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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1933)
PAGE TWELVE The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning; July 2& 1933 U t WHAT SOCIALITES WEAR ATTHESEASHORE 4 PHIL LI OGie Olive M. Doak, Society Editor Aff airs Legion Auxiliary Bridge Benefit ' Date Set V galem society la Interested In - plan lor the American Legion auxiliary bridge benefit -which Is to be held In the gardens ol Mrs. Clifford -Brown' home on Au cnst - 3. ' l V : t-" Bridge, i both - auction : and con tract,; and. other diversions for .nori-card-playlng guests are being arranged for the afternoon, while there will also be a group calling merely at the tea hour. w ' VI.. n.rtlatt la rafters! chairman for the event which will I Luncheon at Make probably oe me larseni i - . , i c . of. its kind during the summer In 1 Oday 8 VaOlt season ner. ; jbi., Is chairman of the ticket commit- "tee. Proceeds will be usea w u I park. SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday t July 8 j . Yew Park circle. First M. E.; regular annual pic nic at home of Mrs. A. A. Under hill, 888 8. 12th, 1 p- m. . Three Link club at home of Eugenia and Wild Siegmund, 1396 Lee street, 2:30 p. m. 'All Rebekahs welcome. ' ' Sunday, July SO Jones-MeAlpin reunion, Sllrerton Park. Oregon branch of Engle elan, reunion at Sllrerton Union Veterans and Auxiliary Entertain Gay Picnic Supper In C. W.Paulus Gardens One of the large and. Interest ing Informal .events of the week was the picnic supper, with which Mr. and Mrs. Conrad "W. Paulus entertained at their home on the south River road. . - . . Supper was served to 80 per sons In the gardens lighted with Japanese lanterns. Mrs. Uetz Entertains ForMaribelle Quinh ?2n?.rln' ner bouse guest, Miss Maribelle Quinn. Salem htrh A liiTichAnn will hm the wager I Sons of . Union veterans and I scnooi graduate and form toil at stake tor the women's play at I their auxiliary met Tuesday night I lamette university 1 co-ed whose nance the Chicago trip for the the Salem Golf club with the at the home of A. M. Lauche fori home is now la Santa Ana, Mrs. trio, . nauoni i teams, capiainea oy Airs. j. n. a.e:au o cioca pouuca. lupver. aarng ueu was hostess for a GaTojobst and Mts. Ercei Kay. Following the meal an lniormai group of Miss Qulnn'a friend. The following are members . of social evening and program were I Wednesday with ? a smartly ar- laugea rening or bridge. ? auxiliary - vocal , champions. Mrs. Garniobst's team: Mrs. ru H. Olinger Mrs. Ed Gllllnghain. Mrs. C B. Cross, Mrs. Fred Rit- ner, Mrs. Robin Day. Mrs. Guy Vincent Smith. Mrs. Rot Byrd. Women of the Can Do class of Mrs. Roy Simmons, Mrs. McGin- Charming Tea For 1 Leslie Women enjoyed. - Members present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. A Remington, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Adams, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tantln, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. C. ' the Leslie Methodist church .of Silverton, Mrs, Max Flan-1 Patton, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kru- their reeular meeting Wednesday nery, Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, I gar. Mr. and Mrs.' B. Prescott, - afternoon on the lawn of the W. Mrs. Don Young, Mrs. Kenneth C. Conner home. I Bell, Mrs. Russell Bonesteele, Following- We briei Business jars, van seuar weiaer, Mrs. v. At the supper hour Mrsl Liet was assisted by Miss Bunny Mil iar ana uiss Laura Wright of roruana, and by her mother, Mrs. R, C. Hunter. oujuuij mm evening were: Mr. and Mrs. E; B. Perrlne, Mnuline nonor guest, MIsa Quinn, Mary Lickel. Mrs. Hattle Cam- Miss Bunny Miller, Miss Bertha eron, Mrs. Lula Boring, Mrs So- Jjaococic, Mus Gertrude Oehler, ' meeting the afternoon s spent E. Kuhn, Mrs. Graham Sharkey, phia Sykes, Mrs. Louise King, I Miss Donna Harlan, Miss Pauline Skelly, Mrs. Tom Walgamott.! Fessenden, Mrs. Mae Ivle, G. R. j Ruth Skinner, Miss Edna