PAGE SBC t IV OREGON STATESMAN, gakn, Oregon. Battrgay Mcrnla JcV 23, 1933 WfllLLSMS SHUT Ml AUB. 1 THRONE FOR 5 AND 10 CENT PRINCESS?. Lyons Teacher, Will Visit World's Fair Until Open : , : : . Ing of School - ' LYONS, - July 28 The Moun tain States Power company work , men were here this week replae- Ins some power 1 transformers at ; the Cock ran and Hinkle planer plant at Fawn which Is a mile ; east, of Lyons. The Wren Lumber " company expect to make a short - run, beginning about August 1. How Ions they will operate de , pends oh sales and lumber prices. They hare some stock on hand. Mrs. " Fred Boyer and children : and Mrs, Orrille Bailey and two , children of Salem spent Wednes day here with their aunt, Mrs. Frank Johnston.! Farmers in this Ticinlty are busy putting up bay at present. No early grass ha?. was made to speak of here. However oat and veteh crops are as good or better than usual this season. Corn crops : are looking very; good, especially considerlngthe 1 facts that .. corn "was planted . two or three weeks later than of ordinary seasons. PMlsfl Zeta Pilchard of Lyons and Mrs. Ines Campbell of Al bany are leaving the first of the week for Chicago, where they will attend the world's fair and spend v the summer ona vacation visiting other points of interest before re turning to Oregon early in Sep tember. Miss Prichard is a teach er the Fox Valley school, which opens about September 15. Miss Maxlne Huber Is organiz ing a girlsTclub, which will meet at her home Saturday afternoon. July 29. Any girl interested and wishing to attend is invited. Mr. and Mrs. ! John Huber of Mexico arrived here Monday and stayed over night at the home of his nephew, Roy Hnber. Hubers were called to j Portland by the death of Mrs. Huber 's sister. They will spend a, short time visiting relatives and friends . in Oregon before returning to Mexico, where they live in the cotton raising sec tion. ; They were former Linn county residents, having lived at ML Pleasant and later near Al bany. , -j - . 4S . . . A Nv. vv ifr , , - " o - f ... ' y - - - ' ? 1 . 1 -V v- Z F t r . ' I . : : -A w- I f - ., :-. :. k ttrs . A t i-7? IE irJ 1 4 J . Serce jutct David Koivajti a e'SAMismrols Ark Is another royalist plot afoot? Hollywood reports that a plan la being worked out to place one of the Mdivani brothers, who claim to be princes, on the throne of the onetime independent nation of Georgia, now part of Soviet Russia, An "army" of 250 is said to have been recruited among the unemployed of Los Angeles. As this is about equal is size to the army of San Marino, the world's smallest nation, it is hardly likely that the Soviet Government will call its millions of reserves to the colors. The logical candidate for the "crown" would be Alexis Mdivani, who recently married Barbara Hutton, heiress to the Woolworth millions. Their wedding in Paris was attended by royal pomp and ceremony, so it is possible S and 10 cent .v-v. Princess Barbara is slated to be "Queen Barbara V y - - , . - MM SALEM FOLKS E ii mmm longs to Neli Cherry of the same place. It was stolen in Fargo on June 22 and Russell brought It ! here about three weeks ago. Rus sell Indicated In his story that he and Cherry were friends and that the car was taken after the two had been drinking at Fargo. Group Froth Falls Area Comes Here For Camp Meeting FALLS CITY, July 28 