- Feasant Awarded Desrree Seventjr-nine-year-old Patrick Peterson, a peasant ot the parish of Valda, has been awarded an honorary doctor's I degree by the UniTersity ot Upsala. Although he has spent a long life In cultivat ing his fields, Peterson used bis leisure time to write a . book in the dialect and legendary lure of Sweden. It includes a dictionary with more than 36.000 words, al so many " old songs, fairy tales and proTerhs. . R A SEVER' EC11IC PARLEY HE Groceries Crown Feeds Phone 6932 347 N. High I Our New Location Vz Block North of City Hall Complete line of Crown Poultry, Dairy and Fox feeds. Buy your feed from Salem's Crown Store. Groceries NAVY BEANS h Small White 5 ibs :L21c . Yellow Bantam ; CORN U cans ,23c cans " 1000 Sheet TISSUE 4 rolls 19C H.&D. Jell Pwd. None Better 6X.ke...........2fo Van Camps Pork & Beans While they r last wt Crown Feeds 80 Crown MILLRUN lb. sack 90c Crown Leader EGG MASH 100k $1.75 The summer ration Crown Steam Rolled Barley 7C I O sack lb. M" A A ROLLED OATS 60 sack .... 95c Crown "Snowbird" FLOUR Money Back Guarantee 49 99c FARMERS! Trade your eggs with us. We believe you will be pleased with our prices and service. lz Block N. City Hall Phone 6932 POSTS DRIFTED LONDON. July 20 (AP)--The world economic conference com pleted its formal committee work today and prepared Its last re ports for the monetary and econ omic commissions before adjourn ment at a plenary session next Thursday. The most important problems on the agenda of the congress were frankly left for treatment at some indefinite time in the future, including: tariffs and import quo tas and other trade hihderances. stabilization of currencies, and proposals for agreements to con trol marketing of important com moditles. . Taking stock of results ot the deliberations, leaders found that these were: agreement in the all ver sub-commission against fur ther debasement of slhrer coinage and in favor of increasing the uses of the metal: agreement that gold is not needed for Internal circulation and thai central banks minimum currency reserves may be reduced to 25 per cent, and acceptance of the principle that solution of the inteinational. commercial indebtedness problem requires cooperation by creditor countries to restore a reasonable freedom ot trade. Interesting Facts am) Co t3S3 New ApriJ OQ J l 506 r 8' P' 8IUk1 KC I Showers Bongo LOC I 11 Jfagnesia.pt. . . lall. H I i II Pure Cod Liver Oil fS 29c Alcohol Ifi ' 1 High Vlt. Test QQ . Rob, our price 1UC 11- Ptot C I lTry OurT- "Price Psyllium Jumbo Frozen J. , 1 Seed MilkShakes z Natural f- while shopping:. 1 "lm fplant lax-1 Special Tryour6J f Blond. I 110(5 J hZlint T Jombo Root service. I UiiiA Ml Cigarettes every morning, 1 I 1 one every night. I I Old Golds I V 2 J duckies Prophylactic I Camels Masso W" Chesterfield I Brushes I f with wall 4Ai I J1(5)C, holder ..AvC I pkg. l Dr. SchoU's Com, Cal- 1 W OT" bnlo pads. 27c 13c Is Our Prescription Department stocked and equipped to fill' any prescription as it should be filled, by registered phar macists. We will call for and deliver your prescription. Strawberry Cleansing Cream 49c 35c -Veldown Napkins Our Low Price 15 ' 10e Lifebuoy Soap, 3 bars 15c One free with your coupon. 