Pres- jrs. Koy siewin, xars. woTur i sioTer, jonn x . inompson, . v. icott. Miss Laura Wrirht nt Pnrt xieiunser. an, cisuuy lau sama i noiisuii. uu ja. uiugbv. i imps r'llftnn r-i. tr .. i - i . . . uisiueui. jars. rX".K .For?m". Donald of Botha, "Alt, Canada. Mr. and Dn":. HunUr Mrs. F. L. Warren of Salem, and Ljet. , sxarra ut. v. is. uucnannan oi mugene. in music and Karnes with Dorothy f Mrs. Howard Hulsey, Mrs. W. A Keeton presenUng two reaaings. The delightful afternoon was - concluded with an attractively ar ranged tea, Mrs. Connor, Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Ford serving. Present were the Mesdames J. H. VJcy. J.. W. . Richie. Mason 1 Bishop, Wayne Greenwood, J. L. 'Heldler, Emil Otjen, H. T. Grace, a n Jnhnann. Cbarles V1CK. A Molly Schwabbauer. Members of Mrs. Kay's team are: Mrs. W. A. Johnson, Mrs. O. C.Locke, JUrs.. Sephus Starr, Mj-s. W. E Chandler. Mrs. W. G. Sta cey, Mrs. McLaughlin. Mrs. F.;J. Gilbraith. Mrs. B. F. Pound. Mrs, I E. Petite, Clark Will. F. X. Hoe- j H willett, Mrs. R. H. Baldock. Church LrOUO Honors t- r vt D!rflh Parrftil H H nlTl- I ir tt v n a . i.n DaK B. E. OUen. R. R.Kasmusen, a. Ratoa. C. W. Pogue, John Fry and Miss Vesta Mulligan. rem, u. e. Bircn, i-ru -ars. . k stocuweii, Mrs. boo A j I? i son, F. B. Fora, w. traucr, Savage, Mrs... Harry Wiedmer, iviis. r-vuaiii ju.iigci Mrs. Tom Burch, Mrs. A. E. Hus- . sey, Mrs. Bill Watkins, Mrs. Al- Members of the Santa Monica ton Hurley, Mrs. Prince Byrd, Altar society of St. Joheph's sur- Mrs. T. A. LIvesley, Mrs. Ralph prised Mrs. Adam Engei. wno Jackson,' Mrs. Xeimyer, Mrs. Joe leaves next week to make her Adolph and Miss Alice Chandler, home In Portland, with a delight ful luncheon in her home on Kingwood heights Tuesday after noon. The honor guest was pre sented with a gift from the group which included: Mrs. Frank Davey, Mrs. Roy Bremmer, Mrs. Anna O'Brien, Tne Roy Hursts and thnir house guest, Mrs. John C. Hunter, of Seattle, will spend this week end at the Oregon beaches. August 13 has been set as the date for the Dakota club picnic, an annual state event, to be held thia mr at McMtnnville. Former residents of both n c . r t h and Vinton Scott Gardens South DaKOta Will gaiuer iucio to renew old acquaintances and OCene Ol l arty to meet otner uaxoians nuw resi dents of Oregon. A basket lunch eon will be held at noon. Miss Louise Findley arrived in Salem Tuesday morning for a short visit at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Find ley. During the past year Miss Findley has been attending the University of California at Berk eley. She will return to Berkele the latter part of next week. wm cou LEE DM APPROVED SWORD WASHINGTON, July.27 (AP) The public works board waa re ported tonight to have approved construction of the Grand Cou lee dam in the Columbia river In SUN.-MON.-TUES.- Heenan, Mrs. E. J. Anderson, Mrs. B. M. Krechter, Mrs. Otto Scheiss, Mrs. J. H. Bach, Mrs. Belle DeAutremont and Mrs. J. G. Fisher. Florence Power J - - A delightful open air picnic Mm J M T WJ? ,,n."? aol?' Mrs. J. S. Nadon. Mrs. Lillle Nad t-,f Dn.tiinou stanek. Dr. M. T. scnoettie, airs, uigiii, a hi iviynbtug V V U Ul- T bers of three of the higher classe? of the First Baptist church Sun day school. The idea was con ceived by the leaders of these three classes, Mrs. Fred Erixson, who teaches the Baraca Philathea class, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller, who teach the high school hoys' class and the high school girls' class, respectively. A number enjoyed themselves In the swimming pool, while oth er groups UBed the swings and played, various-outdoor games.. When darkness came on, their) T . gardens were lighted and the pic- rany S llispirauun nlc supper served. One of the features of the eTe- la compliment to Miss Florence nlng was a talk on modern China Power, who sails Tuesday on the by Dr. Scott, who has recently Dorothy Alexander for California x m m . m -m I wTi&A Vt a will inanri A n f n