The following group of people left ear ly Tuesday morning for the Free Methodist camp ; meeting grounds north of Salem to attend the Free Methodist conference which lasts a week and Is : followed by the camp meeting which also lasts a week: Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Mc Donald, Mrs. Phebie Ward. Ger . trude Shoals. Mrs. Mildred Wray, Lloyd Wood. Mr. and Mrs- Verne Murphy and daughter, Marcella, Mrs. John Welfley, Mrs. Addie Montgomery, Miss Martha Raker and Miss Mary Roberts. Swan Anderson who a few weeks ago was taken to the Dal ' las hospital very ill, is so much ' improved that he is to be removed to hU home here this week. Miss Freda Goettman who is employed at the Baptist home for the aged in Portland came home : Saturday to spend her two week's . vacation with her parents. BREITENBUSH, July 28. Among the Sunday visitors at the BreitenbuBh Hot Springs were Mrs. F. O. Craig, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. C. Herbert White, Med- ford; Mr. Fred Paulua, deputy state treasurer, Salem; Mr. R. L. Farmer and Mr. F. L. Farmer, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop and sons Clarence and Roy of Portland and her sister Mrs. Len ore Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cooler, their family, and their guest, Ir win Edwards, Salem residents, are spending tne week iisning and enjoying the attractions at the springs. Mrs. G. W. Hillman and fam ily, Salem, who have been at Breitenbush a month,, plan to re- Hardy Given 90 Days On Exposure Charges in i DALLAS, July 28. Leonard Hardy . of McMinnville was sen tenced to serve 90 days in the county jail and pay a fine of $100 when, he pleaded guilty to a charge of indecent exposure at a hearing held before Justice of the Peace Gregory. His jail sentence was suspended when he paid the fine and he was paroled, to his mother. He was arrested near Grand Ronde last week by a state police officer. TO ATTEND WORLD'S FATO main the rest of the summer. Mrs. F. E. Loose, Salem, and SUBLIMITY. July 28 Mr. and Mrs. II. O. White are spending Mrs. Philip Wagner left weanes a long vacation in a cottage di- day for Chicago to attend the rectly by the Breitenbush river. I world's fair. They plan on being Among the hotel guests are I away several months. The newly Jacob Elsasser, Salem: Mrs. and I born son of Mr. and Mrs. George Miss Rummelin, Portland; Misses Gertrude and Katherine Sinnot, Portland; Miss Katherine Caha lin, Mr. Joseph and Mr. John Ca balin, Portland. Welter has been Carl George. named Joseph F'FIEB SCHMIDT IS CALLED TO BEYOND SILVERTON. July 28. (Spe cial) Peter Schmidt. 72, died Friday forenoon after a years illness. He lived on a farm in the North Howell area. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p. m. at the Ekman funeral home. Mr. Schmidt was born In Aus tria, Hungary, October 28, 18 SO and came to the Sirverton coun try in 1904. He was married to Vernonla Knapp In October, 18 8 Twelve children were born to them. He leaves his widow, and eight children: Mrs. Rosle Ditchen, Al bert, Pete, Joe, Andrew and An ton, all of Silverton; Mrs. Mary Reznicsek of Neskowin and Ste ven of Hubbard; two sisters in Austria; 22 grandchildren and one great grandchild. li'IVETEMI HEJUIS FIM GALL INDEPENDENCE; July 2 Si The funeral of Thomas J. Fryer, 99, last Civil War veteran la this locality, was held at the.Keeney Funeral ' Home .Thursday afternoon.