The OREGON STATESMAN, Salm, ' Oregon! Thnreday Morning, Jnly 20. 1933 PAGE F1VB it: i 1 - A I Local News Briefs i- ; - -- - 4 Canning Staffs Wanted Th Salem Associated Charities needs fruit and vegetables for canning according to Mrs. J. H. Ross, Sec retary, whos Obon' number Is 3SS7. The. canned goods will be stored, for use. In winter relief work. The Charities also has a PUBLIC IB Clerks Waned -Clerks of the I Hawthorne Visit Rev. and school , districts of , the eounty I Mrs. : Alexander Hawthorne, Jn were warne4 br Mrs. . Marr L.l chart of th Methodist church at Falkerson yesterday that they Tigard. near Portland, visited heavy demand for men's elothlng mast have their 19S2-19S3 re- friends here yesterday. Upon their and shoes. ports in her office not later than return for their fifth year to tb rt-..l. ok rtit ntv .... 4 , j.v v.. -i. v Condmtt Snort circuits -uy tius iuv mviui uuiw auw uv-1 uuiBieu. lacy ut a iwnutiu a -puty to get th reports. The ma- cation. Rev. Hawthorne, was trad- jut it-r ui iu, nu uatea irom wiuameii university but som are lat in making ta lf Si n4 gttBasuently won an their sUtements, Mrs. Fulkerson aaTancei degreo from Boston snt- "ri V." wwJ'a" Tersity at Boston, Mass. 1! GETS ffi'l f.v. BOOS n firemen, wer called to 170 Sag inaw street, residence of S. E. Lamb, early yesterday to xtln gulss ft bias caused by sv short circuiting, conduit to th water system. Damage amounted to about $21. A. A Slewett owns the Several Received as - Gifts From Writer Uembers of r Salem Arts League is required by law. On factor! Tot 10oX (yes) on city ballot. I propeny. 1 complicating the clerks report! Doe mot lerilize ailoona nor the : ; is th amount of 'money in t-uj4 at liquor. It does per : ral districts under bank restrie-1 mlt ho aai of beer as a son- tlons. Intoxicating boTerage. Pd. AdT. Tlr.ff ttnttljul Wr nA lunches. I Ealent Business , Men's associa- inromnth. mesT charges and Are. of 14 J South Mst street, suf practices of th Northwestern tered leg bruise as the result of ci.tri Tnn.n trill being struek by an automobile not b resumed In Portland un-1 driven by Frank. ;- Kerschmider, I a jnw tj. S.-Y. M. C. A. em Men SUn Uiaeins: As city pp- iie were informed, Q. W. "Eraa. Brooks omen worker wno cisap- p eared Monday, had sot yet been i located yesterday. Neither bad Ar thur Acheses, market manager who has been missing sine last week, they said. . M or Pickers Takes Twenty seren more cherry pickers were ;Th Salem pnbU llbrsry re eently reeeired from the Writers section of the Salem Arts league a gift of th followtnc books and periodicals f special Interest to writers: "Plotting th Short Story by Chunn; "Fortnleeas In th Wheat by Coatee; -Stories Ton Can Sell" ny D'Orsay; "Thirty-els Dramatic Situations by piti: "Short Story Hits. IS 1 1. UsseU: "The Freftfler" and "Th Author und JournarlsL New books at tb llbrsry isv eiud: Bell. "The Cherry Tree"; Car- foil, -as . tb Earth - Turns": tn Mritln AnnMt.CM.Tbomas.IS9S South list, Kerschnxldet.rel. t--- Ttterdar Eler-1 Chaser "Danger in tb Dark; Tstmtlati eMnmisaloaer. an-lported to city police-yesterday. w fabi cunnlled were! La- Coasons, TboLaat Adanr"i Bd- uMiMd Wednesdar. Th hearing 1 Th Mishap occurred on- Trade 1 ..m,, two. xlnnkeTina onds, "Eri Water"; opened sereral weeks ago but was near list street A. Kllday, 0S0 tn Wfrk one, housework continued recently in order to North Church, reported cl- ne. ; - Aire thetntimy department - sion between bis car and one drir- , ,,r r, ' ' ; gineers time in which to inresti- en by C A. Vlbbert, rout three. AU wool suits 15, and a S hat gate th inrentpry submitted by No damage was listed. free. G. W. Johnson Co. . - A - 1 Mil. Ab ' Powell of Monmouth, pleaded Gulre yesterday filed suit for entity when arraigned in munici- $4 SO and interest in circuit court pal court yesterday on a cnarge oi I nere, naming xaagsis ana j. a. reckless dririifg that was filed I Francis as defendants. She alleges nc in Marlon county during the I arainst him early Sunday after his I a mortgage note tor that amount week ending July is, accoraing to c&r ran OTW &n embankment, re- is past due. th stat department f S health ,uitl0r m injuries to himself and M . . bulletin released yesterday. There Marloa Wilson of Monmouth, He . Sue Mortgag ceorge were seTen new cases of disease, p ld tt 20 flM Judr6 Mark Lasses yesterday brought suit than the nrerlons week. . against Hugo Mayerhoefer and Th MM wer four of tuberculo- I rQlimmk v " I sereral others, seeking to coUect Francis Ledwidge-; Coward. "De- .i. mA nn. .o. Af tTnhnlit fever. I i-.. Awti John B. I S9 00 enil Interest allesredlr due sign for LlTlng: Mead. "Grow kmeasles and innuensa. There were I papenf us, arrested on an inade-1 0n a mortgage. The complain was toff up in Nw Guinea; tJnfoTd, : Iiuw V"-"-! ' ' 1797'- T.niVI..-t -Wrttl.h Decree Modified Judge L- G. Agent"; SuIUran, "The War Be- will not be completed until late in July, Thomas indicated. Disease Drops Communica ble diseases dropped off in preTal- TEri .Water; Fother- gill, "Th First Violin!: Jordan. "Belinda GroTe"; P e t r s o n, "Street of th Sandalmakenr: Rolraag. "Th Beat of- Longing! Young, "Jenny Wren"; "Ameri can Year Book, U31";' Brneck ner ft Melby, "Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching;": Morrison, "Management of th School Money"; Jeans, "New Back ground of Scienc; "Official Guide. Book of th Fair; Wilder. "Th Fragrant Path".: Leal. "Peeps at Historical Songs": Kipling, "Rndyard Kip ling Terse. InclustT Edition"; Ledwidge, "Complete Poems of porting, 19 per cent higher than cent Tuesday night in which tn week before Flora Haley, a deaf woman was ICE. Proimpt residence deliyery. knocked down. Justice court yesterday. He took - . . A . . A .11 rnone eoyj. a - "! ,, Bourg to enter a plea, sieei reir gerewri iw - Mnrt r!n ! at 10 a. m. today. He was re leased on his'own recognizance. . . . . . ir.roii. -mnAitloA th aine" Onr Times. 4);. Turner. aivorce aecree aeainsi aaries a.i Biiimvuv, w bv.uvU .n Reducin Witii Toote Statesman Rtiders are in vited to follow diet and ex ercise pn$ram ef c on I e strip matron. ; :x Here's th windup ef th big reducing campaign. Toots, herein ef Toota and Casper, The States man's popular, comic 'strip, has. amaxed aerself with , the resulU produced by the reducing . system that her doctors prescribed fr her. And eh knows now that she can aerer loo her beautiful slen der figure v if ah eontinues to follow th system. Statesman readers, who kaTO been-following th routin along with Toots Try day know th re salts this ' system can produce. Now that tb girlish figure is back b sure you keep. it. Work en mainteaanea- diets, and keep up th light exercise. Drink at least six glasses of water during- the day and one glass of "hot water with the juico of half a lemon. Try to walk about two or three brisk miles a -day and at halt a grape fruit at night before retiring. v Here's th last days diet. r Breakfast:-Prune Juice. Cook ed cereal with half glass thin milk. On ulie whole wheat toast. . Coffee . without sugar or cream. - Luncheon: Sliced egg and toma to salad; no dressing. Baked apple. Cup of tea. . Dinner: Pas broiled meat ball (two ounces lean beet). Combina tion salad. Broccoli, no sauce or butter. Lemon gelatin. Black coffee. SCOUTS ID OR Capital Ice ft Cold SCO Trade street. Storage Co. Permit