1 1 PAGE EIGHT . im UKmiUiM .aiAitUjaiAn, saicm, wcgwu, iicunwmj tiwiumg, mj to, ' - - " - - .mil i - i. ' . . . I inuirnn ni ifi imi nn i IUU4AD LLAli NULU& iijii pijjjjj PLIE DUSTING OF HOPS ENDED Speculation on Repairs to Railroad Into Valsetz Is in air " . Construction New Steel 1 Bridge Across S an tiam; Will Get Under Way . SCIO, July ' 1 8 A busy con struction crew hu been operating this -week at the old Sanderson crossing on the South Santlam river near Crabtree, preparatory to beginning he -work of erecting a $35,000 steel bridge over that stream to replace the old 40-year INDEPENDENCE, July 1 8. Dusting by airplane f o.r downy mildew control was completed at 'standby that went out during the the wigrich ranch over the week- freshet In the early part of the end and Leslie : Boyd, ' Portland summer a year ago. aviator who is specializing: in this 4 JL temporary crossing Is being snomy anerwara ior consiruetea -ror-use ouring me I "-. u . , building of: the permanent . steel Thtk ftt tw, nf (it nat structure, wnwa is w oe .com- . f&w AtL-vm mitrin rhanreA th pleted by the nrst or the new . mildew aspect, and there are now Indications I ott good crop If not a bumper 'crop this fall. Inten- lire i cultiTation is still work, Ieft Scappoose, year. The contractor is J. C. Mon tag. ; The temporary bridge will be in pro- necessary during the work on the .,;('- gress, -afidrthere' Is" careful and- new amwiureyas eriai" mu thordugh. spraying -; hT ; all' : Jthe: b deUlrfered;vfrom .bothjsldes of ii-.-- i - 1 J - , the river al that point. The cross- ''::. - - n-.t- r...,,.v. v-i.-.' " i inio. bieuised.duriog. the work ; -vCT?erehis:been an -addition' of; jto&flk H JM by many. In '; ' ' six new. men" to - Foreman "Elmer , - . H Hull's section gang on the Val-r last 'wVek? He will refinish the sets . road this past week." Just; exterior, and- later .attend .'the what the. addition may .mean 'is psflnt work of the club rooms in being speculated on but up. to .the, the building. present time Hull's orders from j : .. Plan 2 Hop Kilns Superintendent Watson at Hos-1 Work on the extension of kins were to put the tracks of , power line to the DaTidson t the road In shape. The work runs Hedrea hop yard, north of In- from' Independence. to Carter.- 'dependence is expected' to be " ' Four . thousand ; week-old tor- completed this week. The. line is keys, have been shipped to R.. F. being extended under the dlrec Deter on' his "ranch in Oak Grore tion. of Homer Wood, running from Tangent. The baby turkeys fronvHorst company through Mc will be raised " for shipment to Lanehlln's. ' eastern market "some" time 'in' 'Tentative plans for the build March or February in 1934.' As-, lng of two hop kilns on ' the soda ted 'with Mr. Deter in ,the Pomeroy & Mattlson ranch are , project are his son' C. C . Deter j under consideration at this time, and Henrr Hlmes.. ooerator of a ! with Mr. Wood as contractor. .'local meat market. - , . ' ' -" Dale-Pemeroy has been making Coach X!oren .Mortha ireceiy-i arrangements .thlsv week, tor ma ed' the contract for painting thyvciinery and equipment - for the Oak' Point school; house,' and "kilns, which "are to " be 84 feet started worx ine latter part oi square. that -vicinity who hare been con' slderably inconvenienced since the old bridge was swept away by high water last year. Some of the steel in the old Jefferson, bridge, will be used In the new bridge near Crabtree, Stringers, .decking and such oth er material as can be used will be salvaged from recent repairs at Green's bridge for the temporary crossing, it . is understood. ' The Linn county crew will drive the piling, which is to be furnished by the contractor, who also will do all other work in connection