The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning.' July 27, 1933 page three: . V- I' H i '. 'it v 1 4 4 Or . v V V t 4 k i v vr ) r- V r p f i I D0TY-AF1D ID At Grove Near Talbot; W. E. Doty is; Honor Guest; 50 Kinsmen Meet TALBOT, July 28. Descendant! of Nelson Ranson Doty and El mira McClure Looney Doty and of William Looney held their an nual reunion at the W. E. Doty grove Sunday. Nelson Doty was one of the earliest settlers cross ins the plains and William Loo ney crossed in 1850. Tie w. EL and N. H. Doty farms are parts of the old donation land claims taken by their father; Nelson Doty. - About 60 relatives and guests it ere present. W. E. Doty was Lost Ugly Fat Her Husband Says She Looks Five Years Younger! There Is a .certain -weight at which every -woman looks her loveliest not skinny underweight nor pendulous overweight, but normal weight. We find artists. doctors, theatrical producers (and husbands!) all agreed upon this point. "My husband says I look five years younger," writes this lady of 29 who thanks to her daily dose of Kruschen Salts has unburdened her body of 18 pounds pounds of ugly fat. Read her letter: "Having heard from a friend of mine that she lost considerable weight since taking Kruschen Halts, I started using them in July last when I weighed 177 lbs. I have lost weight steadily since then, and am now 139 lbs. my normal weight. Moreover, I feel brighter and more energetic in every way. "I have Inquired of my dress maker my measurements which in August last were bust 40, hips 43 H, waist 33 inches which is normal for my height (which is 5. ft. 8 in. My age Is 20. My hns fcand Is a very severe 'critic. He says I look five years' younger. There Is no other reason for my loss of weight except Kruschen as I do not take any particular diet." (Mrs.) S. London, England. A bottle of Kruschen Salts that will last four weeks costs but a trifle itake as directed every morning. When the jar is empty, get on the scales and see how many pounds you have lost. At tention to diet will help cut down on pastry and fatty meats go light on potatoes, butter and cream. But remember this: to take off fat harmlessly and SAFELY be sure for your health's sake that you ask l for and get Kruschen Salts. Get them at any drugstore In the. world and if the results one bottle brings do not delight you do not Joyfully satisfy you why money back. adv. f aUUU'iii I Gpccinl Close Out Prices U Size 4.40x21 4.50x20 4.50 x 21 4.75 x 19 4.75x 20 ... Chemeketa at High the eldest and only living child of Nelson Doty. As Sunday was Mr. uoty's seyenty-Becond birth day, he was the honor guest. A huge oirthday cake for W. E. Doty was presented him by his daughter; Mrs. Knight Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Locke nd" son Ed ward and Ed Pugh of Portland, Guy Looney and sons, Guy, Allen and Glen and Charlotte Van Cleave of Hazel Green. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Need ham and son Win- field, Mrs. Jessie Hasting. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Needbam-and son Albert of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Jed Looney and children. Merilee and Thad, Mrs. Mervyle Looney and daughter Ruth of Tangent, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Looney and daughter, Grace Helen. Mrs. Ed Doty, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Doty and, sons. Jack and Davis, all of Albany; Norrls, Marvin and Llnd say Doty, Mr. and Mrs. . W. E Doty, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cole and children, Phyllis, Mariorie, Robert, Gaynell and Donald, Bob by Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Looney and daughters, Ellen, Pauline and Mildred, Delford Va ries, Virginia Belknap and Ilene Bllnston, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Knight and son Jack, all of Jef ferson; Keith Allen and son Ron ald of Marlon. MIDDLE GROVE, July 26. A joint reunion of the Scharf and Bartruff clans was held Sunday at the Silverton park. Members of the clans from over the state and also from California were reunit ed. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. August Sharf of Santa Mon ica, California. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Sharf and Dorothy, Robert and Kenneth of Gervais, Mr. and Mrs. John Van Laanen and Norma and Dale of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs Joe Schwab and Mary Louise of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scharf and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scharf. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scharf and Katherlne and Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crane and Laura and Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Crane and Dolores, Mrs. Lena Bartruff and Virginia, Roberta, David, George And Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartruff and" Chris and Mu riel, Mr. and Mrs. Caroll Poole and Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McDonald and Delbert, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simms and Daryll, Mrs. Lydia Bewely, Mr. and Mrs, Grant Wycoff, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bartruff, Esther Hammer and Norman McCallister, all of Salem Mrs. John Turner has been ill several weeks with summer influ enza, but her condition Is improv ing. Trinity Church to Hold Annual Picnic At Waiting's Place SILVERTON, July 26. Trinity church will hold its annual picnic Sunday at the old Walling place on the Abiqua. Sunday school will -be dispensed with but the morning sermon will be delivered at the picnic. The congregation 1TTS SK DBF CHS IN HON Only UJ.ty.6mdi irniiiE s of RUBBER Size $4.05 4.55 4.80 .... 