is. : ' The bREGONrSTXTESM.AJJ, galem, Oregon, Sunday-Morning Jnr '& 1933 JPAGE SEVEN a d. fllG? LVWBjt ;W2!p!3M I J ' 1 ' - - : - ' r " 1 " $..?&5rif ' ' '- " ? 1 K' ' ' r. r if M i . 1 '"1 i i i - c 4 1. I s ii' . I I i w 1 m m.wm a s mm uit a, mm a, mwrnmm v . i ' -"i a wr .wua . n m m aii w mrm m .. m a a . at. w - w , i Business Directory 4utltr run monthly & $ LAO pes llo oer mntuh. ; AUTO BRAKES Mike Qok. toe JVii;2f doctor. 275 tfoutb CommfOa: Sweet CATERING Burt Ctery. Ox caterer, tfc 7I CHIMNEY SWEEP CH1KOPBACTORS Pit Q. U SCOTX. iSC, Chlropraotoi. 6 N. maa. "," I FLORISTS CUT tlowvra. wUdln bouquet fun ral wreaUia. Oacorauuna C JT. Brvlt baupi. DoctoU fctl Court. TL Wi. AXX. fcinda ot rlorai wnwk. tMU FUm It, HUt Mmrlwu Tel. 19. GLASS U Auuj enU wlaOow bum tnlrrftrs. TL llw. Waiter j. uowna. p"- j INSURANCE BKCKK HlNUrUCKS 1 W. tuan Tel 4 COFFgr-SMlTH. gen. In. TL 3. LAUNDRIES I'dil WaUUtaiU UiUMUKX Ui a, man 'ei t CAV1TA1. C1TX UAUNORX first ui Wualitr auU Siorvlcs Telcynuno i Ltm Broaaway : LAWN MOWERS SuarpviMU, rv-irU autt traded, llAKK W. bCOlT. -Th Cycle WAITRESSES iUtlresses from factory to home. Couon mattress, 60 lo". 44.U0. Renovat ors aud tuiuisuiors. ius cleaned. Cap Uoi lieduuia Co. lei. 406. 3030 ii. CapitoL i iNw tuattiess mado to order, old nuuuo i Miruel cleauum, suina ; Hull rua weavio. aalsiu luU Urn Mai uas acty. J4. 1U W Uuur. 1st 441. OU . Zwicaer. Ksu 11L MUSIC STORES UisiU C. WUOr-tnanos, radios, sew ln iiisrMrT-i sUsei uiuste ana piano Uidiea. KeiNUruie radios, pnonoarayns aud MWina iiirlnti"T. 433 Slats CUsU tfaisia. 1 MEDICINE jjta vIi-mi Lain Chinese Medicine Co. ilouiS TveMlay and sriday, to :S0 a.m. U 4;JV p. in. 14 N. Commercial Charlie Chan, Chinese Medicine Co lii H .Com u laiiy bun. -12. All kuuls Utrus for nuUo and female, Xor cwusiipaUon, rueumausiu, upisuuu:i Us, colitis, gland, sluutacU maorders. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING run STA'A lONfeitr. taw Us, pampu Isia, tirograuis, books or any aiud oi riuuiig,! call The biaiesiuan frinUoa ItolMiriuwul, 215 & CommsrciaL Telo pnwue mot REAL ESTATE I aaSUmCKS. Xel 4941. W. a UKABKNHOUST CO. lt tk Liberty ttt, let 048a bOCOLOFSKX tiUN 204-0 Frsi 111. tttua. Tet 707. SIOVES STUVkwS auU stove repairing. Stoves Cor sale, rebuilt and repaired. Ail kiiius ot woven wire laoce, fancy and plain, bop baskets, boots, logma. nooks, ttaiam seuce and Sieve Works, Z6Z Chentoseta. TeL Ftmlag. SHOE REPAIRING Low prices. Good vork. 950 S. Com'L TRANSFER CAPITAL CIXX Transfer Co. 23 State St TeL till. LrtatxIbuUna, Cor Wardlaa and storage eur specially Gel our rates. . E-iiR irv-ai or distant transfer storage, cU 8U1. Larmex Transfer Co.. Trucks to forllaml daily. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Men. sold, rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. Coofco ft bhort H Court. TeL 5.84. ' WELL DRILLINU . A. Wast. $ years exiterlence, RKO 6. Box 103 gt TeL 1I0FS. Bride of Saturday Given Pre-Nuptial CUriWAr Ky K riendS wliU Tv S LYONS, July, 22 A pleasant social event Tuesday was a mis cellaneous bridal shower given In honor ot Miss Marjorie Trask, daughter of Mr., and Mra. John MY ask bt Lyons, who will be marri ed today to Paul Mason ot Mill City, j . ' ;, X- .. The ohower event was given on the lawn at the Trask home, and guests present were Mrs, Rilla .Wilson and Miss Wava Wflson ot Mehama, Mrs. Margaret Bodek er, Mra, Alta, Bodeker, Mrs. Nasi, Mrs. KImery, Mrs. Avery, Mra. Bran. Mrs. Swank.:' Mrs. Ruth Lyms, Mrs. Lena , Brown, Mra. Agnes ! Rrntherton. Mrs. Elmer Hlatt, Mrs. Frank Johnston, Mil - drsvl Rarrr. Thelma- Trafiln Misa Dannie Wilson, Mra. John Trask, lad Hiss Marjorie. , . After- a Short honeymoon trip she eonnla will be at home to their saaar friends te Mill Cit. - Statesman ; Classified Ads Call 9101 ; CSMsiffod Adrevtistas SlasU iBMrttaa per Us.10c Tkr lasrt!a3 pr Ua IH Six lmrUou p Ua. .lie Oa month pr ltn. -1.0 Utalaiaar cteri -. . . . . .tit . Copy .tor thu pf e ccpted BtIl C :T th ta ins bftfore pvbiieniton tor cUssirtcutlon. C o p f f cei4 after lata Urn will be ma under tae '-meadlac Too Late to Clawlty. ' Tae