- I n t e r m e n t was in the Knights of Pythias cemetery. - He was born in Boneville, Mo., December 18, 1884. At the age of one year he came with his parents, - Judge and - Mrs.-. A. H. Fryer, on the second emigrant train to cross the plains to Ore gon. Judge Fryer was one of Oregon's first judges and was founder of the Bethel college. At the age of 18 years he answered the call of his country enlisting In Company "A 1st Oregon' In fantry Volunteers. In which or ganization he . served - until dis charged at the elose of the war. He was united la marriage to Mildred Perclval at Monmouth in 1872 and to this union a son and a daughter were born. Mrs. Fry er was called by death In 1916. On August 4, 1922, he was uni ted in marriage to Martha Ann South who preceded him in death' June z. nz 8. Mr. Fryer was a charter member of Independence Post O. A. R. and served as its adjutant for many years. He also held the appointment as Aide De Camp to the commanding, officer Grand Army of the Republic of the United States. His summons came July 23,' 1988, at the age of 99 years 7 months and 8 days. He is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Gertha . Campbell of Inde pendence and a son. Dr. Claude P. Fryer. Hiawatha, Kans. Dr. Charles Dunsmore was in charge of the service. GIRL TO FISCHERS SILVERTON, July 28 A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Erlck Fischer July 24. This is their second child. . CLUB GETS CHICKEN FEED TALBOT. July 28 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jorgenson entertained members of the 4-H Forestry club with a chicken dinner at their home Wednesday. Present were the club leader, Clair Calavan Margaret Webb, Marjorie Cole, Ilene Blinston, Beatrice Cook, El don Turnidge, Virgil Calavan, Horace Webb, James Jorgenson, Dale Turnidge, Wesley Jorgen son, Robert Cole. Mrs. D. E. Blin ston and Mrs. E. J. Freeman were Invited guests. TEXT LB BAPTIST Brrmn ind 19th itrvet. J. H. Brit eot, pastor. Snndar school, 0:45 a. m N. D. Anderson, inperintendeat. Preach inf. 11 m. .: subject: "The Death of the Richtooas." Evening worship, 8 p.m.: subject: "When the Wicked Beareth Rule the People Monm." Special sinnine by choir, led bjr Dr. D. L. Lindburg; ehoir director. Senior and Junior B. T. P. TJ, 7 p. sb. Prayer and praiso serrice, Thnrs dr, T:S0 p. m. COURT STREET CHURCH 07 CHRIST Seventeenth a ad Conrt streets. Horh X. KeCaUnaa, pastor. 1744 Cheateketa troet, Bible school. :, Mrs. Irene Waller, aperintendeat. Hernia f worship and Lord's snppor. 11 sW at.: Kr. Boaerist et Ua Open Door anlsaie. will-brta the seme nssssara. Christine Endeav or, S:1S p. sb, three societies. Masieal program at th- droning- - ervtea, 7:30 p. nv; stiver Bering rebestra, wader Urn. PrisciUa MeisUger will giva concert of sacred and, sens! sacred pieces. Tha Bible Dram, elah will give tha hymn araasa, 'hfy Paith Looks Up to Thee." Mid -week Bern ee Wednesday, v :49 p. am Delbart Daniels at Aamity, leader. . --. 7TRST CHURCH OT CHRIST. : . SCIESTXaT - . ; -ChesBoketa and Liberty street. Bandar School, t:3 a. am. Haadaj Serrice 11 a. a.. snLject of lesson seremonr Loto. Han. dsy evening . services ar , diseaatinaed daring Jnly aad Aarast. Tostiatoar aaeet- lag, Wodsosdar eight. I p. at. Reading room ia Meseaie temple, open 11 a. as. to S:S0 p. av except 8andays aad holi- : ': PRESlTTZRIAjr " VTlnter aad ChoaBoketa streets. G rover C Birtchet, D. D psttor. Charch school :10 a. am. Ralph H. Soott, snporiatoa deat. Morning worship. 