1 ' ""' ' The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning; July 25, 1333 ' - - I ' , i i n ii i i , , i -.. SBPACd it 4 t 4 ' 1 ? f 1 ' K II".. rj; Business Directory 'Card ut uut directory run mi -J monthly basis ouly. Retel Sl.03 par llai per owmtlk. AUTO BRAKES Mike Paaek. the braks doctot .278 South Comn-.r?l Street. CATERING Burt Crarr. tha caterer. Ph. 3732. j CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 448S. R. E- North CHUIOPRACTORS DR.au SCOTT. FSC, Chiropractor. S6 N. High. Tel. Rea, S373. FLORISTS CUT flower, we-trlng bouqueto fun rai wreaths, decorations. C. F. bupt, florist. Ut Court. Tel. $S4. ALL. kinds ot floral work. LuU Flor ist. 14U Market. Tel. 3632. GLASS Auui and window glass mirrors. Tel. llo. Walter J. Uowas. 680 Brcya, INSURANCE BECK A HBNUBICKS W W. Mian Tel. mi COFFKX-SM1TH, gen. aa Tel. St. LAUNDRIES THJC MSTW 8AXJCM LAUNDRX 1UJS WJUlwa UaUNURI in a iiisti Tel. im CAFITAXi C1TT UlUNV&T First la uaUty and tjerrtc Telepnona Mroadwaj LAWN MOWERS liuarpwneU. repaired and traded. HARK W. SWrf, The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. mttreaa. BO lb. S4.UQ. Renovat- ms and tumigators. Rugs cleaned. Cap- Kol tfedOtnc CO. eu . ww Capitol. New mattress made to vrder, old rciuado crpet deanins, sising i f lull rug weavtog. ttalam DluiX Uag Mai-Uo-a f actory, & 1U WUbur. Tat HU Ut JSwicker. JiUia MUSIC STORES UEQ. C. WILXr Pianos, radloa, sew ing oiachines, sheet musio and piano studies, lie pair log raotoa, phonographs auU sttwlua mauluaea. Ut atate CiUeet. blUem. ' MEDICINE Dr. Chan f -r" Chinese Medietas Co. fluurs Tuesday and ."rldajr, 10 :20 a.m. lo 4 ; p. -m. . lis N. Commerclat Chariis Chan, Chinese' Medlclns Co., 122 ti .Com'l. iMily -, Sun. S-12. AU kinds Ueros for male and female, for constipation, rheumatism, appendici tis, colitis, gland, st-mach disorders. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR 8TAT10NRX, cards, pamph rtaj program-. Books or any kind ol printing, call Toe talesmen printing lAipartmaut, SIS b. ConunsrcUl. Tele pteoae S10L ; REAL ESTATE liliSCKB Mi-NDalC--S, TeL 44I. W. H, URAJEKNUOBST CO. 224 sV t-barlJT TsL 4a aaSBBBSBBBasaBaBBSaSB-BSW-B-B-SaBaS-BBSBBBaBBBBBBB SOCOLOFSKX A SON SV4-I First Nat L Bk. Bldg. Tat tSOT. stores: STOVES and stave" repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. - Ait kinds! at woven wire fanes, laacy and plain, bop baaksta, books, iogao. hooka. Jiaism Ssnos and Stove Works, 2(2 cnenieketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Flaming. SHOE REPAIRING Low prices. Oood work. 8 S. ComX TRANSFER CAPITAL C1TX Tnuwfar Co. US Siata Bt. TeL 1772. DisulDuUng. for warding and storage eur specialty. ut pur rat, ., , FOR local or distant transXer storage. call 1121, Laxmar TraosUr Co. Trucks to Portland oauy. - - TYPEWRITERS TrPEWRITERS Adding Mch. sold, rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. Cooke A Short. 019 Court. TeL S4. WELL DRILLING R. A, Wast, 80 years experience, RKD s. Boa 102 & TeL HOPS. Youngberries in Lead on Market, (Set High Mark PORTLAND, July 24 (AP) Youngberries came Into , greater prominence today on , the Kastl FOR RENT HOUSES Bide Farmers' wholesale market Sales were made at a spread of 11. 40-1.10 erate, the latter being the high mark of the season to date. Demand was very active. - T-r.-.-h.-.l-. mrsMt -.o.M. t1 r-T . 