Stataamaa- aMaoee ao ttaaacM racpoasiolUXT. tor errora wnlea , atajr ap pear la adrcrtlaeaieaU -pae Jtabed la Its eolamaa, and la cases where thin paper St at fault will reprint ihat part ot an adrertlaement la which the typographical mistake oecara. The Statesman reaerres the rlcht tu reject objee tioaat advertlalng. It Nor ther reeerree the right to classify all adrerUalac oav der the proper eleastaea tioo. HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Toune man experienced bookkeep er, stenographer. Knowledge or manu facturing: and stock handling desirable. To beain with moderate salary with opportunity for advancement. Apply In own handwriting to box 25a, States man. 2 woodcutters with drag saw, must have good tools. Call 8332, res. 495 & 17th. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Housekeeper must be neat and good cook. Between 2S and 45. Good reference. Please do not call unless rou have them. After 10:30 a. m. TeL 7476. TEACHERS WANTED. Northwest ern Teachers Agency, Salt Lake City, Utah. WOMEN Earn $15 dosen sewing, home fpare time, materials cut, in strurtions furnished. exDerience un necessarv. Write SuDerlor Dress Com pany, 203 Havemeyer Street, Brooklyn. X. t. SALESMEN WANTED National Institution Opening new branches In the north west. Has openings for two salesmen from 23 to 35 years of age, preferably single. Must be neat appearing and ambitious. Transportation expense paid. See Mr. W illiams, second uoor I Nelson Bldg. 381 Chemeketa St. 9 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. Salesmen Sell lowest cost LIFE policy la America : agres 1 to 80, non medicals $5 membership fee; 50 re newal 'contract North American Assn., Sanm Ana, Callr SITUATIONS WANTED Washing R. 1, Bx. 98, Salem. Washing or other work, 411 Front FOR SALE Mlscefianeona Erp. haircuts. 20c-13c. 1614 N. Com. Draft beer eautoment It G. Da mon, factory representative. 897 N. Com'L Pie cherries large Montmorency. Order now. Delivery next week. 93F3. Elec. washing mach. 2130 State St Or trade for wood, piano. Tel. 8383. Fryers and breeders. White Leghorn. O. T. Larsen. Kt. 2. Tel. 57F23. Baled clover hay black caps lHc lb. you pick. Geo. Chrlstofferson, Rt 9, BOX 53 A. Dry Box Ends $2.00 per load Quick hot fires. Salem Box Co. TeL 7122. $12S gas range practically new. will sell for halt price. 138 N. fourth. $100 check on piano to Aug. 1st for $15.00. 647 Center, Wed., Sat., and evenings. Men's Celanese and rayon hose. Im perfects, 20 pairs $1. poetpaid : satis faction guaranteed. Economy Hosiery Co., Ashehoro. N. C. TRADE Miscellaneous What have you to exchange for stock indue, and fixtures $2300.00 in good valley town. Address Box 229, Statesman. WANTED Miscellaneous . Wanted piano for cash. TeL 5707. Want used baby buggy, 1660 S. 12th street. ftllSCELLANEOUS " Typing- students keep In practice spL for summer, I mo a lor $a. inoe. Roen. 420 Court Mr. Lane of Seattle. Wn.. expert hair cutter, now located 301 S. win ter. Prices the same. Adults 20c, chil dren 15c We pick up dead, worthless horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4S6. Free dirt. 1680 N. 20th. Wi-Ne-Ma Beach" I Cabins, camping, bathing, picnicking. I -i-" t-i riii-.--, ir,v."ii . irii w u mnw WANTED: Names men women, i8 60, wishing: poet-depression govern ment lobs. Steady. Start $105.00-175.00 month. Sample coaching and particu lars FREE Apply today. Box, 1273 S, care State nan. FOR RENTROOMS Modern room, garage, sip. porch, 1I7T Court St Tel. 4857. ROOM AND BOARD Board, rm $20. Near P. a 1132. Fnr rooma close In. with or with out meala, 493 N. Summer. Board and room for ladies close In. Tel. 6678. 685 Court Street. 1 FOR RENT APARTMENTS I wwwwmwm-'w-i'i-- I nice apta 111 aad tit. lt$ Center. I Aptsu rooms, garage -honse. I alcely tarn. TeL T684. 221 HaseL J'p'tSmTnt. IllTtsJ. t5!(Z 7l I run niiit-ArAniiubio rutt OiUj-ueai lSLue I" f. Luai AXiJJ rUUIvJJ - I - - i i f room furnished a DC tLSI week. 1Z3 UtK. xeu SZi. Nice, furn. apt, 69 Union. Mod. S room flatNeaUy forn. front! and oars entrance. isw washer. MS N. Fifth St. Furn. spta. )10-$1S. 191 8. Church. -" -- - ---ini-iiMirifviriiririirvvn.nji Clos ia apt. and- ateeDtna room. nicely Turn. 451 Center. 