The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 20, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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    Vacation Time :r
Fair r today 'and ; Friday,
warmer with lower hmnid
lty; Max. Temp. Wednesday
78, Uln. CO, rive -.0 foot, .
clear, north winds.
Keep posted' on local
news while ; on your ca
tion. ; Have The Statesman
follow you. Telephone 9101
In ordering change.
V .
Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning July 20,' 1933
No. 39
Tennessee D
They WiU
Check Flood of Repeal
State (dry Since 1909
f But two Neighbors
- Have. Gone Moist .
Loyalty to Democrat
Plank Credited in
New j wet States
NASHVILLE. Tenn., July 19.
(AP) Tennessee, where a state
wide dry law was enacted In 1909
over a governor's veto and has
remained In effect since, will rote
tomorrow on the question ot dis
carding national probibition.
It will be the third test of the
eighteenth amendment In the
south, whose traditional dry sol
idity was broken yesterday when
Arkansas itnd Alabama joined 16
other states In the repeal column.
While Tennessee drys were "na
turally disappointed" In the re
sults In the two bordering states,
the ReT. John P. Baggett, chair
man of the United Prohibition
forces, declared they were "un
daunted" and said "it seems now
that Tennessee is to be accorded
the honor and distinction of be
ing the first state In the union
to give a majority against repeal."
Repealists Interpreted Alabama
and Arkansas results as meaning
'the dry fight has completely col
lapsed." Eugene C. Anderson,
state campaign manager, said:
"The loss of those two states def
initely .eliminated all hopes of the
drys to stave oft repeal in 1933,
and Tennessee will not check the
progress ot the president's recov
ery program either."
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., July 19
(AP) Democratic leaders to
day counted party loyalty as a
big factor In Arkansas Jk to 3
Indorsement of the "21st amend
ment to repeal the prohibition
laws and began a movement to
provide beer tot the state.
Returns from yesterday's elec
tion gave the repealists 58.584
votes to 88,214 for the drys whm
1.308 of the state's ,988 pre
cincts had reported, an estimated
four-fifths of the vote cast.
Democratic party leaders said
the returns were a tribute to
the president, who advocated re
peal, and an expression of ioyaiiy
to the democratic platform which
also called for abolition of the
18th amendment.
A large number of request
poured into Governor Futrella
office early today asking a spe
cial session of the legislature to
legalize beer and some wanted to
repeal the state bone dry law.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., July 19
(AP) Alabama prohibition re
pealists today had aermneiy
nlaced the state in line with 17
others favoring abolition of the
18th amendment and dry leaders
turned their attention to keeping
the state arid if and when the
18th amendment is repealed.
The. wets maintained through
out the day the lead they took
when first returns were counted
from yesterday's election. When
1,076 of the state's 2,137 boxes
had been counted they had a lead
of thirty thousand votes.
The repealists, who based their
campaign on the ancient Dixie
Ideals of states' rights, had 89,
519 votes to 48,746 for the pro
hibitionists and the hardest work
ing drys admitted they had no
chance to overcome such a lead
START AT 9:30 A. M.
Retrial of O. H. Goss, arrested
on vagrancy and disorderly con
duct charges following unemploy
d encampment at the courthouse
grounds recently, will get under
way at 9: SO o'clock this morning
before Justice ot the Peace Miller
Hayden. The vagrancy charge was
tried last week bat went to a re
trial when the Jury announced
deadlock, three votes for and two
against conviction.;
Jurors who will sit on the case
starting today will be six ot the
following eight selected from the
court panel yesterday: John Barr
E. S. Hammond, Sid Harris, W
G. Butler. James . Sykes. Irvin S
Smith, Ben Robinson and Frank
L. WilkerBon.
225 Employed as
Sawmill Starts
MEDFORD, Ore July H-
The Owen-Oregon Lum
ber Sales company started op
erations ;this morning in plant
and timber, employing 2 1 5, men.