1.15 1 crate. . Raspberries were easier at I1.40LCO crate whilo blackcaps were about steady at 90c-$1.10 with few above $1. i Strawberries were nominally quoted. .v ' , Currants were in small supply with the best $180 crate, r ' Apricots from The Dalles found a, quite liberal demand with most trading TSe tor Tilton Its. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 : qaastried Advertising t jglngle lUtfttoa per Uee.lOe Three Insertions per -ue7,a toa SU Usertlo-a per Uaa..J0 Dae month par Una.. 1 1-0 Minimum charge .--lss - Copy for this page e "eepted until :1Q the even ins - bfor pabllealtoa foT el &sairt cation. , Copy r wlrad after this time will b ran ,nnder th heading Too Lata to Claaalfy. , - Th SUteainan uiimw bo financial responsibility .for srrors which may ap pear In advertisaaafenta pao llabtd In Its eolamns, and In eases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement to which the typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman reserves the right to reject obee tlonal advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. HELP WANTED MALE 2 'woodcutters with dragsaw, nnut nave good tools. Call 8932, res. 9 S. litn. SALESMEN WANTED Distributor for Salem and surround' ingr territory for nationally known New York ber of superlative Quality, Opportunity to secure exclusive dis tribution on profitable basis. Persons interested communicate with General Distributing Co. Inc. J05 Northwest 12th Ave. Portland, Oregon. Can use four salesmen on a fast selling line. A new sensational prod uct. Not a get rich qulckpropositlon but legitimate, substantial and per manent. Repeat sates once sold. Boom ers and pitch men need not apply. See w. A. Hettengtil, mign Hotel. SITUATIONS WANTED Washing R. 1, Bx. 98, Salem. Washing or other, work, 411 Front Wanted separator Job. F. D. Hughes, 5i water Street. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Exp. haircuts, 20c-13c. 1614 N. Com. Draft beer equipment. H. O. Da man, factory representative. 297 N. Com'L Elec washing ma.cn. 2130 Stats St. Or traJe for wood, piano. TeL 8523. Fryers and breeders, White Leghorn. OTiLarsen. . Rt. 2. TeL 67F22. Baled clover .hay black caps lUo lb. you pick," Geo, Christofferson, IU. 9. Box 52 A. y lz gas range practically new, will sell for half price. 13Sj - Fourth. Clover hay. Oats, vetch and grass hay. S ml. Wallace Road. TeL 7F32. 7 ft. Deerlng Broadway. binder. 230. 1442 TRADE Miscellaneous What have you to exchange for stock mdse. and fixtures (2300.00 In good valley town. Address Box 229, Ptate-man. WANTED Miscellaneous Want used baby bugffy, 160 S. 12th street Wanted Bids for 42 cda. 2nd growth fir. Bids must be In by Aug. 1st. School Dlst. No. 71. Gertrude Clevland clprk. Rt. 4. Salem. MISCELLANEOUS Typing students keep In practice spL for summer. 2 mos. for 15. Thoe. Roen, 420 Court. . Mr. Lane of Seattle, Wn., expert hair cutter, now located 801 a Win ter. Prices the same. Adults 20c, chil dren 15c We pick up dead, worthless horses. cows, sneep. xeu 46. Free dirt, 1620 N. 20th. l Wi-Ne-Ma Beach 70 mL from Salem. 9 ml R W TTbn. cabins, cfimpfng. bathlnr. plcnlcklnr. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, 1277 Court St. TeL 4857. sip. porch, dents, hot, cold, wafr. 255 Center. ROOM AND BOARD Board, rm 20. Near P. O. S482. Furn. rooms, close In, with or with out meals, 492 N. Summer. Board and room for ladles close in. Tel. 5678. 695 Court Street. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 nlcs apta $12 and 122. 