did, well mor hearea sad
earth to keep it quiet. Dont want
yoa to tell a VMag soul sbat
Krager uudeistsndl Let sae baa
dl it my own way."
It was almost too nweh to ex
pect that a woman ander her strain
could keep a cool head, yet LaL
by shear fore of win, compelled
her brain to rational behavior.
TH keep silent," ah agreed.
"Final There's only on bad angle
to it I met a dcteetiTe a little while
ago back there. He found year
handkerchief ia the penthouse. It
lint Important but if anybody
starts asking us questions well
simply tU th truth learing
Kroger out of ft. W didat as a
jimmy to get into th penthouse.
Somebody -had been there ahead of
us and we merely entered through
th French doors that wer already
opened. Th cops will be so excited
over what happened that Mulrooney
probably will forget all about the
penthouse business."
Cayanaugh could feel her begin
ning to tremble. "How much more
of this can I stand?" she asked
Tm sorry," he said steadily to
her. "But you've sot to go through
with it. The worst part Is over. I
know you won't fall down now. Get
yourself together. Show me how
much heart you've got."
It was a eommand a challenge
and it entered into Leni's blood like
strong medicine.
"Mr. Gates wUl be back la a
minute," she said, forcing her voic
to calmness.
"That's what I'm thinking
about," said Cayanaugh. "W want
to get rid of him IH tak you
horn myself tonight."
"But how can we got rid of
himT" asked Leni willingly.
Cavanaugh's eyes wer alert and
"We're going to do something
Gates wUl resent terribly. That
aid door to still open and If w
harry H b goa before 7a gets
back. If h telephone, yoa un him
yoa felt faint and soma friend
took yoa horn. WH dedg aroand
th back and pick ap a tax."
Leni did not answer him. Merely,
sh res to her feet -turned ker
back bpob th aadlenoe sad moved
oat of th bos as Cavanaugh stood
said to giv har precedence). Th
sQksa eurtaia swished together be
hind them. A vary few steps and
they stepped out through th aid
door Into th fresher air f the
Sloe, bo longer was oa guard la
his inappropriat . saber's uniform.
However, soother maa was a
stocky maa ia a gray worsted suit
A maa with a brieUfaar red mous
tache and eyes as bio and dear a
a child's.
Cavanaugh was not a maa to
show- surprise, or disappointment in
an emergency. He was a gentleman
among gamblers, and a gambler
among- gentlemen. And la his
individual way he had more poise
than the professional practitioners
of either class. If he was la th
least startled by the annoying pres
ence of Detective Mulrooney no
one would have suspected it. A
smile lit bis face he seemed
actually glad to meet the maa who
was quit obviously barring' his
path. But it waa all oa th sur
face. . . .
"Oh, hello, Mr. Mulrooney," b
said pleasantly. Tm just taking
Miss Lanka home. Miss
this Is Tom Mulrooney, th head
man of oar detectiv fore bar,"
Mulrooney bowed a little stiffly
to Lent.
"You're perfectly right about me
being bead maa of th detective
fore her," h said, "but you'r
wrong about Just taking Miss Lo
neska bom. Both of yoa are going
to spend a littl time with me an
wering questions. W just found
a safe popped open and a dead maa
upstairs. It must have happened
while yoa both were ia the vidn
ity." (T Pe CH dQ
Peltoa kahkwa..
Peltoa klootchmaaf, -
(Continuing from yesterday:)
"Oregoa Is fortunat ia bavin
Raphael P. Bonn am as inspector
ia charg. Though always earn eat
and willing to show th greatest
charity and humanity, h. combs
our institutions regularly and re
lieves th taxpayers ' of this dis
trict of a great burden. - . ,
' . . . .
' The U. 8. law ia lilt was re
troactlTS for' a period of only
thre years, and, according to it,
we could not deport a person wao
had . arrived, earlier,. vea though
they wr not dtlsens and were
most undesirable. Last year coat
gross amended th law increasing
th , rstroactlv period to five
years. "';'"'!"
"la 1I1S, th board ot control.
consisting of Governor West, Sec
retary ot Stat Ben W. Oicott and
Stat Treasurer Kay, discovered
that Oregon had. In her state hos
pital, a whol department of Or
ientals Japanese, ! Chinese, Kor
eans, etc, and secured aa appro
priation from th legislator to
return them to their homes.
.Th.U. 8, government could
not do this, so th problem was,
how could Oregon do it? Th big
Chines Six company sad th con
suls of Japan and China were en
listed. ' !