General Manager Jinn E
-Owen, said that the plant would
ay a minimum waga scale of
2 cents' per hour.t and i would
later abide by the lumber code
t the national recovery act.
be First to
Preparations to
Be Finished for
Election Friday
County officials today were fin
ishing preparations for the ane-
cial election to be held Friday be-'
iween me Hours -of 8 o'clock In
me morning and 8 o clock at
night. Members of the sheriff's
office had distributed ballot ma
terials to heads of the election
boards in the 79 nreclncts
throughout the county. A vote ma
terially lighter than that cast in
to general election last Nave
is anticipated. Any registered vo
ter is eligible to cast a ballot at
tomorrow's election. Counting
boards will begin work at 1 p.m.
tngmeer, Conductor Aver
Buchanans car did not
Stall at Crossing
A coroner's Jury here Wednes
aay morning absolved Southern
pacuic trainmen on No. 18 north
bound Monday of any blame for
the accident which resulted In
the death of Mr. and Mrs. E. L,
Bucnanan, 1500 Wilbur street.
E. Barrick, coroner, conduct
ed the inquest.
Testimony of Charles A. Young
er, engineer on the train, and
John P. Traynor, fireman, agreed
as to the details of the accident.
Each man stated that the Cas
cade train which they were ran
ning whistled at the south yard
limits or the railroad In this city,
Boia men testified that the au
tomatic bell was ringing and that
Younger p n 1 1 d the engine's
whistle again as the Hines street
crossing was neared.
Traynor said he saw the Bu
chanan car approaching the cross
ing when the train was 250 feet
south of that point and the ear
was about 120 feet away. He
estimated the train was going 20
miles an hour and the car 10
miles. The two railroad men
agreea mat me Bucnanan car
was not stalled and said the
front wheels of the car had not
reached the second rail when the
locomotire struck the machine.
me train went 500 to 600 feet
before stopping, the witnesses
Testimony of other witnesses
varied as to the state of motion
of the Buchanan car. Mrs. F. H.
K.eny, 1357 Hlnes street, and
Mrs. Lj. v. Henry of Indeoen-
dence, said they saw the accident
from the front porch of the Kelly
borne and both were certain the
auto had stopped on the tracks,
aiemuera oi me jury were
Charles Wiper, James Preble, Ben
W 1. a a
uamseyer, M. B. Stegner, A. Oih-
ler, W. J. East.
Wages Increased
For Second Time
At. Woolen Mills
Restoration of wage scales pre
vailing nerore the last reduction
at the Thomas Kay Woolen Mill
here was announced Wednesday
by Ercel W. Kay, manager. The
increase yesterday was one of 10
per cent retroactive to July l. It
ioiiows a 15 per cent raise in
wages effective In June.
Aronna izu men and women
are now employed at the mill
which Is operating day and night
to nil back orders.
GRANTS PASS, Ore., July 19
(AP) Mrs. Robert Burns doesn't
mind picking np the rocks In the
yard of, her residence on Brim
stone creek, near Leland. Several
ot them proved to be gold nug
gets. Visiting here today, she dis
played to friends nuggets valued
at $105, which ahe had picked up
in tour hours.' .
. MARSIIFIELD. Ore., July 19;
(AP) More than 6,000,000 feet
ot lumber has already moved out
of Coos hay since July 1, a survey
completed today disclosed, At
least 15,0 0 0,000 ; feet more is
scheduled to be shipped from
here in the next three months.
Only, 12,000,000 feet were xnoredJ
from the district in me enure six
months period of this year.
BEND, Ore,..JnIy. 19 (APJr-
-Bill Baer'orSh0vUn,-;near Bend,
hi Tin
hearings on Electrical and
Shipbuilding Codes are
Held at Washington
Labor Opposes Wage Figure
In Each Case; Lumber.
