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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1933)
Tha OREGON AN. -Calea. toe-on. Thmrg&y Wmiar. July 27, 1333 PACE ELETETS y - 1 f i i i 4 r i v 4 ' .! Y r i I 1 Business Directory t " I'.rf. m um da-scow r run on iUuy basis o B4 p line ; AUTO BRAKES Mike VUA. n brake tl south Connate etreot. doctor. CATERING Um www Pw. 678A CU1MNETC WEEP CHIROPRACTORS FLORISTS CUT flowers, wod- tuete-dton-oral SvroaUiA Aruon. C. F. haapt, ! norw on w - Alfi H.untffioiiHrwt. Lets Fl 1st. llh SSarSOC . GLASS Sit. Wter J. uowujl COFFKI-8MXTH. fn. 1ml M. LAUNDRIES THJB MEW LAUNOBZ Hi a man y ,1" CAPITAL. CITX iAUNDRI J u-Umt tu UuaUty aud berries Tetopnons "roadway t ' LAWN MOWERS lUmrtwaedL repaired and tradetL HAKHlTw. BCUXT. "Tb C7cfMn. MATTRESSES uititMin from factory to home. imottreia. lb. S4.U0. Kenovat- ors and lumiator. Kus cleaned. Cap- Capitol. Mew i matuesa mada to order, old rcmado1; eaxpet ctsauwa. siauinuU rua weaving Oaleai Jr luu Kaa Itat- um acty. m wuour. Tet oue . Zwicaer. JCst. 1H. MUSIC STORES UsXXl C WlLU-snanos, radios, sew Ina inacatues, sheet musio and piano stuUies. i tlepaulna nuuos, naoausrapbs B,na sewlns machines. 44X sttato Ciireet, Balem. 1 . - - MEDICINE lc Cbaa Law Chinese Msdicmo Co. Hours Tuesday and sTidAy. 10 U0 ajn. U 4;30 p. ux. li N. CosamercisX Charlie Chan, Chlneso Mediclns Co 128 N .CWL iJaily -. Mua. AUJ kinds berbf lor male ana lemaie, xw constipation, rueuniausui, jijwiuiw tia, colitis, gland, stomactt tttnorders. PAINT AND ROOFING aalem Faint A Rooting. 47 4 Ferry. I PRINTING FOR UTATlONsatr, cards, pampn wia, pragrama, books or any kind ot prutuug, caii The gtaiaamsn sTlatlna Apur unent, lis tt. Commercial. Xeie pboao S101. REAL ESTATE UKUKB A xlKNDHiCKa, Tel 447.- w. u. uuabumuo&sz ca 124 dL Liberty sit. TsL 4a. HOCOLOFiilaX HON 304-3 First fat i. sta. tttaa. TeL 7807. STOVES BTOV JS and stove repairing. Stoves ! Cor sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kiuus oil woven wire lenoa, laacy. ana puutw bop baskets, books, iogaa nooks, bajom seace and Move works, 34 CtMMuebets, TeL 477 A R, B. Fiemlng. SHOE REPAIRING Low prices. Good work. 80 & Com'L , J TRANSFER CAPITAL CITS Traasfer Co. 324 Slate bbl TeL 7778. Disulsuttag, Cor waroina and storage our apeclalty Get our rateA . FOR local or distant transfer storage, gall S131J Larmer Transfer Co. Xrucks to forUand daily. TYPEWRITERS TYVKW R1T10RS Adding Men. sold. rented, repaired. UnOerweod AgentA Cooke A baort. 411 Court. TeL seSe. WELL DRILLING R A. West. years experience, Rt U . Boa iw3 M. Tel. lies A AOllCbi XO ClUOllORJi NpTiCifi UJSREBX IS GIVEN that by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion duly made, rendered and entered of record In aald court oa the twenty-eighth lay ot June, 1833. H. Y. COMP tON was duly appointed as ex leutor ot the last will and testa ment aad estate -of LYDIA R. CLARK. I deceased, aad that said H. V. Compton has duly qualified ta aush 1 executor. , All persons aarlng claims against said estate hereby are required to present the same, ' with proper Touchers nd due Terification, to said ex Kutor at 214 United SUtes Na- U...1 1I..V n.ti.. e.i r mvs , imuviuti oatnu, Jl v ion, wiuiia six moatns zrom the late of the first publication ot )his notice. ; : . DaUd and first published the