Total $325 T h r e e building permits valued at a total of 1525 Were issued by Building Inspector jBushnell yesterday. One wss taked out by V. C. Beaty for erection of a building at 918 North Commercial street at cost Wanted Lambert . cherries - for cash. Phone 6000. Claude McKen- ney. Hearinar This Morn in Ira L. Rose, accused of larceny of a pair mryA .nit nf rlnf hfi - b- of $300, pother by UaJorgen- MarTin Crowa wU1 "e,i.,r.Iect.,on of f '17!vaIaf! stand Preliminary hearing in Jus- at 1130 Center, and the third by Ace confectionery tor $100 alter ations to the store front, 127 North High street. I ; Vote 10 OX (yes) on city ballot ' Does not legalize saloons nor the "sale of hard liquor. It does per mit the sale of beer as a non Intoxicating beverage. . Pd. AdT. Salem Business Men's associa tion. Replacing Culvert A crew " from the city engineer's office yes terday was engaged in excavating for th laying Of a new cuiTert ai tice court this morning at o'clock. He is in Jail In lieu of 250 bail. Obituary Ttnchanan Edwin L. Buchanan, died in Peterson, allowing kirn to pay out American History"; Stoll, "Silver 93 uu in alimony i iue reio i Bi $10 a month instead of $20 monthly as originally provided. License Sought - A marriage i license was applied for at the county, clerk's office yesterday by Arthur LeRoy Barker, 23, snver ton, a laborer, and Dorothy Drys- dale, 20, Mt. Angel, a housekeeper. Draft, bottled beer and lunches, Marlon Hotel's "Hofbrau." " Reckless Driving Horace E. Hickman pleaded not guilty' in justice court yesterday to a reck less driving charge, and will stand trial Thursday, July 27, at 9:30 a.m. He was released on his own recognizance. Hill EstAte Valued Th es tate of the late Ernest C. Hill has an appraised value of $1644 ac- By BILL PHILLIPS, Jit. CAMP SANTIAM, July 11 (Special) Boy scout eamp open ed Sunday with Don Don r is and Ralph Purvlne directors. From 1:30 to 11 o'clock scouts earns pouring Is to mak s total of $5 in eamp. Dos Douris and two other boys cam up Friday, making as ad vise guard. They worked very hard Friday and Saturday clean- ins; up th camp. Teat leaders are: Harry Fin- nel, Milton Brsmmwdl, Am Jensen,' Harlan Anderson, Ed Mo Wain. Bob Taylor. Jim Klaui and Harold Duncan. Soma of th boys: ar going on a 60-mile hike Wednesday morn ing and return Friday afternoon. JM.StenioiiJQj Dies at Kellogg; Had Brother Here They sr coins to th Amalgama ted, minus - - . . S. C Stanton, rout three, has received word of th death of his brother, J. M. Stanton. Saturday, at Kellogg. Idaho, who ts a satlv of Marlon county, bavins been, bora at Silverton 70 years ago last March. Th burial was at Miltn. Ore.. Monday. Mr. Stanton was farmer most of bis life, living in the Pendleton coun try. H was son of Mr. aad Mrs. Ruford Stanton, pioneers of 1852. Beside., tb brother - kere, Mr. Stanton Is survived by a sis ter, Mrs. Lucinda Carpenter is Moscow, Idaho, and two daugh ters in Kellogg and two sons in California. BICYCLE DHY HELD . iT LDUI HELD Boys Demonstrate" Ability As Cyclists and win Numerous Prizes Tuesday was bicycl day at Lincoln school playground and many yesnr pedal Artists got a Chase to demonstrate their speed and adroitness,: Th day's pro gram ' was : sponsored hy Harry Scott Salem cycle dealer. v Th first event was a plank rac is which entrants wer re quired to rid - narrow plank. Ham Downs placed first. . Wil liam Johnson second and Art Wil son third. Two relay rae wer held: in th first Doug MeKay and Hum Downs earn out ahead, Anita Russell and Elisabeth Ot Jes second end Jack Nelson and Norman Hinges third." The second rae was won by Philip Jaskowskl and. William Johnson ' "Swede