rl. Mri. reiurnea irom cnina. some i r 7 ' . I will ha . , the guests were shown through Clarence Emmons entertained In will he devoted to power develop- cn vmo t u . tn noma ol ner sisier. r ' -- irea aionigomery, w ouuuj night. Honors In bridge went to Miss Rosalind Van Winkle and Miss Billie Cupper, while Miss Power was presented with a guest prise. Summer flowers were used about the rooms. Mrs. Emmons was assisted by Mrs. Montgomery at the supper hour. Guests for the evening were Miss Power, Miss Rosalind Van et ti olr Fit Vf TT Uortmon fra Ph trill Washington and start the O'Brien, Mrs.' August Huckestein, Columbia basin reclamation dev Mrs. M. J. Petzel, Mrs. Leo De- elopment. mytt, Mrs. Frank O'Brien, Mrs. . boarJ was understood to nave hurried action on the 2(0.. ralla. Mrs. J. J JCarst. Mrs. James t specinc re- " ' I ARoer av T3.mII w . wot, vi icsiu-sxib xvQoseTeic. Senator Dill (D., Wash.,), has been conferring with the presi dent and the public works board this week and he hailed the Grand Coulee dam approval tonlcht as the beginning of a vast develop ment oi tne northwest territory. The dam is to be 145 feet hich and will be so constructed that a super dam to rise to 270 feet may be erected upon it later. No Irrigation is tt be nroTided by the 14S foot wall and the dam UTS LISTED Chamber of Commerce has Names of Many - Who Make Inquiry 1 ' Potential newcomers to Marlon county and Salem, as listed by the chamber of commerce following inquiries about city ' and rural property, Include a number of persona from the middle west and California. The current list of best Inquiries and names and ad dresses of those who wish to lo cate here, as well as kind of land sought: -' Mrs. E. A. Seely, California, wishes to receive some listings of small acreages near Salem, stating prices thereof. - H. R. Blackweli. Ontario, Ore., Is very much Interested In the poultry business' around here." J. E. Rhelm. 112 East Alumin um street, . Butte," Mont,, Is de sirous of obtaining small acreage near Salem for suburban home. Z. E. Roberts, route 2, Yuma, Arls., is looking for land suitable for raising hops In the Salem dis trict. Lillle A. Welsh, 214 Barry drive, Ventura, Cal., wishes to purchase about two to five acres near Salem. Robert Southward. 1628 James avenue. Redwood City, CaL, is very much Interested In farming in this territory. ' Henry Bell, box 2 OS, Denlson, la., writes he wishes to purchase real estate in Salem as well as in the surrounding country. N. E. McCormack, 1442 Poppy street. Long Beach, Cal., has some property to trade for real estate On highway between Salem and Woodburn. George H. Wheeler, route 2, box 24, Salinas, Cal., wises to re celve listings of small acreages for sale around Salem or Woodburn H. C. Winter, West 10 th street, Upland, CaL, would consider buy ing from five to 40 acres close to Salem, suitable for raising poul try. OUn F. Pepper, Washougal, Wash., wants to buy a small poul try farm in the Salem district that would accommodate 500 chickens. Has $2000 cash to In vest. G. R. Osterwald. Custer apart- ' ments, Sheridan, Wyo., bag 640 acres In Wyoming he wishes to trade for a drug store or other suitable business in Salem or some other town In this vicinity. Mrs. R. Fleshman, Rogers, Ark., Is looking for a small farm In the foothills that is suitable for dairy' cows and poultry. H. G. Spitler, box 861, Tracy, Cel., is looking for an auto camp or a cigar store in Salem. Norman Hettman, 2424 Naomi avenue, Arcadia, Cal., is interest ed in farming in this district. Ed Grundmann, 809 East 10th street, Burbank, Cal., has some property In Burbank to trade for real estate around here. Mrs. L. Q. Laidlaw, 202 Bald lnger street, Houston, Tex., is In terested in farming in the Wil lamette valley. Leslie White, Campbel, Cel., is . ' v ' ' i r n M - --,;':. 1 1 . i.'x'- 1 -... I - T : 1 .' . r O v '- I r- a i ii i Z MHMIaMMMMMBlMMi "V. 1 rw , . j i T " f kj., Mi r I J ! f 1 . . ' - " r ' -"' 1 , ...... ' te-ff - - - . 