twenty-ninth day ef June.: 1933. H, V. COMPTON, as Executor of the Last Will aad Testa ment and state ot LYDIA R, CLARK, Deceased. -' CARSON CARSON. "I Attorneys for Executor. INSURANCE BSCJUB UJiNPIUCJCS lit N.ra Tek y S Tlv S1 a tt I f au -uuippw aaaim aui . , J. Z9-J1T. "13-Z9-Z7.,jopor( BA 1, DundOA Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 glacis lassrtloa per Ilat.l0 ThTOO UMTtloa fr Ob ...... Ma Six lasertioas V Ub. .swc One month per line.. I LOO Minima charge M,.llr Copy for UU pg m ceptad -attl t:20 the eTea lag hetore pub-carlo- for siaestft-atloB. Copy t celred aftar this Umi will M ru aader the heeding Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assamea bo XtMncUl rcspsBiibaity for errors -which mar ap pear la adrertlsemeaia Po lisned la 1U columns, and In cases where Ctkto) paper la. -at fault will reprint taat part ot sa cdTorxlMnaat la which tao typographicAl dstae occurs. Tft. Statessuu rssorros tha right to reject objee tlosal advsrttaiag. It far taar rotorTei tha rlgat to claaafTy all aorartiatag an dr tao prepor claaalCLea uoa. . SALESMEN WANTED Distributor for Salem and aurrovind Inr tcrrttonr (or naUosuUlr known Nev Torlc br of auperlativ Quality. ODBortunitr to secure exclosiro dis tribution on profitable Dasia. jfsrsons intsrosted communicate with General Distributing Co. Inc. SOS Northwest lZta Ave. Portland, Oregon. Can use four salesmen on a fast selling line. A new sensational prod uct. Not a get rich quick proposition but legitimate, substantial and per manent. Repeat sales once sold. Boom : era and pitch men need' not apply. See vr. a. rettenaui, uuan noteu 1 sales people, Thurs. 10 a m., loo- Dy I. M. U. A. Air. lilies- SITUATIONS WANTED Washing R. 1, Bx. 93, Salem. Wanted separator job. F. IX Husrhes. i www aitn ciirri. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Exp. haircuts, ZOc-lSc. 1514 N. Com. Draft beer man, factory Com'L equ'pment. H. representative. O. Da- S97 N. Or trade for wood, piano. TeL 8583. Clover hay. Oats, vetch and grass hay. ml. Wallace Road. TeL 7F33. 7 ft Deerlng 'wnarTJtrTni Broadway. Leaving town--wiU sacrifice B rooms, fine furniture, all oriental rugs. Box IS 4, care Statesman. Lloyd baby buggy. Clean, chean. or trado for yrood. Cost dsL new 385.00. 1463 Center "or TeL 8893.' . Baled oats, hay, 2 miles east of asylum. D. E. Engelhart, R. 4, Box 112. Salem. - WANTED Miscellaneous Wanted Bids for 45 cds., 2nd growth fir. Bids must be In by Aug. 1st. 8chool Dlst No. 71. Gertrude Cleveland clerk, RL 4, Salem. Blind man wants to buy old clothes i or all kinda win seu on commission. I Call at 255 Ferry St. - MISCELLANEOUS Typing students keep In practice spL for summer, S tnoa for 1 5. Thos. Roen, 420 Court. Mr. Lane of Seattle, Wa, expert hair cutter, now located 301 8. Win ter. Prices the same. Adults 20c, chil dren 15c Wo pick up dead, worthless horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4349. Piano, will give free storare la mooA iivmm. z,9, care pmreaman. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, 1S77 Court St. TeL 4857. alp., porch, Gents', hot, cold, water. 255 Center. ROOM AND BOARD srsOsrwriiri Oir-aasi Board, rm, $20. Near P. a 6482. Furn. rooms, close In. with or with out meais, i n. Hummer. Board and room for ladlea close in. xei. t75. 