25c Williams New Glider Brushless shave FREE with Gillette Blades. Afl for 49c Complete Truss Fitting Department Trusses - Shoulder Braces - Elastic Hosiery - Ab dominal Belts - Arch Supports - Cratches under supervision ot a registered gTa'duate appliance fit ter. No matter what trass yon are wearing we will , adjust it free. . - , - - in DRUGS , - Your Nyal Service. Drug Store ; FREE DELIVERY , Phone 3444 : Complete Prescription Service The distribution ot The States man today including the extra green section copies Is v The battle of Bull Run was fought 72 years ago today. O Hoover signed the $3,800,000 relief bill a year ago today. FIVE ARRESTED III 1 ST. LOUIS, July 20. (AP) Arrest of five persons alleged to have been Implicated directly in the kidnaping of August Luer was followed late today with an nouncement that one, Percy Mi chael Fitzgerald, had admitted his part in the crime. Activity of 15 department of Justice agents and policemen, who had been working on the case without sleep for 50 hours, crys talized into results Immediately after Fitzgerald's alleged confes sion, last night. A series of early morning raids included a visit to a farm house two miles north of East St. Louis, 111., after identified by police and the kidnap victim himself as the place he was held for more than five days. Luer, wealthy Alton, 111., bank er, was released unharmed near Collinsville, 111., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Musiala, the tenants, were two of the five suspects und.r arrest tonight. Others were Fitzgerald, Randall Eugene Norvell and Miss Norma Vaughn. A sixth man, Walter "Irish" O'Mally, alias Walter Holland, is sought 'Suspicious? One Proves Fireman Rescuing Tabby PORTLAND, Ore-, July 20.- (AP) Report that a suspicious character was prowling in a sub urban vicinity sent a police squad hurrying to the scene in their prowl car tonight. In the shadow of a tree, sure enough, stood a stranger, the prowl car halted suddenly, and out Jumped the po lice their revolvers loosened and flashlights alert. It was a city fireman waiting for a woman in the nearby resi dence to return with a ladder so he could rescue her cat. The po lice aided in the rescue, then es corted the fireman back to his station. Skunk Can't Get B e s t of This Pioneer " MEDFORD, Ore., Jury 20 (AP)--Mrs. R. A. Bixby. 82-year old Jacksonville pioneer dldnt in tend to let any skunk get the best of her. Awakened at last midnight by the excited cackle ot a setting hen, she hurried to the coop to Investigate. She found the ben ousted from the nest and a skunk devouring the eggs. Mrs. Bixby grabbed the Intru der by the tail, despite the widely known obnoxious qualities, and holding it at arm's length, ran to a neighbor's home. The neighbor er declined to offer aid. Mrs. Bixby returned home, walloped the animal's head against the tree, killing the Invader, then went to bed again. Maybe the skunk was too surprised. At least. the pioneer woman suffered none of the usual effects of an encoun ter with such an animal. Kilal Earwig Poison ABSOLUTELY Kills Earwigs 24-oz. pkg. 25c During the past two years we have sold hundreds of packages here in Salem. . USERS WILL RECOM MEND IT. Made in Salem at 111 and 121 Chemeketa St. W. F. HENDREN Arkansas Will Legalize Beer LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. July 20 (AP) Governor Futrell today I announced he would call a special session of the legislature to legal ize beer Just as soon as a working majority in both houses bad agreed on a bill. The governor's action was tak en as late returns from Tuesday's election showed the state favored repeal of the prohibition amend ment by a majority of 21,000 votes. Where to Vote In Salem Salem So. 1. U. B. church, corner 17 tit and Nebraska streets. Salem No. 2. First