PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem; Oregon, Thursday Morning, July 20, 1933 j r. 5 " Kiltefev eszgns as Pi! oi of . Lo wiy St ILqwls E towns SDTHOHQN WILL 'TIE OVER JOB Coach Temporary Boss but Jlornsby Mentioned as Possible! Choice ST. LOUIS,; Jily- If (AP) Bill i Killefer, manager of the" St. Louis Browns since 1930, resign ed today, apparently as a result of the owner's dissatisfaction. with the showing of the team, which i In last place In the American lea gue. T Phil Ball, president and owner of the club, announced receipt of a telegram from Vice President L. C. McEvoy In Washington stat ing Klllefer had resigned, effect ire Immediately. McEvoy had gone there to Investigate rumors that Klllefer Intended to quit. Ball said Al Sothoron, coach, would take charge of the club for remainder of the eastern trip. ' Dissension between Ki liefer and- - Ball has been evident. , Ball be lieved Klllefer was not getting out of the players the best that was . in them. K . Ball,' who 1s In a hospital for a rest cure would not comment on reasons for the resignation and would not Intimate his plans for a permanent manager. The name of Rogers Hornsby, former Cardinal, Cub and. Brave : manager and now a Cardinal player, has been mentioned in this connection. Sothoron also might be made permanent manager, as he has had previous experience In team management. Reversed Decision Starts Near Riot in Pittsburgh Ball Yard; Catch Doubted PITTSBURGH, July 19(AP) -A reversed decision in the first game 01 a uouDie neaaer oeiween Pittsburgh and New York today precipitated a near riot among 22,000 fans, the season's biggest Pittsburgh baseball crowd. The contest was delayed a Quar ter of an hour while the fans mill ed around the stands - and the players angrily swarmed upon the field. Not a run had been scored as the Giants came to bat in the fourth. With two out, Mancuso on third and Ryan on first, Fitzslm mons slammed a low, hard liner to center field. Tearing in at high speed. Fred Llndstrom, Pirate outfielder, div ed and apparently got his -glove under the ball for a spectacular catch. Umpire Barr called Fitzsim mons out, retiring the side, and immediately the arbiter was sur rounded by gesticulating Giants, protesting that Llndstrom had trapped the ball. bllTlDPlT E SPLIT TWO GAMES NATION AL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York ..50 34 .595 Chicago . .48 40 .531 Pittsburgh 47 39 .547 St. Louis 45 41 .523 Boston ..43 44 .494 Philadelphia 3 7 48 .435 Brooklyn 36 47 .434 Cincinnati .37 51 .420 PITTSBURGH.! July 19 (AP) Effective relief pitching by Carl Hubbell gave New York, a I to 3 decision over Pittsburgh in the second game of today's double- The New Yorkers followed Barr from one side of the field to the other, but he held to his .decision until he - consulted- with Umpire Moran at third,; who ruled that Llndstrom had not , caught the balL This brought the Pirates and fans into the argument. While the Pittsburgh players surrounded Moran and contended he could not have seen the play as well as Barr, the crowd howled Its dis pleasure. Police kept the fans In the stands, however, while the de bate' on the field; raged. Moran stood by his decision, however, Mancuso scoring, Ryan going to third and Fltzsimmpns getting a single. George Davis, next up for the Giants, hit a long drive to left center and Llndstrom then had the satisfaction of retiring the side by making a remarkable catch. The Pirates went on to win the game, 4 to 1. header after the Pirates had taken the opening contest 4 to 1. New York T...1 8 2 Pittsburgh 4 9 . t Fitzsimmons and Mancuso; French and Grace. New York ........ ..7 10 0 Pittsburgh 3 12 3 Clark, Hubbell and Mancuso; Smith, Harris. Hoyt, Chagnon, Swetonlc and Picinich, Grace. Brooklyn -.5 9 0 Cincinnati 6 9 4 Beck, Ryan and Lopez; John son, Kolp, Smith, Derringer and Lombard!. MAYOR AT ROSEBURG SILVERTON. July 19 Mayor and Mrs. E. W. Corver will go to Roseburg Sunday and bring back their daughter, Earla, who has been spending the past two weeks there. However, Mayor Garver will be represented at the Silver Creek Falls dedication Sun day. The representative has as yet not been announced. Contracts Being Mailed Teachers Of District 24 RAMS BY TO PORTLAND BETHANY, July 19. Roscoe Ramsby, who has been living here with his family at Mrs. Ramsby's father's home, Hans Johnson, has secured work at Portland and gone there to live. Mrs. Ramsby and their two sons, Harland and Nea. will follow Mr. Rambsy in the near future. Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER Z: li. 1: l" i is 11 7fo 10 ZJj7 21 II "Fill : 32 33 34 35 -rrr- 41 h Van 53 3i 32 777, 53 "1 11 iH 1 irl M HORIZONTAL 1 "Ureal ia tke Wilder.. tke Mil ambitiowa work ef wkat Gmbm Je kaaa Sekaatiaa ? E Kind of tree ' 8 To the inside 12 Fragrant resin .13 Personal pronoun 14 Rowing implements . Destitute of hair . . 1ft la Sfe4&MMiV ' "Ham!? ' ( wk U tke f athar ( Ophelia? . 18 Wear away Y- - I ' 20 Lump ' 1 - . . 21-MaW. : 22 Wkat hmIc k said to lave ba tke raliaff power babiad Csar NickoUsT 25 Greek letter : 27 Woman trader religious vowa 28 Man'a name S2 Unner cart of a ranze (pL) 34 What plaaat U aaxt ia atafat- tad to Jnpitcrr n Fruit of the blackthorn 37 Chief linguistic stock of Indo- China I - 38 WkatAaiorkaakaaMrUtaMdo frpiat tours of tko coaatry wita Jaaiaa Whitcomb Kiloyt Edcar WiUea 7 1 39 Wkat Portagaose aavlgator dUcovarad tko strait botwooa tko South America aad Tiarre dal Fago7 43 Northern constellation 48 Inclosed place used as a recep tacle 47 Slumber 80 Wkat America admiral aided -, , Goaoral Great ia tko coi Itiaod atUck oa Vkktbnrg waica rosaltod ia the capital tioa el tko city, Jaly 4, 18837 .65 Palmyra leu :54 Melody '55 Constellation pictured as . lion I '53 Feminine nickname - r '67 Depend upon ; , 68 Doctrine t ',59 Dutch cheese . . , : : - . VERTICAL r 1 Popular nickname for George , - Herman tuxuk . . . . A S Wkick Xsaortcaa atale leads la Teachers contracts are being mailed today to prospective in structors in the public school of Salem for 1933-1934 by the city superintendents's office. Contracts were held back last spring pend Ing the election of a new school board and the choice of a new board' for the non - high school districts in the county. Almost no new teachers are expected in the instructional personnel of the local school systems for 1933- 1934. Contracts are to be sent to all of last year's high and junior high school teachers with the ex ception of three teachers who have resigned or on leave of ab sence. School authorities yester day doubted if these vacancies would be filled because of expect ed lessened attendance next fall caused by the elimination of high school transportation. TWO STRAIGHT BY IN DUCKS Lieber Gets Poor Support Oglesby Gunning After Demaggio's Record COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Sacramento ....... (C 42 .411 Hollywood ..42 44 .585 Portland ..........42 45 .579 Los Angeles ...... CI 4 5 .875 Oakland .........50 55 .474 Mission 44 43 .422 Seattle ...........39 