65 court street FOR RENT APARTMENTS I AssAeAJaesMSMwWWassssW a lUcapta, $12 and 823. 1580 Center. sasjsssssssSeseas-asas1 ssssesSjS''-ssas"Wss''w-ew Apts., rooms, garage house. All niceiy rum. Tel. 7S44. 3241 HaxeL fine modern 3 and 4 room apta parur turn. !, (15, lei. 763. Neat 3 room apt, 256 Center. Nlce, furn. apt, 890 Union. I B, 1st floor. 292 N. Summer. ist rioor. k. apt 1411 Court FOR RENT HOUSES' Furn. and onfnrn. hooMa. B. IForkner. 1410 N. Cottage. TeL SISL Furnished, unfurnished houaaa H.P. urant, iizu n. istn Ht fn. S330. Modern house; 940 N. 14th. - - - - . -t i.njuj-ir jijin -S room mod. cottaare with ranum. v;iose in. Aauits. uei. syyz. R. mod. house. Full tasement, furnace and fireplace. .Hardwood floors. 1310 N. 17th. wessSejpseasaesawesasSesaSaarfaS , FOR RENT Furnlahad house. Bol lywood district. Reasonable rent. TeL aase.. Good house. Tel. $397. Modern house. Inquire 159$ Court. FOR RENT Good T room house. All newly kalsomlned. Largo walnut treea On bus lino. Sao Mrs. CadweU, Statesman office. 889 Electric. $8.99; 1765 South Cap- KoL $8.09; 1S68 Court, 819.90; 1199 I iv. A? $ij.b; me N. Summer, l 110. 0U. P. XL BELL 2i$ Oregon Bldg. TeL 8903 FOR RENT A- store bunding in the new Stats theatre on Jforth Cmircn street, P H. TLKUL. 1J6 Oregon Bldsr. ' Tel. $90$ WANTED TO RENT On 69-19 baslA $9$ acres. Stocked . 1 m a. . l t ws FOR SALE ReaL Estate Br owner poultry ranch, close in. rood buildings. Call at 11TI Stat BC itlll HOUSS 12IM t rooRUL modern, tnctadbia ak floors; til drain board, etc. Owaer leaving saiea maaea uua oner, ntr down payment will handle, EKE- this. -CHUJDa A MTT.TJTR. nM tnra 144 State Street TeL. CTft, I Two lam fine view orchard lots tor aale. 40x101- feet each. Oppoaite Leslie brick school en Oxford street. Don't build until Ton. see these lots. Priced right. Easy terms. Phono own i or. aax. A sightly 7 -room semi-modern home. basement, fireplace, beautiful grounds lzsxisi rest, largo Into, nut trees, grape arbor, garden, garage. Near Jun ior sign ana two giauuuar acnaois, nice view, pawed street. Ontar tilSA terms. Owner, ICS Rural Avenue. Tel. ss4. ... FOR &ALE2 .. large corner lot Jn aood residential district, many fruit and shade trees, comfortable old house. A real bargain CHLLDS A MILLER. Realtors XM .State treet : Tel. (70S. Beautiful cloee4n view am trees. city -wjiier. etc. soap. raone aise. EXCHANGE Real Estate 7 R. house In 8 do leans. Wn. for R. house to 8alem. Tel. T1U. . A. dairy. Modern bldga Will ex change for smaller acreage. 714 N. ugh. RANCH FOR TRADE ' let-A. Good. soil. I -A. in gram. 1S A. hay, some timber. Running water, good location. Vice buildings, and a dandy ranch. Take a smaller place In exchange up to J&040. You will be Pleased with this ranch. Crop, stock ana equipment, hkk JAS. d. sears. Realtor 131 South High Street Modern house In Euen to ax change for Salem property. H. C SHTKI.Da 228 Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. FOR SALE FARMS "- "- - - -1 riViViv,vTnrvwvwwft(wui 40 acres Just east of Woodburn. all unaer cultivation, gooa unproyementa r or saie gooa terms. P. H. BELT, 22S Oregon Bldg: Salem. Oreiron. ACREAGE FOR SALE A 13-A. farm close to Salem at a bargain. Walnuts, cherries ana apples. House, barn, garage and chicken houses, good well tower. Elec tric lights. 