1 "': . 7 ' 1 . : Dame Fashion is In full play at the smart seashore I considerable attention. Including that erour pnoror resorU and here are four of New York's social elite at rapher. Left to right are Mrs. Herbert Weston, Mrs. Southampton, L. L, wearing costumes that attracted I Orson IX Munn, Mrs. John.Cfrney Mrs. Byron C Fey. Interested In buying from two to II acres Joining highway No. 19, near Salem. O. D. Windbigler, Chandler, Arls., has three lots and five-room house completely furnished in Marshfleld, Ore., to trade for acreage close to Salem. Ralph 8. Lackman, R. F. D. 1, Port Angeles, Wash., is desirous of obtaining information about siriafll acreages in Marion county for truck gardening and fruit farming. L. Frucht, route 1, box 825, Almaden road, San Jose, Cel., wants small acreage for a chick en ranch. Clem Goodman, box 1S3, Col lege Place, Wash ., wlshea to locate- from' five to II acres on a well traveled highway near Sa lem, suitable for gardening and raising fruit. William J. Brugger. Redfleld, S. D., writes that are a number of people in that section of South Dakota who are interested in this part of Oregon as a pospeetlve territory for farming. COMBINE STARTS TODAY HUBBARD, July 27 Harvest has commenced in Hubbard. Grain Is being cut and peas moved pre paration for the ombine which will begin Friday. ON VACATION TRIP JEFFERSON, July 27 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKee left early Tues day morning for a few days' va cation trip. They will stop at Kel so, Wash., for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. George Carroll. Jr., and family, and then on to Spirit lake where they will enjoy a fish ing; trip, ; . MONMOUTH, July 27 Funeral services were held July 21 at 11 o'clock at Pedee for Levi Joseph Burbank, 48. who died suddenly at his farm home In that community. Rev. E. Fogg officiated. Burial was in the Womer cemetery near Pedee. furnishings, practically all of ! which were brought to this coun try from China. About 45 young people were present. Miss Zosel Hostess Jolly Picnic IFi? Clin IFooti Nothing adds more to your enjoyment of summer than absolute comfort of feet. Men! Here's Good News for You A New Shipment of "Auto-Gart" Hole Proof Hose, theKind That Stay up. SScp OO RP'W'ILL in ' the story of a emporary ' marriage i With henry; Stephenson; liUAN BONO, GEORGE. JMEEKER, REGINALD ilDWEN - - MIDNIGHT SHOW SATURDAY NITE 11 :30 Liberty A Jolly picnic crowd pathArarl An tho InVAlv lawn rwf tha WHa.m Josftl horn TnnndnTl WlnKie, MISS ttODT lAUgnun, JU.1B8 night when Miss Mildred Zosel Gaynelle Beckett, Miss Genevieve entertained the members of the Emmons, miss Kosaaie uuren, g young people's classes of the Blllle Cupper, Miss Mary Cupper, First Evangelical church of Sa- Miss Mary Cupper, Mrs. Malcolm lem. Bruce Spaulding, Mrs. Lyle Riggs rnilnwinr a : honntifni nnie (Florence Emmons) and Mrs. supper, games and contests were J Garten Simpson, eniored until a lat hour. The! guest list included: Mr. and Mrs. Qfiiart' Tnlinqnns William Zosel, Rev. and Mrs. A. J . JOnnSOIlS F. Hilmer of Spokane, Mr. and Bring Home LlUestS Mrs. Earl Rlggs. Mr. and Mrs. BuLk, Helen Rex, Helen BusseU, A ten thousand mile motor Elva Ault. Ruth Stover, Pansy I tour through the United States Nelswander, Marie Kooch, Marian I and Canada was completed Wed- Kooch, Carol Kiser, Margaret Ul-inesday when Mr. and Mrs. Stuart I rich, Genevieve Kuni, Genevieve I Johnson returned, to Salem after Martin, Viola Lotus, Yerty urant, a six weeks' absence. Tbe Cen- TIMELY SUGGESTIONS: Vow to the timet stock p on truly fine euality boee. And more especial iy the "stay-up" kind that we offer hi this anewlnc of samaer weight fancies at this lew price. Most men know HOLEPROOF euaUty. They also know the comfort that Holeproof Auto-GarU afford the wearer. Every pair of these are desir- ele and If yes are one ef the many who are eoIleetfBg good vataes Holeproof, we suggest ye attend this sal early 3Prs. for si Ped for the treatment of Athlete's Foot Golfers Itch. or Ped Is a soothing, non-oily, corrective lotion. Use It ffee- ly as directed and to prevent reinfection 68c Don't let those feet em barrass yon. Eliminate foot odors with SCHAEFER'S New Borated 35c New Patterns New Shades 3 NEW POLICY Eyery Sat. & Sun. Big Pictures at Our Low Prices Bargain Hour 2 to 3 p.m. ANY SEAT , . , e, - k . 