The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, galea, Oregon, Sunday Morning, July 23. 1933
page nvn
;' Hi
" ' .,., ,
-; Qut-door Affairs; M
Brilliant Garden Partv
Be Sponsored by
5ffair Will be Given in
TiERHAPS the largest and
Jr son -mil be the brilliant garden tea. and bridge which will
Legion auxiliary in the beautiful garden of Mrs. Utftord Brown.
The exact date has not yet been determined but it is expected that the affair will
be given in the early part of August. Mrs. Walter Zosel is in general charge arid all mem
bers of the auxiliary will take-part in making the affair one of the outstanding social
functions of the year.
Proceeds of the benefit will go toward the traveling
fund of the Auxiliary trio for the contemplated trip which
it will make to Chicago there to attend and compete in the
national American Legion convention in September.
Thci trio has become nationally as well as state known
1- O because of its successful competi
Society Pets
Are Picnics
This Week
QOCIETY is out-door minded
son at laat there are a few
oays warm nougn 10 iure une
from the four walls that have
..tAAfA1 j.41 affairs fni- thoaa I
many months past.
Gardens are favorite haunts
with coxy little Ubies set for tour
or more ana lucaea muj ciever
corners where shrubs form a de
lightful protection and from
where the true beauty of flowers
may be observed as they grow.
Bridge, tea, breakfasts and
luncheons find distinction in the
green seclusion of gardens and
parks and woods offer gay induce
ment to larger groups who would
nicnic from home.
Mrs. John Rand was hostess for
a smart garden party Friday at
her home with luncheon served at
small tables set in the garden and
later auction bride in play at
these same cozy tables.
Mrs. Percy Kelly entertained at
her home Saturday afternoon in
compliment to the annual picnic
of the Past Matrons club of Sa
lem with! Past Matrons of Albany
as Kuestsl.
A lovely color scheme of pink
and white was carried out for the
large luncheon table at which
presided Mrs. Ida Nlles. A lace
cloth added to the beauty of the
table appointments. Mrs. Guy
Lewellin and Miss Dorothy Cor
nplliLH assisted Mrs. Kelly In
serving, i
This week the calendar Is dot
ted with nicnics. One that will at
tract a bxoud of matrons Mon
day Is that which has been plan
ned bv! them In compliment to
Mrs. Frank Jordan a visitor here
from her home in Seattle.
lnrlnde Mrs.
Jordan,! Mrs. Henry W- Meyers,
Mrs. William Brown, mm.
K. 4
Boiiw Mrs. Frank Snedecor, Mrs.
Charles Gray. Miss Margaret Cos-
ner. Mrs- John McNary, and Mrs.
Milton Meyers, will motor to Bat-
tlerround. Wash., for this affair.
The Junior Guild of St. Paul's
RniacoDal church will take ad
vantage of the. summer days and
entertain with a garden party in
the gardens of the Homer Goulet
home Tuesday.
The garden of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Connor wiU be the meeting
place for the Leslie Can Do class
Af tj Mathodlat church Wed
nesday afternoon. The group will
meet at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Ford and
Mm. Bate will assist Mrs. Con-
Mrs. J. Vinton Scott has opened
her carden for the meeting of the
fionth Salem W. C. T. U. Thurs-
dav afternoon. She will speak con -
cernlng the liauor problem in
China. Following the business and
nrozrami meeting tea will be
served io the garden.
The Salem Business and Profes-
Innal Women will meet for a pic-
M Tuudir nUht at :30 o'clock
t Rraber Cold Springs. This af
fair will1 be featured with an in
formal social evening.
This afternoon a large gather
ing ot the officers of the Order
of the Extern Star from Salem
and vicinity will enjoy a picnic in
ciivrtnn nark. Families of the
fffr are Invited to this affair.
And so the story goes with
more and, more such out-door af
fairs to be enjoyed. Gpif nas Deen
attracting more than ordinary at
tention during 'the past summery
days. Luncheon at the Salem golf
club Friday was largely attended
' and a successful day of play was
Another feature has been in
troduced into Salem social life
with the- advent of the races at
Greshan. Large numbers ot peo
ple front here going in parties and
indiTidnftllr are attending these
snorting events.