14 A. in pasture, rest In cultivation. Inquire of owner, 2425 Ha- si Ave., yaiem. Business Op port unities Cafe for rentv897 N. ComX country store with acreage near school. Box 230, Statesman. " iiV"sJv"er',sr"srsrirsss FOR SALE! Goinc bakery business. netting 835.00 a week clear. 3250.00 cash. Write Box 257, care Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN Afa'eaasAfassSs PHRSONAZ. LOANS MADID on fmulmie. cars, salaries other good security. RaDSjrabls monthly. When In Qnaocial need see us before closing a loan. CORPORATION First National Bank Bids. Fbono SSSt PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 213 Oregon Buildlnz. Snd Floor Office hra, 19:00 A. M. to S:30 P. M. Telephono 7783. SUU license No. S-145. Borrow oa personal property: repay in monthly installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO State Ha S-149, 50e Guardian Bldg. Tel. 3877. MONET LOANED ON ATJTOS Contracts Reflnancod Arrange to reduce rout payments Ton keep the ear P. A, EXKEB Cor. Liberty St and Ferry P"ii(jiie 4T33 SiUefn. Or LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Cow for sale, grade fresh July 17. Salisbury's. 3 nu. o. B. Turner on Turner-Marion road. Cockerels 8 weeks old. 15c each. TeL 133 2. Le i iiatcnery. FOR SALE Fine S month old Jer sey and Guernsey heifer calf, $10.00. 1140 Norway. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRT l TeL 3000 Balcxn Fuel Co. Trade A CotUge. Ash, fir and oak. TeL 6848. Dry wood, $4.00. TeL 4459. Phono Tracy's, 198$ for dry wood. Get your wood now 4 ft oak and zna growth TeL is. FOR SALE USED CARS 1495 '32 Chev. CpA with 8008 tnileS 3345 '30 Bulck SpL Roadster $235 '28 Bulck Brougham $335 '28 Bulck Country Club Coups BOBREGO3 -340 No. Lib: TeL 88$$ VALLET MOTOR Ca UoBUJ CARS 193T rord Coups ; 1916 Ford Tudor , 1926 Ford Tudor , 1924 Ford Roadster ' 1933 Essex 4 Touring ,. 1926 Dodge Delivery , 1927 Pontine Delivery 1924 Franklin Sedan ,' 1926 Cleveland Sedan - i ,. 69.00 79.00 45.90 35.00 85.00 60.00 75.00 95.00 ,96.90 65.00 19 27 Chevrolet Truck 1929 Ford Truck. 4 speed trans.. .dual tires , 226.99 Wo have a good llsht trailer ' 13.59 Marion and Liberty TeL 7919. open Evenings and Sundays. MOTORCYCLES , FOR BALE OR TRADE Cheap, 1929 H. EX Motorcycle and stdeear. John Miller, 160 N. College St, Mon mouth. POLLY AND HER (i wtuweolh fiuT unk4 - - -rrrir. &Vxf?iL "ffff ,S Ttai,-. I Ev-RTiurViVV J i, Interesting ' Pacts r' Every precaution seems to be taken to mako arada A aal grade mux sold la Salem cleaa and pare. After rlaitlng manr farms and 866182 cows milked without any sanitary regmlationa and the milk aold for butterfat we Jast can't help- bat wonder how purs some of our batter really la. . , . Al Jolaon'a wife. Ruby Keeler, atar of the "Gold Digger of 1933," has a lorely figure. Watch Friday's paper for her picture and facts about her. O c Thrifty housewives watch for tomorrow's Statesman for inter esting food news. . . . . r 0 Statesman 25 years ago July 27, announces formation of Salem Hardware company by N. P. Fow el and Frank. Flint. Firm first oc cupied old Baren se Hamilton, and later moved to new struc ture on Court atreet. FOR SALE USED CARS Your Own Terms in Reason 33 LIGHT SIX SEDAN Demon strator. Big discount 33 TBRRAPLANE SEDAN Demonstrator. Big Discount 30 HUDSON GREAT 8 SEDAN. Reconditioned as needed. New ilueo A-l tires, trunk. S fen der wells $495 30 BUICK