1580 Center. Apta, rooms, garage house. All nicely turn. TeL 7614, 2281 HaseL ' Fine modern 2 and 4 room apta, partly rurn. sis. sis, szu. leu lasz. rnv kit ir i . in nAAjyum, Neat 3 room apt.. 25S Center. Nice, furn. apt, 690 Union. Mod, 3 room flatNeatly turn, front and back entrance. Else, washer. $65 N. Fifth St. - - rinrrij-u Close tn apt. and sleeping room, nicely furn. 6(3 Center. ------- - --....- -ii...-ir cwi ifjffi 2 R. 1st floor. 292 N. Summer. I Funs, and on furn. housea R. rorknar, 1811 N. Cottage, TeL 368L For rent T room house. See itra Cadwell. Statesman o files. 1ftt wnian-a. uniurnin-a nouaea.ti. i Grant, ii2t . litn st. m. ssss. 8 room mod. house, partly furn, $12 me. 1206 N. 17th St. Can there after noon today, - v . Modern house, $63 X. 16th. T room house, reasonable. Call 141 a, 4oerty. - ....... B room mod. cottage with garage. Close In. Adults. TeL 3392. i I R. mod. house. Full basemenL furnace and flreDlace. . Hardwood floors. 1110 N. 17th. WANTED TO RENT FuratsheeTa roam house, cloas in by I private party. Box IZ8. Statesman. I Ob Sf-50 basla 100 acrwt- Stocked I ana equippeo. hobo guana, x . a. Hoortejttuunaee FOR SALE Real Estate; By owner poultry ranch, close. In,: goon uudinga cau at ssif state st. f or aaJe. 0x1 IS feet each,- Opposite wv- wiaa auifj iss w uiuismi Im b Leslie brtck school on Oxford street. I ''C'rpSr Priced right. Easy terms. Phone own r, . t 0 . a . . I - aianxiy i -rwm nnu-nwgera Dime, basement, fireplace, beautiful grounds izoxisz reet. urge fruit, nut trees, fp!!I!Ibo.r:.TaIden' f- Nea' J"? lor high and two grammar schools. nice view, paved street. Only fj250. terms. Owner, 7(S Rural Avenue. TeL 854. Beautiful close-in view acre tree a city water, eta Snap, Phone BIS 4. EXCHANGE Real Estate J A. on highway. S R and bath. pantrv. etc.. water, barn. shad, fruit h nen nouse, miit trees, i a. lenced pas I ture. cow. hens. wood. furn. for larrer place, owner's only O. K. Ames, R. 1, Box 2, Dayton, Ore. 60 A. dairy farm, new modern bldz.. to exchange for acreage sear Salem. See me. H. a SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. FOR TRADE 152 A. ranch. tO-A. cultivation. house. Barn, etc. Running water. Take smauer acreage up to f 3800 as part Better look this over. JA.S. D. SEARS. REALTOR 122 South High Street r-r -vajsfa-s-ruij'Ln n c nnnj ji.stfi -i ui ! 7 R. house In Spokane, Wn., for 6 R. house m Salem. Tel. 7155. FOR SALE FARMS FARM GREATLT SACRIFICED 151-aerea 40-A. cultivation. Lntaof I gooa nr timber. Plenty of pasture. spring ana running water. 5-R. house, I 2 barns. A snap for 22000. 11060 down. Timber enough to pay for place. Better hurry. See my agent. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 Smith High Street WANTED REAL ESTATE Responsible family wants country I veri otner property into casn or Willi pay fn part or full now with property I irVSSS- ".i."-. Portland. Also 21000 first T. have you convenient to school? Box 217, Statesman. Business Opportunities Cafe for rent. 29T N. Com'L " i"nrin -La riAAAA Country store with acreage near school. Box 230, Statesman.. MONEY TO LOAN -----------!-- mri nrtrLntr PERSONAL LOlKil MADE on fn mi rare, cars, salaries or other good security. Renav-bte monthly. When tn financial need see us before closing loan. QKK-RAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Badg. Pcwse tSIt -i-s-i-i.-. -- -..---.