11 a. am.; sorsaoa: "Tha Vataa of a RlghUaaa Life." An them: "Tarn To Ivoa Uato Me." (Mark or). Sola by Visa Thelaie Davis: "Love To the LorL" Lane (Handle). vUUa. organ, AdarJo," (treat Coaoerto Kov J, by Bpohrl. U. X. socistios. :SO v. XvoaiBg PTaisa, 7:10 I p. St.. Sermon, "God a. Ceaasels ta tha Thiaker," Sole by Kiss VJvUn Bonner, "Hew Long Will The. Porget Xa, O Lord" Hqttaeis- ' " . TXRST QZR-tUT RAPTIST :'r Kerth Cottara and 'T streets. O. W Ratseh, - BBiaister. Sunday school, , t :45 a. - nH - Boat -Service.' 11 a. Comforter' ia a Lonely aartot. Xvoniag services. S p. SB.; sab ioett "Tha Joy of Beiar a Christian." Regular said week prayer service at S p. sb, Wsdnasday. Tha monthly meet- in r of the Women's Missionary circle will moot with Mrs. A. rsadrieh, ia her some at rente 7, box isa. Tsars day. i:J0 p. am. -. - .- TTRST CHRISTIAjI Center aad Hirh streets. Gay L. Drill. minister. 0 North Cotters. Charch school, S :SO a. m, R. W. Cooley, super intendent. Moratar worship. 10:45 a. m, Commanioa of tha Lord 'a sapper. Ser mon will be tha second ia the aeries on "The Glory of the Conquered Life." Meeting at the Prieuds of tha Golden Honr aad tha C. E. at 8 p. m. A special featare serrice. Sermon, ''Angel's Cake snd Devil's Pood." This cboreh will conduct- the Park service on tho capital groaads at 1:80 p. m. 8naday. ZTAWOEUSTIO TARERHACLZ Perry and 13th atroots. C. G. Weston. pastor. Banday school. :45 a. m, O. Bchendel, snporintondeat. Charch serv ice. 7:45 p. m.; sabject: "The rrntts of UnbeUei." Eiblo stndy Tnesdsy. 7:43 p. m, subject: "A Victorious Christian Life." Prayer meeting Wednesday, 3 p. m. Devotional service, 7:45 p. m., Thursday.. Toaag people's service, 7:45 p. m, Satnrday. TTRST METHODIST Church aad State streets-. Church school. 0:45 a. m. Dr. Robert M. Gatke. sup erintendent. Public worship, 11 a. m.; sermon hy Dr. B. E. Parker: "A Clean Heart and a Right Spirit." Union serv tees, Willcoa park. 8:30 p. m. Young people's forum 7 p. m. TMSC-jruEX. BAPTIST Hasel sad Academy streets. Bible school. 10 a. at- Mare Saney. saperintea- dent; lesson: Review of II Samuel, bring ' Schlrmaa; superintendent. , sa.t sabject: 'A Priottdly a Lonely Desert." Mixed Bibles. Preaching, 11 a. m. Bad -1:30 p. as. Mid-weeJt prayer a a praise serv ice, Thursday, S p. as. Everyone iavited sa snoea aervwoe. BROOM COMMTJETTT 4K H. Qairley. mlnistar. Rally of sev eral charches ia this Beetle of Marion Bounty, opening in Ouiaaby - park, - 10 a. m, Ssaday. Preaehiag aerviesa. 11 aad S a'clock. Rer. Charloo Smith, pastor at taa uasai ureea c a arc a wui Bo taa foreaooa speaker aad Rev. Edgar P. Sims will preach in tha aiteraeoa. SPIRITUAL CHURCH OP J)111M& ' TRUTH Berviees. 101. North SSth Street, 8 p. m.f lectare hy Garden Ploasiag. "Ufa aad Works af tha Master." followed hy message. Slid week mesa re mocuag. Vtedaesday. S p m 201 erth Z5th street. ST. JOBBT'S TVAJTOEUCAZ, ' - - - LUTHXRAX - '. Corner 16th and A streets. H. W. Gross, pastor. Eactish services;' a ;4S a. aa. Ger ms a. ii. a. as.-stuaeat Bteiameyer. wui fUl tha pulpit for boV service. TTRST XVAXGEUCAL . Xerth Sammer aad Marioa Streets. Emory W. PortUard. D. D, mlBister; Doaa Tarmiuwa. associated minister. 