1 R. lst floor. 293 X. Summer. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and nnfurn. houasa. R A. rorknsr. Kit H. Cottage. TeL IIIL For rent 1 room house. See Mra Cad weH, Statesman office. Furnished, unfurnished houses. H. P. Orant 1120 N. 18th St Ph. 8330. - 6C0 Electric Avenue. 38.00. 1713 S. Capital St, 38.00; 1311 Court SU 310.00. 1190 N. 15th St, 113.50; 80S Breys I Ave., 110.00. 1975 S. Cottage St, $10.00; 1710 N. Summer. $10.00. P. It BELL, 225 Oregon Bldff. Tel. 8903 room mod. house, partly furn. $13 mo. 1205 N. 17th St. Call there after noon today. Modern house; 9(0 N. 18th. FOB RENT: Modern six room home at 1865 S. Church St. 129 per mo. SEE W. IT. GRABENHORST CO. 134 South Liberty Street WANTED TO RENT Furnished 0 room house, close ta by private party. Box zzs, statesman. FOR SALE Real Estate 5 A., new house, I rnU out, $1500. $150 down. Damon, 897 N. Com'L OaassssesessssssssssMsjsssasfSi Open Today 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. 2360 CHERRY STREET 5 Room Modern Home Just Like New Large living room and fireplace, din ing room, nice kitchen with plenty of builtlns, 3 come bedrooms with bath between, basement furnace, garage, Urge lot on paved street. For Sale by Eastern Mtg. Co. Full Price $175 Small Down Payment Easy Terms en Balance Our rep., Mr. Dillon will be on the property from 1 p. m. to a p. m. today. We also have 2 four-room homes I Just like new at 2065 and 2075 Berry Street For prices and terms see Mr. lttllon at 2360 Cherry Street TODAY. With C. J. Ryan 1201 Yeon Building Portland, Oregon By owner poultry ranch, close In. good buildings. Call at 2376 State St 20 A. 4 mi. from Ladd ft Bush bank. 3 A. timber. 2 A. boaxtng walnuts. 1 A. logans, family orchard, farm bldgs., water piped to house, electric lights. running water, szooo, 5 A. 214 ml. from L, ft B. bank, dark solL welL orchard, 1 A. raspberries. 35 bearing filberts, farm bldgs., elec tric lights, $1750. 40 A. hi mi. from Monitor, wonderful soiL fair farm bldgs., 12 cows, tractor, 2 horses, new mower, 1-3 growing crop s i uuu. Meivln Johnson. 275 State Street SPECIAL. HOME BARGAINS: $1200. Will buy a good late built mod ern 4 room home with two bed rooms, oak floor, built in kitchen, nook, fireplace, full cement base ment, furnace, located at 550 Rosemont St, West Salem. $100 cash, bal. $15 per mo. to Include Int. at 6. $1050. Five room home with full ce ment basement garage, paved St., large attic $50 down, $12 per mo, to Include int. at 6, located at 170 N. 23d St $2600. Will buy a late modern six room home In N. Salem, hollow tile con struction, paved St., N. front-hard wood floors, $50 down, $25 mo. $1300. Five room plastered bungalow witn garage, located at 1273 Third St West Salem, $50 down, $12.(0 Der mo. $2730. Good modern five room home with large attic, shade trees, base ment furnace, fireplace, combin ation wood and gas range, double garage, located at 274 N. 20th St $300 down, bal. bonus loan, pay able $20 per mo. $4500. One of the best buys In town. rvjiw modern seven room home, never been occupied, first class construction, near bus and school, nice district, located at 15S0 N. l'ith St $1000 down, baL easy terms. FOR BARGAINS. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 a Liberty St TeL 6468. Two large fine view orchard lots for sale, 60x132 feet each. Opposite Leslie brick school on Oxford street Don't build until you see these lots. Priced right Easy terms. Phone own er. 8854. A sightly 7-room semi-modern home. i basement, fireplace, beautiful grounds lii.i ictsL. largs iruiu nut ireva, ..iv,. ..,i v... ,fsT. ctwi, e iwch, i.i-ai J ua. lor high and two grammar schools, nice view, paved street Only $3250, terms. Owner, 765 Rural Avenue. TeL Beautiful close-in view acre trees. city water, etc. Snap. Phone 5154. HOME BARGAIN: Good five room, modern home, lo- i cated in east Salem, shade trees, paved au, nas cement casement, rurnace, rire place, double garage, large attic. Price $2750. $2250 soldier loan balance in