45 .375 San Francisco .....40 67 .377 SAN FRANCISCO. July 19. (AP) Portland scored Its sec ond straight win over the Missions today by turning the locals back, 4 to 4, in a .listless game. With the count tied 4-4 going Into the eighth, the -visitors shov ed orer two runs on singles by Sheely, Monroe and Loane. The latter's hit drove in the first tally while another followed when Al- mada hobbled the play, the ball rolling between his legs. The Missions gave Lieber rag ged support. Portland 8 IS 0 Missions 4 8 2 Bowman and Palmisana; Lie ber and Duggan. Deniaeido Has Rival OAKLAND. July 19. (AP) In a game featured by the 4 1st fnmwntlTa ram a hlttlnp of First Baseman 'Jim Oglesby. Los An geles defeated Oakland, 5 to 3, today. Seattle - IS Hollywood 8 13 Page, Sewell and Bradbury; Sheehan, Campbell and Summers San Francisco 8 16 0 Sacramento -12 16 2 Cunningham and Mclsaac; Bry an and Woodall. DAYTON WINS TWICE DAYTON, July 19 Dayton won from Lafayette here Sunday in baseball, 4 to 1. Dayton also won 7 to 6 from the visitors in a game of indoor baseball. Lafayette will Steinbock Swats Homer in Ninth to Win Own Game as Pade's Beats Linen Mills Sam . Steinbock . won ' his own game with a mighty home run into the creek, scoring two men ahead of him, in the ninth inning with, the score tied in the Pade's Grocery-Salem Linen Mills , kit- ball game on Sweetland field Wednesday : night. The r contest. one of the. most exciting of-the season, was won by Pade's 9 to 7, the flax refiners getting one more run in their half of the ninth. ' Salem Linen pecked away a ran at a time, varying It with a three ran rally In the eighth, . while Pade s made all Its scores in two big Innings. "Doe" Barrlck hit a triple with two on to start a four- run rany in me xourtn. sarrica injured his leg In fielding a ball in the eighth, and had to retire from the game. ' . Salem Linen put on a real threat in the ninth, 'getting two men on with none down. Stein bock forced the next two' men to pop out to him. and Scales hand led an extremely hard chance for the final out. If It had gone for a hit the score would hare been tied. . 1 , , The horsehide looked as big as a- balloon to the Walt's . Market sluggers- in the first game, and they defeated. Kay Woolen Mills IS to I. The wool weavers hobbled Irfif fhmnrM - hut atrtlrht - hall I wouldn't have - done - them any good.. Sam Serdots," Kelley and Walker, all hit homers Into the drink.' The meatmen's ' big Inning j was the ninth in which they Kay Mills ,-' , 2 7 8 Walt's Market .lS' 18 -2 Men tier nd 8iegmund, Reid; D. Walker and B- Kelley. Pade's ; 9 9 4 Salem Linen .... 7 t 3 I Steinbock and Barnes, Fade; . Serdots and Seguln, ' P. McCaf- CO IMTs iuyjiu.W II or The-Senators say G rover Cleveland Alexander showed them one of the wickedest curve balls they had ever seen. "Alex" was noted for blinding speed in hie heyday, but then he had everything, and he still has the curve. And control! It's said he hasn't walked a batter, pitching portions of nearly 70 games, this season. Several groups of former vic tims will be glad to hear that The Statesman golf team has at last met defeat. The match hasn't been played yet, but the pencil-pushers and printers were foolish enough to sign up for a contest with the Salem Golf club caddies, and you know what that means. The "Printer's Devils" cap tained by Bob Taylor defeated the "Greaseballs" led by Walt Cllne, la the" team' medal play tournament on the Salem Golf dab cowjsie 'Wednesday. -About CO golf erf vtook . Prt In the