PAGE TEN IP The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morninjr, July 20, 1933 5JB. a Tp sun) ; ' . ' ' ; ' ' ... ; ) ' , 4 " , . , ' t . '--. y. ; CTD J uD D D1 J LnJDDlTD 9 "r : - Honesty - - Prosperity IF!? o o o o Temperance crisis &hkt State Fallot II Yes To Repeal the 18th Amendment 0411 Yes lo Repeal Our State Prohibition Laus Me For All Seven Vote "J RayJ.Glatt Vote "J 7 ) Humphfey. y- 21 K iF" Vote 22 X Rortdb v- 24 X "Sir Vote 25 II P.N, Smith City Ballot WlYes Charter Amendment to Permit the Sale of Beer - It Ooes Hot Permit the Sale of Hard Liauor Jan ellMJ l's Aun. Geo. Hull. Secty. ".;?: npjMS' -'iiiiiw'.WT-.-i " .si i , 4. J