Program Is Next
A powerful endeavor to clasn
the nation's workshops in a
mighty, wage lifting embrace that
would tug them free ot the hours
and working conditions in which
they are rooted appeared lmmin
ent tonight at the industrial ad
Hugh S. Johnson, the.- Indus
trial administrator, gave an indl
cation that approval of the plan
was near.
Meanwhile, along the wide
reaches of Industrial planning,
numerous other activities went
forward. They Included:
Public hearings began on the
competitive covenants drawn up
by the electrical workers and ship
builders. The agreements specify
minimum wages, maximum hours
and various other working and
competitive conditions which will
become binding upon the whole
industry if approved by the ad
Labor opposed the wages pro
posed: in both codes. Shipyard em
pioyes wanted 50 cents an hour
Instead of 40; electrical workers
wanted 90 cents an hour for skill
ed employes Instead of the wide
variety of wage scales proposed.
Hearings will start tomorrow
on trade agreements for the lum
ber and the cloak and suit Indus
For the general campaign only
official approval by President
Roosevelt of the program drawn
np by Johnson was needed. This
was regarded as virtually certain
Following the word from the chief
executive to go ahead, regional
lzea volunteer organisation of
workers will carry the appeal of
in administration into every
GRANTS PASS, Ore., July 19
-(AP) Proceeding rapidly and
retracing virtually the same steps
that brought conviction to his
companion, the prosecution intro
duced its most Important witness'
es today in the first degree mur
der trial of Harry Bowles, 21, of
Los Angeles, charged with slaying
a state policeman.
John Barrier, 17, who was with
Bowles when State Policeman
Mllo Baucom halted their stolen
automobile and was riddled with
bullets, was convicted on a first
degree murder' charge yesterday,
He will be sentenced to life Im
prisonment in the Oregon state
penitentiary. Barrier's family
lives in Huntington Park, Calif.
Police said Barrier had con
fessed it was he who killed the of
ficer. Bowles has served terms in
one reformatory and at San Quen
State police testified today that
Bowles had revealed that he and
Barrier had, while driving their
stolen car northward, discussed
how best to "shoot it out" if they
were stopped and that it was
agreed a bullet placed in an In
tervener's body would be most ef
fective. .
ASTORIA, Ore., July 19.
(AP) Daniel Gregory, 60, of
Portland, drowned In the Paci
fic ocean at Cannon Beach, near
here,, today. His body, washed op
on the beach, was found by on em
bers of a state highway crew.
Garden Rocks are Gold
; Lumber Shipment Brisk
Pup Weighs 205 Pounds
Canoe Traveler Drowns
has revised his opinion about
When he sent to Greensburgh.
Ind., recently for a pup for his
two small hoys, he envisioned the
receipt of playful pup of puny pro
The pup arrived today. It was
a St. Bernard youngster, age seven
montns. : -
Weight, 205 pounds. V
Freight, 881.98.
, OREGON CITY, Ore July 19
(AP) Homer Mecklem. IS. son
ot Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Mecklem
ot Ardenwald, drowned in the
Willamette river near Wllsonville
today when he fell from a canoe
in which he and his brother Ar
chie,. 15, had planned to make a
two-weeks "trip up the river. They
had eaten their lunch near Wll
sonville,. and had -Just started on
when Homer, who was to sit in
the. rear seat,. felL overboard after
shovlri the tanolatd the' water.
Beauty Proving
Its Own Reward
Beauty is its own reward to Miss
Jane Brahany, 17, of Chevy
Chase, MdM who was winner in
the recent national motion pic
tore "Search for Beauty" con
test. She will shortly go to
Hollywood to begin the climb
to stardom on tito screen.
Plans for Entertainment
Of Spanish war Group
Near Completion
Major - General U. G. McAlex
ander, who during the world war
won the appellation, "Rock of the
Marne," will be the leading speak
er at the state encampment ot the
United Spanish War Veterans
which opens here Sunday, Carle
Abrams, publicity chairman, an
nounced yesterday. General Mo
Alexander, who lives at Newport,
has Just returned from a tour
year trip around the world.