"After many meetings and pow
wows, all agreed to giv each one
S9, Mexican, equivalent to f 2S
U. 8. money, and transportation,
this being tor the best interests
of all concerned. This was accom
plished, very satisfactorily.
"Th averag expectancy of life
for hospitalised mental patients
is II years. Assuming the cost of
maintaining aa Oriental at $20
per- month, and. with a proper
ward bunding at i $40,010. it is
seen, that a saving of $121,000
was mad at an expense of $4.S00.
Thia . sounds Ilk Ponsl finance,
but It Is tm.
rnis was aon witnout a spe
cial department such as -Califor
nia and Washington and most
other state maintain.
"There bar been several hun
dred charges, returned to their
own families and homes, of
which number at least 200 would
ha v. been, permanent charges on
Oregon, at aa expens of several
hundred thousand dollars, had
not th vigilanc ot th state
board prevailed.
"Few people know of this In
disputable fact. After most care
ful investigations and earnest
consideration, tho last several leg
islatures bar been beneficently
kind ia their appropriations for
th mental hospitals.
"After all, the public Is most
interested in the results obtained.
Our present methods ot th care
of the insane, compared with
methods of past generations, are
as different as day and night.
"One can elaborate upon the
human sld of many improve
ments, but th first big lmprove-
I ment came when the public insist
ed on committed patients being
transferred to hospitals by trained
hospital attendants.
"This. was strongly opposed by
sheriffs ln 1106- Today the
strongest supporters ot the law
are th good sheriffs of tho state.
"No woman is transported with
out a lady attendant from the
stat hospital.
."Th last legislature enacted a
law by which a person who be-
DUtribau4 fcr JuoaJT.catarce. Srai
arty Shu
Lies Told to One's Seli Usually
Hurt Nobody ; Sharkey an Example
By D. H. Talmadge, Sage of Salem
EVERT week, almost, I promise
myself that' I'll write an ar
ticle setting the country straight,
and perhaps the world, but I nev
er keep the promise. The fact Is
I don't know what to say. And,
anyhow, no one Is compelled to
keep the promises he gives to
himself- Anybody may. He to him
self to any extent, and It Is all
There Is a real hitch In the code for th lumber industry! The
draft recently agreed upon fixed wages in southern mills at 22 He
per hour and In western nillU at 42c per hour. Now it Is pro
posed to Increase western rates in the fir and pine mUls to 47 c
per hour. That would widen the spread and make ifr harder for
. .W to compete. Why should there not be rather a narrowing
of th spread? The west is already un aratnsf hither fret? r.t.
in competing with southern mills In the xreat mid-wast cnnmminr
arna. . - m
.W ier McGe et eth sentence in Kansas City for parti
cipating In a kidnaping. The penalty seems too severe, for the per
son abducted was returned unharmed. Tho crime- is revolting and
HjJ?n rmpata' 'or McQee; ut it is doubtful it th death
penalty. wlu prove a deterrent aratnat tMn.ntn th.
. appreaension ana punishment rather
Just an occasional hanging. - 1
J brothers, It is wartime again, with threats against sUck
rs, and glowing, signs to ny in tho windows. But thVbeVt proof
of all asvnewspapers wUl know, is that George Creel his bn
named to handle N.R.A. pubUdty in -Washington and flnnii Win
M.f.V.JeVL.U 7ms that hU tortus
thre daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
William Davis are visiting their
. parents this week. They are Mrs.
F. A Keith and two children of
. Los Angeles, Mrs. F, M. Surer
and thre children of Seattle,
, - Wash.; Mrs. Veld Skinner, Port-
7JJ-'MJl b,46T J.4-usri4'MU8
. lady r Thompson ot Portland, a
teacher In th schools
P. H. Walbrldge, Insurance man
of Salem, drove through a- stop
alga la Monmouth and was cited
to appr Jlt or Jodg .Mcjotosh.
H entered ;plea;-ot gniUy an4
paid a fin of $1.10 and costs.:; :
If folks would lie to themselves
this would be a better world.
The lies a person tells himself
are - usually, harmless, sucn lies
deceive nobody, unless It be th
liar,, and he has only himself to
blame if he lies to himself so con
vincingly that-he believes the lies
he tells himself. -",..)
Mr. Sharkey told himself that
he could knock out Mr. Camera,
and doubtless he seemed plausible
to himself, but-the information
appears to have-been erroneous.
and nobody outsld th Sharkey
household seems to car much.