-n(-u-u-unj-Lj-Lnj- PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor Office hra. 10:00 A. M. to 8:20 p. U. Telephone 7781. State license No. S-1I5. Borrow on personal property : repay In monthly Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO- State ltd, 8-149. f ws Guardian Bldg. TeL 2277. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS - - Contracts Refinanced Arrange to redoes youi payments Ton keep the car P. A. E1KER Cor. Liberty 8u and Ferry Phone 4731 Salem. Ors LOANS WANTED We hare first mortgage loans yield ing 7 interest payable semi-annual ly. City and farm property. CHiL.ua & MLL.LOCR. Mtge. Loans 244 8tate Street Tel. 6708. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Cow for sale, arrade Jersey, fresh July 17. Salisbury's, 2 ml. 8. E. of Turner on Turner-Marlon road. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TeL 3009 Salem Fuel Co. Trad a Cottsgs. - --1 i ir r- i in n ruxrtjruTLnjn Ash. fir and oak, TsL 1641, Dry wood. $4.00. Tet 6459. Phone Tracy's. 3988 for dry wood. Get roar wood now 4 ft. oak and zna srrowth Tel. BS8. LOST AND FOUND LOST Jersey heifer. TJnderblt In left ear. A. T. Savage,- Sllverton, Ore. FOUND Wool auto robe at Tay lor's swimming beach. Owner call fori j2J222IJ2ii FOR SALE USED CARS 8495 '32 Chev. Cpe. with 3000 miles sas -3v Kuicit spt. Roadster 3235 '28 Buiclc Brougham $235 '23 Buiclc Country Club Coupe BORREOO'S 240 No. Lib. TeL 3683 - VALLEY MOTOR CO. USED CARS 132T Ford Coupe , 1926 Ford Tudor 1926 Ford Tudor 1926 Ford Roadster 1328 Essex 4 Touring I 60.00 . ,70.00 . 43.00 . 35.00 . 35.00 . 50.00 , 78.00 . '96.00 . 95.00 izs uoage Delivery 1927 Poatiae Delivery is as rranKiin Beoan 1926 Cleveland Sedan 1987 Chevrolet Truck , 1928 Ford Truck. 4 soeed trana. 35.00 dual tires 22S.00 ' have a good light trailer ' 12.33 JUarlon and Liberty TeL 7310. Open Evenings and Sundaya POLLY AND HER MOTORCYCLES - FOR 8 ALB OR TRADE Cheap. IMS H. D Motorcycle and sidecar. jonn Auier, sv ft. v;ouege ou, jsob month. Ef fie N. Volkmar Passes Suddenly At Her Soil's Home ess. a pm . m . waxiu, JUiy Zf. Mrs. Eme N. Morris - Volkmar. 80. died "iddenly July 1. at the, home of her son, C. I Morris, at Seattle. Vrs, Volkmar n ttnrn In Tnvi ' tor j -M M. ta 1853' 4nd Cam With ner par- en is to vv ana waiia, w asn., in 1885, where she grew to woman- v.j , j.f-j .. hood and graduated from whlt- man college. She was a member f.f V Prao Kvtarlan tin)i f.nm caiianooa. She spent the month of May this year at the- home of her son, Rev; C. G. Morris, pastor of the Methodist church here at the time. She Is survived by two sons. Rev. C. O. Morris of Dundee, C. L. juorria oi Seattle; one aangnter. Mrs. William Mahan of Seattle; 13 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday, at the Butter worth chapel In Seattle, where cremation followed. Kentucky Doctor Is at Rickreall To Visit Mother RICKREALL, July 24. Dr, Joe Bell and son Nat of Louis ville, Ky., .arrived this week to snend a few rlava with hla" mn ther Mrs TP W Ball and hrnthr Lner I'' W Be" na orotner B. C. Bell. Dr. Bell Is an X-ray specialist In Loulsv'IIe. utis wait wno underwent a major operation on hia Jaw Tues day morning at a Salem hospital is reported to be doing nicely. E. A. Stenson. brother-in-law of Mr. W .lt, has been suffering for the nast month with an ahscpsa a as " --cuucu -aw of Ralnrock s. ent several days " weftk here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lucas, SAILOR IS VISITOR HOLLYWOOD. July 24 W. W. Kleeman, of the U. S- S. Maryland spent the week-end visiting . with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J Kleeman of this district. Mr, Kleeman returned to his ship in Seattle Monday. Miss Monica Wil cox of Medford, Is spending the summer visiting with her cousin Miss Mary Jean Fisher of Holly wood. Stocks and Bonds (Copyrilht. 