8uadsy school. 9:45 a. m. Moraiag wor ship. It a. am. Prelude aad offertory hy Mrs. - Ethel Poliag Phelps. Bermoa: " Christ's TUw at Ua WerlaW ho Ea- doavor usee tine .hocanso of tha camp mooting at Joaainc'a led re. EvaaraUstie service, S p. m. Twenty miaata aoag service led hy Mrs. .. a. Frietes, Ber bob: 4 'What ft ChrUUaa Does. Not Da." Bible study aad prayer Tharsday, 7:80 p. m.'' - ' - - -- - ": PRurrtJLaro RVAJraxucAi. ' Doaa L. Vermillion, mhtistar. 8unday sehooL 10 m. am- Orsa. Part anporia- teadent. Morning worship, 11a. m. Rev. 0w E. Erakma will bring taa- maasaga aaa conduct tha aervtoo. RIRMTD Csoltol aad Marion streets. W. G, Lienkeaeasper. pastor. Sunday school. 10 a. m, Joha Deaay, supertateadeat. Ver man services. 10 a. m. English services. 11 a. m. The Rev. P. Baermaa of Salem. will eoaduet both services, special music Sola hy P. E. Erase. PTRST BAPTIST Marion aad North Liberty streets. Brit toa Rots. Minister. Bible school, 9:45 a. sa Prod Broer. SBOoriataadeat. Morn ing worship, 11 a. m.: sermon: "A Hard Seat." Special music by the choir. Junior, Intermediate and aenior B. T. P. U.'s, 7 p. m. Prayer meeting before evening service, 7 p. m. Orchestra prelude, 7:40 special musie by Gideon quartet. Sermon "Tho Seven New Thinrs in Revelation.' Read chapter 21. The ordinance of bap tism at the close of the evening service. norTECorrAi. assexzxt Church. 420 Bute street. Saadayw It a, am. Moraiag warship, 11 S. nv Xv oniag sorvieea Taoadsy, Thursday a so. . Saturday aigbt. Brother voget wtu snag meeara 8aaday night on, "SeeonaV C emu mi ag af Chris. -v r- ' AMTRTCAM LUTHERAjr Church between Chamekata aad Cas tor streets. P. W. Krihoaa, pastor, phoaa frOSS. - Moramg worahip, 19 a. nv; sor- a: "1 rosea Asaeu al taa caarca,-- SvocUl made: Sola kr Mrs. i. Albert Sbobjoth. Church rauacil will hold its August meeting oa Tnesdsy. S p. an. IASOV v-g'" MXMORIAL C X. Jefferson aad Morth Winter atroots. H. G. Humphrey, pastor. Sunday school 9:4S a. as. Moraiag warship 11 a. av: sua. ject: "Tha Persoaat Immiaeace of God, Our rathor." Kveuiag wanhtp, a p. aa.; subject: "Tha Una at tha. Tribe oi Jadah." Touag poop la's meetiag, 7 p. m. - URTTARIAhT -Vorih CotUxa aad Chemeketa streets. Ka aerviees during sammer months. CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OP LATTER SAT SAIHTS , Charch. 460 North CotUro atreet. tun. slay school. 19 a. m.: charch immediately 1 after. , PORZ MTMOBJil. West Bateau. K. K. Clark. Charch ac ice st Oak league, 7 p. av Evening worship, 8 a. m. Tha aaly charch la Wast Salem axteada a cordial invitations to all to attend its aerviees. so star. hooL 9:45 a. as.-Morning aarv sk Grove, 11 a. an. Epwarth CHURCH OP CHRIST v Cottage and Shipping stroota. C T. Springs, minister, 2075 Paeliie highway. Bible stady, 10 a. as. Preachiag and eom munien. ll a, as. Evonlnr aarviwa. 7:80 p. as. Touag people's training class. Wed- aeoday, 7 :80 p. as. Bang practice, in dsy, 7:80 p. as. C. and it A. GOSPEL TARER5AC1-I Sis fifty-five Perry stroeU W. H. Caldwsn, pastor. Buaday school, 9:45 a. m,. Graavol Sheota, snperiateadeat. Morning worahip, 11 a. sb. Touag people's mooting. 6:45 p. m. Evening ovangeliatia service. 