with the temporary bridge. The new structure will be of material benefit on the state sec ondary highway system between Lebanon and Scio. It Is believed also that . this' sector ultimately will' be an important' connecting link in the proposed Cascade high way between Springfield and Ore gon City ''skirting the Cascade foothills and shortening the dis tance between Portland and Eu gene approximately 20 miles. ENTER C. C. O. CAMP SILVERTON, July 18. r Font moreSilverton boys who have en tered, the C-C-C. work are: Ralph Langley, , Dwlght - Foote, . Claire Skaifer and "V. Barker. The boys were sent talhe Black Eagle camp in theanilam district. . RECETVTXG DEPOT CLOSED SILVERTON, Jnly18. The local cannery has. closed aa a re ceiving station for Silverton Hills strawberries. The. bills crop . -9m less than half the .usual produc tion for the season; it was report ed. . PLEASANT VD3W. July 18. The sixth annual reunion of the Shanks clan was &eld at the tabernacle grounds at Turner July 16. - The- Shank : family landed in Oregon In October 1865 and settled in the Waldo hills near Sublimity. - - Iran Smith, vice-president, pre sided at the business meeting which was held in the afternoon. All officers were, reelected: Mrs. Frank Cook, . Turner, president; Eugenia Shanks, Dallas, secre tary; and Wanda Edland, Moni tor, historian.' Program- com mittees will be appointed at a lat er date by the president and sec retary. At a short program read lnrs were given by Olive Shind ler. Violet Shanks and Gale Smith. Those present were: Mrs. ti. Hosier, William Hosier of ML Angel, ilngral Edland, Monitor, Eugenia Shanks, Burga Zumhel- lef of Dallas. Hrand Mrs. M. D ShanksIrs Westfall, Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson . and son: BooDy, Mrs.-John Ray of Lebanon. Car rie Freeman, Mr., and Mrs. Jay Shanks. Dorothy Shanks, Scio. John Shanks, Burl . Shanks, . La- comb. Grace Crandall, Lebanon. B. - F." Shanks, Spokane, Wash. Anna Hyland, Mr. and Mrs. Ad manson, . Portand Mr. and . Mrs. Andy Shlndler and son, James, of Crabtree. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lor- en. Silverton. Mr and Mrs. Paul Burkhart, Woodhurn. Charles Mc- Kee, Mr. and Mrs.' Ivan Smith and daughter Gale, Norma Hos- klns.. Mrs. Addle Smith, Scotts Mills Mr. and Mrs. F.' Cook, M. A. Cook. Leone Cook, Marlon L. Cook and Leslie Browner of Turner. - Mrs. E. Hosier j 92, the oldest member present,- B. F; snanxs, 72. and Mrs. . Addle Smith, 68. crossed the plains with the fami ly. m phid oninii MONMOUTH, " July 18. Ap proximately 2 SO persons repres enting: communities of Salem, Sil verton, Albany, Dallas, Indepen dence and Monmouth gathered for the annual Oklahoma picnic. Thomas H. Gentle of Monmouth gave the address, a talk on advan tages gained from the depression In returning us to a more simple way of living. He used a charac ter from one of his original stor ies to illustrate the transits ': John Rlney of. Monmouth had charge-of dinner arrangements; and Mrs. Rlney and Jesse John son Of Monmouth promoted com petitive games among the child ren with-cash awards for winners. Swimming In the Lucklamute of fered popular .recreation ror- an ' t- aVionr nf W. A. Delzell of Salem, president of the club, Mrs. -Snider ot Salem; secretary, presided. Mr. Gentle was prevail ed upon to address the. group at nect. year's meeting, Z: Election Board at South -Silverton Precinct Changed WALDO HILLS. July 18. The personnel of the election board for the South Silverton precinct will be slightly changed for the coming election. Fred Knight' will take the place of the first clerk, Frank Riches. Mr., Riches moved to'Buena, Wash., in March. Others on the board are A. A. Geer, chairman;. J.. H. Davenport, Judge j Charles "Meyers and P. J. Neuswanger,' clerks, ' ; -. : Sunday the picnic " grounds : at the Neuswanger - swimming hole were the scene of a neighborhood plcnjc Included In the group were the Harold Roop, P. J. Neuswang er, and Fred Knight families; Mr. and Mrs. Oral Egan of Silverton Hills; E. A. FlnUy and children, Teddy' and Naoma; Mrs. Everett Philippi and son. Merle, of Meha ma, and Fred Maseher and Miss Minnie Mascher. " ;; Another Accident at Bad Junction of Road Stayton, July 18. The Avery Murphey car. driven by his son-in- law, Howard Church and a car Tiriven by a Mr. Wicker, a salesman " for- the -Morton --Salt . company, collided ' it; the - corner near the Bell service sUtidn Sat urday night. - The Murphey car turned orer and 'Was badly dam aged. No one was hnrt, - fortun ately. This Is . the second acci dent at this particular corner in a short time. v ? - 1 :' Bl, : ooo&tti U6te (ffetsOl? Ta k fb QsmMi m f Down ng : (DM REFERENDUM MEASURE mill the food tax once and for all! Think of itl la these hard times the Legis lature' has dared to pass a FOOD TAX. A 35 FOOD TAX! What is more, it has passed the same tax "760, the people of Oregon, voted down so orerwheuningly only last November . : . and on two previous referendum. A tax on oleomargarine. . Will yon stand for this gouge tax on your table? Will vou stand for having the cost of living raised in thousands of Oregon homes where there already Is too much suffering? Will you stand for the precedent of a tax on one food, -which will certainly lead to other food taxes! , Once and for all, kill this vidous, dis criminatory tax. Go to the polls Friday and ote 317 X NO! NO man would gamblo with the lives of his family ! Not intentionally! Yet it a fact that every day human lives are needlessly sacrificed when weak, thin, worn tires blow out ! Take this warning! Check your tires r If they're worn, don't gamble! Change to new safe Riversides! Do it right now- while prices are low! I OK.EOMARGARINB I I I I (PU(KSU 3 YES T(m tax o four cent per - . 6 und on the sale in - lfAlTfl 2 regonofaUoIeomar- T7 - U CQ IDL IS garine and to require f - . .... 317 ;x- cpE"iiEnE rdAnU-Fod-Tai-Lagtie, S18 Security Bldc Portland, Mrs. Alexander TbompeoH, Pres. I ? on of Antrko'sfiriett Tlrti cU tv 1 FREklRE?UOUliTI!l KiU a 1 L' : ill! :A II . SBBBBBBBSSBSSSBBBBBRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr ' I Mill ... - a r .rr ; . " ' " 1 tit ! 1 faiiiniiii 1 1 111 T, - - 1 - - - - , 1 275 N. LIBERTY . , , No matter how you figure it, those last few miles you may get from old tires aren't worth the risk! The odds are against you! New Riversides take the gamble out of driving! They. give you greatest possible blowout resist ance! They give you positive 2-way skid protection! Riversides' safety tread wears longer, enables you to stop cmiexer I Monev can t btrr finer, safer tires I . n Ward'o Unlimited Guarantee For your protection, Ward's famous Riversides are backed by the strongest tire guarantee ever written! .Every sin gle Riverside tire is guaranteed to give service that is satisfactoryto you. No time limit! No mileage limit! Safety and Quality Waeis piy.CErm tmty t M U Uegcr saeans that y easaliery treed step quicker gives skU CJd Tires Worth bionejj at Wards Trade in your old worn tires on brand new safe Riverside! Our libera trade-in allowance for your old tires means that yoa Bare more, than ever on Wards finest quality safety tires. Save zrith Safety on Tmclz Tires WartTa Truck Tires with $ new strength features come in a com tolete size range. 30x5 Mate, 8 Fly (10 plies under tread) 1150. 62x6 Mate, 10 Pry (12 pKes under tread) 121.00. L.. u:l We Gaarcntee To Save Yoa Money - SALEM, ORE, PHONE 8774 a -fcj ; r r t ,1 i 1 4 r 4 ! ) ' )