193s. Standard Statistics Ce.) July 26 STOCK aVEXAOES Today 87.8 48.6 97.1 88.4 Previoasday 81.0 45.0 00.0 77. Wseksro 101.3 58.8 112.7 88.4 Tearsro 41.8 17.S fll.T 41.8 S years aco 168.S 123.9 223.2 160.S Hick 1933 102.1 68.9 113.7 96.9 Low 1938 42.3 23.5 61.5 48.9 High 1932 72.8 39.8 111.0 73 Low 1932 35.1 13.2 51.8 85. BOYD aVESAOBS 75.5 81.2 86.1 Today 80. Previous day 75.4 81.3 85.9 80 83 Week aco 78.5 84.2 88.3 68.8 66.5 76.2 Year aco 63 3 yasrs ago Hick 1933 . Low 1938 . Higk 1932 . Low 1983 . 93.5 107.8 100.8 100 77.1 84.9 88.5 83.1 58.S 57.0 T4.1 63 71.8 78.0 88.2 78. 68.2 47.4 70.9 57 HIGH JINKS ON THE BEACH c ,x k ,-, t csjr r -' - - - I 't Ciiv A V - v ? ? 1 - . A T? It I I -J 1 V " - v l I Talk about your poetry of motion and defiance of tha law ef gravity. Here is an example of grace, beauty and perfect co-ordination by the murmuring sea at Long Beach, CaL The dancers are Dorothy Xeane, Adeline Angove and Berniee Beck, who seem fairly bubblmg over with tha joy PALS got , njpr-L-- vjfitmccwAtjjnl i lT TTTi f P' f j lip ; PIE OF BUTTER Country Creameries Blamed For Adverse Sentiment; Eggs are Unchanged ? PORTLAND. July 24 (AP) That the price of butter would have been lower were It not for the election day holiday which. prohibited the scheduled session of the local exchange Friday, was the belief of the trade here. . Accumulation of. butter at Port land and other leading distribu tive centers recently has created a generally adverse sentiment, re sulting In some price 'shading on the open market instead of the strength previously reflected. The country creamery was the chief cause of this -weakness in the trade which is somewhat out of tune with both churning opera tions and demand. The country ap peared to have the Idea that by re taining its stocks at home and starving the big markets it would he able to get more money. This J was true just so long as the coun try held Its supplies. Butterfat however retained a firm tone. Market for eggs showed little or no actual price change for the week's opening. Quality stuff was firmly held at full prices while there continued easiness In under- grades. Prices in the live hen market continued to be held down both by hot weather and surplus of of ferings. Broilers were considered steady but without any improve ment in the price. All through the country killed meat trade, prices were held mere ly steady with demand not any too favorable. Only extreme quality stuff was finding favor In any line at the moment. RECOVERY IS FELT TI NEW YORK. July 24 (AP) Recovery was striking in many of the financial -markets today. stoc-s raiuea swntiy during tneir three trading- hours and closed t. vi. - m Wim lick kbius ui luugui; JL lu -v .point3, thereby cutting a wide swathe into last week's losses Turnover was 3.414,100 shares. National Distillers gained 10, Industrial Rayon, Cerro de Pasco, Celanese, U. S. Industrial Alco hoi, Illinois Central, American Commercial Alcohol, Western Un ion, Norfolk & Western