Friday among those from Sa
lem to attend the. opening aay
were Mr. and Mrs. Frits Slade,
Carl Gabrielson. Mr. and Mrs.
James Linn, Mr. and Mrs. H. G
Malson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haw
kins, Mr- and Mrs. Romeo Goulet,
. u
Are you proud r of
your place, of busi
ness? or your
display oi merchan
dise? .
Cya! Csrcnlcc
Coart and Commercial St.
Gardens of Mrs.
Program and tea
one of the very smartest affairs
tive work In the last national
convention held in Portland, It
has appeared many times in ra
dio programs during the past
winter and has done much to
make Salem known for its mu
It is expected that the garden
party planned to aid them will
meet with support of large and
enthusiastic proportions. Not less
than 50 tables for cards are be
ing anticipated.
Symphony ASKS
r - T. n i.
iaiiu i ijf-vuia
,,,., mn.n Baa; nt
tQ6 prlncipaI nnmber3 will be Bee
thoven's Concerto in C minor, al-
legro movement, to be played by
piano and the orchestra, was the
announcement made the past week
by Jacques Gershkovitch, conduc
tor. To select the Salem pianist
to play the piano part a try-out
will be held early in December,
when those desiring to play will
be heard. Announcement is made
at this time so that young people
who have ambitions to play the
concerto with the orchestra may
begin work on the concerto num
Numbers of this character have
been used with brilliant success
bv the Junior symohonv of Port
land, which Mr. Gershkovitch con-
success here. The opportunity will
servo also to stimulate Interest in
piano work in Salem
Arrangements for the tryont in
December will be in charge of the
music committee of the orchestra
which is composed of Mrs. Charles
L. Sherman, Mrs. A. A. Schramm,
and Mla3 Gretchen Kreamer. Plans
will not be announced until fall;
but this preliminary announce
ment of the selection fa made at
this time so aspirants may have
it to work on during the summer.
Orchestra rehearsals will start
about October 1st.
Jason Lee Hi League
EnioVS PlCniC
Jason Lee HI league held an
Epworth league Institute rally pic
nlc Thursday night. An informal
few hours of games were follow
ed by a large bonfire and an al
fresco supper.
A program, impromptu and in
terestlng, was presented by Ethel
Adland. Marion Driggs, Ramond
Carl. Gordon Black, and group
singing was lead by Ramond Carl.
Miss Kathryn Boyle and Gordon
Black were in charge of arrange
The adult league was an invited
guest. Mrs. Harry Humphrey and
Miss Martha- Humphrey were
special guests. Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert A. Forkner, advisors for the
league, were also guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lanke
1 and daughter Joan, Mrs. Hubert
duB. Lewis and daughter Marie,
and Miss Anna Lanke left Salem
by automobile Friday morning for
Mt. Rainier National park where
they will spend a vacation visit
ing Lieutenant Lewis who is on
duty there with the Civilian Con
servation corps.
Miss Kay Goulet, Mr. and Mrs
Jack Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. John
Brophy, and Dr. and Mrs. W. H
a Lessons
Lessons will be given every Frl. and Sat. of each week, start
ing July 2Sth, in the Nelson Bldg. Not an ear method. It is
not necessary that you play the piano now. If you can read
notes, and will practice one hour a day, that is all that is
required. At the end ot 19 lessons, you will be able to play
any popular song with swing bass and tall harmony, and
upply that intangible "Something" so often Jacking in pian
ists, by being able to add that syncopated touch.
Mail Your Check and Application at Once
Enrollments Close July 27th
Demonstration Free- Wednesday 3 to 6 and 7 to 8 p nM ad
" Thursday 1 to 5. pun at Nelson Bldg. Auditorium
Benefit Will
Clifford Brown; Cards,
of the whole summer sea-
be given by the American
Large Affair
Georgetown, Minn., was the
inspiration for a large so
cial affair Friday at Dallas. Mrs.
Colwell is visiting her sister, Mrs.
A. W. Brown, and her brothers,
A. J. Barham, and N. W. Barham
all of Salem.