osiou. szzsv eoiQier loan balance in cash. IF YOU WANT A GOOD BUY INVESTIGATE THIS ' PROPERTY. Sea W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO REALTORS - l.t s. iierty St. TeL 6448. POLLY AND HER AH "'HP 1 1 viSV I I(fcUR rU-PlMCHlM -v, J VT&JT CATTLE VShjhAJh 1 5 1 8-A. bottom land. 1H A. culti vated, baL- timber. Will Uka ear as part payment. I ml. norta-of Boaklns. Lawrence Cave, Hoskina, Ore. SUBURBAN HOME BAROAIN: 13 acre borne nearly all In bearing fruit, good six room plastered bouse barn, chicken bouse, electricity, good location, near school and -store, only 4 miles out. Price 11760.. terms. A REAL BUT. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty SC TeL (4(3. EXCHANGE -Real Estate WANTED Business prooerty in or nur Ih Angeles, Calif., in xchange for build- ALSO: Good wheat farm In Canatt for stocked and - equipped farm near Mtern. CHILDS MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street - TeL 78. - 80 A. between Seattle and Tacoma, fine soli, creek. $4008. Want Salem prop, os acreage. . SO A. 12 miles N. 20 cult, small bouse, new barn, spring, 200 cds. wood. a J. JACKSON, 341 State St 2 A. on. highway, R. and bath, pantry, etc.. water, barn. shed, fruit h ben bouse, fruit trees, i A. fenced pas ture, cow, hens, wood. Turn, for larger place, owner's only O. K. Ames, R 1, pot z. iavron, ire. FOR SALE FARMS saw s isasas ss m m - ,LI-rr-,-iru-trLL 10$ acre highly Improved farm. 85 acres In cultivation, balance timber and pasture. Running water, very best of buildings, modern, will sacrifice at some terms. See Vick at: W. H. GRABENHORST CO REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street TeL 488. DANDY BUY 63-Acrea 45-acrea in cron. ftnnil R house, barn, etc Irrigation right for 30 acres. Stock, equipment and crop ui i or auvv casn or tase a good house as part. UOOU SUBURBAN HIT T $U acres. All In bearing croo. Dan. fly 6-R triastered house. Barn. etc. Tractor and toola Everything for $4,- &uv..jiose in. uive terms. JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 13 fouth High Street ACREAGE VTW. ACRES $l6o0. Small house, chicken house, gar age, good land, $50 down, $15 per mo. $zooo. Five acres with three room house, garage, all In bearing fruit. located 3H miles out on main Pa ciflc highway, only $100 down oal. f jv ner mo. $1500. Five acres with shack and barn good land, located on the Garden road, east of Salem about one mile from city limit a $25 down, $10 per mo., no Interest for two yra KOK HAKuAINs, SEB W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street TeL $468. tine of the best hop yards In the val ley: 117 A. with 42 A. In hops, good Didg. Let me teu ymi about this. HC. SHIELDS Oregon Bide. Tel. 8902. WANTED REAL ESTATE Responsible family wants country home here to be paid for as they con vert other property Into cash or will pay in part or full now with property in Calif.. Minn.. N. Dak.. Eugene or Portland. Also $1000 first T. D. What have you convenient to school 7 Box 227, Stntesrosn. Business Opportunities - - - i i -1 nju"ruuijLr Cafe for rent 897 N. Com'L RESTAURANT FOR SALE Good restaurant well located, priced rignc ar.iv- W, H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street MONEY TO LOAN PfcRSOKAX. LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly, when la rtnaadsj need see us before dosing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Blfig. Pnese ISSI PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor Office hrs. 10:00 A. M. to 6 :30 P. M. Telephone 7783. State license No S-1SS. Borrow on personal property; repay in monthly Installments. 1 ETTE LOAN CO SUte lie. S-160. 