STD. 8 COUPE. A-l mechanlcallv. arood tire a. new duco- paint : $176 SO HUDSON UKEATHK S Reconditioned from stem to stern A aood Urea ref lnlshed. new car since $376 33 DURA NT S SPORT RDSTR. In extra good condition 3375 3V PONTIAC 4-DOOR. SEDAN. New paint and tires, uphol stery rood $326 If nTUDEBAKES UunT S g& DAN. Very small mUeage Ilf5 18 DODGE SCREEN DELIV ERY. Good condition $ 9 State Motors Inc. DEALERS FOR HUDSON A STUDEBAKER3 TERRAPLANE and 8 Open Evenings and Sundays High and Cbemeketa Stocks and Bonds (Copyright 1933. Standard Statistics Co.) jaiy Zff STOCK. arBXAGZg Today , 88.9 48.5 07.0 84.1 Previoasday 80.3 48.3 05.7 82.0 Week ago 98.8 64.0 108.0 93.1 Year ago .. 48.1 17.0 63.8 42.0 S years are 16.4 128.9 337.3 173.4 High 1933 102.1 68.0 118.7 98.0 Lew 1983 42.S 23.5 61.5 48.9 High 1933 73.8 89.8 111.0 73 Lew 1933 89.1 18.3 51.8 85.0 BOSTD AVEEAOBS Today 75.9 82.3 86.8 81 Pievionaday 75.7 82.0 88.3 81. week ego 77.1 84.V BS.S 83. Tearsss 89.S S7.S 79.9 4 year age 93.5 107.4 100.3 100. High 193S T7.1 84.0 M.S 88. Low 1933 68.8 57.0 7A1 68. HIrk 108S Tl.3 TS.O 84.9 T8 Low 1983 - , 58.3 47.4 70.9 97A HOME AFTER Swm 4 . - " 1 1 i " f Rvarln- from hta ordeal as a 0.01 Laiar. T7-var-oId Alton. IUL banker. Is showa with bis wife following Ids release. Lost was abducted aged wife, who collapsed during ox .iMwv waa PALS STBEET BESDiX IBETBfflCy NEW Tork, Jnly 24 (AP) With turnorer well below that of the week's preceding three-boar markets, stocks resumed their ad vance today." JJ. S. Industrial Alcohol, Am ericas. Commercial Alcohol, Case, Western. Union,. Cerro Do Pasco, Commercial Solvents, 'Mclntyre Porcupine snd Alaska luneau rose 3 to I points. TJ. S. Smelting, with gain ot t and Home-take Mining, up 31 la Its usual small volume, :; were other leaders. Chrysler and General Motors gave strong representation to the mo tor companies which appear to have had moat satisfactory second quarters. Ralls looked rather in different. U. 8. Steel Issues clos ed with small losses. " .Sales totaled 2.044.212 shares against 3,539,140 yesterday. NOTICE OF HEARING OF OB JECTIONS TO FINAL. ACCOUNT Notice hereby la given that the undersigned, as administratrix of the estate of THOMAS B. KAY, daceased, baa filed la the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, her final account la said estate; and that August 4. 1933, at tea o'clock, a. m., and the courtroom of said eourt hare been appointed by said court for the hearing of objections ' to such final account and the settlement thereof. CORA M. KAY, As Such Administratrix. CARSON & CARSON. Salem, , Oregon. Attorneys for Administratrix. Jly. 6-13-20-27 A. 2. Radio Program THXTBSDAT. July 87 OW POXTLAMZt 629 e. 7.00 Singing Strings, KBCC. T:30 London Terra e. oreheitra, KBC. T:30 Organ concert, NBC. 7:43 Ronald Back. KBC. 8 :00 Otne Arnold and Commodores, NB0. 8:15 Originslltiet, KBC. 9:45 Cooking school. 10:00 Womaa s Jtagaslae et tie Air, NBO. 11:00 Arloa trio. NBC. 11:30 Orfaa concert. KBC. 13:15 Weatera Farm sad Heme aoor, NBC. 1:45 John sad Ned. NBO. 8 :10 Friendly chat " 5:30 -Tairriew Parma. 6:35 Memory's Maledy, NBO. 6:00 Orchestra, NBC. 7:00 Amos 'a Andy, KBC. 7:15 Hotel MeAlpin orchestra, HBO. 8 :00 Standard Symphony hear, KBC. 10:15 Jimmy McCool'a fiehiag suies. 