Spanish veterans' pension mat
ters, which are expected to be the
Uvest topic of the encampment,
will probably be discussed at two
of the meetings by United States
Senator Frederick Stelwer and
Congressman James W. Mott of
this district.
Seeking to enlist all merchants
In arranging special window dis
plays for the encampment, the
committee headed by Richard
Churchill has decided to award
a ribbon prize to three stores tor
the best patriotic window, the
best display portraying the Span
ish - American war, and the best
welcome display to delegates.
Large welcome cards may be ob
tained at the convention head
quarters on North High street.
Canital post drum corps will
start an extensive canvass down'
town today to sell tickets to the
horse races at the Gresham track
Friday, from which, the corps will
receive a large portion ot the
gate receipts to apply to its On
to-Chlcago fund. Manager Tom
Hill announced last night The
tickets may be obtained from
corps men downtown today or at
the Oregon-Washington -Water
Service company office and Hill's
Candy shop.
"We hope the public will sup
port us in this undertaking, since
it will obviate our soliciting for
funds: money paid for tickets
will bring the buyer full return,'
Hill stated. "There are two kinds
of tickets, those admitting the
hearer to the grandstand alone,
and the season tickets admitting
the holder to the club house.
Eight races " will be' run Frl
day, the opening day of the 80
day season. "This includes one
extra race and the Legion derby.
The race program will begin at
2 p. m. Salem drum , corps will
leave here at noon, to play at
the Gresham fairgrounds.
Brant Picks His
Casket and Then
Takes Own Liie
(AP ) Charles Brant, io, former
Portland contractor, went to - an
undertaking parlor "here - yester
day, carefully selected an lnexpen
alve casket,' and made, complete
arrangement for a funeral.
, Today his body was found la" a
hotel room he had rented but
recently. Police said he took his
own life by inhaling gas. A note
directed that his body be sent to
the undertaking parlor where he
had made- arrangements -for the
funeral. It bore the statement that
he had Buffered ft Treat deal with
heart trouble, v ' -1 "
iran will
McClatchly may die From
Wound; Brother Deemed
Intended Victim
Lured to Vacant House on
Business Pretext by
. Pair; They Escape -;
(AP) Fighting off two men who
attempted to kidnap him after he
had been lured to a vacant house,
Frank A. McClatchy, member of a
prominent real estate concern,
was 'shot and seriously wounded
late today.
His assailants, believed by po-
lice to have planned originally to
kidnap his wealthy brother, John
H. McClatchy for ransom, escap
ed on foot.
After lying helpless outside the
house for some time, McClatchy,
who is 56, was found by a motor
ist and taken to a hospital. Phys
lclans gave him "an even chance"
to recover from a bullet wound
in the right chest.
About to step into the house
with the two men, who said they
wanted to buy the place, Mc
Clatchy said he was seized sud
"Thaw vvahliA hnti vmw hatida
pulled them behind my back, and
tried to tie them with a piece
of cord," he related to the police.
'I resisted and one of them snap
ped: 'Listen you, you're kidnap
ed. Keep quiet and everything will
be all right' " -
McClatchy said he jerked him
self free and swung at one man,
landing a heavy blow on the nose,
and kicked the other.
The second man then drew a
pistol and as McClatchy attempted
to dodge, a shot was fired. He
fell, badly wounded.
John McClatchy, who Is 18,
amassed a fortune In developing
the 69th Street section Just west
of Philadelphia la Delaware coun
ty. He toId-iioncrlia'Vasf certain
the men Intended him tor their
SEATTLE. July 19 (AP)
Henry Knobbe, 43, was shot and
killed today by Charles Harmon,
40, a bridegroom of three weeks,
police Bald, and Harmon's wife de
clared later that the man had
pursued" her for the past 13
Both Harmon and his wife, Mrs.
