PAGE SK The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, July 21, 1933 Society News and Club Affairs Olive M. Doak, Society Editor IRebekahs Plan Picnic Meeting Ph ilippi - Ashby I i Nuptials Told In Scio Coming as a complete surprise to their many friends Is th an nouncement of ' the marriage Thursday at S o'clock la Scio of Hiss Hasel D. Philippi. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Store Philippi ot Scio and William Ashby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ashby ot Sa lem. The ceremony vas read at the Philippi home in Scio with only members ot the immediate family resent. .There were no attend- ants. ... Mrs. Ashby wore a smartly lOYely ensemble , of salmon pink, a t blue hat and accessories i ot white. r I Following the ceremony Mr. snd Mrs. Ashby. left tor a motor trio north and will return to snake their home in Salem. t Mrs. Ashby attended Oregon State college where she was a member ot Kappa Delta sorority. Mr. Ashby attended the Universi ty of Oregon.' : Both hare been prominently connected with busi ness and social life la saiem lor ereral years. - SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday, July tl Mrs- W. A. Barkus, hostess to Calrary Baptist mis sionary society. Vista avenue. Hal Hlbbard auxiliary.. with Mrs. Fred Thompson, 1575 South Commercial street, t o'clock. Saturday, July 22 - , Past Matrons association meet for one o'clock lawn picnic at Judge Percy Kelley home. . Doerfler Reunion Large Affair The Doerfler family reunion was held at Hazel ttreen pars Sunday. July 16. with 80 persons present. A bountiful dinner was served, followed by a short busi ness meeting and election ot of ficers. Margaret Doerfler. historian. read a bit of family history; ac cordlan solos were given by Wal lace Doerfler and Charles Olson, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doer fler told ot their trip east to Ohio, Indiana and the Chicago fair. The remainder of 'the after noon was spent rlsiting and a Portland. The date has been set Announcement nrrra TJiiK Wnmn t0r September 30 SllrAptAn Mm Rosea Rams- Tby and Mrs. M. Waarwlck were ball same. boats at tares taoies or oriagei Those nresent were Mr. ana at a party giren Wednesday Mrs. Martin Doarfler. Margaret night at the Cooildge and Mc-1 and Frederick. Mr. and Mrs. John Claine park at Silrerton. iroi- Doerfler and family. Mr. and Mrs. lowing cards a supper was senr- j Sylvester Doerfler and daughters ad. Bidden were Mrs. Joe Hop- and friend Miss Dillon. Mr. and finger and a sister of Mr. Hop- Mrs. Roy Fok and family, Mr. and finger's from Seattle. Mrs. , E. Heald. Mrs. N. Cooler. Mrs. L. Tucker, Mrs. E. W. Carver. Mrs. XL Klemmlck Mrs. Clyde Rams by, Mrs. Arthur Heater and Mrs. Lee Inman. .Mrs. Ramsby will leave next week for Portland where her hus band la employed. Pattern 2651 MK , ! By ANNC ADAMS Tha awaftavlnar waartia la )t At A to stay! Iven It you hare enough cool. Cotton frocks to carry yon through the season la comfort, there's always room for one more. We've never seen smarter lines than these. . forming the Jacket like bodice, the slender skirt pan els and the semi-belted waistline! A few perky buttons and top atitehing are noteworthy, too. Pattern SCSI may be ordered only in slses 14, It. II, 20. 32, I. S. II and 40. Site II requires t yards SS-lnch fabric. Illus trated step-by-step sewing instruc tions Included. Mrs. Martin Doerfler Jr., and daughter. J. A. Doerfler and grandson Kenneth Doerfler, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Doerfler and family. Mrs. Wensel Doerfler and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doerfler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zuber and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Doerfler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Russet and sons; Mrs, Clara Neal and sons, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Doerfler, Anna and Alex ander Doerfler, Mr. and Mrs. Ja cob Doerfler and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank- Doerfler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hanne man and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Doerfler Jr. and son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oleson - and family. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Zuber, Mr. and Mrs. John Kloetsch. Mrs. Patterson, Mr. 