10:35--Anon Weeks' orchestra. NBO. 11:00 Abe Lyman's orchestra, KBC 11:30 Liberty organ. , KOAC C0KVALLI8 630 Xa 6:45 Farm market reports. 8:00 Kerafng concert. 9:00 Home economics observer. 10:30 Walts Time. 11:00 Better health and loager life. 12:00 Farm hour. 3:30 The homemakara half boar. 6:45 OeaeTieve Banm-Gasklne, organ ist. T:80 Tana hoar. 8:00 Hop improvement. 8:15 flrjenr. saws af tha week. 8:85 Pishing conditions ta Oregos, Vy tna state game commlssioa. : KIDNAP ORDEAL .:: .. i.: ' "UK 1 f ftve - day eantlrs of kidnapers. Aurust from his home ta the presence of bis his absence. It Is reported a ransom psua Dr aw imm. -MMB,Bn mm v, ysy"s1 f. JV "j i . .a -i.--.i-y-- -.-j,--- - r :; X- Danroas Bosine-f CAJVADA WHEAT YIELD CUT IN HALF WEAENESS ' i w Bread Grains Jump 6-7 Cents a ' Bushel; .rruyers leave 'CHICAGO. July 2$. (AP. Electrified1 by :anlhorIUUv ' re ports. Canada'a .'1133 wheat yield has been dwarfed Almost half by crop damage, ' bread grains today Jumped f and 7 cents a bushel. -Contributing to the new soar ing of raises was general asor ance, that distress. salUai of big speculative holdings of grata had been completed, aad tk markets were once more r la abApo to re spond to natural supply and de mand conditions. A new tide of baying orders swept into the trad-i lag plU as soon as business com-1 menced,, and witb no letup reaca- ed Ha greatest momentum at the frhlali j ' .. - f 'Latest .trustworthy annralaala were that the Canadian prairie provinces this season would pro vide only 250,000.000 bushels of wheat or : less, compared with 408,000,000 bushels harvested last year. Wheat and rye closed buoyant at the day's topmost point, wheat 5 -6 cents above yesterday's fin ish, rye at K-7 cents gain, eora 8 -5 cents up, oats 3 -4 ad- vanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat Jury Sep tember 99 U - December 1.02-1.03; May 1.07. Corn July 53; September 57tt-tt; December 03-63 U; May 68-. , Oats July 404; September 41; December 45; May 49. General Markets PKODUCH BXCHAsTOg PORTLAND. Ore- Jolr 26. fAP Prodace exebasxe, net pricei: Batter aztrsa Z2e, staadards 21a, prime lints Sle. firsts 20c. Erg,. fresh extras 32a, xreaa mediums zue. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore- Jnly 26. (AP) Wheat Opea July 74 Hick Low Close 78 74 78 81 77 81 September 77 December H 1 85 81 85 Cask wheat Ke. 1 Big Bead blae- stem 88c ; dark hard viator 13 per east sue, li per coat sic; soil waua, western white, hard winter, north era ssriag, west ers tea T7S. . Oats No. t white $26.50. Corn Xo. 3E yellow $25.23. Myirua Standard $19.60. Portland Produce POBTLATD. Ore- July 26. (API Batter Prists, extras 35c, standards See. Butterfat For Uaad daliverv: A trade 2 Jo pouad; fanser's door deUvcry 31e ponaA Sweet cream 5c higher. Errs PaeUie Poultry orodacers' Sail- in r price: Oversise 34e. extras 22c staad ards 20c, taedisnas 30c, pallets 16a des- ea. nartag ptlee sy wholesalers: trees current . receipts 66 pounds snd Bp 15- lse aesen. Milk Contract price. 