Margaret Harmon, were waiting
on the porch of their home when
police arrived, summoned by
neighbors. He handed over a .32
caliber revolver and gave himself
"I didn't mean to kill him," De
tective Lieut. Ernie Yorls quoted
Harmon as saying. "I only meant
to fire over his head and scare
htm away. But he came seeking
The two then walked down the
steps of their home, stepping
aside to avoid Knobbe's body, and
were taken to the police station.
Knobbe had been shot once
through the head.
This afternoon, the two said.
Knobbe came to their home, and
in a scuffle, the man seized Mrs.
Harmon's dress, tearing it.
Harmon ra ninto the house and
emerged with the gun, firing as
Knobbe came rushing toward him.
he said. .
ASTORIA, Ore., July 19 (AP)
-Theodore Bauzaias, 52. an em
ploye of the Buster Logging camp
at Kerry,, Ore., was killed yester
day when he fell from a speeder
on the logging railroad while It
was crossing a high trestle.
Late Sports
Just tor the sake ot variety, Joe
de Maggio, Seal phenomenon hit
to all fields tonight as he ran his
string of consecutive games hit
ting to 65 with three solid sin
gles In five times up; The Solons
won the game however, 12 to ft.
PORTLAND. Ore., July, If
(AP) Wong Buck Cheung, Chi
cago Chinese, defeated Scotty
Dawson ot Monroe. La., two falls
out of three la the main event of
tonight's wrestling program here.
Cheung weighed 112, four pounds
more than Dawson.
- Okl Shikina, 210, Japan, won
the seml-windup from Al Kara
sick, 192, Portland, taking on
Henry Jones, 141, Provo, Utah
defeated Swede Lawson, 181, Ste
venson. Tex. , - 1 r
: Reggie ; Russell, , 147, , Camas,
Wash.,, won the three-round open-
er from Jess McCann, 143, Port
land. - - t - u
Hopes Slight
For Wa Hong
Latest Word
Wa Hong. Salem's -white"
Chinese, still clung to a feeble
thread of life early today as he
lay In pain at Deaconess hospital.
He put In a bad day Wednesday,
nurses said, his condition growing
worse and leading to the expecta
tion that he would not pull
through to resume operation ot his
noodle house.
Many friends of the 85-year old
Chinese, 62 of whose years have
been spent In Salem, were hon
oris r him in remarks to n an-
other - T1011 w" "J1 wn,te
man nnaer ine sain, iua some.
Others pointed to Hong's many
acts of kindness - toward needy
folk. -
District Attorney William H.
Trindle last night was awaiting
the outcome of Hong's injuries be
fore prosecuting Everett Battles,
who was arrested Tuesday, charg
ed with being the hit-run driver
whose car struek Hong down last
Saturday. Trindle declined to
state the nature of additional
charges he might file against Bat
ties. Likewise he would not re
veal the contents ot a declaration
Miss Hattie Bratzel. his secretary.
took from the Chinaman yester
day afternoon.
Battles remained In city jail
early today, unable to post 62000
Santiam Progress aid Asked
At Bend, Redmond, by
Salem Groups
BEXD. Ore., July 19 (AP)
Traveling in two groups, repre
sentatives of the Marlon county
court and of the chambers of com
merce of Salem, Stayton and Sil
verton were in central Oregon to
day, seeking support of the peo
ple Just east of the midstate Cas
cades In an effort to obtain addi
tional funds- for the North San
tiam highway.
A total ot: $115,000 provided
by the forest service and Marlon
county has been allocated for
clearing six miles of the North
Santiam route and tor the con
struction of bridges. The west-
side delegation expressed the be
lief here today, that additional
federal funds will soon be avail
able. They asked the midstate
people to support them in a move
to get further aid.
Early in the .day a delegation
of four. Grant Murphy, H. J,
Rowe. E. C. Denny and L. H,
Wright, of the Stayton chamber
of commerce, arrived in Bend and
conferred with Jay H. Upton.
president of The Dallea-Califonfla
Highway association, and with
Robert W. Sawyer, a member of
the executive committee of the
Oregon Reconstruction Finance
corporation advisory board.
