f : ; ' f ' ij ' ' I I nor ? 1 jS . liS lj ' ' ' r $k Hrr life y ' - .... : I ; c.Kr. I V ff-tfvWWli' - rlV,rf!!"''Jt A. sk'WlT Ed ?Uler!h FK,p"1r mana Brown, Market Manager of jajn. to 0 p.m. ii y "yf ijSy And with the opening, we bring you. greater values, larger savings, more shop ping convenience than ever, and with this we strive to bring you the complete V realization that Pay'n Takit Stores are your stores, 100 per cent! Every item we offer for sale bears our unconditional guarantee that it will satisfy you in every respect. If for any reason it doesn't your money will be cheerfully re- , funded. ! I Powdered or Brown if S lbs. 2. 'n Takit No. Ill Cor. Commercial & Court i'DAY0NLV : I rlAiuJM I I rH-" M fc ' i r WHITE STAR All fancy Ugbt meat. Jlix with mayonnaise for delicious sat wiches. 2 Ka-H Sc Pkg. Limit S 4' LY PRICED piP .: : ! Man-i-muM brings you fresh and flavorful Ground at the time of pur chase. Guaranteed fresh. 3 lbs. 55c J ISHILE, Salad Oil Bring Container Qt 15c Mayonnaise Best Foods Pints 24c Kraft Cheese Assorted 14-lb. pkgr. 15c Per Pound Tomato Juice Campbell's 13-oz. can 5c Hominy Van No. 2Yt Camp's can 7c I II H M4 Pel-la-co Shrimp 2 S 25c Shrimp Broadriver Q 5-oz. can tt Mountain Grown Pigs Feet Hormel's Qt. Jar 25c The highest grade coffee yon can buy. Sold only in this economy bag. c Pigs Feet Hormel's Pint Jar 18c Edward's Par Soap VZX 25c Brooms 4 tTXn 29c Vacuum Packed Sunbrite DoB Action Cleanser fj cans 10c 14b. can A rich blend, vacuum . pack ed to assure freshness. Mop Handles Each 8c SilkoTissue 1000 Sheets rolls 10c I Blakes mighty 4 l waines, too. - M Pnr irstnA .find SUtPle ? sugars, blended pfrfectf j 1: Quart Jnjr 2Qc (5 And Other Fopvlar Brands PACKAGE Cigarettes r..IL(3 Pffinso pocket 1 0n Altinr;. Biz IUU For Delicious Breakfasts Ghrcddcd Vhcot Law , -I A Pkj. XUU Carnation Wheat pg' ' , 1,9c Pearls of Wheat Albers - Pkff. -XtJC PURE CANE l!UJ5 25ciL(0 FRIDAY, July 31 ONLY at the above prices. Sat. and Mon. Prices 10 lbs. 42c, limit 10 lbs. -:X 11 'IDS HAPPY VALE PINK MM: (!:' -Campbell's Med. Tin can em u n 0 We Reserve the Right to Unit Qaanities - None Soli to Dealers j 1 4c Q U Ail IT: I tyiE A t& ' j: E C Q N Q lyl I CAL PRICES ' ' ,MI"' 111 LIB , , ,. I llljll.. " - " These fancy eastern sugar cured hams at this price are a sensation. Look them over and be convinced of the quality . and be sure to get one whole or half at this price. 1 AKJ Eastern Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon. Any size piece ...... Pure Lard, open kettle "C3 AH choice lean cuts. They're -x , reany tender lb. JJ Jf Freshly made bulk mayonnaise Quality Guaranteed Pt Tender, juicy steaks that fairly melt in your mouth Choice of Sirloin, T.-Bone or Rib. potmen Makes a Delicious Savory Roast for Sunday Dinner and so Economical ToT. 3 1 ' , is Lean and Tender Beef. Perfect for Boiling or Braising. 1 Don liG?Ex UiacG IbES'c RememberWhat yoa have left orer is delicious sliced down cold for lunches. 4