'and Mrs. Duane Gibson and daughter Rose Ann. Mis3 Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lorenze, Perry An drews. New members are: Jacqueline Ann Fox and Ellen June Sus- baur. Officers elected were: Jacob Doerfler, president; Joseph Doer fler Jr., vice-president; Anna Doerfler, secretary: Margaret Doerfler, historian; Karl Hanne- man. treasurer. Committees: Program, Clara Neal, Virginia Doerfler and Mary Hanneman; luneh. Una Doerfler, Janet Doer fler and Wilhelmlna Oleson; dec orations, Frank Doerfler; next year's meeting place. Frederick Doerfler, Lou Doerfler and Alex ander Doerfler. Spring Valley A charming pre-nuptlal shower was give in honor of Miss Marjorle Walling ot Amity-rat the home of Miss! Irene Windsor- Monday night with the Misses Lorine Walling, Juanlta Walling and Velma Woelk as assisting hostesses. Those present were: the guest ot honor. Miss Marjorle Walling, Mias Helen Parrin, Miss Dorothy Klrkwood, Miss Julia Shepard, Mrs. Lucile Shepard, Miss Ethel McKinney, Misses Mary and Lu cille Hockett, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Windsor, R. C. Shepard, Doris Windsor and the hostesses, Vel ma Woelk, Lorine Walling, Juan- ita Walling and Irene Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Ival Ctterback with an enjoyable picnic in their woods Sunday. Miss Elva Sehon and Miss. Daisy Varley will leave Saturday night for San Francisco and Los Angel es, tor an extenaea visit wuu friends. The Rebekahs met for their regular business meeting Monday evening in the Odd Fellows hall, with the new noble grand presiding-. The finance committee tor the next six months Includes Sal ly Curtis, Oertrude . Cummlors and Wilda Slegmund. A commit tee of Jessie Moored, Lenora Kreisel and Helen McElroy were appointed to work with the Odd Fellows to make arrangements for a picnic. Bessie Edwards was reappointed as the lodge press correspondent. Grand officers who helped with the installation ot the officers, Monday the 10 th. whose names were omitted, were: District de puty grand secretaries Gertrude plete surprise was announced by Cnmmings and R. Van Pelt; dls- Mlss Robertson who made known trlct deputy grand treasurers El- in a clever manner her approach- la Smith and Cart Engstrom; dis- lng marriage to Rut us Sumner ot trlct deputy grand chaplains, WU- Miss Robertson Names Wedding Date Mrs. Warren Jensen and Miss j Eunice- Robertson entertained Thursday night at the Godfrey home In compliment to Miss Hel en Ramsden. Bridge was la play tor several hours and con cluded with a smartly appointed coffee hour at which time a eom- Dallas. The relation ot the national recovery act to cons am en and homemakers will be the subject ot a series ot nation wide broadcasts by Mrs. Grace Mosst- son Poole, president ot the Gen eral Federation of Women's clnbs over the National Broadcasting company Blue network. The first broadcast by Mrs. Poole was scheduled for Thursday, July SO, at 4 o'clock. Eastern standard time. Each succeeding week fed eration representatives will con duct interviews to Interpret re covery developments. According to Miss Julia K. J affray, chair man ot the public welfare depart ment ot the general federation, -this is an unusual opportunity for homemakers to receive offic ial Information first hand." Another announcement of In terest to club women will be the appointment of Mrs. George T. Ger linger of Portland, as chair man of the Oregon federation en dowment fund. Her activities have Included work in trust funds, the atx one large table at the coffee hour, A large eandalabrum la which burn ed lighted tapers la pastel shades had banked about Its base small nosegays. To each nosegay was attached a ribbon and this ex tended to the place card, a doa ble heart with a pansy face placed upon it Contained within the heart was the announcement. The guest list for the affair In da' 81egmund and P. PhUlipla: district deputy grand L O., Jessie Moored and Mr. Pratt; district deputy grand O. O., Lenora Kre sel and Mr. SchusUrowits. . Picnic Planned By B. & P. W. Club delightful meeting Is being planned by the Business and Pro fessional Women's dab for Tues- eluded Miss Ramsden, Mrs. Vera day evening. At this time instead Miner, Mrs, Frank Chapman,! uuw uwuk, Mrs. Clifford Townsend. Mrs. "lC1"' " wva arranged at urao- John Caughell, Mrs. Don Pritch- or Cold Springs on the Pacific ett. Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs. Luke highway. Shields. Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, Supper will be served at 4:10 Mrs. Walter Fuhrer, Mrs. Arthur I o'clock with a caterer in charre. Knox, Mrs. Richard Krissel, Mrs. I A small charge will be made to LeRoy Gara, Mrs. Theron Hoot-I care for expenses. All members er. Miss Irma Bolander. Miss I and friends ar invited, a abort Thora Beesen. Miss Winifred I bnninMi muIa win Graham, Miss Vivien Eiker, Mlsiupper aour Faye Cornntt, Miss Josephine L Thai iMirtn tn miv num. Baumgartner. Miss Myra Jordan, m--- .tv jAa. t. Blaine Finch, and Mrs. Quenton cox, all of Portland. Doernbecher hosDltal guild, the Waverly baby home, the women's Mrs. Adam Rncrl buiidinr at the University ot ore-1 " -o I W 1 w gon, and her present efforts tor Vompiimented racuic uniTWBiiy. The endowment fund of the Oregon federation has had a very slow growth and is far from tne $21,000 goal set by its sponsors The Interest from this fund is Kreatlr needed if the federation is to adequately serve its member- shin under its present low per capita dues. With the opening of the fall club season, Mrs. Gerllng- er win nave aenniie pians ior contributing to the endowment fund to present to the clubs of the state. Eastern Wedding Of Interest Here Salem social circles are Inter ested In the announcement of the marriage of Arthur M. Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hamil ton, to Miss Margaret Dudley, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. How- land Dudley ot . Belmont, Mass., July 15. Mr. Hamilton attended Salem schools and is a graduate of the University ot Oregon. Post gradu ate work was taken at Harvard. He is a member of Sigma Nu fraternity at Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are making their home at 111 East Seventy-second street,. New York city. Mrs. Adam Engel is being en tertained before her departure with Mr. Engel for Portland wher they will make their home. Wednesday afternoon the O. D. O. club honored her at the Engel home on Klngwood heights, with a surprise gift shower. An Informal afternoon conclud ed with acharmlngly appointed tea hour. Present In compliment to Mrs. Engel, were Mrs. S. Breit- ensteln, Mrs. Ray Yocnm, Mrs. Rue Drager, Mrs. George Graben horst, Mrs. J. A. Boemrlnger, Mrs. Eugene Eckerlen. Sr., Mrs. Earl Andersen. Mrs. P. J. Meany, Mrs. Leon DeMytt, Mrs. George Patter son, Mrs. Max Abst and Mrs. J. H. Karst. Silverton A. bridge party Wednesday night at which Mrs. Roscoe Ramsby thought she was one ot the hostesses turned out to be a surprise with her as the guest of honor Mrs. Ramsby and Mrs. Martin Waarvick Had I invited members of their bridge club to an evening affair at the city nark. Mrs. Waarvick and a group of friends decided to sur prise Mrs. Ramsby who Is leav ing next week for Portland where her husband is employ ea. Mrs. Ramsby was presented with a lovely gift from thosal present who included Mrs. Heald. Mrs. I F. Tucxer. jars. Arthur Heater, Mrs. Charles Leonard, Mrs. Joe Hoptlnger. Mrs. Frances Shlmmin, Mrs. Dewey Services. Mrs. Oriel those wishing transportation. - Sflverton Hills The members of the Silverton Hills Sunday school class met and surprised Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tschants, re cently married, at the Tschants home Wednesday night. The af fair was in the nature of a kitch en shower. jsiSjutoiMii sTiriijijrriiin"arth sjiaFsisTnsl.i1sTHjIMitiinl M shmsa sVilfcss. sv. , P sfaB Hfc 1 mM n 0 L s saw4fciii , 44VJfc s)s i 4LJ Hunt 4aiB4hi ,3 ski , 9mA (bmh 1 1PVivWWflWrejVisW J mm - 178 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET PROMPT FREE DELIVERY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEAT AM BoeO 5BsumnlbTSiu?cei? 2 lbs. ', age Pure Lard 3 lbs. S Tender Beef Roasts Lb. J Lean Shoulder Pork Roasts Lb. g) Lean Pork Steak I (Do Lb. V Lean Tender Beef to Boil Lb. Pore Pork SAUSAGE Lb. Choice Sirloin Steak as Lb. Bulk Mayonnaise Pint Freshly Sliced LIVER 2 lbs. Free Delivery-Open Until 9p.m. Sat. NheDial 868c 1 Soviet Planting Gala Cultivation of land in Soviet! Russia has Increased greatly la I the last IS months, according to official figures Issued In Moscow. It appears that 6.117.000 hectares I