3 to 11 p.m. Mrs. V. A. Ballantyne, Zoe Stock- ton, Anna Miles. Esther Hilmer, Ralph Arnesmeier, Kenneth Boel- ter and Francis Boelter of Los Angeles, Gardner Bennet and i Henry Unruh. W 9 9 The Annual picnic for Willam ette shrine number 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem, will he held Monday evening oh the lawn of the E. B. Millard residence, 1819 D street, with members and their families in attendance. Those pic nicking are asked to bring pic nic baskets. Mrs. B. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Reed Rowland, Mrs. Roy Hurst and Mrs. ' Hurst's houseguest, Mrs. John Hunter, of Seattle, motored to . Portland Wednesday, to see ' tv,--. ", ... . . ., . vuuvau nuviows (VU v icwr xicrueri s musical comeaj, i a naynouse, . Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pettlt left , . m . 7waT ior wauowa laae. wun Mrs. Lillian Hosford.and son, frfenda from Portland and south Jack, of Roseburg, spent Thurs- mTn Oregon they will spend the day . In galem. Mrs. Hostord Is a week there, the men of the party nurse at the veteran's home there, taking short trips to other lakes ana lormeny resided in Salem, ifor fishing. - - tury of Frogess exposition in Chicago and visits to New York and Quebec were high points In the trip taken by the local folk. Returning with them from Falrmount, W. Va., were Mrs. Myra Elliott and Miss Lena El liott, cvther and sister of Mrs. Johnson. They will spend some time in Salem as the house guests of the Johnsons. Mrs. Elliott, 76 years of age, is reported to have enjoyed the automobile trip west and to have arrived here In good health. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wells of Longview, Wash., are being con gratulated upon tne oirtn of a daughter, Loris Leanne, July 12, at a Salem hospital. Mrs. Wells was-formerly Miss Alta ZInn of Salem. Mr. Wells Is salesman for 15c Corn Pads : 9c 35c Scholl't Zino Platter 27c 25c Blue Jay Corn Remedy 17c 35c Freezone 23c 35c Getsit . 23c Penslar Cold Spot ,.25c Foot Pwdr. And! A Feature Event of 1200 Pairs of Pure K HOSIERY SIL Have You Tried The Greatest Remedy on Earth for Poison Oak and Ivy Just apply freely Hood's Poison Oak Lotion 50c Sold the Schaef er Way No Cur e No Pay It does no ood to com plain about the weather, bnt stop complaining abbot your feet today. Tired, aching, corns are removed quickly and simply for only 25c SCHAEFER'S CORN REMEDY Sold the Schaefer Way No Core No Pay Tomorrow & Sunday . 15 Stars in Ont Pictere "THE BIG . i BROADCAST" VAOHERO We Sell and Service AO Makes Elcctrlo Sowinff MachlnoG V r pKJJJ FOR tvmrJB 110TABT BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED : r APPUANCE STORE -A 456 State St. - - Tel. 022 .1 Schaeiers Drug Store The Origliua TeDow Front Drag and Candy Store of Salem 135 N. Commercial St. . Phone 5197 j V V , Penslar Agency , ',: When You Think Drugs, TtiiikSthaefer's f;.i Friday, Saturday and Monday . Stock n on Schaefers Horn Bemedlesw Hade fn Salem hj s ! our own laboratory and gnanuiteed $ to reUere or nosey 1 t h ; J 1, h t. 1 - J! II li it It 1 V' i 'V FOR WOMEN Evtry 5iu I . "show girl" I ; j,' f j stocklnfs are made et pwe sflk and fafl rsshksie Zl t I r for better flrthif. The ecme J picot topa, fmUy Ttim- on$ 'OO, I . , foreed aele, tee and beet "SHOW-GIKL" pre sOk steek- T 'Af incs are available at Miner's this week .for S9e er two pairs I ' , for $111. Bar two er three pairs ef a shade and be assared Q ef kmx seTriee. Mala floor hosiery department. 1 It 2 Pairs for $1.10 ' 1 Ocrebelg j- - - , Dark Grey; . ....... . ? Sungleam' Chnkkcc Hi Continuous 2 to 11 P. M.