5.15 5.25 ALL LATEST DESIGN TEMPERED RUBBER TREAD Get Your Size Before Our Stock is Exhausted Day and Night Service St. MdDIHUE MEILlEA.(InIE .....RTdD MdDIEIE :.' I IL DUCE REVIEWS HIS SHIPS y- v. :. : 5 vl. tV-, !rV!- . ilia if While General Balbo was leading his air armada to the I Mediterranean fleet was reviewed off Gaetahy 11 Duce United States, his chief, Premier Mussolini, put on a I shown (in inset) with officers aboard the cruiser Pola little demonstration of his own. The entire Italian I watching the cruisers Trieste and Zara steaming by. is to meet at Trinity church at 10 o'clock and go to the picnic grounds. Services will be follow ed by a basket dinner and the afternoon will be devoted to sports, including swimming. Peggy Gopelrud, Frances Nel son, Harry Larson and Lillian Block are in charge of the ath letic program for the afternoon. Palmer Torvend and Oscar Sa- trum compose the park committee and Harold Larson, Victor Mad sen and Althea Meyer and Luella Forlund are the booth commit tee. Mrs. Hans Jensen, Marie Tingelstadx and Mrs. Silas Tor vend are in charge of making cof fee. Brooks People Have Severe Accidents BROOKS, July 26. While cutting grass recently, Rudolph Ehlke had the misfortune to cut a portion off his forefinger on bis left hand. "Sonny" Snyder ser iously injured his left eye Satur day while playing at a neighbor's. He fell, jabbing a stick in his eye. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder of Brooks. HUBBARD FOLKS ILL HUBBARD, July 26. Junior Grimps, 10-year-old on of Mr. and Mrs. George Grimps, underwent a major operation for appendicitis at a Salem hospital on Monday. Steve Schmidt underwent a ma jor operation' for appendicitis at the Deaconess hospital in Salem on Tuesday morning. Jack Blos ser, who suffered, the same opera tion at the Salem Deaconess hos pital a couple of weeks ago, is convalescing at Newport, the guest of his sister, Beryl Blosser. f IT Q. Guards 5.00 x19 ... ......... ...S5.55 5.00x20 5.70 5.25 x 18 w.................. 6.25 5.25x 21 w 6.70 Telephone 6192 y " E MONMOUTH, July 26. Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Schweizer and daughters, Annetta and Ilia, re turned Monday from a vacation aunt of 1800 miles through Ore gon and northern California. They left Monmouth July 14, going to The Dalles to attend the Rural Mail carriers' convention. Between Redding and Eureka they observed the ghost city, Shasta, once a noted mining town. Several buildings of brick with heavy iron doors are traditional strongholds which guarded the gold from marauders in the hey day of mining days. At Redding the thermometer registered 100 In the shade at 9:30 a. m. A member of the Schweizer party, in conversation with a Redding merchant, took ex ception to his statement: "Isn't this a delightful day!" "No, It's too hotl" said the Gilmore CXrcns FrUmffm US to letlS I6V, KvMO HI I! ONI FROM MOTOR TRIP OF WAR -zrv r young miss from Oregon. Why. where are you from?" inquired the merchant. "I'm from the Willamette val ley,' was the snappy response. "Well. I never heard of that place " the bewildered merchant responded. At Dorris the Schweitzers were searched for possible contraband and the officer relieved them of five pounds of Oregon cherries. saying they might be pest infected. Everywhere they stopped in California appeared very dry and Irrigation seemed extremely limit- ed. Crops were scanty, and road side vegetation negligible. Coming up the coast highway, they bought peas and cucumbers before enter ing Oregon, and wondered would they be held up for inspection. They were not.- Oregonians, they decided, are not so particular about guarding their interests as the neighbors on the south. HUBBARD. Jan. 26. Edwin Black of Portland 1 spending the present week visiting, his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. U. An derson, and enjoying Fobert's swimming hole as he is an excel lent swimmer. ' ' : : O Hit . i 3 1 jl i "When we put out the new "Fortified" Gilmore Red Iion'gasoline three weeks ago, I'was hopefully expecting o generous response on the part of the motoring public, tut because of the flamboyant gasoline advertising flooding the country, I little dreamed of the enthusiasm with which it would be accepted. I told you it was 2 years ahead in Anti-Knock Horse power, and I felt positive it would do all we claimed for it. Now, I know that w;e haven't over-sold" it. So many motorists have used it and they are prac tically unanimous in its praise. The general approval ex pressed by continued patronage is gratifying to me. Sincerely yours, mLEa nan mnm Enn THE JFORTJFIED9 GASOLINE FOn ALL CARS FORMER IB HE -1 AUMSVILLE, Jnly J J .