Lane and Zar Russell second aad Art Wilson and -Frank . Schrsdbuer, third- - v r; "timasn . tn spud" rac was wos by Art Wilson, Hum Downs second and Philip JaskoskI third. Th pursuit rac -was tub in three heats?' first, Hume Downs, Jim McNeil, Jack Nelson; second, Eliz abeth Otjen. Anita Russell. Bar- bars YIesko; third. Frank Schrefbcer, Rodger Wagner, Da vid Scott. In the slow race, first heat. Dour McKay, Bill Johnson, Jack Nelson; second heat, Jim Se hon, Anita Russell, Norman Hin ges- ZIgzas race. Hum Downs, Art Wilson, Doug McKay. Hum Downs won first place In total score with 21 points. Doug McKay and Art Wilson tied for second with It points each and Jack Nelson placed fourth with 11. In th. girls' division Anita Russell won first and Elisabeth Otjen second. Prizes were sward ed to the high point winners by th Seise Manufacturing pany. through tb counesy of . the Cycle-Trad of America. Prizes were won as follows: Hum'' McKay and Art Wilson, handle- miH -i sir sr - - rustisnn rwnsir s-ss . A. ' A II M Ae A. , ' meni; juuia nusseii, liasausni; v EliiAhetlt Ot1n. ranfifr Hnnt. Each entry in th races received 60 points toward letter and ev- t ery child present received a stick Dong KeKay. Lewis Hansen. Jim McNeil. Zar RuaseiL- Vera - Scott. Jack Nelson, Hum Downs, t . . m - werrS s: jiuib sianwii ww u us m -a urj i son. Art Wilson, Rodger Wagner. -;. Barbara Viesko. Shirley McKay. Elizabeth Otjes. Anita. RbsmIL v t sunk . nuiara bronr. - Norman Hinges, Charles Johnsos, 1 swm Lane, . Orval Tekr, . Charles Crary aad Jim Sehoa. Price Increases 1 In Retail Goods Are Noted Here SabeUatial price raises affect- lag almost all line of retail good bar : bees noted by local sner chants Is th last f Adays is their purchas of goods.- Dry good deal- ers, . grocers, speeial - shop and v other retailers suit uniformly re port th Increases Iter. p Th majority of merchants re port that they sr not adrsncing -t retail prices until their present tacks, hanrht mt low btIpm ero exhausted. As new goods eome in, merchants are forced to mark up prices to confirm with advances. July 21 is Legal Holiday, Stated Friday. July 21. w HI be a boll day for all Judicial aad adminis trative offices as well as banks, state officials announced yester day. Under th Oregon law, election daar legal holidays. City, eounty and stat offices will be closed here. Retail business com-wlll be transacted as usual. CocnKU. uss. a. J. I.r.e linL T " I and brother Ja Kansas. Fun waller ana- Turner .roaos- wner. i - . ' ; . the enanel of CTdtfgh-BaTrkk company -Thurs- this city July 17, aged 65 7 cording to a report filed in pro- Burviveii Dy son vr( Calif 'daushter- in California; sisterMrs. JEEwing. St. Paul, r a r Sress.; xne new cuiverx. i & " V tf .. - ml ut9T. " :-c.r.-T ..:. r mnt r. o. o. -sTcemeiery. auuc- wldening operations are In pro- new improvement. Turner ' Voad will b the North 'Santianv . high way route from ?Balem; - . "Wanted," used turn. Tel. 5110. Investigation Ordered Inves tigation of the rates, charges and practices of the Cascade Utilities. Inc., at Oak' Ridge, was ordered Wednesday by Charles M. Thomas, state utility commissioner. Thorn' ment L 0-. 