Tnompgea, yn. r. a. rUh. Mrs. imDout ii,i(,uvv finsiufl crei i Lini Cooler. Mrs. is. auemmea, i had been planted by April 10,Ter. Mrs. L T. Nelson ot Osen-I compared with S.089,000 (about! Mrs. Henrr aim. Mrs. W. Oar 5,160,000 acres) at the same date I br&k. N. D.. Mrs. Lee Inman. last year. Of these 5.653,000 hee- Mrs. F. If. Powell, Mrs. Clyde the total belong to the collective I Otto Dahl. Mrs. J. H Mccuiiougn, i farms. Mrs Waarvick and Mrs. Basnsny. . "SHORT CUT METHOD Homecoming at Church Planned MmtA flftaM casta flSel la m suae (ealns yrrfarrad). (or tbis avaa aami fwra, "nw yuuuy yo- uba s44na snA styl ua kc. a aw to lUtt tixt tuttt Tk w -uuMf adltea f tk Aaa AdMM rsttora book U nudy. Aftar- OB, tfHtl, golf, tMBlS 4MMM, jnmpnt, tout fraekt, (pacial bagla aara' Mttwu, atylM for Jnnlora, ul aeol elataM for ynaitttn, as4 tn tniettaa far suudag a eki tvaatar ra umm laanlaattas ttaat. Sa4 far yaar ay. Prlea at catalog, tit itm araU. Catalog u ftttara te gsthtr. tvaaty-flva easta. " adlraaa all auQ ardara to Tf Ora goa Stttiaaiaa rattara Saryaitawtat, S4S Waat lTth stoaat, Xav Tork city. The First Presbyterian church will observe its annual homecom ing and special anniversary pro gram Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday night a memor ial service under auspices of the United Spanish War Veterans will be held. Rev. William A. Elkins of the Monmouth Christian church will deliver the memorial address, assisted by Rev. O. H- Quigley, Rev. I. O. Shaw and the local pas tor, Rev. G rover C. Blrtchet. Hands Admitted The state . a . - M 9 A. supreme court yesieraay aanui ted Thomas B. Hargis to prac tice law in Oregon on a certltl- Icate from the state ot Idaho. Hargis is a resident of Ashland. 1 Save Money! f J by attending Milled ITl ! Mid-Year TA Clearance SALE! IJ V Lessons 0 f Bt Poptlar Play PeptZzrlhzs llodara Harmony Waterman Method Vn Fcx Trotj V V?aItaH Meiaod "ITS EASY TO PLAY THE WATERMAN WAIT Enroll at once, as ennfflmfnts close fax a few days. Hall your check sod application at occe. Classes given morning, afternoon and evening of every Friday and Saturday starting July 28th. Not an ear method. It is not necessary that you play the piano now. If you can read notes and win practice one hour a day, that Is an that k required. Lessons win be given in the Nelson Bldg. Auditorium, NEXT FREE DEMONSTRATION Friday, July 21st. 1 to 6 P. and T to I P. U, Nelson A ditctium; Saturday, July 22nd, 1 to 5 P. VL, Nelson Bldg. Audlt5rtuA NOTICE I X have had II years experience teachlna the "abort Out JOthodj Have taught hi Salem for the past S years and m Portland i U years, REFERENCE . T. B. Oattoway Lii Bash Bank Ck. a WT3 ef the Oee. . , WD ISsmU Hneas Tfilph CwUsy Blshegs C-othiag "WreIIarfr & Welier--aalem Bks Clab-4. A. Ceffrsy-CXaislaWsiri Beek Btste rraafc DeeUUle DaoUtfle Service SteUea. Mail your Check and Application at Once ROY 3. WHITE Care of Statesman, Salem. Oregon PLAGE . . . That's the smashing new record in sales set by GRUNOW REFRIGERATORS. When any product in so stiffly competitive a field as re frigeration makes such an amazing jump in pop ularity, almost overnight, there can be only one answer. GRUNOW gives the housewife what she wants. Why this sadden leap into fame? Why this amazing sales record? Why the en thusiasm of dealers everywhere in the North west? Why GRUNOW on the lips of your friends at every bridge party? 'CARRENE is the answer a new magic household refriger ant, which only GRUNOW gives you. THIS HONOR CANNOT BE BOUGHT . . . GRUNOW, the super-safe refrigerator, it the only refrigerator on display in the Hall of Science at the Century, of Progress .World's Fair Exposition. Money cannot buy; the honor accorded Grunow. It is there be cause it represents the last word in house hold refrigeration 4ts ten years ahead of its Held. It uses Carrene, the magic fluid, that's why! CARRENE . . . Is a harmless, colorless refrigerant that can't explode, can't bunt, can't endanger food or health. It has been used for years In commercial installations where safety and freedom from service are indispensable. This sensational cooling fluid guarantees safe refrigeration. SUPER-SAFE REFRIGERATOR & i - - - . i ID won en 0 0 DELIVERS ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR TO YOUR HOME FROM r T 456 State Street v Phono 6022 1 ...