Friday relatives from Salem
and Dallas met at Dallas for a
large picnic in compliment to Mrs.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Barham Mrs. F. S- Colwell, Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Beebe, Mr. and
Mrs. a. J. Barham, Mr. and Mrs
N. W. Barham, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Barham, Loree Barham,
Vivian Barham, Jean Barham,
Dorothy Barham, Lorna Barham,
Albert W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs-
Alba Brown, Kenneth Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Beebe, Irene
Beebe, Donald Kenneth Beebe,
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Brown. Stan
ley Brown, Keith Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Wells. Mr. ana Mrs.
E. M. Barham, Doris Barham,
Lela Barham. Mrs. Walter Bar-i
ham Lawrence Barham, Mrs. S.
W. Brown, Jrlene Mof fitt, Eve
lyn Detlefs, Charles Barham, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Friar and Warren
S. Friar.
Surprise rartV
Attractive Affair
A pretty surprise party of the
week was that of Saturday night
at which time a group of friends
called to surprise Miss Georgia
Byrn at the home of her sister.
Miss Detonia Byrn. An informal
evening of music and conversation.
was enjoyed and at a late hour
refreshments were served. A num
ber of gifts were presented to Miss
Byrn in compliment to her birtn-
day anniversary.
Present Were: Mr. and Mrs. u.
N. Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. P. G.
Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Glover,
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wright, Mr.
and Mrs Fred Christy, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Eggleston, Mrs. William
Ireland, Mrs. J. J. Miles, Mrs.
Madeline Cannon. Mrs. C. D. Put
nam, John Powell and William
Robert Harkness, famed com
poser of sacred music, has accord
ed high compliment and set to
music a poem by Edna Garfield.
The poem entitled "World Un
rest," is a three - stanza Quatrain
which has also been published in
the Pasadena magazine, "The
Musician." Mr. and Mrs. Harkness
visited in Salem recently at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. W. M.
Thome and while here gave a
much appreciated concert. They
are now en rout to Chicago by
way of Canada. They will appear
in program at the . Century of
Miss Maude E. Covington has
had as her guest during the past
week Miss Marion Davey of Pitts
burgh, Pa. Miss Davey stopped
with Miss Covington en route to
her home after a year spent in
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Lents and
daughter. Miss Berta of Edmon
ton, Canada, were recent guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. N. Reece, who formerly re
sided in Canada.
Fox Trots
Waterman .
Care Statesman
Salem, Ore.
i .
Monday, July 24
Rabe leans will meat tor regular business mealing at
t o'clock. Odd Fellows hall; all visiting; Rebekahs ln
rited to attend. f ,
Tuesday, July 25
B. and P. W. club picnic at Graber Cold sprint;
meet at Wlllsoa park, 6 o'clock where transportation Is
furnished; picnic supper, ! 5:30 o'clock.
Salem Women's Breakfast club, Marion hotel, T
Royal Neighbors, Fraternal temple, 8 o'cloek.
Wednesday, July 26
Final meeting ot year book committee of Salem
Woman's club, 1:30 o'clock. Women's clubhouse; Mrs.
Lelf Bergsrlk chairman.
Leslie Can Do class, meet on lawn ot W. C. Connor
home, 1 o'clock. 765 Rural aTenue.
Thursday, July 27
South Salem W. C. t. U. In gardens of J. Vinton
Scott home, 53 S Statesman street, back of Old People's
home. Business and tea meeting.
Junior Guild Garden Tea to
Be Wednesday Event
At Goulet Home
A smart affair of the week will be the garden tea which
is being planned by the Junior Guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal church for Tuesday afternoon at the country home 01
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulet.
ttridir will ha in Dlav at 2
by tea. Mrs. Louis Lachmund and Mrs. George Swift will
r"M at the urns.
Kappa Delta
tertained at her home Fri
day night in compliment to
members of the alumnae associa
tion of Kappa Delta sorority.
A festive color scheme of green
and white was carried out In the
guest rooms through the use of
many summer flowers. At a late
hour coffee was served from a
charmingly arranged table.
Present were Miss Orpha Dash,
Miss Lorine Walling, Miss Cleo
Rltner, Miss Edna Prescot, Miss
Florlan Hrubets. Miss Harriett
Stlmmell, Miss Lois Riggs, Miss
Alice Hammond, Mrs. Harris
Leitz, and Miss Courser.