and Au burn 7 to 9 or so. American Wa ter Works, Commercial Solvents, General Mills, Hercules Powder and Bethlehem Steel In the neigh borhood of 5 and 8. American Telephone, General Motors, Con BOlidated Gas. Du Pont. U. S. RUb ber. Goodvear. New York Central. Union Pacific, Santa Fe, Balti more & Ohio, Westinghouse and Johns-Manville lifted 3 to 4 or better. U. S. Steel, American Can, Union Carbide, Kennecott, An aconda and International Nickel added 3 points. U. S. Smelting boomed up 11 to a new high. oi unng. Leaf OH HOLDS UN S MlIET GRAINS RISE BUT REACTION COMES wheat, hogs gain price locally Rye Oats and Wheal Score .Gains but CornisWeak CHICAGO, Jnly 14. (AP) I Despite announcement of two sus pensions, one of them huge, the grain markets advanced sharply today, bnt later reacted, Influ enced by uncertainties regarding conferences at Washington. . Wheat, rye; and oats scored gains of 3 cents a bushel,-and i in some cases corn was as cents. For the most part, though. the corn market was weak owing to liquidation of big bankrupt speculative future delivery hold- , ins. Grain futures at the close were largely at the minimum price fixed under emergency rules i adopted by the Chicago Board of Trade during a three- day temporary stoppage resulting from unprecedented speculative hysteria that had hoisted prices skyward and then plunged the markets wildly downgrade in a volume of dealings never before equaled, a one-day total of more than a quarter of a billion bu shels. Wheat today closed steady at the average of the closing prices I of Thursday, with corn unchang ed to 1 up, oats unchanged to Ihi higher, rye unchanged to hk advance. Today's closing quotations: Wheat July 90: September 12; December 5; May 1.00. corn July 47: September 53; December 57; May 3. Oats July 25: September 35; December 374-; May 4Z. General Markets PaODTJCa EXCHAKOB PORTLAXIX Qre JnlT a. fa PI Produce exchange, net prices: ButUr - -xiras -sc. standard ZZe, prims tints 21 He. firsts 20c ZfC, frets extras zae, ireta msdituas 20c Portland Grain POBTLAjm. Ore July 24. (AP) Wheat Ones Hich Low Clos Jaiy to 70 70 70 September 7ifc 72 71 72 December . 77 77 77 7T Cash wheat Ko. 1 Bis Bend blue- item 79c; dark hard winter 12 per cent me. ii per cent ite; soft white, western white, hard winter, northern iprinc, west ern red 69c. Osts 'e. 2 white $26.60. Cora No. 2K yellow $26. Millrun Standard 219.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Julr , 24. (API- Butter Prints, extras 23c. standards zoo. Butterfat Portland deli-err: A crade 24-25o pound: farmer's door deli-err zz-zse pound, sweet cream 5e higher. i-ccs racine Poultry producers seu- Inr price: Orersixe 24c. extras 22c. stand- I srds 20e, mediums 20c. pullets 16e doi B-yin price by wholesalers: Fresh current receipts 56 pounds and up 13- loe doxea. Milk Contract cries. 4 ner cant. Portland delirsrr 31-70 cwt; B grade cream 07 He pound. Cheese i score Oregon triplets 12 He, loaf 13 He pound. Brokers will pay 2e below Quotations. Country meats SeUinr pries to re tailers: Country klled hogs, best butch ers, under 150 pounds 7-7 He. vealers. 70 to 100 pounds 7H-BC. Spring lambs 10 H -lie, yearlings 4oc. Heavy twee. S-3e. Medium cows 5c pound, csnner l cows 2H-3e. Bulls 4H-5e pound. Mohair EuTins price: 1933 clip 156 pound. Cascsrs bark Buying price: 19SB peel. So pound. Hops - nominal. iss. oo-oie pound. Live poultry Portland delivery, bny ins prices: Heavy hens, colored. 