The Salem delegation stopped
In Redmond, before coming on to
Bend later in the day.
Another Suspect
In Luer Case is
Taken by Police
ST. LOUIS, July 19 (AP) A
third suspect in the kidnaping ot
August Luer, wealthy Alton, 111.,
banker, was under arrest here to
night as the Investigation ot the
abduction continued and Madison
county, Illinois, In which Alton Is
located, formulated plans for
war on gangsters.
William "Bad-eye"' Smith, said
by police to be a former member
ot the Shelton gang of southern
Illinois, was taken into custody
late today for questioning.
The other two held are Parcy
M. Fitzgerald, ex-convict, and
Frank Douglass, an associate, who
was arrested this morning.
LOS ANGELES, Cal, July 19
f API In a copyrighted arucie
based on a wireless interview with
Aimee Semple McPherson Hutton
In . mid-Atlantic, the Examiner
said today the homeward bo una
evangelist made another effort to
sween aside differences between
her and David L. Hutton, Jr., and
reiterated the hope they can con
tinue their lives together.
Apparently recovered from the
shock ahe said she suffered when
Informed her baritone-voiced hus
band bad filed a suit tor divorce
here. Mrs. Hutton. the Examiner
said, gave her first coherent opin
ions at to what lea to tne domes
tic tragedy and told how she plan
ned to meet the situation when
she arrives In Baltimore next
Tuesday... .' . :;....--
She dwelt at length on tne trou
bles Hutton said ha had encoun
tered at Angelus Temple, Mrs.
Button's Four Square gospel
ehureh and "said "the misunder
standing at the tempi. was re-
aTettable." - . ' - - -
1 am sua completely in love
with him.': one of her messages to
the Examiner said. "I console my
self with the faith that when 'the
business tangles at the temple are
Takeoff From Khabarovsk is Surprise; bad Weather, is
Responsible for Forced Landing at Ruhklova'i With
Attendant Slight Damage to Plane; Aviator Nearly-'
Exhausted Then Revives Quickly
Seventh lap of 3000 Miles to American Soil Started; Globe
Flier Gets Behind Previous Time With Gatty but
Regains it; Anxiety Felt Until Reports That He Came
Down Unhurt are Received
MOSCOW, July 20 (AP)
surprisincr takeoff from
for Nome, Alaska, the transpacific hop of his race against
time around the world.
The daring American aviator was forced down by bad
weather at Rukhlovo Siberia,
arovsk Wednesday afternoon
(6:32 a. m. . S. T.)
He took off again from that town at 11:25 n. m.( 8:25
p. m., Wednesday, E. S. T.) but first reports did not give the
time of his arrival in Khabarovsk.
At 5 :58 a. m. Moscow time today (9 :58 p. m. E. S. T.
O Wednesday) he was off on the
Glenwood, Wash-, Hard hit
By Fire Resulting From
Charivari Activity
HOOD RIVER, Ore., July 19.
(AP) Half the business dis
trict of the town of Glenwood,
Wash., was destroyed by ilre to
day. The loss was estimated at
about 1.40,000.
An effort to communicate with
the little settlement in the north
east part ot Klickitat county was
unsuccessful, but the telephone
operator at White Salmon, Wash.,
gave the information that the
blaze started while several resl
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
PORTLAND, July 19. (AP)
Police tonight said they had ceas
ed, at least for the present, their
Investigation of the reputed kid
naping Sunday night of the Rev.
R. E. Close, superintendent of the
Oregon Anti-Liquor league.
Both state and city officers said
theywere going to do no more
work on the case because there
was nothing more to work on.
They revealed today that
throughout the alleged abduction.
Close's own .32 calibre automatic
plctol was in the side pocket ot bis
automobile, in which he said two
masked men drove him over
country roads.