Western Writers
To Meet in Portland
Ot interest to the literary group
of Salem is the announcement of
the coming convention of the
League ot Western Writers in
Portland August 8, 9 and 10.
Portland chapter is to be host
to the visitors. Judge L. D. Ma-
hone, president of the -Portland
chapter, is in charge of plans. Mrs.
F. G. Franklin and Mrs. B. L.
Steevea of Salem will be on the re
ception committee.
Included among the Interesting
features in the program will be
an exhibit of rare and old books.
Also Mrs. F. G. Franklin has been
asked to exhibit her collection of
literary autographs.
Word cornea from Chicago that
the Philharmonic choir has been
singing to crowded halls over Its
complete Itinerary of travel. The
choir left Salem in June and ar
rived In Chicago Saturday night,
A broadcast will be made over the
N. B. C. network Thursday af
ternoon at J: 45 o'clock Chicago
Additional Society
on Page. 8
Three Steps to
Three steps In the sand, into the water, under the
glaring sun! Wherever you take them you're safel
Sate it you also follow Helena Rubinstein's Three
Steps to Summer Beauty every day a marvelous
home beauty treatment.
CLEANSE with Pasteurised Bleaching Cream the
super cleanser which revitalizes the tissues, molds
the contour, bleaches away sunburn, tan and freckles.
NOURISH with Touthlfylng Tissue Cream which
irons oat lines that cdme from squinting In the sua,
nourishes the tissues and leaves the skin soft and
lovely. Or, ENLIVEN ; with Skin Clearing Cream
(Beautifying Skinfood) which awakens the skin,
clears away that dull fsallow look, also tan and
freckles. Each, 1.00
TONE with Skin Toning Lotion, a refreshing, cooling
lotion which closes the pores, tones and braces. For
dry skins, use-Skin Toning; Lotion Special or Anti
Wrihkle Lotion (Extralt). Each, 1.15. And watch
results! '
State & Liberty ! TeL 3118
o'clock. This will be followed
Mrs. George a. wane is in
charge of the tea table, Mrs. Don
Roberts has charge of the refresh
ments and Mrs. John Brophy is
taking charge of reservations.
Those making reservation to
date include:
Mrs. Homer Smith, Sr., Mrs
Homer Smith. Jr.. Mrs. Curtis
Cross, Mrs. Victor R. Griggs, Mrs
U. G. Shipley, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn,
Mrs. E. J. Seellars, Mrs. George
A. White, Mrs. Harry N. Crain,
Mrs. Louis Lachmund, Mrs. Allen
Carson, Mrs. Earl Fisher, Mrs
Romeo Goulet, Mrs. James Laid'
law, Mrs. H. Q. Malson, Mrs. Rus
sell Catlin, Mrs. Frank H. Spears,
Mrs. Hal Patton, Mrs. Ralph
Cooley, Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Mrs.
R. E. Downing, Mrs. William
Hamilton, Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs,
A. C. F. Perry, Mrs. Merrill Oh-
ling and Mrs. John Brophy.
Auxiliary Meets
At Thompson Home
Mrs. Fred Thompson was host
ess Friday afternoon to members
of Hal Hibbard Auxiliary at her
home. Sweet peas and gladlolia
were used about the guest rooms
in effective loveliness.
A short business session was
held In which pansl for the state
convention which convenea July
23 and continues through to July
26 were under discussion.
Following this, refreshments
were served at small tables In the
garden where a woodsy pool and
trees added to the attractiveness
of the tea hour.
Present for the meeting were
Mrs. Allan Coffey. Mrs. N. F.
Wicker, and Mrs. Elton Thomp
son special guests, and club mem
bers, Mrs. C. C. Clark. Mrs. Ar
thur Welch, Mrs. W. A. Penny,
Mrs. Fred Kuhn, Mrs. Sherman
Nelson, Mrs. A. Tyner Woopert,
Mrs. Charles McKlnley, Mrs. John
Bertelson, Mrs. Jay Woodward,
Mrs. Margaret Weber, Mrs. Lester
Davis, Mrs. Hugh a Craig, Mrs.