teurney. and; the stag 'dinner which followed and which, we are Informed,' was Tea Joyed by The Senators will be at home every Sunday, from now on, ex cepting August 13 when they go to Bend. Next Sunday Schapp's boys come here for the last game of , the Beeond round. Then it's the Federals, then Albany, then the trip to Bend, then Schapp's again, and finally Eugene. With so many home games and further additions to Frank Basbor's squad, the Solons shouldn't lose many from now on. III U TIE1UEES AMERICAN LEAGUE . ' W. L. Ptt. New York 64 31 .635 Washington ......54 31 .635 Philadelphia 44. 42 - .512 Chicago 43 43 v .500 Cleveland .v.. ....43 4 .413 Detroit "...42 46 . .477 Boston ..35 50 .412 StLouis 34 - 58 .370 WASHINGTON, July 19 (AP) Washington went , back into a tie for the league 'lead, with the Yankees today by nosing out St. Louis 8 to 7. - - St. Louis : 7 " . 12 1 Washington ; S. 14.. 2 - Wells and Shea; Stewart, Thom as and SewelL - T .3 9 0 .7 12 1 Detroit Philadelphia Fischer and Hay worth; Mahaf fey, Herring,' Earnshaw and Coch rane. Detroit 10 IS 1 Philadelphia 5 10 1 ' Marberry, Rowe and Hay worth; Cain. Combs, Freitas. Peterson and Cochrane, MadjeskL Chicago 8 7 - t New York 4 11 3 Jones and Grube; .Brown, Moore, Derens and Dickey. . ' MOVES TO PORTLAND SILVERTON, July 19. Merl Larson, who has been spending the past six months with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Larson, at their home has accepted a position- at a Portland shoe store and has moved to the city. PLEASANTDALE. July 19-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nichols are the parents of an .eight pound dau ghter born early Wednesday, July 19, in McMInnville. She has been named Darlene May. 8 14 0 7 12 4 Cleveland Boston (13 innings). W. Ferrell, Hudlin and Pytlak; H. Johnson, Welch, Kline, Brown, Wetland and R. Ferrell. Neotsu, Lacona. Wecoma, Ocean Lake, Delake, Nelscott, Taft. Cut ler City, Kernvllle, Gleneden, De- Poe Bay. Fl GUT LOUS 01 box wm . ! Suit to -force payment by the state of soldiers', cash bonus to applicants the past eight months probably will be tiled against the world war veterans state aid com mission within the next week, it was learned Tuesday. - Under a legislative act the pay ment of cash bonuses so ex-soldiers terminated 1 June SO, 1930. Jerrold Owen, secretary "of the commission said. Since this law was passed. Attorney General Van Winkle, held that the. legislature had no authority to . restrict pay ments authorised by constitution al amendment providing for the payment of bonuses. Following receipts of the Attor ney genersl's opinion the commis sion resumed payment of cash bonuses until September 27, 193-, when the funds were de pleted. The commission then vot ed to suspend further payments. Owen said that approximately 100 applications for bonuses have been received during the past eight months, and that the com mission would Welcome the suit which would determine the Issue. Devil's Lake to Be Host July 29 A two-day program climaxed by an Illuminated night boat parade on Devil's lake will be held July 29 and 30, under the auspices of the Devil's Lake chamber of com merce, Lincoln county. A variety of water sports events will be held each of the two days with an out board motorboat race one of the features. The queen for the cele bration will be crowned at noon Friday, July 28. Each day a golf tournament will be In progress on the Devil's Lake course. Partici pating in the first annual regatta will be the communities of Otis, $1242 Damages Asked