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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1933)
V 1 PACE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, July 28, 1933 'r - --T- suvetTon PEOPLE Folks Aided by Wclfarfe Store and who got Seeds I Entitled to use l SILVERTON. July 17 Regis tration beran today of those who will benetit by the county portable cannery which will come here the first week in August. Registration Is being taken care of by Mrs. J. Worley and Mrs. J, Ballantyne at the local welfare store and will continue Friday and Saturday, r Mrs. Ballantyne, in speaking of the matter, offered the following explanation: Mrs. I. I Stewart of SllTerton will go with the county cannery and supervise the prepa ration of the vegetables to be can ned. Two e: . crienced canners will also accompany the "wagon." Those who can benefit by it are those who received assistance from the local welfare store last vear and those who received seeds I rh latter were promised that their surplus would be taken care oft - . m nMSnlft who are bringing the vegetables are instructed that they must be absolutely, fresh or they will not be canned. They must be picked ho earlier than In the cool of th evening previous to the day they are to be canned and they must not be put into sacks over night but must be spread out no thicker than six inches. The beanswill be snapped at the canner unuer iuo alon of Mrs. Stewart. Tomatoes will be canned later. Cans number two and a half will be used. They NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING iSr THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THA COUNT JQF Ai Tnv ' ' I tv THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF EARNEST ARTHUR C. SMITH. DECEASED. ' NOTICE is hereby given that the final account of Leah Louise Smith, Executrix of the Estate of Earnest Arthur C. Smith, de ceased, has been tiled in the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, and that the 21st day of August, 1933, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the Court House of said county, has been appoint ed by said Court for hearing of objections to said final account, at which time any persons inter ested in said estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. LEAH LOUISE SMITH, Executix. KEYES & PAGE, Attorneys for Executrix, TJ. S. National Bank Bldg.. Salem, Oregon. J. 21-28; A. 4-11-18, will not be labeled but each can will be numbered and the number will 4eIgnat the 3 product. Also the can pill bear the stamp of the county relief unit to guard against the : possible sal of the canned goods.! A foU will bo extracted, one can! out of aen five going to the county. Each family Is allowed 25 cans for each member of that fam ily; over one year of age. Thus a family of five will be allowed to have 125 cans put up at the coun ty station. : : 1 :: , Canning at Silverton will be done- for the Scots Mill district, the Silverton Hills district, from L.ll.. rt...liiA . t . . uanwgj iu ouuuuiuy ana uaiiway to saiem. LEASES STEIXKA PLACE HOLLYWOOD. July 27 -Wil liam Richards and family of the Prlngle district, near Turner, have secured a three to five-year lease on the II. Steinka place of this district. Mr. Richards, it Is under stood, intends to put the place into berries. Mr. Steinka is moving his family to Boring, Ore., where he has secured a Job cutting wood.' SCID CALLS VOTE Will SCHOOL SCIO, July 27 With a Tiew to testing the sentiment of the legal school voters t district No. I, which lneludea the town of. Sclo, the local district board has called a special meeting for 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, August 1, to vote on the proposal of forming a union high school district to in elude with the Sclo district about 17 outlying districts which are ad jacent to the Sclo district. Organization of a anion high school at Sclo has been considered by progressive educators here and in adjacent rural communities for several years, although the matter has never been put to a vote of the Sclo unit, as provided by state school laws. Rural districts considered In connection with the movement are Gaines, Richardson Gap, River- view, Bilyeu Den, Jordan, Arnold, Munkers, Ehelburn, Oakvlew, Ber