Lulu Humphrey, Mrs. Mark Ba
ker, and Mrs. Thompson.
At the tea hour, Mrs. Thomp
son was assisted by Mrs. O. J.
Hull, Mrs. B. W. Walcher, Mrs.
Charles M. Greene, and Mrs. L.
Mickelson. .
Mrs. E. L. Baker and Mrs. J. A.
Baker left Salem Saturday to
spend the next month at their
summer cottage at Seal Rocks.
Summer Beauty
Will Open
AN affair which Is being an
ticipated by the Auxiliary to
the Spanish American War
Veterans ot Salem Is the open
ing of the state convention, the
17th annual affair of the order.
at 9 o'clock this morning with
registration ot delegates at the
Senator hotel.
All sessions of the convention
will be held in the house of rep
resentatives at the state capitol.
Mrs. Rose Fuglt, president will
call the assembly together at 9
A joint meeting of the auxi
liary and the Veterans will be
observed at 10 o'clock Monday
morning. A banquet served a an
out-door affair in Marion Square
will be an event ot 6:30 o'clock
and an Informal reception In Fra
ternal temple will be held at
8:30 o'clock.
Tuesday, and Wednesday will
be taken up with routine busi
ness. Department officers in
clude: Rose Fuglt of Baker.
department president; Elizabeth
Redd of Portland, senior vice de
partment president; Ada May
Smith of Newport, junior vice
department president; Jessie P.
Nelson of La Grande, department
recording secretary; Jane Mon
roe of Portland, department cor
responding secretary; Ethel Han-
lord of La Grande, department
treasurer Blanche Lundburg of
Portland, department chaplain;
Clara Starmer of Roseburg, de
partment judge advocate; Mayme
L. Love of Portland, department
chief of staff; Bernlce Anderson
of Portland, department conduc
tor; Ida May Jones of Newport,
assistant department conductor:
Jennie Bennett of Marshfield,
department guard; Nellie Rus
sell of Eugene, assistant depart
ment guard; Mamie Stauffert ot
Eugene, department musician;
Ida Klingensmlth of Portland,
department patriotic Instructor;
Millie Hall of Eugene, depart
ment historian; Ruth E. Carr of
Portland, department reporter,
Mrs. C. W. Stacy
The Queen Esther group of
Leslie Methodist church was d
iigntiuuy entertained at tne ru
ral home of Mrs. C. W. Stacy,
Thursday afternoon. After a short
Dusiness meeting various games
were enjoyed.
Refreshments were served to:
Mrs. Mason Bishop, Mrs. S. D
Johnson, Mrs. Laws and Faith
Pridy, sponsors, and to the fol
lowing Queen Esther gins: Mar-
Jorle jGreenwood, Patty Scott,
Margaret Prince, Doris Orwig
Trula Short, Mary E. Pemberton
Carol Johnson, Ruth Grace, 'Mar
garet Gillette Janice Murray, Ro
berta Johnson, Frances French
Shirley Laws, Lila Murray. liar
net Vick, and the hostess, Mrs,
C. W. Stacy.
Composition Rubber Sole .
YouH appreciate a pair at
cost -
City Visitors Incentive for
Much Delightful
SUMMER time is visiting time and Salem has been com
plimented with visits from many out-of-towners this
summer. Parties and informal at homes, picnics and jar
den affairs have marked the visits of these many.
Plans are buzzing for this next few days with affairs
in compliment to Mrs. John G. Hunter of Long Beach, Cat,
and house guest now of Mr.o-
and Mrs. Roy Hurst. Mrs.
Hunter has already been the
inspiration for attractive af
Mrs. F. M. Jordan of. Se
attle, is another guest who is in
spiring social activity. Mrs. Hen
ry Meyers la tbe hostess for this
popular guest. Monday a picnic is
being planned in compliment to
Mrs. Jordon. Mrs. Milton Meyers
was luncheon hostess one day this
week tor Mrs. Jordon.
Mrs. Ben Baker of Astoria, has
been a guest ot Mrs. Edwin Vies
ko for the past week.
Miss Olive Jones of Bremerton,
Is the weekend guest of Miss
Josephine Cornoyer.