Th story of Rip Gudge's petri
fied hound dog perhaps yoa
have heard It the story, I mean.
not th dog; everybody in th
Gudg neighborhood has heard the
dog resulted from a falsehood
the animal told to himself. A
workman had been mixing con
crete in the alley back ot the Jes
sy. Soup Palace, and th chef had
tossed out a kettle of shopworn
beef soup. The soup went into
th concrete, and the dog happen
ed along and sniffed himself Into
the notion that the mixture was
ea table, and something similar to
petrification naturally resulted.
- A heap ot troubl has been
caused first and last from too
implicit a trust la flavors.
:G!i Triif Uc'sald at
Commercial street, which building
Is now undergoing alteration, is
a bronse facsimile of th Beaver
gold coin issued in 1841. The
coin was Issued as a medium of
exchange in tho new Oregon ter
ritory, out us coinage was soon
discontinued as being In apparent
violation ot the constitution of
the United States. Take a look.
In th ISSOs Yamhill was
ten Tarn Hill.
I reckon that when naturally
thin people and naturally fat peo
ple ar civil to one another not
much more Is to b expected.
tlere kimself to be a potential in-'
saa subject can, by appearing b- l
ivra - iub aaponntcnaeni or in
stat hospital; and presenting a
signed application for admission.
witnessed by a friend who. in ad
dition .to a medical: attendant, is
present at th time, be admitted
to th hospital for treatment for a
period of SO days. This period can
b renewed indefinitely apon mu
tual agreement. . ,
V a
"Every patient is . received at
th . psychopathic hospital, which
is equipped with. - every modern
convenience which any general
hospital In th v largest cities
would .possess. These include pa
thoJoglcal and bacteriological lab
oratories, ' hydro-therapy plants,
roentgenology, , osteology, photo-
inerany, suggestion, ana many
other practices. An ap to date sur
gery, with proper equipment. Is
utilised. All. of these to, the end
that every person has a chance to
recover and b returned to soeiety
without being placed among the
hopeless types. ; :
"In modern mental hospitals,
narcotics ar not used one today
where they wer used 100 times
10 years ago. -
-"rnysicai ana mechanical re
straint have been comparatively
abolished, but a certain amount is
absolutely necessary. Thee latter
forces ar sure to bring soma un
desirable results, which the ad
ministration ot every hospital
must justify.
"On of th greatest, if not the
greatest advancement, has been in
work and rehabilitation even In
cases carried to the point ot fa
tigue. . "This applies mostly to persons
who, whUe Idle, entertain delu
sions of persecution, and who,
during th daylight hours, work
themselves up to such a mental
state that they cannot sleep at'
"They are restless and noisy
and prevent their neighbors from
securing their necessary rest
"If, during th day, such per
sons ar kept employed and their
minds and bodies fully occupied,
natur comes to their rescue by
night and gives sleep and rest
These efforts, properly directed.
snouio, and do, prov of great ad
vantage in economic admlalstra-
"Syphilis: Every patient that
enters the Oregon state hospital
Is tested for syphilis; and 220. or
a IlttI over IS per cent ot all th
patients admitted during the last
blennlum, gave positive evidence
of tho presence ot syphilis. There
haa usually been an increase in
tho prevalence of venereal dis
eases foUowing wars. Our cases,
however., had almost all contract
ed th disease several years ago.
"Th recent war would, there
fore, not be n material factor la
causing tho rather unusually high
percetnage of syphilitic cases ad
mitted during the past two years.
"The great prevalence of this
disease indicates the urgent nec
essity ot continuing the excellent
educational work done by the
Oregon Social Hygiene society.
Every case of th disease should
be reported to the health officer
and adequate measures taken to
prevent contamination of others-"
(Continued on Tuesday.)
. Of Old Salem
TowB.TaIks from The 8tate)-
off Earlier Days
r Jaly SO, IPOS -
; - All - day . commencement exer
cises at Chemawa Indian school
brilliant success: 12 bora and
girls graduated.
' CINCINNATI. Shot fired at
W. H. Taft O. O. P. presidential
nomine, aboard Ohio river steam
ers woman passenger hurt
Oudia O. "Cady Roberts. Sa
lem high: school baseball playes,
now playing, ahotstop for Oregon
City Grays In fast amateur league.
Jaly SO, 1P2S
111 . w 1 1 h broncho - pneumonia.