7:45 p. so. prayer aorrieo Ts en ds y aight, Orchostra aad choir practice Wednesday night. Young people's cottage prayer service, Tharsday aight. LESLIE MEMORIAL Commercial and Myers streets. B. Dar low Johason, 848 East Myera street, phoaa 9687. Church school, 9:45 a. m, classes aad departments for aU ages. Morning worahip, II a. at. Anthem, Hey ser's "How -Lovely is lion." Bermoa topic: "Christ's Law at Purity." Com bined league church serv tee, 8 p. m. Specisl musie hy tha Gilbert family. Sermoaette by tha pastor, "Oat af Doors With Jesus." Mid - week prsyer and study hour, Thursday, 7:30 p. aa ia Leslie hell, continuing study in Mark's gospel, chapter 11. HOUSE OP PRATER Chemeketa and 17th streets. Interde nominational. A. J. Smith, minister. Morn ing worship. 11 a. m. Rev. J. J. Eng- breeht will rive tho messsro In German. This service is sponsored by too iea nonite friends and they ere In chsrge. Evangelistic services, 8:45 and 7:45 p.m. Rev. Engnrecht will speak at these aerv iees in English. Prayer servirea every week night, 7:45, except Thursday and Saturday. PTRST CHURCH OP THE HAZARENE Thirteenth and Center streets. Fletcher Calloway, pastor. 652 North 14th street, phone 830. Sandsy school, 9:45 a. m, P. M. Lltwiller. superintendent. Morn ing worship. 11 a. n., "The Master's Prsver for His Own," No. 4 in the series on "The Holy Ghost snd His Work." N. T. P. 8. ond junior society. 6:80 p. ra., Mrs. Looelln Hardy, president. "Isaiah's Portrait of tho Messish." 7:30 p. m. PTRST OHXISTLur Turner. &. L. Putnam, pastor. Sunday school. 10 a. aa. Morning warship 11 a. . m. ; subject: "Keeping tha Life in Tune With God." Evening worship, 8 p. m.; sabject: "Playing the Pool." Young peoplo'a meeting, 7 p. m.; sub ject: "Friendship With Those of Other Races." T neons Putnam, leader. Mid week meetiag, Thursday, 8 p. m., song service, devotional and study with dis cussion led by pastor, theme: "Holy Spirit." Welcome to all services. CALVART BAPTIST High snd Ferry streets. W. Earl Coch ran, psstor. Church school. 9:49 a. m, Mrs. W. A. Barkas, superintendent. Preaching services, 19:50 a. m. and 8 p. m. Special musie by chorus choir. Prayer meeting Wednesday. 7:45 p. m. Choir rehearsal, Tharsday, 7:30. Fidelia guild will meet Thursday afteraooa. SAVATIOS ARMY Two forty one 8tae atreet. E. Par sona, adjataat. Services held on Sunday, 11 a. m. Holiness, 8:30 p. m. Sunday school, 8 p. m. Salvation) also aa Tuesday, Thursday aad Saturday. 6 p. m MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY Russell Released When Former Pal's Request is For Car DALLAS. July 28. D. P. Rus sell, beld here for federal author ities on a stolen car charge, was released Tuesday when Sheriff Hooker received word from the United States attorney at Fargo, N. D., that the owner of the car would not prosecute if Russell would return tbe car. The mat ter was turned over to the Uni ted States attorney in Portland. Russell is from Detroit Lakes, Minn., and the stolen car be-' Cross - Word Puzzle J GOOD 60SH.MtNN.EI WHAT tr- . J HO- MO- MO- HO HE AIN'T A V-H f YOU KE6DNT HO-HO-HO! '.7? Lif'Si0 ) KINO os A feiRO YAGOT hXll .PEACOCK AT ALU-.. HE'S J . LAUGH.- HORACE t ( UP OUGHT 1 ON HIM H" BOUHO RUN 7 N," THERE.... A PEACOCK?tUM - i?-" AM OSTRICH! S V Xor-Vsi ? t !Art N -7 " J V FAST TRY1N J By EUGENE SHEFFER THIMBLE THEATREtairing Popeyo 'Tostscripf By SEGAR TT 19 21 27 2 . 