by Schiess In Circuit Court Damages of $12,242 are sought by Otto Schiess for auto accident injuries he received In a esse which commenced Tuesday In cir cuit eourt here against Beulah M. and W. G. Fisher. Judge L. H. Mc Mahan is hearing the case which is not expected to go to the Jury until late today. Schiess alleges the Fishery were negligent and at fault in an auto mishap which happened Feb ruary 27, 1933, at North Com mercial and Center streets here. He putJ doctor's and hospital charges. at $442. loss of time $150 a months as a blacksmith for 12 months, $1800, and general dam ages $10,000. Schiess asserts that he received permanent Injuries to his right knee. ' MICKEY MOUSE Home Talent By WALT DISNEY "c;monV Pluto'. TftflU YattaA Vf, LXwbuT-nI I TT Efyf 7 SHOW TANGLEFOOT VKWi kVOcSS ( boy' ) VvAK4 JPEt5 GOSH --r-Li - Vi 1 JL Jm ( MOW WELL- TRAINED (2JU CSCKF , OM M JANSLEF...? SAK6S ' tT"rn--T ;; 'LV vrju are! find a jStt' Ui 17whep'6 that U nr A i, r: C2 p p :i THIMBLE THEATREtarring Popeyo "An Intimate View" By SEGAR 4 Watt la tka ausalac aart of tke till of the play by Headnk i Ibtaat GablrM7 6 Venomous snake 6 Title of Japanese military for ernor 7 One of the lowest class in an cient Sparta 8 Electrified particle 9 Pointed niece of metal 10 Faithful 11 Mountain Jn : Thessary 17 J apanese sasa , v- - 19 Domestic slave 23 Opaque creamy matter Z4 negative 25 Bitter vetch , 26 Sesame -' ' - 29 Built a passage underground 30 Attempt 31 Unit 33 Precious stone 34 Salt 35 Is affected with pain 37 burd mutes in Greek 40 Loose, sleeveless rarment 41 Wkat is the saUsiag part el the uat ef the grt tenor ef the Matropolitaa Opera Hooaa: - Baiaauao ? 42 -Unaccompanied 43 Distant 44 Unusual 45 Exterior covering of certain seeds 48 Feminine name 49 Inner part of the hand 51 Beam 62 Short for Thomas TlEMEMBE.R.UnMPV "THEY KOUJLOOW. ' I OP TAP CMsATU). t5P.EM I if AH m fVQ MP MTL I I STAR, GERTV G0M8a VM GONG TO 6WE WEVVl LThS" KWlMPV OVER TO HER rA I HNLf ?r6E H OCR J (HOST'S 1 HOME J n MOVIE SECTION r ' hTO BV.OVO ME OOVJK'.N JVK& THE. CLOSE-UPEST PITCWER EVER, SEEN-GO GWEtT TO MR. VJU0RKS r LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Double Exposure By DARRELL McCLURE Herewith Is the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. it joo -yrwoi tvtwr body txctvi ruKa - ?tAQ w 5UPME.AH EXTRA i . .. ham 11 l i m , ' " ' i ' " i m ' ' 1 i TVJEMTV-FrVECEMTS-'BUXI NEVER 1 I f iWELU,VOU USTKEEP tff 6PVlWGrA SICK Wirt AW 6 UTTLC .tt 1 rW-3 1 "Y CONSCIENCE VaJLUMI C. I 1 KNUW WHAV OCajLT rrTT ; I WW WUUO fUk I Dt. (HtLWit)tl 1HC 1 - I Ji'jn P . aa a a m mm mm mm araw m mm m I aaiuaa. mmm a tmm m a aa. a F- - :::: 1 1 taaMaa. a . aaa w.ts W f mn am m- m m a " m mm a aaa.a -mm a A. aa. a ' ' ll '"" ' '' TOOTS AND CASPER The 4'Weigh, to Win By JIMMY MURPHY rf?h-. RToots WEIGHS 117 HAVING LOST TEN POUNDS! Eow WEIL SEE CCUHEL ( COLONEU HOOFER WEIGHS Y Oil asCCDYl IPAMI DAN! YOU WCN. AND THE, LJTTLE ABAOABA SIX COUPE IS OURS OH, I'M SO HAPPY- HAPPYl LET ME HUf VOU - ' . K155 YOU- SQUEEZE YOU I OH DAN, COME INTO MY ARMS 5 I'M SORRY YOU LOST, TOOTS, BUT OLD COLONEL HOOFER "DESERVES HIS ViCTOIW - HE'S HAD SO MUCH ?,TQU4H LUCK ITS ABOUT TIMS THAT 'i. i SOMETHING CAME t WAYl &f2 WHERE ARE YOU Cr04N6. DAN? rM OIN TO THAT RESTAURANT OVER THERE.SOPWE! tM HUNGRY I WANT FOOD FOOD FOOD 1 IT TOOK ME FOURTEEN DAYS, ,TO LOSE 32 POUNDS, BUT -. lu crASN IT ALL BACK WITH oa. ui 1 1 r- NOW! HOOFER WglcVHS? . - tko prod ac tioa of swgar beets CwmWU.llll.Ktac li', I I, nan . a. j . . .... ii i I .