80s Guardian Bldg: Tel. 387T. MONETlLOANro Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Yea keep the eat -P. A, EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry seione 4732 8 i fW LOANS WANTED We bare first mortgage loans yield ing 7 Interest payable swrai-annual- ly. city and isrm proporty. CHILDS ft MILLER. Mtge. Loans 344 Stste Street Tel. 6708. Livbsiuutv ana ruuiiiiti Cow for sale, grade Jersey, fresh Julv 17. Salisbury's, 3 ml. S. E. of Turner on Tnmer-Marion road. FOR SALE-WOOD GUARANTEED DRY wood ooe) yt iiuis ei h,i w-a a o Ash, fir and oak. TeL 1648. . Dry wood. I 00. TeL US. Phone Tracy's, 3386 for dry wood 1 vet your wooa now iu gu suu "" LrUST APiU fUUIMU I uar jersey neiier. unaerpu in left ear. A. T. Savage. SUverton. Ore. I FOUND Wool auto robe at Tay I Iaib nrlmmlnr hsrh fkwner call for same and nay ror act PALS Sit reward for- Information leading to the recovery of . my . lam black and tan bound. White oa chest and feet Lost Feb, 17th. J. Waiter creigh- ton. Rhododendron, Ore. . LOST 2 ten dollar bills Friday Tel. 4941 Reward FOR SALE USED CARS CHEVROLET GIVES MORE MCKAY'S USED CARS "27 Pontlae Coupe $ 05.00 30 Chev. Pickup 275.00 325.00 385.00 395.00 395.00 435.00 495.00 29 Nash Sedan . 31 Cher. Coupe 30 Stud Sedan , ,, , '30 Oakland Sedan , '20 Buick Master Sedan li Chev. ' Coupe 7000 mi. Several Ford and Chevrolet trucks from $75.00 to $525. t air Trades Liberal Terms Open Evenings and Sundays McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center TeL 3189 430 N. Com'L CHEVROLET GIVES . MORE $495 '32 Chev. Cpe. wHh 8000 miles lie -jo Buick Bpt. Roadster $233 '28 Buick Brougham $235 '38 Buick Country Club Coupe BORREGO'S- 240 No. Lib. TeL 3638 BARGAINS IN Used Trucks 1929-Chev. truck and semi trailer 1931-Ford truck, duals 1931-Cher. truck, duals ' 1912-1 ton O. M. C. duals These are all good values. We have some Jobs available. See Tom Wood WOOD-WH EATON MOTOR CO. INC. 840 Chemeketa Tel. 9388. VALLEY MOTOR CO. USED CARS - 1927 Ford Coupe I 1928 Ford Tudor - ; 1925 Ford Tudor - 60.00 70.00 45.00 3s.00 35.00 50.00 75.00 1926 Ford Roadster 1923 Essex 4 Touring . 1926 Dodge Delivery ... 1927 Pontiac Delivery 1924 Franklin Sedan 1926 Cleveland Sedan . 95.00 95.00 65.00 1927 Chevrolet Truck 1929 Ford Truck. 4 speed trana, dual tires 225.00 I We have a good light trailer .... 12.50 Marlon and Liberty Tel. 7910 7Q ! n I Open Evenings and Sundays. RECONDITIONED AS NEEDED NEW LICENSE '30 HUDSON 8 TOURING SE DAN. 2 fender wells. Trunk. seats cut for bed $550 'iff UUJtK HTL. BIX. UOUFK. New Duco paint. Good condi tion mechanically 495 '30 PONTIAC 6 4-Dr. SEDAN 375 '26 WILLYS-KNIGHT SEDAN .. 165 26 STUDS LIGHT SIX SEDAN 165 "26 DODGE Screen Delivery 95 statem:otor8. inc. Hudson and Studebaker High and Chemeketa Open Evenings and Sundays Open Nlehts snd Sundava MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE .OR TRADE Cheap, 1929 H. D. Motorcycle and sidecar. John Miller, 160 N. College St, Mon mouth. General Markets PRODUCB SXCHAKOE PORTLAND. Ore.. July 22. (XT) Produce exebance, set prices. Butter Estras 24c, standards 23c, prime firttt !Jc, first ate. .! iTeta extras :2c, fresh mediums 20c. Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND. Ore.. July 22. (API nutter mats, extras zse. ftanoaras 25e. Butterfst Portland deli vary: A xrads 24-25e pessd; farmers' doer delivery 22 28c pound. Sweat ereaas 5s kigher. Jfigga racUia foaltry producers !! inr prtee: Urersixs 24e. extras 22c. mix d celors 20c medisms ' 20 eosaa. pel Ipta 16c tsuyinc price by wSole&alers: Fresh carrent receipts 56 pounds and up is-18c dosen. Cheese as seere Ore (ton triplets. 12 He. loaf 13 He pound. Brokers will pay He below quotations. Milk Contract price. 4 per cent. Portland delivery $1.70 cwt; B grade cream 37 Ha pound. Country masts Selling price te re tailer ; Country-killed kegs, best butch ers, ender 150 pounds, 7-7 He. Vealers, 70 to 10Q pounds, 7 H -8c. Spring lambs 10H-lle: yearlings 4-5c. Heavy ewe. 2 8c. Mediums cows 5e pound; causer cows 2H-3c. Balls 4H-5c pound. Mohair Buying price: 1933 cup, le pound. Cssears bark Buying price: 1933 peel, e pound. Hoea Kominal. .1933. 60-3le pouns. Live poultry Portland delivery : Buy ing prlees. Weary hens, colored 4H to 5 pounds, 10c, do 5H pounds up, 10e; hens over 3H pounds, Se; under 8H noundt. 8 pound. Broilars IVl pounds. lie. Oolerod apriaga, 2 pounds 13e. Boast ers, over 8H nounds. 14. Boosters Se psuaa. Oscks, Fekins, broilars is-iss peesd: eld ducks. Pskias. 10s ponad. de colored. 