0-F, cemetery, pendence ore. ' 'iK' v:.r Buchaaaia- 7"f Candace A. Buchanan died - in thU city July .17, aged 69; years. Survived by son Roy of Long Beach, Calif., daughter in Cali fornia: sister Mrs. Jennie Rob- bat court yesterday, Christina M. Hill is executrjx of hls Will. -Final Account. in.. Final ac count in ' the estate- of ih - late Matilda Sorensen, was - filed- in probate court yesterdayby O. Ej M. -Sorensen; executer. ot "her win,. - Pays . Court Cost Fine of I $10 assessed against Carl Rohrer for overloading was remitted by Judge Hayden yesterday. Rohrer paid court costs of $4. SO." Johnson : In Jail ' Claud inson, Salem; rother. John H. johjl80nj Salem.. was Jailed by ci- Robinson of Portland. Funeral ftervieea from the chapel OI ty police last night on a charge ot being, drunk. They said he was as said th purpose of the Inves- I clourh-Barrick company, Thurs- U i MrfAnA ' ugaiion was to , aeiermuie uo ther th rates' for electric service wer Just and reasonable. dv. Julv 2ft at 1:30 p. m. Inter ment I- O. O. F. cemetery. Inde pendence, Ore. - Brake is Visitor J. D. Drake, Silverton nhotorrapher.' w a s a i business visitor hero yesterday. Probably no one in th. statet is more pleased with approaching dedication of the Silver falls state park, for Drake did much of the work in securing options on which the stat highway commission was enabled to buy th falls. Get a $5 hat free with a $15 suit! at 0. W . Johnson A Co. ; Senteaced to Year Pleading guilty to "possession of firearms 'rK-jJr :-- . ' j.tMJ .... h T" was sentenced yesterday to one I vivo. Funeral services will be held I ' - v . . . . . Tn ... I Vkm fio.,ti.niiYlAV h noi. Thomas Mrs. Sara!nTbomas died at the residence Jefferson,- Rti 1, Tues day, July 18, at th age of 19 years. Survived by widower Sam uel Thomas of . Jefferson; - sister, Mrs. Racher Whites! of Omaha, Neb.; seven 1 brothers, Ambros. Frank. Newton, James, LeRoy and Samuel Whltesel ot Denver, Colo.; three daughters. Flora and Laura Thomas, botn pi jeiierson and Mrs. Mabel Thompson of Los Angeles: three sons, Albert of In denendence. Walter of Moclips, I after having bees previously eon-1 Wash., and Fred Whltesel of Tan- RECOVERY ACT IS Xt-m4.r in-ih ntmtm MnlillltUrr. Ji and waived grsnd Jury investiga- r : lion. V r-J -t.v.v- WOl Probated Th will of th late t Rosa Dohmeier who died at th age of 70 at Corrals last week; was ndmitted to Sro- bate Thursday here. Jobs Hen- from the Clough-Barrick chapel, irrtdaT. Julr 21. at 2. p- m., with Dr. B. Earl Parker officiating. Interment Belerest Memorial park. ' ' .;. o o j Births V o The national recovery set Is law. It was drafted by seasoned business men -who ar cognizant ot th effectiveness of phases, ot old - style American Individual ism. Its operations , may not be perfect but they should be tried. Only whol hearted cooperatlos by business, men in the act's op erations can "Insure its - sueess. Such were the eonelnslose brought Tuesday to th Salem Kiwanls club by Walter May, manager of the Portland chamber of Commerce, who was guest speaker. May said much ot his time in recent' weeks had been devoted to informing business sues shout th provisions ot th set which May termed the most important But - To Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ntr f. Mntnr or tho will. ' Pron. I Burr of Brooks. 7 pound baby ' . . . " . 1 MM.T UTDUQ LI1R 1HLUIL imnwuu rtf Jeft by tke deceasod has an I 'f I single congressional , enactment . ,r- - T"-r ! the last session. He point- Women wanted to pack cherries. I jokn Henrr Callaghan, 1601 Call st Trad and Cottag streets. I North Summer street, s slxL Hel- 1 ' rill.'