4 per east. Parti and delivery 31.70 cwt: B grade cream S7Vse ponaA vaeeee sa score oregoa triplets IS We. leaf 13 He ueeaA Brokers wUl pay 2e below saotations. Uoantrr meats Helling price te re tailers: Caaatrv kiled hoes, best bntaa- era, aader 150 peaada 7 Vi-So. Tealers, vo te 100 pounds s vt c. Bpriag Umos lie, y ear lines 4-5e. Heavy ewes S-Se. Medium cows 4-5c. eaaaar sews 3-Se. Bolls 4-6e pound. Mohair Enylag price: 1933 clip 15e pound. (Ja tears bark BayUg pnes: 19IB peL 3 a poaad. Hops - asmtasi, i38. so-oie poaaa. Lira pealtry Portlaad delivery, bay ing prices: Heevy bean, colored, 4 -6 peaada 10-lie. de 6 pounds aad up 10- lle: aena over s ponaas se. naaar sth poaads Se peuad. Broilers. lk peaads. lie. CoJerea sprlags. S poaad a ap 19-140. Reaaters. ever 8 peaada. lee. Roosters Se poaad. Ducks. Pekina, broilers S-lOe; eld decks colored 10s pound. . Unions BelUag prices to reailers: Oretoa $1.25-1A5 cental. Wew - onions CsilfenUa, ' Bermass $1.35, 60-pound erste; new red $LSS cental; Walla Walla 81 caataL - Potatoes Local 83; Deschutes Gems 93.35 eeaUL de Bakers $3.40; Yakima Gems $2.10. New potatoes Local white aad red $3 eesteL 8trsw berries Hew Ortross $LS0 sate. Wool 1938 slip, seminal: Willam ette vauey iS-SSe peead; eeetsra Oragen lS-Sle poaad; soaUera Idaho 1630s poena. Hay Baying price from predaeer! Alfalfa He. 1. aew crop, $1A18; elever No. a. $14; sastern Oregon timothy $1S eats aad veUk $16 tea. 1 Portland Livestock 1 PORTLAXD, Ore, Jary 96, AF I Cattle neeetpw is; aemtaauy steesp. fllssrs. bee sa.TS--.oo I eeauaoa aas mediam $3-4.50. Heifers, beat 94-A33; mediam 83.35-A78. Cows, beet 93-848; eommoa aad mediam SL.75-1.7S: eaa- ssrs $1-3. Balls, best $3-8.35; modi am $3.75-8. Calves, beat $6-6.35 good $6 6.50; ordinary $4-4.50. Hoga Receipt S07 nemlaally steady. Toy Lisas sateaers soevy Vatabevs $6-6.95, Sews $8-8.60. Slaaghter jigs S4.TS-S. reeser pigs s.TS-a. - She Teelnts aeaa: 60s lewet Lambs, beet 84.SO-S: media SA60-S. Tearliag wsthsrs S8.80-A Xwes $1 3.36. SIO-UdANS HAVE BABT DAYTON, July 16. Mr. aal Mrs. Joha 8hermaa of Seattle, Wash., former Darton residents. are the parents of a six-pound daughter, bora Saturday, July 22 NOTE D BUTTER TRADE .T - 1 - - -- - -.I . i' . '. J i . Salem . filarliets - - - - .. . ' - i. Gcad B raw 4 H raw 4 tpUk, ol price, fljSO per co-op pool price. iHUMlswel, .SarplBS f 15. . fMlik laaed so seest-eatahj ostiertal sveasga Distrfbator price S1.70 Batterf at Top Xl-22c. prints 24c, cnbe 28c. abes atJ bl v ftisss said to gws-eieT by Salesi saysrs J 4 Tke gtUss 8slse. ppQed ey a steal bat are set gaaraaUMd by The B -net steal , rar-. AXn no. ramT abtd rtoBTiiiu Strlag sea as, locaV lb .03 Cabsaga, Ik. 1 . , , Al Orssn pesvers, Taf DaUea, lb. JO PaaA ceeat. la.y 08H AS Osieas. des. benakss -. JS Petatees. i iii , M a.av .65 U A3 t Seaad 1.00 4e 1.10 Caltf ' eao X as sera, local Al Cehwy. dea. .45 Ssolea. ' Traausaieat -LOO Ura agaa, Taleacias, Xaacy 3.23 4e S.3S Place peek 1.40 to 3.00 Beeta. loeel. des. OS Tarains. leeeL erate .IS gv. 8-ii. iT en set Carret, local, torn. stack ' Uaaas Ceevwbere, beUeese LeeaL,lag Oaatslvepaa, crate 3.23 to 8.76 SAO freak .1.00 Avacades, erste .333 J.00 1JK) Squash, Italian, erate Seaaaer. erate Watereialeea. retail . ToaiatoeB. aethoeae .03 .L90 te 3.35 1.25. California The Dalles Karpberriee Blackcaps . .1.45 .1.25 te l-0 1.00 Currants Loganberriea Cherries, lb. reseacs, local, lb. v Toanrberriei. erate Cora,. The Dalles, doi. Apneota, The Dalles ECS plant, erate Urapes, seedless HOPS Top, 1983. lb. JS9 EOGS Bay g Prices Eatrae Staadards liediams .19 .18 .17 A4 .13 .08 .07 .11 PODLTST Old reeatera. Colored heat Mediam seas LifBt hens Leghorns . SCZAT Lambs, top .5.00 .5.40 liors, top First cats 5.15 .04 ta .05 Steers , , Cows Heifers .03 to .01 .02 to .OS .03 te .08 Balls Draaaed vaaL top. .06 Oresaea Sore J01 OEVADf AJTD HAT Wheat, wettera red White, Ne. 1 Barley, top, ton .74 .74 -20.00 .23.00 .13.00 i5.oe .13X0 uste. toa nar. boylns sr Oats snd vetch, tea Alfalfa, valley lit eat Clover hay WOOL Vadium Course . Mohair . .38 .16 J01 .08 OASCABA BAXK OrecA lb. Dry. lb. who has been named Joan ay, This is their second child snd the second girl In their family. in u it M te .SO -, J) . .30 U OM .4 on u l ;s .75 .03 .. .05 1.50 to 1.75 .20 .72 9 2.25 HAPPIEST GIRL IN MONTREAL ! it--4iw- mmu 1 e1 ma? I V, . i i , - ; 2i-j-.fes-- Life's biggest raomsnt came for this little Italian girl in Montreal ; whs; Creasralltalo Balbo, leader of Italy's great air, armada, posed with hi before a battery of cameras during the w-lcotnlag eej-ormles foHowtaj the aerial flotilta. arrival at the Carta (tiaa dty. The little girl wsj flrst to greet the fliers when they came to rest ea the waters f tbj I et. Mf-vt a n m e" ' uve mcxen marcet Tone now Better; Hogs Veal up- x PORTLAND. July 21. (AP Despite the deereastsg churning operatic aa In ractlcaliy all dte- ' trlets of the Paclfle sector there was considerable weakness sug gested through the entire batter . trade with open market- Pricea generally being made at a fur ther fractional loss, Butterfat values appeared about. steady. Market for eggs reflected steady toae aad without definite nrlcsv . changes. Quality stock was- scare aad prices oa these were being, firmly maintained. There was a better tone In the lire chicken market and eommis sloa handlers reported sales 1 to 8 cents a pound above the buying ' figures established by most kill er a ' The ' Improvement was la heary hens and coloren springs. 5 Little demand waa ahowtnr is the market tor spring lambs which are now crowding the trade for sales. Much of the atock was rery small, weighing 2 poands and leas. Nominally quoted 1-1 eenU a pouad. Strength In the meat market situation was shown in late trad ing. Veal, hoga aad even lambs of top quality were higher la spots. Eeef remained seasonably low. First Walla Walla onions of the season were here. They show surprisingly good quality for in itial offerings and contain few rubbernecks." Priced around 31 cental to retailers. Somewhat better demand for early peaches was suggested la late sales up to 31.15 box with ordinary stock as low as 75-85 cents box. Best offerings wern from The Dalles and Willamette valley with a sprinkling from Yakima. California SL John's variety is a trifle slow. All berry prices were practically steady. Lettuce of quality remained - firm. Celery shipping- call continued above supply, prices firm. t . Wheat Advance is Sensational on i Portland Market Portland July 26. (af Wheat had a sensational advance ot 4 to B cents for futures oa the Portland market today with local cash up 6 -8c bushel and Montana spring and winter up 7c bushel. Sales of futures Included 18.000 bushel September and 46,000 bushel December. While there is no trading ia wheat to speak of with the mid west, tbo market for cash Is very firm. The country Is again un willing to eeiL Export prices sre much la, line with those la this country but no business is sug gested. 4 4t - t "s x " A T ft'.- syt By CUFF STERRETT r i