22 31 35 31 Hi 31 35 HI 36 H3 16 Va 32 13 V 52 56 23 1 HH 20 n HI 77 2 53 2a 2 'A 1 HQ 8 2H 33 77 VA H5 30 VA H2 -1 VTA 38 5H 57 iO II 25 34 H7 26 SO THt BOX VAS r00RESEO TO ME SO THPsT MtfVAS THAT IKTAHXISHTT T? 13 MiNitTO M - J t I -e-SUBs.. -SBBSk O-a-BBBUBS-- CftMt IIr4Wr4TKjJNi tPE0iO4 l kV1 -aw w-t w-r w - - w - i TlCKlXO vink ovtK ny l " u. ' "U I ttHTEHebT VVOKf FOKTHc J FRONT VrXGE-STrXR. KgoooY I STUFF flr . mf Km, s--w s. ut.x- B 1 I I Q-linr" LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Sharing 5y DARRELL McCLURE HORIZONTAL 1--pronoun j 4 African r ' antelope i 0 highest i tone In Guido'a I. scale 12 exist- 13 front piece of a helmet 14 chest i - . pieces .v - 15 compos!- tion for six i voices ! 17 unloaded! i electrified particle j 20 pertainins : to punish ' t rment 1 front part of the head 23 note of the , , musical 1 . scale 37 certain 88 opaque creamy matter 39 turn aside 41 Egyptian sun god 42 love to ex cess 43 egg-shaped 45 cooking utensil 46 cylindrical 48 imprison ment 51 supply with' weapons 82 evid 4 born 55 aeriform fluid 56 speak mo notonously 87 convert into leather VERTICAL 1 possesses 2 anger ' 3 republic of North America 4 level 5 illuminated 6 like 7 protuber ance 8 inebriated 9 use Herewith fa the solution to yes terday's puzxle. - , 24 tangles ! 27-past 23 kiss 85 circular I - motion -1 : SI note of the musical scale , ! . 82 renovate 14 upon t 25 otherwise YAWA u m 10 sheltered side 11 conjunction lG-digit 18 ekin dis ease affect ing domes tic animals 20 grate 21 noted 22 graceful 23 tumult 25 handsome game fish 26 meaning 23 have ex istence 29 North American rail 82 overseer in ancient England 23 note of the musical ' scale 86 rages 88 powerful 2 PP"-id 42 beetle 44 rip 45 unmixed 46 label 47 period ef ? time - 48 lair 49 body ef water 80 Japanese copper corn - - 83 depart GLOKY05KV 1 f THAT WJCE. C3EWTLEMAN 19 IT FOR ME. HwHOSe POCKET-BOOK V0U KlORXXBsTf?; FDUMO, SEWT IT TO VCU 9 r7 WITH Hl 1 Ir f "w wofci-r' rvl r r, i f- yl inni rv nnv V r - .-v "'-Z. I ' - 1 j -A V MORE A VDU CAKD- I "DOLLARS TZEV-ARtVl HA&L 60ME 6A9A rAOFT HER gV3 i IT C0CD?lrztXZCtA9Z fTJ II ItuaMI IHQTEADOF I BUT T VXn.TT B I MORE. M MOOKTAlKi ) v--rT-r-- SZfT "Vri TAU JL I J I I ;.i i . .T...Tf A . r- . . . . .t-i a I mjrnr. kV i S s Cs I 1 ' M (? i. II AWAV -..-- I l m U a-.-.- ..rzj. e 0W arr m. JUi-l'! W I aia, - aLA. Bm uVT . "-.: WV Wf O x A I S" -"W TOOTS AND CASPER The Haman Dynamo By JIMMY MURPHY THE HOOFERS LOST NO HMB ttM M tL.ataVt A a 1AV-S sa a A asai a ia a asaas s as aaaasav a auawa ao-uao.. 60T THEIR NSW CAR. TOOTS jTHAT'S THE TROUBLE WITH THE COLONEU HES ALWAYS THINKING OF'VajCAtiONSrf ' A Kin sAVrIKl- A .rWt "TllwrrT - .- Ia - itmow a f s-u-k. lilt 1 EJUJ CB- titT I LNLT - OWN ITJ BKAaa ft W Wl -aajar II -WoaJ w-4 WVW lirifaf . M n VrUISTXAD OF 4 HEtL rCVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING AT THE RATE KES t-r0!Nt THIS IS f TVG ME OF THE . YDUVE 60TTA 13E ALERT THESE WfrS AND ON YOUR TOES EVERY MINUTE I THE FELLOWS WHO 4-jET ALONt IN THIS C0MPETrrTVE ArE ARS f msn op FZP,VI6C Ai;0: I DONT WANT TO BRAdr , ABOUT MYSELF BUT I WHEN IT COMES TO WORK m A HUMAN DYNAMO : FULL OF ENERGY AND PEP: THAT'S MS! I WAS WOf4DERIlsi WHY MY LITTLE HUMAN DYNAMO IS SO QUIET AND, BLESS ME,1F HE HASNT FALLEN ASLEEP' HES PR03ABLY ALL IN FROM THE EXERTION OF crr-riKi- wiMCLiri c UT r ea vaastj aaa S BBsiO ON THE BACK SO MUCHU - - r I WI. Kief tSmMB rS(.irit cTlMualasiMS -