floor of Bungalow Christian church. corner 17th and Court streets. Salem No. 8. Yale Electric laundry, 854 Xorth 21st street. Salem No. 4. Swedish tab ernacle, corner Mill and 15th streets. Salem No. 8. Richmond school. Salem No. 8. Yew Park school. Salem No. 7. Fairgrounds Grocery store, 2630 Port land road. Salem No. 8. Jason Lee church, corner Jefferson and Winter streets. Salem No. 0. Baptist church, corner D and North Cottage streets. Salem No. 10. Basement Salem Woman's Club build ing, 460 North Cottage Salem No. 11. Hotel Sena tor on Court street. Salem No. 12. Store build. lug on City camp grounds, corner Oak and Winter streets. - Salem No. 18. Leslie Jun ior high school. Salem No. 14. Highland school. Salem. No. 15. Hunt Brothers Packing; company. Salem No. 16. City hall in Salem.' - Salem No. 17. Marion ho tel sample room on Com mercial street. Salem No. 18. Leelie halL corner Myers and Commero Ha streets. saiem Ao. 19. East en trance to basement of Wash. . tngtoa' schooL Salem No. 20. 87S North S3rd street. Salem No.' 21. Basement . of Church of God, corner Hood and Cottage streets. 1 Salem No. 22. 611 North Capitol street. ' Salem ' No. 23. Court house. " - Salem No. 24. Basement Friends church, corner Com. merclal -and Washington streets. Sun.-Mon.-Tues. t ntv& a- v0 MIDNITE SHOW SAT. NIGHT 11:30 lost in a No Man's Land el opothy and indifference.. until the lovo of K o gfrl turns defeat into victory RICHARD V- OaSallG mkk I ABiwMkMAHOM 'lrtt YOUNG 500 GOOD OK SEATS dDL a rv3nin)E3r V"" MI0t CCrT"A6K)C Originators of Low Prices 851 State St Regular Prices Not 'Specials' Faney Sirloin Steak Prime Beef Roast H212lb. UflDQlb. Sugar Cured Hams ESV2clb' Young Pig Dainty Lean Pork Roast Loin Chops Fresh Ham Roast lb. Easy to slice hot or cold Vegetable Home Rendered Shortening Pure Lard 5 lbs. 2,gg 3 Lbs. 2g3 Fresh Margarine 2 lbs. U gc Fresh Pure Pork Ground Beef Sausage nsvfe ib. a2y2cib. It's sound and sensible to come to the Midget for ground meats. For here at the Midget you get selected pieces of lean, state Inspected meat. Freshly ground. Useless to pay more Risky to pay less Milk Fed i Milk Fed . Veal Steak Veal Roast ESlb. HD)(3 lb. Pork Tenderloins Per lb. gflDc Lean French cuts from the tenderest of loins. ' -' You can bread and fry them In a jiffy Out of consideration to our employes, we close at 6 p. m. On Saturdays at 7 p. m. HARRY M. LEVY, Prop. MM totA Iac?SB)im Stoeetl; &2&&Iiq$ NOT A CHAIN STORE Large Cans Broken Sliced Pineapple cans S? Libby's Fancy CrushedPineapple cans White Star Tuna Fish smau size cans Post Toasties, 2 Pkgsr. 15c Instant Postum, lar. size 39c Calumet Baking Powder, pound 25c M. J. B. Coffee, 3 lbs 79c M.J.B Aladin Coffee, 2 lb. 47c Freshly Roasted Coffee in bulk, 3 pounds...... 63c Grape Nut Flakes 2 Pkgs. 2g Minced Razor Clams Warrenton Preferred Stock or Master Tall Cans . S cans 2 Alaska Salmon Rose Dale Medium Red 2) cans 2i Pan Crust Shortening 2) lb. cans 2g Crisco 3 Pound Cans Spatula FREE with each can Za France For Easy Laundrying H(D perPkg. or 2 for S Durkees Famous Salad Dressing And Mayonnaise Quarts 5( Fresh New Stock Salad Aid 1 Mayonnaise pint jars 2(2 qt jars FinestQuality New Pack Large Shrimp E dD AMERICAN SARDINES NORWEGIAN SAR- TOMATO JUICE . . nmT?o KNIGHTS PURE TOMA- tooil- 20C ? 20C TOJUICELargeg 5 cans . 3 cans MVV size cans, 2 for .455 Sy,1- I U00 MAYON- I BROKEN RICE Nice 15C I NAISE, 3 pounds Z0C an whUenew JQg CANNING SUPPLIES Mason Jars Vfe gallons Doz. $EoE9 Mason Jars Quarts Doz. $(3