Close, asked by the officers why
he did not use the weapon dur
ing the several times he might
have, said he did not remember
that the weapon was there. He
said he Is accustomed to carrying
a pistol and -a bible In the ear
' pocket.
to Smooth
Matrimonial Rift
adjusted, the clouds will roll
aulckly away and . we will live
happily ever after."
She denied Hutton's statement
that she intended to "beat me to
the punch," and file a divorce ac
tion In Paris.
Referring to Hutton's debut on
the vaudeville stage, Mrs. Hutton
said: ' -
I think David felt that his the
atrical life would be incompatible
with my evangelism and embar
rassing to me, hence the proposed
divorce." a .. - - ;
Meanwhile verbal spate between
Hutton and Miss Harriet Jordan,
the evangelist's chief - lieutenant
In temple affairs, continued un
abated. She was lneensed over the
appearance in a Los Angeles
newspaofr of endearing letters
Mrs. Hutton had written to her
singing husband during her world
tour. - - -
"Any man who would make
publle such Intimate letters as
prelude to his vaudeville tour-
well, he's just beyond me," Miss
Jordan said. 5 '
i Hutton reiterated his threat to
start talking and "blow the lid
off "An gel us tempi It they didn't
cult talking down there." :
Wiley Post made a quick and
Khabarovsk. Siberia, todav
nearly 700 miles west of Khab
at 2:32 o'clock Moscow time
seventh lap of his epic flight, a
Jaunt of nearly 3.600 miles.
The stocky Oklahoman was
about even with the time he and
Harold Gatty made on a similar
journey in 1931. When the pair
reached Blagoveschensk they were
85 Hours and four minutes out ot
New York; when Post alone land
ed at. Rukhlovo he had been on
the way 98 hours, 22 minutes.
Rukhlovo is about 300 miles west
of Blagoveschensk.
The daring aviator's plane, the
Winnie Mae, as slightly damag
ed in brushing against the tree
tops shortly before the arrival at
Rukhlovo. Clouds and mists forc
ed the American to hug the
ground dangerously, but despite
this mishap he made a perfect'
landing. "-
Post, who left Irkutsk at 7 a.m..
Moscow time, was very near ex
haustion when he brought his
ship down at the Siberian town
whieh lies between . Chita and
Blagoveschensk, having denied
himself needed rest along the
route In an effort to set a new
record for the round-the-world air
His arrival at Ruhklovo set at
rest anxieties which had been felt
for his safety, since he was long
overdue at Blagoveschensk. Sov
iet air officials at Novosibirsk, ,
where Post stopped yesterday, had
sent out urgent inquiries for the
American flier.
Acquiescing to the desire of
President Roosevelt to have a
man of his own selection as chair
man of the federal power com
mission. George Otis Smith vacat
ed that post today to make way
for the appointment ot Frank R.
McNlnch.' ..
McNinch, a democrat, who has
been vice - chairman tor several
months since the democratic vic
tory, said shortly after his ap
pointment by President Roosevelt
that "no honestly - administered
power company has anything to
tear from this - commission, but
crooked ones would do well to
make straight their paths."
Smith made jublic simultan
eously with a letter from Presi
dent Roosevelt announcing the
change, a copy of his letter of
resignation to the White House,
in which he said:
. "I am prompted to take this
step by my sincere wish to coop
erate and my full agreement with
your natural desire to have the
head of the commission one of
your own selection."
v McNlnch, who became a mem
ber of the commission early in
1931. Is a native of Charlotte, N.
a, and Is 60. Once a member of ;
the North Carolina legislature,
his only other political offlc was
as mayor of Charlotte for twe
term's during the world war..
Rescind Gervais
! Station Closing t
i Recent, upturn In freight ship
ments from Gervais ever . the
Southern Pacific lines has cansed
that company to withdraw its ap
plication to close the station at
the Marlon eoanty community.
Charles M. Thosoas. utilities com
missioner,, announced Wednesday.
Citizens ot Gervais protected the,
dosing i application when it wssr
tint made. !