Mrs. C. W. Ersklne and Miss
Ann Ersklne of Havre, Mont., are
house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vic
tor Griggs and Miss Emlya
Griggs. Mrs. O. C. Locke enter
tained for Mrs. Ersklne Friday
afternoon. Miss Emlyn Griggs was
hostess with an informal evening
of bridge at the Griggs borne Fri
day night in compliment to Miss
Ann Ersklne.
Mrs. E. E. Bragg of Portland,
is a popular Salem guest for a
few days. Mrs. Molly Breck of
San Francisco, is a house guest
of Mrs. John Scott. Mrs. John
Rand was hostess for a smart af
fair Friday afternoon in compli
ment to these two guests.
Mrs. Robert D. Hodge, nee Ann
Sweeiey, of East Orange, N. J., is
a guest at the D. A. Hodze home.
Mrs. Hodge was formerly con
nected with.
Mrs. Frances Cornell and Mrs.
George Griffith have had as their
house guest for the past few days
Mrs. D. Job of Seattle. Mrs. Job
will spend several weeks at New
port and will return later in the
summer to visit again in Salem
Mrs. Frank Ferguson has as her
weekend guest, Mrs. W. R. Mont
gomery, nee Helen Ferguson, of
San Diego, Cal.
From eastern Oregon come
Senator and Mrs. Jay Upton who
will be the house guests this
weekend ot Mr. and Mrs. H. G
Malson. The Malson s are enter
taining with an informal supper
party tonight for their guests.
Miss Cella Peny of Kalamazee,
Mich., is visiting at the home ot
Mrs. Lean Cherrington. Miss
Penny will remain as a guest
through most of August. Satur
day, a trip to Mt. Hood was plan
ned for the pleasure of the east
era guest.
Blaster Browm
aS sfs, stS sfsa aTSs,
- AnnualClearance
Are Three Money Saving
Items for the Thrifty
Shopper . . . .
White and Elk . . . Ordinarily
you pay much more than
Exceptional Value
Genuine Pigskin . . . Built for
summer comfort. Good looking1
Hosiery Sale Children's Shoe Sale
Buster Brown Shoe Store
Among former Salem people
being greeted by many friends as
they return for a visit in the city
is Miss Lucy Stoughton ot De
troit, Mich., and Mis' Louise
Stoughton of Springfield, Mass.
They are leaving the first ot this
week for their homes in tbe east.
Candle Light
Tea Affair
CANDLELIGHT and flowers
will be the lovely setting for
tea between tbe hours ot 3
and 5 o'clock this afternoon at
the home of Miss Cleo Ritner with
a group of the younger set as
Guests will be greeted at the
door by Miss Rltner, Miss Maxine
McKillop and Miss Helen Weid
mer. Miss Margaret Burdette,
Miss Cynthia Delano and Miss
Marie Patton will form the re
ceiving line and Miss Anita Wag
ner will introduce.
Miss Viola Crosier and Miss
Margaret Corey will preside at the
urns and assisting with, serving
will be Miss Lorraine KInzer, Miss
Margaret Engel, Miss Dorotha
Cannon, Miss Frances Martin and
Miss Isobel George.
Assisting hostesses are: Mrs.
Charles Ciaggett, Mrs. Robert
Ramsden, Mrs. Hubert Ashby,
Miss Bula Bailey, Miss Hazel
Johnson, Miss Lois Wilkes. Miss
Frances Marie Kupper, Miss Mar
garet Evans, Miss Jean Eastridge,
Miss Dorothy Corey, Miss Kay
Heardicks, Miss Jeanne Patton.
Miss Frances Sande. Miss Barbara
MacDonald, Miss Jean Doolittle,
Miss Kathryn Meyers, Miss Es
ther Wood and Miss Ruth Hill
man. Miss Marjorie Trask. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Trask of
Lyons became the bride of Paul
Mason of Mill City in a quiet cere
mony read by Dr. T. D. Tames in
the Yarnea residence Saturday at
high noon. The young, people were
unattended. Mrs. Mason wore an
attractive ensemble of lavender
with white accessories. Mr. and
Mrs. Mason will make their home
in Mill City.
: t