! ft V,1a,ji Ttm Back Next Week rl born July 11 st Salem Ceorg. W. Hur. supInUndnt 8tLT -Mr nnd Mrs Oeors ot Salem's schools. Is expected - H"Tlf"dtlP horn next week from Berkeley. C. Htme, ft? in rT' Calif., wher he has been spend- Oeorg Athel. born July 19 at Be ing s tew weeks at summer 1!rl!Li1?Pith school session there la progress. r riirZ'rt A.eB IirUWU, JLIV cvu street, a rlrL Shawn Louise, born July 10 at Salem general hospital. Lee To Mr. and Mrs. Clare A. Lee, 1520 South Commercial street, a boy, Norman Leslie, born Jnly t at Salem general hospital. Martin To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Clifford Martin, Turner, a boy, Lary Dennis, born July 7 at Sa lem general hospital.. . Hljrglns To Mr. and Mrs. John ny Martin Higgles, rout seven, s boy, Johnny Jules, born July 2 st Salem general, "hospital, --.v " . ad 1 i Coming Events July 21 Special state wide and city f Salem elec tion . July 2 Illinois society picnic, 'at PUymore ; park, Hubbard. ! . ; Jnly J23 Picsle for former teachers and pupils of Erergrees school. Silver" ton park, iy -1 Jnly 23 Picnic aad dedi.' cation 'Silver Falls ; State park. . - - ' ". ;Jnly 24-Sd Annual ,"E campment, i Spaaisb War vezerans. uly SO Michign stat picnic at Paradis park Gardes road.' August 8 Aassal picnic sponsored by the Orchard Heights community, Lutfr Stout farm, August 6 Ohio state annual picnic, Salem Muni ed out tlut cooperative corap- tition had bees widely favored in trad associations befor th act became law and held hope tor its fruition in the government's activity in behalf of Industry. 'May said h thought th ra ot intense, unthinking business competition was past and predict ed: the advent and growth of I planned national economy. . v Alidsummer Special . rusH way! ; stlBgltt Eade . Cemslete S1.00 Opes Itt, Stent no CASTLE PERMANENT. WAVERS CO. 7 1st Natl Bank fUag-Ma . Btaoek t-CAl rteetv Pennuteat tvaicra, rertUn 1: ii ! I rin ill G9 Mi ssssasssssussmMnes - t ' ' " ' ' X s . r V "xw ' , y ! VJJ : t ' S Ms - . . .v S ; ABOVE MILDNESS CXDMES FIRST f Is s dgarctte, accocdios; to MeV Nca,for eejoymest aad for tb 'sale of yw-fkrvea. CsentT. ' rica.iaviriaf sTaror always i tosayfHaT) WHJn ABOVE ARTHUR J. KEU, ol East Orange, N. polls is a nk one I Few sna kaowtn isn. poctaac olneaxbynrTs better tA& Arc N H Is satSosal cLamptos In dry-fly casdos foci tacy. Just as a stunt, Mr. Ket has fnquaatlr flicked the ash off s friend's cigarette wkh fif st 35 feet! RIGHT-A DAY? SPORT I snor eJoyaUs with pleniy ef Caweli along, Becans yoa cast ssnok S yow want and still b ready for sscm whma nins oosoasl CaaacTs costlier tobacco never get svm...ncTer sir your csstal Oiwiels ar fee steady amoHng. It is snor tarn t know! Bieadv Smolcer slum to Camels Wheeb Repaired ;mhcepaneic; 275 S. Commercial St. P1ESC0RED j ' Pon't Neglect Y mf - s Eyes To Do So May Mean Trouble -We wCl test your eyes and fit the ; proper prcscrtption into smart looking frames for an extremely moderate cost. Con sult with us today it wQl PJ ro. .44V:v'' Arthur J. Neu, champion fly-caster, 'saysj . "Dry-fly fisHng is a delicate art that takes the : best a can8 got in ctcadiacs3 cf hand and eye. ; To idn the chainpidnshi? fa accuracy , ; . at casting a dry fly, I had to hare healthy ; nerres. And yet I smoke steadily all I want tovrithout disturbing xny neires That's .. t because I prefeVCameIs There Is no ques- v Hon but that they are milder. And their rich, , inviting flaTor seems to say, Hare another M ; 4 , , - . j . .... . 1 : , .. '. ' - ' i . i r Turn to Camels. Like Mr. Neu you will find that 0 Camels are milder.that.their flavor suits your' : 1 taste ; V. that steady , smoking . never i jangleV. : : " your ncryes. .So begin todayl' -V j tf it is r.:onE fu:i to raniv " Catxielss-ne made from finer, .. : MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than airy other popular brand. Tfce raore-; ' you tipoke them, the more . , - yoaTI like them. Costlier . tobaccos do taste better. ma in iin ft1 Si wsniiau ,wiesMsn-w I isassessnwswasBMSSianuamsswasuBms V Jflhv pssi es s ' i i 1 V i . II cipal auto park. Viaest OperaOea r ten t Tin. DR. MARSHALL 19 Orroa Blag. fW M 0Va: mint -JiifT iVjfiit Sept. ! 4-9 Oregon stat fair. . - . ,