President Harding battles for life
In hotel here.
Salem Tennis association team
consisting of Dr. a E. Bates. Roy
Okerberg, William Walsh and
Paul Rice, defeats team from Mc-Mlnnville.
Chief Jostle McBrld names
stat Judicial council to recom
mend changes in Judicial system
of Oregon: Justice Rand. Circuit
Judge Georg Bingham of Salem,
Circuit Judge Fred W. Wilson of
The Dalles, and Circuit Judge
Walter H. Evans of Portland.
HOPEWELL, July 2-Miss Le
tha Wilson was honored with a
surprise birthday party Wednes
day, July 20 at the Wheatland
8ILVERTON. July 21 The
Rev- Carl L. Foss will begin his
vacation with the first ot August
and will not return to Silverton
until August 27. Rev. Mr. Foes,
Mrs. Foss and their .daughter
Joan, will spend the vacation In
th Paget Sound district.
With the exception of August
C, there will bo no services at
Trinity church until the Rev. Mr.
Foss returns. August r the Rev.
Ernest Larson of Calvary church
will deliver the services.
Silverton friends have received
word of the birth ot a daughter
to Mr- and Mrs. Melvln Nelson ot
Portland. This Is tho Nelson's
second child, the first being a
son. -Mrs. Nelson will be remem
bered here as Miss Dora Henri k
scn. the daughter of the late Rev.
George Henriksen and Mrs. Hen
riksen. Silverton friends also hare
learned that Mrs. George Henrik
sen Sr., plans to go to Decora h,
Iowa t make her home with her
daughter, Louise. Mrs. Henrik
sen has been with her daughter.
Mrs- Nelson, and with her son.
George Henriksen at Portland
slnee the death of Rev. Mr. Hen
riksen late last autumn.
SILVERTON. July 20. Con
firmation services will be held
at larmannel Lutheran church
Sunday when eight young people,
Leslie Anderson, Ruth Funrue.
Darlal Koines, Olga Nysette, Milo
Nysette, Floyd Nysette. Alma Tos
tenson and Gudran Walen, will
tak their vows. Rev. J. M. Jen
sea, pastor of ImmanueL will be
ia charge of tho ceremonies.
hall. The
In dancing.
evening was enjoyed
th problem ot national finance
looked slmpl to him until h
tried to digest it and than he got
a sort of petrified feeling In his
head. -
Bky-born, sky-guided, sky-returning
rae that' us. But
there's a heap of folks yet who
believe a sld each e can b cured by
spitting on th under sld of a
stone. 1
And th United Press says:
"Th ship's old: barber brought
hia curling iron, bis sdsiors and
his comb Into Mrs. Button's ca
bin, where ah received hint ia
pal blu negligee," To gods and
littl tlshst. y-V-'-
The Safety
Valve - -
- Letters from
Statesman Readers
ingot th Bank Corner Club 4hat National tlairTbalUing"
T froaTrot 'the ata'pltal
Th Statesman of July 21 states
that som freak kittens have ar
rived at on ot th stock barns at
th fairgrounds.
It is no freak, only a natural
strain ot cats. -
They are called Russian cats.
Th first on I knew of in Ba
lem was brought her from Port
land by- C W. Standlsh, a mer
chant oa North Sth street-two or
three years ago. His sister had
a number of them at Portland.
And that is thr way I first got
on myself, was from her.
They, are ot a dark gray color
and striped; Th stripes ar very
plain and If a strip la. on-thi
side, oa th oppodt sld will be
a strip- to correspond.' They
grow to b quit large W had
on that measured 21 Inches long
As to number ot toes, a pur
blood Russian eat has mor than
11 toes. We hare one that has
21 toes. . Whea walking" tkelr ex
tra toes stick out Ilk a- person's
thumb.' They ar a timid - cat
don't want ta .nnaii41f end art
afr '1
85 Million
Dollar Bank
Established in Salem...
United States National Bank of Salem to
become direct Branch of United States Na
tfonal Bank of Portland.
1mg an affiliate of the tTnited States National Bank
of Poiiland, this bank will, beginning next Monday,
become a DIRECT BRANCH and will operate under
the full capital structure of that institution and will
share in the protective background of its entire re
sources. The same personalized service, however,
will be maintained in Salem aa before, and you may.
be sure the same careful attention will be afforded
you in your banking affairs.
galea Brancla
DJnitfcd States National Danls
of Portland
, Jlead OJfret Portland, Orezon .