-rWord ha-s been received here if, the death of Drl Charlie Shaff of Lew Uton.Tdaho. He llvedhere for a good many years, Shaff Station being named after the family. -. Mrs. Selma Brown la snfferlnc from Iblood f poisoning, caused by the stingy of a spider, v ' - J. D.Lott of North Santlam la placing on exhibition in the post office here a beautiful collection of gladioli. He - has - aSout tS named varieties. All Interested are Invited to see them. : : r i Every - Friday between ' the hours of 1 and 1 p. m.. Mrs. Helen Lamb of the county, relief unit will be at Claud Boone's store. ? . Mr. and . Mrs. H. C. Campbell and son Laddie of Boise, Idaho, spent a day and night list week at the home of M.V and Mrs .W. Winslows, " ': A pretty twilight lawn party was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed Hlghberger In honor of , Mr. and Mrs. Dean NIccolson, who were recently married. Brooks Buildinsrat 4-Corners is Nearly Ready for Tenants BROOKS, July 26. Work Is progressing rapidly on the new 60 by 60 two - story stucco build ing at Brobks Four corners. which is being erected by John Moore, formerly roprietor of Play- more park. Moore purchased the barber shop, service station and residence, recently occupied by Charles Coffindaffer, and plans to operate as a road side inn and gas station. The barber shop has been moved to the north side of the property and set to front noth. The residence has been re modeled and is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Moore, and 'daughter, Dorothy., ' V : Midsummer Special " CBOQU1N0LK TUSH WAV Blnslet En4s Complete ,. $1.00 Opaa m. E Teniae CASTLE PERMANENT WAVERS CO. MT 1st Natl Bank Bids sets Braaea ef Cattle rtoaew Fermse1 Wavers, rertlaa DT7 mill IS WestSalerriH News SALEM. July 26. Wil liam L. LaDue has a erew of men at work trimming "overhanging boughs which interfere with pe destrians traveL" 1 Boy Scouts held a wiener rout at the boys' swimming hole re cently, with a fine bonfire for roasting mashmallowf Swimming was enjoyed and two new mem bers -were taken In, Jack Gosser and William Braseau. --Plans were made to handle the. Ice cream concession at the American Le gion bout to be held In the new arena. ' Members of the Jolly Time Quilting club aid their families attended a pleasant summer pic nic at Hater's grove Sunday with a big picnie dinner at noon, a spirited baseball game for the men. swimming tor all and a jol ly. Informal social occasion. At tending, the affair were Mr. and Mrs. W. D.. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. George Lathrop, Mrs. Emmett A. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rierson. Mrs , Rex Swigert, Mrs. Martha Rierson, Mr. and -Mrs. Homer Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hathaway. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Coatee, Mrs. Grace Bentley of Kansas, and her niece, Edna, and Wayne Bentley. guests at the home of Mrs. Bentley's brother. Homer Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sexton and daughter. Jose phine, Mabel Harrison, Estalyne and Joe Rierson, Delores Hatha way, Kenneth c and Wayne La throp, Shirley, Bonnie and Danny Dickson. Harold Dickey, Virginia iates. Yirgn and Velma May. Building permits were Issued by the city recorder to the King- wood post of the American Le IL(0)S1E Wheels Repaired MIKE PANEX 275 S. Commercial St. God 1 Gift Nature's Herbs for Every ID Consultation Free THE SING HERB COMPANY H. 8. Low, Directing Herbalist 478 8. Commercial, Salens, Ore. Established la Oakland. Calif, since 1012. Phone 5758 i f CJLMOKX OIL COMPAXT gion ior "construction of an arena WtlUl.iU W UWfc . v , sou. u alteifction' permit to Edward Un derwood' fer remodeling his res idence on Plaza avenue. Work Is in progress on both. REV.' GOODRICH SPEAKS WHEATLAND. July 26. Rev. Maurice Goodrich of Philomath. district supenntedent ef the United Brethren church.1 spoke at the Wheatland Sunday school Sunday afternoon. Rer. Clark Smith accompanied him. They were Sunday dinner guests at tbe Eugene Wilson home. BREAKS AXKLB SILVERTON, July 2C Mn. W. C. Davis had the misfortane to break her ritht ankle Satur day while at the coast. She was taken to the Silverton hospital and was placed In a east. Mr. Davis is proprietor ot JtiLady ShOP. . . .r ffflifflTftTTSl Post Tocuries for breakfast cool, crisp, delicious and you are off to a flying start! As your morning starts, so goes your day is. It's true nine tunes out of every ten! And jf you want to start with something pleasant something crisp, andcool and refreshing . . . just try Post Toasties for break fast tomorrow! Have it plain with milk or cream and sugar. Or, better yet, with fresh, ripe fruit or berries. There's something about these big, golden, oven-crisp flakes that "perks you up" ... starts you off feeling bright and cheerful. And there's quick tntrgy, too, in every bowlfuLHave PostToasties for breakfast tomorrow ! A prod uct of General Foods. TOYS FOR THE CHILDREN I Peat TmmIm Cwt-Ovto M m evary pke. Seleiers, dewaa, mm w II Sill . 1 I 4 sftssstosaasWsCffa'yas Irisl TaeyVe rttL I Wakes yn