10s poena. OTrioas Helling pries te retailers Ore r on. 81.25-1.85 cestui. haw onions California Bermuda $1.25, S0 pounds crsto; now red, $1.35 cental. Petatoe LoeaL $2 : Dasehatea Gems $2.8S cental, do Bakers $3; Yskims Gm 82.75. Saw potatoes Local white end red 82. Btrswserries new uregoas i.w per erate. Wool 1083 elip. aomlasl: Wlllsm- etta vslley 2 3-2 5o Bound: eastern Ors- mm 1 1.91 . iim.4 uatkM. liiallA IS. i-. . . , , nay buying price iron proaucar Alfalfa. No. 1, new crop 310-18: clover. No. 2. $14: eastern Oregon timothy 816: osts end vetch Vl ton. I Trio Finer, SI 00 EaeH , -a m w ror Illegal rishing WOODBURN, July 22 Lew is Q. McEwen, his brother Chas. D. McEwen, Howard C. Swartout and Harry Kennedy were all hronrht Into 1n.tice eonrt here i ri-. .iri 4 m-i I , 4 1 J picas Ui ruuij to a cusrgs ui uj- namltlnw f1h In the, Ahlnna rlv- I er. They were fined SI 00 each and being unable te pay. were taken i . , v- tv- will to e county Jail Where they WUI reside the next 50 days, or nntil their fines paid at the rate of $2 a day. At the End MIL S DOES REUSE, ess : NEW YORX Jaly 21 (AP)" Following; the rnthleaa- batteriat; ot the past three days, stock to day recovered . eozne ot their j losses and at the final cone many leading issues showed adT&nces ' of fractions to 4 points. On enormous. volume for a Sat- i orday session 4,224,070 shares j the Associated Presa-Staadagd statisticts arerage ot 90 selected, stocks rose halt a point to 77.1. Stocks which . registered - ad vances, ot from 1 to 4, Included U. S. Steel preferred, Youngs town Sheet, Unloa Carbide. Da Pant. General Motors, National Biscuit, International Harvester. Texas Corporation, Baltimore it Ohio, Pennsylvania, Canadian Pacific, North American, Owoos Illinois, Commercial Solvents, Southern Railway, Standard Brands, Celaaeee, Illinois Central and Johns-Manville. National Dis tillers and American Commercial Alcohol advanced around a point. Trading in Wool Starts Slow but Picks Up Later woiw.i, wuijr . Uir, ( U. S. Dept. Agr.) Trading in wo(1i .tarter! nut Trv slowlv thbi rTA T.-l ea a a rev " ' " week but picked up after the first few days when sereral mills re newed buying. Moderate buying was fairly well distributed over the various grades of fleece and territory wools, while average combing 6 Is and finer territory wools predominated. A few price advances were realized in the middle of the week. During the past two days the advancing ten dency was halted as a result of caution arising from unsettled conditions in several commodity markets. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, S1-30 per hundred. Surplus f 1.23. (Ill Ik based ea semimonthly euttarfat svarsge.) 4 Distributor price 91.70 Botterfat Top 22-23C, priuU 23 He, cubes 27 4c Prises said te growers ky Salem ksyert Jaly 22 The Dfiees hetew. as1is et s Iseei greyer, are indicative r the Sally market Cat sre eoe guars 4 br The guteaasael nun aao vKoaraaitsa String beans, lb ... ,.. ,, Asparagus, local, dot. No. 2 .03 .00 Cabbage, lb. .01 H Oreen peppers. The Dallas, lb. . , , .10 .03 Peas, coast. lb. 02H te Onions, dos. basches .15 Potatoes, local .1.50 te 1.75 .65 2.00 .or .45 Sweet potato, erst Lettuce, local Onions, Calif., cwt. Rhnbirb. local - Celery, dot. Apples, Transparent 1.00 Oranges, Valencia, fancy 2.00 te 3.75 Place pack 1.40 to 2.00 Peeti, local, dot. , .2i) Turnips, local, crate - .20 Carrots, local, dot. , , .20 Spinach, local, erst . .25 to .00 .05 Ba-nan. lb. ea stock Hands 0$H Uostard greens .DO Cue-mbers, hothouse -. Cantaloupes, crate , .80 te .50 .2.23 to 3.75 6.00 1.00 3.25 1.00 , no .85 .02 .1.90 to 2.25 2.00 uemoss ,, Limes. - fresh A vac ados, erate Squash. Italian, crate Summer, crate Aprtcota, crat Watermeloas. retail . Tomatoes, hothous Texas Raspberries ' .1.2i to 1.50 l.oo Blackcaps Cerrsnts Loganberries Cherries, lb. Peaches, local Tooacberziaa. crat Corn. The Dallea. dot. Apricots. The Dalle Eff plsnt, erate BOFS Top. 1032. lb. J7 EOGB laying Prices Extraa .... .10 .IS a? j4 ao .00 JOB Ctandardt Mediums POULT! Old roosters . Colored hens Mediums kens MxM best. Broilars .18 to .15 ttXAT Iambs, top 5.25 Uogt, top 6.15 4.00 .04 H to .05 I - .02 H te .03 H to .02 H te Heifers .04 .03 Bulls Dressed veal, top. .06 H Dressed hers .07 GSUUX Asm BAY Whest, western red .70 White. No. 1 ... .70 .24.00 -23.00 Barley, top, toe vata, ton Hay. bsytat prises Oats sad vetch, tea Alfalfa, valley 1st cut .14.00 .15.00 .14.00 Clover aay WOOL Medium .23 I Ceene .23 Mohsir I ffreB r. Dry. . .10 CAgCAkA BASlt J01 .08 of His Hope 0O tn 1 45 .05 .08 lb. . , .05 1.00 to 1.10 .20 -Z .72 H 1.25 HOW THE last part ot Jaly and daring - August is the proper time to plant or to move perennial pop pies. It Is also the proper time to plant the seeds . of the perennial pop plea for next year's bloom. While yoa are about it, yon might as well try some, of the newer varieties, or at least some that are different from those yon have been growing for the past several seasons. Trer, is nothing like something new or different to spar a waning Interest. Have yon tried the new cerise- rose Orientate Poppy? It is very large, and bears . the charming name of Cherry Pink. Then there is the glossy white poppy. boldly marked with maroon blot ches. Have yon tried that? Both are interesting flowers. There is also a new giant strain ot the Nu dicaale or Iceland poppy. This cemes in delightful - maixe or straw colore which are rather un usual and particularly good as something a little different. This also comes la pink, yellow, in orange, scarlet and in white. The last ot July and the first part of August are very busy days for the gardener who desires to insure a neat and charming au tumn garden. He must continue to stake and tie up his autumn asters, his dahlias and his chrys anthemums. The "mums" must be fed once a week until flower buds appear. Both amonium ni trate and a balanced fertilizer put out by one of Salem's own pack ing plants are very good. By the way, this latter fertilizer I have found to be unusually good for a number of things and remember, it is a home product, I do not believe in using home products it flEV. EPPERMONOAY MT. ANGEL, July 22. Rev. Frowin Epper of St. Benedict's abbey, died at St. Vincent's hos pital, Portland, at 11 p. m., July zu. ramer Frowin was born in Switzerland, November 13, 1865. He came to Mt. Angel and joined the benedictines in March, 188S. On September 14, 1894 he was or dained to the priesthood. In 1897 he became pastor of St. Mary's chnrch in ML AngeL In the years following he was suc cessively rector of Mt. Angel col lege, pastor of St. Joseph's par ish, Portland; principal of the Christie Indian school, Vancouver island. 1911-1916, and later once more pastor at St. Joseph's. The last few years he was professor at Mt. Angel college. Father Frowin had been suffer ing from cancer of the hip- bone for over a year. From September I of 1932 to February, 1933, he was at the Mercy hospital at San Diego. Cal., from where he "was transferred to St. Vincent's in Portland. Funeral services will be held from the abbey chapel here; Mon day morning at 10 o'clock. FINDS HUMAN SKELETON SCIO, July 22 Bones of a human skeleton were unearthed by John Silbernagel on his farm near Jordan recently while exca vating in his garden. The bones were about two feet below the surface. The teeth were in the law bones, none appeared to be miss ing, and all were in a good state of preservation. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, as Administra tor of the estate of Martha A. Clymer. deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such admin istrator; all persona having claims against the estate ot said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office ot Ronald C Glover, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 9th day of July. 1933. CARL H. CLYMER. Administrator of the Estate of Martha A. Clymer. Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administrator. Salem, Oregon. J. 9-16-23-30, A. ;. i A ? i ume auasssi HI DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? they are inferior 1at if they prove , as good as X have found this one to ha I do believe tn giving It the preference. . When your perennial -phlox have finished their blossoming, cut them to the ground and gira them some pulverised sheep man ure, easily purchaseabto at store which carry commercial fertilizers and at seed stores. Onee a week, feedings of liquid manure will pep up your roses for their autumn blooming season. In order to keep your water lilies blooming until frost, give them a liberal feeding (bat not too liberal) of bonemeal now. Do not Jast throw the bonemeal on tire surface ot the pond, but mix it with a little water until it forma a solid, damp mass, then poor this into your pond near the Illy roots. The damp bonemear will sink. If yon put it in the pond in a dry form, it is apt to float . about and discolor the water of the pool. An aster grower Informs me that annual asters are often over watered and that this causes the destructive stem rot, - If root aphis bothers your aster plants, work powdered tobacco stems or nicotine dust Into the soil near the roots. By fhe way, this ia al so an effective method ot control ling many ot the root evils in the form of pests. I hare found ni cotine dust around plants will discourage slugs, and I am told, it will also discourage earwigs. Fortunately. I have not been suf ficiently bothered with earwigs to test it out on them in particu lar. Perhaps my use of nicotine dust about the premises for other purposes, has kept the earwigs from invading.' I hope their ab sence is permanent. If you have any small evergreen planted in early spring, keep them well mulched at this saeeon, and an occasional good soaking Isn t out of tbe way either but avoid sprinkling Bass Starts Work On New Barn; Will Build House Later SHELBURN", July 22 Friends of Ella Davenport and Barton Sledge are glad to bear of their recent marriage. He Is a brother of Mrs. Liska and Mrs. Bates of Shelburn community. They are spending their honeymoon In Cal- 1 ifornia. Sam Baas has the material on the ground for a new barn. He contemplates building a new house next summer. Chas. Bates who recently suf fered a paralytic stroke is able to be np part of the time. V. A. Ewlng. who has been con fined to his home for a month with bronchial pneumonia is now able to see after farm interests. CATCHES HAND IX WRINGER DAYTON. July 22 Mrs. D. D. Warnock, 77. of the Pleasantdale neighborhood while washing Tues day suffered a crushed hand when she accidentally ran it into an electric wringer. Her right hand was too weak to work the auto matic release because of being broken in the wrist last winter when she fell. YTSIT MRS. ROBBINS LIBERTY, July 22 Mrs. Dora Schoolcraft and son Glen ot For est Grove are visiting Mrs. Anna Bobbins. Mrs. Schoolcraft and Mrs. Bobbins are sisters. A bro ther, W. A. Suster of Portland. also spent several days visiting at the Robblns home. O -r O Church Notes O O c-bvati SATIUT Cigh and Ferry streets. W. Earl Coch s, pastor. Church school. 0:40 s. ns.. Mra. TV. A. "Bartus, superintesdast. Preaching services, 10:50 a. as. sad 0 p. m. Special music by chorus choir. Dr. William u. fverson will speak fceth aurs ing and STeniag. Two B. T. P. U.'s meet at 7 p. m. This week, praysr meeting at 7:45 Wednesday night. Choir rehesr- ssl. ibursday, 7:o p. m. ixaiis mmoux South Commercial sad Myers streete. S. Dsrlow Johnson, psstor, 848 Esst Myers street, phene 0687. Church school.' 0:45 a. ss V. it. Racket, sanrinte dent. Morning worship. 11 s. m.; amthem, I Will Sing of Thy Power." (Baines). Sev an by the paster. Ta Murderer s Guilt."- Combined evening service st 8 'clock, the end the psstor coop erating. ' Mid ' week prayer and study hear, Tbsreday, 7:30 p. m Leslie hslL tCUBAl EVAHGEXICAI, John J. Endin, pastor. Saaday school 10 s. m. Morninc werthip 11 s. m. : sub ject "The Victorious LiU." xosedalb ranurDs Mile Clifton Ros, psstor. Suaday school 10 a. as. T. D. Ttiek, superiat-w-dent. MoraiBg worship, 11 s. Ss. Specisl msair; message by the psstor, "A Pare Heligio-. Bohviae prayer circle. S:45 p. m. Christina Endeavor, T p. sa dis russioa led by Virgil Trick. Skit "Twin Rocks RchoeV will be presented st 7:45 by members of the society. Evening praUo at p. m.: messr. Ths BihlsTs Only Sarmoai Outline." Xe VIM study Friday. . By CLIFF STERRETT