gen Hollow. Franklin Butte, fihln- dler, Rodgers Mountain, Crabtree. Loardes and parts ot Cole and Mount Pleasant. ; r - Advocates of a . anion alga school district have been contact lng people 'In rural districts tor several weeks and report that con siderable favorable sentiment has been found. Accordingly, the 8cio school board held a special meet ing Saturday afternoon for the purpose of taking the required preliminary steps. youngest baby at Tuesday's clinic was the 8-weeks-old Robert Lee Alfred, a husky little youngster who made quite a sensation at the clinic. ' , " '" Wee Infant Find. Way To Silverton Clinic 8ILVERTON, July 27 Seven teen babies and children were ex amined at the clinic held at Sil verton Tuesday afternoon. This Is the last clinic until the one to be held early In September. Assist ing at Tuesday's work were Mrs. Irma LeRiehe, Mrs. J. Ballantyne and Mrs. H. W. Preston. Dr. v. A. Donghlas was In charge, '"he Seven Camp Fir Girls Have Good Meal for 98 Cents MOLALLA. July 27 Seven Ton-Ka-We Camp Fire Girls took an all day hike and outing to Dad's park oa the Moialla river Tuesday. At noon a firemakers dinner was prepared and served. One requirement of a firemakers dinner is that It be budgeted. This dinner cost 98 cents and consisted of potato salad, creamed peas, corn on the cob, sandwiches and raspberries and cream. The rest ot the day was spent boating, swimming and passing firemakers tests. Julia Foglesong, Ruba Foglesong. Marie O'Connor, Virginia Shaver, Ruth Cordill, Mack Blklns and Audrey Hanrlk sen, guardian, were on the trip. TlWEOfKI UEFIGH TURNER, ''ill July 27 Registra tion will be in order July 27 to 29 at Turner and also at Marion for families i who have received relief supplies through, the Red Cross daring the past year and who have or can get together garden sur pluses or meat, as a portable can nery will be operated fn the coun ty a,tter August 1, and Turner will be one ot the canning stations. ' Fine gardens have been grown from the seeds given; out last sprlnr and all those receiving the benetit are expected to take ad vantage ot this new opportunity to conserve foe winter use, espe cially as relief given next winter will depend entirely on self help this summer and registration at once is necessary. ! A total of 25 cans will be al lowed for each member of a fam ily and a small toll will be retain ed. Register with Turner's new lo cal: Hed Cross chairman, J. E. Whitehead, Sr., at the post off lee. Brooks f Church' ; Sponsors ' Rally For That Area A rally of several churches In the Brooks section et the county is being sponsored for Sunday by the Brooks community church, of which O. H. Qulgley is minister. The rally will be held at Qulnaby park, starting at 10 a; m. and con tinuing through the afternoon, with services at 11 a. m. and 2 P. m. Rev. Charles Smith, pastor at Hasel Green, will speak In the forenoon, and Rer. Edgar P. Sims of Salem will preach ki the after noon. An enjoyable feature will be community singing, with spe cial music by Mr. and Mrs. Ash- baugh. a male quartet and others. Picnic lunch will be served at noon. H. N. - Somerville " Passest Moialla ' After Long Illness i - ' -, - MOLALLA. July 27 After a lingering sickness, Howard Kel son Somerville. (1. a resident of Moialla since 1914, died at his home July 24. Funeral services were held July 25 at the Everhart funeral home,, the Rev. James Love officiating. Graveyard serv ices at the Adam cemetery were conducted by the Odd , Fellows, lodge, of which Mr. Somerville had been a member, since 1908. He is survived by his widow. Pearl Murphy Somerville, and by six children, Jennie. Mae. Wilford, Frederick, Hamilton and Mary. 3EBEKAHS WILL PICNIC TURNER, July 27 Members ot Ideal Rebekah lodge will picnic at the L. D. Roberts farm on the Tur ner Aumsville highway : Sunday, August 30. Members are request ed to bring well tilled basket and each person Is to bring their own plate, cup and silver. . Refusing Advance Makers Costs Aiv . 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that by an order ot the County Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Marion duly made. Tendered and entered of record In said court on the seventh day of July, 1933, George Sucevlch was duly appointed administrator of the estate of Donald Sucevich, de ceased, and that George Sucevich has duly qualified as such execu tor. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present the same, with proper vouchers and due Teriflcatlon to attorney for said administrator at 825 Falling Bldg., Portland, Oregon, within tlx months from the date ot the first Publication ot this notice. Dated and first published this twenty-first day ot July, 1933. GEORGE SUCEVICH, Administrator of the estate of Donald Sucevich, deceased. DAN J. KENNEY, Attorney for Administrator. J. 21-28; A 4-11-18. FAME PALLS -o I 'A X f ' ) --- 1.1 Jr. "A "ayaiMsaeas Mjf if r J ttt fins U t movU tint end aO tMl but a Tula want torn trivaev. Jutt vksn I was taking My afUmoon nap m photographer from tko ttudio tamo around and oaid yew noantod to oo oomo now Prices Are Going VP! SDSmieitite iit August Safe Pric, . $18.88 Bay New! Save ever 15. Extenskm table has wahmt veneer top. Chairs have bemetpaa-eovered seats. Harry! Price goes ep after Sale! at III! -1 a. - -will I .'IS . - fhfirowm..' tISIIIG PRICES iHEER FARMERS Nebcaakam Reported in "Spirits Since 'TO. reetlMMaMl Sales mm, -2 5 sf. 2 J Jrm r Wim(7mooVl TAILPRICES SURE TO RISE Commodity price gmU Umdt, retait price hior . n O 4U. e . Ju JPriees Are Going UP! Specially Prcec for August Sal SoveetWerWs Bay New! Save 40. 9 big. deep Premier wire ceils suppevt yea in ease. For straight er bew end beds. Doable Dock Cell Sprtmsj, Green or Orchid Prices Are Going- VP! H2 Maitinress Speca Priced for August Salt) 8CTD88 Sere t Weres Buy Now! Save 15. Large ee3s phel stered with felled eeV lM.DriUtickias $25 Inner spring $17.75 $6288 P Aagast IFarriitare Sale Value snjinriE Prices ere going UP! Dag iVbc? Sore I Ho telling how hign prices will go! Better get that new Irving room suite in Ward's August Sale, Ton save over 20. And you get two big, comfortable pieces. Whb-extra wide roll arms. Fancy welted base. Carved arm panels and legs. Serpentine (curved) fronts. And 100 Anson Mohair covering I jl rrierom I i lAr CfssT ST1 "V $50 TTalbll SpetciaUy Priced for August Sal; Boy now! Save over 30. Combination walnnt veneer top, 18x 34 inches. Four tamed legs. Remember! The price goes op after the August Sale! Price Arc Golttg VP! $595 CDnafiir Specially PricoJ for August Sal; Buy now Save 20! Attractive Occasional Chair with comfortable sag; seat. Durable upholstery. ra gwimg MJPt Spoxktl for August Solo, This homespun covered Studio Coach leads a doable life. It's an attractive sofa by day. And at night, it's either a double bed or two twin beds. Bat always it's comfortable. The base is fall of coil springs, As is the inner spring mattress. With bedding compart tnent and three big pillows. We eWt re peat this value I Buy Now! S-a-r-e ! I 0 ril- TTfCsY ' S3 nonthlj pins 'J rlj II 20 small carrylBg aroj ffatmg VPt 45 sminriH Spncial for Aogv Sole, $2(g88 Be smart! Get this 4-pieec Suite la the Sale . and save S20! Bed. Chest, Vanity and bench with wahmt veneer front. Note the unusual decoration of quHu ed maple. Bemember! The prico goes up after the August Sale! End Table A tt Safe Prke 88c Save 10! Prices are ge fat p! Hard weed wkb walaat veneer abaped t op. $ End Table 2.69 Sfve3Ssw! Beek trensb styb m- all ootid weimmtl Ten. 12x24 in. Lamp Table 'W f i e9JPv f f IVSw $L59 to J2& table wttblSa 27-feacb tep sa BeyNewl Ironinil Dosrd SeveerYvWs 89c Irew as streas ewaly as yew Iiae uue eari esa A great valae! Jrs mroi mwimg Ukt 48 stuniriE v Specie for Augvst Soe. $f3 A 88 Save 20. Act now and get this 2-piece Suite In the Au gust Sale! It's easily a $48 valae at today's high prices. Covered in rust homespun. With broad, restful arms. And spring - filled removable seats. Buy Now! Save! Save 25 Noat IPrices are going VLPl StoWoW 55.89 Graow 49 9x13 Ft. I w tJT . ?J JTZ Brand L Tir--i3S motor $44 Wardeienm Regs at tbis ! Ve Asm S.U new t3e jsnd Bars! oeslgn- mmomm snrys em ea ute neer. rer IsetfaafiriJ 6-foot Wardoleum. Per run ning foot .". .; , ' 22e pieturo or mo. vvou horo they aro and now I hopo they'll Ut mo got 1 V7 275 N. liberty St. Salem, Ore. Phone 8774 $omo oieep. Baby Le .Koy.'