4H-3H pounds 10c, do 5H pounds snd np 10c; hens ever 8V4 pounds 8e. under 8H pounds 8e pousd. Broilers. 1H pounds. lie. Colored snringa. 2 pounds P. 13c. Boasters, over IH pounds, 14c Boosters 5e pound. Ducks, Fcklns, broilers is 18s pound; eld docks, Pekins 10s pound, do colored, lOe pound. Onions Selling prices te resilsrs: Ore eon 31.25-1.35 cental. New onions California, Bermuds $1.26, 50-pound ersts; new red $1.33 sentsL Potatoes Local $2 ; Deschutes Gems $2.25 cental, de Bakers $8.40; Tsklma Oems S2.10. Kew potatoes Local whits snd red $2 senUl. Strawberries - Kew Oregons $1.80 sate. Wool 1938 slip, nominal: Willana- etto valley 23-25S pound; eastern Oragoa 1S-2IS pound; sosthera ldsho lo-sos sound. Hay Baying pries from producer: Alfalfa Ko. 1. new crop, $16-18; clover Ko. 3, $14; eastern Oregon timothy $16; eats ssd vetsa si 5 tea. Portland Livestock l XJVBSTOCK POBTLAKD. Ore- July 24. (API Cattle jtseeipts SS70, csivss 1st: as- os lower. . Steers, rood, medium 4.73-5.35: com mon 88-4.75. Heifers, common aad met dium S4-4.29. Cows. food, cemmea aaa medium 33-50-8.75. Balls. goeU $8.80- S.50: cutters ssd msdium S2.25-S.2S. V osiers, good $6-6.75; common and me dium fs-e. Calves, good ss.so's; eoi mon aad medium $2.30-5. - Hess Bseelsts 2408: 10-25e hlrher. , Good, 140 to 200. pounds $3.83-3.73; 200 to 250 pounds 33-5.75: ever 250 pemads 84.85-5.35. Sews, good $4-3; 1 dium s -de. rigs, gse Sheen Bsesinta 1898: 13s hiraer. Lsmba rood aad eholee 36.25-6010: eentmoa aad medium $3.25-3. Wethers $3 . -4. Ewes $1-8413. of Absenct Salem fJarkets Grade B , raw ; 4 tnCOt, co-op pool price, 1JM per hundred.:; - i ... . Snrplns ftA5. (aOl. bated ia seai-stsafUr Saitertsl srsrsga.) - Distributor price f 1.70 Butterfat Top 22-2SC, prtnta 25 Wc, cubes 27 c . Prises paid la growers ey Salsai Bsysrs waiy zs (Ths prteae below. ssppBsa sy a losal grsoer. sre udicstive ef the sally sssrkst bat are ass gaarsateea by Ths Euteamaal . rBtxn AJTO TEOR-JOJUI String beass. locaL Is. .08 .01 .10 .08 .13 Cabin re, is. Oreea peppers. The Dslles, lb. -Peas, coast, lb. 02 H to Oaieas. aos. baaehes Potatoes, local , 1.25 te 1.50 JLettaea. local . 65 Pngst Soaaa .1.00 te 1.10 oo .01 .41 ObJobs, Calif- ewt Rhaharb, local Celery, aes. Apples, Transparent 1.00 Oranges, Vsleneiss, fancy 2.00 te 2.75 Place paca -a te 2.00 Bests, local, das. .20 Turnips, local, crate .20 Csrrot. local. Cos. Eainach. IseaL crate Bananas. 4b. ea stock Basds Ifastsrd grseas . Caenmbers, kothoase Cantalespas, crsts .80 te .50 J.25 te 8.75 son oo -1.00 no liamoas Limes, frst ATBcsaos, ersts -Bq-ssh. Italian, ersts Bo miner, ersts Wstermsloas, retail Tessstees. aotheaae . California . Ths Dalle Bstpberriss Blackcaps .02 .1.90 te 2.25 .1-50 .1.43 .1.25 te 1.50 t no .90 te IJM . .75 usxrsats Legas berries Cherries, lb .08 .05 Peaches, local. lb. Tewngberries, ersts Corn. Ths Dallas, aos. Apricots, Ths Dalles .1.50 te 1.73 .20 .72 -1.23 2.23 E-fS plant, ersts Grapes, seedless . HOPS Top. 19S2. lb. .57 ZOOS Baying Prices Extras Standards .18 .18 .17 -tediums POOXTBI Old rsosters . Colored hens Medium hsns Light hens Lecliorns . J4 . .13 . .03 . .07 . .11 JI.25 H-aT T.ambs. too Hogs, top 5.40 5.15 .04 H to .05 I irt cuts Steers Cows .02 H te .02 Heifers .OSK to .02 H to .04 .08 Bulls Dressed Teal, top. .06 .07 Dressed, boca anirs im traw Wheat, westers red .71 White. So. 1 .71 Barley, top, ton oo Oats, tos 9sno Hiy. bayiss prises Oats sad retch, ton 14.00 Alfalfa, rslley 1st cat .15.00 Clo-sr hsy . . 14.00 WOOL Uedlnm .23 .28 .16 .01 .08 Course . Mohair CASCA1A BA&S Green, Tb. Dry. lb. POWER THE j " a VMM', I' ' 10. te Ji ts U 0 .03 .05 Vi .60 O : : , : ; O mi - ii. -wm ' in m V ' j . i ii mmmmmmq ' .1 V , ! 1 -T Scientists aay the human eye has real tangible power, capable of producing- energy. What part did these eyes play m their owners' rise to neatness? Top to bottom are the eyea ef President Roosevelt; Premier Benito MosaolinL of Italy; Babe Bulb, national baseball hero, and the langoroos orbe of Peggy Joyce, world's foremost conqueror of masculine hearts. , First Grapes Off er3; Carrots Plentafulf Logans HigKer , . ; 1 Wheat gained & cent locally lit- er the weekend, and the hog mar ket climbed 25 cents a hundred, to top of 15.49. Cattle are weaker. First grapes of the season sure . on the market, quotation being 22.25. The Dalles tomatoes are al so offered, the market figure be ing $1.45, a nickel lower than California offerings, Puget Sound lettuce Is here, with price about double local stuff, but quality su perior. Carrots are very plentiful. bringing a price drop to from 19 to la cents a doien. Logans are up 10 cents a crate as the season near, an end and young berries are higher by 49 cents a crate, due to scarcity. . WORSHIP HOUR CHANGED HUBBARD. July 24 The hour for the church services has been changed. Sunday school will be at 10 a. m. with Mrs. Ellen Cart la charge and church services, will begin at -11 a. m. with Rev. Orr officiating. So. 128 Synopsis of Annual Statement si tha Title sal Trait company ef Portia ad. us ins discs ex uregva. ea tfte Slat aay of December, 1932, made to the Insoraace Coauaisaioaer of ths Stste ef Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid np. 3300. 000.00. INCOME Net premiums receded during ths year. 340.812.44. latereat, diTideada sad rents receWed during the year, 41,829.9. Income from other sources recti red during ths year, 35,955.80. Total income. 3 118,593.20. DISBIKSLJIENTS Net losses paid daring the year, in cluding adjustment expenses, 82,082.51. DiTidends paid en capital stock during ths year.. 35,618.25. Conmimoii ssd salaries paid dsring tha year, 864,437.14. Taxes, Icenaes and fs paid dorisg the year, f 16,960. j. Amount ef all wthar expenditures, -43.0.67. Totsl expenditures. 8132,365.78. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market varne), 3150.500.00. Value of stocks and bonds owned (mar ket ralue). 348.817.28. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. 3132.05L24. Cash in banks and ea hand, 3102. 366.28. W State guarantje fand. 8100,000.00. Title plant, 3235.97i.76. Other assets. 825.228.59.' Totsl admitted assets, 344,139.10. LIABILITIES Cross claims for tastes unpaid. Bene. All other liabilities, trcst k escrow funds. 397.196.59. Capital paid up, 8300.000.00. Surplus etrex all liabilities, 3247,242.51. Surplus as regards policyholders, 3747.-142.51. Total, 3644.433.10. v BUSINESS IX OREGON FOB. THE TEAB) Net premium I received during the year, 240,812.44. Losses paid during ths year, 32,082.51. Losses incurred during the rear, 3-.-031.51. Name sf Company, Title ssd Truvt Com pas;. Name ef President. Walter XI. Daly. Name ef Secretary, Charles B. Moul ton. EYES HAVE IT "y fit By CLIFF STERRETI .,' - V - 1 jr i W , ' . 'Si V "' r ' i . 1